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TONGO 08-13-09 11:52 PM

What was the movie that made you love movies?
Weve all seen alot of great movies, but theres one film that made you appreciate movies more than the casual viewer. Most of the time it isnt something epic, but more forgettable. Except to you.

So this isnt another "Whats Your Favorite Movie?!" thread where you could list a bunch of films, but what can you remember was the film that made you seek film. Made you a movie buff. Theres only one.

My choice I never saw coming...

The World According To Garp

Why I have no idea. I was enthralled. I was like 12 or 13 and cried at the end. From his childhood on was just the quirkiest most bizarre story ever told, but with a fluidity and rhythm which never seems contrived. Not yet have I seen a director handle such eccentricities and bizarreness without overdoing it. Most of the time theyd just make it a stupid comedy rather than try and sell it like the book read. I read the book too and its actually weirder. George Roy Hill was a better storyteller than John Irving. Speilbergs JAWS was better than Benchleys for that matter but I digress.

Glenn Close, and John Lithgow made their break in this flick. Both were awesome. This is a must see!

Iroquois 08-14-09 12:28 AM

Just the one? I can't seem to settle on one. I don't think there was any one movie that marked a noticeable transition - about the closest I can come to that is Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars.

Whereas a more conventional answer would probably be GoodFellas (a film I initially hated but grew to like and appreciate as a solid showcase of fine filmmaking), I think A Fistful of Dollars really marks a major turning point in my appreciation of movies. It was the first R-rated movie I was allowed to rent (keep in mind, this is an Australian R rating, which means restricted to people over 18, funnily enough - it's since been re-rated as MA15+) and I was a fourteen-year-old kid who had virtually no experience whatsoever with Westerns or even anything particularly visceral. It may not have been the best film, but it was certainly amazing enough on every count. Clint Eastwood was very solid and effortlessly cool as the Man with No Name, pinballing between a variety of characters in between random bouts of violence and careful manipulation. It just stayed surprising up until the very end. When I think of A Fistful of Dollars, I think of the first time I saw it as the point where I really started to realise the true capabilities of cinema and thus sought out more and more.

Hell, I might just watch it now, as a matter of fact.

MovieMan8877445 08-14-09 12:43 AM

Jurassic Park

Yeah, it's my favorite film of all-time, but it just happens to be the film that got me into movies. I know watching this when I was a kid had me interested in checking out some other Spielberg flicks. Sadly, I only remember checking Jaws after watching it. I know watching it as a kid, I was really only interested in watching it because of the obsession with dinosaurs that I had. As the years passed, though, I started to notice more special things about it. The great special effects, how much I loved the characters, and Spielberg's directing. I guess it is the film that got me into films, but it took quite a few years to take effect. I know I didn't really get into films until about 4 or 5 years ago, but I was too young before that anyways. Now, I usually watch at least a film a day and I've seen a ton of more films because of Jurassic Park. I just love it.

FILMFREAK087 08-14-09 12:48 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?

tramp 08-14-09 12:52 AM

Hawaii (Dir: George Roy Hill) 1966

Stars Julie Andrews, Max von Sydow, Richard Harris

I watched this film on TV a few years after it came out, and I had liked movies before, but this film changed everything for me.

Based on James Michener's novel, it tells the story of missionaries in Hawaii. It has been a long time since I've seen it, but what sticks out in my memory was how entranced I was at the time. I was pretty young, and this is the first film that really got to me in a very deep place. I was devastated emotionally at the end of this film.

Von Sydow is a rather tragic figure, and his stubbornness and pride costs lives, including that of his wife (Andrews.) The very last image of this film is him sitting all alone (at least I think it is the very last image).

I cried hysterically. I was actually crying like 10 minutes later, and remember my mother asking me if I was okay. It was like I had been transported to Hawaii -- I was in the movie. These people were real to me. I thought about the film for days.

It was then that I realized how movies could take you places, give you thoughts, tear at your emotions in ways I hadn't experienced before.

To this day, whenever I see an image of Max von Sydow, all I can think of is this movie (And yes, I saw The Seventh Seal, lol). His performance is flat-out amazing, along with a young Richard Harris.

And I've always loved Julie. :)

TONGO 08-14-09 01:10 AM

Ok now pick one. Im betting its Evil Dead 2. Shocked you didnt have Empire Strikes Back instead of Jedi, and Ghostbusters..why not! My bet is its ED2 because Ash is so money!:cool:

Miss Vicky 08-14-09 01:20 AM

It's tough to say, but I'm thinking this was probably this one:

Epic. Romantic. Funny. Incredibly entertaining.
Still one of my favorite movies.
And I'm not going to lie, I had the BIGGEST crush on Kevin Costner for the longest time after this movie came out (hey, I was all of ten years old in 1991, so don't hate).

Holden Pike 08-14-09 01:54 AM

2 Attachment(s)

From May of 1977 with Star Wars when I was a lad of seven to Blade Runner in June of 1982 when I was twelve, I'd say those six films above (Raiders of the Lost Ark and Time Bandits being cinema experiences, The Three Musketeers and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid television and videotape) were probably the most important in making me an obsessive cinemaniac. Nothing could have been bigger to me than the first Star Wars, and I couldn't have been a more perfect age to have it take over my life for a few years. It was a true phenomenon, no more so than in my house. I saw it twenty-seven or so times theatrically from 1977 to the various re-releases up through 1980 ahead of Empire's debut. My brother and I had at least one (and often two) of just about every action figure and vehicle Kenner put on the market, plus posters, bedsheets, record albums, coloring books, puzzles, Dixie cups, Underoos and just about anything else you could put the logo or characters on. It changed going to the movies from the every once in a great while activity when a Disney cartoon revival was playing into a regular and expected pastime.


mark f 08-14-09 02:13 AM

I love all the personal answers, but there's only one possible one for me. This was a film I watched as a kid every year on TV religiously, and it made me know that films could do anything...

It was The Wizard of Oz. Sorry.

beelzebubbles 08-14-09 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 557394)
I love all the personal answers, but there's only one possible one for me. This was a film I watched as a kid every year on TV religiously, and it made me know that films could do anything...
I concur.

WBadger 08-14-09 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by MovieMan8877445 (Post 557371)

Jurassic Park

Yeah, it's my favorite film of all-time, but it just happens to be the film that got me into movies. I know watching this when I was a kid had me interested in checking out some other Spielberg flicks. Sadly, I only remember checking Jaws after watching it. I know watching it as a kid, I was really only interested in watching it because of the obsession with dinosaurs that I had. As the years passed, though, I started to notice more special things about it. The great special effects, how much I loved the characters, and Spielberg's directing. I guess it is the film that got me into films, but it took quite a few years to take effect. I know I didn't really get into films until about 4 or 5 years ago, but I was too young before that anyways. Now, I usually watch at least a film a day and I've seen a ton of more films because of Jurassic Park. I just love it.
dude, are you my long lost twin? i watched this movie so many times as a kid, and still do enjoy this great film. same answer for me, same reasoning. :)

Leo_Lover 08-14-09 03:05 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
For Me, It was:

This movie is EPIC! Just everything about it is amazing :D.

The first time I watched this movie, I didn't know much about the real ship. So everything about the real ship that was in the movie truely amazed me.

Also, Before I saw this movie I didn't really like Leo, like I do now ;). So this movie change my mind on Leo as well ;).

So this movie changed my life in so many way's (what I mentioned above ;)) & that's why this is the movie that got me loving movies :D.

Prospero 08-14-09 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 557394)
I love all the personal answers, but there's only one possible one for me. This was a film I watched as a kid every year on TV religiously, and it made me know that films could do anything...
If I had to choose just one, that would probably be it.

n3wt 08-14-09 08:50 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Ive been into my movies for many many years, my Grandfather who I grew up living with was a massive movie fan and he used to record all the old horror movies off the tv for me to watch once I come home from school we would watch them. So I can thank him for the love I have for movies.

Some of the films that made me love movies are as follows,

I remember the first time I watched this movie I was petrified in bed that Norman would come and get me while I was bed :laugh: I was about 10.

This movie I love I have watched it hundreds of time's and at the end it gets me everytime.

Need I say anything about this movie?

Watching this made become the huge Friday 13th fan.

SammyJ88 08-14-09 09:07 AM

The Neverending Story

I chose this film because my brother and I would watch it every second time we went over our grandmas when we were kids. She had taped it off the TV so there was a lot of fast fowarding:) - I would always be captivated by it, which made me seek out other movies.

And this was each other visit:D (I havn't seen it for so long now might have to watch it:))

tramp 08-14-09 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 557394)
I love all the personal answers, but there's only one possible one for me. This was a film I watched as a kid every year on TV religiously, and it made me know that films could do anything...
Every Easter weekend, we had a nice dinner, and I would be so excited because I would see The Wizard of Oz afterward. We had popcorn ready, and I would sit on the floor in front of the TV, chomp the popcorn in my pajamas, and it was like the best day of the year. I looked forward to this every single year. I wonder how many times I saw it? I even knew exactly when the commericals would be.

I knew all the lines. I had this album that had almost the entire movie on it -- dialogue, songs, everything. I used to listen to it all the time while waiting for my once-a-year viewing!

The following generations of VHS/DVD kids will never have a memory like that. :p

Sedai 08-14-09 12:49 PM

tramp 08-14-09 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 557386)
It's tough to say, but I'm thinking this was probably the one:

Epic. Romantic. Funny. Incredibly entertaining.
Still one of my favorite movies.
And I'm not going to lie, I had the BIGGEST crush on Kevin Costner for the longest time after this movie came out (hey, I was all of ten years old in 1991, so don't hate).
This is so COOL! :cool: Everyone loves to rag on this movie -- and let's face it, Costner's accent is horrid -- but I always liked it, especially Rickman's over-the-top performance and his long, silly death. This is the film that made me love him (yep, moreso than Die Hard).

And my crush on Costner was BIGGER than yours. And I was an adult, so people can pick on me if they wish. ;)

Miss Vicky 08-14-09 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 557612)
This is so COOL! :cool: Everyone loves to rag on this movie -- and let's face it, Costner's accent is horrid -- but I always liked it, especially Rickman's over-the-top performance and his long, silly death. This is the film that made me love him (yep, moreso than Die Hard).

And my crush on Costner was BIGGER than yours. And I was an adult, so people can pick on me if they wish. ;)
Robin Hood is so much fun. I don't care about historical inaccuracies or bad accents or any of that. I love it.

And I used to have Kevin Costner movie marathons when I was a kid. Talk about a glutton for punishment. I mean, I still love a lot of his movies, but those marathons would last a whole weekend - not because I had so many of his movies but because each one is so long.

SammyJ88 08-14-09 01:09 PM

I love the soundtrack for Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves, especially Bryan Adams - Everything I do (I do it for you). Whenever i hear it reminds me of that movie.
Just thought I would share that with ya's:bored:

tramp 08-14-09 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 557619)
Robin Hood is so much fun. I don't care about historical inaccuracies or bad accents or any of that. I love it.

And I used to have Kevin Costner movie marathons when I was a kid. Talk about a glutton for punishment. I mean, I still love a lot of his movies, but those marathons would last a whole weekend - not because I had so many of his movies but because each one is so long.

Aw, come on, they weren't all long!

Well, I don't often like to admit this because of -- *whispers* the haters out there -- but I still love a bunch of his movies. No Way Out, The Untouchables, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, JFK, Tin Cup, Wyatt Earp, Message in a Bottle, Thirteen Days, Robin Hood, Upside of Anger, Open Range, A Perfect World, and my favorite, Dances With Wolves. I even liked The Postman. :p

I've decided I don't care what others think about it. ;)

Yoda 08-14-09 01:48 PM

What a fantastic question. Tough, too. I would be very hard-pressed to pick one film; like many of you, different films hit me at different times in different ways. A couple stand out, though:

Jurassic Park

This is the first movie I remember actually anticipating, which is a big deal. I remember seeing trailers, waiting for it to come out, knowing I was going to see it right away when it did, and wishing it would come out sooner. Right or wrong, anticipation is a big part of the modern movie industry, and this is the first film that I was actively waiting for.


Sounds silly to some, I'm sure, but this hit me at exactly the right time. I was 16, and I saw it in a packed house that was rapt with attention the whole way through, and I found myself admiring cinematography in ways I never had before. For some reason, it's the first film I saw where I actively took note of the way shots were framed.

It's also probably the first film that I really actively thought about and discussed. I'm sure I've said this before, but when I left the theater I merely really liked it. I talked about it with others at the screening, and by the time we finished the drive home, I loved it. It made me realize that films can be better the more you think and talk about them, and that there's a lot beneath the surface that doesn't always reveal itself to you during the initial viewing.

My dad tells me that Congo was kind of a big deal for me when I was much younger, but I don't have much memory of its influence. All I remember is thinking that it was very serious, wherein today it seems like borderline camp to me (without the borderline, really).

Another milestone of sorts was The Relic, which was the first scary movie I wasn't scared by. For some reason a switch went off in my head and I realized "wait a second, it's fake. There's no reason to actually be scared of this." It didn't make me love movies in general, obviously, but it did open up a lot of movies which I'd never thought to consider watching before.

But, yeah, if I had to pick one, it'd probably have to be Unbreakable. No one movie really led me to adore movies, I don't think, but that one caused me to watch and think about films in an entirely new way.

Miss Vicky 08-14-09 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 557625)
Well, I don't often like to admit this because of -- *whispers* the haters out there -- but I still love a bunch of his movies.
I still love his movies, too.

Besides Robin Hood, I still enjoy:

Silverado, Dances With Wolves, The Bodyguard, A Perfect World, The Postman, Mr. Brooks, and - *gasp* - Waterworld. :p

igor_is_fugly 08-14-09 03:05 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Honestly I think I was just born loving movies. I don't remember a time in my life when they weren't overwhelmingly important to me, there was no real trigger movie. So I answered this question thinking about my "firsts." My first R rated movie- Terminator, the first movie I felt I understood in a "grownup" way- The King and I, my first full blown obsession movie- Donnie Darko...I finally decided on the movie that really opened my eyes to movies as an artform- Pulp Fiction. Funny thing, I remember my dad trying to show it to me when I was in 4th or 5th grade and I was so offended by the language that I made him turn it off after about 5 minutes. About two years later he finally got me to watch it There were so many things I'd never seen before. I remember loving technical aspects for the first time; the camera angles, the transitions, the screenplay. It all sprouted from the fact that this was the first movie I'd seen that was completely selfaware of its movieness. It wasn't trying to mimic real life, it was revelling in the fact that it wasn't real life. For the first time I remember loving the people behind the camera as much as the people on screen.

beelzebubbles 08-14-09 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 557608)
Every Easter weekend, we had a nice dinner, and I would be so excited because I would see The Wizard of Oz afterward. We had popcorn ready, and I would sit on the floor in front of the TV, chomp the popcorn in my pajamas, and it was like the best day of the year. I looked forward to this every single year. I wonder how many times I saw it? I even knew exactly when the commericals would be.

I knew all the lines. I had this album that had almost the entire movie on it -- dialogue, songs, everything. I used to listen to it all the time while waiting for my once-a-year viewing!

The following generations of VHS/DVD kids will never have a memory like that. :p
That's a great memory. I was thinking that we should join a club for people who share memories like this. Then I realized there is one it's called the AARP. I kid! I kid! I'm not ready for the AARP yet.

My sister listened to that album obsessively. I thought I would kill her. Then she graduated to more esoteric stuff like ...brace yourself... YOKO ONO, which she also listened to obsessively. Oh lord that she made it past puberty is probably due to my going away to college. LOL

tramp 08-14-09 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by beelzebubbles (Post 557668)
That's a great memory. I was thinking that we should join a club for people who share memories like this. Then I realized there is one it's called the AARP. I kid! I kid! I'm not ready for the AARP yet.
Yea, I'm not ready for the AARP either, even though they send stuff in the mail. :mad:

And that would be an interesting thread -- "Movie Memories" -- where we could share different memories that surround the viewing of a film. I have a few, although one of them (surrounding Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) that would be inappropriate to share in public. ;)

My sister listened to that album obsessively. I thought I would kill her. Then she graduated to more esoteric stuff like ...brace yourself... YOKO ONO, which she also listened to obsessively. Oh lord that she made it past puberty is probably due to my going away to college. LOL
This is the first I ever heard of anyone having that album! I graduated from that to Barbra Streisand, Tommy, and Jesus Christ Superstar. That was all I listened to...over and over and over and over.... I'm not sure I could have listened to Yoko, lol.

beelzebubbles 08-14-09 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 557696)
This is the first I ever heard of anyone having that album! I graduated from that to Barbra Streisand, Tommy, and Jesus Christ Superstar. That was all I listened to...over and over and over and over.... I'm not sure I could have listened to Yoko, lol.
Too funny, my sister beat Jesus Christ Superstar to death too. LOL

At least she had good taste, except for her Yoko obsession.

ManOf1000Faces 08-14-09 07:01 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
IT Was Nightmare Before Christmas, it was that because it made me express my feelings more openly it told me not to be scared of what you say and that made me very happy

Classicqueen13 08-14-09 07:12 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I don't remember exactly but it was movies like:

SusanScott1989 08-14-09 07:13 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I love Kevin Costner movies. I want to watch Robin Hood.

SusanScott1989 08-14-09 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 557625)

Aw, come on, they weren't all long!

Well, I don't often like to admit this because of -- *whispers* the haters out there -- but I still love a bunch of his movies. No Way Out, The Untouchables, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, JFK, Tin Cup, Wyatt Earp, Message in a Bottle, Thirteen Days, Robin Hood, Upside of Anger, Open Range, A Perfect World, and my favorite, Dances With Wolves. I even liked The Postman. :p

I've decided I don't care what others think about it. ;)
I LOVE every movie of his I have seen. The only ones I didn't really like were Fandango and Rumor Has It. But all the others are great movies.:p

Classicqueen13 08-14-09 07:57 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
For Miss Vicky and Susan who are fairly new here and I don't believe have seen this thread:

Kevin Costner movies

TONGO 08-15-09 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by beelzebubbles (Post 557668)
My sister listened to that album obsessively. I thought I would kill her. Then she graduated to more esoteric stuff like ...brace yourself... YOKO ONO, which she also listened to obsessively. Oh lord that she made it past puberty is probably due to my going away to college. LOL
Thats awful! I got you beat though my dad adored Slim Whitman. I wish I were lying but I endured that yoddling assed 8-track so many times oh I hated Slim Whitman. I loved and I mean loved the ending to Mars Attacks. His sound was one of a kind cause nobody else could be that bad.

TheGirlWhoHadAllTheLuck_ 08-15-09 03:27 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
As a connoisseur, so to speak...I'd say A Streetcar Named Desire got me into movies based on plays- mainly from the 50's, as 50's American theatre is my thing. Seeing famous stars in Tennessee Williams plays adapted to film made me see them in other things and so I got really into big Hollywood 50's successes.

honeykid 08-15-09 06:11 PM

I can't think of any film that got me into films, I've just been watching them endlessly since I was about 7.

Oddly though, the closest thing I can get to what got me into films was the Michael Jackson Thriller video. I was a big MJ fan as a kid and I rented The Making Of Thriller the first day it was released and watched it about 4 times that day. After that, when I watched it I realised that I found what went on behind the scenes more enjoyable than the video itself.

zedlen 08-16-09 02:36 AM

I was laying in bed one night when I was around thirteen I switched on the TV, flicked through the channels and stopped on a movie mid-way in. That movie turned out to be Trainspotting. I didn't find that out for at least another year but I was so into it, it got me interested in film.

Mischievous 08-31-09 01:59 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
So...I never answered this thread, even though I thought it was an amazing one.

And my answer is Legend.

It's not the best movie ever made, but it was my favorite movie when I was a kid, and I still get excited if I see that it's playing on FLIX, or PAX, or any other basic cable station (probably the only stations that air it...and even that's rare).

When I was little, I had a really active imagination, like occasionally-convince-myself-my-made-up-life-was-real active. I lived inside my head a lot, and I never really needed exterior stimuli to entertain myself, because I could do that pretty damned easily with all the characters, and creatures, and situations that I made up.

I think that what I saw in Legend was my own fantasies, or something very similar to them; and I liked that, in a movie, you could be anything you want, or create anything you want, and there were really no restrictions. You could transfer all the things that run around your head onto the screen. I guess I always knew this, I mean I *had* seen movies before, but this is the movie that really made it click for me. And not only that, but when it came to movies, it was like being able to climb into another person's head, and join in on their fantasy. Now I got that there were ways to make other people see it your way, maybe through movies, or art, or through writing, but there were ways.

At the time, I was really too young to understand WHY I loved Legend so much (the movie was released 1 year after I was born, and I didn't see it until a few years after its release date), or why I loved movies similar to it, but I think I can say now that what drew me to it in the first place is that it was so fantastical.

SoulInside 08-31-09 02:50 PM

I love how April O`Neills drawnings came to Life. The reaction of the brothers to the possibility of loosing Raphael. Leonardo, who is his brothers keeper, Michelango who rips his mask of a clown away, Donatello who is keep ignoring the bad circumstances and working on his Pick-up with Casey Jones. Every second of this movie is just great. And:
"Never pay too much for a cold pizza!"

IggyBlack 08-31-09 08:37 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring

uconjack 09-01-09 06:43 AM

I liked Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves too, but the movie I watched over and over, when I was young, was The Adventures of Robin Hood.

The Prestige 09-02-09 04:10 PM

As far back as I can remember, the first time I really noticed and felt a love for film was probably thefirst film I remember ever seeing - Star Wars: A New Hope. My mum's boyfriend at the time used to put on the original Star Wars trilogy every week for me to watch and I NEVER got bored of them. I was also fascinated by how big the film felt in terms of it's scale and environment and vast array of colour characters. It was literally like another world to me and I was glued to our TV screen like a Mofo, especially when I would watch Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi as those were my favourites of the trilogy at the time. I remember at the back of the VHS case for the film and wanting to know everybody's name on the credits from the music composure to the director George Lucas. I remember being confused as to why the director (a term I wasn't familiar with) was credited before the main actors and my mum's boyfriend at the time told me 'The director is GOD of the film, without them there is no film', I pretty much worshipped directors after that, and especially Lucas.

I would site A Nightmare On Elm Street as another film that made me appreciate films almost as much as Star Wars did, even though I was never old enough to watch it. But I remember the pretty strong effect it had on me. The sense of fear, anxiety and pure terror just captivated me.

The film that REMINDED me as to why I love cinema was Memento. I hadn't really seen anything that blew me away since The Matrix and wasn't really into the whole indie scene. I started to get a little desensitised to a lot of the films that were being shown. But back in late 2001 (the film had already been released on DVD and video for almost a year but I went to a private screening not knowing anything about it) my life and attitude towards film changed after seeing this film. It was the sole reason I decided to study film at university and one of the main reasons why I will never give up on the cinema.

Used Future 09-02-09 07:03 PM

Although I was only two years old at the time; I'm told I was taken to the cinema to see Star Wars on it's original theatrical run in the UK. Naturally from the age of four to eight I became obsessed with the series, and asked for the toys every Christmas. I had a similar affection for Raiders of the Lost Ark, and James Bond films. The latter of which I was always allowed to stay up late and watch when they were on television. For Your Eyes Only and The Spy Who Loved Me were my favourites (at the time) because both had underwater sequences, and I loved anything to do with the ocean.

Which leads me onto 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Jaws. The first time I saw both films was at Christmas, and again I was allowed to stay up way past my bedtime. I saw 20,000 leagues one Christmas eve when I was around five years old and remember loving it. I think the combination of the underwater theme, being allowed to stay up late, and the excitement of it being Christmas eve, all contributed to the magic. Jaws was a similar experience, again it was Christmas and I stayed up late (I think I was six or seven). My mum had told me the film was scary and whilst I wanted to be grown up; I was still a little worried I wouldn't be able to handle it. Safe to say I made it through the movie alive, and felt like I was on my way to becoming a man; even if the blue carpet in our hallway had me imagining it was water, and the shark was going to get me.

Although I was aware of, and enjoyed watching movies; I didn't really start becoming a fanatic until I saw Aliens when I was fifteen. I've recounted the story on these boards before, but it involved a smuggled videotape, some school friends, and my dad being out of the house (as I wasn't allowed to watch 18/R rated movies). Everything about that flick blew me away, from the way the marines looked, to the sound those huge guns made; the shafting blue light, Bill Paxton swearing a lot, and Vasquez pinning that alien's head to the wall with her foot before blowing it's brains out. That movie just plain rocked for me.

Mad Max 2/ The Road Warrior and Dawn of the Dead were similarly mind blowing experiences. I loved the weird dystopian atmosphere, punky costume design, and kinetic energy of Mad Max 2. With Dawn of the Dead of the Dead it was the dystopian theme again that interested me, and the story of survival that captivated me. MoFo's can blame that movie for my obsession with gory movies and Italian cinema. It was the first time I ever heard Goblin, and there was a certain Dario Argento involved too. Plus I became obsessed with zombie films which led me onto to one Lucio Fulci.

There are other movies that I should mention too for getting me hooked. They include The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Terminator, The Thing, Demons, The Evil Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Robocop, and The Howling. All hold clandestine teenage video memories for me:cool:

regnif 09-04-09 09:52 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
in the old days The Original Star Wars Trilogy

in more recent times Taxi Driver and Ikiru

BadaBing 09-04-09 12:33 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I haven't seen as many movies as a lot of the other members on this forum, and I'm definitely not as educated on the film making process. I mainly focus on the acting and the story, whether it entertains me or not. In my opinion if a film has good acting and a good story that keeps my attention the whole time, it's a good film. I saw Titanic when I was about 11 years old, and from what I can remember it was the first movie that I had seen that wasn't childish in nature. So I'll have to say that seeing Titanic was what caused me to start really loving to watch movies.

mojofilter 09-04-09 12:59 PM

Rocky (1976)

Vash31 09-04-09 01:06 PM

Taxi Driver or Akira...

adler 09-05-09 07:10 AM

Time Travelers wife

Developed interest in me to watch hollywood movies

TONGO 09-05-09 08:29 AM

I knew the thread would produce some exciting, different, not usually discussed about films. Never in a million believed Kevin Costners Robin Hood would steal the show. Whodathunkit?!

regnif 09-06-09 04:23 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I think i will also add the holy Ghostbusters too..i remember how obsessed i was with that movie as a kid...i guess most people were back then...

TONGO 09-07-09 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by regnif (Post 564947)
I think i will also add the holy Ghostbusters too..i remember how obsessed i was with that movie as a kid...i guess most people were back then...
Ok, but what made you like Kermit The Frog? Kermit rocks but I was just curious if theres a story there with you.

LoraLeigh 09-09-09 11:21 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
The Shawshank Redemption

Prison isn't just something with bars. Sometimes you can make a prison within yourself.

The movie showed me friendship and appreciating the things around you. To not take anything or any day for granted.

And to never stop believing in hope, no matter how small it is.

regnif 09-09-09 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 565318)
Ok, but what made you like Kermit The Frog? Kermit rocks but I was just curious if theres a story there with you.

the fact that i've been a fan of the muppet show as way back as i can remember :D

crazzycat 09-18-09 08:44 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
First seris of Indiana Jones

olrac 09-18-09 11:42 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I've been a prolific movie-nut longer than I can remember. When I was about 4-5, my father bought an RCA Selectavision CED player and several movies, including Phantasm. I LOVED it! And still do, despite the pipe-cleaner fly scene. And then there was A Christmas Story, which my grandparents had on VHS and I watched religiously, even at non-holiday times, every time that I visited them.
But if there's a single film that made me realize that I absolutely LOVE movies, it would be Once Upon a Time in America. In third grade, I moved to a place that had The Movie Channel, and it was my first real experience with premium movie channels. OUATIA was a few years old, but there was a period of several months when they would air it a few times a week. I was about 8 years old, and I fell in love with that movie. I bet I watched it 10 times that year.

carmt23 09-18-09 01:14 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
For me its Cast Away. I dont know whats with the film but it made me really appreciate Russell Crowe and stories of adventure. Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai however made me love filmmaking.

Holden Pike 09-18-09 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by carmt23 (Post 567731)
For me its Cast Away. I dont know whats with the film but it made me really appreciate Russell Crowe and stories of adventure.
You mean, like, you were so unimpressed by Tom Hanks' performance in Cast Away that by default it somehow gave you an appreciation for Russell Crowe?!? Or did you mean Tom Hanks? Or did you mean Master & Commander?

Iroquois 09-18-09 11:18 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Or maybe they're just stupid.

carmt23 09-18-09 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 567881)
Or maybe they're just stupid.
Sorry I just confused him with Hanks. I was thinking of the movie A Good Year when I wrote that. I stand corrected.

Iroquois 09-18-09 11:41 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Very well.

carmt23 09-20-09 04:28 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Well with all those hair in the face..

Roserosie 09-20-09 04:51 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Wow...reading this thread has brought back so many memories of great movies that I may just spend the rest of the weekend glued to the tv screen! Classicqueen I think we may have been seperated at birth....

It's so hard to pick just one movie, because so many movies influenced me in so many different ways.

If I have to pick just one? I guess it would be Meet me in St. Louis with Judy Garland. The story, the music, the scenery...I can still recite the movie word for word, describe every costume in detail..I could probably even draw a blue-print of their house. I had always loved the wizard of oz, but this is the film that really made me sit up and take notice of Judy Garland's amazing talent and turned me into a lifelong fan.

DemonChook 09-22-09 09:08 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
There were a few for me, they are...Dirty Dancing, The Neverending Story, Gremlins, C.H.O.M.P.S, Blue Hawaii, Lassie, Superman, the old Bond movies, Grease, Footloose, Fame. I think there was always a like to movies, my whole family loves them, we have movie nights each week.

michaelcorleone 09-30-09 01:21 AM

On Screen 10-01-09 09:45 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?"La Dolce' Vita" started it all for me, and then I'll have to say "Jaws" remarkable films that had a perfect formula

On Screen

Darkrose 12-06-09 01:24 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I got to say Blade Runner. It was the first movie I had ever seen that made me really made me realize that film could be an art. I asked my father after I saw it if it had been recognized, he said yes. Part of my faith in humanity came back. An amazing film, there really isn't anything I dislike about it.

karibou 12-06-09 10:28 PM

The wonderful imagery alone stunned as a child (and it still holds me today!). :)

the professional 12-07-09 12:32 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Leon The Professional

kdmf 12-09-09 08:03 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I have always enjoyed watching movies but the one that got me into analyzing them for their messages was without a doubt Secret Window. Johnny Depp's character Mort Rainey is my favorite movie character of all time. The way that he was driven insane by his own divided brain is what really got me hocked on movies.

ravr12 12-10-09 09:06 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Sin city

God i've watched that movie like thousand times :D

The only movie i've seen more than sin city is Jay And Silent bob strike back ahah :P

iluv2viddyfilms 12-11-09 07:42 PM


I was born in 1982, and as such I missed the whole Star Wars craze, in the theaters that is. My earliest memories of watching films is not in a movie theater, like many people, but on VHS.

I dad and I were poor growing up and we had a VCR, but we really couldn't go watch a movie every week. We couldn't really even afford to rent films. We didn't have cable either. Gasp!! What's a young kid to do!

Go to the public library of course! Use someone elses VCR! Make my very own copy of The Empire Strikes Back at age four or so! Of course I also checked out the other two Star Wars films, but even at the ripe age of four I prefered Empire Strikes Back. I can say it's because I knew it was darker and a better film than the other two. The truth is I probably like Yoda a lot and also I was always fascinated with the Cloud City, especially the huge vent shaft that Luke falls into. Plus it made the lightsaber fights in the other two films look like rubbish.

So yes, I was a VCR-phile and making illegal copies after my dad showed me how, at the age of four.

From there on I copied many movies. I did have a soft spot for Harry and the Hendersons at the time. Other movies I enjoyed were The Terminator, Flight of the Navigator, An American Tale (made me sad as a child), Labyrinth, and so on.

My first real cinematic experiences in the theater that I recall would probably be The Land Before Time and Batman.

I remember being utterly destroyed when Little Foot's mother dies and of course the very sad and moving music by James Horner. Of course I didn't know why it made me sad, and at age six I sure didn't know who James Horner was. I loved the animation, the darkness of the film, and of course every kid has a thing for dinosaurs when they are little. At least if you were born in the 80's you did.

Batman I watched with mom during one of her visitations. I loved how it was so real to me at the time because I had really only known Batman as a cartoon/comic or from the old TV show which I watched from time to time. So I remember being very wowed by Batman.

As I got older a couple movies I was obsessed with were City Slickers (still am) and Robin Hood (not so much now).

In eighth grade I watched Sergeant York, which was probably the first "old" movie I watched in one sitting from start to finish. From there on out it was pretty much me seeking out films that I think I might like and giving a lot of the older stuff a chance. I also had a bit of an obsession with The Shawshank Redemption when I was in eighth grade. I still enjoy it today, but it doesn't hold the importance that it did to me back then.

I think I was a junior or senior in high school when I watched Blade Runner and was amazed at how great the special effects were for a film that was made the year I was born. Red River is a film that I grew obsessed with my junior year of high school and it quickly became a favorite and remains a favorite today.

Then my senior year in high school I took a film class, of which we watched 20 or so movies and I had seen half of them already and we had to write papers on them. One film I didn't see was Taxi Driver, which blew me the Hell away. I remember sitting in class being awed by it. That lead me to go online and want to write and discuss films which led me to Rotten Tomatoes and then I got banned from there, which lead me to find Movieforums and now you all know my life story... To summarize basically in one film, Empire Strikes Back as a lad. I appreciated the form of story telling and to a bored kid it was a life saber!

I'm sure there's more to my story, but that's all for now.

oh yeah!

And then after posting on message forums, the first film that got me into appreciating foreign films was Aguirre the Wrath of God. I had been watching For a Few Dollars More for years and I had some sort of odd obsession with the hunchback. When I found out that was the guy in who was in this film called Aguire the Wrath of God and stared in his very own film!, I rented it and loved it. Then I started to seek other foreign films. The Seventh Seal is another of the foreign films which allowed me to appreciate subtitles.

xxDELxx 12-15-09 07:55 PM

Was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for me. Childhood favourite growing up.

karibou 12-15-09 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Mischievous (Post 563392)
So...I never answered this thread, even though I thought it was an amazing one.

And my answer is Legend.

It's not the best movie ever made, but it was my favorite movie when I was a kid, and I still get excited if I see that it's playing on FLIX, or PAX, or any other basic cable station (probably the only stations that air it...and even that's rare).

When I was little, I had a really active imagination, like occasionally-convince-myself-my-made-up-life-was-real active. I lived inside my head a lot, and I never really needed exterior stimuli to entertain myself, because I could do that pretty damned easily with all the characters, and creatures, and situations that I made up.

I think that what I saw in Legend was my own fantasies, or something very similar to them; and I liked that, in a movie, you could be anything you want, or create anything you want, and there were really no restrictions. You could transfer all the things that run around your head onto the screen. I guess I always knew this, I mean I *had* seen movies before, but this is the movie that really made it click for me. And not only that, but when it came to movies, it was like being able to climb into another person's head, and join in on their fantasy. Now I got that there were ways to make other people see it your way, maybe through movies, or art, or through writing, but there were ways.

At the time, I was really too young to understand WHY I loved Legend so much (the movie was released 1 year after I was born, and I didn't see it until a few years after its release date), or why I loved movies similar to it, but I think I can say now that what drew me to it in the first place is that it was so fantastical.
Good pick. :) I remember VCR taping the closing song to that movie.

L .B . Jeffries 03-12-10 02:13 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Lethal Weapon directed by Richard Donner starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. I Still remember Grade 8 Buying and watching this film everyday for an entire month sometimes twice in a day.

moviemaster82 03-12-10 08:53 PM

Jurassic Park for me

ChasingButterfly 03-13-10 07:09 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I was born in 1991 and other than Disney Movies like Bambi and The Lion King, I remember Wayne's World really sticking with me. I hardly ever got to watch it growing up but I always wanted to be like Wayne and Garth :) and it would be years later until I'd see Ghostbusters or Back To The Future so I'll stick with that.

Oracle 12-08-10 04:11 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I think it would have to be The Sound of Music. My dad bought it for me when I was 2 years old and I watched it so many times. And this may sound odd, but when I was about 5 my mum and dad had taped Escape from Sobibor off the TV, and I saw a glimpse of it, and my parents allowed me to watch it and for a long time I would watch it a lot, it was just a film I never forgot.
And then there was Rocky. My older brother and my dad would rent the Rocky movies all the time, and because I wanted to be included I would watch those movies with them, and yeah I have become majorly obsessed with those movies ever since :)

Anneke 12-08-10 04:25 AM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
I always liked to watch movies, but I think for me it started with Dirty Dancing, that was my absolute all time favourite, at least I thought at that time, City of Angels was the movie that made me appreciate all the rest. It was romantic and sweet and then it made me cry...

TylerDurden99 12-19-10 07:44 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Terminator 2: Judgement Day was the first film I saw when I was 5 years and I instantly wanted be the Terminator.

No other film had that impact on me until Lord Of The Rings, which I was instantly in love with, especially the first one.

honeykid 12-20-10 01:10 AM

Originally Posted by TylerDurden99 (Post 702994)
Terminator 2: Judgement Day was the first film I saw when I was 5 years and I instantly wanted be the Terminator.

No other film had that impact on me until Lord Of The Rings, which I was instantly in love with, especially the first one.
Erm... Not even Fight Club, TylerDurden99, with your Fight Club avatar? ;)

Gunny 12-20-10 01:37 AM

What was the movie that made you love movies?
When I was 7 my parents took me to see Lawrence of Arabia. I was entranced and mesmerized. Been hooked on films ever since.

TylerDurden99 12-20-10 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 703027)
Erm... Not even Fight Club, TylerDurden99, with your Fight Club avatar? ;)
Fight Club came after I started to love movies. When I watched Fight Club, I was like "Whoa!" and it instantly became a favourite with me. It wasn't always my second favourite movie. It was originally my 8th and, in time and repeated viewings, got to my No.2 spot. But I do love Fight Club, and it did have tremendous impact on me.

genesis_pig 12-20-10 07:30 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Quo Vadis

Clash of the Titans

TONGO 12-24-10 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 703027)
Erm... Not even Fight Club, TylerDurden99, with your Fight Club avatar? ;)
Ah but thats the difference with the film that made you love film, and your favorite film. Was Drew Barrymore in the movie that made you love movies? Ive said this before, but I really love the variety of films listed in this thread :)

TONGO 08-08-13 06:56 PM

I bump this thread every year or so to get the input of the new posters at MoFo.

So this isnt a "Whats your favorite movie?" thread. There are a ton of those. This is more specifically about the one movie that made you crest from being a mainstream movie viewer to an outright film buff.

So what movie did it for you? :)

The Gunslinger45 08-08-13 07:09 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Got to say that the movie that made me love movies would be the Indiana Jones Trilogy and Star Wars trilogy. That made me a movie lover.

But what made me a film buff and made me think about film differently, was a combination of films from my first film course in college. One was Double Indemnity, another was Dr Strangelove, and another was American Beauty. These movies and the class helped turn me from a film lover, to a man who was able to analyze films as well.

Camo 08-08-13 07:10 PM

The first films that initially sparked my interest in movies were Goodfellas and The Godfather trilogy. At the time though i wasn't interested in any films outside the mainstream, you would never have caught me watching a black and white or foreign language movie. It was Gone With The Wind that got me interested in watching any type of movie. Except Musicals, which i still can't bring myself to watch most of the time :p

Daniel M 08-08-13 07:13 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?

hell_storm2004 08-08-13 07:17 PM

Probably it stemmed from cartoons for me. Hanna Barbera, Walt Disney, Garfield, JhonnyB, Spongebob etc. What really got me going was not a movie, it was living alone.

I can say that what made get into foreign language films though, it was a very good romantic movie called the Classic (2003).

Very touching and good.

donniedarko 08-08-13 07:18 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Hard to say where my love really began. Maybe it was in a cabin in Yellowstone when I watched the Poltergeist Trilogy

Or maybe it was just a bit earlier when I watched the original When S Stranger Calls

Either way it appears my love rooted from horror

Daniel M 08-08-13 07:29 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Here's a rather strange story for you guys actually... my mum is a fan of Big Brother, and watches a lot of the series they do. Anyway, Michael Madsen was on it last summer and in one task he had to do karaoke to 'Stuck in the Middle with You' because of his 'most famous movie scene', I had already heard a little bit about Reservoir Dogs, and my mum told me about how she remembered how 'gruesome' the scene was... so naturally, I decided to watch the film. I thought it was great so then I watched Pulp Fiction, and the rest is history :D So yeh, thank Big Brother for my film love :p

s1n1st3r 08-08-13 08:17 PM

American Beauty

This is probably the first serious movie that really made me open my eyes and saw movies as art.

The Wizard of Oz

This would have to be my all time favourite movie as a child, I think the adventure more than anything drew me in.

The Land Before Time

I don't know how many times I watched this as a child and still love it to this day. This is a close second to the Wizard of Oz abd one of the best childhood memories.

BlueLion 08-08-13 08:22 PM

One of the first films in my life that I can remember seeing, and loving. I must have been six or seven at the time. Everytime I see it, the first thing that comes to mind is my childhood.

Gabrielle947 08-08-13 08:30 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Forrest Gump and Kill Bill

Cobpyth 08-08-13 08:53 PM

It all started with an obsession for James Bond films a couple of years ago.
After seeing The Living Daylights on TV, I wanted to check out all the Bond films. My father had the whole box, so I watched two Bond films every evening with my sister.
I fell in love with the older Connery films, mainly because the look of those older Bond movies was so stylish and in a certain way nostalgic to me. They gave me a certain satisfaction that no modern films ever could (I hadn't watched many good films yet, of course).

It made me realise that I could also get this nostalgic satisfaction from other films.
I started to look on the internet for an older film to start my exploration of the huge treasure of classic cinema and I came across the title Casablanca. Of course I'd heard from that film already, but I never knew what it was about or anything like that.
I went to my father's DVD collection, found it and watched it one night.

From the moment I saw Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine, sitting in the exclusive gambling area of his own bar playing chess, I was completely sold. This was the single coolest (film) image I'd ever seen in my entire life.


I spent 102 minutes in the exotic and romantic city of Casablanca that night and I was BLOWN AWAY.
The next day I showed it to my sister, because I was so extremely excited about what I discovered, and she also liked it.
Since then, I think I've seen it maybe 20 or 30 times already. It is to date my favorite film of all time.

Anyway, Humphrey Bogart instantly became my new hero and while reading about him and about classic films, I decided to watch every movie that seemed worthwile to me, hoping to find a similar experience as I had when watching Casablanca.

I can happily say that films like Chinatown, City Lights or Brazil (and dozens of other favorites) offered me similar satisfying experiences. Cinema has become an important part of my life, as I'm now constantly looking for new interesting films and directors to discover.

It has changed my life so much that I constantly want to read and talk about it. My friends really thought I was going nuts in the beginning (oh well, that's perhaps a little exaggerated). Whenever I was getting too drunk or too high, I unwittingly started talking about films to everyone, even to girls I was with at parties. I apparently wanted to share my new discovery with mankind! :p
I'm glad to see that some of my friends are also getting more interested in some real quality films lately.

Oh well, enough chatter. You all get the point, otherwise you wouldn't be here. ;)

weeman 08-08-13 09:00 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Jackass: The Movie


I think the first film I watched which really made me seek out loads more films and think "" at the same time was probably:

The animation. The story. The Randy Newman. It fulfilled everything I needed in a film at that point in my life. I was 4, I still remember going to see it as if it were yesterday. I'll never forget my first cinema trip (although apparently I did see Toy Story when I was 1, but I don't remember that).

Nostromo87 08-08-13 11:08 PM

i didn't really care about movies until i saw Curse of the Black Pearl in theaters in 2003. before i went into movies having any idea of what to expect... i thought i was about to watch a boring-ish historical-type movie about pirates. i didn't know who johnny depp was... but the moment a then-mysterious pirate appeared on screen on top of a little dinghy i got an inexplicable inner rush of vivacity

and even now when i rewatch this entrance i get a stupid goofy grin on my face, can't help it. and this exhilarating rush never let up on that first viewing, it carried through right to the end of the movie for me.

after that my mentality definitely changed and i started actually paying attention to who the people were in movies. after some years of searching out and paying more attention to what really was the standard mainstream blockbuster type stuff, i began searching further back in time for movies... and several have mesmerized me to a similar degree... these are the most rewarding movie experiences. when i start a movie i've never seen, and somehow i become completely spellbound by the story, the characters, and what is unfolding before my eyes. this is a rare occurrence for me and it's difficult to explain why it happens for some movies and doesn't for others

the first time movie experiences that cast this bewitching-like effect... where for an hour or two i forget all my worries and get completely drawn in by the dazzle on-screen on first viewing:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day... still remember i bought it at best buy during college years ago, didn't watch it right away... several days later i woke up at a really strange hour in the middle of the night after partying out on the town all day. 3 or 4 AM or something like that. and what was weird was how wide awake and alert i was, i vividly remember that... thinking why the hell am i not more groggy, or hung over and whatnot? why do i not want to just sleep right now? so i threw in Terminator 2. what followed was exactly what i'm talking about, complete immersion. probably sounds goofy to say but at the end right before Arnold's completely lowered into the sizzling lava, he throws the thumbs up... i got the chills/misty-eyed thing in spades... as if in that one moment arnold was sending me a message through the night.. saying it's gonna be alright... everything is gonna be alright. we all have heartbreaks in our life and without going into details and despite the ridiculous absurdity that this was happening during a sci-fi blockbuster movie about terminators, i was in such a heartbreaking time of my life. it was a profound moment for me. i got a surge of confidence that anything i strongly believed in accomplishing, i could do. i'll never be able to relive that initial revelation when it happened bc it doesn't work the same when you know it's coming... but this image will always remind me of that night

and i think that's the thing about movies... the thrill of that first viewing can never be relived. you can watch movies you love over and over and you can still enjoy them... but you can never re-experience the excitement of that first viewing to its full extent

the other movies that did this for me were For a Few Dollars More, Casablanca, Taxi Driver, Sunset Blvd, Angels with Dirty Faces, Big Trouble in Little China, and most recently... the original Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)... which in a way brought me full circle to when i was 16 in 2003 watching Curse of the Black Pearl... the original Nightmare being Depp's first movie he played in

there are also several movies i count among my favorites that for whatever reason did not really give me that first initial rush of complete fascination... but i came to appreciate very much after repeat viewings... those being Alien, Halloween, the Thing, Star Wars, Empire, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and others i'm probly forgetting. it's hard to explain why some movies don't have that full effect on the initial viewing... but i do believe it is those entirely captivating first-time viewings that are most rewarding... and make it worth it to try watching hundreds of movies to get to the next one

The Gunslinger45 08-08-13 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 937088)
Here's a rather strange story for you guys actually... my mum is a fan of Big Brother, and watches a lot of the series they do. Anyway, Michael Madsen was on it last summer and in one task he had to do karaoke to 'Stuck in the Middle with You' because of his 'most famous movie scene', I had already heard a little bit about Reservoir Dogs, and my mum told me about how she remembered how 'gruesome' the scene was... so naturally, I decided to watch the film. I thought it was great so then I watched Pulp Fiction, and the rest is history :D So yeh, thank Big Brother for my film love :p
It is an original way to get into films I'll say that! :D And defiantly one of the most interesting!

cricket 08-08-13 11:29 PM

The Wizard of Oz

LP Quagmire 08-08-13 11:29 PM


Lucas 08-08-13 11:52 PM

Re: What was the movie that made you love movies?
Jurassic Park. When I was a kid I loved Dinosaurs to death. This film was magical for me, it was seen again and again by me. It was breathtaking each time i saw it.

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