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Classicqueen13 09-05-09 03:01 PM

The Royal 100
Okay guys, I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and I've finally got a list that I'm content with. Now, I haven't been watching movies that long and I'm fairly young so this list is a little "temporary". I've tried to maintain some variety, but it's a personal list of my favorites. There are still SO many films that I want/need to see, but as of right now (2009) here is the Top 100.

"This is Jason Bourne, the toughest target that you have ever tracked. He is really good at staying alive, and trying to kill him and failing... just pisses him off."

100. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
The Bourne series only improves with age. This is easily my favorite. The thing about the Bourne series is that it's original. Matt Damon is perfect as Jason, and there's always plenty of excitment and action.

"You bought a used lion?"

99. Secondhand Lions (2003)
I saw this when it came out in theaters and really liked it. The cast is great, and it's such a wonderful story. It just sort of seems like the perfect film to capture the fun and mystery of childhood.

"I have never put on pantyhose, but it sounds very dangerous"

98. The Princess Diaries (2001)
Having been a clumsy teenager, I find myself having a lot in common with Mia, and I think that's why I enjoy this movie (and its sequel so much). Anne Hathaway is charming and Julie Andrews is perfect as her grandma. There's plenty of comedy but some good, old-fashioned Disney magic as well.

TheDOMINATOR 09-05-09 03:20 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Good to finally see a Top 100 list coming from you, Classic. This is going to be an interesting read.

Classicqueen13 09-05-09 03:33 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Hope I can live up to expectations :)

Classicqueen13 09-05-09 03:56 PM

"Operator, get me Washington

97. Spy Hard (1996)
It's one of my favorite spoofs. Whether you prefer wit or just straight up goofs, this movie can make you laugh. Some much of the comedy is in the action, and you can repeat the watchings for more laughs usually. I'm not saying it's film gold or anything, I just had a lot of fun watching this one.

"When I was a kid, we all wore our hats backwards. We thought it was cool."

96. The Postman (1997)
While we all have mixed feelings about Costner here, I really enjoy a lot of his performances. I think this is one of his best, and this is a very enjoyable film. It's an original story line and good script. Not to mention, Will Patton is amazing as an insane villain.

"The jail's only got one cell, and the lock's broke and I sleep in it."

95. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
A western with James Stewart and John Wayne, just can't go wrong. The two are flawless as two of the most interesting characters, in my opinion. It's a great who-dun-it as well. All that added together with a good screenplay and it's a classic!

Classicqueen13 09-05-09 08:51 PM

Re: The Royal 100
"Get all the good you can out of seventeen 'cause it sure wears out in one hell of a hurry."

94. Hud (1963)
One of Paul Newman's first great film roles. It's been quite awhile since I've seen it, but I just remember it being one of those really good films about people. There are so many people out there in life that you want to like despite the bad things you see them do. Hud is one of those characters.

"Why, you wolf!"

93. Eyes in the Night (1942)
I am not big on film noir, but this one is one of my few favorites. The acting is really good but there aren't many memorable lines. Very suspenseful and it keeps one guessing. The plot and storyline are very entertaining.

"If they told you wolverines would make good house pets, would you believe them?"

92. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)
One of the most hilarious on-the-road flicks. John Candy and Steve Martin are perfect as two of the most annoying but lovable characters. Quite a few of comedy's arguably best scenes are in this movie. Just a fun buddy flick.

"I don't trust happiness. I never did, I never will."

91. Tender Mercies (1983)
A drama that goes to the heart if you enjoy it. It's one of the few in the country-western song type category (I'm not exactly sure how I wanted to word that). Robert Duvall gives, in my opinion, one of his best performances.

"Somebody down there knows how to drive a train. You don't pick that up watching Sesame Street."
90. The Taking of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974)
The first of quite a few Walter Matthau movies on this list. This movie is deliciously 70s though, but that's part of the fun of watching it. Even though there is little action in Pelham it's very suspenseful. Robert Shaw is the sort of villain you don't want to bump into, and one of the most original conclusions I think.

nebbit 09-06-09 04:55 AM

Re: The Royal 100
A good start Queenie :yup: some classics there keep them coming :yup:

honeykid 09-06-09 07:15 PM

Re: The Royal 100
+ rep for The Taking Of Pelham One, Two, Three. :)

Caitlyn 09-06-09 08:16 PM

Nice start.... I'll add you to the MoFo Top 100 list when you're finished... if I forget, just give me a nudge, I forget once in a while... and if I need to add anyone else, just let me know... :)

Classicqueen13 09-06-09 08:44 PM

"Are you saying you'll flunk us if we don't change the world?"

89. Pay It Forward (2000)
This is one movie that inspired me. It's such a wonderful and deep story. The cast is spectacular, and the message of this film is such a great one. It's been too long since I've seen it, but I remember watching it with a big group of people. Everyone really got into it. If only everyone could follow this concept.

"Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back"

88. Ocean's Series (2001, 2004, 2007)
The first is by far the best the best of the series, but I enjoyed the whole series. I still need to see the Rat Pack original though. The star-studded cast has such great chemisty. The script always impressed me with its witty dialouge. One of my favorite heists.

"Colin's not a blind man as long as he's with me. And he's going with me!"

87. The Great Escape (1963)
My favorite war movies are usually those from WW2, and this is just one of them. It's a long film, but it has just enough going on to keep you watching up until the exciting ending. It's another cast which includes quite a lot of big name stars. These include a favorite actor mine, James Garner. It's one his best and most well-known performances.

"I think I figured out where we are. In a Clint Eastwood movie."

86. The Odd Couple 2 (1998)
The last movie from probably my favorite comedic team. Nobody had better chemistry. The story of Oscar and Felix picks up long after it left off, but the characters haven't changed. It's a hilarious buddy/on the road flick. While it couldn't tie the original, it holds up very well with loads of laughs.

"Can't you ask nothin' but questions?"

85. Shane (1953)
Shane is definately a true western. There are plenty of memorable little moments that just seem to stick with me. The acting couldn't be better with the great characters. It's the final film of my favorite screen actress, Jean Arthur. I've only seen this once, but I really need to see again.

Classicqueen13 09-12-09 03:58 PM

Re: The Royal 100
"Your Mom calls the vacuum cleaner "jaws"?"

84. Mr. Mom

tied with

"Are you all right? You seem a little... nice."

84. Curly Sue

I really wanted to find room for both these Hughes films. Mr. Mom is simply hilarious and I do think Keaton's at the top of his game. Just a really funny flick with great writing. Curly Sue I think is a bit more meaningful. The pair of Jim Belushi and this little girl works perfectly. I watched it when I was younger and have fond memories of that as well.

I can't add as much now as I hoped to. More later

nebbit 09-15-09 07:50 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Interesting Queenie :yup: I am liking it :yup:

Classicqueen13 09-15-09 08:55 PM

Well, I promised more and it's taken me long enough to get to it, so...

"Thank you for bringing me here and making a wife, and a mother and WHY DID YOU DO THAT?"

83. Overboard (1987)
Overboard is just a lot of fun and laughs. Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn have great chemistry with a very funny storyline. One that can be watched repeatedly and lots of fun to view with others. Looked for this movie for years and couldn't find it until it came on television once. Turns out my sister owned it. :laugh:

"A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others."

82. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
One of the first classic movies I ever saw. I think this movie is special to most everyone in some way. The unforgettable characters make watching this film over and over again a real treat. This might be the most referenced film in American history. Everybody has heard of the Wizard of Oz and with good reason. One of the greatest fantasy films.

81. My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys (1991)
This movie is so forgotten that it doesn't have a memorable quotes page on imdb, can't be found on Netflix, and turns up about three to four actual Google image results. It's a shame because I remember loving this film. While the storyline isn't exactly original, the cast is lead by Scott Glenn and Kate Capshaw, who turn in really good performances. Maybe I have a sentimental connection to this movie, but I still reccomend it.

nebbit 09-16-09 07:45 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Overboard has been one of my guilty pleasures for a while :blush: glad you like it :laugh:

Classicqueen13 09-19-09 04:03 PM

Re: The Royal 100
"Y'all can't walk no line!"


80. Walk the Line (2005)
Being a classic country music fan, I adore the music throughout the great film. Phoenix and Witherspoon give wonderful performances in both acting and singing. A fascinating life story told with good dialouge. It's fun to see the appearances of some great early rockers as well: Jerry Lee, Elvis, etc.

"Well, I had enough. So I said when."

79. Regarding Henry (1991)
This is one of Harrison Ford's top performances. Truly a drama, but it can make you laugh in places. For example, Henry's love of Ritz crackers or his child-like tendencies. The way Henry looks at life after his accident is inspiring and actually touching. J.J. Abrams did a really good job writing this one.

"Mafia money. All I wanted was a small take, in and out quick, no big deal."

78. Charley Varrick (1973)
A lesser known thriller it seems, Charley Varrick is pure tension. Matthau does very well as the title character and bank robber. The rest of the cast, including a nice performance from Jo Don Baker, follows suit. It's not particularly remembered for dialouge, but I was filled with suspense. Plus, there's a fun amount of 70s cheese thrown in.

"My life didn't turn out the way I expected."
77. The Natural (1984)
One of the best sentimental sports dramas. Robert Redford is perfect as Roy Hobbs, a baseball player with a magic bat. A screenplay with some great lines and very good storyline. A romantic story woven into it as well. Although, this movie might be about half its length if you took out all the slow motion.

"Wouldn't it be hilarious if it turned out you actually knew what you were doing?"

76. Mirage (1965)
A first-rate mystery. Gregory Peck is great in the lead role, and Matthau is quite funny in one of his early supporting roles. It's loads of entertainment to watch it all come together.

nebbit 09-19-09 06:47 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I love the Natural :yup:

Powdered Water 09-19-09 08:28 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Me too.

honeykid 09-19-09 10:12 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I like Regarding Henry. One of Ford's films that rarely gets a mention.

Classicqueen13 09-20-09 04:23 PM

"What kind of candle is zis?"
75. The Pink Panther (1963)
Peter Sellers gave us one of film's most memorable characters and this starts off one of the greatest comedy series. A blend of mystery and hilarity with a great cast. Definately one I need to see again soon. The remake can't hold a candle to this classic. Not to mention, one of my favorite composers, Henry Mancini, created a great theme song.

"Do me a favor. Put your lip over your head... and swallow."

74. Grumpy Old Men (1993)
A movie perfect for the pair! Matthau and Lemmon are the usual at-odds best friends. It's hilarious to hear their cracks and insults to one another, and their chemistry is right at home here. Not-to-mention the addition of the always beautiful Ann Margret. It also spawned a pretty good sequel.

"Men are gonna get killed here today, Sue, and I'm gonna kill 'em."

73. Open Range (2003)
I didn't think this one would make it quite so far up on the list, but I realized its a favorite western of mine. I was absolutely absorbed in the shootout scene. Costner and Duvall had great chemistry too. The screenplay as good as well, but as with a lot of westerns, the plot is pretty familar.

"Hitler's here.
-I can't see him now. I'm dressing"

72. Once Upon a Honeymoon (1942)
The is very little known film that's a favorite of mine when it comes to Grant. Ginger Rogers also is a highlight. It's a great World War 2 film too, looking into the people involved in the war and even taking place in a concentration camp. This one beautifully transitions from comedy to drama with romance too. Actually, I even have a scene memorized.

"Well I just don't feel like buying any more networks this year. There's never anything good on."
71. Sabrina (1995)
Though I have yet to see the original, I love the remake. While I laughed throughout this one, it always makes me think in some way. The change Sabrina undergoes and then Linus always seems to strike me. The whole cast is very well, and its kinda fun to see Harrison Ford in his professor look. I love David and Linus' relationship too. It reminds me of my younger sister and me.

Classicqueen13 09-26-09 11:33 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Now, it's getting good.

"Didn't you know your daddy's the best shot in this county?"

70. To Kill a Mockingbird (1963)
One of the greatest courtroom dramas ever. Gregory Peck was born to play one of our favorite heroes, Atticus Finch. A story that tells a lot about childhood, but then it shows many complex adult concepts as well. A suspenseful climax and resolution that I found pretty touching. Definately one every movie buff should have on their list.

"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me me. "

69. Oh, God! (1977)
Faith is very important to me, so that is probably a factor in why I love this film. George Burns and John Denver are perfectly cast here and give great performances. The storyline and script are terrific too. Plenty of laughs along with a great message. I even liked the second one will the little girl that isn't seen too often.

"People here are funny. They work so hard at living they forget how to live."

68. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
Loaded with Capra charm, Mr. Deeds especially provides us with some wonderful characters. Gary Cooper was terrific as the shy Deeds. Jean Arthur not only looks beautiful in this film, but she gives a beautiful performance. I saw the Sandler remake first surprisely, which I liked well enough. But as usual the original cannot be beat.

"I can't cross here. You said the main road. This is Niagra Falls."

67. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
The second film in this set from 1963 is a hilarious gem. While it's a very long movie, it doesn't quite drag. Between the slew of characters there's always tons going on. That's what I liked so much about this movie. I have personally fond memories of watching this film as well. One Spencer Tracy's best I believe. The rest of the actors are splendid too.

"Hot in here, or am I just scared to death?"

66. Die Hard with a Vengence (1995)
I am huge fan of the series, and this one is definately the second best just under the original. John McClane is back and with a new partner, Zeus (Samuel L. Jackson). I thought Jackson was a terrific addition to the series and he and Bruce work great together. Although the plot line of a bad guy playing a game with the good guy isn't terribly original, it works well here. Of course, overloading with action and sharp wit.

regnif 09-26-09 01:02 PM

Re: The Royal 100
nice list Queenie, great choices..keep them coming. nice to see Charley Varrick in there :)

nebbit 09-26-09 06:42 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Good stuff Queenie :yup:

Classicqueen13 09-27-09 03:21 PM

"Well, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers, but we've met before."

65. Sleeping Beauty (1959)
I had to have my favorite Disney princess story in here. This has been my favorite since I was very little, and I still love to watch it. I'm not one for Disney movies lately, so it's been awhile. I think my favorite thing is "Once upon a Dream" concept.

"You are the lowest. Makes me sick to breathe the same air."

64. Cape Fear (1962)
An eleven on a creepy scale from 1 to 10. Robert Mitchum scares me to this day when I watch this, and you can't help but root for Gregory Peck. Non-stop chills throughout up to the climax.

"Big mouth don't make a big man."

63. The Cowboys (1972)
Speaking of amazing villians, I couldn't wait to see Bruce Dern's character pay in this one. One of the greatest westerns ever. John Wayne is perfect, as usual, in this one loaded with memorable lines and moments. Not to mention, top notching directing and all-round great acting.

"Eternity is a right smart piece of time."

62. On Borrowed Time (1939)
This forgotten gem was brought up often by my father because he saw it as child and wanted to watch it again. But it was nearly impossible to find. Lionel Barrymore has rarely been better than here, and his grandson is simply adorable. It has a great message that is rarely found in movies today, and one that can certainly put a smile on your face.

"You look like crap... You're just walkin' around to save funeral expenses. "

61. The Electric Horseman (1979)
I'm a sucker for a movie with a good country western soundtrack. Robert Redford gives one of his best performances and Jane Fonda is a good match for him. A really good script and storyline. Plenty of romance and a few laughs round out this terrific drama.

nebbit 09-27-09 06:32 PM

Re: The Royal 100
This is one of my guilty pleasures :love:

The Prestige 09-27-09 07:42 PM

Very solid and distinctive list you got there, Classic. Lots of loveable old school flicks, you are certainly living up to your screen name ;)

Your inclusion of Regarding Henry made me remember how good a film it was. It's nice to see the Bourne Ultimatum get some love too. Bond has nothing on it. I'm really looking forward to the rest from your list (prays Memento makes it through) :D

Classicqueen13 09-27-09 07:53 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Thanks, Prestige and all those who have been following. :) I'm glad I could make nebbit smile (although I'm not sure what wouldn't) with some guilty pleasures. ;)

Classicqueen13 10-02-09 08:23 PM

"You should have seen these guys, complete amateurs. Biggest risk was I'd fall down laughing and hurt myself."

60. Undercover Blues (1993)
Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner are perfect as this witty spy couple who had me laughing like crazy. This movie is just loads of fun. The material isn't exactly ready for the Oscars but I really enjoyed the performances. I guess this is one of my guilty pleasures and I love to re-watch it. The description wouldn't be complete without mentioning the hilarious Muerte either.

"What are the odds of that trap door leadin' me out here?"

59. The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
My friends and I love to throw out quotes from this movie all the time! It's a masterpiece of Disney comedy. An excellent voice cast: David Spade, Patrick Warburton, John Goodman, Eartha Kitt. A movie that young children and adults will be laughing out loud at. My favorite character though as to be the lovable and laughable Kronk.

"Wonderful girl. Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her."

58. Star Wars Original Trilogy (1977, 1980, 1983)
These are the type of movie that makes a person love movies. Loads of action and excitement that can't be found in every day life. Lucas brillantly plays with our imagination and that's what makes this series so fun. The characters are some of the most memorable played by very talented actors and actresses. A must-see for all movie buffs!

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."
56. Trouble Along the Way (1953)
It's a relatively unknown film, but that's pretty sad. It's a real charmer! John Wayne, Donna Reed, and Charles Coburn all turn in fabulous performances. It's a very cute father-daughter story with comedy and romance throughout. Truly classic!

''You beat that poor man to the draw. He's dead and you're alive. That's the idea of this game, isn't it?"

55. Support Your Local Sheriff/Gunfighter (1969/1971)
A very comedic western, probably the reason why it's one of my favorites. James Garner is great in this role. Loads of laughs spread out evenly. Jack Elam provides a hilarious character as well. Always a blast to watch.

Classicqueen13 10-17-09 11:30 PM

"Thats what I said! Booby traps!"
54. The Goonies (1985)
This movie is another movie that embraces the pure fun that movies are. It's made just to entertain you. The plot is pretty crazy and it's not going to win an academy award, but I love it. It perfectly captures the magic of being a kid.

"But I am mad about Jose. I honestly think I'd give up smoking if he asked me."
53. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
Audrey Hepburn gave such a wonderful performance with Holly Golightly, an amazingly memorable character. This movie incorporates laughs with romance and drama. The script and storyline is great. A true and charming classic.

Classicqueen13 10-17-09 11:46 PM

Sorry about the split

"Is that ten grand or are you just happy to see me?"
53. Diggstown (1992)
I think I love this movie as much as I do simply for the awesome resolution. I really need to rewatch this one. I remember the acting being good and the storyline too. A little humor thrown in as well.

"A Sherman can give you a very nice... edge"
52. Kelly's Heroes (1970)
One of my favorite war movies, but it's also like a heist flick. Clint Eastwood does a great job leading the great cast. The script and storyline are definately worth the watch. A must-see for fans of WW2 films.

"In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns."
51. The Godfather & The Godfather: Part 2(1972 & 1974)
These are amazing films, but I don't think I have been able to fully appreciate them yet. I think they require a bit deeper understanding. Perfect re-watch ability and Part is probably the best sequel ever made. An amazing drama with excitement mixed in. Terrific script and performances. Must-see in general.

Classicqueen13 11-14-09 02:52 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Sorry it is taking me FOREVER to get through this, but I'm making some adjustments in my Top 50. Plus, I just haven't felt very inspired to post here lately...

honeykid 11-14-09 03:21 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Well get inspired, Queeny! We're waiting here. ;)

Powdered Water 11-22-09 01:28 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Hey! Where's the rest?

Classicqueen13 11-22-09 08:05 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Getting there... I wanted to make some changes to my Top 50, so once I finish that I'll be back at it.

Classicqueen13 12-13-09 04:34 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Alright, this is much overdue, but it is back with the Top 50

"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."

50. The Usual Suspects (1995)
Belongs in a category for all-time best who-dun-its. Acting has never been better than Spacey's performance as Verbal. The rest of the cast definately holds their own. The dialouge is excellent. Even though the storyline is very complex and difficult to understand, you still like this movie. The shocking plot twist ending has been used in other places now, but it is never better than in this film. Throw in some awesome camera shots and direction, and you have yourself this fabulous movie.

"Does your dog bite?"

49. The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)
The "Does your dog bite" scene from this movie may have had me laughing harder than any comedic skit in any movie I've seen. Strikes Again is my favorite of the Pink Panther series. I need to re-watch the whole series again, but this one was hilarious. Sellers returns as the ever-fumbling Clouseau. Completed with the team of Blake Edwards and Henry Mancini, an all around fun flick.

"Of course he's upset. He's a lawyer - he's paid to be upset."

48. The Fortune Cookie (1966)
The first film from the hilarious Matthau-Lemmon duo, and it already seems like they've made twenty movies together with their chemistry. Not to mention, Willie and Harry are such memorable characters. A very long film but there is a suttle wit throughout that makes it so enjoyable. I also would like to throw out that I even like the musical score.

"I've inspected this boat, and I think you ought to know that I can't swim."

47. The Guns of Navarone (1961)
One of my favorite war stories. The acting is really superb. Gregory Peck shows off his talent here in a couple important scenes. David Niven perhaps gives one of his most notable performances as well, and Anthony Quinn is cast perfectly. It was surprisingly suspenseful to me with a particularly tense scene. Great storyline and script. The sequel starring Harrison Ford and Robert Shaw is so different from this one that I have difficulty comparing the two. However, I would have to give this one the win.

"Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops."

46. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
Is that not a fabulous line or what? Arsenic and Old Lace is full of laugh-out-loud lines just like that one, and that's part of why I love it so much. The insane (and those going there) characters are so much fun played by an excellent cast. Grant didn't like his performance in this movie but it's a lot of fun. A different kind of Capra film, but definately fits in as a classic with his others. One of the best stage-to-screen adaptations and I'd highly recommend it for anyone who likes to laugh.

nebbit 12-13-09 04:57 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I love Arsenic and Old Lace :yup:

Glad you are back :yup: looking forward to your top 10 :)

Classicqueen13 12-19-09 01:25 PM

"Men speak conveniently of love when it serves their purpose."

45. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Perhaps I put this one a little far up on this list, but I really liked this movie in spite of how laughable it can be. A guilty pleasure sure, but it's a lot of fun. A script written with plenty of laughs to fit the classic story of Robin Hood. A special mention should go to Alan Rickman's terrific performance as the Sheriff.

"I'll stop a car, and I won't use my thumb."

44. It Happened One Night (1934)
One of the oldest movies on my list, It Happened One Night has lived of to its fame. Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable were an excellent pair. They seemed to really capture their characters. Frank Capra directs, which almost inevitably means we're in for something good. A little long for a romantic comedy, but worth the running time. One for any film buff to check out.

''I'm shooting pool, Fats. When I miss, you can shoot."

43. The Hustler (1961)
Paul Newman and Robert Rossen created the fascinating character "Fast Eddie Felson" seen here. This drama follows Eddie's pool games and relationship with Sara, nicely played by Piper Laurie. James Gleason has never been better than portraying Minnesota Fats. Even pulls at the heartstrings a little. I think anyone can enjoy this film. A must-see.

"I couldn't just stand there and watch him shoot those people right in front of me."
42. Patriot Games (1992)
Personally, I find this movie underrated. Although I may like this movie more because I read the Tom Clancy novel it's based on. I think the plot to Patriot Games is much more interesting than The Hunt for Red October but less complex than in Clear and Present Danger. All three of these stories are so different that they hardly seem like the same series. I think Ford is the best choice for the part of super cool agent Jack Ryan. A good supporting cast too, Sean Bean, Anne Archer, Samuel L. Jackson, and James Earl Jones. Maybe it's not everybody's cup of tea, but it's a favorite of mine.

"Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane."
41. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
A powerful drama that's impressive in practically every area. Stephen King's fascinating story with a surprising and inspiring ending. Tim Robbins was flawless and Morgan Freeman is absolutely marvelous as the two leads. The whole cast has impressive chemistry. Darabont crafts the movie for us without problem. One that can be watched repeatedly without losing anything, and it's hard to find anything like it.

honeykid 12-19-09 03:33 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Not a bad addition, CQ. Shawshank and The Hustler are films I really like, while I just can't make up my mind how much I like It Happened One Night.

nebbit 12-19-09 05:14 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Nice :yup:

Classicqueen13 12-27-09 08:47 PM

"That can only mean one thing. And I don't know what it is."

40. Murder by Death (1976)
One of the most hilarious mysteries of all-time period. Period. An amazing cast plays a load of quirky and wacky characters. Peter Sellers' Chinese detective had me rolling. Neil Simon provides a screenplay packed with laughs. The mystery itself is nearly impossible to crack, but you don't care. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't enjoy watching this movie.

"When a man is wrestling a leopard in the middle of a pond, he's in no position to run."
39. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Practically the definitive screwball comedy. Katharine Hepburn shines as the light and looney Susan Vance who will do anything to get nerdy and unlucky David Huxley (Cary Grant) to fall in love with her. Throw in a lot of zany mishaps and a script filled with gags and jokes, and what you have is this fun film.

"Last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself a boat."
38. Absence of Malice (1981)
A fascinating drama with a touch of mystery. Absence of Malice stars Sally Field and Paul Newman, who are absolutely perfect. Newman will not disappoint here and Field is very impressive with the rather deep character she plays. The script is top-notch. A film that I seem to gain a little more appreciation for with repeated viewings.

"That's about the best a girl can hope for these days, to be a pretty little fool."
37. The Great Gatsby (1974)
I find this film to somewhat unappreciated. It has all the makings of a classic. Coppola's beautiful script follows Fitzgerald's storyline well in telling the tale of a few rich Long Islanders in the Roaring 20s. Daisy Buchanon and Jay Gatsby are fascinating characters, and Mia Farrow and Robert Redford make an excellent couple. Sam Waterson gives a terrific performance as my favorite character Nick Carraway. Supporting cast is great too. A tragic love story with a lot of intrigue.

"Story of my life. I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop."
35. Some Like It Hot (1959)
A movie that still pleases audiences today and is far from outdated. Billy Wilder brings Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Marilyn Monroe together to highlight this lovable comedy. The storyline itself can make a person laugh. I can't explain why this movie is great, so just watch it and you'll like it. Not to mention, it has perhaps the absolute greatest last lines in cinema.

nebbit 12-28-09 02:01 AM

Re: The Royal 100
OMG we love the same movies :yup: great list :yup:

Caitlyn 12-28-09 12:07 PM

Cool list.... I went ahead and added you to the MoFo Members Top 100 Lists... which means... you gotta finish it now for sure... :D

linaelectronic 12-29-09 05:00 AM

Re: The Royal 100
thx for sharing:)

Classicqueen13 01-02-10 01:14 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Thanks for reading :yup:

Classicqueen13 01-02-10 02:44 PM

"You can get further with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word."
35. The Untouchables (1987)
Exciting thriller with plenty of nail-bitter moments. Scenes drawn out the ideal amount of tension. A terrific cast all playing their fascinating and likable characters perfectly. De Palma's direction is top-notch and he creates some neat camera angles as well. Morricone's score is spine-tingling and adds a creepy touch. The storyline of Ness' fight for justice against Capone makes an excellent movie, and the script is terrific.

"Oh, I didn't know they made champagne in Idaho."
34. Cactus Flower (1969)
A hilarious and underrated comedy. While the supporting cast is great, Matthau, Hawn, and Bergman are terrific leads. Their quirky and fun characters are a blast watch. The script is packed with witty dialouge and a simple storyline soon becomes complicated. But that's what so funny to watch. Classic comedy at its best.

"You're a little man. It's not that you're short. You're...little, in the mind and in the heart."
33. People Will Talk (1951)
This often overlooked classic is certainly a favorite of mine. Cary Grant shines as the mysterious and pleasant Doctor Noah Praetorius. Jeanne Crain is his beautiful costar, and I find her to be a very unappreciated actress. This film gives deep character development with two storylines in one. Filled with great dialouge, People Will Talk also has a good message. It just leaves one smiling like Cary Grant up there.

"Luther said I could learn some things from you. I already know how to drink."

32. The Sting (1973)
My all-time favorite heist movie. The Sting stars Paul Newman and Robert Redford, who make a fantasic acting pair teaming up for the second time. Robert Shaw plays the villain Lonnegan with a fabulously evil style. George Roy Hill gives excellent direction. Script and storyline couldn't have been better. An exciting finish caps this must-see film.

"Either I'm dead right, or I'm crazy!"
31. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
A powerful film from the classic set of the great Frank Capra. Perhaps Capra's greatest work, Mr. Smith has been said that every American should watch. Strong messages and quick quips fill this screenplay. Jimmy Stewart gives yet another amazing performance as the shy and likable Smith who finds the courage to take on corrupt Washington. With a little help from Jean Arthur, who is a great match for Stewart, he inspires us all a little.

Classicqueen13 01-10-10 05:46 PM

"When will then be now?"

30. Spaceballs (1987)
Just plain hilarious flick. My personal favorite Mel Brooks movie. Not only does it parody Star Wars to near-perfection, the script is filled with great jokes and one-liners. I can watch this one over and over again and still laugh. Far from a comedy of elegance, but a darn good time.

"We've got a potential nausea situation building here."

29. No Way Out (1987)
A bit different from the last one (from the same year). No Way Out started off kind of bland except for a few good points in the script. But after we've got all the information we need, things really kick off and a tense thriller begins. This movie had me on the edge of my seat. I think this is one of Costner's most impressive performances. Hackman's terrific here and Young does a lot with a small role. Patton gives possibly the cast's best as we slowly see how insane he really is.

"Dry your eyes, baby; it's out of character."
28. Notorious (1946)
The movie seemed slow the first time I watched it, but I enjoyed it more the second time around. Grant and Bergman have amazing chemistry, their love story making up half the plot of the movie. Grant's cool and suave persona comes through better here than in any other movie, and Bergman's performance is deep. The script has wit throughout its many great lines. The climatic scene in the wine cellar has my stomach in knots every time. Hitchcock perfectly draws out the end in tension, and is one of my favorite endings.

"You're lucky I'm not Gerry Ford. We'd be lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs!"
27. My Fellow Americans (1996)
A political comedy with very few politics involved. The storyline is actually quite original with a mystery/who-dun-it sort spun into it. Jack Lemmon and James Garner make a fantastic pair and ideally use their great script.

"Apollo Creed vs. the Italian Stallion. Sounds like a damn monster movie."
26. Rocky (1976)
Stallone shows that he has terrific writing talent as well as acting in this sports classic. He creates deep and interesting characters that are portrayed flawlessly by the outstanding cast. Inspiring and overall grand film.

Up Next: The Top 25

Classicqueen13 01-24-10 02:17 PM

"The bottom is loaded with nice people. Only cream and bastards rise."
25. Harper (1966)
Harper is a just plain cool movie. Several stars throughout the cast lead by Paul Newman. Harper is one of his less complex characters, but he's clever and witty, making him fun to watch. Harper, himself, is one of my favorite elements of the movie. The mystery is almost impossible to crack, but you later find that all those clues that only made sense to Harper actually make a lot of sense. You'll laugh plenty along the way because the script is great. One of my favorite mysteries.

"Would you give a f*** what kind of pants the son of a b**** who shot you was wearing?"
24. My Cousin Vinny (1992)
Courtroom drama? Not exactly. My Cousin Vinny is probably the funniest courtroom flick you'll ever see. Joe Pesci is priceless as Vinny Gambini, the tough New York lawyer who goes South to help out his cousin. Tomei is well-known for her excellent performance as his girlfriend, Mona Lisa Veto. The script is hilarious, although I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who disapproves of foul language. Still funny after repeated viewings too, and purely fun movie with an excellent ending.

"What's the matter, are you paralyzed from the neck up, or are you hurt?"
23. Romancing the Stone (1984)
Nothing falls better in the category of 80s adventure flicks than Romancing the Stone. Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner have unbeatable chemistry. They trade some very funny quips while experiencing plenty of action. The characters aren't exactly remarkable, but I do really like Turner's Joan Wilder. Of course, the storyline is rather outrageous but the witty script covers that. A fun movie that I wouldn't miss.

"Married?! Goodie two shoes and the filthy beast?!"
22. Father Goose (1964)
A laugh-out-loud comedy the entire family can enjoy. Cary Grant switches his usual suave and sleek persona to give a terrific performance as boozy beach bum, Walter Eckland. The loner is trapped on the island alone until Leslie Caron and her seven "young ladies" invade. That storyline makes for some fantastic laughs throughout the film. The screenplay couldn't have been better and the direction is good too. A true classic that never gets old.

"I'm gonna take a little walk"
21. Pure Country (1992)
This is probably the most personal choice on my list. I grew up watching this movie and I suppose it has a special place with me. Despite the sentiment, it is actually an underrated movie, IMO. George Strait won't be recieving any Oscar nominations, but he plays the lead part of Wyatt flawlessly. Not to mention, he adds a great soundtrack (especially for country fans). The core of the plot isn't very original, but the way it is carried out is very enjoyable. I actually find Wyatt's situation rather relatable: the desire to escape the life you've been leading and find something better. The script and direction are very good as well.

christine 01-24-10 05:18 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I'm liking your list Queenie, Def one from the heart :)

L .B . Jeffries 01-24-10 07:44 PM

Re: The Royal 100
creative list and very personal. keep up the good work. question you wrote in your mini review of romancing the stone that it`s the best adventure films of the 80`s were would you consider Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.

TheUsualSuspect 01-24-10 07:49 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Big props for including Murder by Death on your list.

Classicqueen13 01-24-10 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by L .B . Jeffries (Post 597339)
creative list and very personal. keep up the good work. question you wrote in your mini review of romancing the stone that it`s the best adventure films of the 80`s were would you consider Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Thank you. I said "nothing fits better" They're pretty much both equally fit this category, IMO

Classicqueen13 01-30-10 07:12 PM

Re: The Royal 100
"I should say you look rather lost, but then I can't imagine where in the world the three of you would look at home."
20. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
I think this film is subject to giving a rather poor first impression. The increased darkness and gore factor is surprising and somewhat hard to take, but it is actually very worthy of its place in the epic adventure series. The storyline is a darker, but never-the-less impressive. The terrific character of Indiana Jones is deepened here, and he's back for more excitement and action. The characters of Short Round and Willie are thought by many to be annoying, and I can entirely understand that. However, in a different light, they can also be quite likable and fun. Willie is actually a realistic character because don't we all know a girl that in that situation would behave exactly like that? The script has great dialouge, and included is the memorably wicked Mola Ram.

"You call *this* archaeology?"
19. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Most people I know select this as their 2nd favorite Jones flick regardless of their first. High adventure returns but this time around there's a little more comedy. The script is loaded with hilarity. Connery and Ford have impecable chemistry as this father-son duo. It's fun to watch the ever-confident Jones sort of hit a weak point for a change with his father. The Nazis return as the best adventure villians with some particularly sinister leaders. The father-son subplot is a fantastic compliment to the storyline of searching for the ever-elusive Holy Grail.

"Kid, the next time I say, "Let's go someplace like Bolivia," let's GO someplace like Bolivia."
18. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
This is easily my favorite western, and it's because these are two such fantastic characters. Newman and Redford really bring them to life and seem like life-long friends right away. Butch is the leader, inventive, and somewhat out-spoken. While Sundance is skilled and more reserved. Their chemistry and personalites remind me a great deal of myself and a friend of mine which probably adds to the personal appeal. The storyline is an exciting adventure unlike most any other western. The script is superb with humor and great dialouge. George Roy Hill gives wonderful direction, and the music score is memorable and kind of fun. Overall, this is must-see film that I think most anyone can enjoy.

"You're making my dog nervous. He detests the smell of stupidity."
17. Hopscotch (1980)
It's been too long since I've seen this gem. Hopscotch is a relatively unknown and very unappriciated action comedy. Walter Matthau is the perfect casting choice to play the comical lead character of Kendig. He's on the run from the FBI, more so his old boss Meyerson. It's absolutely hilarious to watch his building frustration at Kendig's elusiveness. Sam Waterson is terrific and very enjoyable to watch as Kendig's friend who has to help Meyerson against his will. Glenda Jackson is a doll as Kendig's girl who has some of the sharpest wit of the entire movie. The script is funny as hell along with an exciting storyline.

"Don't point that finger at me unless you intend to use it."
16. The Odd Couple (1968)
The second Matthau in a row, and this is my favorite of his characters. Neil Simon gives perhaps one of the best written scripts ever that provides us with total opposites Felix and Oscar. They're another pair that I can relate well to. No one could have better chemisty than Matthau and Lemmon and it never showed better than as these characters. Lemmon is perfect as sensitive neat-freak Felix. Matthau was fantastic than as easy-going slob Oscar. When the two collide nothing but comedy is produced another than a great story about friendship.

nebbit 01-31-10 06:29 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Some great choices there Queenie :yup:

Classicqueen13 02-06-10 03:06 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I tried to replace some of the images on this page. Can't believe I'm up to 15

Classicqueen13 02-07-10 10:24 PM

"Miss Bonnet and I are old friends. We used to shoot together."
15. How to Steal a Million (1966)
In my opinion, it's such a shame this comedy isn't better known. Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole are a fantastic pair. The two have amazing comedic timing. Of course, they're working with a terrific script as well. It's a very romantic movie as well and they have great chemistry as a couple. Johnny Williams provides a playful musical score that captures the fun of this movie. It's a little slow-paced and not very impressive on the first viewing. But it's more fun to watch over and over again.

"The time to make up your mind about people is never."
14. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
This movie is overflowing with great characters and dialouge. Katharine Hepburn shines as Tracy Lord, who I recently selected for the "character most like you" theme. That should explain this appeal from this character to me. Tracy is thought of as hard and cold, but she can't even tell when she is. She becomes torn between three lovers. One, Cary Grant is her ex-husband who seems to know her better than anyone else. He's got a plan to keep her from marrying her stuffy fiancee George Kittredge. But Tracy's intrigued by Mike Connor, played excellently by James Stewart. These are just the leads, the Lord family is also memorable with characters such as young Dinah and Uncle Willy the pincher. The entire cast turn in lively performances and deliver the witty and deep script. I'd highly reccommend this movie to any classic movie fan, and even some who aren't.

"It wasn't me. It was the one armed man."
13. The Fugitive (1993)
One of the best thrillers ever. The movie begins with some awesome opening credits and they flow right into the intense break-in scene. Immediately, the movie feels suspenseful and dark. Harrison Ford gives one of his best, if not the best, of his performances. He perfectly captures the constant fear Kimble goes through as he stays on the run. And when he reminds Tommy Lee Jones that he said, "I don't care" later on in the film, his eyes light up in a powerful way. Tommy Lee Jones earned his Oscar for his unbeatable portrayal of the charasmatic and determined detective always hot on Kimble's trail. The script has some very fine moments and the direction is suttly great. While, of course, the storyline is pretty unrealistic, this movie definately deserves a watch.

"Oh you must be so bored with me, everytime you come in here, I'm in absolute panic."
12. Wait Until Dark (1967)
This movie is captivatingly spooky upon the first watch. Audrey Hepburn gives a superior performance as Susy Hendrix. The situation Susy gets put into is frightening even to think about. Alan Arkin is so wicked and terrifying in his role as Roat that he's unforgettable to anyone who's seen it. While the plot seems to take awhile to build, the climax of this movie defines edge-of-your-seat thrills. I flew out of mine. Sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.

"Diabetes! I ought to know better than to hire anybody with a disease."
11. His Girl Friday (1940)
This famous gem from Howard Hawks deserves all the praise it gets. Cary Grant shows why he's been called a comedic genius here as the crafty Walter Burns. Rosalind Russell matches his capability perfectly as Hildy. Ralph Bellamy plays his common role as the shy mama's boy that becomes the butt of a few jokes. This is what classic comedy is all about. This film is overflowing with hilarious banter and rapidfire dialouge. The script as well as the improve is ideal. Even the newspapermen running about are good for a few laughs. The storyline and plot has been used mulitple times, but this is by far my favorite version.

L .B . Jeffries 02-08-10 01:35 AM

Re: The Royal 100
See as your a huge fan of Walter Matthau I'm interested in what you think of The Bad News Bears and Charade. Also props for including Support Your Local Sheriff truely one of a kind. I gotta say, I recently rewatched Patriot Games and althought I enjoyed it. Hunt Still is the stand out for me. The crazy boat chase ending felt a little rushed and I really didn't enjoy the humor of the open ending of Patriot it felt out of place. Again it's your list and i've enjoy reading it.

Classicqueen13 02-12-10 06:27 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I actually haven't seen Bad News Bears yet, and you'll be hearing more about Charade later on, L.B. On the subject of Patriot Games, I could agree with saying that the boat chase was somewhat hurried toward the end, but I think with the suspense that occurred previous to that with the blackout in the house, it might have ended up seeming too drawn out. "Hunt" was also great. I just liked the more personal side of Patriot Games with Ryan's family involved.

nebbit 02-12-10 07:01 PM

Re: The Royal 100
The Philadelphia Story
Wait Until Dark
His Girl Friday

All of these are in my collection and I love them so much I can't remember how many times I have seen them :eek:
How to Steal a Million(1966)
I have seen it and did like it :yup: must keep my eye out for it so I can add it to my collection. :)

Classicqueen13 02-13-10 06:32 PM

Re: The Royal 100
"Get off my plane!"
10. Air Force One (1997)
Air Force One is one of the most gripping and intense movies that I've ever seen. Certainly the plot borrows from a few movies before it, but the using the president and his plane provides an enjoyable spin on the idea. Harrison Ford gives an excellent performance as the president. Granted that this president is a little too good to be true, but we enjoy cheering him on. Gary Oldman gives an amazing performance as the antagonist. His speeches and passion truely come through to create a fascinating and ruthless villain. The entire cast is strong throughout the film. Peterson's direction is terrific with exception of a few special effects that are quickly becoming outdated. The script isn't the best part of this flick, including a few rather corny moments but it's far from a problem. The storyline is tremendous. It draws you in by letting you get to know some of the main characters, but when the hijacking actually takes places, the tension doesn't let up until the very end of the film. There are cliffhanger moments spread throughout, and I was on the edge of my seat.

"No, Ray, it was you."
9. Field of Dreams (1989)
This capra-esque film has a special place in my heart. Faith is very important to me and the concept of believing in things that not everyone can see. This is the most likely reason for my attachment to this movie. There is a lot of debate here about Kevin Costner's acting abilities, and I don't consider this to be Costner's most impressive performance. However, I do really enjoy the character of Ray and his determination. I don't think anyone could've done much better than Costner here. The supporting cast including James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, and Amy Madigan are all terrific. The script has some comedy and some rather dramatic points but is overall very good. Some people consider this film to be too corny, but I think it is well-balanced because it has an important message. "When you believe the impossible, the incredible can come true."

nebbit 02-13-10 06:49 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I like Field of Dreams I'm like you :yup: Some times I like movies not because of great acting etc :nope: but what it means to me :yup:

Not that I don't appreciate a well acted movie, etc :)

L .B . Jeffries 02-13-10 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by Classicqueen13 (Post 601816)
I actually haven't seen Bad News Bears yet, and you'll be hearing more about Charade later on, L.B. On the subject of Patriot Games, I could agree with saying that the boat chase was somewhat hurried toward the end, but I think with the suspense that occurred previous to that with the blackout in the house, it might have ended up seeming too drawn out. "Hunt" was also great. I just liked the more personal side of Patriot Games with Ryan's family involved.
The blackout scene was creative and very tense. The timing in that scene is so fundamental to the suspense of it all. I see what you mean in that it may have felt a bit drawn out though for me it just felt to abrupt. I would have rather seen it come to a conclusion in and round the house. I totally agree with you about the family aspect that element is rather enticing to approach for a storyline point of view have his family put into constant parallel and it‘s convincingly done.

Classicqueen13 02-13-10 07:36 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Glad you see the points so well, L.B. :yup:

christine 02-14-10 12:09 PM

Re: The Royal 100
ah yes Field of Dreams is one that always gets me in the tearducts too ;)

Classicqueen13 02-20-10 10:47 AM

"Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in first class."

8. Titanic (1997)

This is considered by many to be entirely overrated, but I think this movie is terrific. I don't dispute that there were probably a lot of truths lost in this film as far as being "realistic and accurate", but I think that James Cameron did a very good job at making it as true to the event as possible. Whatever little (or big) inaccuracies, we have a terrific and interesting storyline. And toward the end of the film, we manage to drift slightly away from our main characters and follow some smaller ones, trying to get an idea of what it was like to be there. The movie starts out very romantic and has quite a few light scenes, but when disaster strikes, the tension rises and the drama really begins.

Kate Winslet has so much acting capability, and she gives a tremendous performance as Rose. Rose is such a deep character that she's so interesting to watch. We get to know her situation, her background, and even her thoughts. Most of us will feel sympathy for her and enjoy watching her sort of come out of her shell. Kate and Leonardo DiCaprio have phenominal chemistry as well and and seem to easily display the tension between to the two characters. Leo portrays Jack perfectly. Even though Jack's character isn't quite as deep, we can easily see the way he feels about Rose and life. The rest of the cast and characters are exceptional as well with Rose's controlling mother, her devillish fiancee Cal, the Unsinkable Molly Brown, the sweet Mr. Andrews, and so many more.

The script has some excellent dialouge and lines throughout it, and never really feels too dull to me. There may be a few corny moments, but never really boring. And, there are so many little things to like about this movie. The costumes and the set are exquisite and just plain beautiful. The special effects are impressive as well and look better than a lot of movies made long after Titanic. A great deal of the musical score I find touching and poignant.

Like a few of my choices before, Titanic has some sentimental value for me as well. That, however, is a very long story. But my sentiments aside, this is a wonderful film that I always enjoy.

nebbit 02-21-10 12:34 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Not a big fan but like it :yup:

Classicqueen13 02-21-10 02:39 PM

"Isn't it wonderful? I'm going to jail!"
7. It's a Wonderful Life (1947)
It's the classic tale of George Bailey. I think I watch this at least one a week every Decemeber with various family members. This touching drama is yet another masterpiece from Frank Capra. Capra, known for his somewhat corny messages throughout his films, is no different here. But the idea here is one that I think everyone should know--No man is failure that has friends. We all feel like George Bailey at times or in one way or another, which I think is why this movie can appeal to so many people.

The storyline may sound a little boring, but for some reason, just watching George grow up and go through life is very interesting. We share in his frustrations and joys, and it's a good ride. The script has memorable and fun dialouge that adds a light touch to the story. Other moments, it has some excellent lines and fairly profound statements.

James Stewart gives one of his great performance and is ideal man to play George Bailey. He perfectly captures George's in his stress and his happiness. The supporting cast is great, all playing kind of colorful characters that we grow to like a lot or dislike a lot. Lionel Barrymore, Donna Reed, Henry Travers, Thomas Mitchell, etc are all fantasic and bring a great deal of life to the movie.

While this may be too corny for some people, whenever I watch this, it makes me feel a little better about my life and leaves me with a good feeling. We all can get discouraged sometimes like George does, but we can see that everybody is important. Maybe we all haven't done things as great as George Bailey, but I bet everybody has done something good for someone that they may not even realize. I think this film is a good reminder of that, and it's just one for me that is always a joy to watch.

WBadger 02-21-10 05:32 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Nah, I don't think it is a corny movie at all. I remember watching this in the beginning of December, being a little down for some personal events, but I remember in the final scene how happy I felt for George Bailey and realized how deep Frank Capra developed the character that made me really care for him and his life. I also think this movie can be overlooked sometimes and is just mentioned for being the "best holiday film".

Good choice :up:

nebbit 02-21-10 08:01 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Good choice :yup: you are good at Keeping the suspense :mad: :)

Classicqueen13 02-27-10 10:22 PM

"Come out to the coast. We'll get together, have a few laughs."
6. Die Hard (1988)
Field of Dreams, Titanic, and It's a Wonderful Life. Just when you think the Top 10 is going to be dramatic and sentimental, I bring this in. While Die Hard doesn't exactly have a virtuous theme or loads of Oscar nominations, this film can be enjoyed over and over again. Trust me, at about 35 views in less than a year, I never get tired of this modern action classic.

Die Hard is the perfect sit-back-and-enjoy kind of movie. Thrills go as high as the skyscaper it is set in and this basically defines a good action flick. It begins with an introduction to the settings and with some great character development. We see the down to earth John McClane struggle with his head-strong wife Holly as Hans' evil masterplan takes off. Soon, the suspense begins and the well devised story takes place. We go through all the action staples: explosions, gunplay, and swearing. But at the same time, we're entertained by a great script filled with laughs and well-written storyline. While the average bear couldn't make it through the first half an hour or so, John McClane manages to get shot, thoroughly pounded, and jump off an exploding building. Some people may find how unrealistic Die Hard is a put-off, but I am not one of that group.

There are only about four characters in this entire movie you'll be routing for. No. 1: John McClane. McClane is as sharp with his mind as he is with his words, and Bruce Willis was born to play this famous NYC cop. We also find that other than being a total badass, he's a loving father to his kids and husband to Holly. No. 2: Holly. She's not afraid of argument with John or the ruthless Hans Gruber and Bonnie Bedelia was an excellent choice in casting. No. 3: Sgt. Al Powell. He's John's only friend that we find has a story of his own to tell, played well by Reginald VelJohnson. And last but not least, No. 4: Argyle. It takes Argyle a while to realize that he's involved, but he's good for a few laughs and a good punch.

However, the villians are equally fun in this movie. Alan Rickman is fabulous in his first feature film role as Hans Gruber, an exceptional thief. Rickman delivers some great lines and is perfectly ruthless. Alexander Godunov's Karl is fun to watch as his one track mind settles on killing McClane. Then, throw in loads of completely annoying @ss-hole characters such as Ellis, Dwayne, Agent Johnson, Special Agent Johnson, and a few more here and there. Fortunately, it's a happy ending for all the good guys.

Overall, Die Hard has a great cast, great script, and is just great fun. One of my favorite Christmas films, as well. And no one can deny that is an action classic.

honeykid 02-27-10 11:03 PM

Re: The Royal 100
An excellent pick, CQ.

nebbit 02-28-10 04:05 AM

Re: The Royal 100
I like it :yup:

Classicqueen13 03-20-10 01:54 PM

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."
5. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
I don't quite know where to begin talking about this classic. This drama is quite powerful without being heavy. When I watch it, it seems like any other good movie, but at the end, I realize just how much I enjoyed it. It's a most fascinating film about perservance.

One of the greatest things about this movie is the terrific cast and their spectacular performances. Paul Newman shines as Luke Jackson, a fascinating and likable character. Right away you're kind of drawn to him and his rather rebellious nature. George Kennedy earned his Oscar for his performance as Dragline, who at first may seem like a jerk, but he grows on you as he and Luke's friendship deepens. Strother Martin is flawless and absolutely perfect as the warden. All the characters are so powerful that I could never forget them.

The first scene that always stands out to me is the boxing fight between Luke and Dragline. To me, this scene is the most inspirational of any film. It perfectly symbolizes that if you refuse to stay down, you'll be the winner in the end. No matter how many times Dragline socks Luke, no matter how weak he gets or hopeless it seems, he doesn't quit. And in the end, it's Dragline off who backs off. It helps me remember that even when it seems like I've got nothing but trouble, maybe I can make something out of it.

Later in the story, we learn a little more about Luke. Then, we go with him through his numerous attempts to escape. It's a terrific ride, and one of the amazing things is how this movie hasn't aged a bit in about 40 years. I could take a teenage boy who hasn't seen a single movie from before 2001, show him this film, and I think he'd love it. And if you're a movie fan who hasn't seen this yet, watch it now. You don't want to miss out on this story.

L .B . Jeffries 03-20-10 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Classicqueen13 (Post 605021)
"Come out to the coast. We'll get together, have a few laughs."

Alexander Godunov's Karl is fun to watch as his one track mind settles on killing McClane. Then, throw in loads of completely annoying @ss-hole characters such as Ellis, Dwayne, Agent Johnson, Special Agent Johnson, and a few more here and there. Fortunately, it's a happy ending for all the good guys.
A buddy of mine told be to check out The Money Pit Starting Tom Hanks he also told me I wouldn't beileve that it started Alexander Godunov in a totally different role and that he is almost unrecognizable from his role in Die Hard.

Die Hard is what ever action film since it was made strives/tries/popularity wise to be weather they admit it or not.

Classicqueen13 03-28-10 12:35 AM

"I'm the fella who got caught in a cave once. The cave caved in and I haven't been heard from since."

4. You Can't Take It with You (1938)
Surprisingly, this seems to be one of Capra's lesser known masterpieces. It's similar to It's a Wonderful Life, but I like this one more because it's lighter, and it's a comedy. It's the perfect movie for the entire family to watch. And it's another heart warmer that can cheer me up when I'm feeling lousy.

This movie is stuffed with quirky and fun characters all played by terrific actors and actresses. Lionel Barrymore is the total opposite of his grumpy Mr. Potter persona as Mr. Vanderhoff, the head of a household that simply does whatever it wants to. Mr. Vanderhoff has a lot of wisdom to go around and a fascinating take on happiness. Jimmy Stewart is lovable as always and Jean Arthur is perfect for the role of Alice. The rest of the cast delivers some great laughs and contribute to the overall grandness of the movie.

You Can't Take It with You has a very witty script along with a few good gags. Not to mention the characters and parts of the storyline are just plain funny such as the Russian ballet instructor and when the Kirbys come to dinner on the wrong night. I actually put off watching this because it seemed too long and too much like your typical classic comedy. Little did I know how much I was going to love it, so I urge anyone to give it a try.

There are a number of good ideas and points floating around in this film alongside of all the fun too. Of course, it's a happy ending with plenty of Capra-corn but it's hard not to smile at it.

Classicqueen13 03-28-10 01:12 AM

Re: The Royal 100
"You won't be able to lie on your back for a while, but then you can lie from any position, can't you?"
3. Charade (1963)
This movie has it all. Charade, to me, excels in every way you could judge a movie. It is funny, romantic, and suspenseful. It has a great cast, direction, and writing. I've never seen a movie more well-rounded then this one. Not to mention, it was my first Cary Grant movie. It's no wonder I became a fan.

Charade is an amazing mystery, loaded with twists and turns. But, unlike some mysteries, you actually keep getting closer and closer to finding the answers. This is actually a two in one puzzler because you try to deduce who the murder is and where the elusive $250,000 has disappeared to. I would've never guessed the answers in a million years. The other amazing part of the writing capabilities at work here is that this movie is hilarious. There's plenty of jokes and terrific dialouge along with the fascinating plot (which I got to know so well that I told the entire story to my mom scene for scene. If that's any indicator as to how many times I can rewatch this movie). Suspense is abundant from the very beginning and up until the last few scenes where the tension really mounts. There's even a little surprise in the last five minutes for you.

It would be hard to find a more spectacular cast. Cary Grant is flawlessly suave, mysterious, and witty through all his characters. ;) Audrey Hepburn makes a great Regina as the female lead. It may not be her most compelling performance, but she's a sheer pleasure as usual. The two have chemistry to burn, and it's a shame they never paired up before. Walter Matthau is great as the CIA agent following up on the case. George Kennedy was absolutely the ideal man to play the ruthless and terrifying Scobie, the easily most sinister villian of them all here. James Coburn is very likable as Tex, who doesn't even change clothes throughout the movie.

On top of all this, Donen gives impressive direction as well. Mancini's score was my ringtone for awhile because I absolutely love the rhythm and excitement he adds to the film. No one could ever watch this and say it was an awful waste of time. I definately would recommend this to anyone. It's a pure classic!

L .B . Jeffries 04-04-10 12:58 AM

Re: The Royal 100
I've always liked Charade it never tiers. It's a relentless fun filled ride. That rarely gives you a moments to breath while the suspense is great and as you've pointed out the humor is delightful and that guessing game the film plays with you is fantastic, great choice.

Classicqueen13 04-04-10 01:35 AM

#2 is a tie because I had to cheat

"I'm hard to get, Geoff. All you have to do is ask me."
2. Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
Granted this probably isn't Hawks', Arthur's, or Grant's greatest achievement, but this relatively forgotten drama is a gem. It has a lot to offer, and at least, I enjoy it immensely every time I watch it. This is one movie, however, I think I get the most out of when I space out viewings. This is the movie I picture myself catching when I can't sleep at three in the morning and it's on television. I don't have the slightest clue what it is, but I start watching, and I'm completely intrigued.

I'll openly admit that this movie might not be enjoyed by all. It has its flaws, and it is another very personal choice, but Only Angels has a lot to offer. I would say that the highlight of this film is the chemistry between all the actors. Not only are the leads perfectly believable, but the entire cast just have some kind of unfathomable connection. Grant has some powerful moments as tough head pilot Geoff Carter. He manages to capture how Geoff sort of masks his emotions a lot through out the movie. I love Jean Arthur's performance as Bonnie, one of my favorite characters. Bonnie just can't seem to help the way she feels, and she's kind of at the mercy of her feelings throughout, which we can all relate to at one time or another. Thomas Mitchell was perfect for the role of Kidd, who is Geoff's best friend and has a rather rich history himself. The rest of the supporting cast all make their characters fairly memorable, some more than others, naturally.

There are a lot of storylines at work in this movie which is why in parts it criss-crosses from a drama to romance to adventure. I seem to like best watching the ups and downs of Bonnie and Geoff's relationship from the very first time they meet to the very last two minutes before the credits. Theirs overlaps with Geoff's trouble with his ex-girlfriend Judy when she unexpectedly shows up. Rita Hayworth shows her potential in this early role of hers. Judy's now married to Bat, the newest pilot, who just happens to have a bitter relationship with Geoff's best friend Kidd. See what I mean? A lot goes on here. Not to mention, the adventure comes in as everyone copes with the struggles of the airline industry. It's usually more exciting than it sounds, with exception of one scene drawn out way too long with some rather dated special effects.

The script is where I think the real heart of the movie comes through. In lines like "He's been dead about 20 minutes, and all the weeping and wailing in the world won't make him any deader 20 years from now. If you feel like bawling, how do you think we feel?" or "I love you, Geoff. There's nothing I can do about it. I just love you, that's all." There are some lighter and humorous moments as well throughout the story to give you a smile or two.

WARNING: "*Only Angels Spoilers*" spoilers below
One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how my mood even changes as I watch the last half an hour (or so) of this film. As I watch Kidd and Bat flying, I almost always completely absorbed in tension. Then, when we find out Kidd isn't going to make it, it always breaks my heart. I'm down just long enough to sort of settle into it, and then the very last scene, things seem to perk up for everyone. By the time the credits come up I'm smiling again.

Overall, this film is far from perfection, but it is unique and has a lot going for it. The plot isn't one that has been tried time and time again. Unlike me whether you enjoy it or not, you'll probably forget it not very long after watching it. It's that kind of movie, but it's an enjoyable two hour ride. Anyway, I just love it. End of review.

Classicqueen13 04-11-10 10:13 PM

"Well, well, let's ring bells! Let's send up skyrockets! . . . Well, let's turn on all the lights in the house."
2. Holiday (1938)
This has been my favorite movie from my favorite actor since the first time I saw it. I automatically loved it, but it's one that I like to only watch every now and then. Seems more special that way. Holiday is lesser known in the filmographies of leads Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn, but it's shame because I think it's a real charmer. It's light and fun but at the same time it has character depth and good message.

It's so much the attitude and mood of this film that I love so much. The comedy isn't so much laugh out loud humor and gags as it is jokes between friends. The characters in this movie are possibly even better than the tremendous cast playing them, and they are all very well developed. I felt exactly like the character Linda Seton (K. Hepburn) the first time I watched it, trapped in a world where there's nothing to do. I still feel that way at times. Johnny is like "Spring, a breath of fresh air" when he walks into her life. Johnny's looking for the exact opposite: a break. He wants to take a holiday and learn what he's working for before he works any longer. That's a great idea from this film. It's a question that makes a lot of us think.

The other characters are great too, just to name a few. I have a real soft spot for Ned (L. Ayres), who makes me laugh every time I watch. Nick and Susan Potter (E. Horton, J. Dixon) are Johnny's friends that add some special to the movie. The actors all have such terrific chemistry too that whenever I watch this crew together I feel like I've been hanging out with friends. I also enjoy watching Johnny and Linda grow closer and eventually become a couple.

That's exactly what I personally like about this movie, but it has many redeeming aspects as a film as well. The script has a lot of great dialouge. It's not just funny moments, but dramatic ones as well. I think most everyone would find a line that stands out to them and that they'll remember. As I've said, the acting is great and the character development is some of the best you'll find, IMO. These are the best reasons to check this one out.

So, if you'd have ninety minutes to spare and you can enjoy old-fashioned comedies, I'd definately tell you to give Holiday a try. I love the characters and the overall pleasure the film is to watch.

mark f 04-12-10 03:01 AM

Re: The Royal 100
One of my dad's fave movies was Holiday, but it was the 1930 Ann Harding version. I still haven't seen that one!

nebbit 04-13-10 07:56 AM

Re: The Royal 100
I :love: Cary Grant :yup:

Classicqueen13 04-18-10 02:30 AM

"Well, Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time."

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
I know that I've just astounded all the regular MoFos around here who know me so well. (Ah, I just love sarcasm). I've never made it a secret that I absolutely LOVE this amazing movie. Possibly the best part is that I never wanted to watch it. I did nothing but complain when my dad added it to the Netflix queue, and it took me at least two watches to realize how great it was. Then, I ended up making basically everyone I know watch it. Like many others on my list, this is a personal choice but this has possibly the most sentimental reasoning behind it. However, this is a great choice no matter what reasoning, in my opinion.

This is a truly all-around great film, and countless people can tell you that. I don't quite know where to begin. The character of Indiana Jones has become the epitimy of a hero. The wonderful thing about Indy is that he's not a superhero; he's just a regular guy who lives a not-so regular life. Harrison Ford quickly establishes himself as this character, and he's done it so well that I almost never think of Indy as Harrison Ford. He sort of has a life of his own. His girl, Marion Ravenwood, is my all-time favorite movie character. Her bravery and resourcefulness is something I would strive for. She's just plain cool. Allen's devotion to her role comes through beautifully. Indy and Marion are such an amazing pair because of their sometimes conflicting self-assurance. Both characters have a bit of an ego that I think really gives them sparks. I also find their backstory fascinating. It's never actually detailed, but the scene at The Raven I think is possibly one of the best written scenes I've ever watched.

Speaking of the script, Lawerence Kasdan does superb work here. The screenplay is juicy with great dialouge that I adore. It's not neccessarily about adding in a few jokes, but just interesting lines. "There's nothing to fear here." "That's what scares me." It's clever writing like that throughout the entire movie that really adds something. It always makes me wonder how Keopp's script ever got accepted. Lucas is known for having crazy ideas but there is nothing too crazy about Raiders. He was dead on with this character and this story. He and Kasdan's collaboration(s) is marvelous.

This film is so well-paced. We start out in a hair-raising opener in the iconic rolling-boulder episode. Then, we take a little break to absorb the information needed for the historical part of the story to make sense. Next, we travel to Nepal where we meet Marion and get drawn in further as the characters deepen. The action only stops temporarily until the basket chase scene and then we just get time to catch our breath periodically up until the credits. Spielberg's direction certainly has something to be said for here as well. With scenes such as the opener and the truck chase, it's just sort of indescribable for me. Everything is so flawless that I forget I'm watching a movie and just get into it.

Raiders has everything: Action, Romance, Comedy. A great script, an awesome story, a terrific cast playing a slew of fascinating characters. There's still plenty to say. I haven't even mentioned the Nazis, Sallah, a great love scene, the face melting, and more. Watching this movie had a major effect on my life, but whether it does on you or not this is more than a worthwhile two hours. It always leaves me ready to pack up and get lost in a jungle somewhere.

Classicqueen13 04-18-10 02:30 AM

Re: The Royal 100

TheUsualSuspect 04-18-10 03:54 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Love how much time and effort you put into this.

honeykid 04-19-10 05:07 PM

Congrats on finishing your list, CQ. No surprises with the #1 pick, but that in itself isn't a surprise, is it? :)

nebbit 04-20-10 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by Classicqueen13 (Post 614799)

The Prestige 04-20-10 11:57 AM

Excellent excellent list, Classicqueen. I remember checking it out ages ago and I knew you were going to finish well. Love the inclusion of Die Hard. In fact, I see you are quite the fan of the Die Hard franchise having included Die Hard With A Vengeance. Solid mix of sweepin' epic dramas and adrenaline action fests. I've only skim read the recent additions but will read the inbetweeners properly in a bit. :)

SoulInside 04-21-10 06:13 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Nice list, well written. I have to check out at least one or two of this classics. Maybe "Hud" or "Cape of Fear".
If you like "Empereors New Groove", don`t miss part two: "Kronk`s New Groove". Okay, it`s surely not as good as part 1, but it`s fun anyway. :)

Classicqueen13 04-24-10 12:27 AM

Re: The Royal 100
Thanks for the Congrats Nebbs and HK!

Prestige, I do love the Die Hard series. Although, I truly wish that 4 had just been a regular Bruce Willis movie or something. It was just so ehhh. Thanks for following :)

Thanks too SoulInside. Hud and Cape Fear are great choices. I have seen Kronk's New Groove, but it's been ages.

TheGirlWhoHadAllTheLuck_ 07-13-10 03:37 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I love how you set it out.

genesis_pig 07-13-10 03:50 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Brilliant list!!!..

Love it.

Classicqueen13 07-13-10 04:45 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Thanks guys for your reading and nice comments! :)

MadMikeyD 11-16-10 06:49 PM

Re: The Royal 100
I'm late to the party, as usual, but an awesome, awesome list. I think the Star Wars Trilogy got ranked a little low, but I loved all the Frank Capra goodness included in there. Very impressive collection of favorites.

Classicqueen13 11-16-10 07:38 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Thank you, thank you, Mikey. I thought we had pretty similar tastes. :)

MadMikeyD 11-16-10 07:43 PM

Re: The Royal 100
We do seem to. I guess I should start watching more Carey Grant movies. I'll probably like them.

LuDiNaToR 01-31-11 07:09 AM

Re: The Royal 100
only just checked this out, nice list;) .

JayDee 03-31-11 05:08 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Not sure if it's ok to bump up old threads but just wanted to say well done and thank you to Classicqueen13

Well done on completing the list to start with and well done on putting so much effort into each one. And finally well done on adding so many movies that I'm also a fan of. :)

Outside of the obvious choices that make many lists (Raiders, Mockingbird, Die Hard etc) I'm liking the love for Overboard, Die Hard 3, Romancing the Stone, How to Steal a Million and the Pink Panther movies (although my favourite is A Shot in the Dark) amongst others

And thank you for making me interested in seeing so many films that I previously hadn't, just based on the effort you put in to giving a reason for each

It's also nice to see another big Kevin Costner fan. Keep hoping he'll follow in the footsteps of Robert Downey Jnr and Mickey Rourke and make a big comeback

Just out of interest have you seen A Perfect World? And if so what are your thoughts? Recently caught about 20/30 minutes on TV and was quite taken with it, going to record it when it's on again

nebbit 03-31-11 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by JayDee (Post 720942)
Not sure if it's ok to bump up old threads
It is ok :yup:

JayDee 04-01-11 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 720961)
It is ok :yup:
Ok thanks. :) Just some forums frown on you bumping up old threads unless there's a really good reason to.

mark f 04-01-11 05:19 PM

Re: The Royal 100
Then those forums should delete or close those threads.

hoggy20 06-12-12 10:50 PM

Re: The Royal 100
well what a list...and remembered me to get a few more movies that i'd forgotten about to my collection. Really enjoyed that, thanks :)

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