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Zeiken 05-03-03 04:30 AM

X2: X-Men United
Woah! You all see this flick? It was amazing despite the numerous differences between the movie and the comics, and its always nice to see hallie berry in action :). What'd you guys think?

Kong 05-03-03 01:10 PM

Kong didn't really like it. It isn't that the movie is bad by any means, but, like the first one, it just failed to capture Kong's interest. There are too many characters for the movie to explore adequetely; they showcase their powers, but not much more. Certainly the biggest weakness was the film's opening action scene. That scene was very well done, and none of the other action scenes ever quite lived up to it.

Still the movie did feature some cool sequences, and good direction. Kong could see how people would have a blast watching it.

**1/2 of ****

Zeiken 05-03-03 01:47 PM

I think they just tried to fit too much of the original storyline into the second movie.I mean phoenix, already?

Tuna 05-04-03 10:39 AM

Well, it is satisfying for comic readers or people who know the original story (like me! :D) to be given hints at those story lines. I noticed the orange glow and the hints for that and now im ahead of hte game :p

Holden Pike 05-04-03 10:42 AM

Much better than the first entry, lots of fun, all very well done. And I for one I happen to LOVE that they're bringing the Phoenix story arc in already. I was happy they let Wolverine kill some folks this time too, and Magneto escpaing his prison was a treat and a half.

Now, bring on The Sentinels next flick, then The Fall of the Mutants. Need to get more of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants together (The Blob, anyone?). And how about Alpha Flight as a secondary support group?

I'm sorry. Is my misspent geeky youth showing? :yup:

theshape82 05-04-03 10:46 AM

fantastic movie
i just love being able to point out some of the major chars from the comics(which had the smallest roles in the movie)
it's always fun

Tuna 05-04-03 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Much better than the first entry, lots of fun, all very well done. And I for one I happen to LOVE that they're bringing the Phoenix story arc in already. I was happy they let Wolverine kill some folks this time too, and Magneto escpaing his prison was a treat and a half.

Now, bring on The Sentinels next flick, then The Fall of the Mutants. Need to get more of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants together (The Blob, anyone?). And how about Alpha Flight as a secondary support group?

I'm sorry. Is my misspent geeky youth showing? :yup:
Yeah i was suprised when they did the Wolverine thing but of course i was happy. I was also thinking about the Sentinels being amazing in an Xmen movie, and also Apocolypse would be a nice villain :eek:

Holden Pike 05-04-03 10:49 AM

I do wish they had kept Colossus a Russkie, but that's a fairly minor quibble. I'll look forward to more of him next time. And nice little cameo for Hank McCoy/The Beast too. Bring him in fleshy this next flick, then have him full-on hairball by the fourth.

Nightcrawler was just so off-the-charts fantastic! The opening scene alone is worht the price of admission.

Tuna 05-04-03 10:51 AM

Did anyone catch the scene in the beginning when Mystique goes into Stryker's computer and a list of mutant names come up for half a second, and they showed "Remy Lebeau" as one name. I guess they were trying to show they didn't completely forget about Gambit :furious: but i found it funny how that was Gambit's "small role"

theshape82 05-04-03 10:54 AM

they need to bring in the ragin cajun
him and beast and bishop and cable and how about havoc while we're at it

linespalsy 05-04-03 11:38 AM

i havent seen it yet, but it really dissapoints me to hear that they didnt make collosus russian. damnit, i was looking forward to a steady string of lines like "great lenin's ghost!" and what not...

Yoda 05-04-03 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
I do wish they had kept Colossus a Russkie, but that's a fairly minor quibble. I'll look forward to more of him next time. And nice little cameo for Hank McCoy/The Beast too. Bring him in fleshy this next flick, then have him full-on hairball by the fourth.
Didya' notice the name "Remy LeBeaux" on the list of mutants Mystique was perusing on Lady Deathstrike's computer? I love those subtle little nods. I believe I read about it beforehand, though...that one's tough to catch. And I agree: Colossus looks undeniably badass.

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Nightcrawler was just so off-the-charts fantastic! The opening scene alone is worht the price of admission.
Amen (no pun intended). Magneto's escape, though, was only a hair behind it in terms of clever spectacular kickass fabulousness...or something.

Wasn't perfect (and the little hint to the big X-fans as to the franchise's direction at the end of the flick was beautiful), but on par with the first, I though, if a little more disjointed. I didn't find the potential disaster as threatening this time around (no real suspense), but I did find the power gimmicks and such far more clever, and the action generally more impressive. Damn fine movie to kick off what'll surely be a monumental summer.

jrs 05-04-03 06:53 PM

The movie rocked! I'm seein it again this week. :) I have one question....I haven't stayed through the credits so what's the message for the X-fans?????

Yoda 05-04-03 06:59 PM

It's before the credits. Look closely at the water.

jrs 05-04-03 07:01 PM

Oh yeah that ! :D :yup: ;) "The Phoenix".

Beale the Rippe 05-05-03 02:09 AM

I loved the movie. Out of the mutants, I loved the new addition of Nightcrawler, and I thought Magneto was as cool, if not cooler, than he was in the first. (Magneto is my fav character by the way). I also was very happy with the role of Brian Cox. I'm glad he is finally getting some more good roles. A great under-rated actor that one.

As for the future, I'd like to see Phoenix, more Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Gambit, possibly Beast and a little more Colossus, and the sentinels. I would love to have Mastermold as the secondary villian. (Just imagine the visuals possible....). Well, if all or some of that appears in the next movie, I'll be one happy camper.

On Kong, I loved the numerous characters. I feel it adds depth to the movie and provides more oppertunities for coolness.

On Holden, Alpha Flight is cool and all, but I think they should stay out of X-Men. I for one am not in favor of a crossover. But Alpha Flight movie? Thats a great idea! They should start production immediately. An Alpha Flight movie all on its own would be awesome.

Kong 05-05-03 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Beale the Rippe
On Kong, I loved the numerous characters. I feel it adds depth to the movie and provides more oppertunities for coolness.
It's not really the quantity that bothers Kong, but rather that the film doesn't have enough time to explore them much further than there powers. We learn a little about Wolverine, but not too much of the other characters. If Kong was an avid reader of the comics it probably wouldn't be as bothersome, because Kong would already know the characters, but the movie should be capable of standing on it's own.

stiltman 05-05-03 10:36 AM

First off, I just saw this yesterday, and it was great!! It holds true to the comic pretty well, but you don't need to know a thing about the X-Men to enjoy this. Non-stop action, and some great characters as well. Hugh Jackman delivers a very cool Wolverine, which the film spends the most time developing his character. Brian Cox also gives a great turn as the villainous General Stryker(I'm hoping we haven't seen the last of him). Loved the opening sequence with Nightcrawler in the White House, Magneto's escape from prison, and Wolverine's gratuitous big fight scene at the end. I loved the cameos by Colossus and Kitty Pryde and the Beast.

I'm with Kong on the cast being way too large for its own good. I don't mind seeing my favorite mutants showing here and there, but there just isn't enough time to develop them in a two hour flick. Anyone who collects comics knows that just about 60% of all comics on the shelf today are some type of X-Men spin-off, just because their are too many characters to fit in one or two books. Even if they kept the cast as it is now, it's still a tad large, and I suppose next sequel, we're going to be getting a few more additions. It's a minor gripe at best, but I'd have loved to have seen more of Cyclops than the five or so minutes of screentime he got this film.

And that's about all bad I can say about this movie. Otherwise, it's loads of fun. Summer fluff at it's PG-13 best. Enough of a plot to link all the action scenes together, and all the actors jump into their roles very well. Can't wait for the next installment, with hopefully a Sentinel or two, the Pheonix, more Nightcrawler, and possibly even a fastball special.

spark_no1 05-05-03 02:36 PM

I saw it to day and i disagree way kong the film was brill i woud of liked too see a 3 hour movie with all the x men i liked the action but there should be more and im glad they didnt go for the matrix feel cos i like to no wen sumtin aint a cheap rip off thats the mistake they made with spiderman but it did need it in sum bits

jrs 05-05-03 02:58 PM

Can't wait to see the 3rd!!!! ;)

Beale the Rippe 05-05-03 06:18 PM

Originally posted by spark_no1
I saw it to day and i disagree way kong the film was brill i woud of liked too see a 3 hour movie with all the x men i liked the action but there should be more and im glad they didnt go for the matrix feel cos i like to no wen sumtin aint a cheap rip off thats the mistake they made with spiderman but it did need it in sum bits
How was Spiderman a rip off of the Matrix? I took nothing at all from The Matrix. The only possible reason you could think this is becuase it uses slow motion in a few scenes, and to say that every movie that uses slow motion to covey action is ripping off The Matrix is not only an unintelligent statement, but it is giving The Matrix way too much credit. So if that was a little harsh, but for some reason that statement got my blood boiling.

Zeiken 05-05-03 06:49 PM

I agree with Beale. If you went by slow motion as a matrix comparison, you would have to say thn even X2 had a 'matrix feel'. I believe there were at least a few slow motion sequences.

filmfreak 05-07-03 07:14 PM

Who was Stryker's son meant to be? Despite the name my first thought was Gambit as they said two or three times that he was a master of illusion. Then on second viewing I saw Gambit's real name on the computer. That put paid to that idea.

Overall the movie was great and the nod towards Phoenix was good. The Phoenix Saga episodes are the only ones of the cartoon I have on DVD so that was an easy spot for me.

I loved Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler. I remember him from a few years ago on a fantastic British sitcom called The High Life. He's certainly come a long way from there.

The only thing about X3 is that there are going to have to be a hell of a lot of bad guys with the increasing numbers of the X Men. It may get too confusing.

Steve 05-07-03 08:34 PM

Originally posted by spark_no1
I saw it to day and i disagree way kong the film was brill i woud of liked too see a 3 hour movie with all the x men i liked the action but there should be more and im glad they didnt go for the matrix feel cos i like to no wen sumtin aint a cheap rip off thats the mistake they made with spiderman but it did need it in sum bits
How old are you?

Who cares. This movie was way better than The Matrix. That opening scene is the most badass action I've seen in a long time.

Beale the Rippe 05-07-03 08:39 PM

Originally posted by filmfreak
Who was Stryker's son meant to be? Despite the name my first thought was Gambit as they said two or three times that he was a master of illusion. Then on second viewing I saw Gambit's real name on the computer. That put paid to that idea.

Overall the movie was great and the nod towards Phoenix was good. The Phoenix Saga episodes are the only ones of the cartoon I have on DVD so that was an easy spot for me.

I loved Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler. I remember him from a few years ago on a fantastic British sitcom called The High Life. He's certainly come a long way from there.

The only thing about X3 is that there are going to have to be a hell of a lot of bad guys with the increasing numbers of the X Men. It may get too confusing.
I'm not quite sure about Stryker's son myself. I think he might be a creation for the movie. Holden probobly knows. I didn't recognize him in any event.

spark_no1 05-08-03 12:47 PM

us r all $$$$ i said i like it wen i saw it first the matrix was my first slo mo film and x2 had no slo mo bits the bit ur thinkin off was the bit wen time stopped spiderman was well btr than x2 x1 put to gether

spark_no1 05-08-03 12:48 PM

me 21

spark_no1 05-08-03 12:50 PM

the matrix was btr obviously cummin from an imateur boy whos opinion is not wanted

Naisy 05-08-03 01:43 PM

Oh ladies, ladies, come on now GET THE FREAKIN OVER IT, its called differing opinions, move on. No one will die from it.

GameGirl 05-08-03 02:06 PM

I believe that Jason Stryker is supposed to be Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde in the Dark Phoenix saga arc). At least, their powers are the same. I'm not sure what Mastermind's backstory was, so I don't know if they've just given his powers to a new character, but he was the one who broke Jean's mind in the comics and brought her into the Hellfire Club.

Yeah, I pulled out and reread the graphic novel after seeing the end of X2. :)

[waves] Hi!

Steve 05-08-03 03:04 PM

Originally posted by spark_no1
the matrix was btr obviously cummin from an imateur boy whos opinion is not wanted

I have no idea what you just said.

Deathstrike was the ****. I wish she won the battle. And it should have been much bloodier than it was, blood should have splattered all over the camera lens.

Regardless, X Men 2 is one of my favorite movies I've seen this year, along with Raising Victor Vargas and Spider.

Viscuoa 05-08-03 03:11 PM

I hope they have Juggernaut in the next part, that's a villain I've always wanted to see in an X-Men movie. I also hope Gambit is in X3 because when Mystique was logging on Lady Deathstrike's computer, the name Remy LeBeau appeared on the list.

I'd also like to see The Blob and possibly Sauron so that the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants expands. So far there's Magneto, Mystique, Toad and Pyro. Sabretooth should just fight on his own. What would be cool is for an opening scene where Wolverine and Sabretooth meet somewhere and fight to the death and Sabretooth finally getting killed. Either that or Juggernaut rampaging the city and Colossus coming to fight him or something lol.

They need to show Jubilee do more than just sit there and say a one-liner. Iceman needs to turn into an actual "Ice" man and fight and Beast needs to appear with the X-Men in at least one fight scene.

I'd also like to see Psylocke...

but some of those characters should be in X3 and the rest in X4.

Anyway, I liked X2....Nightcrawler was awesome and I like how Colossus was in it during Stryker's invasion on the X-Mansion. I hope Angel or Havoc appears in future X-Sequels and they could just say that these guys left a while ago and just returned.

X2 is definitely one of the better superhero flicks I've seen. It's better than the first X-Men movie too.

Beale the Rippe 05-08-03 06:46 PM

What is up with Toad and Sabertooth? Are they still alive? I remember something with getting away, but my memory isn't all that great. It has been a while.

That Mastermind thing does spring to mind no that it has been mentioned, but I still thinkit was a character exclusive to the movie. (I wonder if the Hellfire Club will appear in the next movie?) And how would they end the third movie? Jean has already "died" once. If She dies again, wouldn't it begin to loose credibility?

I too would like to see Juggernaut.

I want a new secondary villian, such as maybe Mastermold and the sentinels, or maybe Phoenix, or Apocalypse (on second thought, I don't think the Apocalypse saga could be done believably). I got off track...they need a new secondary villain, plus an improved Brotherhood to battle the X-Men.

theshape82 05-08-03 08:21 PM

why not bring in the whole onslaught thing?
that would be cool
prof. x takes magnetos mind and turns him into this almost unstopable killing maching called onslaught
and if we do that we have to bring in a bunch of the other marvel chars as well...such as fantastic 4 and avengers and daredevil and spidey and...well you get the point

Tuna 05-08-03 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Beale the Rippe
What is up with Toad and Sabertooth? Are they still alive? I remember something with getting away, but my memory isn't all that great. It has been a while.

That Mastermind thing does spring to mind no that it has been mentioned, but I still thinkit was a character exclusive to the movie. (I wonder if the Hellfire Club will appear in the next movie?) And how would they end the third movie? Jean has already "died" once. If She dies again, wouldn't it begin to loose credibility?

I too would like to see Juggernaut.

I want a new secondary villian, such as maybe Mastermold and the sentinels, or maybe Phoenix, or Apocalypse (on second thought, I don't think the Apocalypse saga could be done believably). I got off track...they need a new secondary villain, plus an improved Brotherhood to battle the X-Men.
I thought Toad and Sabretooth would come back in this because all that happened was they were blasted off the statue of liberty into the water, i dont think that would kill THEM..

Zeiken 05-08-03 11:00 PM

My guess is that they will make two more movies, an release them like the next matrix movies will be released, only a few months apart.
Be ready for just about any mutant ever to make at leat a cameo in X3. Mass war, destruction, beautiful women, and super powers. What more could a guy ask for?

jstyles21jg 05-09-03 12:03 AM

it was a great movie.. I really liked the setting.. Storm I felt gave an unbelievable performance.. was wishing for a different ending.. but overall was very satisfied from the movie I wasn't planning on seeing.

Kong 05-09-03 04:02 AM

Originally posted by jstyles21jg
Storm I felt gave an unbelievable performance..
Kong thought it was an unbelievable performance too, but probably not in the same way as you did.

Kong really hoped she'd get good roles after Monster's Ball, but apparently that didn't happen.

r3port3r66 05-09-03 06:30 PM

Awful, awful. I'm not a fan, but I liked the first one alot better.

So many logic holes that if I were to go into them here, it would ruin the movie for those that haven't seen it yet.
I'm surprised Kong gave it more than one star.

Old School, friends:
I'll nit-pick about one thing I thought was funny. There is a character named Stryker. If any of you have seen the movie Airplane you'll know that there is a character named Stryker in that movie too. The running joke there, is that everytime someone says "Stryker, Stryker!!" a girl gets punched in the face. In X-Men2 they kept saying, "Stryker!". I half expected Wolverine to turn around and pop Storm in the chops. Also, for those of you old enough to remember Airplane, there is also a joke using the words "Concentrate...concentrate...concentrate..." running inside a characters' head. X-men2 had a moment like that and I nearly fell over laughing. But these are just minor things. Like I said, to point out the bigger, logical problems would ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet.

And don't get me started on the awful use of CGI. They shouldn't have put The Hulk trailer in front of this movie: I'm sorry, I'm really beginning to notice CGI effects, and it takes something away from the experience. You want to see an intelligent, well-written movie? See Identity! X-Men2is a movie only for the most devout fan. Which I'm not. * out of *****

Beale the Rippe 05-09-03 07:44 PM

I'm not really a devout fan, and I loved it. It was probobly better than the first. I also thought the CGI was used well. It looked real, or at least very close to being so. I also thing the CGI in the Hulk trailer is well done. You can tell it isn't real, but its still good.

I think the general idea is that this movie was awesome, and possibly better than the first.

Also, he is right about Identity. It is an awesome more. Go see it now.

n7of9 05-10-03 02:03 PM

i really enjoyed this the good old fashioned sense of "enjoy"...i felt like a kid, my eyes lit up watching the big screen action

as for the posts you guys have made, i have absolutely no idea what/who you're all talking about :laugh: never read a comic book in my life

but i liked it :)

Kong 05-10-03 02:40 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Awful, awful. I'm not a fan, but I liked the first one alot better.
At least Kong wasn't the only one who didn't like the movie. As for logic problems, Kong didn't notice any, but then again Kong was never interested in the movie enough to actually think about such things.

Yoda 05-10-03 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Kong
Kong really hoped she'd get good roles after Monster's Ball, but apparently that didn't happen.
She signed on for two flicks originally, so she was obligated to reprise her role in the sequel. She's made it fairly clear she's not interested in coming back for a third, either. Thank God. Get Angela Bassett in that role right now. She is Storm.

Beale the Rippe 05-10-03 09:24 PM

Originally posted by jstyles21jg
Storm I felt gave an unbelievable performance..
I felt her role was really underwritten. Out of the entire cast, I'd say Storm was probobly the one I was least inpressed with. (Which isn't saying much, as I loved all of the characters, no matter how small. Stuff like this just happens with movies like this that employ so many characters. My point still stands.) Her performance wasn't really bad, just....well...I think that Halle is good looking, but I'm not sure she is the best person for this role.

Originally posted by Yoda

She signed on for two flicks originally, so she was obligated to reprise her role in the sequel. She's made it fairly clear she's not interested in coming back for a third, either. Thank God. Get Angela Bassett in that role right now. She is Storm.
I agree with you here. If Halle is out, I want Angela in.

Tuna 05-10-03 10:25 PM

I think the Hulk is a story that can't be told without CGI, unless there was extensive costume and makeup design. The TV show with Lou isn't completely faithful in regard to his size and look, they are going for a more comic related version and im fine with it :)

Kong 05-10-03 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
Thank God. Get Angela Bassett in that role right now. She is Storm.
She very well might do a better job, but what are we talking about here? Five or six measly lines? Obviously the only thing they really care about Storm doing is looking good, so they'd probably replace her with Tyra Banks before Bassett. Bassett deserves better anyway.

Dark_Dragon 05-11-03 04:51 PM

I LOVED the movie! It was great, and Nightcrawler was my fav character:)

jrs 05-11-03 05:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My fave no doubt............

grandolepotty 05-11-03 06:57 PM

dazzler-disco queen de-luxe
Angela Bassett was born to play Storm. What do you all think about Naomi Watts as Dazzler? I just saw "The Ring" again and thought she'd be fantastic as the sparkler on skates(with some funk-style added to her). I do believe the success of the X-men rides on the fact big stars are more or less avoided (Halle excluded) and that people really enjoy seeing breakout stars and shakespearean trained actors when appropriate-Jackman, Paquin, Cumming, McKellan, Stewart-now Cudmore.

-Avalanche, Psylocke, Marauders, Morlocks, Forge, Four Horsemen-We are waiting for your close-ups!

blibblobblib 05-11-03 08:20 PM


I have nothing to say, Youve all said it for me (the ones of you that liked the film that is).....ok well i do have stuff to say. Saw this last night, nhot expecting much as i never have hope for sequels and i was blown away. :eek:
I think it may be becuase i watched this after watching big long clips for "Hulk", "Matrix Reloaded" and "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", all films that i am desperatly looking forward to see, and after this i was in the mood for a good old fun, fighting, kick-ass film and thats exactly what i got. All the characters are AWSOME. Especially Magneto and Nightcrawler.
Plus im a big enough fan of the comics to know the Phoenix story line and i think i actually wobbled off the cinema seat with excitement when i first saw that fire in Gene Greys eyes....ooooh Brilliant. :love:

Beale the Rippe 05-11-03 10:14 PM

Magneto is my personal favorite. He gets my Billy BadA$$ award for the week.

Zeiken 05-11-03 10:23 PM

After that opening sequence, i dont know how anyonecould like ayone more than NightCrawler. And is it just me, or is nightcrawler played by the same actor as he who played Boris in Goldeneye?

Beale the Rippe 05-11-03 10:32 PM

Its just you. :D

(Alan Cumming is awesome)

spark_no1 05-12-03 02:03 PM

spidermans the best

Beale the Rippe 05-12-03 09:13 PM

Maybe so. They are difficult films to compare. I'd probobly agree with of what?

grandolepotty 05-14-03 01:14 AM

A little tardy on the subject, but I saw a bit of resemblance between Stryker's son and Xavier's son Legion in the comics. Seemed liked a combined character of sorts. Who hopes the Rogue/Marvel Girl fusion(or something like a catalyst) for flight and strength happens soon? I'm prompted by my fiance's(non-fan...yet) comment on Rogue's almost non-participatory presence during crisis. She had no knowledge of her change later in the course of her life as villain. Have you all had the same great experience of post-X2 viewing conversation w/non-fans?,...going on like a blithering idiot on: what may be, perhaps, and "it would be so rad if-".
-Waiting for the elemental battle between the skill matured Iceman and Pyro-and those nifty iceslides,... shoot.

spark_no1 05-14-03 02:27 PM

spidermans been the best for marvel and will stay the best till the second one

Kong 05-14-03 08:13 PM

Originally posted by spark_no1
spidermans been the best for marvel and will stay the best till the second one
Well their best needs to get better then.

Beale the Rippe 05-14-03 09:51 PM

I personally think thatn those two movies are awesome. Keep up the great work.

frutkake 05-17-03 11:25 AM

Seemed too rushed, the story and the pace, must be due to all the caharacters crammed in but it was still good.
And Not enough Cyclops:furious:

FiSH 05-17-03 04:56 PM

Spiderman... uuuuh... NO!
Spiderman??? Better :skeptical: No.

Anyway, Nightcrawler is in fact Alan Cumming, the camp air steward in the 'high life', however he seems to adapt perfectly and as for that intro sequence, WOW!

I would say the film was absolutely amazing, and the X-men cameo's excellent. Did anyone else notice Jubilee, one of the kids trapped in the cell, then again in the classroom at the end. Now seen the film 3 times, would recommend seeing it at least twice, as you miss so much the first time :D

As for a definite storyline for X3 - fire vs ice, methinks.

stiltman 05-19-03 12:45 PM

Ok, I waited a bit till I posted anything else about the X-Men. I checked out the other posts here, and I agree even more with Kong about too many characters. Did I actually see someone post they wanted Dazzler? Gambit? The Morlocks? Sentinels? How about the Brood? Or the the Shi'Ar and the Imperial Guard? Where's Apocolypse? And Mr. Sinister? Hey, how about Shatterstar and the rest of Rob Liefeld's crappy X-Force? Cable anybody? What about Strong Guy? Or Marrow? Or Maddrox the Multiple Man? Ok, everybody has a favorite, or least favorite, mutant. The bottom line is there isn't anywhere near enough time to try and stuff the convoluted X-Men history into a two hour long film. The X-titles alone are confusing enough. For the movies, keep it simple and small, and we'll all adjust. The cast is already too large for it's own good.

kurtgoesbamf 05-19-03 04:53 PM

List of names on Stryker's computer
For those of you who wanted to know, these were all the people on Stryker's computer.

Keniucho Harada (Silver Samurai), Garrison Kane (Kane), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Eric Lensherr (Magneto), Artie Maddicks (Artie), Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man), Xi'an Coy Mahn (Karma), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Kevin McTaggart (Proteus), Danielle Moonstar (Mirage), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Paige Guthrie (Husk), Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball).

Also, on the second computer there are 4 folders. "Project Wideawake", "Omega Red", "Franklin Richards" and "Muir Island".

FiSH 05-19-03 04:55 PM

Firstly, excellent, nice one.

Secondly, get out more.

kurtgoesbamf 05-19-03 05:06 PM

Stryker's son/Jason 143
Jason is supposed to be Mastermind. In the comic book Stryker didn't have a son (Well, he did, but killed it and his wife when it was born because it was "deformed"). They just decided to stick Mastermind in there as his son to make the plot a little more believeable. In the comics, Mastermind was about magneto's age and had nothign at all to do with Stryker. But then again they did screw up a whole lot of other things in the movie, so why not? But it definetly is Mastermind, they have the same name, and powers.

Focker 05-20-03 07:37 AM

"X-2: X-Men United" is a high quality film. It is a roller coaster of emotion from start to finish, a high-strung adrenaline rush that will leave the viewer gasping for breath, and skipping the normal bathroom break 45 minutes in.

Yes friends, truly a site for the eyes. The characters are mostly cardboard thin, the only one interesting besides the bad mutations is Wolverine. The bad guys are always more interesting, I hear because so many actors find it more fun to play bad guys. Rebecca Romijn-Whatever turns in another star-making performance. You thought she was flukishly good in "Femme Fatale". Heck no! This little lady is here for the long run, no more "Full House" jokes will she have to put up with. Stamos is riding the coattails now, baby! "Sports Illustrated" has been declining quality for years, can we admit this? But at least Rebecca makes it worth purchasing each year.

Plot is to be left untold, this is really a film that you don't want spoiled. I say see it with a full house, not the John Stamos kind though.

Rock & Roll.


Mr.Mister 05-28-03 10:30 PM

I didn't understand the whole thing with Jason and Stryker's magical liquid that makes mutants obey him. What was that? How did he get it? They might have said something about this but I missed it.

But overall, this movie rocks, especially the opening scene... but that made the rest of the movie look less cool.

Matrix 05-31-03 06:45 PM

me give it a 10! :yup:

downgrade88 05-31-03 08:39 PM

Saw this movie twice and loved it twice as much as the first one. Definitely get out to see it if you haven't, and twice because there is a lot more that you catch the second swing around. Waiting to see if they utilize the phoenix in the next one, and a few more characters...particular favorites: Colossus and Gambit, and maybe some more mutant bad guys like Mr. Sinister or Apocalypse. I wonder if they could make one with sentinels, or if technology doesn't give them the ability to make that look real yet?:skeptical:

Kong 05-31-03 08:49 PM

Originally posted by downgrade88
Saw this movie twice and loved it twice as much as the first one. Definitely get out to see it if you haven't, and twice because there is a lot more that you catch the second swing around. Waiting to see if they utilize the phoenix in the next one, and a few more characters...particular favorites: Colossus and Gambit, and maybe some more mutant bad guys like Mr. Sinister or Apocalypse. I wonder if they could make one with sentinels, or if technology doesn't give them the ability to make that look real yet?:skeptical:
Phoenix will most likely play a part in the next one, and Gambit might. They'll probably add another bad guy or two to be killed off.

It's great that you liked it, but there is no way Kong will watch this movie again.

Henry The Kid 05-31-03 11:47 PM

As far as comic book movies go, it wasn't bad. As far as movies go, it wasn't any better than mediocre.

Caitlyn 06-01-03 02:45 AM

I liked it… and agree with Holden… that opening scene was worth the price of admission… :yup:

kevinf_30 06-19-03 07:15 PM

This movie was great! Even better than the first X-Men movie. At points the movie seemed like it dragged on, but overall the action was great. A must see if you're a fan of the X-Men or action movies.

thedarkjames 07-23-03 12:29 AM

I liked the x-men movie, but i am confusied about a few things, i know that jene grey isnt dead, and i heard a bit about some phenoix, and i know that she is under the water with the phenoix, but what is the deal with it, and why did she leave the ship, couldnt she save the x-men from inside or atleast let nightcrawler (who had the coolest action scene i might add) save her.
Next question, have they already introduced the beast in the second one, i was told that the boy with the forked tounge was the beast, but i have no idea, i never really had any comics. well it would be helpfull if i could get some answers thanks.
thedarkjames :devil:

Kong 07-23-03 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by thedarkjames
I liked the x-men movie, but i am confusied about a few things, i know that jene grey isnt dead, and i heard a bit about some phenoix, and i know that she is under the water with the phenoix, but what is the deal with it,
She turned into the Phoenix. So, she no longer exists as Jean Grey.

Originally Posted by thedarkjames
and why did she leave the ship, couldnt she save the x-men from inside or atleast let nightcrawler (who had the coolest action scene i might add) save her. ,
Kong had the same problem with this section. The movie really should have explained this part better.

Originally Posted by thedarkjames
Next question, have they already introduced the beast in the second one, i was told that the boy with the forked tounge was the beast, but i have no idea, i never really had any comics. well it would be helpfull if i could get some answers thanks.
thedarkjames :devil:
Kong don't know. Kong thinks he was in there somewhere, but isn't sure who it was anymore.

thedarkjames 07-23-03 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Kong
She turned into the Phoenix. So, she no longer exists as Jean Grey.
Does the Phoenix ever return her to Jean Grey or does Jean never come back. oh and they came out with a list of the good guys in the next x-men.

They said jubilee, collosus, gambit, beast, iceman, and pyro were all good and in the second movie
im sure you didnt know that
Thedarkjames :devil:

BlackQueen 10-16-03 12:35 PM

Does the Phoenix ever return her to Jean Grey or does Jean never come back. oh and they came out with a list of the good guys in the next x-men.
Jean always stays phoenix..but she is still known by the name of jean. Dark Pheonix was killed of course by jean herself, I now kinda confusing.

They said jubilee, collosus, gambit, beast, iceman, and pyro were all good and in the second movie
im sure you didnt know that
I totally happy that they are all going to be in the next one I totally cant wait for.. epsecially a certian cajun(gambit) lol

Knoxville 10-16-03 06:40 PM

I'm a simple Gal with simple tastes, as long as Magneto is in it I'm happy.

Pappa Bear 10-21-03 05:14 PM

well looks like your going to be one smilen girl then. as far as i know he is in!

Sedai 11-24-03 12:14 PM

DVD comes out tomorrow folks, I for one can't wait!

Singer is a fabulous director and I think this film is top notch...

Jackie Malfoy 12-22-03 07:50 PM

Good movie!
I hope everyone could read this!Anyway I liked X-Man one better then the second one!I mean the second one was good but not better then the first one! :o
For one thing the second one was very confusing but I would give it inleat two stars!If they made a third one I would not brother to see it!
See you around!JM :cool: ;)

Muzzy 12-22-03 09:31 PM

The first movie had a much better plot, more well devolped characters. The 2nd one had tons of cool characters/x-men cameos and some great special effects. All in all the equal out in my book, both good fun movies.

I definetly want to see Gambit in the next one, maybe Beast and Juggernaut as well. I'm really suprised Gambit has been left out for 2 movies.

Another thing Colossus not being Russian kinda bothered me, minor quibble I guess.

CrazyforMovies 12-22-03 09:47 PM

I happen to like both movies, but the second one was even better, more action and a lot of excellent scenes.

Sedai 12-23-03 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by Muzzy
The first movie had a much better plot, more well devolped characters. The 2nd one had tons of cool characters/x-men cameos and some great special effects. All in all the equal out in my book, both good fun movies.
I just don't see this. The characters weren't developed much at all in the first one, or rather, until the end of the film. This is because they spent most of the film developing these characters, and had to spend FAR to much time on exposition. Introducing powers, nicknames etc.. As for plot, the first film had a typical "Magneto doomsday device" that was only a backdrop for the characters to start to interact against. I like the first film but I think it feels rushed, is far too short, and wastes a ton of screen time on introductory dialouge. These characters just don't DO that much in the first film.

The second film I feel is a top notch piece of work. Singer expertly juggles many characters (whom we now know pretty well), scenes and problems into an intricate latticework of plot and social allegory. The fact that the worst (most evil) villain in the film is human, really brings to the forefront that which the x-men truely stand for. The differences in people. Really, the idea about being shunned and different is what the X-men mythos is all about, at it's core. The first film talked about this, but you never got an idea what the characters were really feeling or experiencing. The second film could get right into this and just run with it. I just can't see how the first film had good character development. Mystique? Sabretooth? Storm? Were any of these characters developed at all in the first film?

I feel the characters came to life so much more in the second film, and there were more characters this time around. Yuriko was the only character I felt got the short end and I think they made the right choice there as she isn't that important, won't be a returning character, and was not part of either the X-men or Magneto's crew.

The combination of great storyline, better character development, and overall darker more serious feel make this one of my favorite sci-fi pieces of all time. The fact that this film masterfully weaves in threads beginning The Dark Phoenix Saga is just icing on the cake for me.

Originally Posted by Muzzy
I definetly want to see Gambit in the next one, maybe Beast and Juggernaut as well. I'm really suprised Gambit has been left out for 2 movies.

Another thing Colossus not being Russian kinda bothered me, minor quibble I guess.
As for Colossus, he is russian. Take a look at the posters/art on the wall of his room in the school. When he talks, there is a slight accent, I just think he doesn't say enough/put the accent on enough to really tell.

I also noticed the word DANGER on one of the doors in the secret side of the x-mansion. I believe they have already constructed the Danger Room set, and Hank McCoy will have to be brought in if it comes into play (seeing as he builds it). I also want Gambit to show, but I think his power is too close to the other summers kid (rumor has it, Gambit is a long lost summers) to set him apart character wise (both use controlled kinetic energy).

I think for new chars we will get Beast, Colossus and maybe Kitty.

Muzzy 12-23-03 07:41 PM

You make very good point, although I think you spent a little too much time thinking about it :D

I mean I agree with alot, but I just felt the 2nd one seemed like a bit of a mess at times, I thought the 1st one seemed a bit cleaner. Just me I guess.

You seem to be a pretty hardcore X-Men lover, what did you think about Mastermind as Strykers son? I would actually like to see Mastermind again, not under Strykers control.

And what about Apocalypse as a villain, maybe a plot that revolves around Angel. I think there's been enough about Wolverine. And Rogue gaining the rest of her powers.

Sedai 12-26-03 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by Muzzy
You make very good point, although I think you spent a little too much time thinking about it :D

I mean I agree with alot, but I just felt the 2nd one seemed like a bit of a mess at times, I thought the 1st one seemed a bit cleaner. Just me I guess.

You seem to be a pretty hardcore X-Men lover, what did you think about Mastermind as Strykers son? I would actually like to see Mastermind again, not under Strykers control.

And what about Apocalypse as a villain, maybe a plot that revolves around Angel. I think there's been enough about Wolverine. And Rogue gaining the rest of her powers.

Gee you nailed my Christmas wish list for the x-men item for item ;)

TOTALLY up for Apocalypse. I think some of there is some great material with Apocalypse that would be quite screenworthy. Although they would have to jump ahead in time to a more seasoned team to deal with a villain of that maginitude. Rouge would have to be up to par with at least some of her additional powers (although this getting of powers could be a film all it's own). I remember many examples through out the 80's where the whole team would get the samck down and rouge would be standing in the rubble after buildings collapsed on her head just kind of smiling at the enemy.

re: Wolverine
Wolverine is just that guy. That character everyone loves and who seems to take center stage most of the time. For the third film, I do hope they minimize his role a tad, rotate some others to the forefront. Jean will do this for sure, but I would like to see more of the team get focused on as well.

I think some of Grant Morrison's stuff should be considered if future films after the third become a possibility, especially the Cassandra Nova arc, as Patrick Stuart could walk for this story and express himself much more as an actor (he stated issues with being in the chair on the X2 commentary). This story is a good focus on all the characters, would develop Xavier more, and most of all, the story is ridiculously good. For those interested in reading the short arc (4 issues), there is a trade paperback entitled:

New X-men: E is for extinction.

Some of the best characterization I have ever read/seen in the x-men universe.

Cheers :D

slopescorcher 12-29-03 03:32 PM

Hey all its Slopescorcher,
X2 was a good movie. Its plot is confusing at times and some elements in it aren't explained well. Nevertheless, its worth seeing!

Slopescorcher :D

Sedai 12-29-03 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by slopescorcher
Hey all its Slopescorcher,
X2 was a good movie. Its plot is confusing at times and some elements in it aren't explained well. Nevertheless, its worth seeing!

Slopescorcher :D
What elements weren't explained (some were left unexplained on purpose for sure)?

Mana4X2 05-27-04 09:30 AM

This movie had a bit of everything! The scene in the mansion when Stryker invaded was awesome and the special effects for each character's powers was absolutely brilliant. The opening scene had me and my Mom's mouths hanging open.

Wolverine was by far the best character in the movies. Hugh Jackman portrayed him perfectly! I loved the conflict Pyro went through in X2 although I am sad he has gone with Magneto. :( Nightcrawler was awesome! The makeup was so well done it had me believing he was really a blue mutant. I so loved the scene in the Xjet where Storm used her powers and Kurt saved Rogue. Wicked!

:cool: :p :eek:

Ash_Lee 07-12-04 09:41 PM

Sorry to drag this up but I just want to add my oen little opinion here...

I thought both films were as good as each other. The first one I thought told the story about mutants in a way that was interesting enough to keep you...well interested. For me it didn't matter that very little actually happened because I enjoyed hearing about the characters and their powers, blah blah.
My major criticism is that it was too short. For a film as fast paced as this it could easily have gone on for another half hour at least. And also, despite me having said that I thought it was fine that not much happened, it would've been nice to see a little more action.

X-2, I thought, was slower paced than X-1, but more happened (Magneto escaping, Nightcrawler breaking into the whitehouse etc) which more than made up for that. And, I don't know if this is just me, or did Mystique seem more attractive this time around :p

Tazz 07-13-04 01:42 AM

My Opinion

X-Men :down: (Didnt like it that Much)

X2 :up: (way better then the first)

Sedai 07-20-04 05:44 PM

Just watched X2 again recently...I just love me some X-chicks...

Jean, Rogue, Storm, Mystique...all very cool characters! If only Psylocke would make an appearance....

Ash_Lee 07-22-04 12:50 PM

I want to see Gambit. He was my favourite from the cartoon!

getaclue2009 08-02-04 02:45 AM

Just Some Things On My Mind: X2
I loved both movies. Although I thought the first one was too short and didn't go into much detail about any of the characters except Rogue and Wolverine, which I thought was totally unfair. Though I know that it would have probably been a ten hour movie if they had, but with was Singer had. I haven't read any of the comic books and the first time I saw it I didn't understand any of it and had to have my older brother who had read the comics explain most of the situations and characters going on in the movie. Loved the second one even more! I don't know about ya'll but Mystique is my favorite mutant. She totally kicked a$$ in this movie and if I could have any mutant power it would be hers, even if I had to be blue and scally. Over all both movies great and enjoyable, loving the whole idea of mutants. Though it felt incomplete to me, not having read the comics and not knowing any of the characters in the first place, and wishing that there had been more explaination and backround to them, not to mention depth. Thought it was totally unfair that they focassed in on Logan and Rogue in the first one though. Oh well, what can you do?! :D

yellowjacket1 01-11-05 04:48 PM

X-Men 2 is a genre-defining movie. It is a work of art/comic book pulp fiction never before seen on the silver screen. The characters, effects, and story were all beyond outstanding. Director Bryan Singer displays an amazing vision. He manages to keep the story intense and flowing but all the while it builds for a third installment. Singer also manages to deliver a little bit of everything - intrigue, romance, conspiracy, and of course - bad ass comic book style slugfests. Everything in this movie is exceedingly better in the sequel then the original. The acting is superb. The dialogue is rich. Every character feels believable. No cartoonish villains, every side of the issue is presented by people who believe they are the ones who are in the right and the underlying message of tolerance and bigotry only add to the depth of this film. This movie redefines comic book genre. It restores the sense of epic adventure and grand-scale storytelling that's been absent from far too many of today's alleged blockbusters.

Escape 01-12-05 05:13 AM

The thing i noticed about x-2 is wolverine once again got his butt kicked by yet another female mutant. The only thing that seems to save his sorry ass is either the element of surprise as with mystique in the first one, or by having some "convenient" object assisting him with victory such as when he filled Lady DeathStrike with the adamantium. The thing is, these mutants never really had a greater power than him so his rage alone should have dimantled at least one of them.

Sorry gals but I'm still a little old fashioned filled with alot of stinkin male pride you know. :D

Edwin 02-08-05 04:05 PM

Yes, Phoenix already
Originally Posted by Zeiken
I think they just tried to fit too much of the original storyline into the second movie.I mean phoenix, already?
;) I just found out this morning from that Famke Janssen will be returning in X3 as the Dark Phoenix. Check it out.

themoviechallenge 02-09-05 07:52 AM

Re the thread theme -Wonderful sequel - best sequel of any film in the last 5 years - certainly much better than Kill Bill or Spider-man sequels,both of which have been touted highly

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