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xylene_free 12-13-07 07:04 AM

DEXTER!!! this is like the best show on television. Has anyone else seen it? Its just so great.

RYS 12-20-07 12:34 AM

Re: Dexter.
You're not talking about Dexter's Laboratory, right :D :D ? Because I kinda like this one from Cartoon Network.

chet seven 12-20-07 12:37 AM

Re: Dexter.
Yeah i just watched the season finale at my brothers house on sunday. made me wish i had showtime...

christine 03-08-08 05:07 PM

Re: Dexter.
I'm just at ep 7 of season 1. Doesn't anyone else watch this ? its great tv

gummo 03-08-08 11:34 PM

Re: Dexter.
I tuned in late but I am watching it online. I'm on episode 4. It's awesome, very existential.

Have you read the books by chance? I haven't. I'm wondering how it compares.

christine 03-09-08 10:15 AM

Re: Dexter.
No, not read the books but it'd be interesting to do so. Just finished ep 10 and am gonna start in a min on the last two - its been a Dexter weekend!

Holden Pike 03-09-08 10:24 AM

Re: Dexter.
There's a whole thread about the first season of "Dexter" right HERE, back when it was originally airing on Showtime at the end of 2006.

After an interesting premise I became frustrated and then angry at the show's overall stupidity and lack of credible subplots and supporting characters. True to my vow I didn't watch even two minutes of season two.

But, you know, to each their own.

christine 03-09-08 01:34 PM

Re: Dexter.
Thanks for the link.
Maybe it's easier to like something when you're watching a whole series over one weekend instead of having a weeks break in between each ep, or maybe I'm easily pleased, but I liked the first series. It's no Sopranos or Lost mind.

thebest 03-09-08 02:28 PM

Re: Dexter.
I just caught the first two eps on ITV 4. Yeah that's right ITV.


I'm loving me some Julie Benz!It's nice to see post-Darla she's still getting some action.

shee-niou sunny 03-10-08 12:17 AM

Re: Dexter.
Dexter is a cool show, one of the best I’ve seen! Loved the first season, have yet to see the second!

FernTree 04-07-08 09:49 AM

Re: Dexter.
I have watched both seasons and am looking forward to the next.

I loved this, in fact it is my favourite tv series ... the only time that a book series has been made better with a television adaption. The characters are all nicely fleshed out and interesting, and the main actor is brilliant.

happycyclist 04-07-08 01:47 PM

Re: Dexter.
I preferred Dexter's Lab.

It's just so... phony. I guess it's meant to be like that to an extent, but watching the cop scenes in this after watching all of The Wire is incredibly jarring.

It has some of the most laboured scenes in TV. The flashback scenes - with Dex and his Dad - are so bad it's often hilarious. It's the same every episode. "Dad, look how much I don't care about things." "Yes. Well, Dex, you have to seem to care to get along in the world." "Oh. Okay."

Man, Dexter sucks.

kajol 04-09-08 04:48 AM

Re: Dexter.
WARNING: "Dexter" spoilers below
The second to last one. I've seen the entire season (when it was on Showtime) and I absolutely love the show.I like the one where he finds out that the ice truck killer is his brother and he has to decide to kill his adopted sister or his real brother. This is a great show, can't wait to see Season 2 when it comes on DVD.

FernTree 04-09-08 10:11 AM

Re: Dexter.
@kajol ... you will love it, IMO it is even better than the first ... many unexpected twists and turns :)

Austruck 04-09-08 11:13 AM

Re: Dexter.
kajol, that should have been in spoiler tags. Can you edit it, please?

Also, I read the first book and was summarily unimpressed with the writing. I won't read the others. Too blah. I too think the series improved the book's idea. And I adore Michael C. Hall.

It's a fun show to watch (and I liked season 2 far better than season 1), but I don't get giddy about new releases and episodes like I do for other shows such as Lost and BSG and Brotherhood ... and Weeds.

FernTree 04-09-08 11:56 AM

Re: Dexter.
Since there is a bit of interest in this thread ...

Here is a promotional thing made in Australia, it was soon pulled by the South Australian Tourism Board because (they claimed) in was bad press for Adelaide and inhibitted visitation :rolleyes:

I thought that it was extremely clever and amusing :D

NOTE ... No spoilers ;)

Austruck 04-09-08 12:05 PM

Re: Dexter.
That's pretty funny. A shame they banned it, though. (Is it true, BTW?) Then again, if it were Pittsburgh, I'm sure we'd ban it too. :D

FernTree 04-09-08 12:26 PM

Re: Dexter.
OFF TOPIC - There have been a number occuring in SA, however most states in Australia would have a couple of grisley occurances ... I hail from Tasmania which unfortunately can claim among others, Martin Bryant (Port Arthur shooter of 35 in April 1996, the worst peace-time massacre on record by a single gunman) . His action led to the banning of ALL semi-automatic firearms in Australia.

For those interested

mack 04-27-08 03:26 AM

Re: Dexter.
You know I've met a lot of people who say its a great show, but somehow, I find the whole premise of the show a bit ..... repulsive. It seems to posit the idea that it is ok for a person to have little respect for human life.

How do you all feel about that?

FernTree 04-27-08 04:23 AM

Re: Dexter.
I'm OK with the Dexter premise because he only kills killers that have managed to escape the law.

thebest 04-27-08 01:50 PM

Re: Dexter.
I think the whole point of the show is that we know it's wrong, yet we still can't help but root for Dex, or even want him to kill people like Rita's ex (don't give it away I'm still on S1!)

The show forces us to ask ourselves if it's ever ok, in such a way that we can't look at the world as black and white anymore.

Austruck 04-27-08 02:55 PM

Re: Dexter.
The end of season one is ... odd. Season two, I actually liked better, but I won't spoil it by saying why. :) Keep watching. And yes, it's kinda fun in a weird way, isn't it, to root for Dexter? :D

FernTree 05-03-08 02:18 AM

Re: Dexter.
Great News Dexterphles found this on Official Dexter Site New Series will start in 2008

Did anyone else miss the fact that the kid who played Cody was a different actor in season two?

bleacheddecay 05-11-08 02:01 AM

Re: Dexter.
I've only seen season one but I enjoyed it.

SamsoniteDelilah 05-11-08 02:57 AM

Re: Dexter.
I've seen seasons 1 and 2 and enjoyed the tale-spinning in both. Season two was better in every way, but both were fun to watch. Nice performances, tight writing. It's not one to make ya think really, but certainly entertaining. I don't think it's odd to root for Dexter at all. :/

mesomewhere 05-12-08 07:28 AM

Re: Dexter.
I like dexter show too. my little sister call that bloody show all the time watch blood everywhere. but i like show and also who playing role of dexter.

n3wt 08-08-08 02:11 PM

Re: Dexter.
This does look awsome im waiting till I can get it on DVD

bleacheddecay 08-08-08 02:46 PM

Re: Dexter.
Try your local library. Mine has season one!

n3wt 08-08-08 02:52 PM

Re: Dexter.
Really that is insane my local library only goes as far as cds.

bleacheddecay 08-08-08 03:05 PM

Re: Dexter.
Wow. I'm so sorry.

I get most of my DVD's free there, games too and of course, books.

n3wt 08-09-08 09:46 AM

Re: Dexter.
The local Librarys around here are useless lol

But that is insane DVDS and games from a library!

Austruck 08-09-08 10:27 AM

Re: Dexter.
Our local libraries ... even the small ones ... now have DVDs as well as cassettes and VHS tapes. And you can check out magazines too, which is nice.

n3wt 08-09-08 10:54 AM

Re: Dexter.
sounds awsome shame its not happening where I live.


The Prestige 10-21-08 12:30 PM

Re: Dexter.
I watched quite a few episodes of the first season and immediately fell in love with it. Absolutely adore the Hitchcockian style opening sequence. Extremely well edited :)

Austruck 10-21-08 01:13 PM

Re: Dexter.
Yeah, I adore the opening sequence too -- always have. The first time I saw it, it really creeped me out, despite the fact that it's just, well, breakfast. :D

The music's perfect, too.

The Prestige 10-21-08 01:49 PM

Re: Dexter.
Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 470394)

The music's perfect, too.
Indeed. Great music. Is it sick that I feel like getting a full English breakkie after watching the opening?:confused:

Austruck 10-21-08 01:54 PM

Re: Dexter.
Now I can find the opening not so scary, and even the food looks good. Except when they cut into that slice of ham. That still creeps me out. LOL

Oh, and of course, the shaving part with the bit of toilet paper on the neck cut. Just awful on a decent-sized TV screen...

dvdsy 11-05-08 02:41 PM

Re: Dexter.
Season 3 is a total let down though...

They made Season 2 really good to cement its viewer base, but then went really lazy with the third. I bet Season 3 was originally going to be season 2, but they changed it to get better reviews early on.

I always thought it was strange to do the season where Dexter is almost caught so early on. Shows usually save big stories like that for later on.

bleacheddecay 11-05-08 06:03 PM

Re: Dexter.
I've only seen season one on CBS. It was good.

n3wt 10-13-09 08:06 AM

Re: Dexter.
I have just bought the first and second series and I think this is one hell of a show, ive only seen about 3 episodes of the first seires and im hooked already :yup: I have seen adverts for this on tv but Im not really a fan of watching shows on tv because of the bloody adverts.

Brother Blue 10-13-09 11:25 AM

Loved the first season.

Second season was a bit of a let down for me. I stopped watching mid-season and haven't been back since.


n3wt 10-13-09 11:26 AM

Re: Dexter.
So far im really enjoying it and hope it continues this way lol

Justin 10-19-09 03:14 AM

Re: Dexter.
About midway through the second season, and I love it....

n3wt 10-25-09 10:11 AM

Re: Dexter.
Ive watched both the first and second series and I think this is one of the best shows on tv :yup: I cannot wait for the 3rd series to come out on DVD.

Maxine Taurus 11-07-09 10:20 AM

Re: Dexter
OOOOO Dexter... I never was a fan of the morbid slice and dice series.. but the way they spin it as a dark comedy is very appealing to me.

I'm hooked!!!Can't wait for Season 4 to begin...

Yoda 12-12-10 05:50 PM

I thought we had a newer thread for this? Apparently not. Talking about season 5 openly below, so look out, anyone who's still catching up...

Quick rant: the penultimate episode of this season was really, really disappointing. The Liddy plotline had weaved a brilliant tapestry of misunderstanding that pointed Dexter's suspicions squarely at Quinn in a way that made perfect sense...and then they wrapped it up in one scene, and not in a particularly clever way, either. Dexter has the wrong idea about what's going on and has no idea he's completely lost, so what happens? Liddy kidnaps and clears everything up for him in about five minutes, before Dexter kicks him and kills him. All cleaned up in one neat little bow. That's pretty lame. Liddy felt like a powder keg all season, and his story just fizzled right out.

I will say that I don't dislike the season as a whole; my frustration mostly comes from missed opportunities like this, and the fact that the show is usually a bit more elegant than this.

I have to reserve some judgment until after tonight's finale, of course, because the show could go in any number of directions. For example:
  1. Dexter kills Chase and Lumen stays with him and helps him raise the kids.
  2. Dexter kills Chase, Lumen stays with him, and they run off together (unlikely, but Dex'll clearly be tempted).
  3. Dexter kills Chase and Lumen moves on with her life.
  4. Dexter kills Chase and Lumen dies in the process.
  5. Lumen kills Chase and stays or runs off.
  6. Lumen kills Chase and then kills herself (there've been hints about how there's "no getting past" that kind of trauma. She might not have a lot to live for after getting her vengeance).
There's also all of the outcomes above, coupled with either Deb finding out what Dex is up to. Or with Quinn finding out Dexter's secret and not turning him in. Or with Quinn finding out Dexter's secret and dying somehow (either in the crossfire of a fight with Chase, or by Dex's hand. Remember, rule #1 is Don't Get Caught). Or Quinn being framed for some of the killings, like Liddy's. Or some combination of almost any of these. There are a ton of permutations here.

Here's what I think we'll see: Quinn and Emily getting Dexter and Lumen's rap pinned on them. It fits very, very well. Deb's instincts are dead-on, as usual, so she's looking for both a victim who got away, and a vigilante (male) who's helping her. Emily is a victim, just like Lumen, and now she's dead; perfect timing. Quinn's in huge trouble when they find out Liddy's been killed, because tons of things point to him: the blood that dripped on his shoe, the angry voicemail he left Liddy right before the blood dripped on his shoe, the fact that he's probably been seen with him, and the fact that he had equipment that'd been checked out in Quinn's name. The fact that we've clearly been conditioned by the writers to like Quinn more and more as the season has gone on is probably a giveaway, too; they want his arrest to have a huge impact, and that sort of thing helps.

One downside to this is that we have to go over some familiar territory: Deb dealing with the fact that she'd fallen in love with another killer. If handled perfectly it could be interesting and really send her off the deep end. But even so, it might feel a little stale. The really gutsy thing is to have Quinn find out Dex's secret, and either be blackmailed into keeping it to himself (unlikely), or admiring what he's doing enough to let him keep doing it. That's probably not going to happen, but it'd be the bolder choice, I think.

Still, Quinn going down for Dex's crime is decent in that he'd essentially be letting an innocent man go to jail (if not get the death penalty, depending on the specifics), for a crime he committed. It'll depend on the execution.

Anyway, who's watching tonight? Any predictions? And what would you like to see? I think we can all assume it's still too early in the series to expect anything earth-shattering, like Deb learning Dexter's secret.

Fiscal 12-12-10 06:49 PM

Nice Chris!

You covered all the possibilities, I'll just comment on what I think may happen.

As far as what happens with Lumen after Chase is killed, now that she is emotionally involved with Dexter I believe that eliminates a suicide. I hope so atleast. I think the only way Lumen is gone will be in the process of killing Chase. Following any kind of trend, the seasonal characters are usually eliminated by the time it is all said and done, so I do believe her death is possible, but I am going to predict that she lives.

It seems like every preview for every season finale there is a quick edit that makes it seem like someone figures out Dexter's secret. This time it was a quick edit (possibly two completely unrelated scenes) of Deb walking in on Dexter with blood on his face and holding a knife, startled. Who knows if that plays out. It very well could, Deb has been showing a lot of compassion towards her idea of the vigilante killers as she discovers more and develops her theory of this victim and her loved one killing bad guys. I believe it is too early for this to happen in the shows life span, it seems like this would dampen the life expectancy of the show, and Dexter still has excellent ratings. I'm sure the producers want this show to stay on the air for a while. Still though, the writers set this up as a possibility.

As for what I think the ending will result in completely? I can't really say much. My mind is pretty scattered with all the possibilities. I agree with the notion that Quinn gets in trouble for Liddy, but I'm not sure if I see Emily getting coupled with Quinn as the vigilante team. I don't know what I see happening with Emily, really. I feel like her purpose may of only been to let Chase capture Lumen.

I definitely agree that Deb finding out she possibly fell in love with another killer could be handled great. Lets hope for this!

Anyway, I'm anxious as hell. Are you watching it live tonight or recording it?

Yoda 12-12-10 06:51 PM

Re: Dexter
A bit of both. I'm going to watch it, but probably a bit after it starts. But I'll probably be dropping by tonight, and at least no later than tomorrow afternoon to yak about it.

Good point, about Deb seeming more sympathetic. Courtney and I exchanged knowing glances when she started talking about it like that. But I also agree that they can't let Deb find out until they know they're maybe a season or two away from being done, at most. Anything else is still possible, but it forces them to really upend the series. Which I'd argue it kind of needs.

Austruck 12-12-10 07:23 PM

Re: Dexter
Good posts above. My gut reaction is that Lumen dies. For one thing, Stiles has been listed as "guest star" all season ... much as Lithgow was last season. I don't think they've placed her as an ongoing character and she wasn't set up that way ... except for the tryst with Dexter. Also, honestly ... is she going to start killing alongside him if she sticks around? Doubtful. Her killing has been all about personal revenge. Once Chase is gone, she'll have quenched that thirst.

So, is she just going to hang around as a sympathetic/empathetic lover? There's really no need for a character like that -- a significant other for Dex who understands him and accepts him. It's an interesting idea to toy with, but if they'd saddle him with such a person semi-permanently, I think he'd lose his edge.....

"Honey, I'm going out to kill for a few hours! The dark passenger is back!"
"Okay, dear. Try not to stay out too late ... and can you pick up a quart of milk on the way home?"

Yeah ... not working for me. She dies.

Now, I too don't think she's suicidal anymore. But I DO think it's entirely plausible for her to die in the line of fire, so to speak, but die in Dexter's arms, yada yada yada, and have a short dying speech in which she makes it clear to Dexter that she's okay with dying, that her purpose is over, that she'd never be a normal woman again anyway, etc. etc. etc. And of course, this could explain why we saw a snippet of what looked like Deb finding him with blood on his hands. He "found" Lumen dying or tried to save her from Chase or some other such thing ...

And then, instead of Emily being the victim who got away, it could be Lumen... which would also be true, of course. This could bring in some interesting twists for Dexter and raised eyebrows because, of course, a bunch of people know she was his tenant and was hanging out with him. That might just raise the level of discomfort enough to end the season with a question mark.

Having said all this, I just don't see how they will EVER end a season on the crazy, amazing question mark and tension level they did last year when Rita died. That was the most awesome season finale of a show I'd seen in a while. I don't see how they'll top that at ALL tonight.

Fiscal 12-12-10 07:30 PM

Re: Dexter
I really like the idea of Deb finding Dexter with a dying Lumen and that causing some twists and turns.

Fiscal 12-12-10 07:35 PM

Re: Dexter
The description for the episode tonight on showtime says "Quinn needs Dexter's help"

Yoda 12-12-10 07:38 PM

Re: Dexter
It's also called "The Big One," and one of the producers was quoted as saying that once we've seen the episode, we'll realize how brilliant the title is.

Re: the description. That certainly implies that Quinn might learn a few things about Dexter. Either that or he won't suspect Dex, but Dex will somehow be in a position to exonerate Quinn. That'd be one heck of a position for him to be in. If that happens, I say he lets Quinn take the rap, though not without some hand-wringing. That'd be interesting.

Austruck 12-12-10 07:52 PM

Re: Dexter
"Quinn needs Dexter's help" seems to play into the idea above that Quinn will get tangled in Liddy's death because of all the ties that are already in place ... and maybe he does make a deal with the devil (so to speak), Dexter, to keep quiet about what he knows or may re-suspect now in exchange for some sort of alibi or exoneration in Liddy's death....

As for the title and its brilliance... ??? I'm drawing a blank on how that can end up being very clever. Could it tie in with the numbered victims of Chase somehow? Emily is number one, right? And Lumen is 13?

Dunno how else the number one could play into any sort of cleverness, but I'm sure I'm just totally blanking on possibilities right now.

Yoda 12-12-10 08:58 PM

I'm sure it'll refer to more than one thing, but Courtney's brilliant little insight is that one of the meanings will refer to Harrison's birthday party: he's about to turn one, as we were informed just last episode.

Even money that tonight's episode (and the season) ends at Harrison's birthday party, with Dex doing his usual voiceover summation of all the things he learned from his latest ordeal. Probably with one little detail out of place, just like the drop of blood that fell on Rita's wedding dress.

As for less subtle meanings, I guess Chase is "The Big One." And I think Emily as the #1 victim is a likely interpretation, as well.

Perhaps season 5's now-forgotten B-story, the Santa Muerta killings, will rear its head again and lend a new layer of meaning. Actually, no matter what happens, if the remaining brother from that little subplot doesn't factor into the proceedings, I think it has to be considered a major storytelling failure. Unless it leads to something, then all it'll end up having been is a way to fill a little time and create some office drama between Batista, Deb, and LaGuerta.

Fiscal 12-12-10 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 701356)
but Courtney's brilliant little insight is that one of the meanings will refer to Harrison's birthday party: he's about to turn one, as we were informed just last episode.
How do you do the thumbs up thing? That goes here.

edit: :up:

Yoda 12-12-10 09:18 PM

Re: Dexter
It's the word "up" with colons on either side. You can also click on the "More" link by the smilies to bring up a list of all of them and just click on the one you want to have it inserted.

Also, she says thank you. :)

Austruck 12-12-10 09:35 PM

Re: Dexter
Yeah, that deserves the thumbs up. As soon as I read it, I thought, "Duh. Now it's obvious." I had totally forgotten about the upcoming birthday party. If that's the only reference, though, then the powers that be aren't exactly BRILLIANT. There will have to be some sort of other tie-in or double-meaning for it to be brilliant. Jury's still out...

As for the Santa Muerta murders: One explanation (if they ignore it tonight) could be something like they've done repeatedly on shows like CSI. They had an ongoing unsolved case (the "miniature killer," who staged the upcoming murders in little dollhouse miniatures) ... and the story kept cropping up every so often. I think it even spanned multiple seasons. But, I will say that CSI at least made it clear that it was a cliff-hanger. In other words, the episodes where the miniature killer showed up all ended with the CSI members in frustration that they hadn't yet solved the case.

If "Dexter" merely ignores that part of the season, it'll feel like a bad loose end. Agreed.

We'll be starting it about a half-hour late since The Amazing Race is running behind due to football game coverage earlier.... We're DVRing Dexter so we can launch it right up as soon as we're done with The Amazing Race at about 9:30.

Fiscal 12-12-10 10:01 PM

Re: Dexter
Im starting late as well, it is taking longer that usual getting the little one to bed.

Austruck 12-12-10 10:58 PM

Re: Dexter
We are halfway through the episode.... I am guessing that Dex and Lumen might get caught killing Chase and it'll end with a cliffhanger about them being the vigilante and victim... and whether anyone would convict them for it, given all the facts.... Heroes?

Austruck 12-12-10 11:21 PM

Re: Dexter
One minute post-episode: Well, as soon as I wrote that previous post, hubby Wayne called it right on the money. Sometimes he's far better at this stuff than I am and he just blurted it out and I knew right away he was right. (sigh)

And I was wrong. This wasn't the shocking ending of last season, that's for sure. I won't feel any sense of urgency to see how they start the next season, which is sad. I can remember when season 4 ended, I was ACHING to see what happened next.

Now it's just a lot of, "Well, gee, they can start anywhere they want next season." Ho hum?

Fiscal 12-12-10 11:29 PM

Yeah, it seems they wiped the slate clean for next season. It was a solid episode, nothing too flashy. I was worried that Deb was going to catch Dexter, but as soon as I saw the plastic separating them I realized what would happen. Seems that the Santa Muerta murders were some what of a loose end. I think they were kind of a stepping stone in humanity for Deb, shooting one of the brothers in the head started her thinking that some people deserve to die and ultimately not making Dexter and Lumen reveal their faces at the end. So I am not disappointed, and as you said Austruck, I am not anticipating next season like I was after Rita's death last year.

All is fine, this obviously opens up a lot for the writers which could be very positive.

edit: I feel like I wanted more of a connection between Dexter and Quinn at the end after Dexter fixed the blood work. Something showing that they both knew a little of what was going on, other than a brief thank you.

Yoda 12-12-10 11:33 PM

Re: Dexter
I'll be back tomorrow with more, for sure (need to let it simmer, and I like reading other people's thoughts first sometimes), but I agree with a lot of what's been said already. Plenty to say but I'll let it process overnight so I can get it nice and organized tomorrow morning. :)

Also, Aus: what was it that Wayne guessed, exactly? The "Deb will find them but let them go" thing?

Austruck 12-12-10 11:36 PM

Re: Dexter
Yup -- that Deb would find 'em, let 'em go because she had previously said she thought the vigilante was "romantic" in helping the missing victim so heroically. She knew it was "f*cked up" to think like that, but she smiled weirdly when she said it, like she admired that sort of "sacrificial" love.

Well, Wayne didn't put it quite like that, but that was the scene he was referencing ... and yeah, I knew immediately that was what was going to happen. The plastic sealed the deal.

And we knew Dex would fix the blood work for Quinn as soon as it was found on his shoes... You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, etc. etc.

Fiscal 12-12-10 11:41 PM

Re: Dexter
The Big One doesn't seem that clever to me.

Austruck 12-12-10 11:56 PM

Re: Dexter
Oh yeah, you're right. Honestly, I'd already forgotten about that. No, unless I'm missing something, it just seems like it's about the birthday party. Or also Jordan Chase being the big one? the big fish? Nope, not bowled over by the title. Appropriate but not brilliant.

Austruck 12-13-10 12:07 AM

Re: Dexter
Oh, the only hint they gave us of possible inconveniences to come in season 6 is that Cody and Aster are staying with him for the summer.... Yeah, not quite the tension of last season. Ha. :)

Austruck 12-13-10 12:11 AM

Re: Dexter
Oh, another thing (I hate when I do this ... sorry! I should just wait till morning like Yoda!)...

I DID really like the scene where Lumen tells Dexter she's leaving. It was well acted, and I found Dexter's reaction and Michael C. Hall's acting perfect. In fact, for a moment I wondered whether Dexter was going to use one of the sharp broken dish pieces to lash out at Lumen for leaving/healing and to kill her impulsively.

Now THAT would have been crazy. :)

Fiscal 12-13-10 12:28 AM

Re: Dexter
lol I think we were all looking for the moment Lumen was going to die. Shoot, I had a brief thought of Lumen dying during the boat ride after dumping Chase.

But yes, I totally agree , I especially loved the filming angle when Dexter threw the plate. The whole reaction was great acting by Michael C. Hall. I wish Julia Stiles could pull some of the emotional acting that Mr. Hall is capable of, there could've been some epic scenes. She was good enough though, don't get me wrong.

Yoda 12-13-10 12:41 PM

Okay, thoughts! Random details, and then broad conclusions:
  • While I agree that "The Big One" hardly looks like a brilliant title, it does apply to more than just the birthday party and Chase. It also applies, somewhat cheaply, to Batista and LaGuerta celebrating an unofficial, early one-year anniversary (to start fresh). But mostly, it refers to Quinn's line to Dexter at the end:

    "I owe you one."

    A big one, no doubt. Easily the most interesting part of the entire episode, and possibly the entire season. More on that in a bit.
  • As cheap as the climax with Deb felt, I have to admit that they did build up to it pretty effectively. I have some issues with it, but they did put in the necessary "legwork" earlier in the year so that it felt like a fairly natural progression.
  • Example relating to the previous bullet point: Santa Muerta kinda went nowhere, and it looks now as if it's only purpose was to start Deb down the path of questioning the letter-of-the-law ethos she'd had before, and entertaining the idea that maybe some people really do just need to die.
  • The Cody-Astor thing was terrible. Not them coming back, but the way they were conveniently removed from the equation right off the bat. It wasn't implausible, I was just too acutely aware of the idea that the writers probably realized the kids would get in the way and devised some quick way to remove them for awhile. One of the hallmarks of the series is that people are always involving themselves in Dex's life, and he constantly has to weave through that, so it was weird and disconcerting to have some of them conveniently vanish to make room for what he was doing.
  • Chase was a pretty good villain, all in all, but only in terms of acting and menace. I dunno what he had planned, and there wasn't much reason to suggest he'd flipped out or lost his ability to function. I would've liked to have seen a cleverer, more calculating side to him as he and Dexter became aware of each other. But in the end, just like Liddy, his demise was pretty uninteresting.
  • Did anyone else think it was weird that, right in the middle of a one-year-old's birthday party, LaGuerta announced to all that Deb had solved the "barrel girls case"? Astor was sitting right there, applauding politely, as were many younger kids. You'd think they wouldn't make reference to such a gruesome case, particularly when doing so involves describing how the women were disposed of. Sheesh. Courtney and I actually laughed out loud at this.
Okay, broader thoughts: I'm not sure whether I'm mad or intrigued that they left so much up in the air in regards to Quinn's apparently widely-accepted innocence. On one hand, tons went unaddressed: what about the voicemails Quinn said Liddy left him? What about the angry voicemail Quinn left for Liddy? What about the equipment checked out in his name? The blood work doesn't let him off the hook. This is a huge missed opportunity, because way more interesting than Quinn being fully exonerated would be Quinn being technically exonerated, but still under heavy suspicion. That's what would happen, wouldn't it? No physical evidence, but lots of circumstantial evidence. Not the kind of thing you get put away for, but enough to raise a lot of eyebrows. That'd have promised some serious tension next season, especially if used in concert with...

...the one bright spot in the finale, the one really intriguing question: how much does Quinn know? He has to know the blood on the shoe is Liddy's, so I think we can assume that he knows Dex let him off the hook, and the fact that he made an explicit point to thank Dex and offer him a favor pretty much seals it. But why does Quinn think Dexter would do this for him? If I'm Quinn I can really only think one of five things at this point:
  1. Dexter covered for me because he simply trusts that I didn't do it.
  2. Dexter covered for me because he knows someone else did it.
  3. Dexter covered for me because he doesn't want to put Deb through all this again.
  4. Dexter covered for me because he wants to be able to hold that over me.
  5. Dexter covered for me because he's involved somehow and wants to hide that.
Most likely, I think Quinn's smart enough to realize it's #5, but both spooked enough and in love with Deb enough to just sort of push it to the back of his mind for now, which is kind of disappointing. Then again, if that's the kind of thing that simmers and eventually boils over, it could be very intriguing. It's one of the few things about the finale that gives me hope for the next season.

I don't have a problem with Lumen leaving; it makes sense. Though one critic suggested the remote possibility that Dexter may have killed her. I don't think this is so, but it did make me realize that we didn't actually see her leave. What's more interesting is the reason I dismissed this: not just because of Harry's Code, but because it seems too weird and mean a thing for Dexter to do...but this is Dexter. Why should I be dismissing something like this for reasons like that? He's a pyschopath.

This ties into a problem that's been rearing its head more and more over the last few seasons: Dexter is simply not the same character he was in season one. And by that I don't mean that he's learned valuable lessons, I mean that he's fundamentally different. All the hand-wringing about not being normal and not understanding how people interact is falling by the wayside. He's increasingly showing normal human emotions like anger and love. At first, the fact that he needed to kill was part of a larger lack of connecting with people. Now, the need to kill is the only part of himself that he really wrestles with.

This can be okay, if it becomes a focal point. While watching the first two seasons, Courtney and I spent a lot of time speculating about how each development might be the beginning of Dexter's turn towards a normal emotional life. We also speculated heavily about what this would mean: would Dexter's desire to kill fade, or would it remain, and stick him with the unpleasant reality that his need to kill is far deeper than his emotional problems? Would he still have the need, but suddenly have a new guilt to go along with it as he became more emotional? All good stuff...if you use it. But not if you just show him losing his temper and being in love and caring about people more and more without addressing it on a meta level.

The weird thing about all this? I'm totally going to keep watching. But the show is on notice, for me. I don't buy premium channels otherwise, so if I'm gonna plunk down $40 next year to make sure I have Showtime for season six, it's got to make some bolder choices, or at least dispense with all the sloppiness. I'm kind of afraid that I'll end up watching this show no matter how "meh" it gets. It just has a weird hold on me in that respect, I guess. It's weird how I can't envision not watching it...but I'm going to lower my expectations heavily next year, and every year until it does something gutsy and/or sets some kind of end date.

Yoda 12-13-10 01:00 PM

Re: Dexter
Following-up on the long-shot "Dexter killed Lumen" thing, just read some interesting observations. Most of us probably looked up Lumen's name right after she was introduced. Apart from having an anatomical meaning relating to blood, it also (obviously) means "light." Dexter's last act this season was to look directly at the camera and extinguish a light. Add this to having never seen her actually leave, his immediate rage when she told him, and the bizarre, uber-happy scene with them on the boat, and I admit that it seems just barely plausible to make me tilt my head and consider it.

I wouldn't bet on it, of course, but I'm surprised at how plausible it suddenly sounds. I don't think it's what happened and it's probably just my desire to see the series do something bold talking, but I thought it interesting enough to pass along.

Fiscal 12-13-10 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda

  • Example relating to the previous bullet point: Santa Muerta kinda went nowhere, and it looks now as if it's only purpose was to start Deb down the path of questioning the letter-of-the-law ethos she'd had before, and entertaining the idea that maybe some people really do just need to die.
As I mentioned before, I can accept that this is all the Santa Muerta killings were for. I'm kind of glad they didn't revisit it too, I can't think of a scenario that it would've been that relevant, other than of course if they wrote in the Santa Muerta brothers being involved in Chase's operation early on. That is originally what I though it was going to be, a way to get Miami Metro on the same trail as Dexter.

Originally Posted by Yoda
  • Chase was a pretty good villain, all in all, but only in terms of acting and menace. I dunno what he had planned, and there wasn't much reason to suggest he'd flipped out or lost his ability to function. I would've liked to have seen a cleverer, more calculating side to him as he and Dexter became aware of each other. But in the end, just like Liddy, his demise was pretty uninteresting.
Yeah, the death of Chase was very anti climatic. I didn't like that a piece of heavy machinery was the extent of Chase gaining control of Dexter. I wish Chase would've had a better plan instead of a spur of the moment car accident.

Originally Posted by Yoda
  • Did anyone else think it was weird that, right in the middle of a one-year-old's birthday party, LaGuerta announced to all that Deb had solved the "barrel girls case"? Astor was sitting right there, applauding politely, as were many younger kids. You'd think they wouldn't make reference to such a gruesome case, particularly when doing so involves describing how the women were disposed of. Sheesh. Courtney and I actually laughed out loud at this.
Hehe, my wife and I laughed at this too.

Originally Posted by Yoda

This ties into a problem that's been rearing its head more and more over the last few seasons: Dexter is simply not the same character he was in season one. And by that I don't mean that he's learned valuable lessons, I mean that he's fundamentally different. All the hand-wringing about not being normal and not understanding how people interact is falling by the wayside. He's increasingly showing normal human emotions like anger and love. At first, the fact that he needed to kill was part of a larger lack of connecting with people. Now, the need to kill is the only part of himself that he really wrestles with.
I think it's been a neat character study. It makes you wonder though, at what point does Dexter's "dark passenger" become more of a habit or routine than a necessity? As you mention, he is becoming increasingly less socially awkward, and Dexter has shown love, fear, concern, all these emotions that he was immunded to in the early episodes.

Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm kind of afraid that I'll end up watching this show no matter how "meh" it gets. It just has a weird hold on me in that respect, I guess. It's weird how I can't envision not watching it...but I'm going to lower my expectations heavily next year, and every year until it does something gutsy and/or sets some kind of end date.
I'm too involved to ever stop watching. I was the same with Heroes though, I absolutely loved the first season so I continued watching. What a waste of life that one was. Obviously Dexter has had more than one great season, jus sayinnnn

Fiscal 12-13-10 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 701478)
Following-up on the long-shot "Dexter killed Lumen" thing, just read some interesting observations. Most of us probably looked up Lumen's name right after she was introduced. Apart from having an anatomical meaning relating to blood, it also (obviously) means "light." Dexter's last act this season was to look directly at the camera and extinguish a light. Add this to having never seen her actually leave, his immediate rage when she told him, and the bizarre, uber-happy scene with them on the boat, and I admit that it seems just barely plausible to make me tilt my head and consider it.

I wouldn't bet on it, of course, but I'm surprised at how plausible it suddenly sounds. I don't think it's what happened and it's probably just my desire to see the series do something bold talking, but I thought it interesting enough to pass along.
Interesting! That boat ride was pretty bizzare. I was wondering what in the hell was going on.

Austruck 01-27-11 08:38 PM

Re: Dexter
Bwahahaha.... "Dexter in 60 Seconds" -- I'm still laughing at this:

Mysticalunicornfart 05-28-12 05:44 PM

Little teaser for season 7.

Mysticalunicornfart 06-22-12 05:44 AM Another, more substantial promo.

Daniel M 07-15-12 09:55 PM

Re: Dexter
Have people seen the opening 2 minutes of season 7? It's pretty much what I expected, teaser photos look pretty good as well, will be interesting to see what happens with Louis the intern.

Hopefully season 7 can be very good after a poor season 6 in my opinion, there's plenty of possible paths it can go down after season 6's ending as well.

Powderfinger 07-15-12 10:04 PM

Re: Dexter
Dexter!!! Don't involve your sister, please Dexter! :D lol!

Flimmaker1473 07-17-12 09:12 PM

Re: Dexter
I really need to watch this show more. The few episodes I watched I enjoyed immensely.

Powderfinger 07-25-12 09:10 PM

Re: Dexter
I'm just watching Dexter season 6 episode 1 and when he was getting a BJ the voice over said "stop talking" lol! :D

Mysticalunicornfart 07-25-12 09:25 PM

You Ls and Gs see this? Lookin' good.

Powderfinger 07-26-12 01:46 AM

Hot Aussie chick!

Powderfinger 07-27-12 02:11 AM

Re: Dexter
No one is commenting on the good sort Aussie chick! Yanks!!!! lol! :D

Mysticalunicornfart 07-27-12 02:14 AM

Re: Dexter
I don't want Dex to have anymore romantic involvements. -_-

Powderfinger 07-27-12 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by Mysticalunicornfart (Post 830444)
I don't want Dex to have anymore romantic involvements. -_-

Mysticalunicornfart 07-27-12 02:45 AM

Originally Posted by Powderfinger (Post 830447)

Critics 07-28-12 04:32 PM

Re: Dexter
I wish I would of had a chance to watch this when it was on Instant Que, I can't find anywhere to watch this online. :(

Powderfinger 07-31-12 03:40 AM

Re: Dexter
I watched watch Dexter season 6... Nebraska and at the end I cried when the Father said "welcome home son" What's that about? F*** me dead! :o

Critics 07-31-12 01:36 PM

Re: Dexter
He is welcoming his son home.

Powderfinger 07-31-12 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Critics (Post 832166)
He is welcoming his son home.
Yeah, but I bloody cried! Jesus! I reckon it's something to do the my Father, I'm no Shrink at all, it's about my Father I believe that!

ThomasP 07-31-12 01:44 PM

Re: Dexter
I've watched each season twice now. :P

Critics 07-31-12 01:45 PM

Re: Dexter
I'm sorry Powder.

There there..

The Prestige 07-31-12 02:05 PM

What is it with all these pics acting as emotions? It's getting quite annoying now.

Critics 07-31-12 03:32 PM

Re: Dexter
Cut the pictures guys, the boss is upset. :)

Powderfinger 08-01-12 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Critics (Post 832179)
I'm sorry Powder.

There there..
Cheers mate....bloody Yank! lol! :D

Powderfinger 08-01-12 03:02 PM

Re: Dexter
Last night I sore the end of season's going to be interesting how the sister deals with Dexter now.

Nausicaä 08-01-12 03:12 PM

Re: Dexter
Don't spoil anything...

Powderfinger 08-01-12 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by Nausicaä (Post 832701)
Don't spoil anything...
Okay....let's start with Dexter and sister.........What about his brother...............................:D

Mysticalunicornfart 08-02-12 12:06 AM

Re: Dexter
The premiere for season 7 is getting rave reviews.

Powderfinger 08-02-12 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by Mysticalunicornfart (Post 832884)
The premiere for season 7 is getting rave reviews.
Do a spoiler alert...okay! In Australia, it comes out later than the U.S. Why? f****** tv stations are crap here, they would rather see Kardishams and all that crap! :mad:

Mysticalunicornfart 08-02-12 03:16 AM

Re: Dexter
There's no spoilers out for it yet.

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