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Ðèstîñy 05-26-15 09:00 AM

Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Describe what you look like.

Describe your personality.

Where were you born?

Do you have any sibling?

Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all?


What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite music genre?

Name your top 5 favorite songs from that genre.

What music genre /genres do you hate, if any?

What is your favorite sport?

Name your top 5 favorite TV show?

Name your top 5 favorite actors.

Name your top 5 favorite actresses.

Name your favorite horror movie villain.

Name your favorite movie hero.

Name your favorite movie superhero.

Name the movie you hate the most.

Name the oldest movie you've seen.

What is your favorite movie genre?

What is your favorite decade of movies?

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Suspense Thriller?
Martial Arts?

MovieMeditation 05-26-15 09:05 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minion
Where do your username come from? What's the story behind it?

Are you truly as kinky as you say you are? Even in real life?

What is the ultimate kinky experience to you?

What is the most unexpected thing about your personality?

Gatsby 05-26-15 09:43 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minion
Who the hell is Mr. Minion? Is he a servant of Mr. Minio or something? Anways... :p

- Do you remember the first time you watched porn?
- Have you ever tried ocean fishing?
- What do you think is a good solution to making math more interesting?
- Top 5 songs?
- Any comics you read on a regular basis?

Mr Minio 05-26-15 10:24 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minion
I'd answer these question, but they're addressed to a certain Mr Minion.

Ðèstîñy 05-26-15 12:21 PM

Oh, don't give me grief, after all that work. We had a member with that name, long ago, and when I searched for you today, to see your profile, he popped up. So there you go, and try to get over it. I'll go edit the damn thing.

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1321753)
Who the hell is Mr. Minion? Is he a servant of Mr. Minio or something? Anways... :p
Shhhhhhh! I've done that twice now, and no one actual corrected it. Vicky quoted it, and laughed. That told me a lot.

So, I added an n. You people leave off y's, and other *****, all the time. Do I critique your posts? I think not!

Let's move on . . .

Mr Minio 05-26-15 12:24 PM

Intensive forum search proved no trace of an user called Mr Minion. I assume the thread is after all meant to be called 'Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio'. This terrible mistake shall not be forgotten.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Describe what you look like.
I'm tall and friggin' sexy. What kind of question is this? Look up my pics in Personal Users Pictures thread.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Describe your personality.
I'm a sensitive guy with a fragile mind. Deep inside I am shy, but I can overcome my shyness with a good frame of mind and appropriate company.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Where were you born?
I was born in a 15k town in Western Poland.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Do you have any sibling?
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all? Why?
I don't like travelling at all, but it would be cool to go to Japan, because I find Asian women beautiful. If you're asking about going somewhere and staying there, then Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, USA. Any of these.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What is your favorite food?
Don't really know. When I was younger I used to believe pancakes with jam are my favourite food, but right now, I'd go with meat, so pork/chicken + potatoes + good salad is the way to go for me. Is it my favourite, though? Hard to say.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What is your favorite music genre?
Oooh, here we go again. My taste is very eclectic, I tend to listen to various genres, so I can't really pick only one and say it's better than other genres. I don't even know how precise I am supposed to be, when picking the genre. Is metal a genre and black metal a sub-genre, or is black metal a genre on its own? How do I even begin with the so-called 'classical music'? There's that Classical period, that spans from late eighteenth to early 19th century and then comes Romanticism, but can music from both these periods be called 'classical music'? How are we supposed to name this kind of music? We call it 'muzyka powa¿na' in Polish that literally means 'serious music'. But where does this classical/serious (sounds stupid in English) music start and where does it end? Defining a genre is hard, but trying to classify a piece is even harder. Yeah, so I not only love classical music, but also jazz, blues, all kinds of metal (except for power metal, lol), rock (noise rock ROCKS --- pun intended), shoegaze, hipster pop and a sh*tload of other stuff.
Yeah, but for the sake of answering your question, let me take 'classical music', whatever that is.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your top 5 favorite songs from that genre.
Well, the term 'song' when talking about classical music is not too suitable. So yeah, Beethoven's 8th Symphony, Bach's Matthäus-Passion, Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto and either Shostakovich's 7th or Sviridov's Time, Forward!.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What music genre /genres do you hate, if any?
Well, hate is too strong of a word. I'd potentially hate a person who killed my mother, but not a type of music, you see? I'm not too keen on power metal (it is cheesy, but not in a cool way) and rap/hip-hop, but even in these genres I can find some good music, so yeah, I hate nothing.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What is your favorite sport?
I'm not interested in sport at all, but I enjoy watching athletics on TV.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your top 5 favorite TV show?
Well, I assume TV shows != TV series, so I can only say I don't have any. For me <name of the country>'s Got Talent and stuff like this is a TV show, but if you mean TV series, then Berlin Alexanderplatz, Elfen Lied, Band of Brothers, Russian Sherlock Holmes, Black Mirror, Luther, Danger 5, True Detective, Twin Peaks, Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny, Russian Sherlock Holmes... It's more than five, but you got Danger 5 in there, so I named 5!!! xD
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your top 5 favorite actors.
May be more than 5, because freak the rules.
Michael Fassbender
Max von Sydow
Bruno Ganz
Erland Josephson
Tatsuya Nakadai
Toshiro Mifune
Klaus Kinski
Anatoli Solonitsyn
bla bla bla... there's too many to list

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your top 5 favorite actresses.
Liv Ullmann
Ingrid Thulin
Maria Falconetti
Li Gong
Bibi Andersson
Harriet Andersson
bla bla bla...
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your favorite horror movie villain.
Probably the killer from The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon. The killer from Don't Torture a Duckling and Coffin Joe are pretty cool, too.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your favorite movie hero.
Well, since the next question says 'superhero', I take the word 'hero' simply as 'protagonist'. Let's go with Valuska from Werckmeister Harmonies.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name your favorite movie superhero.
I'm not that big on superhero flicks, so I can't even think of one.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name the movie you hate the most.
Well, it's probably the live action Scooby-Doo films, or stuff like American Pie 2 or Nutty Professor II: The Klumps.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
Name the oldest movie you've seen.
Inane question. I've seen the oldest movie ever. The Roundhay Garden scene from 1888.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What is your favorite movie genre?
Here we go again, but this time I'll be cunning and say drama.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What is your favorite decade of movies?
2530's. Seriously though, either 20's or 60's.
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321742)
What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .
Horror - Hour of the Wolf, The Hunger, The Phantom Carriage
Sci-fi - Visitor to a Museum, Stalker, Blade Runner
Suspense Thriller - M, High and Low, The Bad Sleep Well
Comedy - My Name is Nobody, Love Exposure, A Zed & Two Noughts
Action - A Bittersweet Life
Drama - Werckmeister Harmonies
Musicals - Phantom of the Paradise
Westerns - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, Django (1966)
Martial Arts - if Wuxia counts, then Touch of Zen
War - J'accuse!, Go and See, Red Angel

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321747)
Where do your username come from? What's the story behind it?
I don't remember. LOL.

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321747)
Are you truly as kinky as you say you are? Even in real life?
Naah, in real life I'm not that kinky. I mean, not MovieGal-level kinky. I don't stroll the streets in gimp suit with a huge strapon on and I don't indulge in BDSM orgies. I like kinky jokes, but I rarely make them in real life, because people around me cannot HANDLE the amount of kink they have. Well, actually I'm quite normal. I'm not a pervert like some lady from these forums.
Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321747)
What is the ultimate kinky experience to you?
About one month ago I found out my hair is so long it's kinky! Then I visited barber and the kinkiness has ended!
Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321747)
What is the most unexpected thing about your personality?
No idea, probably the fact that sometimes I don't speak at all and am introverted and sometimes I feel like talking, especially when an interesting topic pops up, or I'm talking to a person I like.
Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1321753)
- Do you remember the first time you watched porn?
I don't remember the exact age, but I remember when I discovered a website with some porn pictures (not a video, but the content was pretty hard, so I count it as porn anyway) and then would look at woman's body and be like "cool, that's interesting", and then would look at erected penises and would think "WTF is this, this can't be real". It was before I ever got erection and before I ever had orgasm, so you know... I can't remember my first video watch.
Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1321753)
- Have you ever tried ocean fishing?
I've never tried fishing to begin with, so I obviously never tried ocean fishing neither.
Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1321753)
- What do you think is a good solution to making math more interesting?
I think it's good to show people that math has an actual use in the world around us and that pupils and students don't learn it only because the teachers want them to, but because it can come in handy later.
Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1321753)
- Top 5 songs? Best song ever. The rest is unimportant.
Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1321753)
- Any comics you read on a regular basis?
When I was younger I bought the Donald Duck comics magazine a couple of times, but don't know if it counts as regular basis.

Ðèstîñy 05-26-15 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321815)
Intensive forum search proved no trace of an user called Mr Minion. I assume the thread is after all meant to be called 'Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio'.
Actually, I can call it whatever I want.

Happy Anniversary, Minion!!!!

Now that was intense!

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321815)
This terrible mistake shall not be forgotten.
Not even when Dementia sets in?

Children these days!

Cobpyth 05-26-15 12:51 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
If you could only choose one favorite director of all time, who would it be?

Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?

What's the most brilliant moment you've ever seen in a film?

Have you ever been really drunk?

If you'd have to kill one person in the whole world, who would it be?

What's the last time you had a really good laugh?

What is -according to you- the most fascinating animal in the world (besides humans)?

christine 05-26-15 02:11 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Hello Mr Mineo :D - did you see that picture I posted you when I called you Mineo last time?

Do you believe in an afterlife?

What character in a film is most like you?

What's life like in Poland?

Do you have a close family?

What was your favourite subject in school?

Who is your favourite author? Polish and books in English

Mr Minio 05-26-15 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
If you could only choose one favorite director of all time, who would it be?
Bela Tarr.
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
Only with MovieGal, but then I saw Rahbani. :love:
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
What's the most brilliant moment you've ever seen in a film?
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
Have you ever been really drunk?
Naaah, I'm a teetotaller. I never ever drank beer and I only drank vodka once in my life and it was an one glass toast.
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
If you'd have to kill one person in the whole world, who would it be?
I'm pretty sure there's enough pedophiles and killers in the world to choose from.
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
What's the last time you had a really good laugh?
Today. Me and the guy that sits next to me on computer classes would search for pics of 'pedobear benis' on Google Graphics. I couldn't hold my laughter. Then, the lecturer saw me laughing and started to laugh, too, even though he didn't know why I am laughing. xD
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321825)
What is -according to you- the most fascinating animal in the world (besides humans)?
Aardvarks. Not only homosexual, but would also play computer games with me.

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
Hello Mr Mineo :D - did you see that picture I posted you when I called you Mineo last time?
Either haven't seen or don't remember seeing it.
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
Do you believe in an afterlife?
Sure, Heaven is a very nice perspective.
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
What character in a film is most like you?
I really don't know. I'm too original. :D
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
What's life like in Poland?
Ambiguous. Same as you'd ask what's life like in the USA? Elaborate.
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
Do you have a close family?
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
What was your favourite subject in school?
English, History, Geography...
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321838)
Who is your favourite author? Polish and books in English
I don't read. I'm a troglodyte.

christine 05-26-15 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321861)
Ambiguous. Same as you'd ask what's life like in the USA? Elaborate.
how is the country doing? employment opportunities good or bad? economy doing well? What kind of government you have?

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321861)
I don't read. I'm a troglodyte.
not enough light hey?

Mr Minio 05-26-15 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321899)
how is the country doing? employment opportunities good or bad? economy doing well? What kind of government you have?
I'm not interested in that, to be honest. I'm studying and don't think about a job, but in a year, or two I'll probably start worrying. xD We had the second turn of presidential election yesterday and a new president has been chosen. I didn't vote. Don't care about it. I still feel like a kid, I don't dabble in politics and the world of 'adults'. I only wish I get a job connected with my branch of studies and earn decent amount of money. I don't need heaps, just for all the payments, food and some more to save. If I get a job and money I can continue living in ignorance.*
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321899)
not enough light hey?
I liked Cormac McCarthy's The Road and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, but I really are 70% movies, 25% music, 5% games (actually it's only one game) nowadays.

* Well, if I don't, I'd still not care about politics.

Cobpyth 05-26-15 06:36 PM

Just one question, elaborating on an answer you gave to Christine's question:

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321910)
If I get a job and money I can continue living in ignorance.*

* Well, if I don't, I'd still not care about politics.
Why do you prefer ignorance over knowledge? Do you apply this philosophy of ignorance to other subjects besides politics?

Another individual question:

Do you often wear an "imaginary mask" to hide your true feelings about something? Why (not)?

christine 05-26-15 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321910)
I'm not interested in that, to be honest. I'm studying and don't think about a job, but in a year, or two I'll probably start worrying. xD We had the second turn of presidential election yesterday and a new president has been chosen. I didn't vote. Don't care about it. I still feel like a kid, I don't dabble in politics and the world of 'adults'. I only wish I get a job connected with my branch of studies and earn decent amount of money. I don't need heaps, just for all the payments, food and some more to save. If I get a job and money I can continue living in ignorance.*

* Well, if I don't, I'd still not care about politics.
What are you studying?

What percentage of the electorate turned out for the presidential elections?

Mr Minio 05-26-15 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321921)
Why do you prefer ignorance over knowledge? Do you apply this philosophy of ignorance to other subjects besides politics?
In politics you can only have actual knowledge, like the names of deputies etc., but isn't the political superiority subjective and impossible to state impartially? I never was interested in politics and always disliked people mumbling about it. I'm ignorant of sport, too, meaning I'm not interested in it and therefore don't know who won World Cup in 1974, or something. I don't feel like finding it out, neither. I can't think of any other subjects.
Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1321921)
Do you often wear an "imaginary mask" to hide your true feelings about something? Why (not)?
I try to speak my mind, but obviously it's not always possible, so if I know it can have unwanted consequences, I'd stay silent. And I stay silent very often, but not only, because of this particular reason.
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321930)
What are you studying?
Data engineering.
Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321930)
What percentage of the electorate turned out for the presidential elections?
Unexpectedly big fifty-something percent for the second turn, the first turn had ~40%.

TONGO 05-26-15 08:05 PM

What have you contributed to this forum?

The Gunslinger45 05-26-15 08:53 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Your favorite Kinky movie?

Favorite Kinky Subgenre?

Favorite Song for spooning?

Mr Minio 05-28-15 12:22 PM

Weird, I could swear I sent this post. I even found it thanks to a special FireFox Addon that remembers what you wrote, so if you close the browser accidentially, you don't loose what you wrote.

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 1321983)
What have you contributed to this forum?
I have contributed myself! My movie journey thread, my Movie Tab posts and other posts probably inspired people to watch movies they wouldn't have seen otherwise. My low-quality jokes made some people laugh or at least smile. My sheer beauty made MovieGal fall in love with me.
Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1322008)
Your favorite Kinky movie?
Not sure if favourite, but one of favourites:

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1322008)
Favorite Kinky Subgenre?
Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1322008)
Favorite Song for spooning?
It depends on who is spooning who.

Mr Minio 05-28-15 05:05 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
More questions or else, people!

Funny Face 05-28-15 05:45 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
What is your favorite childhood memory?

90sAce 05-28-15 06:42 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
You used to have a signature about Aarvarks right? Where did you come up with that?

Rahbani 05-28-15 09:51 PM

Have you ever been arrested?

Would you rather spend the rest of your life in prison or be executed?

Has a song ever made you cry?

What's your favourite season?

Do you have any bad habits you'd like to break?

Mingusings 05-28-15 09:53 PM

Are you religious/do you believe in a God?

MovieGal 05-28-15 10:10 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
If I came to Poland to meet you, would you be shy and barely talk to me or would we get along very well?

If we were going to watch a movie, would it be in a private cozy place or in a movie cinema?

What film best describes your hidden personality?

Mr Minio 05-29-15 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by Funny Face (Post 1323017)
What is your favorite childhood memory?
When I was six I was a geography genius. I was so interested in it, I would study atlases and other books for days! Of course, I remembered all the capital cities and flags of the world. Damn, I could even draw a political map of the whole world! Then My 7th birthday came and I got a present: A fancy world atlas with a lot of info and a very handy list of all the countries with info about them (capital city, flag, GDP, area, population). I was very happy. Euphoric. I was only once as happy as I was back then and it was when I got my Internet connection back after 1 month without it. Another interesting thing is since I got my first computer at the age of 8, my geography knowledge would stagnate and then decrease.Yes, when I was six I was smarter than I am now when it comes to geography.
Originally Posted by 90sAce (Post 1323054)
You used to have a signature about Aarvarks right? Where did you come up with that?
Originally Posted by Rahbani (Post 1323165)
Have you ever been arrested?
Yeah, a couple of times. The other day I was running from the cops on my bike, but then I wanted to be a troll and tried jumping on the roof of their car. I fell from the bike, however and I got BUSTED. I tell you, GTA: San Andreas isn't an easy game for a kid.
Originally Posted by Rahbani (Post 1323165)
Would you rather spend the rest of your life in prison or be executed?
If there's Internet in prison and I could have a cell of my own, shower of my own (I'm afraid of dropping my soap) and what-not, I'd be almost like it is now. Naaaah, just kidding. I'd take prison, unless it's some crazy torture chamber, or gulag.
Originally Posted by Rahbani (Post 1323165)
Has a song ever made you cry?
I've been crying all the time throughout Angelopoulos' Dust of Time. It was thank to Karaindrou's beautiful music. Then when I tried listening to the music alone on my MP3, I'd burst out crying, too. But then after a month it wouldn't have that effect on me no more. Live performances are way more powerful. I almost started crying watching a kid playing Chopin on piano in music school.
Originally Posted by Rahbani (Post 1323165)
What's your favourite season?
Spring. Summer is too hot, Winter too cold and Fall too rainy. Spring can be annoying, too, but probably the least of them all.
Originally Posted by Rahbani (Post 1323165)
Do you have any bad habits you'd like to break?
I have some bad habits, but the problem is I don't want to break them. One of them is spending too much time on my computer/surfing Internet/at home in general and not outside.
Originally Posted by Mingusings (Post 1323166)
Are you religious/do you believe in a God?
I believe in God, but I stopped going to church about half a year ago. I used to be way more pious than I am now.
Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1323172)
If I came to Poland to meet you, would you be shy and barely talk to me or would we get along very well?
You're welcome anytime, baby. Only please, don't bring any sharp tools or BDSM items.
Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1323172)
If we were going to watch a movie, would it be in a private cozy place or in a movie cinema?
We could watch it on my TV, the couch is comfy. Then again, I've never been to the cinema in my city, so we could go there as well. Actually, it'd be cool to do both!
Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1323172)
What film best describes your hidden personality?
No idea. Just like I don't know what movie character is closest to me, personally.

Mr Minio 06-02-15 06:22 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio

Guaporense 06-03-15 12:23 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
1. What's your favorite manga? :)

2. How old was you when you first watched an art film?

3. Do you have any real life friends who are into serious films like you?

Harry Lime 06-03-15 12:49 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Mr Minion, what's the meaning of life?

Mr Minio 06-03-15 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1326408)
1. What's your favorite manga? :)
I don't read manga. Sorry, Guap, but I'm not an anime-maniac like you.
Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1326408)
2. How old was you when you first watched an art film?
It depends on what an art film is for you. But I watched Werckmeister Harmonies at the age of 16 and it got me into arthouse cinema, so it's probably 16.
Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1326408)
3. Do you have any real life friends who are into serious films like you?
Originally Posted by Harry Lime (Post 1326420)
Mr Minion, what's the meaning of life?
I'll let Mr Minion answer this one.

Guaporense 06-04-15 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1326489)
I don't read manga. Sorry, Guap, but I'm not an anime-maniac like you.
Manga is a very different thing though. Many people read manga and never watch animation and vice versa. Also, manga is huge, in Japan it's more popular than movies are in the US, most people who read manga do not watch anime regularly by the way. One doesn't need to be an "anime-maniac" to read graphic fiction.

It depends on what an art film is for you. But I watched Werckmeister Harmonies at the age of 16 and it got me into arthouse cinema, so it's probably 16.
All right.

Among my real life friends the most artsy things they watched in live action movies is Reservoir Dogs. :D Though I made my cousin watch a couple of Tarkovsky's films.

Citizen Rules 06-04-15 06:11 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Question: We've chatted very little in the year that I've been here.
So what is the most important thing about you that I should know?

mark f 06-04-15 06:17 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
He's got a lot of cock and bull stories. :)

Mr Minio 06-04-15 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1327530)
One doesn't need to be an "anime-maniac" to read graphic fiction.
I don't anyway. I'm not OTAKU like you.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1327541)
Question: We've chatted very little in the year that I've been here.
Have we EVER chatted, to begin with?
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1327541)
So what is the most important thing about you that I should know?
Arthouse maniac, king of kink, but only on the Internet. Sensitive, but strong-minded in real life.
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1327544)
He's got a lot of cock and bull stories. :)
What does it even mean?

Citizen Rules 06-04-15 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1327544)
He's got a lot of cock and bull stories. :)
Are we talking about Ms Jenner?:lol:

(sorry, bad joke everyone:))

donniedarko 06-04-15 08:05 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
What is a scene in a film that was to kinky for you?

Do you have a domme?

Mr Minio 06-04-15 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1327636)
What is a scene in a film that was to kinky for you?
Non-porn: None.
Porn: Gay, Girl Strap On Humping a Guy (not sure whether too kinky or simply not interesting for me sexually, but I turned it off almost automatically)

One thing that I found really disturbing though is...

WARNING: "Very disturbing content. Make sure you want to read it!" spoilers below
A crazy kind of dominatrix kind of fetish with a guy, who doesn't even have a boner and wants a domina to kick his balls as strong as she can. He of course screams as she does it, but begs her to don't stop. Then she kicks him so hard he almost blacks out and then there's blood leaking from his mouth. He then starts coughing and has puking reaction and then pukes blood and cries. It almost felt like he was dying, but the woman just kept her role and started talking something about him liking this kind of stuff and making her happy as his domina. This was one of the most disturbing things I've seen in my life. Goatse and scat movies didn't make any impression on me and didn't put me off neither. This stuff on the other hand was terrible!

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1327636)
Do you have a domme?
No. I am the only master! MUAHAHAHAa.

donniedarko 06-04-15 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1327655)
Non-porn: None.
Porn: Gay, Girl Strap On Humping a Guy (not sure whether too kinky or simply not interesting for me sexually, but I turned it off almost automatically)

One thing that I found really disturbing though is...

WARNING: "Very disturbing content. Make sure you want to read it!" spoilers below
A crazy kind of dominatrix kind of fetish with a guy, who doesn't even have a boner and wants a domina to kick his balls as strong as she can. He of course screams as she does it, but begs her to don't stop. Then she kicks him so hard he almost blacks out and then there's blood leaking from his mouth. He then starts coughing and has puking reaction and then pukes blood and cries. It almost felt like he was dying, but the woman just kept her role and started talking something about him liking this kind of stuff and making her happy as his domina. This was one of the most disturbing things I've seen in my life. Goatse and scat movies didn't make any impression on me and didn't put me off neither. This stuff on the other hand was terrible!
I've heard of that fetish, that sounds fVcked though

Swan 06-04-15 09:58 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
What did I walk into....

MovieGal 06-04-15 10:04 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
In your spoiler you mention something that is a scene in "Salo".. the part where they are eating, let's say "dinner", what did you think if of that?

Have you ever read any of the novels by de Sade?

Do you get turned on by females that enjoy more intense things than you do?

Sexy Celebrity 06-04-15 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1327784)
What did I walk into....
Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1327655)
One thing that I found really disturbing though is...

WARNING: "Very disturbing content. Make sure you want to read it!" spoilers below
A crazy kind of dominatrix kind of fetish with a guy, who doesn't even have a boner and wants a domina to kick his balls as strong as she can. He of course screams as she does it, but begs her to don't stop. Then she kicks him so hard he almost blacks out and then there's blood leaking from his mouth. He then starts coughing and has puking reaction and then pukes blood and cries. It almost felt like he was dying, but the woman just kept her role and started talking something about him liking this kind of stuff and making her happy as his domina. This was one of the most disturbing things I've seen in my life. Goatse and scat movies didn't make any impression on me and didn't put me off neither. This stuff on the other hand was terrible!
Sounds like they're talking about Miss Vicky behind her back (using the spoiler tag to hide what they're saying).

Mr Minio 06-05-15 07:07 AM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1327784)
What did I walk into....
Welcome to my kingdom! Muahahaha!
Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1327787)
In your spoiler you mention something that is a scene in "Salo".. the part where they are eating, let's say "dinner", what did you think if of that?
Not necessarily from that movie. I was talking in general that eating and playing with your excrements doesn't bother me. I don't watch it for pleasure, but as a novelty and when it's a part of a feature movie (like Salo). What I mean, though, is that if they dunk in their own sh*t and enjoy it, let them do it, no matter how sick it can be for other people. The key thing is there's no harm done. And mind you, I'm not talking about Salo now, in which people were forced to do all these things, I'm talking about mutual agreement. There's a thin line in BDSM and as far as I can understand men who want to be dominated (mildly, like tied and then the woman does her job, but no dominatrix stuff) or even humped in the rear (something hard to understand for me, but since there's prostate...) I can't understand somebody who wants somebody else to inflict him/her pain. I know there's that thing called masochism, but it's still pretty sick. But don't worry MovieGal, I'm not gonna stop talking to you now, I still like you, even though you're kinky as HELL!
Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1327787)
Have you ever read any of the novels by de Sade?
I have not. The snippets are enough for me.
Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1327787)
Do you get turned on by females that enjoy more intense things than you do?
Intense, like sexually? Nope. I'd like it if a woman enjoyed what I enjoy, but going one step further is a little bit too far. Well, I don't know where we could go, to be honest. Probably into femdom or some weird fetish stuff that doesn't turn me on. The rest is alright and I'm mentally 'prepared' (don't know if physically, though HEHE) for this. And by 'the rest' I mean a more or less 'normal' sex, so don't think since I didn't list something, I would enjoy it, but chances are I would. Haha.

Well, I guess if I had a girlfriend, I'd start very slowly and we'd just have normal sex and I guess it would be enough for me. Then, when we know each other better, we could start experimenting, but I'd like to focus our relationship on a more psychological aspects and build a ground for a long-term love relationship. Sorry, I'm a romantic.

Intense, not sexually? Like what? Sports? Haha. I wouldn't mind her working out, maybe she would even make me do it. Or run. Running I find really interesting. I like walking even more, but I'd have to walk a very long distance to make it effective. I only hope she wouldn't have had guns or abs bigger than me (which means any at all xD), because that's a turn off for me.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1327792)
Sounds like they're talking about Miss Vicky behind her back (using the spoiler tag to hide what they're saying).
Sexy Celebrity! Ask questions or else!

MovieGal 06-05-15 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1327969)
I can't understand somebody who wants somebody else to inflict him/her pain. I know there's that thing called masochism, but it's still pretty sick.
I have read the book "Venus in Furs" by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, to whom in which we get the word "Masochism" and I don't recall any sexual pleasure derived from the pain that inflicted in the beatings he receives. I think the whole concept of sexuality being linked to that word is what we have made it and not what it was intended to mean.

There is a major difference in excessive foreplay and sado-masochism. I feel that society has taken those words and pulled them farther than from what they intended.

I have read many works by de Sade and yes, they are highly extreme. Not just on the level of sexuality. The book "La philosophie dans le boudoir" is more than just about rough sex, there are highly intense discussion about morality, compassion and religion. This would be the book I would suggest for you to read first.

deSade, himself, struggled throughout his life with these issues. He is a very interesting person to read about and understand, and through this, you would have a better understanding of his works.

von Sacher-Masoch, I have only read "Venus in Furs" and I found it extremely boring.

Mr Minio 07-29-15 06:31 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
More questions, please.

Fabulous 07-29-15 06:35 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Have you watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy? If so:

How would you rate the triolgy?

Who is your favourite character from the trilogy?

Mr Minio 07-29-15 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by Fabulous (Post 1360634)
Have you watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
At least twice.
Originally Posted by Fabulous (Post 1360634)
How would you rate the triolgy?
I haven't seen any of these films for a very long time, but LOTR Trilogy is way better than Hobbit trilogy. I would give it

Originally Posted by Fabulous (Post 1360634)
Who is your favourite character from the trilogy?
Hard to tell, but I remember really liking Aragorn. :)

Friendly Mushroom! 07-29-15 07:01 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Who's your least favorite character from LOTR?
What color was the plate you last ate on?
What's your favorite local restaurant and favorite dish there?

Mr Minio 07-29-15 07:11 PM

Asked me in another thread:

Originally Posted by DrSpengler (Post 1360625)
What fictional character would you date?
Oh, boy, that's a great question! I would date my dream girl, because she's fictional, too.

Seriously, though, from films? Noriko from Ozu's Late Spring & Early Summer & Tokyo Story. Not only is she a beautiful and cute (the courtesy of Setsuko Hara) but also very modest and decent girl.

Mr Minio 07-29-15 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Friendly Mushroom! (Post 1360679)
Who's your least favorite character from LOTR?
Gimli as I don't like dwarfs that much.
Originally Posted by Friendly Mushroom! (Post 1360679)
What color was the plate you last ate on?
Originally Posted by Friendly Mushroom! (Post 1360679)
What's your favorite local restaurant and favorite dish there?
I don't go to restaurants, but there's a nice cheap dinning place I go to and they have delicious fish. I like fish. Eat fish. Fish is good for you.

matt72582 07-30-15 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1323312)
When I was six I was a geography genius. I was so interested in it, I would study atlases and other books for days! Of course, I remembered all the capital cities and flags of the world. Damn, I could even draw a political map of the whole world! Then My 7th birthday came and I got a present: A fancy world atlas with a lot of info and a very handy list of all the countries with info about them (capital city, flag, GDP, area, population). I was very happy. Euphoric. I was only once as happy as I was back then and it was when I got my Internet connection back after 1 month without it. Another interesting thing is since I got my first computer at the age of 8, my geography knowledge would stagnate and then decrease.Yes, when I was six I was smarter than I am now when it comes to geography.
Yeah, a couple of times. The other day I was running from the cops on my bike, but then I wanted to be a troll and tried jumping on the roof of their car. I fell from the bike, however and I got BUSTED. I tell you, GTA: San Andreas isn't an easy game for a kid.
If there's Internet in prison and I could have a cell of my own, shower of my own (I'm afraid of dropping my soap) and what-not, I'd be almost like it is now. Naaaah, just kidding. I'd take prison, unless it's some crazy torture chamber, or gulag.
I've been crying all the time throughout Angelopoulos' Dust of Time. It was thank to Karaindrou's beautiful music. Then when I tried listening to the music alone on my MP3, I'd burst out crying, too. But then after a month it wouldn't have that effect on me no more. Live performances are way more powerful. I almost started crying watching a kid playing Chopin on piano in music school.
Spring. Summer is too hot, Winter too cold and Fall too rainy. Spring can be annoying, too, but probably the least of them all.
I have some bad habits, but the problem is I don't want to break them. One of them is spending too much time on my computer/surfing Internet/at home in general and not outside.
I believe in God, but I stopped going to church about half a year ago. I used to be way more pious than I am now.
You're welcome anytime, baby. Only please, don't bring any sharp tools or BDSM items.
We could watch it on my TV, the couch is comfy. Then again, I've never been to the cinema in my city, so we could go there as well. Actually, it'd be cool to do both!
No idea. Just like I don't know what movie character is closest to me, personally.

Sounds like me! I still have a globe when I was 6. I always wanted to travel, and did quite a lot.

matt72582 07-30-15 12:09 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
5 People you could meet and talk with?

Heroes (alive or dead)

Do you like standup comedy? If so, whom?

What decade of life do you think is the best?

Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?


Mr Minio 07-30-15 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1361000)
5 People you could meet and talk with?
Narrow it a little bit, please, because right now I could just pick any 5 people interested in art cinema that don't want to kill me.
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1361000)
Heroes (alive or dead)
I'm not denying there were some heroes who sacrificed their lives for other people etc. and although I really respect them, I don't 'worship' any of them. Sometimes I believe I am a hero myself, when I do something I feel proud about doing. And it's not arrogance, just high self-esteem.
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1361000)
Do you like standup comedy? If so, whom?
Laughing is too mainstream. I prefer crying, or even better being in a rainy mood. But that's really getting mainstream, too, so I guess I have to be angry all the time to be a hipster, or whatever. Seriously, though, I don't watch any standup comedy.
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1361000)
What decade of life do you think is the best?
Probably 20's. I've just began it and so far am wasting my time on movies and the Internet. :up:
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1361000)
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?
1. Finish my studies.
2. Find a job
3. Find a girlfriend

Not necessarily in that order.
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1361000)

Mr Minio 03-15-16 08:44 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Time to refresh this rusty old topic!

Guaporense 03-29-16 11:29 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Is Bela Tarr popular in Poland? I mean, there is a lot of people who watched his movies around or is he as obscure there as in the West?

Mr Minio 03-30-16 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1485548)
Is Bela Tarr popular in Poland? I mean, there is a lot of people who watched his movies around or is he as obscure there as in the West?
Among normal people he's largely unknown and I doubt he's any better known than in the West. I know some movie buffs from all around the country that know him and love him, but none from my city that I know of.

Guaporense 04-08-16 06:22 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
I only know of him because WH was your 1st place in your top 10.

Mr Minio 01-05-17 07:57 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Wow, that was an interesting thread. Ask me more questions!

Citizen Rules 01-05-17 08:00 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Do you have a girlfriend yet?

If not, do you have any special requirements for a potential lady friend?

Things she should do? Things she shouldn't do?

Mr Minio 01-05-17 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1623213)
Do you have a girlfriend yet?
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1623213)
If not, do you have any special requirements for a potential lady friend?
I'm kind of tired of listing these things I want from my potential girlfriend. I just want her to look forward to meeting me in the first place. We will work it out from there.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1623213)
Things she should do? Things she shouldn't do?
She should be alive. She shouldn't be a man.

tatmmw2 02-23-17 02:42 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
"My low-quality jokes made some people laugh or at least smile"

I love how everyone describes you bizarrely enough that your person itself became a joke :laugh: I don't recall that many examples, the one I remember right now is how someone quotes you as IT :p. Love your bizarre posts!!

Dani8 02-23-17 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1623230)
She should be alive. She shouldn't be a man.
If there were no women left in the world, which man would you choose to be your man biatch?

Mr Minio 02-23-17 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by tatmmw2 (Post 1654753)
Love your bizarre posts!!
We totally have to babysit together some day!
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1654812)
If there were no women left in the world, which man would you choose to be your man biatch?
If there were no women left in the world, humanity would all die in this century. Anyway, I wouldn't want to dabble in homosexualism even if women were no longer an option.

Dani8 02-23-17 04:48 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Oh c'Mon Mr Kinky. That's no fun. Just tell me your #1 man crush. Everyone has one.

tatmmw2 02-23-17 05:32 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
You are asking wrong:

Who would you like as your boyfriend if you were a girl? I'm asking generally, actors and all that stuff too, and then I'm asking in the forum, though it's kind of weird since nobody knows for sure everyone's gender

Dani8 02-23-17 05:34 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
No that's not my question. Who would he have a bromance with if there were no wiminz left.

He can also answer your question. 2 very different ?

Mr Minio 02-24-17 01:30 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
I'd like to engage in oral relationship with Michael Fassbender and Anton Walbrook and my dream is to be sucked off by both of them simultaneously in bathtubs full of luke-warm jello. Here you go, is it kinky enough?

mark f 02-24-17 01:34 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Only fair.

Dexter007 02-24-17 01:36 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Why are you so mini, Mr. Minio?

Mr Minio 02-24-17 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1655115)
Only fair.
I had a hard time typing this. Well, swap these two guys with any two of my favourite actresses and you got it right. Minus the jello part. Water is enough.
Originally Posted by Dexter007 (Post 1655116)
Why are you so mini, Mr. Minio?
I'm not mini. I'm huge!

Dani8 02-24-17 02:10 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
There was a guy on ahs board who was madly inlove with Fassbender. Is that you?

Mr Minio 02-24-17 03:45 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio

Dani8 02-24-17 03:46 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
He was really funny. Every thread he posted was about Fassbender.

Have you seen Eden Lake? I think it's the first of his films I saw him in.

Mr Minio 02-24-17 03:51 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
No, I haven't.

Dani8 02-24-17 03:53 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Check it out. Fassbender is great and that movie really freaked me out. One of the best horror/thrillers I've seen for a long time.

Swan 02-24-17 03:54 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
I recently saw it, and thought it was decent.

Mr Minio 08-08-18 03:52 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
An outstanding thread, and the Hotseat! threads idea is great. I think we should resurrect it and grill more MoFos - a lot of newcomers since we stopped doing this!.

iank 08-08-18 05:48 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
I'll answer some of the originals:

Describe what you look like.
The studliest stud in Studland
Describe your personality.
Quietly passionate
Where were you born?
Do you have any sibling?

Name your top 5 favorite TV show?
Doctor Who (classic)
The X Files
Person of Interest
That 70s Show
Too many to list

Name your top 5 favorite actors.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Roger Moore
Sean Connery
Bill Murray
Emma Watson

Name your favorite horror movie villain.
Michael Myers
Name your favorite movie hero.
James Bond (Moore version)

Name the movie you hate the most.
Probably something from the 2000s
Name the oldest movie you've seen.
Probably Rope
What is your favorite movie genre?
What is your favorite decade of movies?
What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Horror? Black Christmas (1974)
Sci-fi? The Terminator
Suspense Thriller? Silence of the Lambs
Comedy? The Naked Gun
Action? The Spy Who Loved Me
Drama? Show Me Love/The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Musicals? Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Westerns? Tombstone

Mr Minio 08-08-18 07:41 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
@iank It doesn't work that way! You need a separate thread just for yourself! :D

Mr Minio 08-08-18 09:09 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Mr Minio
Read this after 3 years. A really cringe-worthy thread.

Ultraviolence 08-08-18 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321815)

Liv Ullmann
Ingrid Thulin
Maria Falconetti
Li Gong
Bibi Andersson
Harriet Andersson
bla bla bla...
I'm impressed, no Setsuko Hara!?

Ultraviolence 08-08-18 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321815)

Sci-fi - Visitor to a Museum, Stalker, Blade Runner
Two Russian HoF nominations!

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321815)
War - Red Angel
The best nurse ever!


Mr Minio 08-08-18 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Ultraviolence (Post 1932551)
I'm impressed, no Setsuko Hara!?
I said it was cringe-worthy. The choices are great, and I still agree with all of them. It's just that back then I probably only knew Setsuko from a handful of Ozu films and a Naruse, or something.
Originally Posted by Ultraviolence (Post 1932553)
Two Russian HoF nominations!
Everybody's seen those Cinema 101 films years ago.
Originally Posted by Ultraviolence (Post 1932553)
The best nurse ever!
I'd let Ayako Wakao nurse me anytime!

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