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xylene_free 12-10-07 01:28 AM

Worst movie of the year!
What movie do you think is the worst for 2007?

personally i think Daddy Day Camp! this is the first movie that has driven me to leave the cinema.

ALSO surfs up, that was bad!

meatwadsprite 12-10-07 07:45 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
meet the robinsons

The Gnat 12-10-07 09:58 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
In my opinion it is easily: Welcome To The Jungle a film that is 81 minutes longer then it should be, and it is only 82 minutes long. Terrible dialog, poor acting, lousy story (an idea with potential but completely ruined), MTV reality shows have better "fake" real dialog then this film does. A terrible film that is done with a "shaky" cam throughout the whole thing, pretending to be the second coming of The Blair Witch Project only with an attempt at more gore, but ends up being a film that is so bad it isn't even laughably bad.

Holden Pike 12-10-07 10:27 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Happily I no longer subject myself to things I know have little to no chance of being any good. I used to do that, watch just about anything and everything, just so I could know where bottom is. But no more. I may see some of these out and out stinkers when they hit cable TV, or at least watch a piece of them, but I can't stomach sitting through dreck anymore. Certainly not at the theater.

So, while I'm sure flicks such as Norbit, Ghost Rider, Kickin' it Old Skool, Lucky You, Code Name: The Cleaner, BRATZ, Delta Farce, Primeval, Epic Movie, Because I Said So, Hannibal Rising, Good Luck Chuck, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Hot Rod, Shooter, Hostel Part II, The Hills Have Eyes 2, Saw IV, Are We Done Yet?, Firehouse Dog, Evan Almighty, I Know Who Killed Me, The Heartbreak Kid, Daddy Day Camp, Balls of Fury, The Brothers Solomon, The Game Plan, The Comebacks and Southland Tales are all worthy of scorn and ridicule, to paraphrase Jules I wouldn't know 'cause I wouldn't watch the filthy mutherfu*kers. When many of them get Razzie nominations in a few weeks, I'm sure they will be well-earned, but I can't speak from personal experience on the matter, glad to say.

A few stinkers I did manage to see in the bad, totally unfunny and witless comedy department are Wild Hogs (saw this on an airplane), Blades of Glory (rented this one, though I confess I turned it off two-thirds of the way through having not laughed once, even by mistake) and License to Wed (paid to see this in the theater over the summer). Of those the most disappointing by far was License to Wed, because it had a least a glimmer of potential. But still, not the worst movie I saw this year.

Live Free or Die Hard was just dreadful, especially carrying the Die Hard brand name. I suppose as a preposterous would-be action movie it's just on the bad side of average, but that they dragged the John McClane name through the mud and tricked me into seeing it because of faith in the franchise makes it exponentially worse, and even a minor sin (cinematically speaking).

But the absolute worst movie I had the displeasure of seeing...

The Kingdom. Racist and ridiculous, cheap and insulting, making trite out of serious and complicated issues...concluding with a seemingly tacked-on cliché, hacky action finale that was not only totally unbelievable but also the worst possible message to send about the state of the world, either as a popular artists or as a human being. Just a total waste of time and talent. I saw this for free at an advanced screening over a month before it was released, and I almost demanded my money back it was so infuriating. Much more than the loss of time, it's the kind of bad movie that actually made me angry and want to beat up the screenwriter (Matthew Michael Carnahan) and director (Peter Berg). I hate this movie for the ugly sentiment it is underlining and that it attempted to market to the mainstream.

As tedious, obnoxious and totally unentertaining as BRATZ or Norbit surely are, I doubt they're in the same kind of league as The Kingdom.

Caitlyn 12-10-07 11:26 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
The only stinker I've seen was Ghost Rider... thankfully only on DVD...

emir 12-10-07 11:37 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I completely agree. A movie is bad if it's written, directed or acted badly, but it's terrible if it tries to talk about serious political or ethical issues in a patronizing way, or if it trivializes them. The worst kind of film is the one which, other than those things, also sends morally corrupt messages, like Get Rich or Die Tryin’, Fiddy’s attempt at acting from a few years ago. Other than being terrible, it also tells you that it’s good to be a criminal.

My year at the movies wasn’t too terrible because, frankly, I haven’t seen too many new releases. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to that little voice in my head telling me: “Remember, remember, the Spider-Man 2”, and that’s why I had to endure a 48 minute long Tobey Maguire dancing routine. Okay, it wasn’t that long, but Spider-Man 3 was definitely a long and terrible torture, at least for me.

Also, a movie which transcended badness because it also managed to ruin a great character was Hannibal Rising. Not only was it not scary, gory, or entertaining, but it also tried to make Hannibal a likable character. It completely simplified his motives and ruined what I liked about Hannibal: his coldness, monstrosity and an aura of mistery. Why does he eat people? Someone ate his sister.
Oh yeah, and he is also a ninja.

POLgas 12-10-07 11:52 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
spidey 3 kinda sucks hard

Lockheed Martin 12-10-07 02:07 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Not to beat a dead horse, but the only truly awful movie I've subjected myself to this year has been Resident Evil: Extinction. I have a soft-spot for the 'original' and the games so I was drawn back to the series, despite the fact Apocalypse is one of the only movies I've ever walked out of.

It doesn't help that it kept referencing other, far superior movies. It's one thing to sit through a total dog of a movie, it's quite another when you're being constantly reminded of what you could be watching.

rufnek 12-10-07 03:21 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 398658)
Wild Hogs (saw this on an airplane) . . .
Trapped on a plane with Wild Hogs is the world's best argument for an FAA mandate forcing airlines to supply passengers with parachutes. I've had a couple of experiences not quite that awful, being trapped on a trans-Atlantic flight with The Fisher King (even if you don't buy the ear-phones, you keep looking up occasionally at the screen like passing a really bad car wreck) and on another occasion with the humpteenth remake of The Four Feathers, this one staring one of Lloyd Bridges' kids as I recall.

Even worse, I once was on a charter bus to Louisiana where the driver insisted on playing Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. For weeks I had recurring nightmares of being pursued by gators, sharks, and other ugly creatures with big mouths while a little pixie fellow with a British accent kept flitting about, bumping into things, while repeating, "Sorry! Sorry! So sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it."

Sedai 12-10-07 03:30 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 398735)
TI've had a couple of experiences not quite that awful, being trapped on a trans-Atlantic flight with The Fisher King (even if you don't buy the ear-phones, you keep looking up occasionally at the screen like passing a really bad car wreck)...

The Fisher King isn't a good movie, it's a GREAT movie. Williams walks the fine line between outrageous comedy and tragic drama brilliantly. Bridges is perfect as the shock jock, and Gilliam nails the allegory; his attention to detail and clever transitions make the pieces fit together wonderfully.

Not a Gilliam fan, eh Ruf? The Fisher King is one of may favorite films of the 90s, and is worth the price of admission for the elegant and poignant train station sequence alone...

The Gnat 12-10-07 03:33 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 398739)
The Fisher King isn't a good movie, it's a GREAT movie. Williams walks the fine line between outrageous comedy and tragic drama brilliantly. Bridges is perfect as the shock jock, and Gilliam nails the allegory; his attention to detail and clever transitions make the pieces fit together wonderfully.

Not a Gilliam fan, eh Ruf? The Fisher King is one of may favorite films of the 90s, and is worth the price of admission for the elegant and poignant train station sequence alone...
I got to agree with Sedai here, this is a great film, definitely one that I highly recommend, I don't really know if there was anything in it that I felt was too wrong or tacky or poorly done about it. All around an extremely solid film with some great scenes like on in Grand Central Station that just needs to be seen.

rufnek 12-10-07 03:53 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 398739)
The Fisher King isn't a good movie, it's a GREAT movie. Williams walks the fine line between outrageous comedy and tragic drama brilliantly. Bridges is perfect as the shock jock, and Gilliam nails the allegory; his attention to detail and clever transitions make the pieces fit together wonderfully.

Not a Gilliam fan, eh Ruf? The Fisher King is one of may favorite films of the 90s, and is worth the price of admission for the elegant and poignant train station sequence alone...
Has nothing to do with Gilliam--I just can't stand Robin Williams. There are some actors who affect me that way--Robin Williams and Julia Roberts, to name two. It must be something about Williams' looks--the only one of his movies that I could even stand, much less like was the Disney cartoon Aladdin where he's the cartoon genie. His voice was very distinctive and even funny in that film, so it must be something about the way he looks. Sorry, it's just a green eggs and ham sort of thing--no rhyme or reason, I just don't like him, Sam-I-Am.

There is one non-cartoon film in which Williams was featured that actually was pretty good--The Birdcage. Nathan Lane and Hank Azaria were so off-the-wall in that film that they made Williams seem relatively conservative and definitely upstaged. So it seems I can tolerate him as a cartoon or a supporting player but not as the focal point of the film. Still, I liked the orginal French play and movie better than the US remake.

crashbarbarian 12-10-07 04:14 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Holden Pike - absolute nonsense. I respect your right to have an opinion but your opinion in and of itself is ridiculous. Lets examine your thoughts on Die Hard 4. You called it a proposterous would be action movie... well it was an action movie and it had proposterous action in it so... would it be an action movie or wouldn't it be? Also, i don't know what other Die Hards you've seen but im pretty sure they all had proposterous action in them as well. And... this one had good effects good acting and a decent story... so you are wrong. As for the kingdom you having a problem with the themes and it being a terrible movie are two completely different things. I don't think murdering ones family and suicide are good themes but i did like the mist as a movie. The kingdom was well acted and a once again a decent story with some originality. Most people who didn't like the kingdom are frustrated with the fact that it doesnt have an anti-american slant much like other films dealing with middle eastern violence. You wouldn't be that guy would you? For those without an urge to bolster their self-esteem by actively degrading good movies instead of bad ones please consider watching Die Hard 4 and the Kingdom, both decently good movies worthy of your consideration!

r3port3r66 12-10-07 04:47 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Oh no he din't!

Sedai 12-10-07 05:02 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 398744)
Has nothing to do with Gilliam--I just can't stand Robin Williams.

Fair enough. I feel that way about the dude on CSI. Yeah, this guy:

rufnek 12-10-07 05:06 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398753)
Holden Pike - absolute nonsense. I respect your right to have an opinion but your opinion in and of itself is ridiculous. . . so you are wrong.
No, Pike is right in his opinion. And so are you, because an opinion is just a personal point of view. Your opinion can be positive or negative, but it's never right or wrong because it's your opinion, so it's always right for you.

To say you respect Pike's opinion and then trashing his opinion as ridicuous, nonsense, and wrong says you really don't respect other people's opinions at all unless they agree with your own. Pike listed the reasons on which his negative opinion is based. You, however, do not give reasons for your positive opinion; you just dump on Pike because he didn't like a movie that you like.

Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398753)
Most people who didn't like the kingdom are frustrated with the fact that it doesnt have an anti-american slant much like other films dealing with middle eastern violence.
Really? Do you have statistics to back up this claim about what "most people" like or dislike and the reasons why? Have you conducted a scientific survey, found published statistics that support this claim, or are you simply making a broad and rash statement based on personal opinion and not facts?

I've never understood the propensity of some people in this forum to hit the ceiling whenever anyone dislikes or even just disregards a movie that is that person's favorite. Lawd, one would think some of you were getting a percentage of the ticket sales! They are only movies, only actors and directors. We like some and dislike others. And if there were no differences of opinions, no one would ever tune in those annual programs to see who gets an Oscar.

crashbarbarian 12-10-07 05:10 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
rufnek... are you also trying to be smart? The thread is about the worst movie of the year and not whether or not we liked or disliked it. Also i never said i respected his opinion. Also, neither of these movies are my favorites by any means. It was proposterous for him to suggest that these films warrant worst movie of the year honors and thus i posted a reply. I was not giving nor did i need to give evidence for why the movies were good but i was giving evidence of why they weren't the worst of the year.

Die Hard 4 - 7 out of 10
reasons: Decently good acting, great action, great effects, decent story, felt like part of the series

Kingdom - 5.5 out of 10
reasons: Better than decent acting, original story, feelings of international unity achieved

emir 12-10-07 05:12 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
You hate Petersen guy? But he is such an erudite!

Sedai 12-10-07 05:18 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398753)
For those without an urge to bolster their self-esteem by actively degrading good movies instead of bad ones please consider watching Die Hard 4 and the Kingdom, both decently good movies worthy of your consideration!
Good one! No, really. What are you on about again? I love it when people attempt to find some sort character flaw in a person when they disagree on a film. Hold on, let me check something. Hmmmm, seems like Holden managed to express an opinion on these films without involving you in his post. Your post, however, is rife with Ad Hominem, and offers nothing in the way of clear insight into the films being discussed.

Crashbarbarian: 0
Holden: 1

Anyway, back on topic please, as you didn't actually manage to list your choice for the worst film of the year. Give it another try, this time without launching into some tirade against one of this sites oldest and most well-respected members.


The Staff

Sedai 12-10-07 05:27 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398765)
rufnek... are you also trying to be smart? The thread is about the worst movie of the year and not whether or not we liked or disliked it.
First off, Ruf IS smart, as many people on this site will attest. Secondly, you point out the topic of the thread, and yet you fail to stay on topic, instead slinging thinly veiled insults around at veteran members. Also, I think stating why a person didn't like the film sort of comes with the territory when listing films we think are the worst of the year. I mean, I guess we could just say:

Live Free or Die Hard

...and leave the thread, but that wouldn't be much in the way of discussion.

Thanks for the "help" attempting to moderate this thread, but, we have a full staff, so, no thanks.

rufnek 12-10-07 05:44 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398765)
rufnek... are you also trying to be smart?
No, only by comparision.

meatwadsprite 12-10-07 07:35 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
some films I didn't bother seeing - but are most likely dumb
  • Shrek the Third
  • Resident Evil 3
  • Harry Potter 5
  • Alien vs Predator 2
  • Pirates of the Caribnean 3
  • Code Name : The Cleaner
  • Epic Movie
  • Hanibal Rising
  • Ghost Rider
  • Wild Hogs
  • Dead Silence
  • Shooter
  • Are We Done Yet ? (hillarious trailer though)
  • Kickin it Old School
  • Delta Farce
  • Fantastic Four 2
  • License to Wed
  • Balls of Fury
  • The Game Plan (love seeing the rock and recently vin diesel in disney channel movies like this)
  • Fred Claus
  • Hitman

btw hello crashbarbarian

Caitlyn 12-10-07 08:21 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by r3port3r66 (Post 398758)
Oh no he din't!

You want to pop the popcorn or do 'ya want me to? :p :D

crashbarbarian 12-10-07 08:32 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
to staff: im glad that you are full, i'm glad that you are smart, i'm glad that you have senior members of whom you have their backs of whom i didn't know holden the golden was a senior member whom if he wasn't you wouldn't care, and i think the worst movie of the year is.... drum roll please... Ghost Rider!! It's the only one i couldn't finish!

crashbarbarian 12-10-07 08:33 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
meat... i can't believe you wouldn't like shooter... great popcorn flick... that scene at the farm house was so ridiculous but i loved it... much like any Die Hard movie... wink wink, also HP5 was pretty good imo. you should check them out... and thanks for saying hi!

Sedai 12-10-07 09:39 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398804)
to staff: im glad that you are full, i'm glad that you are smart, i'm glad that you have senior members of whom you have their backs of whom i didn't know holden the golden was a senior member whom if he wasn't you wouldn't care, and i think the worst movie of the year is.... drum roll please... Ghost Rider!! It's the only one i couldn't finish!

I must agree. I just knew I should have bailed when a buddy popped this disc in. So, so bad. I would say worst film of the last...well...ever.

Godoggo 12-10-07 09:41 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I don't see too many new releases either, but of the ones I did 30 Days of Night gets my vote for the worst movie.

xylene_free 12-11-07 02:16 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
omg i totally forgot about ghost rider, I thought it was ok until he turned into the night rider, then it all just went down hill, i expected more from Nicolas Cage.

crashbarbarian 12-11-07 09:57 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Godoggo, please give reasons for 30 days of night getting worst movie of the year honors from you. I actually enjoyed this movie.
30DON 6.5/10 - I thought the portrayl of the vampires was original and grittier than other recent vampire movies, good premise, decently good ending, ben foster is my new fav upcoming actor (negs - josh hartnett really dropped the acting ball IMO, bad character development)

meatwadsprite 12-11-07 11:24 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
transformers was pretty horrible as well

darkwell25 12-12-07 06:57 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
For me Resident Evil 3 - Don't need to create such, Spider-Man 3 - I Hate the Actor that Played Venom/Brock, X-Men 3 - For Killing most of the X-men and mutants as well, and Transformer - For being totally different!!!....

Godoggo 12-13-07 05:57 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398885)
Godoggo, please give reasons for 30 days of night getting worst movie of the year honors from you. I actually enjoyed this movie.
I don't know where to start really. I didn't go in expecting top notch acting, the movie having Josh Harnett as the lead and all, so I won't even mention that. The pacing was horrible, the writing was some of the worst I have experienced in a long time, and while quite a few people did seem to enjoy the vampires, I thought they were silly.

My biggest complaint is that I am one of the easiest people in the world to scare, (I nearly had to leave the theater during Dawn of the Dead) and there was not one scare to be had for me. I would consider that a major fault for a horror movie.

There are a ton of other things that I could nitpick about the movie, but nothing I liked. I think I mentioned the writing? In case you were wondering what had finally brought the vampires to the wonderful little town of Barrow, one sniffs the air, and says," I wonder why we never came here before?" or something to that effect. Lazy, lazy, lazy.

One final dig at the movie and I am done. When a character is about to die and is given one final speech in which we the audience are suddenly supposed to become emotionally invested when previously we had no reason to give a rats ass then again; Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Oh yeah, the ending sucked too.;)

Sir Toose 12-13-07 07:31 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 398804)
to staff: im glad that you are full, i'm glad that you are smart, i'm glad that you have senior members of whom you have their backs of whom i didn't know holden the golden was a senior member whom if he wasn't you wouldn't care, and i think the worst movie of the year is.... drum roll please... Ghost Rider!! It's the only one i couldn't finish!
You are correct. People on this site are judged solely on the length of time that they've been here posting among us. Logic, reason, the ability to put together a coherent post *ahem* are all secondary to our purpose, which is to put together a forum of film obsessed idiots who just want to spend their lives posting within these hallowed halls. Critical thinkers need not apply.

So, the worst film I've seen this year is Blades of Glory. I actually kind of liked Ghost Rider because I was a huge Evel Knievel fan in the 70's and it brought some that back. That, and the fact that I was expecting zilch from the film perhaps made me like a little... but just a little mind you.

antwon 12-13-07 09:28 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
give it up for LIONS for LAMBS... i don't know if it just me but i'm disappointed with this 3 plot movie... 2 offices and the mountain...
trailer of the movie was stunning and that was all it...

TheUsualSuspect 12-13-07 09:32 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I'm sure there are hundreds of films that are worse then this one, but it's the worse that I have seen this year....

Shrek the Third....

Followed by SAW IV.

emir 12-16-07 09:38 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Yes, Shrek the Third is an example of what today's "parodies" are: movies referencing other movies, not ridiculing or parodying them. Parody is supposed to exaggerate the flaws of whatever it's parodying for comical effect. Shrek the Third and Scary Movie 4 (I cried for several days after seeing that one) have scenes in them that look like scenes from other movies. With slapstick in them. I honestly don't see what the big deal with comedies referencing something is, if they aren't even trying to make a statement about it. It seems like an easy way out for bad comedies and general lack of screenwriters' talent to hope someone will recognize and be amused by a famous movie or pop reference.

Also, most "humor" in Shrek the Third is supposed to come from referencing modern world (for example, high school cheerleaders in Middle Ages, how's that for hilarious), which had been done in previous Shrek installments, but not in such an aggressive and unfunny way.

It's standard for sequels to cash in on familiar storylines and characters without changing much, but guys who make Shrek movies seem to go by the motto: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it, or try to improve it, or try to make it a bit more intelligent, or funny, or interesting".

The reason it wasn't the worst movie of the year was that dying frog. That was frigging funny.

Aniko 12-16-07 10:31 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
The Worst that I've seen this year...

I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry
Wild Hogs
Because I Said So
Ghost Rider.

r3port3r66 12-16-07 01:07 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Maybe this goes without saying, but for me Epic Movie was a horrible comedy. Enough with the parodies Hollywoodland!

Caitlyn 12-16-07 01:14 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 398791)
some films I didn't bother seeing - but are most likely dumb
  • Shrek the Third
  • Resident Evil 3
  • Harry Potter 5
  • Alien vs Predator 2
  • Pirates of the Caribnean 3
  • Code Name : The Cleaner
  • Epic Movie
  • Hanibal Rising
  • Ghost Rider
  • Wild Hogs
  • Dead Silence
  • Shooter
  • Are We Done Yet ? (hillarious trailer though)
  • Kickin it Old School
  • Delta Farce
  • Fantastic Four 2
  • License to Wed
  • Balls of Fury
  • The Game Plan (love seeing the rock and recently vin diesel in disney channel movies like this)
  • Fred Claus
  • Hitman

I've only seen two movies on that whole list... one was definitely dumb... and one definitely was not....

r3port3r66 12-16-07 01:18 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Cait', you liked Delta Farce too?! Oh snap!

emir 12-16-07 01:33 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by r3port3r66 (Post 399851)
Maybe this goes without saying, but for me Epic Movie was a horrible comedy. Enough with the parodies Hollywoodland!
Luckily, I haven't seen Epic Movie. The trailer was already too much for me. Scary Movie 4 is probably the worst big-budget movie I've ever seen, followed by original Casino Royale.

r3port3r66 12-16-07 01:36 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I know. I don't know why I torture myself anymore with these movies. Perhaps I keep thinking that they will recapture some kind of Airplane! magic, yet it never happens.

crashbarbarian 12-16-07 03:32 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
you nailed another one... so i must appologize for having to correct myself... i also did not finish chuck and larry... HORRIBLE!!!!!

crashbarbarian 12-16-07 03:33 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
and if you mention transformers as worst movie of the year... you need to state why other than "so different from the original cartoon/toys"

Monkeypunch 12-16-07 04:28 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 399889)
and if you mention transformers as worst movie of the year... you need to state why other than "so different from the original cartoon/toys"
You need to stop telling others what to do. Jus' sayin'. :D

And I have to say Ghost Rider is clearly the worst film I saw in 2007. I honestly expected it to be a decent time waster, but then it was like a redneck version of The Crow, sort of, with motorcyle jumpin' and Nic Cage's dumb as dirt performance...and I actually had to roll my eyes and turn it off when he turned into the Ghost Rider. What works on the printed page looks like a 12 year old made it up on the big screen apparently.

Not worst so much as wasted potential goes to License to Wed, which I saw in NYC with my then G/F. (we were both big fans of The Office, and the film has 3 actors from that show in it!) If it weren't for the fact that Mandy Moore comes off as a pampered, entitled b*tch thats impossible to like, I almost would have given this a pass. I blame this movie for us breaking up like less than two weeks after seeing it. (joking!)

(I actually liked Blades of Glory, however. Sue me, Will Ferrell makes me laugh.)

Pyro Tramp 12-16-07 07:02 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Rush Hour 3

Though recently i saw a film that came close but can't remember what it was.

Caitlyn 12-16-07 07:24 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 399888)
you nailed another one... so i must appologize for having to correct myself... i also did not finish chuck and larry... HORRIBLE!!!!!
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 399889)
and if you mention transformers as worst movie of the year... you need to state why other than "so different from the original cartoon/toys"

Who are you even talking to?

meatwadsprite 12-16-07 07:46 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 399921)
Rush Hour 3

Though recently i saw a film that came close but can't remember what it was.
why ?

Becs 12-19-07 11:58 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Worst that I seen was Who's Your Caddy? It was so stupid.

Captain Driftwood 12-19-07 01:29 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Hmmm...too many to count. Where shall I begin? This year has been both a blessing and a curse. Here is the scum from the bottom of the barrel:

Epic Movie (Ouch...I apologized to the people I saw this with)
The Brothers Solomon (I love ya Mr. Arnett, and I will probably pick this one up because I am a loyal fan, but wow. Writing just isn't Mr. Forte's forte.)
Hitman (Horrible writing, horribly shot, and even Olyphant is off the mark here, and no, that is not a hitman joke. It is a statement of unfortunate fact. This film attempted to hook the audience without any bait.)
The Simpsons Movie (Yes, I said it. I have been a fan of the show for over a decade, and that was the problem with this flick. It was the same stuff I have been laughing at all along. The fact that it also turns into an animated version of An Inconvienent Truth doesn't help here either. Perhaps if I hadn't set my hopes so high...)

I Am Legend (Okay, it had its moments for sure, but on the whole, this film is a collection of squandered opportunities and one of the most anticlimactic endings of the year. I understand staying true to the book, but things could have been done differently from a visual standpoint. It just feels like we are being robbed. Plus, the CGI infected were less than impressive. Whatever happened to quality makeup work. An army of beautifully constructed apes were brought to us in 1968, and all of them created by hand with care. Where has that passion gone? Apparently it is stored on a jump drive somewhere.)

POLgas 12-19-07 02:02 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
simpsons movie rocks ! and of course the I am legend is just phenomenal

Memnon 12-19-07 05:44 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Captain Driftwood (Post 400432)
I Am Legend (Okay, it had its moments for sure, but on the whole, this film is a collection of squandered opportunities and one of the most anticlimactic endings of the year. I understand staying true to the book, but things could have been done differently from a visual standpoint. It just feels like we are being robbed. Plus, the CGI infected were less than impressive. Whatever happened to quality makeup work. An army of beautifully constructed apes were brought to us in 1968, and all of them created by hand with care. Where has that passion gone? Apparently it is stored on a jump drive somewhere.)
While I agree that the CGI work in IAL wasn't up to what it could have been, I would personally disagree on calling it a "worst of 2007" movie. It had its issues, but it also had many fine points, not the least of which was Will Smith's performance in general, especially since for large portions of the film, he was the only person there acting.

As for the beautifully constructed apes you mention (from Planet of the Apes I assume)... Well, for their time it was pretty good work, and it certainly had to have been quite a bit of labor to create such elaborate costuming, but beautifully constructed, I personally wouldn't go that far...

Captain Driftwood 12-19-07 07:19 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Memnon (Post 400509)
While I agree that the CGI work in IAL wasn't up to what it could have been, I would personally disagree on calling it a "worst of 2007" movie. It had its issues, but it also had many fine points, not the least of which was Will Smith's performance in general, especially since for large portions of the film, he was the only person there acting.

As for the beautifully constructed apes you mention (from Planet of the Apes I assume)... Well, for their time it was pretty good work, and it certainly had to have been quite a bit of labor to create such elaborate costuming, but beautifully constructed, I personally wouldn't go that far...
Yes I mean Planet of the Apes and I am just pointing out the articulation and attention to detail, the love the makeup artists must have had for the project in order to put in those painstaking hours. It just seems like that sort of care has started to fade these days.

ImNotGibson 12-20-07 12:57 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I was pretty good this year about avoiding tripe and the only ones that slipped under my radar were:

I was kind of excited for this based on two things: I loved the original movies as a kid and the trailer actually made it look good. My problem with the movie may seem silly considering the thing is about talking turtles that kung-fu fight, but I really hated the story for being so ridiculous. Those monsters were waiting dormant and unnoticed by mankind for thousands of years (which in and of itself is impossible) only to reunite in New York City to... what? They all just end up getting captured. Did I miss the part where the villain set up some sort of beacon that drew the monsters to the city? Also, the fight scenes were majorly underwhelming, which really sucks because half the movie consisted of fight scenes. I hate this film.

Smokin' Aces

The characters weren't likable. The comedy fell flat. The action was basic and uninspired. The story developed awkwardly because of all the weak intros to the weak characters. The payoff didn't payoff. Yup, those are my bottom-line feelings about this movie. Jeremy Piven was good though.

jrs 12-20-07 02:23 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I'll wait till December 31st to answer this thread.

POLgas 12-20-07 02:27 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
you expect to see more films huh? LOL

Captain Driftwood 12-20-07 05:17 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by jrs (Post 400770)
I'll wait till December 31st to answer this thread.
Fair enough. I won't be addressing my top twenty-five until then either.

mark f 12-20-07 05:25 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I'll be doing it much later than that.

mish_01 12-21-07 02:01 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I really hate Hallowed Ground and Nailed,. too boring

jrs 12-24-07 03:57 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Are We Done Yet?
Balls of Fury
BloodRayne II: Deliverance
Boogeyman 2
Code Name: The Cleaner
Condemned, The
Daddy Day Camp
Delta Farce
Dragon Wars
Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning
Epic Movie
Evan Almighty
Firehouse Dog
Fred Claus
Hannibal Rising
I Am Legend
Lake Placid 2
Lucky You
The Messengers
Mr. Bean's Holiday
Mr. Woodcock
Music and Lyrics
Nancy Drew
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
The Perfect Holiday
Reno 911!: Miami
The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

Futon 12-26-07 01:33 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Hands down, it has to be "I Know Who Killed Me". Their attempt at an artsy, fartsy dark film failed miserably. It was also gore porn, in my opinion, but that wasn't even done very well. Lindsay Lohan needs to stop acting and needs to focus on cleaning up her act.

TheUsualSuspect 12-27-07 06:01 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Just saw EPIC MOVIE......somebody please kill me.

Monkeypunch 12-27-07 11:32 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 399921)
Rush Hour 3
I agree! I was so let down by this. I like the other two, but 3 was awful! Almost no kung fu (I know jackie Chan is getting up there in age, but without Kung Fu, he really brings nothing to the film.), and it seemed like the filmmakers thought Chris Tucker's voice was so hilarious by itself that they didnt need to give him good lines to say. An all out disaster.

Dworkingham7 12-28-07 02:05 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by xylene_free (Post 398614)
What movie do you think is the worst for 2007?

personally i think Daddy Day Camp! this is the first movie that has driven me to leave the cinema.

ALSO surfs up, that was bad!

Iroquois 12-28-07 02:41 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I only see about ten new releases a year, half of which I love and half of which I don't. Tough call, but I weighed up the positives of all the movies in my "bad" file and my vote goes to...


Knocked Up

I know how much praise The 40 Year Old Virgin got, and so did the producers, who felt they could knock out yet another one of these rom-coms for guys. It's an uninspired sitcom premise fleshed out with predictable situations, with the "humour" coming from a bunch of losers getting wasted and making joke after joke after joke...ngh.

fbuenanry 01-09-08 08:08 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Epic Movie (2007).. ugh!

~DaRk-EyE~ 01-09-08 12:08 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I also nominate "EPIC MOVIE" for this category, the movie deserve some award in here, come on, bring in the trophy, FLOP!

POLgas 01-09-08 12:14 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
nothing too epic with the epic movie too from me

InDi_GurL 01-09-08 04:31 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
the worst movie of the year is Epic Movie, IMO

jrs 01-09-08 06:37 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
It's now far One Missed Call

jel-chappo 01-09-08 09:49 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
RESIDENT EVIL 3: EXTINCTION was the worst film of the year, hands down.
That and Shooter, Mark Wahlberg's sniper movie.

zero_digit 01-10-08 02:28 PM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
I think Mr. Bean's Holiday, although it is funny yet compare to the first one, his acting was not focused their , so it was disappointing ,expecting too much to the film is very tiring... :D

darkwell25 01-11-08 05:50 AM

Re: Worst movie of the year!
Originally Posted by jel-chappo (Post 404477)
RESIDENT EVIL 3: EXTINCTION was the worst film of the year, hands down.
That and Shooter, Mark Wahlberg's sniper movie.
I'll Second to that!! :D

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