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MonnoM 06-21-17 11:41 PM

Watchmen (HBO series)

"DC Comics favorite Watchmen may be headed for the small screen.

Fresh off of critical favorite The Leftovers, Damon Lindelof is in talks for a potential Watchmen TV series for HBO. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that the project is in the early development stages. An official deal is not yet in place. Representatives for HBO and producers Warner Bros. Television declined comment.

Snyder, who directed the 2009 feature-film adaptation of Alan Moore's beloved comic series, is no longer attached to the drama project from Warner Bros. Television, where both DC Entertainment and Lindelof are housed."

MonnoM 09-20-17 10:31 PM

"HBO is moving forward with Watchmen.

The premium cable network has officially handed out a pilot order and commissioned additional scripts for Damon Lindelof's take on Alan Moore's beloved graphic novel.

The news comes three months after The Hollywood Reporter broke that the Leftovers showrunner was developing a take on the DC Comics favorite. Lindelof also revealed on Instagram that the writers room for the potential TV series has officially been opened.

Saunch 05-23-18 08:39 PM

Casting news!

Regina King, Tim Blake Nelson, Lou Gossett Jr., Adeline Clemens, Andrew Howard and Don Johnson will star.

Lindelof described his adaptation as “New Testament”. It’s set in the present day, 30 years after the events of the comics. It’s unknown if any familiar characters will appear. It seems most of the new ones are cops, in some form.

ynwtf 05-23-18 09:25 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO

pahaK 05-23-18 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1903242)
Lindelof described his adaptation as “New Testament”. It’s set in the present day, 30 years after the events of the comics. It’s unknown if any familiar characters will appear. It seems most of the new ones are cops, in some form.
In other words it has nothing to do with Watchmen but they're just using a familiar name for marketing?

Saunch 05-23-18 10:08 PM

Could be. I was thinking the angle is showing a possible future to the comics that sees the country having circled back to masked vigilante love and aspiration. A world where peace was built on lie and all that. You could use that and employ a similar critical eye to today’s pop culture fascination with superheroes and maybe the in-universe government is a mirror to 3rd term Nixon (lots can mined from that alone.)

It’s an interesting “what if?” scenario. I’d be interested in seeing how Ozymandias’ reputation has held up. What about Rorschach’s journal being left to Breitbart?

doubledenim 06-12-18 05:59 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Here's hoping it's easier to follow than Doomsday Clock.

Saunch 06-26-18 06:22 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Jeremy Irons has been cast in a leading role.

So... old Ozymandias?

doubledenim 06-26-18 08:03 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
One of the all-time great smokers!

Siddon 06-26-18 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1916585)
Jeremy Irons has been cast in a leading role.

So... old Ozymandias?

Sounds like it's going to be focused on The Minutemen, which is a good idea.

Jeremy Irons - Hollis Mason (Nite Owl)
Tim Blake Nelson - Moth Man
Don Johnson - Dollar Bill
Lou Gossett Jr - Hooded Justice

Andrew Howard - Comedian

Saunch 06-26-18 09:06 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Originally Posted by Siddon (Post 1916615)
Sounds like it's going to be focused on The Minutemen, which is a good idea.
Nope. It’s set in present day.

Saunch 08-17-18 03:22 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO

Saunch 01-07-19 12:28 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO

Iroquois 01-07-19 12:36 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Really going all in on all possible variations on the Rorschach mask, I see.

Yoda 05-08-19 03:32 PM

Yoda 05-08-19 03:34 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Looks like a pretty interesting angle. Best guess, this is post-Watchmen, and Rorscach's journal has inspired a movement.

doubledenim 07-20-19 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2009823)
Looks like a pretty interesting angle. Best guess, this is post-Watchmen, and Rorscach's journal has inspired a movement.

Someone cited Lindelof as saying it was a remix. Take that as you may, it seems like he's gonna do whatever he wants.

just going back and sweeping up these broken links

Yoda 10-15-19 06:33 PM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Early positive review:

Just five more days. Can't wait.

doubledenim 10-21-19 07:42 AM

I really thought Watchmen was going to be a bit more ambitious than that :suspicious:

doubledenim 10-21-19 07:45 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Well, that's a lot.

I stopped at the half-hour to go back. We shall see if it all works, but....squids. Have fun explaining the significance of things to people that have no clue about the history of the characters.

pahaK 10-21-19 07:50 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Well, that was first episode was absolute trash. I can't think of anything positive to say. Maybe I'll give this show a second chance next week but even that's uncertain. Could someone explain why is this called Watchmen?

Yoda 10-21-19 08:41 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
Heh. I came in here to say it was good and, more than that, that the preview of what's coming the rest of the year looks very promising.

They got a lot of good, thoughtful exposition in the first episode. The bit in the interrogation about whether "transdimensional attacks were a hoax perpetrated by the U.S. government" was a nice way to explain what happened in the aftermath of the graphic novel, and--perhaps--explain the squid rain.

Also, only 80% sure Jeremy Irons is Veidt having faked his death, but more like 95% sure his servants are either robots or clones or something.

Yoda 10-21-19 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by pahaK (Post 2042820)
Could someone explain why is this called Watchmen?
Because it takes place after all the events of the graphic novel and contains some of the same characters.

Ami-Scythe 10-21-19 08:45 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
I can imagine a show for Watchmen is better for it. There's just too many details and the lack of all them really bothered me watching the movie. I don't have HBO though so...meh. :/

pahaK 10-21-19 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2042825)
Because it takes place after all the events of the graphic novel and contains some of the same characters.
I admit it's been years since I read it but I don't get any Watchmen vibe from the show. Change few names, put KKKavalry in traditional hoods and no one would think Alan Moore while watching.

Yoda 10-21-19 08:58 AM

Re: Watchmen series possibly coming to HBO
:shrug: I got a pretty strong Watchmen vibe off it, personally. Especially given that it was just one episode and there's a lot to establish.

More importantly, I got a really strong very very good show vibe.

Yoda 10-21-19 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 2042845)
I really thought Watchmen was going to be a bit more ambitious than that :suspicious:
The clips previewing the rest of the season suggest it will be.

Yoda 10-21-19 09:29 AM

At least conceptually.

doubledenim 10-21-19 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda
The clips previewing the rest of the season suggest it will be.
I was being cheeky :blush:

There was a WHOLE lot of stuff going. I can only imagine how hard pilots are to make. How dense can you make it without the risk of people checking out.

Yoda 10-21-19 10:20 AM

Ah, I can't tell. :D

Yeah, pilots are super tough. You have to get a lot of basic information out without it feeling like a boring info dump. I'd say that's particularly true for a show like this.

doubledenim 10-21-19 10:23 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I only saw the movie, but sans squid and Manhattan' outcome, it is reportedly close to the material.

This seems right in line to me. The murky, unclear, figure it out yourself. That said, the "helmets" and "the squids" are so cartoonish, that it did break a little for me.

What I'm probably trying to say, is this has to be HBO swinging for the fences for the next GoT. How else does something like this get made? If so, it is not an easy watch in the way the classic Sunday shows have been imb.

Yoda 10-21-19 10:28 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
The economics of the industry have changed so that really niche, out-there stuff is economically viable. Pretty cool.

ScarletLion 10-21-19 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2042824)
Heh. I came in here to say it was good and, more than that, that the preview of what's coming the rest of the year looks very promising.

They got a lot of good, thoughtful exposition in the first episode. The bit in the interrogation about whether "transdimensional attacks were a hoax perpetrated by the U.S. government" was a nice way to explain what happened in the aftermath of the graphic novel, and--perhaps--explain the squid rain.

Also, only 80% sure Jeremy Irons is Veidt having faked his death, but more like 95% sure his servants are either robots or clones or something.
Is the pilot very Comic Bookie, CGI, fighty? Reason I ask is that I've seen a few people say it's a departure from the movie etc.......... so I might actually like it. And I adore Regina King. Maybe I'll just give it a shot anyways.

Yoda 10-21-19 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2042854)
Is the pilot very Comic Bookie, CGI, fighty? Reason I ask is that I've seen a few people say it's a departure from the movie etc.......... so I might actually like it. And I adore Regina King. Maybe I'll just give it a shot anyways.
Nah, not much CGI. Kinda fighty? I'd say to whatever degree it's similar to the movie, it's just aesthetically, and even that, not much.

ynwtf 10-22-19 11:59 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I'd say the only comic booky thing with the pilot is just accepting this world as a hyper-distorted take on our world and human prejudice. Everything is tweaked and just beyond realistic. If you can buy that then you should be fine. Action is not as much of a role as in the movie. At least in this ep. I think there was really only one "fight" scene. Even that could have been anything from your average cop flick. Well, the actual fight I mean. lol.

ynwtf 10-22-19 02:38 PM

Someone please clarify for me a few things?

WARNING: "details from the pilot - don't read if you've not watched it" spoilers below
I've not read the comics, but loved the movie short of the few flaws it had. All in all though, I loved the dynamic of the characters' ideologies and general common goal of trying to make something better, at least for their individual perspectives of what "better" is.

With that said, I do not remember Rorschach fighting racial differences. I thought his issues were more with social structure and morality. Unless the script of the movie really cleaned up his comic book personality, I can't think back to any specific racist lean that he showed. Yeah, he had some hard line principles that he would not budge on and really despised the filth of the city often associating it to liberalism, but that was against politics and criminals in general and not a race specifically. How then would this series bridge what Rorschach stood for to be so bastardized by what so far only seems to be a white nationalist faction? Sure, people can misinterpret the teachings of those before us and that may have been what happened between the end of the comic/movie and the timeline we start this series in with a political misrepresentation of Rorschach's Journal, but that feels like a pretty big stretch to me. And maybe oversimplifying even Rorschach's views, for as black and white as they were. Is it necessary to be so literal?

I watched the pilot last night and mostly enjoyed it. I chuckled at the poster of a squid on the classroom wall when (I never caught the character's name) was demonstrating baking. That reminded me of DD's comment of stopping halfway to start over, and I'm now keeping my eyes wide open for other little details. Over all, I enjoyed the setup. HOWEVER!!!! With my eyes wider than I'd stretch for other shows, I did catch a few details that I felt should have been caught. I won't bother with that here, now, and instead will wait to see how the next few episodes play out. I did question the racial tension. I felt for a moment that that topic is a bit dated. Yes, it is important. Unfortunately, it is still very important. But with the introduction sequence (which was powerful), and the very deliberate lines between not just police force and criminal but white and black are hard for me to step over to enjoy what else of the show there is to come. Why has race, in the world of the Watchmen, become so blatant? Are there not bigger picture items to worry over in the wake of Dr. Manhattan's flip out (or the giant squid, if this is a continuation of the comic that kinda makes sense given the squid showers) and learning of Veidt's agenda?

So I'm thinking I'm missing something that was in the comic book. Thoughts?

doubledenim 10-22-19 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2043195)
Someone please clarify for me a few things?

WARNING: "details from the pilot - don't read if you've not watched it" spoilers below
I've not read the comics, but loved the movie short of the few flaws it had. All in all though, I loved the dynamic of the characters' ideologies and general common goal of trying to make something better, at least for their individual perspectives of what "better" is.

With that said, I do not remember Rorschach fighting racial differences. I thought his issues were more with social structure and morality. Unless the script of the movie really cleaned up his comic book personality, I can't think back to any specific racist lean that he showed. Yeah, he had some hard line principles that he would not budge on and really despised the filth of the city often associating it to liberalism, but that was against politics and criminals in general and not a race specifically. How then would this series bridge what Rorschach stood for to be so bastardized by what so far only seems to be a white nationalist faction? Sure, people can misinterpret the teachings of those before us and that may have been what happened between the end of the comic/movie and the timeline we start this series in with a political misrepresentation of Rorschach's Journal, but that feels like a pretty big stretch to me. And maybe oversimplifying even Rorschach's views, for as black and white as they were. Is it necessary to be so literal?

WARNING: "I'll take a swing" spoilers below
My guess is that the Rorschach mask/legacy is being contorted, misconstrued in order to push the Kalvary's agenda. In the comic, he "apparently" he had a harsh moral code. Like most of the characters, he wasn't a traditional hero
WARNING: "I'll take a swing" spoilers below
like Supernerd to begin with. Take his rough edges and throw it in a 4chan blender (or whatever the diaphanous website is in this universe) and voila. His harsh code is being adulterated to fit their agenda and rally the small minds.

And then there is probably a twist we don't see coming.

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2043195)
WARNING: "details from the pilot - don't read if you've not watched it" spoilers below
I watched the pilot last night and mostly enjoyed it. I chuckled at the poster of a squid on the classroom wall when (I never caught the character's name) was demonstrating baking. That reminded me of DD's comment of stopping halfway to start over, and I'm now keeping my eyes wide open for other little details. Over all, I enjoyed the setup. HOWEVER!!!! With my eyes wider than I'd stretch for other shows, I did catch a few details that I felt should have been caught. I won't bother with that here, now, and instead will wait to see how the next few episodes play out. I did question the racial tension. I felt for a moment that that topic is a bit dated. Yes, it is important. Unfortunately, it is still very important. But with the introduction sequence (which was powerful), and the very deliberate lines between not just police force and criminal but white and black are hard for me to step over to enjoy what else of the show there is to come. Why has race, in the world of the Watchmen, become so blatant? Are there not bigger picture items to worry over in the wake of Dr. Manhattan's flip out (or the giant squid, if this is a continuation of the comic that kinda makes sense given the squid showers) and learning of Veidt's agenda?

So I'm thinking I'm missing something that was in the comic book. Thoughts?

The thought that I've heard is that Lindelof has no restraints on what he can do.


It has been suggested that the timeline of this show's development is near that of the announced HBO Confederate show. Part of this may be a course-correction allowing HBO to distance itself from the S it stepped in over that debacle. You always need a bad guy and a ground level bad guy of sorts.

The Wiki page will tell you Lindelof read an Atlantic article about the Tulsa riots and wanted to bring attention to this little known part of history and was going to use it as a Doomsday clock equivalent.

I have no clue, I'm just piecing together articles read and podcast ruminations. I believe HBO released screeners of the first 6 of 9 episodes and the reviewers have said to not expect any answers.

ynwtf 10-22-19 05:47 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Ok thanks for that. I had a sinister feeling that some of this may be influenced by real world events or politics. Your development timeline comment gives some perspective that I didn't have to run with. I don't know. It's a lot to read from one episode, but GOSH did it feel heavy handed!

ynwtf 10-22-19 05:48 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Hey thanks also for the edit. That helps.

doubledenim 10-22-19 07:28 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Oh buddy, I edited that post muy. I kept trying to eliminate the double spoilers' box in the same paragraph, among other things.

doubledenim 10-23-19 10:05 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Finished the first ep.

Love the score. Loves. It.

I don't know if it's intentional, but some of the scenes look a little low budget. The Jeremy Irons scene reminded me of some 80's-90's PBS/BBC content. I don't know if it was camera angles/lenses or what.

TheUsualSuspect 10-25-19 11:50 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I liked it. Bits of the episode were a tad predictable, but overall I like the aesthetics of it and have no problem with how loose Lindelof is playing in this world.

doubledenim 11-01-19 04:10 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Well episode 2 let the cat out of the bag, or did they? It seemed so obvious that Crocket was a nefarious actor, so maybe someone is pulling the string to make it seem like he was. The closet scene seems too obvious and Lindeof had said things were going to be nebulous, so I'm sure it's a red herring.

doubledenim 11-09-19 09:46 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I think the best anyone can hope for is a Leftovers three season run. This thing is so dense and niche and expensive, I don't see it lasting long. Could be wrong.

E3. Jean Smart instantly made this more interesting. I would have never thought she would be in stuff like this and Fargo after her humble beginnings :) This show is a good watch, but it doesn't have that magnetic anticipation.

Doolallyfrank 11-12-19 02:17 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I wasn't keeping up to date with casting etc before it aired, it took me 4 episodes to realise that was Louis Gossett Jr! Loving Jeremy Irons too. I'm pretty sure I'm in for the long haul

doubledenim 11-12-19 05:29 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I relish the Jeremy Irons bits. So glad to see that he lost that stutter :suspicious:

Yoda 11-12-19 09:14 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Well, four episodes in and I'm looking forward to this as much as just about anything else on television. The writing is so good. So many lines accomplish several things at once.

"My feet are fine."

doubledenim 11-26-19 10:45 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I'm caught up to e6, which was pretty neat with the time-shift. I'm a little confused about Hooded Justice, but I'm guessing it's a mantle that gets passed down.

The Looking Glass history lesson was a nice bit.

Yoda 12-09-19 10:49 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
If you needed more evidence that the Golden Globes are a joke, WATCHMEN didn't get a single nomination.

ynwtf 12-09-19 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2051529)
If you needed more evidence that the Golden Globes are a joke, WATCHMEN didn't get a single nomination.
When were the cutoffs for noms?

Yoda 12-09-19 10:51 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Not sure, but I saw a TV critic talking about this so I assume that means it qualified.

Iroquois 12-09-19 11:53 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Guessing they didn't feel like nominating something that requires reading a book first.

ynwtf 12-09-19 12:05 PM

I missed last night's episode, but I've had trouble keeping on top of it. The last two episodes were great (for me), which I'm glad as I've been on the fence since starting it. Nothing really bad about it, but I felt that without the soundtrack to keep a certain rhythm of tension building I might have given up earlier. Maybe the casting? Some of the action felt off in the first episode too. I mean, after the movie's lovely choreography and use of slow motion I guess I was expecting more from that universe. Probably unrealistic of me to do so. It also bugged me with how often the masks came off for casual conversation. That felt quite out of place to believe, as a viewer, in the danger and risk that these officers are supposed to be hiding from.

WARNING: "Early Episode Reveals" spoilers below
Didn't our protagonist retire from the police force as a result of the attack on her home to then take up a mask to fight crime in relative anonymity? Pulling her mask down in the first Seventh Calvary safe house raid where cameras might be or other Calvary members could still be hiding felt, well, dumb. To say the least. Or in Looking Glass' car. Granted, his windows were tinted but why risk it if the danger is in having your family shotgunned in the middle of the night if someone learns your identity? Same when she took in Hooded Justice. She had no idea who he was! OKOK. At risk of turning this into a Pony show, I'll ease off my criticisms. ;P But comparatively speaking, the first several episodes were arguably weaker than the latter few. If others are of similar opinions, then perhaps that was a gauge for admission into a nominated category?

With that, I'm still not so invested to catch it when it airs. I don't think it is the story, though it has felt like a slow burn to what now seems to be something worthy of the Watchmen gravity---or at least it has the potential to be. I hope so. And I do believe the last one or two episodes that I have seen (minus last night's, of course) have been rightfully weird and expanding. Which is great, IMO.

Yoda 12-09-19 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 2051545)
Guessing they didn't feel like nominating something that requires reading a book first.
It seems to get good responses from people who didn't read the source material, and the show expends plenty of energy (often very elegantly, though occasionally with the clumsiness typical of all exposition) catching people up with the basics of the world. I did, so I can't fully appreciate or understand how that all lands.

Doolallyfrank 12-09-19 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2051529)
If you needed more evidence that the Golden Globes are a joke, WATCHMEN didn't get a single nomination.
That's messed up

Last episode was really good, was wondering how J would be handled and wasn't disappointed

TheUsualSuspect 12-12-19 09:03 AM

I LOVE this show.

The writing, cinematography, acting and the MUSIC...all top-notch.

Episode 6, when Lady Night overdoses on Nostalgia (great concept) and she relives her grandfathers experiences....that episode felt like nothing I've really seen on tv before. It is one of my favourite episodes of television, ever.

The Dr. Manhattan episode was lovely.

One episode left.

Doolallyfrank 12-12-19 02:35 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 2052176)
I LOVE this show.

The writing, cinematography, acting and the MUSIC...all top-notch.

Episode 6, when Lady Night overdoses on Nostalgia (great concept) and she relives her grandfathers experiences....that episode felt like nothing I've really seen on tv before. It is one of my favourite episodes of television, ever.

The Dr. Manhattan episode was lovely.

One episode left.
Agreed on episode 6

The delivery of the line "did I start all this?" In the last episode where I thought it was a bit ropey, other than that the acting is ace

doubledenim 12-15-19 08:31 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I messed up and watched ep 7 before going to bed, when I had to be up the next day. You know, one of those "I can get 4 hours of sleep if I fall asleep immediately and keep lying to myself about how it won't affect me at all tomorrow :suspicious:

I passed on watching 8 that night, but I needed it. I can't remember being on the hook for an episode like that in a while. Then ep 8 was kind of a mixed bag. It was great to finally get these reveals, but it felt a bit wonky at times. For Dr. Manhattan to be a god, he seems to be so easily manipulated by Veidt. You know that Veidt is setting him up for something and I guess he has a play in the 7K scheme. Who else is gonna develop them a "mad scientist trap for a god"?

I fell asleep halfway and need to re-watch, but man...Dr. Manhattan really seems like a brick.

Yoda 12-15-19 09:10 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)

doubledenim 12-17-19 05:25 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I must say they did a good job wrapping it up and making a nice, little, tight 9 episode package. Although. I just don't get the whole Dr. Manhattan story. I understand he didn't want to deal with his "god" life and may have been disoriented by living in all the timelines at once, but it just seemed like a way to nerf him so everything else could happen.

Good call back with the Cyclops and the "just do it already" :p

doubledenim 12-17-19 01:02 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
I am also lost on "Granpy was responsible for killing the love of my life, but I'm not gonna really act like it's a big deal."

TheUsualSuspect 01-17-20 08:47 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
No second season for Watchmen

Yoda 01-17-20 08:49 AM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
To expound on that, since TV cancellation headlines are often a little simplistic: it's HBO saying they won't do it with Lindelof, and Lindelof saying (as he has the whole time) that he currently has no interest in or plans for it. If the latter changes it sounds like HBO would be perfectly happy to continue. But the former fact, that HBO wasn't thinking of doing it without happen, is the thing we didn't know before.

Stirchley 09-02-20 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 2047084)
I relish the Jeremy Irons bits.
LOL. I was looking for his bits when he was nude at the table. So good to see him again.

I haven’t read a comic since I was a child & I’ve never read a graphic novel, but I do think the pilot was very good. (Yes, I know they are not copying what went before in other mediums.)

However, the show is not my cup of tea at all, which is no reflection on the show itself.

Don Johnson (who seems more real to me the older he gets) & Regina King are so good. She even carried off the fact that her husband in the show is 16 years younger than her, which is some feat.

Surprising there’s no 2nd season.

TONGO 07-05-21 03:44 PM

Im watching this series for first time, on episode 5, and absolutely loving it.

TONGO 07-08-21 12:53 PM

Gonna start the last episode in a couple hours, and havent been so impressed by a season of a show since Westworld season 1. Damon Lindelof is now on my go-to list of creative projects, will start The Leftovers sometime soon and make a point to see Tomorrowland. I wanted to see that one anyway.

Sad that this is a stand alone season :( but I respect that they didnt turn the project into a milking cow. Funnily enough I wish Alan Moore wasnt so pigheaded about people taking over his stories as this one I think even he would have enjoyed. Bold statement, but I actually think the series is better than the original source material. Hey, it happens. Star Trek Next Generation surpassed the original series, Mandalorian better than anything Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back, and so on.

Yoda 07-08-21 12:54 PM

Re: Watchmen (HBO series)
Yeah, a little sad, but if it wasn't standalone they wouldn't have been able to do a lot of the things they did.

And yes, I'm instantly interested in anything Lindelof does at this point.

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