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Iroquois 08-04-17 10:48 AM

What's the worst film in your collection?
As of writing, mine would be AVP:R - Aliens vs Predator: Requiem.

Yoda 08-04-17 10:50 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Pearl Harbor.

Miss Vicky 08-04-17 10:54 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
It's hard to say but Winter's Tale is pretty awful.

Chypmunk 08-04-17 11:16 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Possibly It's A Wonderful Afterlife but it won't be for too much longer :D

Cynema De Bergerac 08-04-17 11:25 AM


SeeingisBelieving 08-04-17 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1747567)
As of writing, mine would be AVP:R - Aliens vs Predator: Requiem.
It's probably The Pornographer to be honest :p. There's a certain amateurishness about it but it's still successful where it counts. It's also very funny at times.

The Gunslinger45 08-04-17 02:11 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Salo or Survival of the Living Dead

rauldc14 08-04-17 02:13 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Still Waiting

Stirchley 08-04-17 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1747570)
It's hard to say but Winter's Tale is pretty awful.
Sure is.

iank 08-04-17 06:26 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Probably Black Sheep. It came with Severance, sadly.

Derek Vinyard 08-04-17 06:27 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?

that flick one of my ultimate guilty pleasure

Dani8 08-04-17 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by iank (Post 1747981)
Probably Black Sheep. It came with Severance, sadly.
I thought black sheep was hilarious. Same for Severance.

cat_sidhe 08-04-17 10:27 PM

There may be worse, I need to check in daylight (lotta movies) but so far, yep...the fanTAStic

Captain Steel 08-04-17 10:34 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Can't say, as my collection is based only on films I felt are worth owning or keeping.
Okay - a couple years ago a friend gave me a few movies at a yard sale - I got rid of most of them except for Not Another Teen Movie (2001)!

Citizen Rules 08-04-17 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1748132)
There may be worse, I need to check in daylight (lotta movies) but so far, yep...the fanTAStic
I'm going to be watching that one, so ya all can look for my review:p Tonight I'm watching Piranha (1978)...another fine Roger Corman film.:cool:

cat_sidhe 08-04-17 10:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1748140)
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1748132)
There may be worse, I need to check in daylight (lotta movies) but so far, yep...the fanTAStic
I'm going to be watching that one, so ya all can look for my review:p Tonight I'm watching Piranha (1978)...another fine Roger Corman film.:cool:
Roger Corman, you say?

A mural poster on one of my living room walls. Pretty cool when my black cat assumes the position on the back on a sofa that's to the right of it (further in the room).

Citizen Rules 08-04-17 10:59 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
That's really cool, I like it. I've never seen that one, but one of these days as I want to watch every single Roger Corman film ever made:yup: You have a black cat, is that your kitty in your avatar?

cat_sidhe 08-04-17 11:34 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1748148)
That's really cool, I like it. I've never seen that one, but one of these days as I want to watch every single Roger Corman film ever made:yup: You have a black cat, is that your kitty in your avatar?
Sure is! She's also tattood on my arm. :)

ynwtf 08-05-17 12:57 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Wow. So I ventured to the dustiest, mostly forgotten shelf of my collection to find a surprise or three. I knew I had a copy of one of the bad Terminator movies, I just couldn't remember which one it was so I started pulling sleeves. 1 and 2 are great. The following, not so much.

I can confirm that I have a DVD of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. I loath this movie. The only reason I have it is because I forgot to uncheck the Columbia House Director's Selection one month well over a decade ago. It's still a pristine jacket, preserved in its original plastic wrap. Because I still have no desire to open it. I keep it around to rediscover from time to time when I forget I have it, for a laugh and a lesson reminder to avoid auto-buys.

While on my journey I discovered a forgotten gem in Ultraviolet. While incredibly stylized, it is also incredibly cheesy.

Finally, I stumbled upon something terribly confusing. Let me preface this next bit by confessing that I enjoy Armageddon. Honest. That movie really inspired my sci-fi SFX nerd side and sent me down a long and winding road learning to create asteroid collision scenes in 3dmax. So for that, I must be respectful to the movie. That said, I hate Michael (bang! Crash! Pan! Over-saturate!! LENS FLARE!!) Bay.

That is why I was actually surprised to find that I own a DVD copy of Transformers. Correction: two copies of Transformers. That's right. On two separate shelves sit two separate DVDs of this one movie. Why?! I don't remember buying or even watching one copy, but two?? So weird. Because of this little oddity, and becausing of my apparent blacking out of those memories, I'd have to offer up Transformers as my worst. If for no other reason, than because it got two votes.

Joel 08-05-17 01:10 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Beverly Hills Cop III - hands down. I don't buy crap movies. BHCIII was inherited and I aims to document its destruction when the mood strikes. It will be much more graphic than The Martian's demise so don't bring the kids.

mattiasflgrtll6 08-07-17 06:01 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
This little sleazy piece of crap:


To even mention Nine 1/2 Weeks in the same context as this movie is a ****ing insult!

gandalf26 08-07-17 06:02 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Films bought at the supermarket that I knew were gonna suck but was curious.

Ultraviolence 08-08-17 10:15 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
The Butterfly Effect used to be the worst but it's so bad that I broke the DVD.
Now I think that is Pearl Harbor.

Swan 08-08-17 10:34 AM

Possibly Argento's Mother of Tears, though my collection is in the storage unit and there are a few I think I blocked out of my head as having owned. :p For some reason though, when I think of the bad films in my collection, my first thought immediately jumps to Mother of Tears - maybe because it's one I really wanted to like.

earlsmoviepicks 08-08-17 10:45 AM

Liquid Sky (1982)

...and it's also the BEST film in my collection!

Joel 08-08-17 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by earlsmoviepicks (Post 1750569)
Liquid Sky (1982)

...and it's also the BEST film in my collection!
They need to get this pup out on blu ray

earlsmoviepicks 08-08-17 05:35 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?

Nausicaä 08-08-17 07:03 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Pfft, there are no bad films in my collection! ;) the shite films are tucked away in a drawer in another room, it's called the ~ For Sale ~ drawer.

So, for example one film that made it into that drawer is this:



matt72582 08-08-17 07:04 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Oliver's Story

Captain Steel 08-08-17 07:11 PM

@ynwtf's post on page 1 reminded me about boxed sets!

So I remembered I have Alien 3 in my Alien trilogy set.
I've got Superman III, IV and Superman Returns in my Superman box set.
I've got Star Trek V is my ST Original Crew movie set.

Stirchley 08-09-17 02:41 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I noticed the other day I have an atrocious Charlie's Angels movie in my collection. Needs to be binned - stat!

Joel 08-10-17 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1750564)
Possibly Argento's Mother of Tears, though my collection is in the storage unit and there are a few I think I blocked out of my head as having owned. :p For some reason though, when I think of the bad films in my collection, my first thought immediately jumps to Mother of Tears - maybe because it's one I really wanted to like.
The last 1/2 way decent Argento movie I saw was Trauma, and even that was stretching it. Haven't seen Stendahl Syndrome yet.

False Writer 08-11-17 12:01 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Probably District 13: Ultimatum, a French action film that I thought I'd at least find humorous, but it was so bad that I completely lost interest in the first half-hour.

honeykid 08-11-17 07:15 AM

If we mean film we like least, then there are three candidates which immediately spring to mind. I admit that huge disappointment probably factors in quite a lot.

Though this one also borders on the list.

McConnaughay 08-11-17 09:52 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I have too many bad films in my collection to count. Recently, I have started rearranging my "shelf" of films, keeping the films that I consider as good in the bottom row, and the great films a notch above it. The films that I consider below the standard of good, I've started packing away in storage, keeping the DVDs or Blu-Rays in a binder. Really, it was just a matter of not having anywhere to put all of them. When I was younger, I was really big into the cheaper horror films, and that left me with a lot of combo packs and **** like that. The film "Dahmer vs. Gacy" was really bad, but you kind-of expect it, right? I have a combo-pack that includes both Donnie Darko and its sequel, S.Darko, representing one film that I really love, and one film that I find very, very bad, so, there's that too. I also have a bunch of Echo Bridge films, and when you start delving into that stuff, it starts to seem really unfair.


Ragen 10-18-17 09:38 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Fight Club, it has high Imdb and good reviews but I think it's total senseless movie

Gangland 11-15-17 02:17 PM

It's definitely not the worse, but my most questionable purchase was made while I was under the influence of a certain green controlled substance and was walking our local mall with my best friend. When we ended up going to FYE, I was adamant about buying Alien Resurrection on Blu-Ray for some reason. To this day he gives me **** about buying it and I give him **** for not stopping me.

DocHoliday 11-15-17 02:25 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?

Dani8 11-15-17 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by Gangland (Post 1823784)
To this day he gives me **** about buying it and I give him **** for not stopping me.
LMAO. That is gold.KABOOM!:up:

films246+1 11-15-17 06:52 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I own many but I would say the movie......Good.


Stirchley 11-15-17 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by Ragen (Post 1803982)
Fight Club, it has high Imdb and good reviews but I think it's total senseless movie
Never been able to get even halfway through.

Saunch 11-16-17 10:46 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I own Avatar.

Hey Fredrick 01-08-18 10:28 AM

Probably this:

GrantD2 01-08-18 10:42 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Probably Transformers: The Last Knight. Only bought it because I had to complete the Transformers collection.

Iroquois 01-08-18 08:22 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
That's the best one, though.

doubledenim 01-15-18 06:49 AM

My dad use to get EP VHS HBO tapes from a guy at work in the 80's. Watching the Meyerowitz Stories made me chuckle.

I. Rex 01-15-18 09:25 AM

Well if you dont count the kids old movies (I had nothing to do with buying High School Musical and The Care Bears Adventure In Wonderland is torturous on every level) I would say its a tie between The Hotel New Hampshire, The Center of the World and Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS. I also own Stacy: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies but Im still not sure if its winky Japanese camp or just dreadful. Or both.

ironpony 03-05-18 08:34 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I own the first Power Rangers movie on VHS from when I was a kid. What a crap movie.

MovieGal 03-05-18 11:20 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Jeepers Creepers. (2001)

at least I dont own Starship Troopers.. its worse!

UpgradeYourDad 05-06-18 12:42 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Probably 1993’s The Princess and the Goblin. My girlfriend, for some reason, loved that movie and I absolutely loathe it.

mattiasflgrtll6 05-06-18 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Hey Fredrick (Post 1850032)
I don't care what anyone says, this movie is awesome! Dark, sexy and twisted!

Stirchley 05-07-18 03:05 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I really should re-watch Caligula.

JCBaggins 05-08-18 02:29 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Of the ones I've seen (I've got some films I still need to watch), I'd say probably Batman and Robin, which I would call bad yet ironically enjoyable!

Larry 05-11-18 09:54 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Traffic. Academy award winning. Couldn’t get a download. Thought it was a sure thing. Watched it and was immediately disappointed and depressed that I a) spent money on it and b) have it in my collection.

I could sell it or throw it out.....but that seems wrong.

Iroquois 05-11-18 10:05 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
That does make me wonder what the worst films in our collections actually say about us as viewers/collectors - the whole question of why we'd not just get rid of them or whatever. I was considering trading in AVPR but I feel like I should keep it just for the sake of having a complete Alien and/or Predator collection.

Larry 05-11-18 10:13 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1899005)
That does make me wonder what the worst films in our collections actually say about us as viewers/collectors - the whole question of why we'd not just get rid of them or whatever. I was considering trading in AVPR but I feel like I should keep it just for the sake of having a complete Alien and/or Predator collection.
Where can you trade dvds in though? I’d probably happily do would be a sin to bin it though. I just thought it I put it on eBay or fb marketplace...all that effort. Really how much is someone going to buy it for...5 bucks if I’m lucky.

Hey Fredrick 05-11-18 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6 (Post 1897156)
I don't care what anyone says, this movie is awesome! Dark, sexy and twisted!
Definitely dark and twisted but sexy? To each their own. It's a terrible movie. It's ugly, acting is awful, lighting is terrible, plot is all out of whack, fx are terrible. I watch it maybe once a year just to remind myself how awful it is :)

ScarletLion 05-11-18 10:14 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Physical: 'Deja Vu' (2006) DVD

Digital: Either 'Baby Driver' (2017) or 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' (2014) or 'Avengers Assemble (2012)'

Iroquois 05-11-18 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Larry (Post 1899006)
Where can you trade dvds in though? I’d probably happily do would be a sin to bin it though. I just thought it I put it on eBay or fb marketplace...all that effort. Really how much is someone going to buy it for...5 bucks if I’m lucky.
I imagine such establishments would be more prevalent in major cities than anywhere else (at least in my experience) so you'd have to check your surrounding area out and see which places qualified (if any). Even then, secondhand places are trying to re-sell the stock at a profit so they'll only give you so much for them in the first place. As for posting them online, yeah, well, that's always a gamble compared to the less profitable but more guaranteed method of trading in.

Larry 05-11-18 10:26 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1899009)
Originally Posted by Larry (Post 1899006)
Where can you trade dvds in though? I’d probably happily do would be a sin to bin it though. I just thought it I put it on eBay or fb marketplace...all that effort. Really how much is someone going to buy it for...5 bucks if I’m lucky.
I imagine such establishments would be more prevalent in major cities than anywhere else (at least in my experience) so you'd have to check your surrounding area out and see which places qualified (if any). Even then, secondhand places are trying to re-sell the stock at a profit so they'll only give you so much for them in the first place. As for posting them online, yeah, well, that's always a gamble compared to the less profitable but more guaranteed method of trading in.
We both live in aus mate...could you be specific. No stress though...legit am interested to know.I use to trade my Xbox games in at JB but I never thought they did movies.

matt72582 05-11-18 10:36 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Fight Club --- I think Brad's speech was quite good, and despite my sleeplessness, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up right before it ended.

Larry 05-11-18 10:38 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1899012)
Fight Club --- I think Brad's speech was quite good, and despite my sleeplessness, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up right before it ended.
So you have sleeplessness generally? If so..ironic that a movie about insomnia is the movie that puts the insomniac to sleep.

Velvet 05-12-18 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1899012)
Fight Club --- I think Brad's speech was quite good, and despite my sleeplessness, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up right before it ended.
one of the worst i own also

matt72582 05-12-18 08:00 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I also own "Oliver's Story" -- don't remember it being good.

Citizen Rules 05-12-18 01:21 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I don't buy bad movies, so I don't have any in my collection. But...someone gave me a bunch of DVDs/Blu Rays awhile ago, most of them were lame. The worst was National Treasure 3.

cat_sidhe 05-12-18 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1899440)
I don't buy bad movies, so I don't have any in my collection. But...someone gave me a bunch of DVDs/Blu Rays awhile ago, most of them were lame. The worst was National Treasure 3.
Sonetimes I do, but I have some love for cool bad movies.

I inherited a TON from the video store I worked at that closed down. That's the majority of my TRULY bad movies.

Citizen Rules 05-12-18 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1899445)
Sonetimes I do, but I have some love for cool bad movies.

I inherited a TON from the video store I worked at that closed down. That's the majority of my TRULY bad movies.
Oh I love like cheesy Roger Corman movies or B monster movies from the 50s. For sure sometimes bad can be fun:p

mattiasflgrtll6 05-14-18 03:21 PM

National Treasure 3 does not exist.

Guaporense 05-14-18 05:45 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I have 2 movies in my collection. They are both among my top 10. ;)

Velvet 01-17-19 11:32 PM

Hall Pass. Just awful

films246+1 01-18-19 12:12 AM

Doolallyfrank 01-18-19 02:01 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Dvd - Catwoman
Blu-ray - Live By Night
Digital - Super Troopers 2

Strangefilms9 03-25-19 10:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)

This action packed movie

SeeingisBelieving 03-25-19 11:21 AM

I think currently it would have to be Troy: The Odyssey (2017).

MovieMeditation 03-25-19 12:11 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Well Die Hard 5 came with the collection I bought... so there's one.

cat_sidhe 03-25-19 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by films246+1 (Post 1983432)
I dig that movie. :lol:

Xenia 07-17-19 09:04 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
"Transformers: Age of Extinction". The movie promised to be exciting as it seemed from the trailer. But I expected more, tbh.

Holden Pike 07-17-19 10:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)

The Adventures of Ford Fairlane

Stirchley 07-17-19 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1899012)
Fight Club --- I think Brad's speech was quite good, and despite my sleeplessness, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up right before it ended.
I finally made it through this movie last month after many attempts. It’s actually worth making it through to the end as it got better & better IMO. And the mystery of what it was actually about is solved at the end.

Raven73 08-07-19 11:15 AM

Probably Superman 4: The Quest for Peace. It was included in the box set. I never watch it.

ironpony 08-28-19 11:23 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Ballistic: Ecks VS. Sever. Why did I buy that movie, and why do I still have it!???

Tequila 08-31-19 01:40 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Stormbirds. It sounded like a decent ww2 film...... I was wrong, lol.

Troyaferd 01-23-20 03:41 AM

Freaky Friday and Vampire Club :suspicious:

Hey Fredrick 02-12-20 11:22 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I always thought Caligula then I bought Avatar. YIKES!

ScarletLion 02-12-20 11:39 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
'2012' on Blu Ray. was 3 for a tenner so I thought why not.

Inmyseat 09-21-20 01:40 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
John Wick 3-a reel stinker,hehe!

Allaby 02-17-21 12:05 PM

Either Hardbodies or Showgirls. I also have all the Twilight movies, the Fifty Shades of Grey movies, Batman and Robin, The Wicker Man remake, and Child Bride.

pahaK 02-17-21 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by Allaby (Post 2178986)
Either Hardbodies or Showgirls. I also have all the Twilight movies, the Fifty Shades of Grey movies, Batman and Robin, The Wicker Man remake, and Child Bride.
You must have a quality collection if Child Bride is in contention to be the worst. I thought it was quite OK.

Allaby 02-17-21 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by pahaK (Post 2178997)
You must have a quality collection if Child Bride is in contention to be the worst. I thought it was quite OK.
Yeah, I do have what I would consider to be a pretty high quality collection, with lots of Criterion, classics, award winners, and critically acclaimed films. I thought Child Bride wasn't very good when I first saw it, but I gave it another chance and it grew on me somewhat. I have the Kino "Forbidden Fruit" volume 5 blu ray with Child Bride and Tomorrow's Children on it. I also have the Forbidden Fruit volume 2 blu ray which has Sex Madness and Reefer Madness on it.

Stirchley 02-17-21 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Allaby (Post 2178986)
Never understood the bad reviews. I like this movie.

JosephGarden 02-22-21 09:49 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Definitely it is 88 minutes with Al Pacino

ScarletLion 02-22-21 10:01 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
One of these probably:

The Box
Bad Boys II

Torgo 02-22-21 10:28 AM

David Lynch's Dune, I guess. I mean, I love it, but I know a lot of people do not.

Darth Wish 02-22-21 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2180685)
One of these probably:

The Box
Bad Boys II
I agree wholeheartedly with the choice of The Box, I have highlighted in brown so you will all guess what sort of box I think it is.

Rampart isn't far behind it.

Captain Terror 02-22-21 10:43 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Sorry guys, I've been through my collection and there are no bad ones. All killer / no filler.

Ultraviolence 02-22-21 01:18 PM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Star Wars 7

xSookieStackhouse 02-23-21 04:06 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
gosh i dont know cause i only have the good ones in my collection lol

SamuelRichards 02-23-21 04:13 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
I try not to litter my collection with bad films, so there are none.

martyrofevil 02-23-21 05:17 AM

Re: What's the worst film in your collection?
Off the top of my head probably Organ (1996). I have a good number of duds because I'm way more likely to blind buy weird looking stuff than get stuff I actually like.

Captain Terror 02-23-21 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Terror (Post 2180696)
Sorry guys, I've been through my collection and there are no bad ones. All killer / no filler.
Just so we're clear, this was meant to be a joke. A more appropriate thread for me would be entitled "Are there literally ANY good movies in your collection"?

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