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jrs 04-19-10 03:14 AM

Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray

Lucasfilm Director of Fan Relations Steve Sansweet revealed at the Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) this weekend that the "Star Wars" films are coming to Blu-ray.

"We have been at work for a couple of years working on - I won't call it the Ultimate Set because we keep finding stuff - but, a very full set of all six movies on Blu-ray with lots of extra material," Sansweet told IGN. "We're finding all kinds of scenes from dailies that have never been seen before. Beyond all of those things that you know about… there are some real treasures."

While he wouldn't reveal when they will be released, he said "it won't be in the too distant future."

IGN said that Sansweet also addressed the reports that the "Star Wars" movies will be coming back to theaters in 3D. You can read what he had to say here.


jrs 04-19-10 03:21 AM

The Digital Bits has also heard from their industry sources who are saying that the tentative release plan for this BD set is for October 2011. Of course, this hasn't been confirmed by LucasFilm and this date could indeed change.

meatwadsprite 04-19-10 03:44 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I heard George Lucas himself was going to be redubbing the films for the BR release.

n3wt 04-19-10 06:48 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I havent got a BluRay player but I think it is about time that Star Wars was released on BluRay :yup:

WBadger 04-22-10 12:18 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I also heard that Lucas is working on a 6-film Star Wars boxset.

jrs 04-22-10 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by WBadger (Post 615591)
I also heard that Lucas is working on a 6-film Star Wars boxset.
So have I. Re-read the first post in this thread. :p

[rono] 05-28-10 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by WBadger (Post 615591)
I also heard that Lucas is working on a 6-film Star Wars boxset.
Personally, I would prefer it in 2 separate boxes.
The first 3 (Episodes 4, 5 and 6) I would buy without hesitation.
The last 3 (Episodes 1, 2 and 3) not sure.
1 and 2 were such disappointments.

akatemple 09-01-11 05:19 PM

Ewoks now blink in Return of Jedi on Blu-ray
Controversially, Lucas is making new changes to the Star Wars Blu-ray set, coming September and fans have cried far and loud about them. Ready for more? Those cold, black eyes of the Ewoks will now have CGI blinking. Subtle, but very noticeable, especially for those fans of Return of the Jedi.

Yoda 09-01-11 05:21 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
What? Why? What?


filmgirlinterrupted 09-01-11 05:26 PM

This is bulls**t, man.!

The CGI Ewoks, the CGI Yoda, Darth Vader's "Nooooooo!" - what heck is going on? I can't be the only person here who wants the ORIGINAL movies.

filmgirlinterrupted 09-01-11 05:28 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
At least Simon Pegg agrees with me: @simonpegg Simon Pegg
Always loved Vader's wordless self sacrifice. Another sh**ty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin's ghost. What a f**king shame.
31 Aug via TweetDeck

akatemple 09-01-11 05:41 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Is that Noooooo REAL?? If so then that is just sad, I am not a huge die hard Star Wars fan but I grew up watching the films and still like them alot. But that would completely make me not buy the BR discs. That is just,,, what the hell is that.

filmgirlinterrupted 09-01-11 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by akatemple (Post 760634)
Is that Noooooo REAL?? If so then that is just sad, I am not a huge die hard Star Wars fan but I grew up watching the films and still like them alot. But that would completely make me not buy the BR discs. That is just,,, what the hell is that.
From The New York Times, August 31st:

On Wednesday, a press representative for Lucasfilm confirmed that this change will be included in the Blu-ray release, writing in an e-mail: “Yes — Darth says NO.”

bouncingbrick 09-01-11 06:00 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Funny, I says "no", too.

I love Star Wars, and I love Blu-ray quality home viewing. But there's no way in hell I'm going to buy these things. I have my unedited DVDs of the original trilogy, that's all I need.

Powdered Water 09-01-11 06:03 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
That Ewok thing is just creepy, man.

planet news 09-01-11 06:04 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
It's just sad that none of you jerks can appreciate the sheer brilliance and utter necessity of that "no" and the tremendous power it adds to the scene.

Screw you all.

Originally Posted by Powdered Water (Post 760646)
That Ewok thing is just creepy, man.
>implying ewoks are not inherently creepy

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 06:08 PM

George Lucas is like the Joan Rivers of movie directors. He just can't stop nipping and tucking away at his body of work.

Harry Lime 09-01-11 06:53 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I need a hobby. I think I'll start writing threatening letters to George Lucas. Shoulda thought of this years ago.

Ash_Lee 09-01-11 07:24 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
What irks me the most is that George Lucas will allocate resources to giving Wicket the Ewok more detailed eyeballs and make him blink, will add a beak to the sarlaac, will add new lines of dialogue to Darth Vader, will add Hayden Christensen to Return of the Jedi etc...

...but he won't fix the colours of the lightsabres!

Actually that's unfair, he has fixed some shots of the lightsabres. Just enough to make a trailer with anyway...

He's long since moved on from improving his vision, he did that in 1997. This is just a stubborn old man tinkering.

John McClane 09-01-11 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 760647)
It's just sad that none of you jerks can appreciate the sheer brilliance and utter necessity of that "no" and the tremendous power it adds to the scene.

Screw you all.
The no in episode 3 made sense, but not in episode 6. I mean, if I was the emperor and I heard my apprentice say no I'd start fryin his ass, too. Darth had to catch him off guard, man.

George Lucas is worse than those students that b***h about getting an A- on their assignments.

"What? You loved it but you didn't love it more?! There has to be a way for me to fix this! Oh God, please let me do it again!! No, I can't? Well, I'm gunna do it anyways and make you buy it again!!"

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 07:51 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
In a way, I can understand George Lucas for doing this. It's his movie and he feels it's unfinished. Once the man dies, he'll no longer be able to add improvements to the film. He likes technology and what it can do for films. If I was a filmmaker and I made something as enormous and popular as Star Wars, as time went by and I was getting older, I'd probably get all nervous and start messing around with my original work, too. These films will live on longer than he does and in the grand scheme of things, his time on Earth is limited. Nothing else he ever does is going to be as successful as Star Wars.

In the future, someone will be able to restore the original versions exactly as they were shown in theatres and George Lucas will be dead and won't be overtaking the movies anymore, adding and changing things. At the same time, we'll still have the altered versions that George changed later in his life. All will be appreciated and studied and the originals may still be considered the best, but the final versions of the Star Wars movies -- however they end up once George is gone -- will probably remain as the definitive movies. The master works.

I think it's kinda revolutionary that George sees movies as works in progress. He's obsessive -- but many people throughout history have been obsessive. This kind of thing is really something to be expected. It'll probably only add to his legend and to his eternal fame. And let's face it -- all of us who grew up with the original versions of these films are gonna die out with time. New people will be born and experience the changes Lucas made and many will probably prefer them. The original versions of these movies will be history.

wintertriangles 09-01-11 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760669)
I think it's kinda revolutionary that George sees movies as works in progress.
No no no no really? Revolutionary? Have you never heard of music? Composers, aeons ago and today, rewrite all the time, except in their case they usually do make improvements unlike this all-life crisis of a situation.

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 760674)
No no no no really? Revolutionary? Have you never heard of music? Composers, aeons ago and today, rewrite all the time, except in their case they usually do make improvements unlike this all-life crisis of a situation.
Well, that's music - that's why this is revolutionary - now it's happening to movies.

People scream that George Lucas is wrecking Star Wars but I seriously believe that's only because of personal feelings and standards set forth by those original versions of the films. The fact is that most people I've known hate drastic changes to movies -- but it's usually just because they are used to the originals and loved them and knew them that way.

I think that in the future these standards and feelings for the altered Star Wars films might change. I don't exactly agree that films should be messed with and certainly changes can be made that are bad, but I think that with time, alterations could be seen as improvements. The blinking Ewoks look kind of cute. I also like the "No" coming from Darth Vader. You might fall in love with the silent Vader, but Lucas might have looked back on it with regret. In his mind - and we should appreciate that mind - it might have needed a "Nooooo!" Not all thoughts and realizations about things come immediately. Sometimes stuff takes time.

John McClane 09-01-11 08:16 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I'm against changes that don't make sense. George Lucas's changes don't make sense.

Why in the f*** do Ewoks need CG eyes? Will I believe they're more real and try to adopt one? No.

I have a well reasoned argument AGAINST most of the changes Lucas made yet all we have from the man is "I couldn't do it before."

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 760681)
Why in the f*** do Ewoks need CG eyes? Will I believe they're more real and try to adopt one? No.
Eyes are important. Eyes are "windows of the soul" as many people say. Eyes are usually the first thing people look at and like when they find someone attractive -- so they say, anyway. Eyes make people feel more real, more human. I suppose by having blinking Ewoks, they look less like people in a puppet costume.

You might want to adopt one now. Explore your feelings.

wintertriangles 09-01-11 08:32 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Your defense is still shallow. His changes only take away, there's no way of looking around that. If eyes are so important then why does the blinking look so damn fake?

Harry Lime 09-01-11 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760669)
The master works.

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 760684)
Your defense is still shallow. His changes only take away, there's no way of looking around that. If eyes are so important then why does the blinking look so damn fake?
I think it looks real for what it is. They're Ewok eyes. The only funny thing is how it looks up at the camera for a split second to blink -- as if it's saying, "OOOOOOOOOohhhhhhhhhhhh! Look what I can do now! I CANZ BLINK!"

And why not blink? Can't the poor, damn Ewok naturally moisturize its eyes?!

I'm telling ya -- if those things had blinked in the original version, more people would have liked them. Blinking adds cuteness.

It's like anime girls. Everyone likes them because of their big eyes.

wintertriangles 09-01-11 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760686)
And why not blink? Can't the poor, damn Ewok naturally moisturize its eyes?!
And why can't its eyes just be self moisturizing? Not every creature in the universe is a humanoid.

I'm telling ya -- if those things had blinked in the original version, more people would have liked them. Blinking adds cuteness. It's like anime girls. Everyone likes them because of their big eyes.
Well. They're humans. Also, I'm pretty sure most people love Ewoks as it is because they're already adorable. Fake blinking just reminds me how fake their fakeness is faked.

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 760688)
And why can't its eyes just be self moisturizing? Not every creature in the universe is a humanoid.
Oh, come on. Nobody, except you, is gonna look at the Ewoks not blinking and think - OH MY GOD. Self moisturizng eyes! Self moisturizing eyes! *speechless* It has self moisturizing eyes! That thing has SELF MOISTURIZING EYES! SELF MOISTURIZING EYES! In the name of God. SELF MOISTURIZING EYES! It's a one of a kind!

People can now look at those things and think, it blinks like I do. Kids will see them as more of a blinking role model. Blink-182, the band, will probably make the Ewok its mascot.

Why can't the Ewok just be a self moisturizing creature? Cause it's nothing more than a little person inside a furry costume. I think it's even played by Warwick Davis, who also played this guy:

Originally Posted by wintertriangles
Well. They're humans. Also, I'm pretty sure most people love them as it is because they're already adorable. Fake blinking just reminds me how fake their fakeness is faked.
It'll remind you of that but not everybody. I look at those things and can already tell they're fake just by the costume. I think the blinking eyes make them look a little more real, actually. There's something mystical about it. Magical. And yet real.

And nobody's gonna look at the non-blinking eyes and think their eyes self moisturize. They're just gonna think they're fake eyes glued into a prop head.

wintertriangles 09-01-11 10:19 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I have a hard time believing you say these things with any real conviction

planet news 09-01-11 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760669)
I think it's kinda revolutionary that George sees movies as works in progress.
This is the most vile, obscene thing I have ever read.

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 760700)
This is the most vile, obscene thing I have ever read.
Odd. I didn't see a neg rep.

planet news 09-01-11 11:28 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
There you go. :highfive:

Harry Lime 09-01-11 11:34 PM

Sexy Celebrity 09-01-11 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 760698)
I have a hard time believing you say these things with any real conviction
Well, I really do have conviction. Look, if it was movies that I loved a lot and the director started messing with them... yeah, I'd be pissed. But I'm thinking about the director's own personal point of view. If we can embrace what the filmmaker brought us originally, maybe we should be open to what he does later on to the same material. I think of the filmmaker as being an artist, like Michelangelo. How would the great artists of the past have handled movies if they were filmmakers? Surely someone's gonna want to keep fixing up their films.

Movies are so bound by a time schedule and a release date and for the business of making money. But think of a movie with a much longer timespan until it is completely finished. With DVD releases, George Lucas has found a loophole in the system -- he's discovered a way to keep the excitement of the movie going and he gets to revise his work. He sells his revisions through the angle of the new DVD releases annoucing the changes. This way, he keeps himself exciting - or at least talked about. And he'll always have his large group of fans that love Star Wars. Nobody's gonna turn their backs now -- unless he does something extreme like reshooting the entire movie series again with new actors. But he's a good artist -- he's not gonna be that stupid.

Star Wars is a work of art first and foremost. All movies are. So why not revise if you have the balls to do it? Can you imagine if somebody went back and turned a really horrible movie - something we all hate - into something wonderful? And I don't mean by doing a remake -- I mean by tweaking a lot of things here and there. Could that be possible? I say it might.

Could Georgie be ruining Star Wars? Absolutely. But give it some consideration and truly see if it is ruined. It would actually be interesting to see Star Wars lose its appeal because George Lucas tweaked it too much and ruined it -- I doubt that will happen, but what if? The terrible thing is that Star Wars still has the box office success to fall back on. It will always be historical that way, no matter what becomes of the movies. It will always be historical for having been a phenomenon.

And with that, I don't know what else to say....

Harry Lime 09-01-11 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760711)
I think of the filmmaker as being an artist...
Yeah, but is it acceptable for an artist to go and change their work years after it's done?

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by Harry Lime (Post 760714)
Yeah, but is it acceptable for an artist to go and change their work years after it's done?
Well, I'm not an art major, but hasn't this ever been done before? Surely it must have.

Why is it not acceptable? The only true reason I can see for it to not be acceptable is if everything art-related is judged as if in some kind of contest with a time limit. Now, I don't mind if it's judged - I don't mind if it's a contest - but a time limit idea is fleeting. Sure, the Academy Awards are every year - a 1976 film cannot compete for Best Picture in 2012 - I suppose. I wonder if it could if it was revised and re-released? Probably not. Probably wouldn't pick up a nomination, at least. Would be interesting, though, if something like that ever did happen.

I'm chaotic. I'm random. I'm a big, open minded thinker. I'm just trying to see how things could be changed around and made sumptuous, appetizing, appealing, inventive and out of the box.

I think it can be acceptable to change a movie. Yeah, you might piss off the actors that starred in it, but so what? It's your movie. It might also belong to the public's hearts, but what have I been saying? All those hearts are gonna stop beating one day anyway. New hearts will be around and they might love and accept the new version of the film. Yeah, there might be historical records of all of us hating the revised film, but so what? Words are words. Talk is cheap.

Art is powerful. Revised art can be powerful - more powerful than the original. Don't look away from revised art -- it's not sunlight. It won't hurt you. Look at it. Give it a chance. Give it a kiss. It's here to stay. Accept it like family. That is, if you feel you can. It's understandable if you can't, but maybe it has gifts to give you.

A blinking Ewok wants your love. A blinking Ewok blinks for you. Don't cover your eyes -- BLINK BACK!!! Blink black, dammit, blink back!

And chew.

mark f 09-02-11 03:34 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I'm not sure what 1976 has to do with this last post. But please don't respond. It's embarrassing... again. But all the poor suckers here love you, so do what you want, you little charmer.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 760777)
I'm not sure what 1976 has to do with this last post. But please don't respond. It's embarrassing... again. But all the poor suckers here love you, so do what you want, you little charmer.
I'm not sure what you mean by, "It's embarrassing... again." I certainly don't feel embarrassed. I also wouldn't call the people here "poor suckers."

mark f 09-02-11 04:56 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Of course YOU wouldn't. They can take it though if it fits, or if they forgive me for not BSing them.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 05:02 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 760801)
Of course YOU wouldn't. They can take it though if it fits, or if they forgive me for not BSing them.
.... First of all, I'm not BSing anybody, if you're trying to imply that I am. Second, I don't see a reason to be embarrassed, whether it's in regards to everything I've said in here, anywhere else or just because of how fabulous I am -- that doesn't embarrass me, either.

Lay off me!

mark f 09-02-11 05:33 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Then you lay off everyone for a week, and it's a deal. Ha! You can't even understand that probably since you're perfect and have never made a mistake in your life.

honeykid 09-02-11 05:40 AM

Firstly, I think by referencing 1976, SC meant Star Wars and, therefore, should've said 1977.

Secondly, SC, I think you're wrong on just about everything you've said about Lucas re-editing and adding (in terms of material) to the Star Wars films. However, the one thing you're right about is that they're his (as he literally owns them) and he can and does do what he wants with them. Mainly because I doubt he can do anything else and he's a greedy ****wit who's willing to screw every fan of his creation stupid enough to keep paying out for these revisions.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 760813)
Firstly, I think by referencing 1976, SC meant Star Wars and, therefore, should've said 1977.
Actually, I was just tossing out a year that wasn't current. It could have been 1948, 1962, 1989, it doesn't matter.

Originally Posted by honeykid
Secondly, SC, I think you're wrong on just about everything you've said about Lucas re-editing and adding (in terms of material) to the Star Wars films. However, the one thing you're right about is that they're his (as he literally owns them) and he can and does do what he wants with them. Mainly because I doubt he can do anything else and he's a greedy ****wit who's willing to screw every fan of his creation stupid enough to keep paying out for these revisions.
Well, he might be. I don't know. I just thought it was possible he could feel like he wants to get the films *perfect* in his mind before he dies. I mean, maybe he's that dedicated to it. Maybe there's really a lot of love going on and not greed. Couldn't that be possible, too?

Harry Lime 09-02-11 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760817)
Well, he might be. I don't know. I just thought it was possible he could feel like he wants to get the films *perfect* in his mind before he dies. I mean, maybe he's that dedicated to it. Maybe there's really a lot of love going on and not greed. Couldn't that be possible, too?
Sounds like a very selfish love to me.

honeykid 09-02-11 06:03 AM

I see. Y'know if you'd picked a year another year or two away, I probably would've got that. :D Everyone disregard what I said about Star Wars. I was way off.

If these changes were loved (not even universally loved, just the majority) or he didn't tinker with them every other year to 'up' the income, I may be persuaded to think along those lines. The closest I can come to it is that he really wants to be a film director, but feels messing with the behemoth he created is the only way he can do it now, as he hasn't got the balls to direct something new.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 760823)
If these changes were loved (not even universally loved, just the majority) or he didn't tinker with them every other year to 'up' the income, I may be persuaded to think along those lines. The closest I can come to it is that he really wants to be a film director, but feels messing with the behemoth he created is the only way he can do it now, as he hasn't got the balls to direct something new.
I don't know. To me, in our current day and age, I feel there might be some logic to what I was saying about Lucas spending more time trying to perfect Star Wars for future generations. For one... Star Wars is just too huge and too epic and too universally loved. It's his masterpiece. It's his baby. It's his thing - his reason for being alive. He might not have another great story/great movie in him. Even if he did, would it be accepted the way Star Wars is accepted? Probably not. People - at least in our day and age - just aren't very accepting of new things. At least that's how it seems to me. People fall in love with one great thing a person does and they seem to get stuck. Artists have a hard time topping something -- and with something like Star Wars -- that's a very, very, very, very, very BIG thing to top.

Imagine that you created Star Wars. Holy ****, right? How would that affect you as a person? Really think about it. Imagine that you took the putty and came up with that. We really can't see it from his perspective. George Lucas is a God in his own way. He is the God of Star Wars. And one day soon, he's gonna die and he's gonna disappear and he's gonna be quiet forever. But that whole universe -- that whole Star Wars thing he created -- is gonna stick around. Thousands of years might go by and Star Wars could still be around and still be cherished. Thousands of years. Think about that. Let's pretend it's the year 6711. And Star Wars is still known by everybody.

Why care about trying to create something new? Could he care? Certainly. But at the stage he's at now, is it really important? Not really. It's like winning the lottery -- yeah, there's a lot of great movies out there -- but Star Wars? That's winning the lottery. That's a saga. That's a beloved saga. Everybody sees it. He has won a lottery among filmmakers. He gets to be the God of this thing.

Knowing all that -- and thinking about the future -- wouldn't you at least pause and think, what if it's not done? What if I don't have it right? What if it could be improved? Do I really want to leave it untouched when I've still got time to make it better? I know everybody's telling me to leave it alone and that they hate the changes and it sucks, but I feel I could improve upon it. I should make it better. That thing is gonna be around for eternity... I can't keep it the way it is. I know I could make it a lot more interesting. They may not realize it now, but someday they will. I know it works - it has a power to transform people's lives - I don't have to do too much, but I know I could do some things to make it even more impressive.

Maybe he's just really nervous or something. Maybe he's self conscious or worried about it looking too old and dated sometime in the future. But I bet if you sat down with Lucas, one on one, and had a really deep talk with him, you would probably come to understand why he's doing this and that it's not just because of money. Now, yes, I could be wrong - but what if I'm not? What if this is something he strongly feels the need to do?

He is an artist. He might be getting called to do this somehow. The same mind that's making these changes is the same mind that created it in the first place. We should honor and respect that, even if just a little.

honeykid 09-02-11 06:43 AM

Hey, if his tinkering had actually improved it that'd be great. It's not just Star Wars, it'll the other two as well. None of the 'improvements' actually have been, IMO. Extra shots, a few extra seconds here and there, usually with some 'comical' CGI monster farting, burping or throwing a stormtrooper off. None of these things sound like significant improvements, things that generations from now would be looked at as the great final touches from a master. Even if I liked them or thought them funny.

I understand the scene he inserted in Star Wars with Jabba. That's something I could see as an improvement. Something that he wanted to do before but couldn't. At least, not with Jabba as we know him. Something which links the films. I don't like it, but I acknowledge that it's an attempt to make the film closer to his vision. Even having Greedo shoot first, while a criminal act of cinematic vandalism as far as I'm concerned, could be seen as 'correcting a mistake'. Would Hitchcock have gone back and rejigged Sabotage so that the bomb didn't explode, if he could've? We'll never know.

However, those are the only examples I can think of where you could argue that he's improved the films. An attempt at perfection. Let's face it, but for 20th Century not taking Star Wars seriously and thinking they were getting the better of the deal made with Lucas, he wouldn't be able to do any of this. He's the Bill Gates of Hollywood.

bouncingbrick 09-02-11 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760669)
In a way, I can understand George Lucas for doing this. It's his movie and he feels it's unfinished.
But, it's not the thing we fell in love with anymore, now is it?

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760829)
I don't know. To me, in our current day and age, I feel there might be some logic to what I was saying about Lucas spending more time trying to perfect Star Wars for future generations. For one... Star Wars is just too huge and too epic and too universally loved. It's his masterpiece. It's his baby. It's his thing - his reason for being alive. He might not have another great story/great movie in him. Even if he did, would it be accepted the way Star Wars is accepted? Probably not. People - at least in our day and age - just aren't very accepting of new things.
:rolleyes: Sure.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760829)
At least that's how it seems to me. People fall in love with one great thing a person does and they seem to get stuck. Artists have a hard time topping something -- and with something like Star Wars -- that's a very, very, very, very, very BIG thing to top.

Imagine that you created Star Wars. Holy ****, right? How would that affect you as a person? Really think about it. Imagine that you took the putty and came up with that. We really can't see it from his perspective. George Lucas is a God in his own way. He is the God of Star Wars. And one day soon, he's gonna die and he's gonna disappear and he's gonna be quiet forever. But that whole universe -- that whole Star Wars thing he created -- is gonna stick around. Thousands of years might go by and Star Wars could still be around and still be cherished. Thousands of years. Think about that. Let's pretend it's the year 6711. And Star Wars is still known by everybody.
This is so completely irrelevant because people loved it before he started making changes! If it's still looked at 4 thousand years from now with affection then it won't matter what version is praised! He doesn't have to change it for people to like it down the line! It's still loved, even when it isn't altered!


Yoda 09-02-11 11:27 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
One of the most important things about art--and one of the most important things about life--is that it ends. Is that it at some point you put it down and say it's done. Or, as Chesterton puts it, "the most important part of every picture is the frame."

Movies are not reality. Everyone knows that. So everyone is perfectly happy to watch the old Star Wars movies and not care that the Ewoks don't blink. If his goal is to stop his movies from looking dated, well, he's only delaying the inevitable, because at some point he will die and it'll happen eventually. You can't outrun that.

The problem with these changes, to my mind, is that they are indicative of inconsistent storytelling. When he goes back and makes Vader say "Nooooooo" in The Return of the Jedi, it's because he did something like that in the prequels and he wants to create a foreshadowing, a connection between them. The only problem is, he didn't do it initially, so the whole point of the foreshadowing (watching the prequel and realizing it harkens back to the originals) is lost. He decided he'd rather adjust his story and then go back and iron out the inconsistencies and missed opportunities, rather than continue the story in a way consistent with what he'd already done. I think that's just the wrong way to tell a story.

I don't think he's trying to hurt anyone. I think he's a perfectionist. But perfectionists need to reign themselves in, or have people around them who will. I don't think Lucas is the kind of guy who ever has to listen to anyone tell him "no" ever again, so I don't know if that'll happen.

I think he means well. I just think he lacks perspective, about how people relate to his films, and about how art works in general.

Hypothetically, I suppose one could plan out a movie that changes over time. It's an interesting thing to potentially do. But it's not the kind of thing that works retroactively, and if you were going to do it right, it wouldn't look anything like this.

Powdered Water 09-02-11 12:14 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Well, I think we've all made some wonderful progress here since yesterday so why don't you kids all run right out and buy this steaming pile so Lucas can just get a little richer, OK? Because surely, it's all about the art, right? He would never just do this for the money. That's just crazy talk.

I know this is unrelated, but this whole thread is pretty unrelated at this point. This is a great reason why I download off of the internet. I mean, seriously. How many times will consumers allow this guy to go to the well? Answer? Every time. This bugs me and I will not participate in it. I don't even have a blu-ray player but I may down load these for free just to seed them back to somebody else so they don't have to pay for them either. No one should have to pay for this tripe.

bouncingbrick 09-02-11 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Powdered Water (Post 760878)
Well, I think we've all made some wonderful progress here since yesterday so why don't you kids all run right out and buy this steaming pile so Lucas can just get a little richer, OK? Because surely, it's all about the art, right? He would never just do this for the money. That's just crazy talk.

I know this is unrelated, but this whole thread is pretty unrelated at this point. This is a great reason why I download off of the internet. I mean, seriously. How many times will consumers allow this guy to go to the well? Answer? Every time. This bugs me and I will not participate in it. I don't even have a blu-ray player but I may down load these for free just to seed them back to somebody else so they don't have to pay for them either. No one should have to pay for this tripe.
Nice attitude.

Did it ever occur to you that Lucas doesn't need any more money? I'm pretty sure that's the last reason he's making changes. Besides, it's not like Blu-Rays suddenly outsell DVDs.

Powdered Water 09-02-11 12:47 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Yoda 09-02-11 12:55 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I dunno what's going on in that dude's head, but he is pretty rich. I have no problem believing that he does it because he's a confused perfectionist, and not for the cash. And I'd almost prefer the latter explanation, because it makes more logical sense to me.

Pyro Tramp 09-02-11 01:04 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Wow, lots of emotions being built up in here it seems. Without reading through it all, I don't mind that he's adding things like Ewoks blinking, it seems he's trying to make timeless films timeless, literally. My big beef however is that he's monopolising the releases and only giving us these versions. Sure it's 'his' film and he can make changes he wants and yeah, I get he wants us to see the finished version from his head but we should have the choice to get the version WE want and he can listen to Vader scream when he watches it on his Death Star all he wants.

Yoda 09-02-11 01:09 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
That's an especially good point, I think. It's one thing to keep fiddling, it's another to refuse to let people choose between the versions. That, actually, makes me think that it really isn't about money, but about some misguided perfectionism. He doesn't want anyone to see them without the latest tweaks.

Powdered Water 09-02-11 01:10 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
He might just be a crazy person.

filmgirlinterrupted 09-02-11 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 760891)
That's an especially good point, I think. It's one thing to keep fiddling, it's another to refuse to let people choose between the versions.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. I want the choice. What's the big deal? Doesn't Lucas have enough money to put out 2 different boxsets? *sigh*

In all honesty, I don't think I will purchase the new boxset. I have the Special Edition DVD boxset for Episodes IV-VI, and they're the original theatrical versions. I don't mind that they're not on Blu-Ray. I own Episode I on DVD also. I don't think I will ever shell out a dime to own Episode II or Episode III.

Pyro Tramp 09-02-11 02:04 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
You mean you like Episode 1 the most of the prequels?

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 760830)
Hey, if his tinkering had actually improved it that'd be great. It's not just Star Wars, it'll the other two as well. None of the 'improvements' actually have been, IMO. Extra shots, a few extra seconds here and there, usually with some 'comical' CGI monster farting, burping or throwing a stormtrooper off. None of these things sound like significant improvements, things that generations from now would be looked at as the great final touches from a master. Even if I liked them or thought them funny.
How do you know?! How do you know future generations aren't going to find them great final touches from a master? We cannot predict the future or what future generations are going to think. That's the thing -- generations change. Lucas might be putting in last minute touches because he might suspect people's prejudices about things might change and thus Star Wars would have a little something more to it. In the future, burping and farting monsters might be all the rage. Or at least people won't be so prudish and automatically proclaim fart jokes as immature and unnecessary. Everyone farts and burps, don't they? Everyone blinks. Get out of the granny panties and think about why Lucas might put these things in -- someday, these final touches really might be seen as innovative and smart. I'm sorry, people of 2011, but we all might really have our heads on backward.

Originally Posted by honeykid
I understand the scene he inserted in Star Wars with Jabba. That's something I could see as an improvement. Something that he wanted to do before but couldn't. At least, not with Jabba as we know him. Something which links the films. I don't like it, but I acknowledge that it's an attempt to make the film closer to his vision. Even having Greedo shoot first, while a criminal act of cinematic vandalism as far as I'm concerned, could be seen as 'correcting a mistake'. Would Hitchcock have gone back and rejigged Sabotage so that the bomb didn't explode, if he could've? We'll never know.
Well, why do you not like Jabba added in? Is it really an artistic mistake or is it just uncomfortable to you because it's such a huge change and not like the original? Would Jabba in the original have really made you more disgusted with Star Wars?

Originally Posted by honeykid
However, those are the only examples I can think of where you could argue that he's improved the films. An attempt at perfection. Let's face it, but for 20th Century not taking Star Wars seriously and thinking they were getting the better of the deal made with Lucas, he wouldn't be able to do any of this. He's the Bill Gates of Hollywood.
What's so bad about Bill Gates?

akatemple 09-02-11 02:12 PM


Sorry folks, Greedo still shoots first on the Star Wars Blu-ray

Sep 2, 2011

Well, here’s another change to the ever-controversial Star Wars Blu-ray set. Back in 1977, Han Solo shot Greedo first, after a debate on his status as a wanted man for the bounty hunter working for Jabba the Hut. Fans were appauled when in 1999, A New Hope was changed making Greedo shooting first.
As a Han Solo fan, his 1977 action made him just a bad-ass. Now he’s a man using self-defense. On the upcoming Star Wars Blu-ray set, many changes are still being made, like a leaner, tighter version of the editing on Greedo shooting first. Yeah. Check it out:

Pyro Tramp 09-02-11 02:14 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
There's fine tuning then there's completely altering characters, that's a pretty iconic, defining introduction scene for Han

Yoda 09-02-11 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760904)
How do you know?! How do you know future generations aren't going to find them great final touches from a master? We cannot predict the future or what future generations are going to think.
He's not claiming to know, he's just saying he doesn't think it will. I don't either. Though if we can't predict what future generations are going to think, what reason do we have to think Lucas is any different? He sure didn't predict how this generation would react very well.

Plus, come on. The idea that an Ewok blinking is going to have ANY significant effect--good or bad--on how these films are perceived just isn't plausible.

I'd be against most of the tinkering even if it was an improvement, for the record, but I don't see how it is. Most of it is unnecessary, obviously takes away from something many people regarded as a strength of the film, or actually goes back and changes the way characters are developed, like the Han/Greedo thing, which is probably the least defensible change. At least the others are pointless and cosmetic. That one actually alters a character's personality after we'd already decided we loved him.

Sedai 09-02-11 02:22 PM

Lucas is a sad, sad old man trying to capture lightning in a bottle when the storm is long gone. He tapped into some magic in his youth, magic he is constantly trying to recapture. He just won't do it.

This short film could be about Lucas:

filmgirlinterrupted 09-02-11 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 760902)
You mean you like Episode 1 the most of the prequels?
I didn't say that. I said that I own Episode I. It was actually given to me as a gift. The only thing worth watching in that movie is the podrace.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 760891)
That's an especially good point, I think. It's one thing to keep fiddling, it's another to refuse to let people choose between the versions. That, actually, makes me think that it really isn't about money, but about some misguided perfectionism. He doesn't want anyone to see them without the latest tweaks.
I agree that he should release the original versions on DVD and Blu-ray. We deserve to see them the way we love them. I'm not particularly crazy about Star Wars personally - maybe that's why I can say all of this stuff with some conviction. I don't hate them or wish them trashed or think people should just shut up and let George Lucas anally rape them like he did to that Stormtrooper on South Park.

But like I was saying - I think he's found a loophole in introducing his "corrections." DVD and Blu-ray re-releases are being used to market the transformations so that everyone will know and see it. He can't keep putting them in movie theatres everytime he makes some slight alterations. Maybe he could, but it's more risky. That would really disgust more people, I think. He'd be even crazier if even did that - he's already done it once. But with DVD and Blu-ray, he's skipping all of that and putting it in your home first. I think this is also smart because kids who have never seen the original versions will get the new versions and see those for the very first time and their minds won't be so judgemental because they will get used to the new stuff. Those will be their happy memories for life. He is conditioning the new generations already. Smart man. I recently read a book called My Best Friend is a Wookie -- by a guy who grew up obsessed with Star Wars -- and in the beginning, he's taking his nephew or something to see Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the kid absolutely loves it and absolutely loves the Star Wars prequels and prefers CGI Yoda over Puppet Yoda, etc.

I have been saying for some time now that our favorite movies - and even our favorite things in movies - are only just personal preferences, things we love all thanks to our personal psyches. It's all in our head. If you don't have the childhood love for the new versions of Star Wars, it's probably never going to feel right unless you truly have an open mind. You might proclaim that something is artistically wrong - and I think Yoda has a good case with the "Nooooo!" thing - but I bet a lot is just that you can't wrap your mind around the changes because it doesn't feel right. It's foreign. It's alien. They're intruders in the night.

I said what George Lucas is doing is revolutionary and I meant it. This is an experiment -- but it one day might become more common than we'd ever suspect. Of course, George Lucas could totally be at fault for this, but who knows if it's really going to end up being a bad experiment? There are no bad experiments -- there's only data. And this is data that is only going to help us in the future. It is possible that right now George Lucas is paving the way for some incredible things that could happen with cinema. We just might not know it. But just because it hasn't happened yet - or may never will - doesn't mean we need to poo-poo everything and stop something in the middle of progress or before it even gets off the ground. This is a technological and spiritual jump for movies -- crazy? Maybe. But crazy gets results.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 760910)
Plus, come on. The idea that an Ewok blinking is going to have ANY significant effect--good or bad--on how these films are perceived just isn't plausible.
I really doubt that. Maybe not the films, but perhaps the Ewoks, and perhaps Return of the Jedi anyway. Ewoks have a reputation of not being liked -- but what if they had blinked originally? I'm serious about the eye thing -- it's innate with human beings. People love eyes. Eyes charm and seduce. Bat your eyes and land yourself a boyfriend! Yeah, they're furry costumed creatures, but a blinking eye can really do so much more. It affects people's emotions -- perhaps deeply. Unconsciously.

Pyro Tramp 09-02-11 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by filmgirlinterrupted (Post 760914)
I didn't say that. I said that I own Episode I. It was actually given to me as a gift. The only thing worth watching in that movie is the podrace.
Phew, was just clarifying, you sounded content owning that one over the others.

Yoda 09-02-11 03:17 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Aye, people hate the Ewoks, but they hate them because they think they're cutesy and far too effective at fighting stormtroopers, and not because of any anatomical suspension of disbelief.

I never minded them, personally, but that might be because I was pretty young when I saw the films, so I was more apt to like fighting teddy bears.

bouncingbrick 09-02-11 03:18 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Ok, Sexy Celeb, I got a question for you. You keep talking about the younger generation watching Star Wars, but who is showing it to them? Do you honestly think that someone like me (I'm old enough to remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater) is going to show his children the bastardized versions of the film or the one I love from when I was a kid? Which version do you honestly think more kids will end up seeing?

Kinda more than one question...whatever.

wintertriangles 09-02-11 04:02 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Sexy is bad at being a devil's advocate right now

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by bouncingbrick (Post 760933)
Ok, Sexy Celeb, I got a question for you. You keep talking about the younger generation watching Star Wars, but who is showing it to them? Do you honestly think that someone like me (I'm old enough to remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater) is going to show his children the bastardized versions of the film or the one I love from when I was a kid? Which version do you honestly think more kids will end up seeing?
Depends on the person, of course. Certainly there's got to be people who grew up on the originals and don't mind the changes made.

We have the power to shut down Lucas' obsession with altering Star Wars -- we really do. Unfortunately, too many people do cave in and buy the re-releases with the changes. I will probably get the Blu-rays that are coming out soon myself. I really want to watch them on Blu. I think it would be spellbinding.

But if the rest of y'all really hate these changes so much, then I hope you're gonna ban this release and not buy them -- even though damage has already been done.

Oh - and to answer your last question, more kids are gonna see the special editions/Blu-ray editions, etc.

honeykid 09-02-11 04:49 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
SC this last page or two are the dumbest series of postings I've ever seen you put out. Honestly. Delusional to the nth degree.

Also, I couldn't see me ever buying these. The only reason I have Star Wars and Return on dvd is because I was able to get them with the original versions included.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 760946)
SC this last page or two are the dumbest series of postings I've ever seen you put out. Honestly. Delusional to the nth degree.
I'm upset that you feel that way but I do not feel delusional. I do not think that my posts were dumb. But I forgive you for thinking that.

Yoda 09-02-11 05:08 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Obviously I know from experience that you're intelligent, but I will say that if I didn't know you at all, and you said this...

"In the future, burping and farting monsters might be all the rage."

...I would probably assume you were dumb. :D But I know better, thankfully.

bouncingbrick 09-02-11 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760942)
Oh - and to answer your last question, more kids are gonna see the special editions/Blu-ray editions, etc.
Why? The original fans are the ones who will show them to their kids!

EDIT: Dammit, SC, you're the first person to negative rep me. I would never do that to you, not after you're review of The Beaver and our debate about Chasing Amy. Lame.

John McClane 09-02-11 05:10 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Han should always shoot first!

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by bouncingbrick (Post 760954)
Why? The original fans are the ones who will show them to their kids!

EDIT: Dammit, SC, you're the first person to negative rep me. I would never do that to you, not after you're review of The Beaver and our debate about Chasing Amy. Lame.
I feel terrible about that. I considered not doing it, but I didn't like your flippant remarks after I had put much thought into my post. Planet News has been a bad influence on me - he's always giving me negative rep.

planet news 09-02-11 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760956)
I had put much thought into my post.
Just speaking isn't thinking. By the speed and length of your reply, it's very doubtful that you actually took some time and thought about what you were going to say. I think it's much more likely that you just said the first thing that popped into your head as you were typing.

It's more than clear to me that you are just playing devil's advocate here... though not especially well.

ash_is_the_gal 09-02-11 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 760681)
Why in the f*** do Ewoks need CG eyes? Will I believe they're more real and try to adopt one? No.
biiiiiiiiiiiig actu-laugh

ash_is_the_gal 09-02-11 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 760688)
Fake blinking just reminds me how fake their fakeness is faked.
sigging that.

Monkeypunch 09-02-11 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 760681)
Why in the f*** do Ewoks need CG eyes? Will I believe they're more real and try to adopt one? No.
I might. I mean how awesome would it be to have your own Ewok? Sit him out in the yard, and if people trespass he'll jab them with a stick or throw rocks at them and shout "yub nub," and then possibly eat them. The Ewoks WERE cannibals, people forget that part. LOL. They were totally going to eat Han Solo.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 760977)
Just speaking isn't thinking. By the speed and length of your reply, it's very doubtful that you actually took some time and thought about what you were going to say. I think it's much more likely that you just said the first thing that popped into your head as you were typing.

It's more than clear to me that you are just playing devil's advocate here... though not especially well.
You're totally wrong. I do think. I think with my own ideas and feelings about things, yes, but I think that they are completely reasonable. I have never said that what George Lucas is doing is necessary -- all I have done is see the point in why he could do it. I have been giving him justice and reason. I said it was okay for him to try this all out if he wishes. Everyone else is just, "No! No! No!" like Darth Vader in the revised scene from Return of the Jedi. I am saying, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" but it is not a hardened "Yes!"

Sometimes I don't say a lot because I don't always feel the need to back up certain arguments with facts, facts and more facts. I do go with my gut reaction but I assure you that it comes from a lifetime of thinking and assessing. I consider everything I say in here -- I do not type without thought.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 760985)
I might. I mean how awesome would it be to have your own Ewok? Sit him out in the yard, and if people trespass he'll jab them with a stick or throw rocks at them and shout "yub nub," and then possibly eat them. The Ewoks WERE cannibals, people forget that part. LOL. They were totally going to eat Han Solo.
Oh my god. They're like trolls from Troll 2.

Monkeypunch 09-02-11 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760990)
Oh my god. They're like trolls from Troll 2.
I want to see the Ewoks fight those guys.

planet news 09-02-11 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 760988)
I don't always feel the need to back up certain arguments with facts, facts and more facts. I do go with my gut reaction
If an argument isn't backed up with facts or reasoning -- if it is, as you say, the mere chemical emission of your bowels at the given moment of utterance -- then it would be much more proper to call it flatulence instead of argument, no?

wintertriangles 09-02-11 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 761002)
If an argument isn't backed up with facts or reasoning -- if it is, as you say, the mere chemical emission of your bowels at the given moment of utterance -- then it would be much more proper to call it flatulence instead of argument, no?

It's one thing to back up something because of blind backlash (which this isn't), but to do it over something so blatantly stupid...I dunno.

Maybe they should add ghost CGI to the blair witch project. Or have the two dog-beasts in Ghostbusters bark like real dogs so we KNOW they aren't FAKE. Or change all the swords in Yojimbo to lightsabers to make it "timeless".

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 761002)
If an argument isn't backed up with facts or reasoning -- if it is, as you say, the mere chemical emission of your bowels at the given moment of utterance -- then it would be much more proper to call it flatulence instead of argument, no?
No. If you want my flatulence, come and get it.

planet news 09-02-11 10:20 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
The role that revision/remix plays in the identity/experience of an artwork is a legitimately interesting question and one which would probably take us to the depths of the very definition of art itself.

But if this is indeed this question you wanted to examine, you could not have picked a worse place to start. I think it is widely agreed upon that George Lucas has transformed into one of the most truly disgusting people in cinema today.

This is not to mention the fact that everything you say is already phrased as a fixed conclusion which you then proceed to defend to no end and for no reason other than the sheer act of defense.

This behavior is not thought.

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 761006)
The role that revision/remix plays in the identity/experience of an artwork is a legitimately interesting question and one which would probably take us to the depths of the very definition of art itself.

But if it is indeed this question you wanted to examine, you could not have picked a worse place to start. I think it is widely agreed upon that George Lucas has transformed into one of the most truly disgusting people in cinema today.

This is not to mention the fact that everything you say is already phrased as a fixed conclusion which you then proceed to defend to no end and for no reason other than the sheer act of defense.

This is not thought.
I'll say what I want. If you don't like it, who cares? At least in my world, people can say whatever they feel like saying without coming into contact with your weird thought police policies.

wintertriangles 09-02-11 10:44 PM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
Is your world the stone age? The fire's been invented, stop putting water on it

Sexy Celebrity 09-02-11 11:07 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 761012)
Is your world the stone age? The fire's been invented, stop putting water on it
Honey, I am the fire.

Yoda 09-03-11 01:34 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
People, people, let's stick to the topic: whether or not we should modify existing law so that we're legally allowed to physically hurt George Lucas.

akatemple 09-03-11 01:37 AM

Re: Star Wars Movies Coming to Blu-ray
I feel kinda bad, I posted the link with the blinking Ewoks and now it seems like this has just became a shooting match resulting in some neg reps. Sorry ;)

Sexy Celebrity 09-03-11 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by akatemple (Post 761030)
I feel kinda bad, I posted the link with the blinking Ewoks and now it seems like this has just became a shooting match resulting in some neg reps. Sorry ;)
Well, I told people not to underestimate the power of blinking Ewoks.

TheUsualSuspect 09-03-11 03:41 AM

"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society....These current defacements are just the beginning. Today, engineers with their computers can add color to black-and-white movies, change the soundtrack, speed up the pace, and add or subtract material to the philosophical tastes of the copyright holder. Tomorrow, more advanced technology will be able to replace actors with “fresher faces,” or alter dialogue and change the movement of the actor’s lips to match...In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten."

-George Lucas, 1988

Sexy Celebrity 09-03-11 04:30 AM

Movie Forums EXCLUSIVE!!!
I, your very own Sexy Celebrity, have obtained from a secret source (Hint: He liked what I said about him in this thread) a CLIP from The Empire Strikes Back -- with NEW material added in by GEORGE LUCAS!!!!! Yes, there have been even more changes and Movie Forums gets to be the first to see them!

WARNING: This might make you extremely angry.

Harry Lime 09-03-11 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 761046)
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society....These current defacements are just the beginning. Today, engineers with their computers can add color to black-and-white movies, change the soundtrack, speed up the pace, and add or subtract material to the philosophical tastes of the copyright holder. Tomorrow, more advanced technology will be able to replace actors with “fresher faces,” or alter dialogue and change the movement of the actor’s lips to match...In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten."

-George Lucas, 1988

I don't know, Suspect. I learned my lesson the last time a quote made its way onto the web at convenient time. Can't remember what it was exactly for...oh yes, MLK and Bin Laden.

honeykid 09-03-11 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 760985)
I might. I mean how awesome would it be to have your own Ewok? Sit him out in the yard, and if people trespass he'll jab them with a stick or throw rocks at them and shout "yub nub," and then possibly eat them. The Ewoks WERE cannibals, people forget that part. LOL. They were totally going to eat Han Solo.
That wouldn't make them cannibals. To be cannibals, they'd have to've been eating other Ewoks.

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