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Leviticus 05-12-16 02:47 AM

Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Many watch these movies and just get a good laugh or cry but I want to reveal my thoughts and opinions on what the movie actually means on a deeper level just in case they may have missed it.

RHPS is a movie that should be well known now and I would like to discuss it.

This movie is extremely biblical. The whole story is based around the book of Genesis from the Torah. First off we have Brad and Janet being the innocent love birds that are just so happy to be in love and to get married. This is equivalent to them being Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden where they walk around naked shamelessly in innocence.

They drive off one day on track to heavenly bliss together but a storm comes along, shrouds, and darken their way. Janet is scared and tells Brad to turn around which he doesn't.... Needless to say, the car gets a flat and they end up having to take a detour towards a dark and mysterious mansion where they meet Frank, a sweet transvestite from Transylvania.

So this part of the movie is where Adam and Eve get sidetracked from Gods commands and meets the serpent.... Frank n Furter.

Now let's go deeper into who Frank really is supposed to be depicted here.... Half Man / Half Woman. Partly human / Partly Alien. He is supposed to represent the laws of duality or let me put it this way.... Good and evil. The serpent that hung out in the tree of knowledge of good and evil bearing the forbidden fruit....

This picture speaks volumes...

The rod is the phallus representing the tree.... What this means is that the serpent or satans main purpose is to ultimately get people to fall into sin by sexual immorality. To worship the "g"enitals over G-d.

The phallic symbol is an egyptian symbol of Osiris' severed penis supposedly. You can find the phallic symbol at Washington DC known as the washington monument equivalent to 666" high and also observe the Vatican obelisk... Penis worship folks.

So Brad and Janet are tempted by Frank in the movie constantly while his minions watch. Despite Brad and Janet trying hard to not fall into sin they eventually give in to Franks temptations. Frank, being bisexual, ends up having sex with both Janet and Brad, cheating on each other and breaking their marriage vows, and ultimately falling into sin....

So you see here the message is that every time you you fall into sexual sin it's actually Frank you're sleeping with. For he controls all sexual immorality. He puts out all the sexual temptations seen in porn etc. When you beat off to the things that he likes you are actually beating off to frank/satan. This is why marriages and love don't work in today's world. It's because satan has become too powerful and we have no one but to blame but ourselves for giving him power.

But guess what happens to Frank in the end?

He gets zapped into nothingness by his comrades. His comrades depicted as G-d.( In the old testament, satan is one of G-d's angels.) Brad and Janet are left to deal with their shame and Rocky gets killed.

For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 6When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. 7Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.…

Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." 14The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life;…

The Criminologist: And crawling on the planet's face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time, and lost in space... and meaning.

The Gunslinger45 05-12-16 02:49 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)

Leviticus 05-12-16 02:52 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Great addition to the thread!

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:03 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Notice the glbt movement being pushed heavily nowadays.... Guess what that means? Yes, sexual immorality and satan is pushing his agenda upon the world.

oitnb (orange is the new black) = glbt (gay lesbian bi transgender)

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 03:11 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
You know, I never actually thought about Brad and Janet as Adam and Eve and Frank N Furter as Satan... I really do see something there.

Captain Steel 05-12-16 03:13 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Don't dream it. Be it.

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 03:14 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
This is an interesting religious guy. Much better than that "hellish" guy who sees Hell in movies in odd symbols. He makes no sense. I can actually understand Leviticus.

Captain Steel 05-12-16 03:19 AM

But who are Frank's underlings (Riff Raff & Magenta)?... because they later reveal themselves as something of his overlords who take try to him back to "Transylvania." Are they arch-angels (perhaps Michael & Gabriel) who posed as those that sided with Lucifer in his revolt, but who were actually working undercover for Jehovah?

I always wondered - did Frank know they were from his home planet the whole time?

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1512225)
But who are Frank's underlings (Riff Raff & Magenta)?... because they later reveal themselves as something of his overlords who take try to him back to "Transylvania." Are they arch-angels (perhaps Michael & Gabriel) who posed as those that sided with Lucifer in his revolt, but who were actually working undercover for Jehovah?

I always wondered - did Frank know they were from his home planet the whole time?
His underlings and servents, Riff Raff and Magenta, is actually G-d in disguise. So no, Frank doesn't know that they are more powerful than he is.

If you want to get a good idea of who satan is in the bible, I suggest reading the book of Job. It explains that satan is G-ds angel sent to deceive mankind.... So yes, G-d and satan are friends. And in this movie it's depicted the same way as frank, riff raff, and magenta are all friends....

Also, the new testament is all about satan being against G-d. This is not true. Everything in the new testament which includes jesus is all false information.

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:28 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Thank you SC for the kind words. I'm really glad to hear that people actually get it!!! (most don't)

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 03:29 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
G-d and Satan are friends? Like... they hang out and stuff? Does this mean G-d is evil or just cool with evil?

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:36 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
G-d creates and destroys. He created us to live in peace, joy, prosperity, bliss, euphoria, TRUTH etc. but only if we follow him and his commandments....

Like you said SC, we think we have freewill but we don't.

He destroys those who don't do what they are designed to do.... When you follow lies, worship other false gods, and act stupid. This is just common sense but it's surprising how many people are deluded. This is where satan comes in.

Satan can't do anything without G-d's permission according to the book of Job. Satan is sent to deceive mankind and testing them. Satan is pretty much there to make people fall so that they can rise even higher to the ultimate picture and that is The Lord Thy G-D is alive forever.... But many get discouraged and just fall to their death.

Captain Steel 05-12-16 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by Leviticus (Post 1512229)
His underlings and servents, Riff Raff and Magenta, is actually G-d in disguise. So no, Frank doesn't know that they are more powerful than he is.

If you want to get a good idea of who satan is in the bible, I suggest reading the book of Job. It explains that satan is G-ds angel sent to deceive mankind.... So yes, G-d and satan are friends. And in this movie it's depicted the same way as frank, riff raff, and magenta are all friends....

Also, the new testament is all about satan being against G-d. This is not true. Everything in the new testament which includes jesus is all false information.
The book of Job always disturbed me about God rather than Satan. (We know where we stand with Satan.) That God would make wagers on how a man would react to the most horrible suffering imaginable makes me wonder what kind of a God we're dealing with?

The only good guy in the book of Job is Job.

Job might also be a little nuts because he should be angry to learn that God allowed all that crap to happen to an innocent man as part of a bet. (God either "let" it happen or "made" it happen - since nothing can happen when there's an omnipotent being unless that being wants it to happen) and that God was playing games with Job's life. In the end Job gets rewarded, but his wife and all his children were murdered in God & Satan's little game.

foster 05-12-16 03:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Great film! I went to a DC Nightclub dressed as franknfurter once!

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:40 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Peace and harmony is only worthy to those that deserve it is what it all comes down to. Heaven is a state of the world that can be achieved. And so is hell. It's up to us to build towards the goal.... This is what the Torah is all about.

The new testament has people believing that heaven and hell is where we go to in the afterlife and this is wrong. G-d didn't create people to live on a temporary world, earth and when they **** up they spend an eternity in hell. That does not make any ****ing sense. No loving G-d would do that.

We only have one life and it's a shame that many people throw it away to the afterlife which is not promised. More shameful that many live their lives in suffering because the ignorance of the Lord.

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 03:42 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Wait -- are you saying there ISN'T an afterlife? The promise of an afterlife is a lie?

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:44 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1512237)
The book of Job always disturbed me about God rather than Satan. (We know where we stand with Satan.) That God would make wagers on how a man would react to the most horrible suffering imaginable makes me wonder what kind of a God we're dealing with?

The only good guy in the book of Job is Job.

Job might also be a little nuts because he should be angry to learn that God allowed all that crap to happen to an innocent man as part of a bet. (God either "let" it happen or "made" it happen - since nothing can happen when there's an omnipotent being unless that being wants it to happen) and that God was playing games with Job's life. In the end Job gets rewarded, but his wife and all his children were murdered in God & Satan's little game.
Haha it is messed up that he plays with our heads but really the story is quite beautiful. He tested Job so that Job could finally know for sure he is alive and true. For Job didn't know that G-d existed before only heard rumors but now he actually saw. And Jobs mission after realizing this was to enlighten the world of the Lord.

Leviticus 05-12-16 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1512243)
Wait -- are you saying there ISN'T an afterlife? The promise of an afterlife is a lie?
Exactly. No where in the old testament says anything about dying and going to heaven/hell.

This is all new testament lies. Christianity and Catholicism branched out from Judaism. Judaism is the belief in YHWH and the old testament. Christianity/Catholicism is the belief in Jesus and the new testament.

The old testament and new pretty much contradict each other STRONGLY.

foster 05-12-16 03:48 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
the new testiment is meant to contradict the old one. With jesus things have changed and the old ways have changed with him.

Captain Steel 05-12-16 03:49 AM

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1512238)
Great film! I went to a DC Nightclub dressed as franknfurter once!
Foster, we should get together sometime to take in an old Steve Reeves movie! ;)

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 03:50 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
So you're basically like an atheist in some ways -- no free will, no afterlife -- yet you believe in gods that test us and ruin us. Gods that basically mess with us to destroy us.

foster 05-12-16 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1512249)
Foster, we should get together sometime to take in an old Steve Reeves movie! ;)
Never heard of him.

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 03:51 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Originally Posted by foster (Post 1512248)
the new testiment is meant to contradict the old one. With jesus things have changed and the old ways have changed with him.
Well, I think he's saying Jesus is bull. Jesus is all a lie. The Old Testament was the truth. The New Testament corrupted the truth and turned it all into lies.

Captain Steel 05-12-16 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Leviticus (Post 1512244)
Haha it is messed up that he plays with our heads but really the story is quite beautiful. He tested Job so that Job could finally know for sure he is alive and true. For Job didn't know that G-d existed before only heard rumors but now he actually saw. And Jobs mission after realizing this was to enlighten the world of the Lord.
What about Job's children? God murdered them. What did they do to deserve that? What happened to their souls?
And how did Job reconcile faith in a God that would murder his children just to test his faith (and he passed the test, yet his children were murdered anyway - it wasn't like God brought them back to life).

Leviticus 05-12-16 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1512254)
What about Job's children? God murdered them. What did they do to deserve that? What happened to their souls?
And how did Job reconcile faith in a God that would murder his children just to test his faith (and he passed the test, yet his children were murdered anyway - it wasn't like God brought them back to life).
In the book, it's said that the children may have cursed G-d in their hearts and so Job had to do some repenting for them....

This is the result of sin without repentance. We are forgiven as long as we seek repentance and we're given many chances to repent...

Captain Steel 05-12-16 04:03 AM

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1512251)
Never heard of him.
Is that a joke?

foster 05-12-16 04:03 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)

Captain Steel 05-12-16 04:04 AM

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1512260)
So you dressed up as Frank-N-Furter, but don't know the songs in the movie?

Captain Steel 05-12-16 04:13 AM

Just for fun... (Steve Reeves is mentioned in the 2nd stanza - Reeves, btw, was a professional body builder who played Hercules in some old Italian movies)

foster 05-12-16 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1512261)
So you dressed up as Frank-N-Furter, but don't know the songs in the movie?
I just did it to pick up chicks.

Sexy Celebrity 05-12-16 04:23 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
Originally Posted by foster (Post 1512274)
Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1512261)
So you dressed up as Frank-N-Furter, but don't know the songs in the movie?
I just did it to pick up chicks.
Just like a man... turning gay just to impress the ladies.

Captain Steel 05-12-16 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1512274)
I just did it to pick up chicks.
Fair enough.

(Now that you know the Steve Reeves line, you can pick up more than just chicks!) ;)

foster 05-12-16 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1512275)
Just like a man... turning gay just to impress the ladies.
Step 1: Steal their man
Step 2: Dump the man
Step 3: Get the lady!

AboveTheClouds 05-12-16 04:50 AM

Originally Posted by Leviticus (Post 1512236)
G-d creates and destroys.
Woah, woah, woah there friendo. That sounds very familiar to me, in fact you seem to have me a tad confused here.

The image above has indicated something in red circles, but seems to lack text pertaining to it, I speak of the red circles around the arms. The words on the arms of Baphomet are "Solve" and "Coagula" and when translated from Latin equates to.

Solve = Seperate
Coagula = Join together/Bind

So this would also make Baphomet a creator and destroyer? So would Baphomet equate to some strange iteration of the christian god then? Or would that be heresy, and would Baphomet be considered a separate being from god? And if that's the case then wouldn't Baphomet be considered omnipotent as well, because it also has the powers of creation and destruction, and would having two omnipotent beings ruin the concept of monotheism? I mean you could still pick a single god to worship, but there is a visible alternative who's just as powerful.

idoneus1957 05-12-16 11:27 AM

Although straight, I have 3 excellent reasons for liking this movie:
l. Susan Sarandon
2. Some great musical numbers.
3. An endless stream of allusions to other movies.

Leviticus 05-13-16 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds (Post 1512283)
Woah, woah, woah there friendo. That sounds very familiar to me, in fact you seem to have me a tad confused here.

The image above has indicated something in red circles, but seems to lack text pertaining to it, I speak of the red circles around the arms. The words on the arms of Baphomet are "Solve" and "Coagula" and when translated from Latin equates to.

Solve = Seperate
Coagula = Join together/Bind

So this would also make Baphomet a creator and destroyer? So would Baphomet equate to some strange iteration of the christian god then? Or would that be heresy, and would Baphomet be considered a separate being from god? And if that's the case then wouldn't Baphomet be considered omnipotent as well, because it also has the powers of creation and destruction, and would having two omnipotent beings ruin the concept of monotheism? I mean you could still pick a single god to worship, but there is a visible alternative who's just as powerful.
Great observations and I'm happy to explain my thoughts on the matter.

G-d and satan/baphomet/lucifer/jesus (the christian god) are very similar true but there are some major things that separate them.

G-d is the creator of everything and has the power either bless or curse us. Satan on the other hand has no power to bless us. He is a false god that wants worship and to destroy people for his own personal gain. G-d just wants what's good for us.

Satan has been trying to deceive people for as long as anyone can remember... He's depicted as the serpent in the book of Genesis who tells people that they can be their own gods by knowing good and evil. But the truth is we are NOT god. We don't have the power to create worlds because we are the creation and not the creator.

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.
19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

Leviticus 05-13-16 12:14 AM

Re: Rocky Horror Picture Show (Movie Analysis/Interpretation)
In that above verse you'll find his objective: "I will be like the most High."

But he get's cast down in the end because he's not G-d.

While we're on this topic let me just relate this to Frank in the film.... People look up to his "genius" but then they come to realize in the movie that he's just out for personal gain. He just wants worshipers and to get people to sin by having sex with him. He wants to be worshiped and to be an extreme hedonist.... What happens to him in the end? The same thing that happened to lucifer or the serpent of knowledge of good and evil. G-d smote them.

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