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Mr Minio 09-21-13 02:08 PM

I'm leaving!
I'm disgusted by the poor movie taste of MoFo users, so I decided to leave these forums and seek my paradise on some underground obscure forums nobody knows of.

Nah, just kidding. Also, I am not another offended user, who thinks he will gain some attention after making a thread like this. The reason is way more ordinary. I'll start studying very soon and therefore I won't have enough time to visit all these forums I used to. As simple as that. I just prefer to dedicate my free time to watching films, not talking about them. Of course, it doesn't mean I will never ever visit these forums again. I will, but my activity shall be limited to the minimum. If you have a request, problem, or just wanna ask how am I doing, just PM me. This way I'll surely answer you. Sooner or later. Sometimes I will come by to find out whether mark f finally seen Satantango, Guaporense rewatched and loved Tree of Life , or how is Gabrielle doing in England, but don't expect me to be even half as active as I used to be.

Oh! O, yeah. It's the time for some sentimental stuff. I really enjoyed the year I spent here. It's been a great experience talking to people who share my love for movies. I got some great recommendations from you and I believe I've given a bunch of, too. I completed my Top list and was kind of surprised my trolling was rather unsuccessful. Now, admit who checked what's Messe Noire? Who's seen it? I sent links to bluedeed and Tyler1, but got no feedback. Write in here guys, have you been trolled? Have you been expecting a masterpiece, but got THIS? Well, I said it's very visually stimulating. If you catch my drift. jiraffejustin was the only one who found out the truth. Or the only one who wrote about it to me. Well, the king of kinkiness title abides!

All in all, I liked it in here, but have to leave. Sometimes I'll come by, so don't cry. I know you love me. And I know you dislike me. YES, YOU! Don't worry, I love you all. No gay.

Best regards,
Mr Minio
(yes, no period after "Mr", who said it means Mister? Then again, Mr. Mr Minio would be laughable)

mark f 09-21-13 03:16 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Have fun. What are you going to be studying? Best orgies in non-traditional entertainment?

Yoda 09-21-13 03:18 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Thanks for the heads-up, and best of luck in your studies. :) Odds look good this place'll still be around (and even cooler, if all goes well) if and when you decide to come back around regularly again.

Powdered Water 09-21-13 03:22 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I ain't never leaving this place, no how.

The Rodent 09-21-13 03:25 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Good luck with all the drinking and parties at Uni/College :D

Mr Minio 09-21-13 03:32 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Hehe I don't drink and don't like partying, really.

I'll be studying data engineering if the name makes any sense in English.

The Rodent 09-21-13 03:39 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
IT then.

donniedarko 09-21-13 03:57 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Stay Kinky

The Gunslinger45 09-21-13 04:30 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Good luck dude!

HitchFan97 09-21-13 05:49 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Good luck and may you always remain the king of kinkiness. :)

honeykid 09-22-13 12:47 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Best of luck with it all, Mr Mino. :):up:

linespalsy 09-22-13 01:07 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Hang loose.

cricket 09-22-13 01:12 PM

I don't have a lot of the same taste in movies as you, but you have a cool style and your presence will be missed. Good luck with school, although I don't think you'll need it.

JayDee 09-22-13 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 966747)
I'm leaving
I'm hungry.

Sorry is that not the game we're playing? :p Anyway good luck with your studies Minio. :up:

bluedeed 09-22-13 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 966747)
Oh! O, yeah. It's the time for some sentimental stuff. I really enjoyed the year I spent here. It's been a great experience talking to people who share my love for movies. I got some great recommendations from you and I believe I've given a bunch of, too. I completed my Top list and was kind of surprised my trolling was rather unsuccessful. Now, admit who checked what's Messe Noire? Who's seen it? I sent links to bluedeed and Tyler1, but got no feedback. Write in here guys, have you been trolled? Have you been expecting a masterpiece, but got THIS? Well, I said it's very visually stimulating. If you catch my drift. jiraffejustin was the only one who found out the truth. Or the only one who wrote about it to me. Well, the king of kinkiness title abides!
Alas, I have not seen it yet for the same reason that you are leaving the forums, I have been very busy with y studies week in and week out, so I really don't have much free time whatsoever and what I do have I usually spend with my significant other. I will watch it soon though hopefully and share my thoughts. Good luck man, what are you studying?

Stupid bluedeed, you already said data engineering, which doesn't sound like the best translation. Is it like computer or information sciences? Writing code all day?

Sane 09-22-13 08:56 PM

Good luck. I signed up here because I wanted to expand my movie watching horizons and your posts have helped me do it. I even watched and enjoyed Satantango (although I did have to break it up into a 5 episode mini-series ;))

Pussy Galore 09-22-13 09:17 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Thanks for all your weird unknown movies that are now on my watchlist. I wish you the best of luck in your studies !

jiraffejustin 09-22-13 09:33 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Keep it kinky, my friend.

Mr Minio 09-23-13 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by bluedeed (Post 967660)
Stupid bluedeed, you already said data engineering, which doesn't sound like the best translation. Is it like computer or information sciences? Writing code all day?
Yeah, it's a branch of IT. It's administrating, analyzing and modelling data bases.

Originally Posted by Sane (Post 967661)
I even watched and enjoyed Satantango (although I did have to break it up into a 5 episode mini-series ;))
Originally Posted by Pussy Galore (Post 967665)
Thanks for all your weird unknown movies that are now on my watchlist.
Glad to see my effort wasn't meaningless. :)

gandalf26 09-23-13 06:54 AM

7thson 09-23-13 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by Powdered Water (Post 966771)
I ain't never leaving this place, no how.
As an Archie comic book character would say, "Ditto"

teeter_g 09-23-13 02:11 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
^ yeah. Anyway, good luck with school. I wish you all the best.

Mr Minio 09-24-13 02:25 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Tomorrow I'll move there. I already have a lot of films to watch that I probably won't even have time for, but still... any recommendations of fun entertaining films? Since I already got a lot of arthouse, it's mainly a question concerning entertaining films, but still... ambitious? Good in other words, but good is a subjective word. Anyway, any recs? I already came up with the idea od Chaplin's The Circus. What more?

DexterRiley 09-24-13 02:38 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
A dear John thread from a lad that joined the board literally last month is a wee odd.

That being said, Stay Gold Ponyboy.

Mr Minio 09-24-13 02:45 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Are you hooked on something? :)

mark f 09-24-13 03:08 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
He joined 14 months ago.

Mr Minio 10-26-13 02:28 PM

Seeing how Gabrielle947 updated her thread I feel like bumping my own too as well. Probably you can already tell I was overreacting and exaggerating the whole studying thingy. I thought it's gonna be like a total hardcore with a test every week, but apparently it's not. I'm studying for more or less a month now and I didn't have a single test yet. There's gonna be some in a month, but studies are more of a laid back than I thought. Thanks to this, despite what I've said before, I still have time for movieforums!

On the occasion of the start of my new educational journey I, let's say, promised myself I'll try to be more self-confident and talkative in order to meet new people and have a higher respect from my lecturers. In high school I had this weird I-know-the-answer-to-this-question-but-not-gonna-speak-up-loudly-in-public syndrome. Not even sure why, because it's not like I am afraid of speaking. I just didn't, because I didn't feel like doing it. It's hard to explain, but yeah, I'm working on it. In terms of social relations I'm doing things two-years-ago myself would never do and mind you it's nothing wrong. I'm just more open and not embarassed to talk to people - including girls. ^^

And what's the best to me, I don't have to change my personality. Earlier I thought of myself as of a socially-awkward person, but now it's changed. I still didn't modify my habits and most likely won't, so I will not drink alcohol and will not participate in too many parties, since I'm not a party-goer at all. I will feel more confident in smaller groups of people and prefer to speak to them singly, but what's the most important I WILL speak to them and hopefully make new friends.

Wow, it sounds like a confession of a no-life.

The Gunslinger45 10-26-13 02:35 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Sounds a lot like my college life. not a party goer and I did not drink at all in college. Glad to hear studies are going well and they are not overwhelming. Also good you got time for the forums.

Godoggo 10-26-13 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 981233)

And what's the best to me, I don't have to change my personality. Earlier I thought of myself as of a socially-awkward person, but now it's changed. I still didn't modify my habits and most likely won't, so I will not drink alcohol and will not participate in too many parties, since I'm not a party-goer at all. I will feel more confident in smaller groups of people and prefer to speak to them singly, but what's the most important I WILL speak to them and hopefully make new friends..
Of course you don't. I've always been an introvert and socially awkward but I've fully embraced it and it's fine. In fact, I'm finding that it's what draws people to me and that people also feel comfortable being themselves around me. I'll never seek out big groups and I don't like social gatherings unless it has a purpose (bird watching, lectures, art shows etc.) but I really enjoy walking around by myself and striking up conversations with random people. There are some interesting people in this world.

Glad to hear the studying wasn't as huge as an effort as you thought it would be.

honeykid 10-26-13 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 981240)
I'll never seek out big groups and I don't like social gatherings unless it has a purpose (bird watching, lectures, art shows etc.)
That's not a purpose. :p

Mr Minio 10-26-13 03:50 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Any purpose is good if there are people I'd like to meet, but the purpose I'm the most scared of is just to have some booze. I'm always afraid of people trying to convience me to drink with them and I feel really uncomfortable then. I love people who answer like: "That's ok. I just asked in the case you'd like to.". :)

Godoggo 10-26-13 03:50 PM

You don't like to watch the pretty birds, HK? What's wrong with you? :D

honeykid 10-26-13 04:02 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I do, just not the feathered variety. ;)

Godoggo 10-26-13 04:30 PM

Yeah, but if you watch those kind with binoculars you might get yourself in a world of trouble. ;)

bluedeed 10-26-13 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 981274)
Any purpose is good if there are people I'd like to meet, but the purpose I'm the most scared of is just to have some booze. I'm always afraid of people trying to convience me to drink with them and I feel really uncomfortable then. I love people who answer like: "That's ok. I just asked in the case you'd like to.". :)
I've found that parties aren't the best scene for me to meet people I'm interested in, but then how should I really know, I haven't met too many cool people anyways. I'm not a party-goer either, I get stoned with a couple close friends once in a while (which won't happen anymore actually, yay for getting jobs), but that's it, I don't fit the scene very well and I don't think I'd like to. Unfortunately, I chose my school because of the reputation of my program there, but my school turned out to be a to be a huge party school, and I hate the culture of it.

Powdered Water 10-26-13 06:11 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I like where Honeykid is taking this thread. He is very wise.

Sedai 10-26-13 06:55 PM

Re: I'm leaving!


Mr Minio 09-02-15 09:53 PM

Okay, MoFos. Apparently, some people think my posts are over the line, but the truth is they just can't handle the kink and don't love aardvarks. ;( Seriously, though, I fear every day on MoFo may be my last, so here is what follows:

- I proclaim my Movie Journey Thread closed until further notice (I've rarely posted there anyway)
- I proclaim my Music Review Thread closed until further notice
- I proclaim Arthouse Mafia disbanded. If you were a member you can PM me and you will get free movie recommendations for your loyal service.
- I abstain from posting in Movie Tab II, Rate the Last Movie you Saw and Movie You're Watching Tonight threads
- I completely desist from posting in sections/threads not concerning films, unless I am being mentioned somewhere and feel the need to answer.
- I DO NOT intend to leave MoFo. I will post very rarely, but I may still visit it very often.
- Everyone is welcome to send me a PM. I will answer them immediately after I read them. Asking me about things in various threads may prove futile.
- I intend to pay more attention to the development of my cinema love, knowledge and invest more time into movie watching, but at the same time focus more on my real life.

These laws come into force today, 09.03.15, until called off.

If any of my posts, or messages I have ever written on MoFo has offended you in any way, please, take my sincerest apologies. I'm sorry.

This is not a protest. I'm just protecting myself from going overboard again and getting banned.

Swan 09-02-15 09:56 PM

Re: I'm leaving!

MovieGal 09-02-15 09:57 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I know, what the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gunslinger45 09-02-15 09:59 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Dammit Minio get your butt back here and make with the freaky posts! We like having you around! :(

rauldc14 09-02-15 10:02 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
What the hell Minio! No way Jose!

False Writer 09-02-15 10:09 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I haven't really seen any posts of yours that were over the line. Could someone point some of them out?

Captain Steel 09-02-15 10:15 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
This site bans people?
I thought that was eBay's shtick. ;)

CiCi 09-02-15 10:20 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
:( I've found you nothing but charming and hilarious, I don't find your posts out of line at all. But best of luck with everything either way, and don't forget to keep posting! :)

Captain Steel 09-02-15 10:21 PM

More pics of Asian chicks!

MovieGal 09-02-15 10:31 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Minio doesnt realize how much he is loved here.. and not just by me... even tho he makes me mad sometimes.. he's still one of my closest friends... actually most of my closest friends here piss me off sometimes... Swan, SC, Minio... even Neiba!

mark f 09-03-15 12:12 AM

Minio, you do what you have to do, but I miss you already. MoFo should only be for enjoyment and to a certain extent, freedom, so if it isn't conducive to those things or real life, I understand. You probably spend too much time on here anyway, but hey, it was fun most of the time, wasn't it? :cool:

gbgoodies 09-03-15 12:20 AM

Mr Minio, I rarely comment on your posts, mainly because you and I have very different tastes in movies, but it's always sad to see a valued member of our community decide to leave, or even just post less.

I hope you rethink your decision and decide to stay, and stay active here. This site needs some of your fun and crazy posts. :)

The Rodent 09-03-15 12:22 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
He's just after a Miss You MoFie.

gbgoodies 09-03-15 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1380195)
He's just after a Miss You MoFie.

I think Godoggo has the Miss You MoFie award locked. Maybe he should try for a different award.

ursaguy 09-03-15 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1380195)
He's just after a Miss You MoFie.
As Hilary Clinton probably said, it's never too early to start a campaign.

Sexy Celebrity 09-03-15 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1380199)
I think Godoggo has the Miss You MoFie award locked.
Unless my satellite dish finds her soon. Then she gets the Welcome Back MoFie.

gbgoodies 09-03-15 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1380199)
I think Godoggo has the Miss You MoFie award locked. Maybe he should try for a different award.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1380203)
Unless my satellite dish finds her soon. Then she gets the Welcome Back MoFie.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your satellite dish starts working soon.

Derek Vinyard 09-03-15 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by MovieGal (Post 1380140)
Minio doesnt realize how much he is loved here.. and not just by me... even tho he makes me mad sometimes.. he's still one of my closest friends... actually most of my closest friends here piss me off sometimes... Swan, SC, Minio... even Neiba!
never piss you off :cool:

Gatsby 09-03-15 04:56 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
This is all because Sir Toose just had to delete one of his best posts of all-time.

Tacitus 09-03-15 05:22 AM

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1380255)
This is all because Sir Toose just had to delete one of his best posts of all-time.
I think a lot of people have forgotten this:

Although the administrators and moderators of Movie Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Movie Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of Movie Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
You know, the thing that everyone agreed to when they signed up? I think most people will agree that we're not especially strict when it comes to policing a lot of this stuff but don't abuse the privilege, yeah? :)

Captain Spaulding 09-03-15 05:33 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
In that case, about 95% of my posts should probably be deleted. :(

Ðèstîñy 09-03-15 05:46 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
I'll get right on it . . .

Yes, that's a joke!

Sir Toose 09-03-15 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1380255)
This is all because Sir Toose just had to delete one of his best posts of all-time.
It was a picture. A picture of a dildo. If it does represent the 'greatest of all time' to anyone, I'd suggest that a raising of standards is probably in order.

If you were to go to google and enter that word you could see them by the millions, in multitudes of shapes and colors, whatever happens to please the eye.

MoFo isn't 4Chan and it's survived as long as it has because of the standards employed.

If this place degraded below those standards 9/10 of the people here wouldn't stay.

I'm not trying to be a hard@ss, but I've been coming here for years because it is what it is, which is to say, it's not really like anywhere else. Nor would we want it to be.

Citizen Rules 09-03-15 12:05 PM

MoFo's a one of a kind place, full of intelligent and diversified people who come together to form a community of movie buffs. Just look at IMDB boards, there's nothing but angry people there slamming on each other, this place is special.

christine 09-03-15 12:13 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I didn't see why this came about but we need all our community to stick together , that's why this is such a great place, so hope you change your mind :)

Mr Minio 09-03-15 12:24 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
The post deletion was only the final trigger. I kinda want to take a break from many other reason, too. I'm genuinely moved by the feedback, though.

Sedai 09-03-15 12:29 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Be well, Minio!

Sir Toose 09-03-15 12:30 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
It's seriously not that big of a deal. We all know what is and isn't appropriate to post here.

It's not just Mr Minio, others do it as well. In fact, I've even done it in the past. Lately it's a bit overboard. All I'm saying is please dial it back a bit.

It's not something personal, just site policy.

christine 09-03-15 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1380340)
The post deletion was only the final trigger. I kinda want to take a break from many other reason, too. I'm genuinely moved by the feedback, though.
That's good. A break means you have to come back :D

honeykid 09-03-15 01:22 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Go. Refresh. Return. Post. :)

See you when you get here. :up:

Kaplan 09-03-15 05:13 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Well, as you go out to the big bad world to find your special purpose, remember you're always welcomed here. Oh, and some words of wisdom:

Ðèstîñy 09-03-15 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1380340)
The post deletion was only the final trigger.
This is bugging me just a bit, so I would like to point something out. This situation makes it sound like this is all over that one post, but it is not. Here very recently, I've hit a couple of your inappropriate posts. I'm not alone. I'll have to assume that we're hitting them before they're seen. I just don't want the members getting the wrong impression. That this is all over that one post. It most definitely is not.

MovieGal 09-03-15 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by Derek Vinyard (Post 1380245)
never piss you off :cool:
You havent yet.. but it doesnt mean it wont happen at some point

Cricket and Gunslinger havent pissed me off yet either...

Camo 09-03-15 08:47 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
thats too bad you will be missed

Captain Steel 09-03-15 09:30 PM

As a newcomer, what exactly IS and ISN'T allowed here?
Can you post 4-letter words (profanity)? Not that I'm inclined to since I never speak that way in life, but just curious.

See, I got banned from all of eBay's discussion boards & help centers (permanent-life-long-irreversible ban) for talking about & condemning the Islamic Terrorism of ISIS / ISIL and the people who join the group in hopes of becoming a mass murderers.

Note: this happened to be on a thread about the topic that I, myself, had created over two years ago, and which had over two years worth of discussions with a vast amount of members on it - so it wasn't like the subject-matter itself was banned.

Yes, it's true. eBay doesn't want anyone who condemns terrorism using their boards because if you cite facts or simply acknowledge the sources of global terrorism they consider it politically incorrect - so they ban you for life. They don't want anyone potentially hurting the feelings of people who are slaughtering countless thousands - the feelings of psychotic mass-murderers are considered important, extremely fragile and deserving of the highest respect by the eBay moderators (unlike the feelings of their own site's members who pay their wages & fund the whole thing).
eBay still lets you buy & sell on the site because they want your money, but they will not tolerate any speech that condemns evil, promotes life or stands up for the victimized (unless said victims belong to select PC-protected groups) because they say such talk is "hate speech."

So... is anything I just said banned here? (because it is on eBay).

Yoda 09-03-15 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1380633)
As a newcomer, what exactly IS and ISN'T allowed here?
General summary: things should be PG-13.

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1380633)
Can you post 4-letter words (profanity)? Not that I'm inclined to since I never speak that way in life, but just curious.
Nope; they'll be automatically censored, as well.

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1380633)
See, I got banned from eBay (permanent-life-long-irreversible ban) for condemning the Islamic Terrorism of ISIS / ISIL and the people who join the group in hopes of becoming a mass murderers on eBay's discussion boards.

Yes, it's true. eBay doesn't want anyone who condemns terrorism using their boards because if you cite facts or simply acknowledge the sources of global terrorism they consider it politically incorrect - so they ban you for life. They don't want anyone potentially hurting the feelings of people who are slaughtering countless thousands - the feelings of psychotic mass-murderers are considered important, delicate & extremely fragile by the eBay moderators (unlike the feelings of their own site's members who pay their wages & fund the whole thing).
eBay still lets you buy & sell on the site because they want your money, but they will not tolerate any speech that condemns evil, promotes life or stands up for the victimized (unless said victims belong to select PC-protected groups) because they say such talk is "hate speech."

So... is anything I just said banned here? (because it is on eBay).
No. We try to give political speech a wider berth (even the really questionable stuff is more likely to result in deletion and warning, rather than banning).

Camo 09-03-15 09:31 PM

How the hell did you end up talking about IS on Ebay?

And yeah that is banned here, pretty sure this site is sponsored by IS.

Captain Steel 09-03-15 09:32 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Thanks, Yoda. Respond quickly you do!

Captain Steel 09-03-15 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1380641)
How the hell did you end up talking about IS on Ebay?

And yeah that is banned here, pretty sure this site is sponsored by IS.
At one time they had about a hundred different boards to discuss just about anything you could imagine. They downsized quite a bit since then.

I was commenting on a board called the "Soapbox." The name is self-explanatory (based on the old idea of standing on a soapbox and publicly proclaiming your opinions - often political ones or stances on controversial issues).
In short you could post about whatever you wanted there, be it a momentary fleeting thought on a recent news headline, commenting on Justin Bieber's hair, or a long-winded oratory about the issues of the day.

The board still exists and is full of everything from threads about kittens to ones about the Presidential election. It's full of politics. But apparently the moderators don't want any out & out condemnations of Islamic Terrorism.

Mr Minio 09-03-15 09:48 PM

I don't think condemning terrorism/murderers is something you are going to be banned for here. Quite contrary, you may get repped. Haha. Anyone who kills innocent people is a sick f*ck and should be condemned.

Now, the site is not rigorous when it comes to stating your opinion or believes. To be honest, I don't know what Yoda would do if, say, a Nazi saying Jews have to be killed registered here and spewed his beliefs in threads about it, but I'm pretty sure if you're not into any extremes, you are free to post here. If you go overboard, you will get warned. Don't worry, nobody gets instantly banned from MoFo. Maybe except for spammers and bots.

Anything that has to do with sex, or is extremely graphic is not welcome here. Mainly the visual stuff (photos and videos with nudity, for one, but I wouldn't risk now and post some extremely gory stuff neither), but also the text saying some nasty stuff. Oh, and bad words are alright as long as you don't overuse them (they're being censored anyway), but remember, never offend anyone using them.

I believe the reason for most of these is that MoFo is a free-to-visit site and potentially a little kid can visit it. Then, he enters a random thread and reads about Captain Spaulding frollicking with Sexy Celebrity. Potentially, a little kid can as well visit a porn site, but yeah, that's some explanation.

Short version: Don't be afraid to post. If me, Spaulding and Sexy hasn't been banned yet, it only means it's not that easy to get banned.

Captain Steel 09-03-15 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1380657)
I don't think condemning terrorism/murderers is something you are going to be banned for here. Quite contrary, you may get repped. Haha. Anyone who kills innocent people is a sick f*ck and should be condemned.

Now, the site is not rigorous when it comes to stating your opinion or believes. To be honest, I don't know what Yoda would do if, say, a Nazi saying Jews have to be killed registered here and spewed his beliefs in threads about it, but I'm pretty sure if you're not into any extremes, you are free to post here. If you go overboard, you will get warned. Don't worry, nobody gets instantly banned from MoFo. Maybe except for spammers and bots.

Anything that has to do with sex, or is extremely graphic is not welcome here. Mainly the visual stuff (photos and videos with nudity, for one, but I wouldn't risk now and post some extremely gory stuff neither), but also the text saying some nasty stuff. Oh, and bad words are alright as long as you don't overuse them (they're being censored anyway), but remember, never offend anyone using them.

I believe the reason for most of these is that MoFo is a free-to-visit site and potentially a little kid can visit it. Then, he enters a random thread and reads about Captain Spaulding frollicking with Sexy Celebrity. Potentially, a little kid can as well visit a porn site, but yeah, that's some explanation.

Short version: Don't be afraid to post. If me, Spaulding and Sexy hasn't been banned yet, it only means it's not that easy to get banned.

What you say about a free site and kids visiting is an excellent point!

That's what I didn't get about eBay - they have all the non-profanity rules and such in place (which is fine), BUT... it's an entirely adult site - you have to be a member to use it, you have to be over 18, and you have to have a credit card on file with them confirming your age & identity. They used to have no problem with discussing controversial issues as long as rules were obeyed - they still seem to have no problem with controversial issues... as long as those issues are expressed in an extremely one-sided way.

With all their security in place, they start this politically correct stuff - where if you don't tow the Obama doctrine line (like you'll actually say the words "Radical Islam" when discussing radical Islamic Terrorism while he's decided his administration won't) they ban you for engaging in "hate speech" - the same exact thing Presidential candidates say on a daily basis and which is said on newscasts all day long. The eBay moderators arbitrarily classify something as "hate speech" on the basis that Obama (and he alone) won't say it.

If you say Officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown execution style while the unarmed teen was on his knees saying with his hands up saying, "Don't shoot!" the eBay moderators are fine with that discussion. But if you say, "Well, a grand jury seemed to find all the evidence showed that Brown attacked Wilson, tried to get his gun and charged him." then the eBay moderators say you're engaging in "hate speech" and you need to be banned, permanently (they don't want THOSE kinds of hate-filled attitudes getting spread around on their "discussion" boards.)

Captain Spaulding 09-03-15 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1380657)
I believe the reason for most of these is that MoFo is a free-to-visit site and potentially a little kid can visit it. Then, he enters a random thread and reads about Captain Spaulding frollicking with Sexy Celebrity.
I welcome the children.

Ðèstîñy 09-03-15 11:40 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
I like your post, Minio. :)

I've never liked eBay. I've always refused to shop there. Then one day I heard this story about a man with an X box box, and it was for sale for a few hundred dollars. Someone bought it, thinking that was just a typo, I'd assume. Nope, he got the box to the game, and it only cost him a few hundred dollars. Man I hate eBay

Sexy Celebrity 09-03-15 11:57 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
Well, never fear, because Captain Spaulding and I never frolic anymore.

Captain Spaulding 09-04-15 12:01 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
You started ignoring my safe word.

Sexy Celebrity 09-04-15 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 1380731)
You started ignoring my safe word.
I told you to change it. "Honeykid" turns me off.

Zotis 09-04-15 12:56 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
You trolled me with your horrible Asian Pop music!

I hope you do keep popping by. You add a lot of character to the forum. You're a great dude! And I think you have excellent taste.


Captain Steel 09-04-15 02:30 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 1380717)

:D Classic! I'm still laughing at that one! :D

Zotis 09-05-15 01:55 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1380120)
- I proclaim my Music Review Thread closed until further notice

Swan 09-05-15 02:39 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
Yeah Zotis. I was bummed about that too.

jrs 09-05-15 03:39 AM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1380720)
.. he got the box to the game, and it only cost him a few hundred dollars. Man I hate eBay
I'd spend maybe 10 cents to buy a box. To be kind.

Zotis 09-05-15 03:40 AM

Re: I'm leaving!
He didn't even do a Noise review! :( :p

Mr Minio 11-24-17 03:43 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
What a peculiar thread and my posts in it are kind of cringy and so weird to read now, after years. Also, this thread is the final proof that every self-respecting MoFo needs a "I'm leaving" thread.

PS: Velvet made me resurrect this thread. He's repping my posts like crazy.

Cynema De Bergerac 11-27-17 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 966747)
I'm disgusted by the poor movie taste of MoFo users, so I decided to leave these forums and seek my paradise on some underground obscure forums nobody knows of.

Nah, just kidding. I am not another offended user, who thinks he will gain some attention after making a thread like this.
Well, that's good.

WARNING: "Life" spoilers below
Because even If you were to leave, I'd hunt you to the ends of the worth until you suffocate from my dank antics and Spicy Vsauce Memes.


Dani8 11-27-17 03:47 PM

Never mind. didnt realise how long ago you posted that. I'm going blind or just need a new script!

Captain Steel 11-27-17 06:44 PM

Re: I'm leaving!
That's weird - got quoted without a quote (so have no idea what was quoted).
How does that work?

Dani8 11-27-17 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1830198)
That's weird - got quoted without a quote (so have no idea what was quoted).
How does that work?
i quoted you. Didnt realise you made the comment 2 1/2 years ago and asked why you would still regard yourself as new when I've been here for 6-8 and dont think of myself as new. As you can see from my 'never mind post, I'm either in need ofnew glasses or not with it today, so I deleted it I blame the sydney humidity. Sorry.

Captain Steel 11-27-17 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1830231)
i quoted you. Didnt realise you made the comment 2 1/2 years ago and asked why you would still regard yourself as new when I've been here for 6-8 and dont think of myself as new. As you can see from my 'never mind post, I'm either in need ofnew glasses or not with it today, so I deleted it I blame the sydney humidity. Sorry.
See what a nice, curious lad I was when I first arrived here, all naive and full of politeness & humility?
Now, I'm a rebellious thorn in Yoda's side, always getting in trouble and giving him attitude! It's like I'm going through the teenage phase in MoFo years! ;)

Dani8 11-28-17 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1830283)
See what a nice, curious lad I was when I first arrived here, all naive and full of politeness & humility?
I actually discovered I've been here for 9 months. next week it will be the path to xmas. Far out. Where does the time go.

OK gotta go and by marself a cappuccino. Back later.

Cynema De Bergerac 12-02-17 11:48 PM

Re: I'm leaving!

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