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rauldc14 03-25-14 06:20 PM

Survivor 2: Paradise Island

While survivor 1 is nearing its end, it is time to start the groundwork for survivor 2. Godoggo has done a great job with survivor 1 and I hope to do the same here. I am looking for 17 contestants this time around (19, if the demand is there). Why those numbers you ask? I'll leave that up to speculation.

While survivor 1 isn't over it is time to see who will follow the footsteps of Cobpyth, The Usual Suspect, or Skepsis and be crowned survivor champion. Who knows, maybe we will even have a repeat winner.

Anyone who is interested in playing needs to let me know in this thread. Once we have all our contestants we will get this show on the road, but obviously not before the first game is over. And don't worry, this game will be paced just like godoggos. I understand the lives we all have, as long as nobody goes all nebbit on this game:p (sorry, nebbit). Hopefully we can see all of the regular survivor players in this second game then.

To have a little fun to start when you sign up, let me know what your luxury item is that you are bringing along. Who knows, it may be part of some future challenge.

This game will have twists, turns, and challenges that we haven't seen before. Who will outwit, outplay, and outlast all other contestants? Well, we will soon find out.


Masterman- OUT 3rd
Daniel M-OUT 8th, 4th jury member
Godoggo-OUT 10th, 6th Jury Member
SeanC- OUT 13th, 9th Jury Member
Swan- OUT 9th, 5th Jury Member
Movieman- OUT 6th, 2nd Jury Member
TheUsualSuspect-OUT 12th, 8th Jury Member
Jiraffejustin-T-2ND PLACE
Sexy Celebrity-OUT 11th, 7th Jury Member
Sci Fi Slob- OUT 4th
Donniedarko- OUT 5th, 1st Jury Member
Rhys- OUT 2nd
Cobpyth- OUT 7th, 3rd Jury Member
Destiny- OUT 1st
Hit Girl-T-2ND PLACE

Masterman 03-25-14 06:57 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Sign me up.

rauldc14 03-25-14 07:06 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Masterman has joined the island.

Daniel M 03-25-14 07:17 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Go on. Really enjoyed the first one, godoggo was a great host and I am sure you will be, lots of bitching and backstabbing in the end, but too be expected. Should be interesting to see the differences in this one and how alliances and gameplans are when compared to last time.

rauldc14 03-25-14 07:42 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Daniel is on the island!

rauldc14 03-25-14 10:27 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
15 (or 17) spots left

Godoggo 03-25-14 10:33 PM

I'm one the island and my luxury item is a blow up mattress.

seanc 03-25-14 10:35 PM

Here I come

Godoggo 03-25-14 10:41 PM

I should have thought of that.

rauldc14 03-25-14 10:50 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Godoggo and SeanC have both joined Paradise Island!

teeter_g 03-25-14 10:51 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in!

rauldc14 03-25-14 10:57 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Teeter and her toothbrush have joined!

Swan 03-25-14 10:58 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in. I'm bringing a pocket knife.

teeter_g 03-25-14 11:00 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
For real. I want one of those toothbrushes. It loads up its own friggin toothpaste!

rauldc14 03-25-14 11:01 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Swan and his pocket knife has joined. Watch out I wouldn't get on his bad side.

Godoggo 03-25-14 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1062677)
I'm in. I'm bringing a pocket knife.
Don't you dare get anywhere near my mattress!!!!! :D

rauldc14 03-25-14 11:27 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Daniel and Masterman, just a reminder about luxury items as well.
9 or 11 spots left.

teeter_g 03-25-14 11:29 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Last time I brought a really cool tent and only slept in it like twice. It was so nice on the island I slept outside. I figured a toothbrush would be better.

MovieMan8877445 03-25-14 11:37 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in, and my luxury item is a four person tent.

rauldc14 03-25-14 11:38 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Welcome, movieman!

TheUsualSuspect 03-25-14 11:56 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in, luxury item, immunity idol.

rauldc14 03-26-14 12:00 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
TheUsualSuspect is in and has brought an immunity idol with him.

Unfortunately, it's a fake, but he can still have it on the island!

rauldc14 03-26-14 12:07 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
9 spots left, possibly 11!

Daniel M 03-26-14 12:10 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island

rauldc14 03-26-14 12:18 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Daniel has picked a weapon to combat Swans knife.

jiraffejustin 03-26-14 12:55 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in.

My luxury item is a Walmart

Godoggo 03-26-14 01:20 AM

If Skepsis and Cob play we will have the top three Survivor players.

Masterman 03-26-14 05:25 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
My Luxury item is.

Rhys 03-26-14 05:45 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Too late for me to join?

rauldc14 03-26-14 08:19 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
No Rhys you are in!

Jiraffejustin, SC, and Rhys have joined the island!

teeter_g 03-26-14 11:08 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Good call bringing a Wal-Mart to the island JJ

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-26-14 11:33 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in, and my luxury item is:

M1A1 Abrams Tank

Masterman 03-26-14 12:10 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
When are we jetting of then?.

Godoggo 03-26-14 12:15 PM

it probably won't start for a couple of days. My final challenge for my game is tonight and then the next day will be tribal council which I want to keep open for a few hours at least.

donniedarko 03-26-14 01:05 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in, I was worried that I didn't have enough time, but as Daniel M said "MoFo over studies", or something like that.

Luxury item? A proper Blu - ray release of Eraserhead

rauldc14 03-26-14 01:38 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Slob and donnie are on the island!

seanc 03-26-14 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 1062742)
I'm in.

My luxury item is a Walmart
Your gonna share, right bruh. Im gonna be needin some Twinkies and sweatpants.

Masterman 03-26-14 03:24 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I really hope this is more organized than Sexy's Big Brother. That's a pile of steaming turd.

rauldc14 03-26-14 03:53 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
It will certainly be. Well definitely not as quick as his.

Cobpyth 03-26-14 04:12 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm probably going to participate, but first I want Godoggo's edition to end. I can't be on two islands at once. :p

rauldc14 03-26-14 04:30 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Yeah, you better cob. Skepsis too! Just wouldn't be the same. Needed to start it early because once we have our people we have business to take care of before we actually start.

Rhys 03-26-14 05:54 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
This is my luxury item.

jiraffejustin 03-26-14 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1063003)
Your gonna share, right bruh. Im gonna be needin some Twinkies and sweatpants.
I gotchu.

rauldc14 03-26-14 06:16 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Its a limited Walmart. Its more of a shackmart, and it doesn't have everything. It does have twinkies and sweatpants though.

rauldc14 03-26-14 06:39 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
14 members have confirmed. We have 3 spots left, potentially 5.

On a side note, I tried to get some other big names involved in this he (Yoda, Destiny, Rodent) but they respectfully declined. Oh well worth a shot.

Godoggo 03-26-14 07:22 PM

I'd take a couple more than you want, because people always drop out.

rauldc14 03-26-14 08:25 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm hoping 5 more. We have 14 so 19 seems good. If anyone wants to recommend this game to someone that'd be great

Godoggo 03-26-14 09:16 PM

I'd try to get JayDee to play but I may have hurt his feelings. :bawling:

teeter_g 03-26-14 09:44 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Why are there only sweatpants and twinkies?! I hate sweatpants and twinkies! Ho-hos are much better!

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-26-14 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Rhys (Post 1063149)
You can't have that. The island doesn't have a helipad. Besides, dense canopy jungle prevents landing. :D

teeter_g 03-26-14 09:57 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
You can however bring those two little bottles of water that are setting by the wheel.

rauldc14 03-26-14 10:02 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Come and join us, Jaydee!

Godoggo 03-26-14 10:06 PM

Dammit. Rauld can I change my luxury item to this:

rauldc14 03-26-14 10:07 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
No changing items. Sorry godoggo.

Godoggo 03-26-14 10:11 PM

Dang it!!!!! How long are we going to be on this island? ;)

seanc 03-26-14 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1063353)
Dammit. Rauld can I change my luxury item to this:
I'm not listening to that voice for a month.

rauldc14 03-26-14 10:13 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
The time frame will be similar to yours. I'm sympathic to people with lives.

Godoggo 03-26-14 10:15 PM

Why? Cause it's sexy it would drive you to madness?

Thinking about it though,I'd actually have to get a time machine too for him to look like that.

seanc 03-26-14 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1063364)
Why? Cause it's sexy it would drive you to madness?

Thinking about it though,I'd actually have to get a time machine too for him to look like that.
No cotton in my mouth, I knew there was a reason I strike out so often.

rauldc14 03-26-14 10:19 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
We may have a few celebrity visits though.

Godoggo 03-26-14 10:26 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1063367)
No cotton in my mouth, I knew there was a reason I strike out so often.
I love the way he sounds.

rauldc14 03-26-14 10:32 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
If Miss Vicky doesn't join it will bring tears to my eyes.

teeter_g 03-26-14 10:34 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I think that I would not cry at all if that didn't happen, actually.

Miss Vicky 03-26-14 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1063382)
If Miss Vicky doesn't join it will bring tears to my eyes.
I had to log out just now to see if that really did say this or if it was a trick a la the I Love You thread.

I feel like these games require more of a time commitment than I really want to give, but I'll think about it.

rauldc14 03-26-14 11:01 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm going campaigning to get a few more people in here. Hope it works.

rauldc14 03-26-14 11:09 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Where's mmmm donuts when you need him?

Swan 03-26-14 11:09 PM

I bet he's eating donuts.

rauldc14 03-26-14 11:11 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Probably. Frustrating trying to get these last couple peeps! But we will make it happen.

Godoggo 03-26-14 11:11 PM

That's funny because I was just thinking about him today and how I hadn't seen him for awhile.

rauldc14 03-26-14 11:12 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Lots of people that I see on this forum on a nightly basis saying they don't have time. Sad face.

Godoggo 03-26-14 11:15 PM

Did you ask Camo?

rauldc14 03-26-14 11:15 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island

My next targets are HK,Holden Pike, and Guaporense. That would be a hoot and a half.

rauldc14 03-26-14 11:23 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I really thought I had a chance to get Destiny and Lucas on the island too, but couldn't quite make it happen.

Ðèstîñy 03-27-14 01:09 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Looks like you did after all. I'm in.

rauldc14 03-27-14 01:12 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Destiny has joined the island!

Hit Girl 03-27-14 04:44 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'm in.

Masterman 03-27-14 07:24 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I hope everything doesn't happen so fast in this game. Ime UK time zone so don't want to miss anything.

Hit Girl 03-27-14 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by Masterman (Post 1063510)
I hope everything doesn't happen so fast in this game. Ime UK time zone so don't want to miss anything.
I didn't look properly at your avatar, I thought you were Rodent! I'm in Aus, that basically equates to being on another planet, but I'm sure we'll be given enough time to respond to challenges etc. Just sit back and enjoy. :)

Masterman 03-27-14 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by Hit Girl (Post 1063511)
I didn't look properly at your avatar, I thought you were Rodent! I'm in Aus, that basically equates to being on another planet, but I'm sure we'll be given enough time to respond to challenges etc. Just sit back and enjoy. :)
Haha, he made me my Avatar.

rauldc14 03-27-14 08:18 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Hit Girl has joined the island!

rauldc14 03-27-14 08:45 AM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Realistically 3 spots left! If only 2 want to join, we will do that too.

Masterman 03-27-14 12:11 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Let's get this thing going.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-27-14 12:25 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
You guy's have no chance against me! :nope:

Masterman 03-27-14 01:02 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
lol how is that tank useful in anyway.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-27-14 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by Masterman (Post 1063597)
lol how is that tank useful in anyway.
Well, if anyone tries to build a shelter or put a tent up, I'll just run it over or fire a shell at it, and if Somalian pirates land on the island, I can fight them off.!;)

Masterman 03-27-14 01:53 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Well my fishing rod will catch me food everyday.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-27-14 01:55 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
No fish in those waters, global warming has boiled them all to death! :eek:

Masterman 03-27-14 01:57 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Haha, I'll catch crabs.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-27-14 01:59 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
No prostitutes there either.

teeter_g 03-27-14 02:20 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I'll just go and brush my teeth......over there. - - - - >

rauldc14 03-27-14 06:02 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
I need 2 more people. Miss Vicky? Skepsis93? Jaydee? I'd like to start some of the preliminary beginnings of the game tomorrow.

rauldc14 03-27-14 06:05 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
And like godoggos game, you will get a PM when anything important is going down. There may be random times to be on that would potentially help with clues to idols and such, but nothing that will kill your game if u aren't here at that time. In survivor 1, 4 idols were found but only one was played (and probably wouldn't have if nobody found out about it)

rauldc14 03-27-14 06:39 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Everyone should badger those three until two of them join. There are two very exciting developments the game will have right off the bat.

Cobpyth 03-27-14 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1063722)
And like godoggos game, you will get a PM when anything important is going down. There may be random times to be on that would potentially help with clues to idols and such, but nothing that will kill your game if u aren't here at that time. In survivor 1, 4 idols were found but only one was played (and probably wouldn't have if nobody found out about it)
Well, two actually. I played my second one in the final four, just to be sure. :p

rauldc14 03-27-14 06:42 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Ah, I missed that development

Rhys 03-27-14 06:57 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
Can our item be:!Nuke.jpg

Godoggo 03-27-14 07:42 PM

Alright Chatty Cathies just tell me if I missed anything important. Also final tribal council for the first one will be starting soon!

seanc 03-27-14 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1063785)
Alright Chatty Cathies just tell me if I missed anything important. Also final tribal council for the first one will be starting soon!
All players with more than one G in their name will be at a disadvantage in every comp.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-27-14 07:55 PM

Re: Survivor 2: Paradise Island
That's G'ist.

Godoggo 03-27-14 07:56 PM

Oh well, I'm screwed. :p

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