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mastermetal777 12-03-11 01:10 AM

My Top 10 Overrated Films
You ever see a movie where you think, “What do people see in this?” It’s usually a popular movie that everybody seems to love, yet you find so many flaws with it yourself that it’s impossible for you to like it. Well, I have quite a few of those movies, and I’m counting down the top ten of them here. This is my most overrated movies list.

#10. Saving Private Ryan – many of the people I know like this movie on account of the realistic battles and the great acting all around. While I do agree with all of that, I have to give a thumbs-down to the way the story is managed. The dialogue is clichéd, the scenario isn’t exactly new, and the way the shots are set up are also nothing special. Even Tom Hanks’s incredible acting ability falls into the trap of typical war soldier stereotypes, which doesn’t help the film at all. I’m not partial to war movies unless their accurate in both the history and the writing. This one had only one thing right for the most part, and that makes me feel weighed down watching it.

#9. Titanic – No matter how many times people (mainly women) tell me this is a great love story, it’s not just that. And even so, the subjects it does handle aren’t handled that well. The romance is cheesy above all things. I simply don’t believe that real people can fall in love so quickly (only Disney can pull it off well, in my opinion). The acting is great, but again the people are so unrealistic. Another thing is that the disaster aspect of the film isn’t entirely accurate, though I do give it credit for trying. The ship did take its sweet time to sink, but the film made even that seem a bit rushed. However many times I’m forced to watch it, I always have to keep my mouth shut so that I don’t make fun of it with the risk of being slapped.

#8. Twister – My God, why do people love this movie so much? I realize that the visuals are impressive, but nothing else fascinates me. The plot has holes the size of Texas, for one. They claim to know nothing about tornadoes, yet one of the scientists knows exactly where one tornado is headed? I don’t buy that. Also, the sound mixing is just awful (does a movie need to be that loud?), and I could honestly care less whether or not the characters make it out okay. The romance between Bill Paxton’s and Helen Hunt’s characters is especially awkward, with both of them acknowledging all the time that they love each other, but don’t at the same time. However many times this movie is shown, I can’t help but point out every flaw, much to the annoyance of the film’s fans nearby.

#7. Independence Day – Okay, first off, Will Smith’s character does save this movie from time to time, as he is the most interesting man in the mix. However, it’s every other character that annoys me. Each member of the supporting cast is portrayed as a stereotype rather than a serious and complex character (Jeff Goldblum especially, since he’s his own stereotype). While the visuals do impress at times, the aliens are also unconvincing in both motive and appearance. It’s just a rehashed alien invasion plot with no reasoning behind it other than the Earth needs to die. The shark is also jumped a few times, which really gets me angry. With massive plot holes and annoying actors, it’s hard to grasp how entertaining this film is supposed to be when the visuals are cast aside.

#6. Raising Arizona – Considered a classic comedy, I don’t really find too many things funny about this movie, apart from the side-splittingly hilarious chase scene. Aside from that, this movie seems a bit confused in what it’s supposed to be. Dramatic parts are the ones I chuckle at, and the comedic parts sound too serious to have a joke. Nicholas Cage delivers a pretty decent performance, even if it can be a little too over-the-top at times. However, the rest of the cast seemed to forget that they were supposed to in a comedy the majority of the time, so again, it becomes confusing. I do admit that I play this movie a lot because of the chase scene. Everything else I just try to ignore. It’s not a bad film, but it is a confusing one in that I have no idea if the idea was it to be a comedic drama or a serious comedy.

#6. The Little Mermaid – Yeah, I know Disney fans will hate me for thinking the start of the Disney Renaissance is overrated, but I have my reasons for it. It started off a series of romance movie clichés that honestly don’t help those movies at all, such as the falling in love in five seconds, the male lead being oblivious to every bit of flirting, and the over-the-top dramatic rescue at the end. Disney’s brilliant animators make these things work, but since this is the start of such things, I have to say it’s a bit overrated. I will admit that Ariel is a great character, but she’s the most entertaining out of all the cast (yes, I think Sebastian’s a bit boring) with the exception of Ursula. I know Disney is meant to be silly, but this just takes the cake a little too well. With clichés as obvious as the sexual innuendo within the film, this is a flawed film that can be anybody’s guilty pleasure.

#5. Transformers – Obviously, the sequels to this film sucked big time. However, the first film especially isn’t that entertaining to begin with. Visually, it’s impressive. Story-wise, it’s pretty close to the Transformers mythos. The characters, however, are where this film falls short. Shia LeBouf is more awkward than Michael Cera is in anything he’s made, and Megan Fox is not very convincing either. I do not care how stunningly beautiful she is, I can’t stand her acting; her beauty isn’t a mask for her talent, no matter who say otherwise. The robots also have little personality, unsurprisingly. As visually arresting as this film is, I can’t stand the way it’s presented. That it started a bad string of sequels is also a reason why I don’t like this film. The story’s poor, the acting’s poor, and the subsequent franchise is bound to make Michael Bay poor sooner or later.

#4. Friday the 13th – Horror movies have to be subtle in their introduction of terror, like with Jaws and how you never saw the shark till halfway into the film. Friday the 13th, to me, has none of that. The killer is introduced too early, killing any terror we could have had while watching. Also, the main characters—a group of teenagers and camp counselors—are just despicable human beings all around. I’m sorry, but when you have a killer that’s more sympathetic than the “heroes”, something’s wrong. This film is said to be a classic in the slasher-horror genre, yet I don’t see how much horror there really is with this film. There’s no real suspense, no sympathy for the main cast, and a villain we’re all rooting for unintentionally. What a combination for a stupid movie, even though I adored Jason when I was a child (proof right there).

#3. Casablanca – Where do I begin with this film? Casablanca is said to be a classic love story with witty dialogue and an overall intriguing story. These things I agree with one-hundred percent. However, I’m not impressed with how much the movie drags on. The script, while impressive, is slow-going in a time where everything was go-go-go. The visual effects, even for the time, seemed a little too cheesy and underdeveloped. Ingrid Berman is tremendous here, but Humphrey Bogart is boring beyond reason. Maybe it’s due to my disdain of his acting choices (he’s a terrific actor, don’t get me wrong), but whenever he chooses the cynical man with the heart of gold, I immediately want to fall sleep. As great as the script and the leading lady are, nothing excuses slow stories and boring leading men.

#2. Forrest Gump – I’ll have legions of people down my throat for this one, but hear me out, even if you disagree. First, let me say that Tom Hanks was terrific in his role, hands down. It’s every other character that annoys me. Jenny’s too one-dimensional, even though she suffers through a lot, Bubba’s charming, but not on-screen long enough, and Gary Sinise as Lieutenant Dan…okay, honestly, he was pretty damn cool, so I won’t rag on him. The situations Forrest goes through, however, are just too overdone and too over-the-top. Does the audience really expect to believe that one single man can go through every one of those events and not wind up in an asylum afterwards, even a man as charmingly simple as Forrest? Suspension of disbelief aside, I do admit that this film is my favorite guilty pleasure to watch, even if I disagree with the story and how it’s handled.

#1. Moulin Rouge! – This film is an annoying piece of pretentious garbage. There, I said it. There’s nothing more to it. The editing’s obnoxious and in need of Ritalin, the characters are hammy, and the use of love is merely a plot device, not something to be analyzed like this film wants us to believe. Though the use of modern music in the Bohemian era is incorporated well, and the set designs are surprisingly more subtle than the camerawork, it’s the clumsy plotting that annoys me so. The motives behind each character’s actions are also poorly handled, with Ewan McGregor’s character turning from lover-boy to total dick back to lover-boy, and Nicole Kidman’s character wanting to be an actress even though she’s already on top of the world really annoys and confuses me. That this film was nominated for several Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Film Editing, and Best Actress (unoriginal, too obnoxious, too hammy, respectively) really astounds me. It’s annoying, pretentious, and supposedly artsy, and I want to bring a hammer to the DVD box of anybody who owns it and loves it.

wintertriangles 12-03-11 01:11 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Agreed with most of this

TylerDurden99 12-03-11 02:30 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I love Independence Day, Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, but I agree with the others, especially Twister. A lot of my friends and family love it, but I don't know what they see it. It's a cliched, very predictable disaster film. Although I do like Philip Seymour Hoffman in it (Steak and eggs).

MrPink 12-03-11 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 781008)
Agreed with most of this

Nausicaä 12-03-11 08:15 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Agree with everything except:

Raising Arizona - brill!
Moulin Rouge - haven't seen
Little Mermaid - can't remember it.

makdnite 12-03-11 10:23 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I love the little Mermaid! She's just awesome! I know, I'm a guy! And I think there's no problem with that! That movie just makes me remember a lot of things! Things when I was still a kid! :) great post!

lundy1026 12-03-11 11:43 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Same w/ you, makdnite... everytime i think of Little Mermaid it brings happiness to me in remebrance of my childhood. It was one of my FAVORITES growing up :)

Iroquois 12-03-11 12:08 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I know, right? It's as if we should have a whole thread dedicated to discussing movies we think are overrated.

mastermetal777 12-03-11 02:11 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I like Little Mermaid too, but that doesn't mean I think it's one of the best movies. It did light the way for Aladdin, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast (some of my favorite Disney classics).

rauldc14 12-03-11 03:00 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
in my opinion 4 good movies that dont belong on here

mastermetal777 12-03-11 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 781074)
in my opinion 4 good movies that dont belong on here

Which ones? I'm curious, though I might know already.

rauldc14 12-03-11 04:32 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
casablanca, forrest gump, saving private ryan, independence day. Ok Independence Day from a viewpoint of film-making isn't all that great, but it's still a fun watch.

rauldc14 12-03-11 04:34 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
But then again, if I posted my top 10 overrated, I would get tons of heat for it

mastermetal777 12-03-11 06:18 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Well I say to each their own. There are great movies that I don't like, and vice versa. It's the same with other people. As for Forrest Gump, I still enjoy watching it, even with its flaws. It's a silly movie with some incredibly charming moments.

7thson 12-03-11 06:41 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
The only movie more overrated than Titanic, to me, os Taxi Driver. Pure garbage.

Iroquois 12-03-11 08:39 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I can see Taxi Driver being considered overrated, but "pure garbage"?

Tyler1 12-04-11 12:16 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I dont think too highly of Taxi Driver either, but if it definitely is not "pure garbage".

HitchFan97 12-04-11 12:10 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Taxi Driver is GARBAGE??? :eek:

Anyways, I wouldn't call Transformers overrated; I don't think there are many movie fans out there who really love it. Disagreed with #2, 3, and 4 though, in fact I would say that the original Friday The 13th is pretty underrated.

Tyler1 12-04-11 12:20 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Taxi Driver is overrated as much as Scarface (1983).

rauldc14 12-04-11 12:32 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
if anything of scorsese's is overrated I say that it is Raging Bull, not that it is a bad movie, but I do think a bit overrated.

HitchFan97 12-04-11 09:29 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Raging Bull is great, but yes it's far from Scorsese's best.

Warren'sShampoo 12-04-11 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by mastermetal777 (Post 781007)
#2. Forrest Gump – I’ll have legions of people down my throat for this one, but hear me out, even if you disagree. First, let me say that Tom Hanks was terrific in his role, hands down. It’s every other character that annoys me. Jenny’s too one-dimensional, even though she suffers through a lot, Bubba’s charming, but not on-screen long enough, and Gary Sinise as Lieutenant Dan…okay, honestly, he was pretty damn cool, so I won’t rag on him. The situations Forrest goes through, however, are just too overdone and too over-the-top. Does the audience really expect to believe that one single man can go through every one of those events and not wind up in an asylum afterwards, even a man as charmingly simple as Forrest? Suspension of disbelief aside, I do admit that this film is my favorite guilty pleasure to watch, even if I disagree with the story and how it’s handled.
I'd say that Gump's lack of sophistication, irony, and awareness sufficiently justify his oblivious responses. Indeed, he constitutes the consummate Tabula rasa, more a metaphor than a realistic human being.

Balthazar McCornflakes 12-20-11 02:15 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I can only think of two movies everyone likes but I don't

Spirited Away
Okay, shoot me, but I really didn't like this one. I'm a huge fan of Miyazaki, but this is in my opinion his weakest movie. It's just so unpleasant and confusing, with vomit, slime, sweat and blood spraying everywhere. It's an extravaganza of the grotesque and the bizarre, but not in a good way. The story isn't very strong and It's one of the most disturbing "childrens" movies i've seen.
Moulin Rouge!
I HATE this movie. It rapes your eyes and ears with constant overacting, crazed editing and terrible new versions of classic songs. I can't believe this crap got eight Oscar Nominations.

mastermetal777 12-30-11 03:38 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Thor I can see, but The Godfather? Interesting choice. But to each their own, I say.

Andyfighter 01-05-12 10:50 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films

donniedarko 04-29-12 09:21 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
10 Raging Bull (I did like it though just think its not a great as people put it)
9. Taxi Driver
8. A Clockwork orange
7. The Excorsist
6. Citizen Kane (might get some hate for that)
5. Halloween
4. No country for old men
3. Child's Play
2. Shawshank Redemption
1. Slumdog Millionare

The Rodent 04-29-12 09:29 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Agree with A Clockwork Orange and Slumdog Millionaire.

The rest are classics though.

Can't believe you said Shawshank was overrated though.

Tyler1 04-29-12 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by balthazar mccornflakes (Post 783520)
spirited away
okay, shoot me, but i really didn't like this one. I'm a huge fan of miyazaki, but this is in my opinion his weakest movie. It's just so unpleasant and confusing, with vomit, slime, sweat and blood spraying everywhere. It's an extravaganza of the grotesque and the bizarre, but not in a good way. The story isn't very strong and it's one of the most disturbing "childrens" movies i've seen.

donniedarko 04-29-12 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 808149)
Agree with A Clockwork Orange and Slumdog Millionaire.

The rest are classics though.

Can't believe you said Shawshank was overrated though.
I thought it was a chick flick with guys

SweetSoundtrack 04-29-12 10:08 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
"Child's Play" was highly rated? I must be missing something there...

honeykid 04-29-12 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by SweetSoundtrack (Post 808160)
"Child's Play" was highly rated? I must be missing something there...
If you find it, could you tell me where it is? Because I'm missing it too.

Nausicaä 04-30-12 07:29 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Can't believe you said Shawshank was overrated though.
It is. :)

mastermetal777 04-30-12 08:20 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Shawshank and Clockwork Orange overrated?? Ouch, hurt one of my faves why don't ya lol. I know it's an opinion though, so I'm not gonna get mad. I can agree with Slumdog Millionaire and Raging Bull. I love No Country for Old Men

migrod 04-30-12 10:28 AM

All on your list are fine except, Raising Arizona. That movie is a comedy classic

The Prestige 04-30-12 11:28 AM

Requiem For a Dream, The Fountain, American History X, The English Patient, Avatar, The Godfather, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, Juno, Natural Born Killers, Braveheart, American Beauty, Romper Stomper, Lost In Translation, Solaris, Forrest Gump, Slumdog Millionaire, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill.

The films highlighted in bold are not just overrated, but actually genuinely bad films that seem like a waste of good money.

honeykid 04-30-12 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 808260)
Reservoir Dogs
Really? I really am going to have to take new viewing of this soon.

ollanik 04-30-12 03:14 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Dark Knight(painfully overrated),Shawshank Redemption,Pulp Fiction,every Star Wars,every LOTR,Seven Samurai,Inception,Memento,City of God,Casablanca,Matrix,Annie Hall,Prestige,Inglorious Bastards,Donnie Darko,Into the Wild,Toy Story 3,The Exorcist

HitchFan97 04-30-12 04:17 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
-The Red Shoes
-No Country For Old Men
-The Conversation
-Fight Club
-Sunset Boulevard
-Night of the Living Dead
-The Tree of Life
-The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
-The Bride of Frankenstein (haven't seen it in years)

I refrain from including any films which are
and above. All listed are less than that in my book.

wintertriangles 04-30-12 04:18 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I can understand all of those but why The Red Shoes and Sunset Boulevard?

HitchFan97 04-30-12 04:22 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I feel like The Red Shoes is all style but no substance. It's a visual feast, yes, but not much else. And as for Sunset Boulevard (I almost wasn't going to include that one, it's a
), Gloria Swanson is great in it but I feel the whole "indictment of Hollywood" thing wasn't as deep and profound as everyone said it was. Personally, I think David Lynch did that much better in Mulholland Drive (and that film also had a lot more to it, thematically).

Brodinski 04-30-12 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by HitchFan97 (Post 808302)
No Country For Old Men
-The Conversation
-The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Were you drunk or beaten senseless when you watched these? That would explain why you listed them as overrated.

wintertriangles 04-30-12 04:48 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
When anyone lists Westerns as less than appealing it's pretty understandable since not everyone can get into that genre, though I love TGTBTU. The Conversation probably should have been a short film since it technically goes nowhere. No Country For Old Men...I'd rather have been beaten senseless.

EDIT: To be fair I can understand No Country... in terms of just entertainment but eh

The Prestige 04-30-12 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 808280)
Really? I really am going to have to take new viewing of this soon.
It's still a decent film, don't get me wrong. But it seems to make a lot of Top 100 lists and people seem to have a hard time choosing between that and Pulp Fiction when deciding Tarantino's best film, which I can't really comprehend as Fiction just seems clearly superior to me.

EDIT - I'm getting sick and tired of these (relatively) new users neg repping me for my opinion. Get a grip, twats.

TylerDurden99 04-30-12 06:30 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Juno is easily the most overrated movie I've ever seen. It's not nearly as funny, clever or charming it seems to think it is. Also, the screenplay and performances are nothing special.

I also add The Shining (I'm a huge Kubrick fan, but this is a slow-moving bore), Bram Stoker's Dracula, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Wild At Heart, Broadcast News, The Exorcist, Gladiator, Risky Business, Sexy Beast, True Romance, Sin City, The Bourne Supremacy, The Evil Dead, Apocalypse Now (structurally, it's a wonderful film, but not even close to being one of the greatest films of all time, what with all it's flaws).

cinemaafficionado 04-30-12 07:10 PM

When people say over-rated, what exactly do they mean? Do they mean the movie is not as good as most people think it is or do they mean the movie is not as good as most savants think it is? What happens when the average joe and the savant actually agree on a movie? Can it still be considered over-rated? I don't think so.
I would have to disagree with you on three of your choices: Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump and Casablanca.
Let's start with Forrest Gump. To you it lacks credibility. I don't think that the viewer was intended to believe that in real life one man could go through all those situations and not wind up in an insane asylum. The beauty of the movie lies in the story line, which foremost is meant to be entertaining and over the top. It also focuses on the innocence of a truly good soul that triumphs over every adversity, as ridicolous as it may appear. It's meant to be a feel good movie with angelic after thoughts and it succeeds in that. It also succeeds in raising every-man's self asteem when he compares himself to someone as innocent and naive as Forrest Gump.
As to Saving Private Ryan and Casablanca, I'm sure that there are many others out there capable of more eloquence than little old me, that would defend the greatness of those movies, so I prevail on them to do so.

wintertriangles 04-30-12 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 808344)
What happens when the average joe and the savant actually agree on a movie? Can it still be considered over-rated? I don't think so.
Pretty weak proof. These wouldn't happen to be self-proclaimed savants would they?

Let's start with Forrest Gump. To you it lacks credibility. I don't think that the viewer was intended to believe that in real life one man could go through all those situations and not wind up in an insane asylum. The beauty of the movie lies in the story line, which foremost is meant to be entertaining and over the top. It also focuses on the innocence of a truly good soul that triumphs over every adversity, as ridicolous as it may appear. It's meant to be a feel good movie with angelic after thoughts and it succeeds in that. It also succeeds in raising every-man's self asteem when he compares himself to someone as innocent and naive as Forrest Gump.
He succumbed to what others told him to be, and in conforming succeeded in everything he did. If you act like an individual you lose your legs. That's antithetical to raising self-esteem. Plus credibility aside as you addressed, the way they jumbled every pop culture reference together seemed gimmicky as hell. The whole thing is a giant veil of "who'd a thunk it," of course the "average person" will like that, but it's projected as an inspiring and cinematic trek and so "savants" will like that. I know lots of average filmgoers who didn't like the jumbling of events just because they lived through them and it didn't address much about them; a lot of things covering little ground.

honeykid 04-30-12 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 808344)
As to Saving Private Ryan and Casablanca, I'm sure that there are many others out there capable of more eloquence than little old me, that would defend the greatness of those movies, so I prevail on them to do so.
SPR is just three, superbly shot and choreographed battle scenes sat among a sea of poorly scripted sentimentality.

donniedarko 04-30-12 08:24 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Forgot to put it on my list but Gangs of NY is insanely overrated

TylerDurden99 04-30-12 10:13 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I don't think Gangs Of New York is regarded well enough to be called overrated. I like it myself, but it's not exactly a unanimously praised film.

HitchFan97 04-30-12 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Brodinski (Post 808310)
Were you drunk or beaten senseless when you watched these? That would explain why you listed them as overrated.
I can't get into westerns, No Country For Old Men bored me (though the performances were great) and The Conversation, like wintertriangles said, goes nowhere.

mark f 04-30-12 10:36 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I'm all for everybody having their say, and I realize that not everybody can keep up with all the older threads which basically discuss the same thing, but I still personally hate these types of threads because I've defended so many films I love before and these threads really disillision me because it's not a pretty sight to hear things which are the opposite of what my soul believes. Then again, I've been told recently that I'm too severe so I guess I should lighten up. That would probably be a good idea for everybody. :)

cinemaafficionado 05-01-12 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 808351)
SPR is just three, superbly shot and choreographed battle scenes sat among a sea of poorly scripted sentimentality.
There is no such thing as perfection, but it's something we all aspire to ( at least I would like to think that ).
So, by your own admission, the three superbly shot choreographed battle scenes were appararently enough to garner 5 Oscars ( inluding Best Director - Steven Spielberg and Best Cinematagrophy - Janusz Kaminski )
and I'm sure that those battle scenes will be forever etched into the minds of war movie lovers, unlike some much better written scripts that have allready faded into obscurity.

cinemaafficionado 05-01-12 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808350)
Pretty weak proof. These wouldn't happen to be self-proclaimed savants would they?

He succumbed to what others told him to be, and in conforming succeeded in everything he did. If you act like an individual you lose your legs. That's antithetical to raising self-esteem. Plus credibility aside as you addressed, the way they jumbled every pop culture reference together seemed gimmicky as hell. The whole thing is a giant veil of "who'd a thunk it," of course the "average person" will like that, but it's projected as an inspiring and cinematic trek and so "savants" will like that. I know lots of average filmgoers who didn't like the jumbling of events just because they lived through them and it didn't address much about them; a lot of things covering little ground.
I think you tend to over analyze things and assume that most people are on the same mental level as you. News flash, they are not. But you allready know that, so it's as if you are talking down to the masses but the masses can identify with the Forrest Gump character, with all his inadequacies. Most people are not leaders, anyway.
As far as savants go ( and they are what they are, as it's their business )
in their infinite error they awarded 6 Oscars ( including Best Picture, Best Directing, Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay ) to Forrest Gump.
And you still may say that initself doesn't mean any thing, but what it does mean is that collectively they are not as bright as you and yes, they definitely have a different opinion from yours. In this case, I tend to agree with them.

Tyler1 05-01-12 07:13 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Titanic, Forest Gump, The Silence of the Lambs, E.T. and Twilight come to mind.

honeykid 05-01-12 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 808373)
There is no such thing as perfection, but it's something we all aspire to ( at least I would like to think that ).
Who said anything about perfection?

So, by your own admission, the three superbly shot choreographed battle scenes were appararently enough to garner 5 Oscars ( inluding Best Director - Steven Spielberg and Best Cinematagrophy - Janusz Kaminski )
Yes, and the sea of sentimentality won them, too, and the politics and the buzz, and everything else that goes into the Academy giving out their prizes.

... and I'm sure that those battle scenes will be forever etched into the minds of war movie lovers,
Good. I'm pleased that people will enjoy them.

... unlike some much better written scripts that have allready faded into obscurity.
Well, I'm guessing that they'll be remembered by the lovers of good scripts. They're not always the same people, y'know.

cinemaafficionado 05-02-12 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 808507)

Well, I'm guessing that they'll be remembered by the lovers of good scripts. They're not always the same people, y'know.
That's ok, but for the puropses of this discussion, this is a general movie discussion, isn't it? Afterall, we are talking about the top 10 overrated films and not the book of the month club.
As a movie, Saving Private Ryan is definitely not overrated by movie criteria.

Skepsis93 05-02-12 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 808620)
As a movie, Saving Private Ryan is definitely not overrated by movie criteria.
What does that even mean? There's no right or wrong here, HK clearly thinks SPR is overrated (a sentiment I happen to agree with, to some extent) there's no disproving it because it's subjective.

Deadite 05-02-12 07:34 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
As far as I'm concerned, Saving Private Ryan is one of the best war films ever made and definitely one of my personal favorites.

Powderfinger 05-02-12 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808318)
...I'd rather have been beaten senseless.
You really don't want that...LOL! Trust me ;)

wintertriangles 05-02-12 09:51 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Its happened before, I got over it :p

Afterall, we are talking about the top 10 overrated films and not the book of the month club. As a movie, Saving Private Ryan is definitely not overrated by movie criteria.

Gabrielle947 05-02-12 11:17 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
To say that one or another movie is overrated is not good if you saw that movie once.I think you have to watch it a couple of times,analyze it,read reviews,interviews and know about it as much as you can.Usually,if I don't like a movie,even if it's well-rated,I don't come back to it.
Well the first movie with I thought about when I saw this thread was Schindler's List.It was boring for me,not very sad(as people say it is),maybe even a bit lifeless.It just kept going with no ups and downs.BuT I saw it only once and not even in the original language,so I just can't judge.
I noticed that there are some people who didn't like Forrest Gump.I love it and the main reason why I do it's because of the message it sends.I think it shows that many people imagines life as a complicated thing.People even make love and friendship complicated(Jenny and Lt. Dan shows it well).We also have pointless wars and a difficult politics.Forrest didn't understand anything but he was so happy.Critic Roger Ebert noticed a great thing in this movie - Forest wasn't dumb.People were too clever.
And I had no problem about the reality level,this movie isn't about a lucky mentally ill person,it's about what a person can do,when he just does it without thinking about the complexity of things.Life challenges us but we shouldn't become cold-hearted and sarcastic.Forrest Gump also talks about main values and important things such as love,war,family,friendship,drugs,politics,life and death.It is also a comedy/drama movie.One minute you're laughing,the other you're crying.Just like life - not only black or white.For a long time,I even thought that it could be a best movie ever made,because unlike other great films,this one talks about everything.I saw when I was about 12 and often rewatched it and now I think that it even changed my view of life(the movie tagline is - "The world will never be the same once you've seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.").This movie is amazing ^^

Miss Vicky 05-02-12 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Gabrielle947 (Post 808652)
Well the first movie with I thought about when I saw this thread was Schindler's List.It was boring for me,not very sad (as people say it is), maybe even a bit lifeless.It just kept going with no ups and downs.BuT I saw it only once and not even in the original language,so I just can't judge.
How is a movie about genocide "not very sad"?

Anyway, let me scrape my jaw off the floor for a second here, I think your argument that people should watch a movie several times and research it before judging it is kind of ridiculous. If a film didn't move you, didn't make you laugh, didn't do what it was supposed to do the first time around, in all likelihood it won't do it no matter how many times you watch. This is especially true considering you'd be going into the second watch already knowing that you don't like the movie and aren't going to be able to view it with the same fresh, open mind that you did the first time.

cinemaafficionado 05-02-12 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808649)
Its happened before, I got over it :p

I believe you mean why? Anyone can have a have a subjective opinion and that's what you are voicing .
You can check out movie ratings based on the opinions of average movie fans. Currently Saving Private Ryan is in 41st place based od IMDB 250 top fifty movies of all time ( which has a fan base of over a million people )so I would say that the majority movie buffs have come to the conclusion that Saving Private Ryan is actually one of the best movies ever made. On the other hand, the professionals awarded the movie a bunch of Oscars. There is an agreement between the average Joe and the movie savants, so it would really take someone to play the spoiler just for spoilers sake in order to disagree.That or being completely ignorant and not caring about the rules that apply. If the profesionals that made the movie and the viewing public agree on something, it can not be over-rated. Now you can feel that the movie sucks all you want but the fact is the very system that rates these movies certainly doesn't feel that this movie is over-rated.
Maybe you should create your own system but based on you quircky pickiness, it would most probably be a system of one. So you might as well just talk to yourself and I'm sure you won't have any disagreements.
Sometimes having a high IQ actualy works against you in normal society.
To really understand the norm you have to be willing to drop down a few notches so that you can relate to what's being said. Now, you can choose to distance yourself from the maddening crowd but that doesn't in any way imply that your world will be taken as Gospel but more fittingly as some bright but reclusive eccentric. Your style and allegory might be accepted by some artsy wannabee individuals but trust me, the masses shun guys like you. One word of advice, instead of dwelling on the negative in things, trying to find faults and imperfections, your life could be more enjoyable by being positive and building rather than thearing down.
To praise someone or something is actually harder but definitely more productive.

ash_is_the_gal 05-02-12 11:57 AM

I agree with nearly all of this. the only difference is some of these I can enjoy on a bit of a MST 3000 level. also, I don't really care that Jack and Rose and Arial and Eric fall in love all unrealistically, even though I agree it's just fluff.

overall, good review thingies!

Gabrielle947 05-02-12 12:35 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
If a film didn't move you, didn't make you laugh, didn't do what it was supposed to do the first time around, in all likelihood it won't do it no matter how many times you watch.
oh,come on.Your can start liking move for many different reasons.
People change with age and what they didn't like when they were 12years old ,they can love when they are 50.One watch means nothing.Some time ago,I saw Pulp Fiction.Didn't like it at all.Now it's in my top 3.
Also,some movies are complicated and they require more watches just to understand.And what about movies which are full of details and every time you watch them,you see something new?You think that you can take everything what a movie has to give in a single watch?Well,you can if you watch pointless and typical movies.

wintertriangles 05-02-12 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 808654)
You can check out movie ratings based on the opinions of average movie fans. Currently Saving Private Ryan is in 41st place based od IMDB 250 top fifty movies of all time ( which has a fan base of over a million people )so I would say that the majority movie buffs have come to the conclusion that Saving Private Ryan is actually one of the best movies ever made. On the other hand, the professionals awarded the movie a bunch of Oscars....If the profesionals that made the movie and the viewing public agree on something, it can not be over-rated.
Dude you keep comparing average people and "movie buffs" (self-proclaimed) as if they're the same person. It does not matter what the populous opinion is; also featured on the inarguable IMDb 250 are Inception, The Usual Suspects, American Beauty, etc. (and somehow The Avengers in the top 50 - really reliable list here), many movies which actual film people, in other words people not arrogant enough to call themselves movie buffs, would say both the critic and public consensus is wrong. THAT is what is inarguable, you see it here and any other legitimate movie forum as well as offline. These films are CLEARLY capable of being overrated, and, just to bring in your hierarchal bs, especially if my and others' film professors argue against them.

Sometimes having a high IQ actualy works against you in normal society. To really understand the norm you have to be willing to drop down a few notches so that you can relate to what's being said. Now, you can choose to distance yourself from the maddening crowd but that doesn't in any way imply that your world will be taken as Gospel but more fittingly as some bright but reclusive eccentric. Your style and allegory might be accepted by some artsy wannabee individuals but trust me, the masses shun guys like you. One word of advice, instead of dwelling on the negative in things, trying to find faults and imperfections, your life could be more enjoyable by being positive and building rather than thearing down.
There are not enough words for hilarious. You say all this like you're trying to teach me something but man you are so bad at this widespread negative assumption concept, which ironically clashes with this worldview you have for those with higher IQs. It's also not productive to think highly of yourself, but oh damn I'm being negative again!

ash_is_the_gal 05-02-12 01:52 PM

lol @ cinemaafficionado psycho analyzing wintertriangles

linespalsy 05-02-12 02:12 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Whatever you do, ca, don't read the bad movies in the IMDB top 250 thread.

I'd search for some acrimonious debates about the Oscars, but I fear the threads that touch that subject are too numerous.

cinemaafficionado 05-02-12 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808663)
Dude you keep comparing average people .

There are not enough words for hilarious. You say all this like you're trying to teach me something but man you are so bad at this widespread negative assumption concept, which ironically clashes with this worldview you have for those with higher IQs. It's also not productive to think highly of yourself, but oh damn I'm being negative again!
It's nice how you like to twist words around to prove some imaginary point. Do you read your own posts? I think you like to see yourself in print but most of the time it's critical and negative and that's what I am referring to, and inexplicably you seem to think that you are the only one than can grasp something and it's like your offering people some revelations.
I really resent your condescending attitude. What's hilarious is that attitude is directed at someone whose IQ is actually higher than yours and can see through your phony rhetoric.
Since you had to flaunt yours, I just had to see how far I'm lagging ( who knows, maybe with age I was becoming dumber ).
The attached is what it is. I don't know how reliable but I can tell you that ten years ago the MMFIT showed a higher result.
So I'd appreciate it, if you stopped talking down to me.

wintertriangles 05-02-12 10:26 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Even if your IQ was 300 it wouldn't change the fact that you are completely unable to fathom the concept of irony. I almost feel bad for you but then I remember that you're the one who was being hilariously patronizing in the first place. I can literally take every one of those sentences and they all apply far more to your personality. For someone with such a high IQ I'm astonished as to how you are incapable of recognizing that. SUPREME INEPTITUDE. Also according to that attachment your IQ is one point higher than mine, even though I think IQ tests are bs (see here). You need a bigger measuring stick for your piece?

cinemaafficionado 05-02-12 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808769)
Even if your IQ was 300 it wouldn't change the fact that you are completely unable to fathom the concept of irony. I almost feel bad for you but then I remember that you're the one who was being hilariously patronizing in the first place. I can literally take every one of those sentences and they all apply far more to your personality. For someone with such a high IQ I'm astonished as to how you are incapable of recognizing that. SUPREME INEPTITUDE. Also according to that attachment your IQ is one point higher than mine, even though I think IQ tests are bs (see here). You need a bigger measuring stick for your piece?
Ha ha. First you are going to flaunt 160 and then point out that IQ tests are unreliable. You flip-flop more than Mitt Romney.
It's not like I specifically chose 161. That was totaly random but to prove a point. I'm well aware of irony. I just don't appreciate it, nor do I appreciate sarcasm as I feel that people that tend to use those means of communication have an inate superiority complex ( although I think your problem is more related to Edipus ).
I think you mistake patronizing for knowledgeable, but I'll take that any day over opinionated.
I just love movies and tend to be over-protective of them and hate to see other people thear them down just for the sake of grandstanding and trying to show others how brilliant they themselves are.
If you were to take a poll on this forum, you would certainly find out that most members would consider you far more critical and negative than I.
And that's the whole point, Jack.

Miss Vicky 05-02-12 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by Gabrielle947 (Post 808656)
oh,come on.Your can start liking move for many different reasons. People change with age and what they didn't like when they were 12years old ,they can love when they are 50.
If this is what you meant by your statement, then you should have been more specific.

Also,some movies are complicated and they require more watches just to understand.And what about movies which are full of details and every time you watch them,you see something new?You think that you can take everything what a movie has to give in a single watch?

Yes, this is true. You're not going to take be able to absorb everything in one viewing, but one viewing is typically all it takes to form a general opinion of a movie and first impressions are usually the ones that stick.

Powderfinger 05-02-12 10:53 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808769)
Even if your IQ was 300
I wonder about my IQ, hopefully I'm better than Forrest Gump? I think he was 75? Though, he achieved a lot LOL! ;)

Deadite 05-02-12 11:08 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Forrest Gump had A Beautiful Mind. :D

wintertriangles 05-02-12 11:20 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films

I think you can move away from failing horribly and paradoxically to psychoanalyze me. If you care about movies as much as a self-appointed aficionado should, you would actually provide something besides rubbish to this site.

cinemaafficionado 05-03-12 12:00 AM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 808782)

I think you can move away from failing horribly and paradoxically to psychoanalyze me. If you care about movies as much as a self-appointed aficionado should, you would actually provide something besides rubbish to this site.
Thank God it's not up to you to decide what I provide. There is no curing you and my wasted time with you is up. Time for you to grow up and just ignore me and I'll return the favor.

mark f 05-03-12 12:03 AM


The F**ked-Up Thread That Wouldn't Die!

I made a simple suggestion a while back. Man, I'm as big a DumbAss as I thought!

mastermetal777 05-03-12 04:19 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Man, this thread proved more popular than I expected lol. I can't say I stand by some of the choices I made in my top 10 (I still believe Moulin Rouge! and Twister are utter garbage), but I find that a lot of people's choices involving what's overrated or not is entirely subjective. With that said, I found the following films overrated:

- The Expendables (it's like the NFL Pro-Bowl of action stars. Nobody really cares!)
- Braveheart (Mel Gibson just doesn't sit right with me. And also...Best Picture?!)
- Juno (I didn't find anything funny, and the leads were pretty boring, I thought)
- Raging Bull (good fights and excellent acting, but the main story seriously bored me)
- WALL-E (it has it's cute and funny moments, but it just didn't have the charm that other Pixar films have, with the exception of Cars 1 and 2)
- Cars 1 & 2 (boring concept, and has the no-charm aspect I found in WALL-E)
- Kick-Ass (the lead is pathetic even for a beginner superhero, and don't get me started on the little girl's antics and Nick Cage's superhero persona)
- Gladiator (the story was handled to the fullest extent of the usual cliches, though Joaquin Phoenix is super entertaining to watch)

cinemaafficionado 05-03-12 11:13 PM

One thing this thread did do is make me put a restraining order on myself and I guess that's a good thing:D

Nausicaä 05-04-12 08:04 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
- Cars 1 & 2 (boring concept, and has the no-charm aspect I found in WALL-E)
I think most find the Cars films the weakest?

TylerDurden99 05-04-12 08:10 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Cars 2 is definitely the weakest Pixar film, IMO. But I do like the first one in a cute, childish sort of way. But I hope Pixar can still do better than that. I hope Pixar picks up it's game with Brave, not really anticipating it, but hoping it's a return to the almost perfect form audiences have come to expect.

Ironcurtin65 05-04-12 07:27 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Saving Private Ryan
Gone With the Wind
The Usual Suspects

Gabriella Lynn 05-06-12 11:39 PM

Although I love Disney movies because I'm a girl and most all girls love the stupid fake love crap, I completely agree with you on "The Little Mermaid" for a lot of reasons other than what you stated. It started the whole love movie theme and I don't think it has a good influence on girls or boys. I think it completely helped ruin children's thoughts on love and romance. From watching the Disney princess love fairy-tales growing up, it made me want high standards of a man that is prince charming in a nut shell. How realistic is that? Looking at the guys point of view, it's made them not want to do any cute, romantic things because once they do, they will only hear whining from their girlfriends for them to do more romantic things! Maybe it's me just reading too much into something that isn't, but I wish that some romantic movies could be more realistic, and not set an unrealistic standard, such as the Disney Princess Movies.

mark f 05-06-12 11:52 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Yes, I think you're reading too much into Disney's The Little Mermaid. Would you prefer that movie to teach "girls" that they're going to croak when they attempt to "rise up" to their desired level?

Gabriella Lynn 05-07-12 12:19 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
Lol no. That part of the movie is definitely something to watch.

PeterVincent 05-07-12 05:40 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
The Hunger Games. I thought it was incredibly overrated. I didn't enjoy it very much either...except for the guy with the beard.

linespalsy 05-07-12 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by cinemaafficionado (Post 809010)
One thing this thread did do is make me put a restraining order on myself and I guess that's a good thing:D
How far do you have to keep away from yourself at all times?

ash_is_the_gal 05-07-12 12:51 PM

there are actually a ton of realistic romance films in existence. but I think I, along with the rest of Disney fans , prefer my Disney Princess movies more cute and fluffy, not edgy and realistic.

Gabriella Lynn 05-07-12 01:15 PM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I think that I have just grown out of them for the most part, although I still watch them. I think my favorite out of all of them has been Tangled because I love the fairytale part but also the "girl empowerment" part of the whole thing.

Mysticalunicornfart 05-09-12 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by PeterVincent (Post 809675)
The Hunger Games. I thought it was incredibly overrated. I didn't enjoy it very much either...except for the guy with the beard.
Woody Harrelson was basically the only enjoyable part for me too. The movie itself was very blase.

mastermetal777 05-09-12 05:41 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
I actually enjoyed The Hunger Games, to be honest.

cinemaafficionado 05-09-12 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by linespalsy (Post 809725)
How far do you have to keep away from yourself at all times?
Happy to see that my sense of humor can actually make you think:)

Mr Minio 08-29-12 05:35 PM

1. 8 1/2
2. La Strada - Felinni's style is so pretendious I hardly can stand it
3. Avatar - the plot has been used in at least two older movies, boring animation
4. There Will Be Blood - the movie is too overrated. It wasn't bad but it's not a masterpiece as everybody claims
5. Into the Wild - just no
6. The Deer Hunter - scenes in Vietnam are great, but rest is mediocre
7. The Shining - perhaps I've to give it another try, but it wasn't too good
8. True Grit - pretty average movie; overrated for directed by Coen brothers
9. Exterminating Angel - not really keen on Bunuel but out of 3 movies I've seen by him(don't count the short) it is the worst one
10. Pulp Fiction - it's like the most overrated movie ever; don't know why people cream over this flick

wintertriangles 08-29-12 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 839853)
1. 8 1/2
2. La Strada - Felinni's style is so pretendious I hardly can stand it
3. Avatar - the plot has been used in at least two older movies, boring animation
4. There Will Be Blood - the movie is too overrated. It wasn't bad but it's not a masterpiece as everybody claims
5. Into the Wild - just no
6. The Deer Hunter - scenes in Vietnam are great, but rest is mediocre
7. The Shining - perhaps I've to give it another try, but it wasn't too good
8. True Grit - pretty average movie; overrated for directed by Coen brothers
9. Exterminating Angel - not really keen on Bunuel but out of 3 movies I've seen by him(don't count the short) it is the worst one
10. Pulp Fiction - it's like the most overrated movie ever; don't know why people cream over this flick
98% of this is not explanation

Nausicaä 08-30-12 09:06 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
3. Avatar - the plot has been used in at least two older movies, boring animation
The plot might not be new but how can anyone find the animation/effects boring, watching it in 2D is sublime, beautiful colours and depth in all the nature/planet sequences. Shots of flowers/creatures slowly floating around are absolutely gorgeous on blu-ray, like this sequence for example:


TobPryor 08-30-12 09:12 AM

Avatar was one the worst movies I've ever seen.
A war film with old story and other stolen stuff, nothing new but the effects, which I've not seen, cause I saw it on TV.
But the rating is so good, just because of the effects. On imdb.

Inception... for the same reasons I think.
But I was perhpaps not in the mood.

ThomasP 08-30-12 09:58 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, although it is a very good film
The Shawshank Redemption
Fight Club
The Usual Suspects
Saving Private Ryan
Forrest Gump

donniedarko 08-30-12 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 839853)
2. La Strada - Felinni's style is so pretendious I hardly can stand it
3. Avatar - the plot has been used in at least two older movies, boring animation
4. There Will Be Blood - the movie is too overrated. It wasn't bad but it's not a masterpiece as everybody claims
7. The Shining - perhaps I've to give it another try, but it wasn't too good
8. True Grit - pretty average movie; overrated for Coen Brothers
10. Pulp Fiction - it's like the most overrated movie ever; don't know why people cream over this flick
IMO all of the movies you listed are that directors best film.

And come on you can diss on Avatars story but it looked beautiful

Edit: la strada was sh*t I agree, I thought you put La Dolce vita

Mr Minio 08-30-12 10:56 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films
2. Best of Fellini? I've seen two and La Strada is better than 8 1/2, so I agree :P
3. Terminator 1&2 is much better.
4. Haven't seen his other movies
7. IMHO the worst of Kubrick, but again I have to rewatch it
8. No Country for Old Men is much better
10. I liked Kill Bill more

Yeah, I do not deny that Avatar's visuals are good, but the movie is overrated as hell.

Nausicaä 08-30-12 11:52 AM

Re: My Top 10 Overrated Films

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