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TYTD 07-06-17 06:59 AM

TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Hi All!, I've been uploading reviews every Friday online covering cult, B-movies, experimental cinema and all the other oddities in between. Im about to start work on my second season this weekend (Im doing them in batches of 12 first then 15 thereafter) but I thought I would pop them up here while I'm at it starting with "The Dragon Lives again"

TYTD 07-06-17 07:02 AM

Here's another for my Review of "The Last man on earth" the 1964 Vincent price classic (Not to give too much away!)

TYTD 07-06-17 07:44 PM

Another one from a few weeks ago, The American Ninja 2. This time with more tropics than you can shake a pineapple at!

Dani8 07-06-17 07:45 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Working now so will watch those later. Looking forward to them.

TYTD 07-06-17 07:46 PM

Last one for today (Promise!!) Heres my review for the definately NSFW Time Adventure: 5 seconds to climax! (Censored for modesty)

TYTD 07-06-17 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1731771)
Working now so will watch those later. Looking forward to them.
Ahh cheers :) I hope you enjoy! :)

Dani8 07-07-17 05:03 AM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1731465)
Hi All!, I've been uploading reviews every Friday online covering cult, B-movies, experimental cinema and all the other oddities in between. Im about to start work on my second season this weekend (Im doing them in batches of 12 first then 15 thereafter) but I thought I would pop them up here while I'm at it starting with "The Dragon Lives again"

That's so bad it's hilarious - the movie, not your review. Your review is excellent. Fantastic speaking voice and accent by the way. I really enjoyed that; especially popeye, and the skeleton army did not bring back nightmares from the army in Jason and the argonauts. That was great fun.

TYTD 07-07-17 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1731936)
That's so bad it's hilarious - the movie, not your review. Your review is excellent. Fantastic speaking voice and accent by the way. I really enjoyed that; especially popeye, and the skeleton army did not bring back nightmares from the army in Jason and the argonauts. That was great fun.
Ahh thank you very much! :) Its a film I hold close to my heart, I felt in the earlier ones of these that I did I spoke a little too quickly so I try and conciously pace myself now when I go through them :) but Im glad you liked it :)

TYTD 07-07-17 07:57 PM

Im almost caught up with the backlogue now :) Heres last weeks review 1967's Quatermass and the Pit (Otherwise known as Five million years to earth in the US) :)

TYTD 07-07-17 08:00 PM

And finally here's this weeks episode! I simply just cannot get enough of The Stuff! (1985)

Dani8 07-07-17 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1732331)
Ahh thank you very much! :) Its a film I hold close to my heart, I felt in the earlier ones of these that I did I spoke a little too quickly so I try and conciously pace myself now when I go through them :) but Im glad you liked it :)
You sound a bit like Jonathon Pie but without the blood pressure meltdowns and eff bombs. I love that guy!

TYTD 07-10-17 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1732336)
You sound a bit like Jonathon Pie but without the blood pressure meltdowns and eff bombs. I love that guy!
Fair play xD Im from the north of the UK so my accents a bit broader than my southern "Received pronunciation" counterparts. Its super hard to hide but I'll take any comparison to Jonathan Pie as a compliment :D

TYTD 07-14-17 03:16 PM

Hot off the presses Ladies and Gents! Its been a bit of a busy week but luckily I was able to turn this one around at least :) In what is probably one of the shoddiest DVD authorings I've seen in a good while here is 1978's "The Descendants of Wing Chun"

Dani8 07-14-17 03:25 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
LOL Jonathon Pie. Looks seriously horrendous. Love the stereotypes of the fat chinese butcher called Fatty (my chinese butcher is pretty slim and not called Fatty) and the bald yet bearded kung fu master. Made it as far as the orange and wanted to stab myself in the ear with a chopstick.

Another fun review :up: Think I'll give this one a miss. The dubbing is atrocious.

TYTD 07-14-17 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1736025)
LOL Jonathon Pie. Looks seriously horrendous. Love the stereotypes of the fat chinese butcher called Fatty (my chinese butcher is pretty slim and not called Fatty) and the bald yet bearded kung fu master. Made it as far as the orange and wanted to stab myself in the ear with a chopstick.

Another fun review :up: Think I'll give this one a miss. The dubbing is atrocious.
Ahh thank you very kindly! :) Its honestly a wonder I made it through the film in one piece, i've corrected the aspect ratio here using my editing software but watching back through my laptop for the review itself it was almost utterly unwatchable. Still it was only marginally better than that dub :D

Dani8 07-14-17 03:38 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Still laughing at the orange scene. Fatty seems a bit like a village idiot.

Dani8 07-14-17 04:22 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
You're right - the dubbing is the best thing about it. Gotta love those english accents. I laughed all the way through your review. Very enjoyable.

TYTD 07-14-17 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1736042)
Still laughing at the orange scene. Fatty seems a bit like a village idiot.
Y'know thats one of the big sticking points of this film for me (As if everything else didnt make it rubbish anyway) they play him a bit as a simpleton but they always stop short of actually just out and out acknowlaging him as one...its a pain because it means they can make him do random clever things whenever they write themselves into a corner which is a load of Cobblers if you ask me! :laugh:

And that Orange scene is literally one of the only highlights of the film. both the clips I use in this review are the absolute best scenes it has to offer so I hope I've saved you some time at least xD

Dani8 07-14-17 04:36 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
I'm still feeling very distracted by kung fu master's beard and bushy eyebrows. And tell me, the girl with the long braid at the beginning of your video is a nag with an irritating voice?

TYTD 07-14-17 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1736079)
I'm still feeling very distracted by kung fu master's beard and bushy eyebrows. And tell me, the girl with the long braid at the beginning of your video is a nag with an irritating voice?
Y'know I'd honestly not thought about it that much but looking at him again something just doesnt sit right with his face...its way too fuzzy...

And you can absolutely bet your life that girls got an irritating voice. Not helped by the awful sound balance which makes her peak off the charts xD mercifully shes only in 1 or 2 scenes, she sets up a plot that never resolves itself and then she dissapears for the rest of the film :eek::D

Dani8 07-14-17 04:42 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
LMAO. I just knew it.

So bad it's bordering on genius. I might have to get drunj and watch this movie.

TYTD 07-14-17 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1736085)
LMAO. I just knew it.

So bad it's bordering on genius. I might have to get drunj and watch this movie.
Oh alcohol will probably bump this film up a point or two xD Double feature it with The dragon lives again (Dragon as the latter film as its best enjoyed when both very very drunk and a little sleepy as I've found) and you'll have a hell of a night on your hands xD I have one more Vengence video title I got at the same time as Wing Chun but I may wait a bit before I do that one...though if the titles anything to go by it should make this film look like the godfather xD

Also w00p made it to page 2 in one piece :D

Dani8 07-14-17 04:53 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Was the chick a martial artist? I bet not. A chinese film back then wouldn't acknowledge that a woman developed wing chun (sorry, had to get my faux SJW comment in there).

All in all, that's one hell of an entertaining review. So glad I pushed on beyond the orange scene. Man, that was hysterical. Still cant stop laughing. Little tearies down my face.

TYTD 07-14-17 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1736090)
Was the chick a martial artist? I bet not. A chinese film back then wouldn't acknowledge that a woman developed wing chun (sorry, had to get my faux SJW comment in there).

All in all, that's one hell of an entertaining review. So glad I pushed on beyond the orange scene. Man, that was hysterical. Still cant stop laughing. Little tearies down my face.
Spot on. She turns up to do some dealing in a bank. gets scared. screeches a bit, and then leaves if I remember rightly xD Feminism in action or what!? xD

In many ways its a shame the film isnt that consistantly wacky throughout. if the clips were an example of the tone of the film throughout it would be hilarious, its just a real shame theres such a plod between those bits. when it gets it right though it amazingly bad xD

Dani8 07-14-17 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1736102)
when it gets it right though it amazingly bad xD

ROFL. The sharknado of wing chun.

Joel 07-15-17 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1732334)
And finally here's this weeks episode! I simply just cannot get enough of The Stuff! (1985)

Very cool review style. Love the spinning platter used for the Arrow BD display. What is that, BTW?

Also enjoyed the split screen running while you built up the review and then the full screen when you allowed a clip to play out for full attention. I see you're an editor. I dabble myself.

I did not like "The Stuff" when I watched it a few years back, but after seeing another Cohen film (The Ambulance) recently, I may have to "double dip" and see if I may have missed the point? I got the humor, but your clips of the "sweaty palm" scene makes me think I was zoning out when I initially saw this as an adult so...possibly a round two coming soon.

Nice to meet you and welcome to the forum! :)

TYTD 07-15-17 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1736596)
Very cool review style. Love the spinning platter used for the Arrow BD display. What is that, BTW?

Also enjoyed the split screen running while you built up the review and then the full screen when you allowed a clip to play out for full attention. I see you're an editor. I dabble myself.

I did not like "The Stuff" when I watched it a few years back, but after seeing another Cohen film (The Ambulance) recently, I may have to "double dip" and see if I may have missed the point? I got the humor, but your clips of the "sweaty palm" scene makes me think I was zoning out when I initially saw this as an adult so...possibly a round two coming soon.

Nice to meet you and welcome to the forum! :)
Ahh thank you very much! :) Its a Lazy Susan:

Though sadly the Build quality isnt that great (The whole things pretty much just a lump of weak plastic) and shortly after recording the packaging Shot for the review that went up this week the motor burnt out on it (It could barely spin with an empty DVD case on it) So for the time being it's had to remain stationary...though I may pick a better quality one up in the near future because I like being able to show the entire packaging :)

Also cheers for noticing my little stylistic choices xD I spent a while trying to figure out how I was going to present my reviews and settled on the split screen because I thought it would give me a bit more scope in terms of showing multiple things without having to rely on cutting away (Particularly if I wanted to run comparisons) :)

I really like Cohens style but finding his films in the UK can be a bit tricky (Which is why I adore companies like Arrow for finally bringing quite a lot of Obscure materials to UK shores) I hope you have more luck with it a second time than you did the first :) for me this film gets a bit better with each viewing :)

Joel 07-15-17 12:51 PM


If you do find a reliable lazy susan, I'd be interested in hearing about it. I may even beat you to it, thanks for the link! I see these things as being potentially valuable for some special effect work that sure would beat hours of After Effect diddling. If only there was a way to key out the transparent acrylic base platter. Trial and error, I suppose.

Anyway, yes. Cohen seems to make solid movies. It's his writing that I've been noticing. He's funny and real. He incorporates goofy details into his script which is a real delight for some people who can appreciate it.

EDIT: there is a way to key it. Just paint it green. Of course that's gonna hafta be some serious ultra key pull happening since it's right on top of the platter. Lol. Now I'm just being silly. I'll send you a PM if I have any luck haha.:p

TYTD 07-15-17 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1736612)

If you do find a reliable lazy susan, I'd be interested in hearing about it. I may even beat you to it, thanks for the link! I see these things as being potentially valuable for some special effect work that sure would beat hours of After Effect diddling. If only there was a way to key out the transparent acrylic base platter. Trial and error, I suppose.

Anyway, yes. Cohen seems to make solid movies. It's his writing that I've been noticing. He's funny and real. He incorporates goofy details into his script which is a real delight for some people who can appreciate it.

EDIT: there is a way to key it. Just paint it green. Of course that's gonna hafta be some serious ultra key pull happening since it's right on top of the platter. Lol. Now I'm just being silly. I'll send you a PM if I have any luck haha.:p
PM recieved and responded :) There are quite a few Lazy Susans listed on Amazon I think I may have to buy a slightly more pricey one next time and hope it can hold a bit more weight (Ever the optimist) xD

In all honesty I really need to learn more about Cohens work, I havent really had a lot of experience with him other than "The Stuff" and "Q the winged serpent" trying to track his films down in the UK is quite a difficult job...which is a shame because what I've seen I've really enjoyed :)

TYTD 07-21-17 06:00 PM

Its a big one today :) One of my all time favourite films! Eraserhead (1977) :)

TYTD 07-28-17 02:50 PM

This week I take a look at "The Independent" the often completely forgotten Jerry Stiller comedy thats actually pretty good! :D

Dani8 07-28-17 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1740135)
Its a big one today :) One of my all time favourite films! Eraserhead (1977) :) ]

Great review.

TYTD 07-28-17 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1743498)
Great review.
Ahh thanks :D it's been a firm favourite of mine since I was in my teens so it was nice to be able to approach it from a different angle rather than just having it on to appreciate the visuals (That lighting...Phwarrr!) :D

Dani8 07-28-17 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1743536)
Ahh thanks :D it's been a firm favourite of mine since I was in my teens so it was nice to be able to approach it from a different angle rather than just having it on to appreciate the visuals (That lighting...Phwarrr!) :D
I've only seen it once. Walked out after it finished with my then boyfriend and his bestie. His bestie said 'Hey do you guys'. Boyfriend cut in with 'No, we're not discussing it not now, not ever!'. Bestie said he was going to suggest where to go for dinner.

LOL. Very disturbing movie. I dont remember a whole lot about it except for Henry and the lighting. I think I blocked everything else out.

TYTD 07-28-17 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1743548)
I've only seen it once. Walked out after it finished with my then boyfriend and his bestie. His bestie said 'Hey do you guys'. Boyfriend cut in with 'No, we're not discussing it not now, not ever!'. Bestie said he was going to suggest where to go for dinner.

LOL. Very disturbing movie. I dont remember a whole lot about it except for Henry and the lighting. I think I blocked everything else out.
xD Quite a few people I know have had similar experiences to yours. I cant quite explain it really, Lynch just has this style and vibe thats so hard to explain but It really just clicks with me...he's quite a binary director though you either absolutely worship the ground he walks on or he's an absolute hack I've never met someone who was just like "Meh, he's okay" :laugh:

Dani8 07-28-17 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1743556)
xD Quite a few people I know have had similar experiences to yours. I cant quite explain it really, Lynch just has this style and vibe thats so hard to explain but It really just clicks with me...he's quite a binary director though you either absolutely worship the ground he walks on or he's an absolute hack I've never met someone who was just like "Meh, he's okay" :laugh:
Yeah the movie has stuck with me ever since I saw it, just on some nightmarish level of my existence. I dont even know why to be honest. It just freaks me out, and your review is probably the only one I've listened to yet. Am I saying it;s a bad thing this movie seemed to have an impact but I cant bring myself to rewatch? Hellz no. I love my reaction to it. It's like being smacked in the solar plexus and never forgetting what it felt like to have the air sucked out of you.

TYTD 07-28-17 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1743561)
Yeah the movie has stuck with me ever since I saw it, just on some nightmarish level of my existence. I dont even know why to be honest. It just freaks me out, and your review is probably the only one I've listened to yet. Am I saying it;s a bad thing this movie seemed to have an impact but I cant bring myself to rewatch? Hellz no. I love my reaction to it. It's like being smacked in the solar plexus and never forgetting what it felt like to have the air sucked out of you.
I Suppose the same logic could be applied to people who watch sad films to feel sad, its a feeling that stays with them and the feeling makes them feel a bit more in touch with there humanity and there emotions. It can remind people that they have good things in there lives as well as bad things and it lets them have a feeling of empathy in some ways...its a bit like a spirit level for the soul if you will just balancing things out :) (Went a bit deep there; sorry :lol:)

Dani8 07-28-17 04:47 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
I didnt know anything about it. Boyfriend and bestie just saw it was playing at a really cool arthaus cinema in a trendy student burb in sydney so we went along to be the then hipsters. Walked out traumatised. It was probably my most memorable cinema experience I've ever had. Still laughing at boyfriend saying (almost screaming) No not discussing it. I actually ran into him a few years ago and during chat asked if he has ever discussed it since. He said 'No, not talking about it'. LOL.

TYTD 08-04-17 06:13 PM

This week I delved into the old Public domain collection and found this strange piece of cinema history xD

Dani8 08-04-17 06:43 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Very entertaining review, matey. I especially love the music. Nice touch.

TYTD 08-29-17 06:25 AM

Hi All, Its been a while! The last 3 weeks I've spent 2 of them battling a particularly nasty bout of food poisoning and 1 of those battling an absolute fire fight at work xD But things have mellowed down again and Im catching back up to speed with things :)

I've popped two more reviews up in my interim absence and Im going to be doing some minor tweaking to the format as of next week :) So here's an absolutely bizarre little film I stumbled upon while looking for a topic to cover for October. :)

TYTD 08-29-17 06:28 AM

Aaaand heres the finale of this first little series :) i'll be starting up with the 2nd series (Im about 11 episodes into this one) from this Friday. Enjoy! :)

TYTD 09-01-17 06:30 PM

We're back after a week off and I've tweaked a few bits! :) Hopefully it'll run and sound a bit smoother going forward :) <3

TYTD 09-12-17 08:17 AM

I dipped back into my Hammer horror collection for this little beauty this week :D

TYTD 09-16-17 08:33 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews

TYTD 09-24-17 04:13 PM

Bit cheeky this week! But this time I'm taking an alternative retrospective look at the career of one of the UK's best loved animators :)

(I wont score this because theres 6 short films included in the retrospective and they all range from about a 2 out of 5 to a 4 out of 5)

Joel 09-24-17 04:44 PM

@TYTD, I am watching your newly styled opening, which I totally dig. Wondering if you'd consider reviewing this:

TYTD 09-24-17 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1785062)
@TYTD, I am watching your newly styled opening, which I totally dig. Wondering if you'd consider reviewing this:
Thanks for watching! :) and cheers for the compliment :D I've just looked at the site and watched a couple of trailers on Youtube. it looks absolutely nuts! I write these reviews well in advance so it may be a few weeks before I get round to it. But this one is going on my list as a priority as soon as I can get my hands on a copy :) Cheers for throwing it my way!

Joel 09-25-17 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1785295)
Thanks for watching! :) and cheers for the compliment :D I've just looked at the site and watched a couple of trailers on Youtube. it looks absolutely nuts! I write these reviews well in advance so it may be a few weeks before I get round to it. But this one is going on my list as a priority as soon as I can get my hands on a copy :) Cheers for throwing it my way!
I can hook you up if you wanna pm me an email. I own the film and have ripped it to a 1.7 gb file. It's coming out on blu ray, too, from Verboeden Video, supposedly due around Dec, but it's still going to be a 4:3 matte even in HD because it was filmed that way oddly enough. Let me know, send me a pm and I'll mail it on out! :)

Joel 09-25-17 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1775684)
I dipped back into my Hammer horror collection for this little beauty this week :D

I have to catch up with your reviews. Once I get a bit of alone time with me speax, I will...

Dani8 09-25-17 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1775684)
I dipped back into my Hammer horror collection for this little beauty this week :D

Ooh shall make a cuppa tea and return. Much love for Bette.

TYTD 09-25-17 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1785995)
Ooh shall make a cuppa tea and return. Much love for Bette.
I dont want to spoil my opinion of this film but Bette is pretty awesome in this :D I've got a couple of films I'd like to talk about with her in on my "To view" list :)

Dani8 09-25-17 07:06 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Joey seems like a bit of a dick. LMAO!

TYTD 09-26-17 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1786124)
Joey seems like a bit of a dick. LMAO!
for the first 20-40 minutes of this film I was genuinely sitting there thinking "If he's going to be acting the way he is for the rest of this film then Im going to have to break something" xD Luckily all was not as it seemed :D:eek:

TYTD 09-30-17 11:09 AM

Fresh of the grill heres another slice of frankly bizarre and surreal cinema...Bonus points go to this one for having Jaws from James bond in it! xD

Joel 09-30-17 12:57 PM

Eegah...I may take it in. I like the 2 tone look of the processing. Nice one!

TYTD 10-06-17 09:11 PM

Well! Its almost Halloween so I thought I'd go a tad spookier this week with a review of one of George Romeros most well known pieces :)

Joel 10-06-17 11:02 PM

Very cool review, sir! I'm not a huge fan of the original, either. I prefer Day of the Dead, followed closely by Dawn. I'll watch this remake again soon.

TYTD 10-10-17 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1795318)
Very cool review, sir! I'm not a huge fan of the original, either. I prefer Day of the Dead, followed closely by Dawn. I'll watch this remake again soon.
Nice choices! :) Im always in two minds about which I prefer between Day and Dawn (And thats before I even get started on what cut of Dawn I prefer) xD

I think quite a few people lumped the 1990 Night of the living dead in with the 90's Psycho remake as just a shot for shot colour remake of the original...but as I say in my review I think it has quite a lot of new stuff mixed in that works in its own right :)

TYTD 10-14-17 11:49 AM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Continuing my Romero month heres another stone cold slice of zombie gold for you lot! :)

TYTD 10-20-17 05:18 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Hi again all! :) Well here's an unsurprising review given my last 2 xD also there may well be a special announcement coming at some point this week (Im just making sure everythings go before I can commit, but Im hoping everything works out :)) Enjoy!

TYTD 10-24-17 03:22 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Hi All! im going to be making an announcement tomorrow (i'll be sure to post it up here as well) but to celebrate I thought I'd pop up an extra review this week! :)

TYTD 10-25-17 04:03 PM

Well all! here's the big announcement! (though not strictly review related I thought I would share it as it may interest some of my regular viewers!) honestly It was really hard to keep it a secret for this long! This halloween my Channel is putting on a horror-thon marathon! a 6 hour non stop monster movie marathon featuring 4 classic movies! the marathon even comes complete with its own "Creepy host" I hope you can tune in as I'll be in the comments for most of the night hoping to have a darn good time with you guys!

TYTD 10-27-17 05:01 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Closing out my halloween specials month heres possibly the most mainstream review I've ever done :)

TYTD 10-31-17 04:32 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Well everyone we're live! normal services return on Friday (Boy is that one going to be fun!) but till then if your stuck for something to watch this halloween why not join us on our current livestream?

TYTD 11-03-17 07:31 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Hi all!
Well with halloween over here's literally the worst film I've ever seen.

TYTD 11-10-17 03:54 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week I took a look at 1993's Cyborg Cop! Apologies for the minor audio issues in this weeks episode, the place I normally record my episodes in was unavailable for a week so I had to find an alternative location :)

TYTD 11-14-17 07:54 AM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
So this morning I woke up to found some 3rd party company had taken down my Cyborg Cop review (I think they were interested in trying to monetize the video but got a bit overconfident) after challenging it and failing within 10 minutes I just decided the easiest option would be to cut out the clips they had a problem with and reupload...luckily my review is still in tact in here's the newest *Redux version.

TYTD 11-18-17 03:37 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week a frankly Bizarre and Jarring slice of kung fu action from 1978/1979! :D

TYTD 11-24-17 05:52 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Welp. I feel I should warn anyone watching this one that it gets pretty grim...then again if you looked at the title and thumbnail and still decide to click it all I can say is...well played.

TYTD 12-01-17 03:53 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week we look at Cyborg3: The Recycler! Starring Malcolm Mcdowell...for about a minute and a half!

TYTD 12-08-17 05:18 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This Week! Obligatory Christmas Tat! :D

TYTD 12-16-17 08:14 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week; MORE Christmas Tat! :D

TYTD 12-23-17 12:10 AM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Last review of 2017! Merry Christmas All! heres some overly graphic christmas crazyness! :D

TYTD 01-07-18 03:00 PM

Kicking off 2018! A giant Monster movie! as it should be! :)

TYTD 01-12-18 01:52 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week! A slice of VHS with added Stallone! (No not that one)

TYTD 01-19-18 07:50 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This Week! I cover arguably one of the most recent films I've ever done! and it stars Keith "Cheggers" Chegwin! WERHAY!!!

TYTD 01-26-18 06:15 PM

This week I plug this forum! :D and special thanks once again to Joel for the reccommendation; man you totally pointed me in the right direction on this one here's Split! (1989)

Joel 01-26-18 06:44 PM

Wow, perfect timing! I just noticed this review first thing.

And just watched it. Wow.

I've been waiting to hear an intelligent review of this film, and yours nearly brought tears to my eyes. It's almost never that anyone reacts as positively to a recommendation of mine, and I hold this film in such a high regard that I was relieved and very interested in your thoughts once it became clear you were invested into the film!

Very excellent review, sir!

BTW, I keep blowing up Verboeden Video's FB page to see if they are coming any closer to a release, and the last time was about 2 weeks ago. I was told the distributor is dragging their feet but the VV operations manager seems to be as anxious as the film's fans are's hoping to a speedy delivery.

And another quick FYI, funnily enough, the aspect ratio is 4:3. That wasn't just the vhs/dvd thing. I guess Shaw knew it was going straight to video after a brief theatrical run? Interesting.

Anyway, great review! Really...makes me want to watch the movie all over again to pick up on your observations which I hadn't noticed, such as; Starker imagining the thought police. Never even occurred to me!

Joel 01-26-18 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1843081)
Last review of 2017! Merry Christmas All! heres some overly graphic christmas crazyness! :D
Wow! This review was great! I'd always lumped this cover art in with Silent Night, Deadly Night, or, just another wretched Christmas slasher film that probably sucks all the joy out of Christmas. I have a friend who despises the idea of evil and Christmas in the same movie, but then again, he's a fan of Lethal Weapon and Die Hard so,...maybe I outta spring this on him? I'm going to go check for a blu ray copy and see if I can't convince him to spin this next Christmas when we get together for our Holiday movie-thon. Thanks!

Dani8 01-26-18 08:16 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Hey Happy New year. Nice plug, champ :up:

TYTD 01-27-18 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1858641)
Wow, perfect timing! I just noticed this review first thing.

And just watched it. Wow.

I've been waiting to hear an intelligent review of this film, and yours nearly brought tears to my eyes. It's almost never that anyone reacts as positively to a recommendation of mine, and I hold this film in such a high regard that I was relieved and very interested in your thoughts once it became clear you were invested into the film!

Very excellent review, sir!

BTW, I keep blowing up Verboeden Video's FB page to see if they are coming any closer to a release, and the last time was about 2 weeks ago. I was told the distributor is dragging their feet but the VV operations manager seems to be as anxious as the film's fans are's hoping to a speedy delivery.

And another quick FYI, funnily enough, the aspect ratio is 4:3. That wasn't just the vhs/dvd thing. I guess Shaw knew it was going straight to video after a brief theatrical run? Interesting.

Anyway, great review! Really...makes me want to watch the movie all over again to pick up on your observations which I hadn't noticed, such as; Starker imagining the thought police. Never even occurred to me!

Man reading this post this morning bought a massive smile to my face :) thank you fo much for your very very kind comments :) It was one of the strangest films I've ever sat through and I absolutley loved it. I really cant thank you enough for punting it in my direction and Im really glad you liked it :)

I spoke to Chris Shaw quite recently about Split and he mentioned that the distributors are "just about to release it" so I would assume its going to be fairly Imminent (He also copied into our email discussion a member of the distribution team so that I could get a hold of a direct link to the order page for my youtube channels description, though I'll post that link here as well as soon as I recieve it)

Again though man; thank you so much for pointing me to this one and if you have any other reccommendations I'd be more than happy to look them up :)

TYTD 01-27-18 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1858645)
Wow! This review was great! I'd always lumped this cover art in with Silent Night, Deadly Night, or, just another wretched Christmas slasher film that probably sucks all the joy out of Christmas. I have a friend who despises the idea of evil and Christmas in the same movie, but then again, he's a fan of Lethal Weapon and Die Hard so,...maybe I outta spring this on him? I'm going to go check for a blu ray copy and see if I can't convince him to spin this next Christmas when we get together for our Holiday movie-thon. Thanks!

Oh of all the christmas slashers I've seen this ones easily the most subtle of the lot :) there are a few slashery moments in there but I dont think the body count goes about 4 through the whole's quite a bit more psychological in how it goes about things and because its all set from Harrys perspective the directions all geared towards making you feel like his actions are justifyable rather than evil...its odd because it actually has quite a few feel good'ish moments. in it :) it's definately one of the good ones :)

TYTD 01-27-18 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1858668)
Hey Happy New year. Nice plug, champ :up:

Thank yer very kindly ;) and a happy new year to you too! :) Hope this years been alright so far :)

TYTD 02-02-18 04:36 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week!; some positively true adventures are documented in this little TV movie that has me worried for the state of Texas! :eek:

TYTD 02-09-18 01:31 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week! a film so generic it actually shares its title with 2 other films and its alternate title shares its name with 3 of them! O.o

TYTD 02-16-18 02:54 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This Week! Fresh Outta the sewers here's my thoughts on the original 1990's TMNT Movie! :)

TYTD 02-23-18 01:25 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Hi again all! :) This week! we look at an aspiring Giallo movie I stumbled upon recently :) Could it be a classic in the making!? :D all those answers and more can be found below!:

Also!; Im not really one for self promotion but very recently I started up a facebook page to work in line with my youtube channel; on there, you'll find my latest reviews, discussions, all things schlock worthy going on in the world and im really hoping I can make it into something special :)

If you could hop over there, chuck me a like or just stick your head in and say "Hi!" I'd be very grateful :)
You can find it below:

TYTD 02-25-18 04:51 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
BONUS!: While not strictly a review I thought I would share this here as it deals with the format that helped make half the bad movies you've seen as well known as they are, here's my 10 cents:

! No longer available

Joel 02-25-18 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1872589)
BONUS!: While not strictly a review I thought I would share this here as it deals with the format that helped make half the bad movies you've seen as well known as they are, here's my 10 cents:

! No longer available
This is a very important video and I am thankful that you've shared it!

I am a big champion of beta and vhs technology. I own a sony hlf3000 deck and a jvc shvs deck, both pristine. I also have a GE svhs camcorder and some maxell industrial blanks. I intend to shoot my next video on these formats for the reasons you mention. My entire history with film, at least prior to 2002, was in vhs and below. That's a huge section of my own experience. Your video took some words right out of my mouth. Thank you!

Such a cool production and tribute you've paid!

You'll be amongst the 1st viewers of anything I do with the format, and I hope you'll share more love for things in this realm, no matter what they may be.

TYTD 02-25-18 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1872620)
This is a very important video and I am thankful that you've shared it!

I am a big champion of beta and vhs technology. I own a sony hlf3000 deck and a jvc shvs deck, both pristine. I also have a GE svhs camcorder and some maxell industrial blanks. I intend to shoot my next video on these formats for the reasons you mention. My entire history with film, at least prior to 2002, was in vhs and below. That's a huge section of my own experience. Your video took some words right out of my mouth. Thank you!

Such a cool production and tribute you've paid!

You'll be amongst the 1st viewers of anything I do with the format, and I hope you'll share more love for things in this realm, no matter what they may be.
Thanks man; I really appreciate such kind feedback :) your a gent and a scholar :D

And that sounds like a hell of a collection you've got there :eek: I'd sell my grandparents for an independent SVHS deck and some decent tape stock D:

The whole idea for this one started mid last week when I got into a slightly heated discussion with some work colleagues about why I personally felt that Tape was a format still worth exploring...I was amazed at how against the idea of even looking into it they were. it was like I'd just let a stink bomb off :rotfl: but it got the creative writing juices flowing and this was the result :) I think I'll always stand by the idea that format is probably as important a decision to a filmmaker when it comes to producing a film as direction, cine or whether to shoot in colour or not should be...

I also think there are times when I film can work for different reasons in two different formats...for example: "The Texas Chainsaw massacre" on VHS is this rough and ready gnarled piece of grindhouse that closely resembles a "Found footage" type of film but on Bluray its more of an artistic experience. You can be enveloped in the crisp sharp golden and orange sun baked cinematography and it kind of takes on a life of its own :)

If you do ever shoot anything on tape please do throw it my way I'd love to see it! :) I've planned to talk about a few more "Shot on video films" both next month (well...I say next month...early April xD ) and through the rest of the year :) I've also recently come into posession of a load of sell-thru VHS tapes so I'll be working my way through them both on and off the channel :) (I cant wait to crack open my copy of "I know what you did last summer" crack open a Zima and literally have one of the most 90's nights of my life) xD

Thanks again man :)

TYTD 03-02-18 03:56 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week a horror movie starring a film buff who slowly loses his mind...this sounds strangely familiar...

TYTD 03-09-18 01:38 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Well! this week I've been bedridden with flu! :eek: But it's okay! because I record a few of these at a time Im able today to show you something much much worse than flu! :D Enjoy!

TYTD 03-16-18 02:53 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week! What is possibly Billy Blanks worst action movie!! FIGHTING!!! :eek:

TYTD 03-23-18 05:41 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
This week! a film that stopped me looking in mirrors for the best part of 3 months :eek:

Yoda 03-23-18 05:48 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
I gotta say, I think it's pretty cool that you review so many films nobody else (relatively speaking) is reviewing. :up:

Joel 03-23-18 05:50 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
TYTD is my hero reviewer!

Joel 03-24-18 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by TYTD (Post 1874339)
This week a horror movie starring a film buff who slowly loses his mind...this sounds strangely familiar...
Very cool review as always brother! Tim Thomerson is in this? Had no idea! I've always confused this film with Magic for some reason. Anyway,..well done! Looking forward to much more!

It'd be great to see you with thousands of subscribers. You deserve a bigger audience. Maybe some google ponits or youtube advert deals would be a decent option?

PS - Thanks for the pulled pork FYI..haha

TYTD 03-24-18 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1881882)
I gotta say, I think it's pretty cool that you review so many films nobody else (relatively speaking) is reviewing. :up:

Hey thanks so much man :) I really appreciate it! :) I've always kind of had an interest in the kind of films most people wouldnt screen near an open flame xD I love picking apart why bad or forgotten films ended up being the way they did :) doing these reviews has certainly broadend my film watching Horizons (Hell Joel alone's pretty much hooked me up with at least 3-4 films at this point that I dont know how I lived without quite frankly xD) but Im always open to suggestions or reccommendations :) and always happy to chat film obscure or otherwise :)

Yoda 03-24-18 03:33 PM

Re: TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews
Yeah, it's an under-served niche, given how much stuff is out there. It's increasingly useful to have people/reviewers deliberately looking for things that were overlooked, for those times when something interesting slips through the cracks.

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