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r3port3r66 04-24-03 05:01 PM

Movie Club
I don't know if this has ever been done here before, and if it has I'm sorry to repeat it. But I propose we start a movie club, after all this isa movie forum.

How this would work would be that I, or another member, recommend a particular film and everyone that wants to participate, watch that specific film within a weeks time. If you have already seen the movie, watch it again. If you haven't try and find it. Watch it at work, put it on in the background while you search the web. Just watch it.

After the week is up, we come back here and discuss the film, what it means, or what we thought of it. Perhaps a new thread could be started, or one that talks about it could be revived.

Given the nature of one of the threads I started about pedophilia, my first choice will be Lolita. Not the original, but the Adrian Lyne directed remake starring Jeremy Irons. It shouldn't be too hard to find, although Blockbuster may not stock it. You could probably find it on the web(!) somewhere.

Anyway, a week from today I'll revisit this thread and start a discussion about the film. I recommend that whomever participates think of the next film. We could go in alphabetical order from your username. For instance, I'll start. But say Sir Toose participates as does Yoda. Sir Toose would choose the next film, then Yoda after him. Make sense?

Okay, Lolita then because I think it deals with material we are likely to hear more about in the future, and it is a great film too. Here is the IMBd link:

See you back here in a week. Discussion will begin on 4-31-03.
Anyone interested?

This weeks group so far:

verbal penguin(?)

verbal penguin 04-24-03 05:19 PM

I like the idea. But who will decide what movie? Surely we are interested in some kind of diversity...

r3port3r66 04-24-03 05:43 PM

Good question. Well, if you're the only one that chooses to participate, you get to choose the next film after we have first discussed Lolita. It could be any film you like and think is discussion worthy for any reason. We'll have to watch it.

If members, other than yourself, choose to join in then we go in alphabetical order. For instance say Sir Toose, Yoda, verbal penguin and Sexy Celebity join in. After the chosen movie is discussed Sexy Celebrity would choose next. After that, since Sexy had already picked, the next member in alphabetical order would select. That would be Sir Toose in the example above. It sounds confusing, but I have a feeling it would work itself out.

By the way, any film, barring an XXX-rating(this is a family site), can be chosen. I just think it would be fun to discuss any movie that we have all seen at the same time, while the material is still fresh in our heads.

MyRobotSuit 04-24-03 07:09 PM

I think it's a fantastic idea r3, count me in!

Edit your first post to include the members who agree to participate so we know how many will be in the discussion and who will next etc.

Also keep this thread open only for naming the movie and not for the discussion. It would make such a cool indexing system to the discussion threads.

Nikki 04-25-03 11:50 AM

Count me in.......:yup:

Piddzilla 04-25-03 12:39 PM

I'm in

Yoda 04-25-03 12:56 PM

We tried to do this once and it didn't come together, but I still think it can work. I'm in. :yup:

moviefan20 04-25-03 01:25 PM

i like that idea...i would like to participate too.:)

r3port3r66 04-25-03 02:20 PM

Great everyone! This should be fun.

So far, these members (in alphabetical order) have signed on and will discuss Lolita on 4-31-03:

verbal penguin(?)

That means miniontv should start thinking about the next film. Although minion, if you would like to pass your turn to Yoda since he is the webmaster here, and unfortunately his username begins with a "Y", you could do so out of the kindness of your heart. If not, I look forward to your choice.

MyRobotSuit 04-25-03 02:32 PM

Shouldn't it be alphabetically after you r3 as you have chosen first?

Sexy Celebrity 04-25-03 02:34 PM

Nevermind.... I'm not in. I think it's stupid to devote one entire thread to movie discussion when we've got a WHOLE FORUM. At first, I thought this was something to do at IMDB.

r3port3r66 04-25-03 02:45 PM

Brilliant idea minion! Thanks. Yeah, so unless verbal penguin makes a firm commitment, Yoda will choose next.

Duly noted Jason. I just thought it's hard sometimes to get members that have seen a movie, especially an old one, at the same time to discuss it without having forgotten some of the details. This way it's fresh on everyone's mind.

verbal penguin 04-25-03 06:17 PM

*firm commitment*

Kong 04-26-03 04:44 PM

Count Kong in.

Which version of Lolita is Kong supposed to watch?

Beale the Rippe 04-26-03 04:59 PM

I'm in. :D

Hondo333 04-27-03 03:48 AM

Mee Tooo

megma 04-27-03 06:41 AM


kiwi 04-27-03 08:33 AM

Hell Yeah count me in!!!!:D

r3port3r66 04-27-03 02:01 PM

I'm glad so many of you have taken an interest in this.

Note to Kong: If Kong could please watch the Adrian Lyne version starring Jeremy Irons. I have posted a link with information for Kong in the first post of this thread.

Here is a list of those members interested in watching the film and start discussing it on 4-31-03:

Beale the Rippe
Lord Slayton
verbal penguin

verbal penguin is in line to choose the next film to discuss. And the highly anticipated Yoda choice is after that.

MyRobotSuit 04-27-03 02:20 PM

Up to now I have not been able to aquire the said film with previous method, apparantly i have to exchange currency to gain a copy. I will have to spend money. oh well.

Also searching for 'Lolita' on the internet does not help. There is an actor called 'Big Irons' in one of the films I found but not Jeremy.

r3port3r66 04-27-03 02:31 PM

Wait Minion! Before you go and blow money on a film you may or may not like, here are a few options:

Did you check your local library? Usually the main branch has a wide selection of DVD's/videos.

Or try There you can sign up for a free 2 week trial period. All you need is a credit card--it is safe, I've been a member there for a long time. They ship the DVD's directly to your house within 2 days. After that, you can cancel without anything being charged to your Visa.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Is anyone else having trouble finding this title?

MyRobotSuit 04-27-03 02:42 PM

I have actually seen the film a few years back so it's not unknown. I may try those options r3, thanks.

LordSlaytan 04-27-03 02:42 PM

Count me in Tim.

r3port3r66 04-27-03 02:55 PM

Brian, Great! I'm looking forward to your thoughts on this, as well as your choices.

BTW Minion, in case you didn't think of it already, if you don't feel like trekking down to the library, try searching the main branch data base on the web....

n7of9 04-28-03 09:25 AM

EXCELLENT idea...count me in please :yup:

but please do keep in mind for future "new" movies that may not be available overseas yet....i know its great to talk about new movies, but if you make them at least a year old, you can be sure that they are available in the great expanse downunder ;)

r3port3r66 04-28-03 02:38 PM

Understood n7.

Well my friends 3 days left until our discussion starts. Anyone not able to find this title?

Beale the Rippe
Lord Slayton
verbal penguin

moviefan20 04-28-03 05:16 PM

I found the movie, but i am a poe bare with me for being college, paying rent, cable (which i have HBO, Max, Showtime, and options are wide!!!), phone, car payment, insurance...cell phone....ya gotta see my money is tight, but i work in the library so i might be able to get it, or i just might have to drag my carcass down to Blockbuster!!:)

verbal penguin 04-29-03 12:14 AM

I have no problem with skipping over my turn to choose. Yoda can be next,

I was gonna pick either "Willy Wonka" or "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" So if anyone thinks they can be interesting discussion topics, feel free to choose them when your turn arrives.

Now, I have to get myself a copy of Lolita.

Kong 04-30-03 12:17 AM

R66, you said we'd discuss on 4-31, but there is no 4-31! So is it April 30th or May 1st? (Kong is working all day long on May 1st, so Kong probably couldn't contribute till the 2nd.)

Are you going to make a seperate thread for the film or just use this one?

verbal penguin 04-30-03 01:35 AM

I think the thread can be active as long as people post in it. If it's a day, then a day. If a week, then a week. Why put an artificial limit when there's no need?

r3port3r66 04-30-03 05:45 PM

R66 apologizes to Kong for the wrong date information(I'm still writing 2002 on my checks!!).

As far as when we can start discussing this movie, I think anytime after today is good. Since the title is somewhat hard to find for some (I, myself, had to hunt for a copy)it might be better to add a day or two to the deadline. But, on the other hand, if you have watched it, and the criticisms or points are fresh in your mind, by all means post now.

In answer to Kong's question about starting a new thread: why don't we just post inside this one for now. I think after watching one of the movies suggested, it might bring up other ideas for new threads.

Kong 04-30-03 08:48 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
R66 apologizes to Kong for the wrong date information(I'm still writing 2002 on my checks!!).

As far as when we can start discussing this movie, I think anytime after today is good. Since the title is somewhat hard to find for some (I, myself, had to hunt for a copy)it might be better to add a day or two to the deadline. But, on the other hand, if you have watched it, and the criticisms or points are fresh in your mind, by all means post now.

In answer to Kong's question about starting a new thread: why don't we just post inside this one for now. I think after watching one of the movies suggested, it might bring up other ideas for new threads.
Kong has indeed already watched the film. Lucky for Kong one of the very best video stores on the east coast is but one block away from his abode so there is never trouble finding copies of films. Never-the-less Kong will wait for you to start us off, and try to read as much of the novel as he can before jumping in.

Nikki 05-01-03 10:14 AM

Hell......I dont have a thing to wear.........I gotta run out and buy something new......!!!!! just hyper from eating too much chocolate.....!!!!!


r3port3r66 05-01-03 10:34 PM

" I just love the French tongue."
--Melanie Griffith, "Lolita"

Anyway, what did all of you think, other than it was a bit long. Sorry.
Any criticisms, good or bad?

I liked the film. The relationship between Humbert and Dolores made me squirm a little, especially during the steamy scenes. The actress that plays the 14 year old, actually looks 14. Watching her take that retainer in and out of her mouth was so very, very suggestive.

I'm convinced that she was no victim. No, she knew exactly what she was doing to him. I did think that Humbert was a monster, even though I felt a little sympathy for him. I wasn't sure of his motivation, was it love or infatuation. I always thought that perverts that liked young girls just lusted after them. Humbert seemed to fall in love with Lo.

The end confused me a little too. Why did he have to go back and kill Quilty?

Kong 05-02-03 02:37 AM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Anyway, what did all of you think, other than it was a bit long. Sorry.
Any criticisms, good or bad?
Kong has plenty of criticism.

Originally posted by r3port3r66
I'm convinced that she was no victim. No, she knew exactly what she was doing to him. I did think that Humbert was a monster, even though I felt a little sympathy for him. I wasn't sure of his motivation, was it love or infatuation. I always thought that perverts that liked young girls just lusted after them. Humbert seemed to fall in love with Lo.
Kong definitely sees Lolita as a victim. Yes, she was certainly bore some responsibility for her actions, but she is still a victim. Lolita is a young girl, 14, who has just discovered her sexuality. Lolita sees right from the start that Humbert is aroused by her every move, even those that weren't intended to be provacative. Having discovered her sexuality, and it's powers she begins to explore it with Humbert (it seems natural since he has shown himself as an easy target). Humbert eventually steals her innocence, and their affair eventually steals her childhood. How is Lolita not a victim? She was a child on the verge of womanhood; a curious girl, but not one who was ready for what Humbert plunged her into.

Kong enjoyed the movie, but was bothered by a few things that Lyne did. The end where Humbert laments that Lolita's voice was not among those of the chiildren at play seemed contrary to the visual style Lyne incorporated into the film. Lyne used a soft focus and golden hue which imbedded the film with a sentimental romanticism that worked against the film's deeper themes. Further more Lyne failed to portray Humbert as being as cunning, and conniving as he was in the novel. This aspect is fairly important because it illustrates the lengths to which Humbert is willing to go to relive the one former time of bliss he experienced before. Without this it is more difficult (although not impossible) to explain his motivation for the murder of Quilty.

Overall the film is quite good despite it's flaws and Kong is glad R66 chose this as Kong probably wouldn't have watched it otherwise.

*** of ****

n7of9 05-02-03 01:55 PM

A 14 year old girl learning about her sexuality is a dangerous thing...thrust into womanhood with desires beyond your comprehension; the inclings of a new-found knowledge that you now have a certain power, one which you don't understand yet want to explore, an exploration that cannot be stopped once your hormones make known their existstence...ahhh, to be young and naive again - and completely invincible, what utter bliss...

The clumsiness of pubescent males is completely non-existent in their female counterparts who, seemingly overnight, have developed a sense of (misguided) understanding about existence - and their target: Men. Not boys their own age, who these girls consider immature and too easy a target, but men of authority - teachers, your older sisters boyfriend or your older brothers friends, and, in the case of Lolita, a man her mother was flirting with, later her stepfather. The desire of, and [mis]belief that the conquering of these men, brought about by their own forbidden lust, will elevate you to that all important goal: to prove you are at last a woman!

Dolores (who by the end of the movie was known solely as Lolita (evidence of Humbert's lack of a grip on reality) is far from being a victim. Lacking the love and security a father figure can instill, and hating her mother who treated her like a child, a mother she would see flirting with men constantly, was searching for the one thing all us mere mortals crave - love. Uneducated and unnurtered [sp?], Lolita simply uses the only too available to her, sex

Humbert considers himself an artist, a lover of beautiful things who doesn't need to be tied down by society's rules. He tells us (while telling himself) that ordinary men cannot see this beauty. He KNEW it was wrong: he ate a piece of paper with Lolita's gum on it so that Charlotte would not know Lolita had been in his room; he narrated to his "beloved jury"; he justified his behaviour by a manner of things, one of which was his lost love of years ago. All this to convince himself, to aide him in not losing his mind - which of course was inevitable. Secretly giving Charlotte sleeping pills so that he would not have to perform his "matrimonial duties" was a means to an end...Lolita. When Charlotte died, he probably felt that all his Christmases had come at once, he probably told himself that it was fate, convinving himself further that Lolita was meant to be his. He conveniently did not tell Lolita of her mother's passing until AFTER he had slept with her (noting that she was by no means a virgin).

Lolita, of course, whether she had been playing cruel games or not, was now completely alone and stuck. Humbert was the only human being who could take her in. So she manipulated the situation to suit her. She stayed with him, performing sexual pleasures which meant nothing to her, flirted with any man she could find searching for a replacement, and receiving gifts and her own way in return. Humbert was in a self proclaimed "paradise" - all because he was simply getting his rocks off.

This is a movie of manipulation, the frailty of the human mind, female opportunism and the penis!!

My bottom line....Humbert was a sick bastard who tried nought to refrain himself, the pleasures of the flesh paramount in his mind. He was mad to start with and his guilt drove him over the edge. Lolita, poor white trash, using her sexuality to gain any advantage.

For me, the most oustanding performance was by far Frank Langella's (Clare Quilty)...after having been shot twice, he stumbles, bloodied and confused, saying ever so poliety to his killer "You should not continue in this fasion, really".

(I don't play with 5 stars, not enought of them for my liking. All through the movie I was thinking 4/10 at best, but I loved the ending, which shot it up to 6.5/10)

Originally posted by r3port3r66
The end confused me a little too. Why did he have to go back and kill Quilty?
Quilty took his passion away and forced him to face his guilt and insanity...but like any self-respecting insane person (;)) he prefered to blame Quilty rayther than himself

and yes R66...great choice...thanks buddy :D

verbal penguin 05-02-03 06:49 PM

I tend to agree with Kong on the guilt part. Lolita was the victim, even though the movie didn't think this way.

The movie definitely sympathizes with Humpert. The movie's makers tried very hard to present Lolita as an evil force that controls and manipulates Humbert. It is possible that they did this to show us the stroy from Humbert's point of view, but I doubt it.
This is most visible in the scene where she raises her legs and makes some kind of a seductive dance. Hubert is obviously trying to resist his sexual desires, but fails. It is difficult not to see Hubert as a victim here. He is presented as a poor creature who trys to pick a juicy fruit, but gets caught in Lolita's spider-web on the way.

When the viewer asks, "So what has gone wrong, then?" the movie makers choose to portray the whole affair as a pandora box. Innocent Humbert opened the box because he was weak, and the rest just happend. Lolita was evil. Quilty was evil. Humbert was just weak.

In fact, I'm surprised they didn't call the movie "Humbert." I think they kept the name just because that's how the book and original movie were called.

I found this whole thing quite repulsive. As Kong explained, Lolita was just exploring her sexuality. Can you honestly say that girls such as Lolita are rare? If Lolita didn't exist, wouldn't Humbert find someone else?
This wasn't about Lolita. It was about Humbert, a person with a highly flawed mind.

r3port3r66 05-02-03 10:24 PM

I'm glad you guys watched the film. You guys write so well!

Kong, I could buy your theory that Lo was not the victim, but remember when her mother found Humbert's journal and went insane with jealousy? I just remember thinking while I watched that, that her mother had some inkling that her daughter might be a tramp. And Lo did make the first move on Humbert. She may have been only 14, but when she was sitting next to him on the porch swing and touching him flirtatiously, I thought she may have been a victim once, but not then. I felt maybe she had been abused earlier, before Humbert. Although after Humbert picked Lo up at camp he said in narration that someone else had taken her virginity; some other camper.

And why do you think she chose Quilty over Humbert? I know she had said that he had promised her things, but when Humbert goes to giver her money 3 years later, she says she wasn't into doing the things Quilty had planned. Making me think that she was smart enough to know that Quilty was even worse than Humbert. But yet she remained there instead of with her dad.

And what do you guys think the letters that Los's mother had clenched in her fist said? And why were there 3? I noticed that they were addressed to Lo at camp.

I get the connection that Quilty was a symbol of Humbert's guilt. Quilty--Guilty, I see that. But to me when Humbert shoots him and says "She was my daughter!" instead of something like "She was my lover!" You have to wonder for what reason he's murdering him. Was he killing him because he was disgusted at what Quilty did to his daughter(Irony), or was he killing him because he stole away his lover?

BTW, verbal you're next to choose. I'm not sure if everyone that signed on will participate in this, so when you're ready make your selection. And Kong, you're next after verbal if nobody else gives input. Then n7of9, Okay?

Kong 05-03-03 02:03 AM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Kong, I could buy your theory that Lo was the victim, but remember when her mother found Humbert's journal and went insane with jealousy? I just remember thinking while I watched that, that her mother had some inkling that her daughter might be a tramp.
Kong felt she was insane with disgust.

Originally posted by r3port3r66
And Lo did make the first move on Humbert. She may have been only 14, but when she was sitting next to him on the porch swing and touching him flirtatiously, I thought she may have been a victim once, but not then. I felt maybe she had been abused earlier, before Humbert. Although after Humbert picked Lo up at camp he said in narration that someone else had taken her virginity; some other camper.
Lo could tell from the start that Humbert was entranced with her. This was before she even began flirting. She is discovering her sexuality and it's powers; Humbert is obviously affected, and he is the only guy around so humbert took advantage of a girl in a complex transitional state of life whose mother was so ditsy that she couldn't properly guide her daughter. In the end Lo's childhood is stolen from her. Kong isn't suggesting that she is completely guilt free, but she is a child under dramatic change without the ability to foresee the possible consequences of her actions.

After Humbert picks her up from the camp she tells him that she had sex with a boy there. Kong feels that she did this assuming that Humbert would think of her as more of an adult, and this could open the oppurtunity of a sexual affair. After Humbert and Lo have sex she tells him that he was actually her first. One could try to pin the blame on Lolita here and she certainly has some responsibility for lying, but Humbert was supposed to be the mature and rational adult in the situation.

Originally posted by r3port3r66
And why do you think she chose Quilty over Humbert? I know she had said that he had promised her things, but when Humbert goes to giver her money 3 years later, she says she wasn't into doing the things Quilty had planned. Making me think that she was smart enough to know that Quilty was even worse than Humbert. But yet she remained there instead of with her dad.
She doesn't choose Quilty over Humbert as a lover (afterall Quilty couldn't get it up remember?), she chooses Quilty as a rescuer. Quilty happens to be as sick as Humbert, and therefore willing to follow them around the country in order to free her from him. Basically she used him.

Originally posted by r3port3r66
And what do you guys think the letters that Los's mother had clenched in her fist said? And why were there 3? I noticed that they were addressed to Lo at camp.
Probably that Humbert was a pervert, and she should stay away from him.

Originally posted by r3port3r66
I get the connection that Quilty was a symbol of Humbert's guilt. Quilty--Guilty, I see that. But to me when Humbert shoots him and says "She was my daughter!" instead of something like "She was my lover!" You have to wonder for what reason he's murdering him. Was he killing him because he was disgusted at what Quilty did to his daughter(Irony), or was he killing him because he stole away his lover?
Quilty stole the "light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul".

Originally posted by verbal penguin The movie definitely sympathizes with Humpert. The movie's makers tried very hard to present Lolita as an evil force that controls and manipulates Humbert. It is possible that they did this to show us the stroy from Humbert's point of view, but I doubt it.
This is one of the hardest parts about analyzing the film. The film tries to be a close adaptation of the book. The book was written in first person by Humbert, and had very little dialogue. One has to realize when watching the film that this is Humbert's story of his affair with Lolita complete with all of his rationalizing, and all of his bias. In analyzing the film one cannot simply accept everything in the exact way it was presented. Humbert sees Lolita as a "nymphette" (in the book he says nymphettes are not even humans, but rather they are demoniac), and in telling us his story he will of course portray her as such. It's the viewers job to try and discern the opinions of an ill man from the facts, and it's tough, often uncertain, work.

Piddzilla 05-03-03 06:11 AM

I'm sorry but I haven't had the opportunity to watch the damned thing. Which sucks since this discussion is class A stuff. I'll do better with the next film, I promise!

LordSlaytan 05-04-03 12:28 AM

First, I want to acknowledge Tim for his choice of movie. I can only assume that there will be better discussions with this type of film, compared to Dude, Where’s My Car?. Anyway, on with my thoughts.
To me, Lolita seems to be a film that is brutally honest. I haven’t seen another film about the subject of pedophilia that paints such a paradoxally forgiving and unforgiving portrayal of its characters.
There seems to be much discussion about who exactly is the victim. In my humble opinion, all of them are in one way or another. Humbert is a victim of tragic circumstance and an inability to escape the past. I can relate a certain extent with him, because for me, it is difficult sometimes not to be nostalgic or melancholy, especially about my first ‘true’ love. I would think that it is common for anyone who has reached that certain point in life, when youth starts to become memory, and the remembrances of youth become more and more romantic. Maybe Humbert would have been all look, and no touch, if Dolores hadn’t kept rubbing her body all over him, and the passionate kiss that pushed him into pure carnal lust disguised as love. However, Dolores didn’t make him a victim either. He himself did with his own desires.
Dolores has been seen as a victim, as well as a girl that deserved what she got. I see her more as a victim. Yes, it was her who originally seduced Humbert when vying for supremacy with her Mother. I could easily see her in a modern day setting, sitting in a chair on the set at Jerry Springer, flipping the audience off all the while screaming, “What-evah, I do what I waon!”. She is not the classical good girl in any sense of the word, but she is still a girl. No matter how sexually active she is, or how hard she works her seductions, she is still a kid. She has at her disposal, perhaps the most powerful of all weapons (ask any Wicca), and she doesn’t and can’t understand all the ramifications of using it improperly. And does she ever do that. When she seduces Humbert, she seems to be thinking that he is nothing more than a tool to use at her discretion. She doesn’t show any remorse at all that Humbert is all tied up in knots. Is he a real human being with all of its wide range of emotions to her? Or is he nothing more than a fly in her web? Hell, she’s not evil. Just callous and unfeeling most of the time. Then again, her Father’s dead and her Mother’s a drunk, maybe she was a victim a long, long, time before hand. I feel most sorry for her. After her Mother’s death, there was only one weapon she had available to her to use combating the horror of her life. We see that eventually, she is in horror about everything. First, she needs to recover from her Mother’s death, and there’s only one person around to help her with it. For her, that’s all it is. Sex is used more for comfort than for recreation. Humbert is completely oblivious, because he never sees her as a real human being with all of its wide range of emotions either. He thinks she’s in love with him, and all his dreams have come true. He is young again. When she eventually leaves Humbert, I think it’s more of an escape, and of course, Humbert sees it as an abduction. Just another way to be haunted I suppose, but obviously the end of any ability of reasoning as far as Humbert is concerned. The ending illustrates that point quite perfectly. Dolores has moved on, thank goodness, but we know nothing more about her than that really.
The message that I received from the movie is a very poignant one. Age and experience does not necessitate an understanding and/or ability to decipher what appears as love. The young and in-experienced have even less of a chance. Put the two together…

Kong 05-04-03 01:08 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
There seems to be much discussion about who exactly is the victim. In my humble opinion, all of them are in one way or another. Humbert is a victim of tragic circumstance and an inability to escape the past.
Kong agrees that Humbert is the victim of an unfortunate childhood fate, but Humbert realizes he has a problem and chooses to not to seek help.

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
Dolores has been seen as a victim, as well as a girl that deserved what she got. I see her more as a victim. Yes, it was her who originally seduced Humbert when vying for supremacy with her Mother. I could easily see her in a modern day setting, sitting in a chair on the set at Jerry Springer, flipping the audience off all the while screaming, “What-evah, I do what I waon!”. She is not the classical good girl in any sense of the word, but she is still a girl.
This is how Humbert sees her, and how he describes her to us. We have to realize that this is a man who is sexually aroused and imfatuated by girls between the ages of 9-14. He sees her as a nymphette, and therefore her sole existence revolves around her sexuality. It's no wonder that he depicts her to us as nothing more than a sexual creature. Does anyone actually doubt that Lolita had other interests in life? Humbert just wasn't interested in those things, and either didn't percieve them or didn't feel the need to pass along the information to us.

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
Dolores has moved on, thank goodness, but we know nothing more about her than that really.
You know she died right?

There is an interesting dichotomy that Kong realized while contemplating a response to your post. Both Lolita, and Humbert were set upon the course to their demise by the lovers from their youth. Humbert's demise begins from the loss of the lover from his youth; Lolita's begins from her attainment of a lover in her youth. A simple yet interesting dichotomy. Kong is surprised he didn't notice it before.

LordSlaytan 05-04-03 01:15 AM

I had forgotten about her dying, it's been a number of years since I've seen it. I understand that Dolores is seen through Humbert's eyes, but that is the only information given us.
Your epiphany is right on, man. :yup: I hadn't thought of it like that either.

Kong 05-04-03 01:49 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
I understand that Dolores is seen through Humbert's eyes, but that is the only information given us.
True, but recognizing the fact that all of the information comes from Humbert allows us to better judge that info. Kong just doesn't want people to assume that we got a full and unbiased portrayal of Lolita. We have to balance what we are given, and try to infer other things if we want to attempt at having a better understanding of her. Thinking that she was a seductress who was asking for it all along is exactly what Humbert wants us to believe. Anyways, Kong is probably preaching to the choir so he'll just shut-up now.

nebbit 05-04-03 02:32 AM

I'm in on this what movie is next?:cool:

Kong 05-04-03 02:35 AM

Originally posted by nebbit
I'm in on this what movie is next?:cool:
Good question.

verbal penguin 05-04-03 04:20 AM

Assuming it's my turn to choose, I choose The Breakfast Club. Hopefully, enough people haven't seen it yet.

nebbit 05-04-03 06:06 AM

Thanks. Have to get to video shop tomorrow.:yup:

n7of9 05-04-03 10:16 AM

so what's the official date of review for The Breakfast Sunday 11 May???

MyRobotSuit 05-06-03 11:43 AM

Good choice, I own the movie.

I do think you shouldn't have the discussion within this thread. Keep the discussion in it's own thread and just provide a link to the thread in this thread. That way we can keep discussing a movie without interception.

Also r3, edit your first post to add the members and next movie so we know whose in line to be next sort of thing.

You could put a picture of the movie in question in the first post! How organized would that be???

thanks :)

r3port3r66 05-06-03 06:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, so far I have these members scheduled to discuss The Breakfast Clubon Sunday, May 11th.

verbal penguin

I'll assume that those who originally signed up, but did not get a chance to watch Lolita still might want to participate in this film. But since Kong did watch and discuss Lolita he chooses next no matter what. If you would like to discuss Breakfast Club please post saying you would like to. I will add your name to the list above.

Minion, I'm not sure how to add a link to another thread inside an existing one. But, we can start a new thread for each movie. Does anyone else have any feedback about not discussing the movie here, instead, making an new thread?

IMBd link:

MyRobotSuit 05-06-03 06:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
r3, to make a link to another thread you just copy the url from the top into your http link. I'll do it when the breakfast club thread gets made.


Hondo333 05-06-03 11:16 PM

My sister owns it so i will be able to watch it!

walkincurtis 05-07-03 11:18 PM

nebbit 05-08-03 07:24 AM

I have been to 5 video stores in Wollongong and not one has the Breakfast Club, Help time is running out, I did see it years ago so I was looking forward to view it again,:eek:

Now calm down breathe deeply into the paper bag Breathe in 2 3 out 2 3 etc etc:rolleyes:

n7of9 05-08-03 10:32 AM

how about naming all the discussions spurred via this thread as

Movie Club: Breakfast Club

and the next one after that

Movie Club: Blah Blah

in the General Movie Discussion forum??

this original thread can contain all the info on what movie is next, who chooses next, and links to the Movie Club discussion threads...whacha think??

sorry you can't find it nebbit...looks the Gong just isn't living in the 80's anymore :(

moviefan20 05-08-03 11:50 AM

Hello, my fellow movie clubbers, i still want to participate in this club, but i won't have access to a computer on Sunday. But i can try to get my input in ASAP, is that ok.

BTW, i really think this is a great idea

Sexy Celebrity 05-09-03 12:25 AM

Never fear, your Sexy Celebrity is here.

I would like to discuss "The Breakfast Club" on May 11th because I happen to own this film. (and btw, "Sixteen Candles" is the best John Hughes movie, hands up).


MyRobotSuit 05-09-03 03:34 AM

Actually the best john Hughes movie is 'Planes , Trains and Automobiles' for your information.

nebbit 05-09-03 08:57 AM

Originally posted by n7of9
how about naming all the discussions spurred via this thread as

Movie Club: Breakfast Club

and the next one after that

Movie Club: Blah Blah

in the General Movie Discussion forum??

this original thread can contain all the info on what movie is next, who chooses next, and links to the Movie Club discussion threads...whacha think??

sorry you can't find it nebbit...looks the Gong just isn't living in the 80's anymore :(
You are so right, Yes the gong has just moved on to the nineties hoping to catch up with 2000's in a few years.

love your new avatar really cool, as you see I still don't have one some thing wrong with Laptop even the computer guy couldn't do it, next time he is over I will get him to have another go.

Hopefully I will be able to watch the next chosen movie.:kiss:

Piddzilla 05-09-03 10:58 AM

I'm in. I have "Breakfast Club" in my private collection. :D

Do you have to discuss it on sunday? I mean, I don't know if I'm able to. I'll just post my thoughts on monday or something.

r3port3r66 05-09-03 02:53 PM

Piddy'; no, I'm sure the thread will be made on or around the 11th, and you can just jump in when you have the time.

moviefan, I know you're really busy in school, and right now that's the most important thing. Just comment when you can.

participants thus far: have I missed anyone?

Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin

Sexy Celebrity 05-09-03 10:32 PM

Originally posted by MinionTV
Actually the best john Hughes movie is 'Planes , Trains and Automobiles' for your information.
No, that's YOUR information, not mine.

I still say Sixteen Candles.

nebbit 05-09-03 11:37 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Piddy'; no, I'm sure the thread will be made on or around the 11th, and you can just jump in when you have the time.

moviefan, I know you're really busy in school, and right now that's the most important thing. Just comment when you can.

participants thus far: have I missed anyone?

Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin
I am in but was unable to get the movie in my beautiful coastal backward town, hope you got that message before I am still in just not this time, visited 6 video shops last count:bawling:

LordSlaytan 05-09-03 11:40 PM

I'll always be part of this...just assume it.

r3port3r66 05-09-03 11:46 PM

Gotcha' Slay.

Lord Slayton
Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin

anyone else?

n7of9 05-10-03 02:06 PM

i'm watching this right now :D...but i'll hold back my comments ;)

Nikki 05-11-03 03:20 AM

:mad: .........missed out on this one......

moviefan20 05-12-03 09:36 AM

I posted my imput, but was not on the list

Kong 05-12-03 08:16 PM

Kong's selection for next week's Movie Club installment is...

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Discussion will begin on Monday, May 19th.

nebbit 05-12-03 08:43 PM

Ok the hunt to get it starts today, thanks.:D :yup:

LordSlaytan 05-12-03 10:26 PM

I can't wait until it's my turn to choose. Good choice Kong, it's been awhile.

Nikki 05-13-03 09:45 AM

I will be there......:yup:

r3port3r66 05-16-03 02:25 PM

Sorry guys--been away from my computer for a few days. Unfortunately, I couldn't find The Breakfast Club at my DVD rental place, and I don't have a VCR so I couldn't watch it. I hope you all enjoyed it.

So, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is next, to be discussed on 5/19/03.

Here's a list of the people so far:

Lord Slayton
Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin

LordSlayton is next to choose....

MyRobotSuit 05-16-03 03:09 PM

Originally posted by r3port3r66

Lord Slayton
Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin


Holden Pike 05-16-03 11:12 PM

What is the 19th? Monday? Yeah, I'll play. Very underrated movie. I love all things Gilliam.
"Your underwear will be safe with me."

Austruck 05-16-03 11:56 PM

Can anybody join this chicken outfit? That flick plays on a premium channel here about every 45 minutes or so -- so it shouldn't be hard to find it. (Plus, I've seen it multiple times.)


LordSlaytan 05-17-03 12:08 AM

Of course you can join in! The more the better. :yup:

r3port3r66 05-17-03 01:32 AM

Of course Austruck, you're like an honorary member!;)

Minion my friend--what up with the :suspicious: smilie?

The List:

Holden Pike
Lord Slayton
Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin

I feel like I should add something here: In all fairness to those members waiting to choose a movie, we select, in alphbetical order, only those members that watched and discussed the previous film. And give precedence to those who have participated in every discussion, unless they have chosen the movie from the previous week.

LordSlaytan 05-17-03 01:36 AM

I want to choose The Ogre, but I'm afraid nobody will be able to find it. Let me know what you guys think. I'll choose another if it's too difficult to acquire.

nebbit 05-17-03 01:53 AM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
I want to choose The Ogre, but I'm afraid nobody will be able to find it. Let me know what you guys think. I'll choose another if it's too difficult to acquire.
Does it have another name? as don't seem to be able to find it in my 2 movie books? I live in the sticks here so may have some trouble finding it.

The only copy in town of Baron Munchausen is very damaged but I am persevering with it, hope you can relate to my plight.:rolleyes:

LordSlaytan 05-17-03 01:54 AM

Click on the the words "The Ogre" in green above. It will take you to the page with all of it's info. :)

nebbit 05-17-03 02:05 AM

Thanks for that, if you choose that then I will do my best to get it:yup:

LordSlaytan 05-17-03 02:09 AM

I did choose it silly. :)

But I'll change it if only a few can get it. I own it so I'm lucky. It's an awsome film.

r3port3r66 05-17-03 02:13 AM

WOW Slay! I looked up that movie, The Ogre, and even if nobody can find it I'm going to watch it anyway. What a great choice for discussion! I never knew a movie like that even existed, thanks!

LordSlaytan 05-17-03 02:14 AM

I'm excited. :yup:

I love it when I can turn people on to exceptional, but little known, movies and books.

MyRobotSuit 05-17-03 05:31 AM

Originally posted by r3port3r66
Of course Austruck, you're like an honorary member!;)

Minion my friend--what up with the :suspicious: smilie?

The List:

Holden Pike
Lord Slayton
Sexy Celebrity
verbal penguin

I feel like I should add something here: In all fairness to those members waiting to choose a movie, we select, in alphbetical order, only those members that watched and discussed the previous film. And give precedence to those who have participated in every discussion, unless they have chosen the movie from the previous week.

Le me just say 'alphabetical order' my ass! I think something fishy is going on around here! :skeptical:

Austruck 05-17-03 11:22 AM

I see nothing wrong with the alphabetical order thing. ;)

LordSlaytan 05-17-03 01:04 PM

Kong had chosen already, so it was my turn. After that was decided, Holden and Austruck decided to join in. This will be my 3rd participation in the club, my choice being the fourth. Things are on the straight and narrow Minion. Besides, r3port3r is a reporter, we all know how honest they are. :D

MyRobotSuit 05-17-03 01:08 PM

eh? I was just trying to be subtle. This is a conspiracy I tells ya!

Moviefan is ahead of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


LordSlaytan 05-17-03 01:15 PM

Ohhhh....I get it. I private joke, that's really private.



Beale the Rippe 05-17-03 03:12 PM

I haven't been able to post yet on those films, but count me in none the less. I promise I post on this weeks selection. :rolleyes:

nebbit 05-18-03 05:21 AM

I have just finished watching 'The Adventures of Baron Munchausen'
Thought it was a great romp, loved the special effects. The copy I had wasn't very good but I persevered with it. Loved the Robin Williams 'head' I had forgotten he was in it, also when I first watched it I didn't even know who Uma Thurman was.
Thanks for suggesting it really enjoyed it again *** out *****:yup:

As a Psychiatric nurse, the name Munchausen interested me as there is an illness called Munchausen's Syndrome, it is one where people make up illnesses to get attention, or tell fantastic stories like the Baron. :D

MyRobotSuit 05-18-03 06:44 AM

I have a really bad copy. Damn vhs!

Holden Pike 05-18-03 10:50 AM

I have a really perfect copy of The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988), letterboxed, on LaserDisc from the Criterion Collection. Four deleted scenes, four more unfilmed scenes with storyboards and Gilliam descriptions, special effects composition shots, interviews, and an audio commentary track.

You guys won't be able to track it down by tomorrow, but if anyone gets really interested in Mucnhausen, there's an excellent book called Losing the Light (1991) by Andrew Yule, which chronicles the sad,messy saga of making the movie. Fresh after the very public post-production battles of Brazil (1985), Munchausen was a nightmare of a shoot, skyrocketing way over budget. The entire elaborate King of the Moon sequence had to be redesigned and changed in tone when the money started running out, and Sean Connery was replaced by Robin Williams (who did it as a favor and contractually couldn't be used in the advertisements). That's just a small taste of the maddness. It's amazing it was ever finished and that what is there is of such quality.

When do we officaly start discussing this puppy? Does the person who selected the flick start an official separate thread, or do we simply add on to this one?

"Shut up, you trollop!"
- Vulcan, the God (Oliver Reed), The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

MyRobotSuit 05-18-03 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
I have a really perfect copy of The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988), letterboxed, on LaserDisc from the Criterion Collection. .
You would have :rolleyes: :laugh:

You can start as soon as you want. Just make a new thread and link to it from here. The official discussion date is monday but that's not to say you can't get the ball rolling now.

I'm interested in what people have to say about this film. I can't add much as my copy is dire so i'll mainly reflect on comments made.

Anyway Holden, ever thought of changing 'Pike' for 'MGroin' ?

LordSlaytan 05-18-03 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
When do we officaly start discussing this puppy? Does the person who selected the flick start an official separate thread, or do we simply add on to this one?
I believe that Kong should start the thread tonight since it was his pick, that's how it was done with the last one anyway. But the club is too new to really have any established precedence take place. I can't believe it! Of all the weekends I wish to see this, it's checked out! Damnit!!! I'll catch up by Wednesday, that's when it's due back.

moviefan20 05-18-03 08:58 PM

Originally posted by MinionTV
eh? I was just trying to be subtle. This is a conspiracy I tells ya!

Moviefan is ahead of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Poor ole Minion...That's what you get for having no shame:)

MyRobotSuit 05-18-03 09:05 PM

no, no, no m'lady!

I found me shame! It was hiding but i got it! yes i did....hmm :(

*minion wandered for years in search of his missing shame and died with just a small glimpse of it's beauty before him*

n7of9 05-19-03 10:28 AM

i still haven't seen an official thread for Baron...but i didn't see it anyway...couldn't find it :-(

i'll start the search for Ogre Slay;) it looks excellent

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