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meatwadsprite 11-06-07 11:39 PM

Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
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meatwadsprite 11-07-07 12:03 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
best of's - 17, 46


M (52)


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8 1/2 (50)


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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1)


Bonnie and Clyde (52)


2001 : A Space Odyssey (3)
2001 : A Space Odyssey (51)


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Princess Mononoke (53)


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Jonestown : The Life and Death of People's Temple (27)
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Clerks 2 (43)
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Hairspray (1)
Spiderman 3 (1)
American Gangster (1)
Hot Fuzz (1)
Darjeeling Limited (2)
Planet Terror (2)
Black Snake Moan (2)
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The Road (55)

meatwadsprite 11-07-07 01:15 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
American Gangster (1 viewing)

Plot : The movie follows two characters - Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington) an assistant to long time crime boss - who passes away at the beginning of the movie . He takes his boss's place - and starts dealing drugs straight out of Vietnam for great results.

Second - Richie Roberts (Russel Crowe) one of the very few cops who wasn't corrupt. After turning down lots of dirty money he is given is own detection group aimed at taking down narcotics.

Story : The story of this movie is executed masterfully , as you connect with the characters - the events bounce from Frank to Richie constantly making the story extremely exciting with no dull points ever. I really can't say there was a part of the movie that wasn't important , and it's the little details - like the brand name of the drugs , the women being naked so they couldn't steal drugs , and even the clothes the characters wear : all important to the movie.

Visuals : Even though the movie is 3 hours long , it always maintains it's high quality visuals. All the places the movie takes place in are actually on location and it makes a huge difference. For example , you see the drug-house (apartment room) for the whole movie - but then toward the end you see the entire building the apartment was in and they go in fluently - which you rarely see in a film. Also , the action looks and feels intense : probably the most brutal gangster movie ever.

Synopsis : One of my favorite's , it's up there with The Godfather , Goodfellas , and The Departed for the gangster genre which apparently is one of my favorites with 4 great films like this. Also , I don't remember seeing the scene in the trailer where he drops a gun.

Spiderman 3 (2 viewings)

Plot : With some things solved in spiderman 2 there was much left open for the third (and final?) installment.

Story : A new enemy is introduced Sandman and Peter Parker's photo rival Eddie Brock (who later becomes Venom) also keep the story interesting. But , the majority of the movie focuses on Peter Parker , Mary Jane , and Harry Osbourn as their friendship goes through problems resulting in Peter Parker finding a new black spiderman suit - which seemingly gives him more power , but makes him more aggresive and full of himself. Sandman's character isn't as one sided as the past characters either - he has a dieing daughter and robs places for money to cure her. Overall , this is one of the fastest paced stories and tons of fun to watch unfold.

Visuals : The action scenes are some of the best of any movie - with extensive use of CGI basicly the whole movie. Whole stories of buildings are knocked out with tiny objects flying out of them - spiderman jumps through another building and flies out the window - and sandman is one of the most detalied CGI characters ever.

Sypnosis : The spiderman series are easily the best superhero movies , they put movies like Batman and Superman to shame. This third one though is my favorite of the three.

The Good , The Bad , and the Ugly (1 viewing)

The Plot : There really is no plot to this movie , i could just tell you the tagline "For three men the civil war wasn't hell. It was practice"

The Story : Follows two characters Blondie - The Good (Clint Eastwood) and Tuco - The Ugly (Eli Wallach). They make money with each other by Blondie taking Tuco into cities where he is wanted as a bounty - then blondie shoots him down from his hanging before they kill him. Eventually , they split up and Blondie takes Tuco's share - so he then Tuco gets his revenge on blondie. The story just keeps adding in twists and turns untill it becomes about a treasure that is buried in a grave - Blondie knows one half of where it is and Tuco the other. Angel Eyes - The Bad (Lee Van Cleef) also tries to get in on the treasure. Although the story has lots of fresh ideas it unfolds slowly with lots of pointless scenes that drag on way too long.

Visuals : Great for it's time , but compared to today's standards they don't look "that" great. Although some scenes have stayed amazing looking (espicially the long shots - that have only been rivaled by Children of Men). The action scenes and shooting though are still great and the epic civil war battle scene are pretty amazing.

Soundtrack : The classic score of this movie is one of the best things about it , there's no doubt you will have heard these songs even if you didn't see the movie.

Sypnosis : This movie could have been 30 to 40 minutes shorter cutting out the unnecesary parts - but it has it's moments.

chet seven 11-07-07 01:50 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Spidey 3 beats The Good The Bad and the Ugly by 2?! Interesting. I love both but would put The Good atleast 1 more than S3.

nice reviews though, keep em comin

7thson 11-07-07 02:22 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Slow/quick.....................................good lord....nm heh

emir 11-07-07 07:59 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I would like an explanation of what qualifies as a "pointless scene". Also, how can a movie have no plot, and is full of twists and turns at the same time?

meatwadsprite 11-07-07 09:27 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by emir (Post 391715)
I would like an explanation of what qualifies as a "pointless scene". Also, how can a movie have no plot, and is full of twists and turns at the same time?
Isn't the plot of the movie what it's gona be about for the whole film. It's never set in stone untill the middle of the movie .

Pointless scenes are all determined by their length . I remember a really long train shot in the movie and you can't try and tell me that the pacing in good bad ugly wasn't really bad at times

meatwadsprite 11-07-07 09:45 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Hairspray (1 viewing)

Plot : Tracy and Pennie's entire lives seem to revolve around one T.V show where kids just sing and dance the whole time. One day Tracy gets on the show and then everything goes crazy.

Story : Takes place during the apparently really racist early 60's , where the best thing in the world is the Corny Collins show - where Tracy makes her mark as a star by singing and dancing. Though the manager of the show despises her for being fat and also for not being racist - as the show goes through changes the manager's schemes become more dangerous. Meanwhile the other characters like Penny (Amanda Bynes) and her parents (Christopher Walken and John Travolta) have their own problems of shyness and jeulousy. The story eventually gives out and becomes about racism over it's characters - which is a shame since there is so much character devlopement.

Music : Most of the song's story twists occur during the musical numbers. Lots of the songs sound different than each other but there are a couple barley creative and energetic songs in it (a problem Dreamgirls suffered from).

Visuals : Even though this movie is rated PG it is busting at the seams with sex. The main character performs many dance moves where even in the characters in the movie say are "extreme" , plus there's lots of small details you'll notice right away that sex was intended to be part of the entertainment here.

Sypnosis : Although for the most part i hate musicals (aside from South Park). This was suprisingly good.

Pyro Tramp 11-07-07 09:55 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Have you tried Once Upon a Time in the West?

meatwadsprite 11-07-07 07:21 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Taxi Driver (2 viewings)

The Plot : Lonely taxi driver Travis Bickle (Robert Deniro) looks for a friend in an isolated existance.

The Story : I can relate with the main character a lot - so some of the movies themes are quite powerfull to me. Robert Deniro is a lonely guy who can't get to sleep so he takes up a job as a taxi driver (apparently for conversation with people). But , he never connects with people or can find any friends so he takes power into his hands by other means.

Visuals : There are some really cool shots of the taxi and streets. Though the visuals do feel dated - aside from the big scale scenes (like the voting campaign office).

Sypnosis : Though there are some great scenes (espicially Martin Scorsese's cameo) , but the detachment from Robert Deniro's character is pretty signifigant - you never really get to know him other than he's lonely : plus it ends out of nowhere.

mark f 11-07-07 07:36 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
That's a good start of a review there. Now, if you go into more detail about what you think makes Travis tick, or if you see some connection between the older and younger women he tries to save, then you should try to develop that. Also, when you talk about the ending, be more specific as far as what you were expecting and what you thought was missing. Maybe you were looking for a tidier, more traditional ending, so it crossed you up. Personally, I hated the ending of Taxi Driver when I first watched it (twice) 31 years ago, but after having rewatched it several times, I'm letting go (a bit) of my old hangups about it.

Anyhow, keep pluggin' away. :)

meatwadsprite 11-07-07 11:33 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Die Hard 3 : With a Vengance (1 viewing)

The Plot : John McClain (Bruce Willis) has taken a turn for the worst , he's drinking heavily and his wife seems to have finally left him. But , he's instantly pulled back into the hardcore action scene when a physcopath starts blowing up buildings.

The Story : The characters in this die hard are probably the weaker than the ones in Die Hard 2. You just don't grow to love them like the original . What starts out as a game of as a game of chase turns into another robbery - and it goes downhill from there. Also , throughout the whole movie John McClain teams up with super racist Zeus Carver (Samuel Jackson).

Action : The first Die Hard is one of the best action movies , due to it's amazing cinemetography for it's action scenes. This one's action really is lacking.

Visuals : Athough there are few really good visuals - it can't even compare the originals amazing non-stop eye candy. But I gota say I love how the characters look all messed up toward the end.

Sypnosis : Pretty good action movie , but you won't find yourself watching it again and again like the original.

meatwadsprite 11-09-07 12:15 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Up-coming Reviews (with most recent view scores = may change during next viewing)
Psycho (viewed already)
Ratatouille (going to be viewed for second time)

Godfather (going to be viewed for third time)

City of God (3rd time as well)

2001 : A Space Odysee (getting from blockbuster - 2nd view)

Face Off (getting from blockbuster - 2nd view)

Robocop (getting from blockbuster - 2nd view)

meatwadsprite 11-09-07 08:15 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Psycho (1 viewing) [spoiler alert]

Plot : Marion Crane who is ready to leave her normal life steals $40,000 to runaway with her lover

Story : The first half of the story focuses on the Marion as she must controll her own fear of getting caught with the money. On her way to her boyfriend she checks into the Bates Motel where she is murdered out of nowhere and the movie becomes more of a mystery. The owner of the bates motel supposdly lives with his mother in a house right next to it. His mother is apparently "ill" and she is the one who killed Marion. As more people come to investigate the motel the mother continues to kill more people.

Pacing : For the most part of the film it is paced really great , but the scene where Norman (motel owner) gets rid of the evidence is really pointless and could have been taken down to about a minute.

How Scary : There aren't really moments that shock you right away - it's just the entire theme of the movie and the eerieness that scares you long after the movie is over.

Visuals : The Bates Motel really comes to life , although it actually is a movie set - I thought it was on location filming. Apart from that this movie dosen't opack a very big punch in this area : except for the shower scene.

WARNING: "Psycho" spoilers below
Twist and Ending : For me it was pretty obvious that Norman was assuming the identity of his mother. But , the ending is one of the dumbest parts of the movie where the pschiotrist explains the whole thing. As for the exact ending - well that was defintly the scariest part of the whole movie.

Sypnosis : Although the story is really great for the most part - I didn't like this movie simply because it haunts you. I would say it is defintly the best horror film I have ever seen though.

My Personal Rating (I don't like horror movies)

Rating as a Horror Movie

meatwadsprite 11-09-07 08:25 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Hot Fuzz (9+ viewings)

The Plot : Sort of similar to Edgar Wright's first film Shaun of the Dead as to where that was a parody of horror movies - this is a parody of action movies. Although hot fuzz is alot more original and more of totally seperate idea than Shaun of the Dead.

The Story : Big city cop Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is transfered to a low populated city out in the country for excelling too much in his police work. But not everything is peacefull in country when it turns into a mystery to find a mysterious person killing people. Although the movie has it's serious moments - it always remains light-hearted and hillarious.

The Action : This is without a doubt the best action you will ever see in a film. Even though it parodys tons of action movies with it's action - none of the films it actually parodies could come close to compare to the excitement and visually stunning action this movie packs.

Visuals : With Edgar Wright as director there's no suprise that this film contains some of the best visuals of any movie. Scene after scene the visual quality is always set at a very high standard.

Sypnosis : If I had to pick only one film to watch for the rest of my life - this would be it.

Yoda 11-09-07 11:18 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I went ahead and added spoiler tags to your post; it's a lot better than just putting a notice at the top. I have to address, something, though...

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 392080)
Sypnosis : Although the story is really great for the most part - I didn't like this movie simply because it haunts you.
Isn't that what horror films are supposed to do?

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 392080)
I would say it is defintly the best horror film I have ever seen though.

It's the "best horror film [you've] ever seen" and it only gets 2 stars?

Pyro Tramp 11-09-07 12:06 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I had a problem with that too, Yoda..... :confused:

mark f 11-09-07 12:07 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
There's something else which I think needs clarification. Is this the original Alfred Hitchcock Psycho? No actors or director are mentioned in the review, and your photo is in color, so, although I'm assuming it's the B&W classic, it could be the color remake.

Thursday Next 11-09-07 03:41 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 392080)
But , the ending is one of the dumbest parts of the movie where the pschiotrist explains the whole thing.
Yeah, I thought that too. Other than that, though, top film.

nebbit 11-09-07 04:23 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I am enjoying these reviews much better than your fisrt lot :yup: thanks Meatface :)

Monkeypunch 11-09-07 04:41 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 392080)
Psycho (1 viewing) [spoiler alert]

Pacing : For the most part of the film it is paced really great , but the scene where Norman (motel owner) gets rid of the evidence is really pointless and could have been taken down to about a minute.
It's not pointless, it gives insight to his character. It shows how easily Norman can just shut off his revulsion at the blood and death around him and just clean it up like it were any old mess that someone left in the bathroom. Look at how emotionless he seems during the scene.

meatwadsprite 11-09-07 08:59 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 392163)
It's not pointless, it gives insight to his character. It shows how easily Norman can just shut off his revulsion at the blood and death around him and just clean it up like it were any old mess that someone left in the bathroom. Look at how emotionless he seems during the scene.
we can't figure that out for ourselves ?

Also , for the pyscho rating : i foresaw this debate - so i'm giving it two seperate ratings

one for people who like horror movies and my personal recomendation

meatwadsprite 11-09-07 09:03 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 392122)
There's something else which I think needs clarification. Is this the original Alfred Hitchcock Psycho? No actors or director are mentioned in the review, and your photo is in color, so, although I'm assuming it's the B&W classic, it could be the color remake.
It's the original Black and White Hitchcock one .

meatwadsprite 11-10-07 11:30 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Boogie Nights (6+ viewings)

Plot : Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg) works at a nightclub cleaning dishes and doing sexual favors for extra money. One night pornographic film maker Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds) discovers Eddie's huge d*** and asks him to be in a new movie.

Story : The story on the most part is a rise and fall story similar to Goodfellas . But , there are lots of underlying themes - family being a huge one. As Eddie Adams get's bigger in the porno industry his ego gets bigger and to start it off he changes his name from Eddie Adams to Dirk Diggler . Dirk and his friend Reed (John C. Reilly) rise to the top , but eventually they start using narcotics and everything goes downhill from there. This movie isn't just about two characters though - it's about a bunch : Buck Swope , Maurice Rodriguez , The Colonel , Scotty J , Little Bill , Todd Parker , Floyd Gondolli , Amber Waves , and Rollergirl (played by an all-star cast).

Visuals : Filled with tons of tracking shots and other amazing shots this is easily P.T.A's best movie visually. Along with the very realistic locations the movie takes place.

Humor : Though you don't go into this movie expecting a comedy - there are some parts where you just think it's funny : and some laugh out loud funny parts : again similar to goodfellas.

Sypnosis : The greatest movie ever about porn - if you liked Goodfellas you'll defintly like this too.

meatwadsprite 11-10-07 11:00 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
The Darjeeling Limited (1 viewing)

The Plot : Three brothers meet on a train to rekindle their friendship - after not having spoken to each other for a year.

The Story : Much different from Wes Anderson's other films in which the characters develope over the entire course of the movie instead of being developed quickly. The three brothers undertake a bunch of silly ritualistic healing and eventually you see why they haven't spoken in a year. It does a great job at making it's dialouge so meaningfull as well.

Humor : Has some really funny moments like Wes Anderson's other films , but this film is for the majority of it a drama.

Visuals : Wes Anderson defends his title as a great visual director. Lots of great shots and scenes - with frequent use of the slow motion technique. The train is certainly a big acomplishment in which it's incredibly realistic with tons of scope to it. Although there are some of his pattented shots in it - the movie is dominated by a completly new visual style for the director.

Sypnosis : Lives up to Wes Anderson's reputation. If you think you got his movies figured out , think again.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 08:14 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Beverly Hills Cop (1 viewing)

Plot : Detective Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) has a nack for getting in trouble with police regulations and his boss , he is forced to be carefull after his latest big mess-up. One day his old friend drops by to visit him - but is killed in front of Axel as revenge !

Story : Axel tracks down his friend's killer in Beverly Hills . With the police constantly tracking him to make sure he dosen't do anything against the rules - he befriends the detectives assigned to follow him. Although the story has lots of good ideas and the characters are pretty respectable - it's defintly not the main draw of the movie.

Humor : This is where the movie shines , there is too much funny dialouge to pass up - espicially when Axel takes on different personalities. Also , who could forget the horribly out of place music in the begining.

Music : The intro is a chase scene to an 80's sounding synthesizer heavy dance song with lyrics - it's such a bad idea that it makes the movie stand out just for being so bold. The majority of the movie though is equipped with a catchy theme , that has defintly become more iconic than the movie in my opion.

Visuals : Again not a draw for this movie . The obvious lacking of anything visually spectacular makes this pretty bad as an action movie , but the shooting is actually pretty intense. This movie's action is pretty dependant on shooting in the first place : and it rarley happens so it's excusable.

Sypnosis : You laugh a ton by the end of this movie , but I doubt you'll watch it again for the action.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 08:34 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
City of God (3 viewings)

Plot : In a city where the number of criminals out-number the amount of police , anything can happen.

Story : Dosen't ever revolve around one character , but instead many characters. The movie is told with one of the greatest time progressions in a film , starting in the 60's it introduces all the characters you'll see for the rest of the movie - most of them still children. Then you see where they'll be for the rest of the movie as they rise or fall and develope. Toward the end of the movie there are so many characters that you know it's amazing seeing them all interact with each other.

Action : This movie has some of the best action of any movie - gigantic beautifull gun battles : backed up by an amazing soundtrack.

Visuals : Though this is the directors first film - it's really amazing visually : i have no clue who's credit is due for this amazing looking movie but someone knew what they were doing. So many scenes that just blow many other movie's visuals out of the water.

Sypnosis : If it's a foreign film you want , your not gona get much better than this .

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 11:05 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Planet Terror (3 viewings)

Plot : An infection that causes people to become mutilated and crave human meat breaks out .

Original Release : Although originally the movie was shorter and was part of the double feature Grindhouse , the original theatrical release has yet to be released on DVD. This review does not count as the review for Grindhouse

Story : Survivors of the deadly outbreak defend themselves from the infected zombie type people. There is seemingly a lot of backstory to the characters and you briefly see some of their problems , but they never develope past that. Lots of the story events are for humor so the story isn't really anything special .

Humor : Laugh out loud funny , some great lines and an the whole theme of the movie is to parody crappy gimmick based movies - making it about as funny as one of those. Seeing this the third time it's not as funny - since the laughs are more simplistic jokes.

Action and Visuals : Tons of blood and gore flying everywhere with super big budget CGI special effects all beautifully put together with a low budget film grain looking technqiue that goes over the entire movie - the main focus of the movie is seemingly here.

Sypnosis : A lot more true to the original version than Deathproof was , though still small time compared to the original Grindhouse - if you haven't seen Grindhouse yet : i suggest you see neither of the two untill you do , the extended footage as well is such a bad idea

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 10:04 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
2007 Ultimate Review
I will now put a review up for every movie that has come out this year (that i have seen). Though these reviews aren't being written directly I have scene the movies like all my other ones - I've seen close to all of them twice at the least . Here is a list of the movies that will be reviewed or have been already reviewed that have come out this year.

Black Snake Moan



The Hoax

Aqua Teen Movie

Hot Fuzz

Spiderman 3

Knocked Up

Evan Almighty

Ratatouille (going to be viewed again soon)


The Simpsons Movie

Rush Hour 3


King of Kong : Fistfull of Quarters

Darjeeling Limited

American Gangster

movies still coming out to be reviewed

No Country for Old Men (not out yet)
There Will Be Blood (not out yet)
Southland Tales (not out yet)

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 10:15 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Black Snake Moan (1 viewing)

Plot : Rae , a sex craving woman (Christina Ricci) stumbles into the path of moral driven honest man Lazerus (Samuel Jackson) who is content on helping her get rid of the addiction.

Story : Rae tries to seduce Lazerus many times , but as he refuses and helps her controll herself better her boyfriend is extreamly worried about her while she is missing from her house. Lazerus keeps her chained to his radiator and refuses to let her go untill she prooves herself. Though it is an original idea - there is some lack of character developement which is replaced by some stylistic scenes that don't actually do anything for the characters.

Visuals : There are some pretty good visuals - but nothing mind blowing : except for the sybliminal head impaled in the background that you only see for about 2 seconds - which really is a great film technique that is rarley used.

Sypnosis : Good acting and some good story elements keep this movie alive - but the lack of a bigger type of character development keeps it from being amazing.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 10:25 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Zodiac (2 viewings)

Plot : A killer who gives clues to the newspaper about his identity consumes a cartoonist life with his teases.

Story : Robert Graysmith is a cartoonist who likes to dip into police affairs when the zodiac killer starts advertising himself as a killer. He leaves small clues for people to follow him and Robert Graysmith is one of the few people that thinks they mean something . Though the movie focuses a ton on the actuall killer and has tons of facts , you start to see how the other characters are affected - with this movie's huge timescale of about 20+ years , it's truely a unique crime thriller. Although the ending will leave you frustrated everything leading up to it is great.

WARNING: "Ending of Zodiac" spoilers below

Ending : Though the killer is never 100 percent found in the movie , it gives you big hints to as who it is : which is kind of nice - but the what actually happens is that instead of showing the rest of the events that took place it decides to make them into text . If the actually text had been translated to film it would have been a way better ending - and the fact that the film is 3 hours long already with such a quick and horrible ending is all the worse. Plus - the text was made for theatre screens : the text wasn't even readable on my 27 inch tv which is pretty ridiculous.

Visuals : David Fincher makes no lack of effort here - his style defintly shows : espicially with the huge city shots and the construction of the building .

Sypnosis : A great crime thriller - the best i've seen , though it has a weak ending and some lesser character parts : it's highly realistic and that gives it one of it's biggest boost as a film.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 10:40 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
300 (2 viewings),0.jpg

Plot : A new persion empire is rising and makes the small land of sparta submit to it's rule. But , the spartan king and 300 of his soilders defy the empire and begin an epic battle.

Story : A truely bare bones character story with huge exagerated events. This movie really is about how the spartans are a lot smarter and better at combat than the stupid persion's tying to kill them. Although the story is good enough to keep you watching : it's not the movies strong point by far.

Action and Visuals : CGI injected roller coaster thrill ride of an action film. This movie does feature some of the best visuals due to it's extreme use of CGI and the action scenes benefit from the CGi the most. They are beautifull to watch and lots of fun as well : obviously the main object in this film.

Sypnosis : Although lots of film "casuals" refer to it as one of the best movies ever , in reality it actually is a very good film : it's characters are carved from the beating they take and the damage they deal , but by the end you'll be glad you watched it and entertained.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 10:54 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
The Hoax (1 viewing)

Plot : Clifford Irving (Richard Gere) hypes up and attempts to sell a fake biography of an amazingly famous man who speaks to no-one.

Story : Though there are some tense moments and the movie is mostly character driven , you barley see character development but instead how they would just normally act. Pretty realistic movie , it will keep you watching to the end - but you won't praise it's story much after your done watching it.

Visuals : A few great shots and nothing else. Although there seems to be a new visual standard for movies like this - it seems to stay with the standard.

Sypnosis : A cool film to watch once and have fun with it , but after that you'll be done with it.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 11:05 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Aqua Teen Hunger Force : Film for Theatres for DVD (5 viewings)

Plot : Meatwad , Master Shake , and frylock must uncover the mystery of a new enemey and also their own pasts.

Story : Although the movie tries to get into the story telling mode it's ultimatly all for laughs. The aqua teens fight another big monster that they basicly created and now it destroys downtown similar to the first episode. There is plot development but it's really not important to the film's focus.

Humor : Obviously for me this was hyped as one of the funniest movies ever , though it is really funny - I wouldn't say it's nearly as good as the show. It seems the movie was toned down from it's original version that you can view on the DVD to appeal to bigger audiences. Though there are some hillarious quotes like always and just dead funny scenes .

Visuals : I praise this show for it's animation. As an animator myself I can see all the merits that go into this film and the great visual design. Although some can complain that it's low budget - i love the style and how it looks like something I could do (aside from the 3D effects)

Sypnosis : Not the amazing film it could have been - it's still great weighing in as a pretty good episode of aqua teen , the DVD comes packed with the original version as well : though it's barley animated - if you've never seen aqua teen I suggest you start with this movie.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 11:26 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Knocked Up (4 viewings)

Plot : E! Entertainment interviewer get's drunk and gets pregnant with no job stoner Ben Stone .

Story : Though emotionally pulled together by it's characters like 40 Year Old Virgin it's realistic yet fake style of story telling is pulled off once again. The acting covers the story so well that it's defintly great to watch again and again. Ben Stone (Seth Rogen) and Alison Scott (Katherine Heigl) try to make their forced relationship work out , as their differences become bigger.

Humor : It's a different type of humor than 40 Year Old Virgin's outragous events : though it still has the same hillarious dialouge. I challenge you not to laugh out loud at least 8 times !

Visuals : The places the movie takes place come to life with realistic scale and are defintly not lacking : some scenes are really great to look at though and some are boring. The wide camera lens effect is obviously pretty dumb and the fact that they make a full screen version of the movie (which i actually have) is also another bad decision , but the movie's visuals were never the films draw so it's forgivable.

Sypnosis : This more realistic and mature comedy shows it's heart in a great way - making it better than good.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 11:38 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Evan Almighty (1 incomplete viewing)

Incomplete Viewing Notice : The teacher showing us the movie didn't even show the whole thing - turned it off right at the end : so if the movie is mircaulously good at the end sorry for this review.

Plot : Evan Baxter (Steve Carrel) is chosen by God (Morgan Freeman) to build an ark for an upcoming flood.

Story : Pretty horrible even as a commercially produced film without a heart. Evan Baxter has animals follow him around , he grows a beard , and he has to wear old robes and stuff for some reason : forced upon him by God. Then he builds a big ark with the help of his family and then they laugh at him because it's a stupid idea . Also , he is fired from his job for having animals with him in the room or something dumb like that.

Visuals : Some good use of CGI though the rest of the movie and it's cinemetography is laughable.

Sypnosis : If you liked Bruce Almighty don't get your hopes up for this computer generated down-right horrible film.

meatwadsprite 11-11-07 11:48 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Transformers (1 viewing)

Plot : Robots come to earth to kill other robots.

Story : Pretty ridiculously weak story , though it starts out pretty good. The story is mostly about this 16-17 year old kid who gets a new car and how he likes some girl. Then a bunch of evil robots attack and he and the girl become friends and then it dosen't matter because the movie turns into an crappy-action fest and the characters are no longer important.

Action : So fast and way too many camera cuts to follow , defintly not good action at all. A huge waste of CGI and time.

Visuals : Another 2007 film to be stuffed with amazing CGI , although the robots look amazing and there are some huge scenes like with the kids house that look really good : aside from that the actuall camera shots are horrendous.

Sypnosis : Another highly acclaimed movie by people who barley watch movies , but this time - it's downright horrible.

meatwadsprite 11-12-07 12:31 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
The Simpsons Movie (1 viewing)

Plot : Homer throws a toxic barrel in springfields water supply and contaminates the whole city , so a gigantic dome is forced onto the city.

Story : Though a lot more put together than the recent Aqua Teen Movie , it's still pretty weak. The first half of the movie is just great with tons of laughs , but when you get to the last laughless half with a forced done a thousand times ending - it's clear the film loses it's edge.

Humor : You'll laugh a ton in the first half , but as i said : the second half you might laugh once or you'll laugh at how bad the story gets.

Visuals : It's the usual simpsons with a little bit of 3D , not a gigantic leap in animation from the show.

Sypnosis : It's been in the works for how many years and still turns into a generic waste in the end. Though it's first half is defintly great.

meatwadsprite 11-12-07 12:41 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Rush Hour 3 (1 viewing)

Plot : Detective Carter (Chris Tucker) and Cheif Inspector Lee (Jackie Chan) go to Paris to solve another crime.

Story : If your a fan of the super cheesy stories of the first two you won't be disapointed here. Lots of pointless characters are introduced and some plot elements to pave the way for Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker to be hillarious .

Humor : The story is pretty much a show to set up the jokes which can be pretty hillarious : espicially with all the refrences to the past two installments. If you don't understand the films appeal though you may just see it as another pointless action film.

Visuals : Some cool action scenes and huge shots of the eiffel tower make this probably the best rush hour visually , but again it's defintly not that great.

Sypnosis : Fans of rush hour will love this one , it's cheesy-serious appeal is layed on thick - with one of the funniest endings of any movie.

nebbit 11-13-07 12:07 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Thanks Meatface :)

meatwadsprite 11-13-07 09:48 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Superbad (2 viewings)

Plot : Three teenagers about to graduate from high school try to have an amazing night and try to figure out their futures.

Story : How you grow to love the characters over the course of the movie is one of the films best aspects. It's story revolves around five characters Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Micheal Cera) as they try to get alchohal for a party they are invited to by girls they really like. Fogell - a friend of Seth and Evan who hangs out with some cops after he gets robbed while trying to buy alchohal with a fake ID , and then there are the cops Slater (Bill Hader) and Micheals (Seth Rogen) who just do outragous stuff for tons of laughs.

Humor : There are a lot more laugh out loud moments in here than subtle funny moments like Knocked Up - so if you were looking for an outragous comedy this year : you've found it.

Visuals : The movie also takes on a day to night cycle , since the whole thing takes place in one day : which really makes it that much better. Also , there are some other great visual moments for the movie.

Sypnosis : Hillarious antics with a big heart , you'll be hard pressed not to love it.

meatwadsprite 11-13-07 09:57 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
The King of Kong : A Fistfull of Quarters (1 viewing)

Plot : A real documentary that captures the amazing donkey kong rivarly between Billy Mitchel and Steve Weibe .

Story : The documentary is really cartoony and really exagerates the characters which is what lots of documentaries lack (making them boring) , but what so many documentaries have failed at - this one susceeds. It captures so much with the footage as well - it's amazing how they got it all. Billy Mitchel is the holder of the world record on Donkey Kong (arcade machine) , untill one day Steve Weibe records a video of him setting the new high score . Rules blur the line of trust and fairness - and in the end you'll defintly have an opion on this rivarly.

Visuals : There are some great ideas visually displayed and tons of older footage that makes the movie really fun to watch.

Sypnosis : As fun as documentaries get - you can't judge it's excitement soley as a documentary rather than an actuall drama.

Sedai 11-13-07 12:26 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
This thread is shaping up well. I agree with quite a few of these...

meatwadsprite 11-14-07 10:16 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
The Godfather (3 viewings)

Plot : A coming of age story about a family operated mafia.

Story : Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) is the Don of the corleone mafia family , times are changing - but he refuses to dip into the up and coming drug buisness : which starts big problems. He also has four sons - Micheal (Al Pacino) a war vetran who is only one of his brothers not in the family "buisnesss" - Sonny or Santino (James Caan) the son who would take the Don's position once he passed away - Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) adopted at an early age , he is the family's consilgere - and finally Fredo (John Cazale) who is seemingly half in and half out of the family buisness. As tensions rise with the Corleones refusal to help out another family with the drug dealing - people are killed and new oppurtunities are presented. This is one of the best character driven films of all time , it's characters and setting are thrown at you at incredible speeds : it took my a couple viewings to understand who all the characters were - but once I did , I saw the huge signifigance of the entire story.

Visuals : Lots of amazing long shots and action scenes. Though not very out of the box - it's masterfull lighting and well designed settings will defintly keep it realistic.

Sypnosis : This film didn't get it's reputation as the best out of nowhere. I doubt there's a person out there who won't enjoy this film.

meatwadsprite 11-14-07 10:33 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
2001 : A Space Odyssey (2 fast forwarded viewings)

Fast forwarded notice : I have not viewed this movie in it's entirety due to me fast forwarding the huge amount of ambient scenes with no dialouge and seemingly no value - though trust me I've seen all the different scenes : i may have no viewed them the whole way.

Plot : Mysterious objects are discovered by three different time eras of creatures .

Story : Well , I really can't tell you what the story is - since it really makes no sense and could be interperted many different ways. It starts off with some ape looking guys discovering a giant object and then they learn how to use tools. Then it goes to space where it becomes a horribly acted and boring film. A space crew takes a new ship that is almost completely controlled by a self aware computer with incredibly advanced artificial intelligence - the HAL 9000.

Pacing : This is a film that suffers horribly from one of the biggest elements in a movie. The somewhat story unfolds incredibly slow - which makes this movie about 100 times worse. Maybe the film would have been allright for a 20 minute feature.

Visuals : Defintly the most accalimed aspect of the movie , though there are some very cool moments for the film - it's really nothing compared to how much they are taken granted for : since the audience apparently needs to look at them for extended periods of time.

Sypnosis : One of the worst films I've seen. I must give it some credit on it's HAL 9000 character which I actually did like the concept of , but it's a shame the movie is about 2 hours longer than it should have been.

nebbit 11-14-07 11:09 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Ouch, a half a point

mark f 11-14-07 11:52 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
What are you thinking about when you watch the film? Are you thinking, at all, about where you came from or where you're going?
Are you thinking about if there's a God or just some alien experiment, and if so, is there a difference?
Are you thinking about whether you or any other human will ever be able to fully communicate with another human?
Are you thinking about the evolution of Mankind?
Are you thinking about how "Humans" are becoming more "Machines" and how "Machines" are becoming more "Human"?

meatwadsprite 11-15-07 08:03 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 393313)
What are you thinking about when you watch the film? Are you thinking, at all, about where you came from or where you're going?
Are you thinking about if there's a God or just some alien experiment, and if so, is there a difference?
Are you thinking about whether you or any other human will ever be able to fully communicate with another human?
Are you thinking about the evolution of Mankind?
Are you thinking about how "Humans" are becoming more "Machines" and how "Machines" are becoming more "Human"?
i'm thinking this movie is pretty damn boring

Thursday Next 11-15-07 05:51 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 393301)
No, he's not. Ok, half a point is perhaps a little bit harsh, but I don't think I would give this overrated piece of space-debris more than 2 stars. There are good aspects to it - the visuals, as Meatwadsprite mentioned, and the whole sequence with HAL; but the monkeys were a prologue extended for far too long for a start. Somewhere in here is a decent film, but it is lost inside some pretentious existential pondering (which would be done much better 4 years later in Solaris), which isn't half as deep or interesting as it thinks it is.

I think that a lot of the enduring appeal of this film has to do with its timing - being made just at the time when mankind was exploring space for the first time. Now that both space movies and visual effects are taken for granted, it is easy to see how this movie can fail to wow a first time viewer.

But that said, I'm not sure how much of a right you have to write a review of a film that you admit to having fast forwarded large chunks of...

linespalsy 11-15-07 05:54 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Meatwad, your "slow" 2001 review reads more like one of your "quick" reviews - not in terms of word count but in terms of how much (or little) information you get across. Surely you can write with a little bit more substance about a film you watched (ok, fastforwarded through) twice.

I'm also a little confused as to what you think plot and story are, and if there is any difference between the two. The information you put under plot would make just as much sense under the story heading and vice versa, so why have separate headings at all?

I have a particular problem with this:

It starts off with some ape looking guys discovering a giant object and then they learn how to use tools. Then it goes to space where it becomes a horribly acted and boring film.
This leaves out some crucial details, particularly the significance of the object (the monolith) in both portions of the film (you say that it appears multiple times but don't explain the significance of this in your description of the story, leading one to think that the three parts of the film might as well take place in completely different universes, which they clearly don't). In another thread I saw you write (I'm paraphrasing) that story/plot are the most important parts of a film and that Kubrick fails at those so any psychological message is wasted. That might be a defensible argument but in order to actually make it you have to show that you understood the story enough to call it a failure. IE you need to be able to say what exactly the story fails at (other than entertaining you). Try harder please.

linespalsy 11-15-07 06:26 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 393313)
What are you thinking about when you watch the film? Are you thinking, at all, about where you came from or where you're going?
Are you thinking about if there's a God or just some alien experiment, and if so, is there a difference?
Are you thinking about whether you or any other human will ever be able to fully communicate with another human?
Are you thinking about the evolution of Mankind?
Are you thinking about how "Humans" are becoming more "Machines" and how "Machines" are becoming more "Human"?
Mark, I think answering these questions would be a worth while exercise to try and make sense of 2001 but find a couple of them somewhat problematic, namely:

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 393313)
Are you thinking about whether you or any other human will ever be able to fully communicate with another human?
While that's an interesting question, I don't see it in this movie so much. Could you point out what in the movie makes you think about that? I just don't see that as a lucid theme in the movie, I mean after you pointed it out I can find it but only through some pretty fancy contortions.

and 2
Are you thinking about how "Humans" are becoming more "Machines" and how "Machines" are becoming more "Human"?
This is something I think about while watching but the way you phrased it might actually distort what I find more interesting about the movie's theme. "Machine" kind of implies to me viewing it as a "message movie" about the dehumanizing nature of technology. If this is what you mean (and sorry for misappropriating your words to help illustrate my interpretation if it isn't), you may be right that Kubrick wants us to recognize what he sees as a dehumanizing force in society. After all I see this as an ongoing theme in some of his films, most notably in A Clockwork Orange and Fullmetal Jacket where he shows attempts to program people away from or into brutal behavior much to the subjects' suffering. But I have a problem applying the man/machine dichotomy to 2001 because I think the movie implicitly conflates the two in a fairly deep way right from the starting line...

In part I think it works better in those other two film cosmologies (the man becoming machine part, not the machine becoming man part obviously) because they start from a human base and then go on to contrast that with a mechanical or conditioned state of being. Both films follow the basic arc of people in the wild ("human"), then their programing ("mechanical") then released back into the wild as machines and the results of that. You could argue that 2001 follows a similar arc but I would say it's significantly different in that the initial "wild" (without technology) baseline in 2001 is not more human but less. Keep in mind that it's an alien technology that literally impregnates the primate brain with the ability to reason. This ability to reason eventually progresses until we are able reason about reasoning itself, from which Hal is born. I think technology in 2001 is less important than the idea of the reasoning, plotting, chess-playing mind. The ape's ability to make a tool isn't significant on its own, only as a sign of its ability to create a goal and the plan out the steps to achieve that goal. Further, that ability to plan is less important than our ability to recognize the plan as such.

WARNING: "2001" spoilers below
I think this explains why the movie is presented in such stark, slow, quiet and straightforward terms. As viewers we are watching a movie about reasoning which forces us to reason by showing human behavior in the most straightforward and detailed and abstract way. Long before Dave unplugs Hal we know roughly what he wants to do and how and why he wants to do it (with a minimum of exposition). The drama of that whole scene is in how it allows us the time and emotional space to anticipate how it could go wrong at each step. It's such a focused, obsessed presentation that what we see could almost be as it happens in Dave's (or Hal's) mind rather than the actual event.

I guess my problem with that question is that the way I see it, in 2001 it's that very "machineness" that separates the men from the monkeys, or more properly its ability to abstract itself away from a world where the bone is just another arbitrary object and into an inner one with rules and narrative sense.

linespalsy 11-15-07 06:54 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 393491)
Somewhere in here is a decent film, but it is lost inside some pretentious existential pondering (which would be done much better 4 years later in Solaris), which isn't half as deep or interesting as it thinks it is.
Sometimes I think that any presentation of the question 2001 (are we "alone"/how did we get here) posits is bound to be self-defeating. IE the infinite regression of how did we get here? Something created us. How did that something get here? Something created it? How did that something that created it... etc. Is there ever a free will not determined by what came before? How does free will make sense in a universe determined by causal laws?

Is that what you mean by "pretentious existential pondering"? If so I think that's a little bit harsh in tone but wouldn't disagree in spirit (if that makes sense). But if that's what you're talking about, I have to wonder if Solaris did the same thing at all, let alone better. Maybe I just don't remember Solaris well enough, but I thought it was about People encountering an alien intelligence rather than that alien intelligence "birthing" us. Correct me if I'm wrong (about my memory of Solaris, about my interpretation of your statement or about life in general).

meatwadsprite 11-15-07 09:53 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Robocop (2 viewings)

Plot : Officer Alex Murphy is assigned to a new police department. He briefly gets acquainted with his new partner , but a robbery quickly takes place soon into the film. With no back-up he and his partner must take down heavily armed bank robbers with only pistols. Murphy is beaten by the robbers and they kill him - meanwhile a new corporate defense company has other plans for Murphy : he is transformed into Robocop !

Story : Robocop now the ultimate crime fighting machine starts a whole new type of havoc. The corporation responsible for building him is having problems when a long time boss is undermined by another - younger employee. Meanwhile , Robocop comes to relize who he was in his "past" life - and focuses his vengence on the people who killed him. I admire the number of things that seem small at the time but come back later in the movie as important - similar to many great action films , but the number of plot holes is pretty large. Somehow all these very distantly related characters know each other , robocop is ambushed by police for no reason , and robocop's invincible armor that can withstand bullets can't withstand a weakend guy shoving a wood spike into it : but plot holes aside it's still a fun story.

Action and Visuals : Hard hitting gun fights and some amazing cinemetography is really one of the big advantages this movie has to offer. Though the incredibly horrible looking frame-by-frame animated ED-209 is pretty hillarious.

Sypnosis : Defintly a lot better than I remember , though it's huge plot holes and hillarious looking robot defintly draw from the expeirience - you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of this one.

nebbit 11-16-07 12:25 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 393491)
No, he's not. Ok, half a point is perhaps a little bit harsh, but I don't think I would give this overrated piece of space-debris more than 2 stars. There are good aspects to it...
I was only speaking for myself :yup: sorry if you thought i was speaking for the whole family

mark f 11-16-07 01:14 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by linespalsy (Post 393501)
Mark, I think answering these questions would be a worth while exercise to try and make sense of 2001 but find a couple of them somewhat problematic, namely:

Originally Posted by markf
Are you thinking about whether you or any other human will ever be able to fully communicate with another human?
While that's an interesting question, I don't see it in this movie so much. Could you point out what in the movie makes you think about that? I just don't see that as a lucid theme in the movie, I mean after you pointed it out I can find it but only through some pretty fancy contortions.

and 2
Originally Posted by markf
Are you thinking about how "Humans" are becoming more "Machines" and how "Machines" are becoming more "Human"?
What I meant in the first quote above is that the human characters in the Moon/Jupiter section of the film never seem to really communicate with each other. It's that simple, but it's actually a very obvious, conscious choice for the writer/director to make, and let's make sure that everyone is aware that Arthur C. Clarke co-wrote the scriot.

When Dr. Floyd shows up on the Moon, he talks with some people, mostly exchanging pleasant small talk, but he has to keep secret his mission. Even in his briefing, he is quite secretive until he reveals what they found buried under the lunar surface. The doctor also phones home, trying to talk to his wife, but instead he talks to his young daughter (played by Kubrick's daughter). Now, I wouldn't want to say that he's not being truthful in his exchange with her because it's the most human scene we have of the man, but he was unable to communicate with his wife, and I'm sure he would have said something a bit more "substantial" to his wife.

On the Jupiter mission, Frank gets a birthday message from his family, but all he can do is unemotionally watch it with no way to respond to them. I don't know if Frank has problems with his family, has received a few too many of these type greetings, is apprehensive about the mission or is slowly turning into a zombie. But it's clear that he is unmoved by the message.

Taken altogether, it paints a picture of a civilization that is made up of people who are either incapable of open communication or too emotionally scarred to have the courage to attempt to engage in or react to it.

This also ties into the second quote. In contrast to the human characters, HAL is very open, inquisitive, and supportive of the two astronauts. He also speaks with "more emotion" than either Frank or Dave. Then again, near the end of the Jupiter Mission, when HAL has finally shown that he's much more than a friendly helper to the two men, he basically breaks down, regressing to "his childhood". This section where HAL turns violent doesn't necessarily have to be interpreted as a copycat of human behavior since most animals will strike out to defend themselves, but the fact that HAL has human-level intelligence certainly makes it appear that he is acting as a very dangerous human would behave.

I'm not sure if this is relevant to what you take from the film, but this is some of what I was considering when I posited my questions. I feel the film can be discussed in many ways, so to me, that's a huge asset it has going for it. Two others would be that it is a unique experience in film storytelling and that it has never bored me for a second the 25+ times I've watched it. But I realize that its uniqueness will stir debate.

emir 11-16-07 08:17 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I think HAL can be observed from several points of view: first, he symbolizes human progress - a perfect machine that people made in the peak of technological development, a perfect program that never makes mistakes, as we are told. But, HAL breaks down because he was suddenly told to lie, which was never originally in his code. So, he broke down because people wanted him to lie to other people, not telling them they would probably never come back from the mission. Someone didn't care what would happen to these individuals, as long as it's for the benefit of the mankind. Just like with the apes at the beginning of the movie, mankind tries to evolve through destruction. End shows mankind succeeding, but not without a price.
So, HAL isn't human, but a symbol of a piece of technology that can ruin everything, if being used the wrong way. On the other hand, I completely agree with markf about the other way of looking at HAL - machines becoming more and more like people, and people becoming machines in today's world, and that makes cold and detached directing all the more appropriate.

meatwadsprite 11-17-07 11:52 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Face Off (2 viewings)

Plot : Arch enemies switch bodies and lifestyles

Story : Sean Archer (John Travolta) finally catches the man who killed his son Castor Troy (Nicholas Cage) , but Archers revenge is cut short by Castor Troy's bomb that will destroy the entire city within a few days. To find out where the bomb's hidden he switches faces with Castor to get the information from his brother. The plan almost complete is again cut abruptly when Castor Troy somehow wakes up and becomes Sean Archer : while killing the few people who know of this top secret mission. Though there is tons of character development in this movie , toward the end it is all thrown aside. The movie is great untill about the last half hour where it becomes a shooting extravaganza that has no effect on the characters or story other than who's going to shoot who. It's a shame to see such a great crafted movie die out in one of the most drawn out endings ever.

Action : Most of the time fun and powerfull , but again - toward the end of the movie : had way too many camera cuts and barley any power at all - compared to the earlier action scenes. The shootout of the guys huge apartment was espicially amazing.

Visuals : The only part of the film that dosen't get weaker toward the end. It's great eye candy for the majority of the film - with a little overkill on the blurs , but still great.

Sypnosis : A great action movie filled with characters and amazing visuals - sucked of it's soul in the last 30 minutes of this 2 hour , 10 minute feature .

meatwadsprite 11-18-07 03:45 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Kung Fu Hustle (2 viewings)

Plot : A peace-loving slum is attacked by the blood thirsty Axe Gang .

Story : The movie is basicly one bigger and better fighter being introduced at a time . The axe gang attacks the helpless citizens of the slum - which then the axe gang is destroyed by 3 kung-fu masters - which then they are beat by another set of villians - and it goes on and on. Nothing really special , aside from the tiny amount of character development : the fighting scenes while cool as they may be , drag on way too long.

Action and Visuals : There is tons of amazing CGI and action scenes to be found here , but the obnoxious slow motion will defintly tend to bore you around the first hour of the film. The fight scenes basicly make the entire movie - and they are very drawn out.

Sypnosis : Some great action taken way too far - turns into something similar to the action ending in Face Off : except it takes up the whole movie.

meatwadsprite 11-18-07 06:14 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny (1 viewing)

Plot : Two friends determined to be the next big rock band try to obtain a magical guitar pick with the devil's power embedded into it.

Story : Jack Black raised in a very religious family - his dreams of becoming a rock and roll legend are crushed by his father , but with some inspiration from his poster he decides to leave his house and find a partner. Kyle Gass a masterfull guitar player meets Jack and they become friends , though their music just dosen't seem to have the edge they crave , a guitar store owner (Ben Stiller) guides them to a powerfull guitar pick in the rock hall of fame. The story never has any pointless turns (aside from the big-foot part) and keeps going at a pretty fast pace , but the only characters that ever have anything happen to them are the two main characters - though we are introduced to many characters that aren't ever fleshed out. The film's ending certainly dosen't help the movie , when it comes out of nowhere.

Humor : The begining is where the majority of the humor is , there are some parts later which are funny : but it never made me "really!" laugh.

Music : Some parts are much better than others lyrically and some parts are really fun to listen to. Defintly something that dosen't subtract from the movie - except toward the end the seemingly weak finale.

Visuals : Though there are some "ok" moments for the visuals and it gets the job done , but defintly not anything special . Satan looked really dumb though in my opion.

Sypnosis : You'll enjoy it for the first viewing and will probably laugh a couple times : but it just dosen't have classic potential. Keep in mind I am not a fan of jack black or tenacious D .

meatwadsprite 11-18-07 09:41 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Ratatouille (2 viewings)

Plot : A rat determined to be a chef makes a human friend when they decide to help each other in the cooking buisness.

Story : Remmy "the rat" who's passion in life is cooking and eating is constantly discouraged by his position in life. His father and brother accept their current role as creatures who must hide and fear humans , but Remmy wants a big change to allow him to create food. One day Remmy ruins the comfortable set-up his family has set up - when he is seen by the owner of the house where his family lives (unknowingly to the owner of course). Remmy discovers where he has been living his whole life - Paris "the city of food". He encounters a garbage boy who experiments with the resturant's soup one day , for the worse : which then Remmy fixes and becomes Linguine's (garbage boy) friend and cooking guide. Remmy controlls Linguine by pulling his hair gently to influence Linguines actions , and by this makes the food. The story never has a dull moment , it's also told in a very different way : there will be lots of focus on one thing for awhile and you will get very involved when all of sudden you forgot about another important character and event so that becomes the dominante part of the movie , and then it goes back to what you were just watching . It really is a fresh breath into the seemingly repetetive/commercially safe (boring) work that pixar has been doing lately.

Visuals : I don't usually watch lots of the new gigantic wave of 3D animated films coming out - and for a good reason : they are all played out commercially formulated films , with no originality. So I'm not one to compare this to other 3D films - but the ones I have seen have nothing on this. Easily pixar's best work yet , the gigantic beautifull Paris , amazingly intense action sequences , and the delicious looking food - all come together in one of the best visual films ever.

Sypnosis : Don't let the recent lack of great animated films steer you away from the gripping and heartwarming tale of Ratatouille.

mark f 11-18-07 10:04 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I'm giving you a big :up: for that review. That's even higher than I rate it, but I don't mind. Have you seen The Incredibles again recently? Apparently, you didn't like it, but that's difficult for me to believe if you love Ratatouille.

meatwadsprite 11-18-07 10:49 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 394230)
I'm giving you a big :up: for that review. That's even higher than I rate it, but I don't mind. Have you seen The Incredibles again recently? Apparently, you didn't like it, but that's difficult for me to believe if you love Rataouille.
I've seen the incredibles way too many times - and really don't enjoy it at all. The dialouge and characters are incredibly cheesy. I really didn't connect with like many people (and you) did I guess.

But i'm glad we can agree on Ratatouille being a great film.

meatwadsprite 11-19-07 08:47 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
A Clockwork Orange (2 viewings)

Plot : Teenager Alex and his friends that he calls his "droogs" - go around killing and raping people : but it isn't a horrible crime to them - it's just a bit of fun.

Story : The first half of the movie is all about Alex and his friends - with scenes of them killing and raping people set to simple cheery music. Your also introduced to Alex's parents (he lives with them) and a little into his past. One day Alex hits one of his droogs in public to "teach him respect". So his other friends decide to betray him. That's where the second half begins - right as Alex escapes from a house where he killed a woman , his friends hit him on the head with a glass of milk : and that's where the story loses it's emotion. Alex is caught by the police and forced to watch violence and misery with his favorite composer Beethoven for the soundtrack. Somehow this manipulates his brain into not ever being able to commit acts of violence again. Once he is released out of jail after a embarrassing self controll test , people he atacked or hurt in the first half of the movie : have their revenge on him in a number of ways. The thing about the second half though - is it's huge lack of music : and focus on other characters. Unlike the first half and more like Kubrick's other films I've seen it's just boring and useless to the story.

Visuals and Action : The movie is visually brilliant as well in the first half and then super boring to look at the second half. So i guess the film does a good job at sucking us into how much life sucks for Alex after he gets arrested *the world he inhabits is no longer visually stunning* - but that dosen't matter because really it's just not a good enough excuse for the visuals to be bland. The first half on the other hand features crazy designed houses and very weird public places : like where they start off in a bar type of place , with naked women as tables and milk machines (not real women of course). Also , there are prashes and words printed all over the bar , none which i understand : but it still gives that visuall effect. The action scenes also are pretty intense as well : and most of the time played out with fun music - but one thing you gota hate , is the horribly fake looking green screen car scene.

Sypnosis : Amazing first half filled with though provoking material and characters that are very real and very full of life - followed by an emotional-less second half with boring visuals and no music.

nebbit 11-20-07 12:26 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I thought the behaviour modification stuff in the second half was far from boring :nope: I have seen this movie many times and never tire of it :nope: I still have to look away in the rape scenes :yup:

Thursday Next 11-20-07 02:57 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394359)
Once he is released out of jail after a embarrassing self controll test , people he atacked or hurt in the first half of the movie : have their revenge on him in a number of ways. The thing about the second half though - is it's huge lack of music : and focus on other characters. Unlike the first half and more like Kubrick's other films I've seen it's just boring and useless to the story.
I don't think you can really dismiss the entire second half of a movie as 'just boring and useless to the story'! The second half is the story, it is about the punishment and whether it is right and the reactions of Alex's victims, especially those who campaign to help him. The first half is merely scene-setting and character-introduction. That said, the first half is a lot more interesting, it is where we get all the visuals you like, the scenery and the overall weirdness of the dystopian world. The effect of this wears off by the second half, with the prison scenes almost not weird enough.

The 'lack of music' in the second half is surely deliberate, though - Alex has had aversion therapy to music as well as to rape and murder.

I thought it was interesting that you called the 'self control test' embarrassing. Did you mean for Alex, or the viewer (or even Kubrick?) This is the real weak point of the film for me, as the treatment of the woman being paraded in front of him was little better than the rapes Alex committed earlier. Perhaps this, too, is deliberate, as the morality of the police and psychologists in subjecting Alex to the aversion therapy is clearly under question. However, it seemed to me that the camera is complicit in the misogyny on display and this put me off the film quite a bit.

meatwadsprite 11-20-07 11:00 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
O Brother Where Art Thou ? (1 viewing)

Plot : Three escaped convicts go on a crazy adventure for a huge treasure.

Story : Everett (George Clooney) , Pete (John Turturro) , and Pete (Tim Nelson) escape from their rock smashing days and journy onward toward a magnificent treasure. They encounter many odd situations and twists untill they end up in a bigger scale of importance than they ever thought they would. On their journey they encounter a hitchhiker/guitar player who says he sold his soul to the devil to learn to play his instrument , the same devil who then hunts down the main characters the rest of the movie (though very breif his scenes are). Some themes of trust and religion are thrown in there to enhance the characters further - keeping it a pretty great story to keep you watching to the end.

Humor : The movie's entire plot and themes are very funny in a subtle way with some laugh out loud parts throught the movie - it never gets dark for a long period of time : and you'll probably never fear for the characters : with such a funny essence about them.

Ending : One of the biggest - out of nowhere - endings . Two other main characters aren't even shown in the ending , but it's a lot more in place than others : because of it's continuing theme of the characters not ever progressing "and when they do it's by extreme luck".

Visuals : Out of the Coen films i've seen so far , this is easily their visual best. Amazing cinemetography for the majority of the movie , although it's colors dominated by pretty boring dusty settings : will continually visually awe you.

Sypnosis : Although it's story is a lot more straightforward than the majority of the Coen films , it still missing some big developments like many great stories : though the visuals and humorous style of it won't let you down on. (I've never read The Odyssey by the way)

Yoda 11-20-07 11:13 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
You're entitled to your opinion, but I admit, once again I can't make any sense of your reasoning. What do you mean by "missing some big developments"? The movie is one significant event after another, but even so, it's not as if movies even need "big developments" to be good; it all depends on what they're about, and what type of film they're trying to be.

meatwadsprite 11-20-07 11:16 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 394756)
You're entitled to your opinion, but I admit, once again I can't make any sense of your reasoning. What do you mean by "missing some big developments"? The movie is one significant event after another, but even so, it's not as if movies even need "big developments" to be good; it all depends on what they're about, and what type of film they're trying to be.
Nothing ever happens to the characters by the end - aside from being free from prison : which they are in the entire movie. Also , a story without big developments really isn't a story - it's a description of a still setting.

Yoda 11-20-07 11:28 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394758)
Nothing ever happens to the characters by the end - aside from being free from prison : which they are in the entire movie.
All these things happen to the main characters (in no particular order):

WARNING: "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" spoilers below
  • Pete's cousin tries to turn him in
  • Pete and Delmar are baptized
  • Pete and Delmar are beaten and robbed
  • They're pardoned
  • They become famous musicians
  • They befriend Tommy, who sold his soul to the devil
  • They infiltrate a KKK meeting to save Tommy
  • They meet an infamous bank robber
  • Everett wins his wife back
Oh, and if that's not enough, their actions inadvertantly secure the reelection of the Governor.

Why do these things not qualify as "big developments"? What would qualify as a "big development"?

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394758)
Also , a story without big developments really isn't a story - it's a description of a still setting.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean, and I can't come up with any meaning that accurately describes O Brother, Where Art Thou?.

As I pointed out before, however, movies don't just have to be about events. They can be about emotions. They can be character studies. These are stories just as much as a film full of twists and turns. If you don't have the patience or preference (or both) for such films, that's fine, but your critique then becomes a statement about you, and not about the film.

meatwadsprite 11-20-07 11:32 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
More reviews coming soon (with predictions)
No Country For Old Men - going to see it tomorrow

Oceans Eleven - have rented out

Die Hard 4 - going to rent

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007) - going to rent

Jackass : The Movie - going to rent

meatwadsprite 11-20-07 11:35 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 394767)
All these things happen to the main characters (in no particular order):

WARNING: "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" spoilers below
  • Pete's cousin tries to turn him in
  • Pete and Delmar are baptized
  • Pete and Delmar are beaten and robbed
  • They're pardoned
  • They become famous musicians
  • They befriend Tommy, who sold his soul to the devil
  • They infiltrate a KKK meeting to save Tommy
  • They meet an infamous bank robber
  • Everett wins his wife back
Oh, and if that's not enough, their actions inadvertantly secure the reelection of the Governor.

Why do these things not qualify as "big developments"? What would qualify as a "big development"?

I don't know what this is supposed to mean, and I can't come up with any meaning that accurately describes O Brother, Where Art Thou?.

As I pointed out before, however, movies don't just have to be about events. They can be about emotions. They can be character studies. These are stories just as much as a film full of twists and turns. If you don't have the patience or preference (or both) for such films, that's fine, but your critique then becomes a statement about you, and not about the film.
All these events have such little impact on the story though - the film has a way of sweeping aside such important things (like how they are supposed to be escaped criminals , but then are never chased beyond the begining of the movie). Also , his wife is seemingly mad at him again : because he didn't get the ring , and we don't even see the other 3 characters at all in the ending.

Yoda 11-20-07 11:44 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394770)
All these events have such little impact on the story though
They are the story.

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394770)
the film has a way of sweeping aside such important things (like how they are supposed to be escaped criminals , but then are never chased beyond the begining of the movie)
Yes, they are. Remember the scene where the barn is on fire? That's the authorities trying to smoke them out. Remember when they have to abandon their car because the authorities discover it? Remember when they have to wear false beards to hide from the authorities? Remember when the authorities try to hang them at the end of the film?

Honestly man, sometimes it feels like you just don't like something about a movie, and then try to come up with reasons to justify it.

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394770)
Also , his wife is seemingly mad at him again : because he didn't get the ring , and we don't even see the other 3 characters at all in the ending.
Yes, his wife got mad at him. I'm not sure I see your point there. We see the other two characters right up until the very last scene. Do we need to see them all walking off together for some reason?

And again, I ask: what are "big developments," and why do all films need to have them? Why can't some films just be about people and relationships? Are you saying you simply don't like those sorts of films?

nebbit 11-21-07 03:05 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394768)
More reviews coming soon (with predictions)
Jackass : The Movie - going to rent
you would :yup:

mark f 11-21-07 03:17 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I think it's pretty clear that Meaty likes his films with easily identifiable plots and straightforward action that you can see on the screen, and I like those kind of movies too. But trust me, Meaty, the longer you stick here, the more you will like other kinds of movies, so don't give up on us and I will not give up on you. Just open up that big head of yours and realize that story, plot and synopsis are all the same thing. Now, what is the movie about? That's totally different than those other three.

nebbit 11-21-07 03:27 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 394806)
I think it's pretty clear that Meaty likes his films with easily identifiable plots and straightforward action that you can see on the screen, and I like those kind of movies too. But trust me, Meaty, the longer you stick here, the more you will like other kinds of movies, so don't give up on us and I will not give up on you. Just open up that big head of yours and realize that story, plot and synopsis are all the same thing. Now, what is the movie about? That's totally different than those other three.

meatwadsprite 11-21-07 08:52 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 394772)
They are the story.

Yes, they are. Remember the scene where the barn is on fire? That's the authorities trying to smoke them out. Remember when they have to abandon their car because the authorities discover it? Remember when they have to wear false beards to hide from the authorities? Remember when the authorities try to hang them at the end of the film?

Honestly man, sometimes it feels like you just don't like something about a movie, and then try to come up with reasons to justify it.

Yes, his wife got mad at him. I'm not sure I see your point there. We see the other two characters right up until the very last scene. Do we need to see them all walking off together for some reason?

And again, I ask: what are "big developments," and why do all films need to have them? Why can't some films just be about people and relationships? Are you saying you simply don't like those sorts of films?
It's clear you don't see the film the same way I do , no reason to argue about it back and forth : you think of it as a story with very important events that impact the characters a lot , and i think of it as a sort of movie that has important events but dosen't ever change the character's (a great example is when they get saved by the dam - and then he changes his mind that he dosen't belive in god - this however just adds to the funny tone of the movie , but knocks it from having a great story)

I know a movie dosen't have to follow a specific standard every time , but this is one I feel should have characters that change.

meatwadsprite 11-21-07 11:39 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Bee Movie (1 viewing)

Plot : A bee who refuses to accept his role as a worker in the hive - defies all bee laws and boundries to find a bigger thing to do with his life.

Story : The characters are paper thin , is defintly the first thing you should know before walking into this movie. Barry B (Jerry Seinfield) has just graduated from his 3 days of school and is now thrown right into the honey making industry where he will work the same job for the rest of his life . Unconvinced by this job he flies outside of the hive and meets a human woman who befriends him. Only soon into their relationship he finds out about the mass marketing of honey and goes to court to sue all the honey corperations. Now this story is pretty off the wall in terms of what you would normally expect out of a seemingly predictable movie like this , but it's characters are useless - they're just pods for the dialouge to come out from : with no emotions (aside from the main character Barry who actually has some in the beginning).

Humor : I never laughed out loud ever during the film , maybe I was going in with too high expectations - but there are some funny parts throughout the film : and some general themes about the preservation of life (bees in the movie accept death amazingly well).

Visuals : It's cool gigantic first person bee flying sprees are fun to watch , but when you compare this to the recent Ratatouille : the 3D is quite laughable. Tons of amazing detail that you have come to expect from Pixar studios is obviously lacking here.

Sypnosis : Fast paced out of controll story (with a couple cliche's thrown in there) with no characters and a lacking visual punch.

meatwadsprite 11-22-07 09:09 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
No Country For Old Men (1 viewing)

Plot : A man out hunting one day comes across the conclusion of a shootout where he finds a huge amount of a money , meanwhile a killer with nerves of steel tracks him down - killing anyone he meets along the way.

Story : Defintly a mixed bag of suspense and characters - though it's lack of music and extremely extended scenes do not help move the story faster. A simple man who finds a lot of money somehow knows he's being followed and makes a plan to escape with his wife - but this turns into a coincidence filled failure as this killer tracks him down time and time again. The cop investigating this (Tommy Lee Jones) never seems to help at all , he's just there as a super pointless character that never changes anything. Though the amazing use of the coin flip and fun suspense is thought provoking and fun the first time : i can't say it would be much of any fun the second time watching this movie.

Action and Suspense : As I stated before there is no music at all to be found in this film for the most part (maybe one song plays for 20 seconds) , which really is a horrible choice for any film : but it defintly brings the suspense to a whole new level for this first viewing. Gunshots and explosions always make a big impact - with so much silence in the movie , but again - your not going to be suprised by them as much when you watch the movie a second time.

Ending : Another film that seems to be leading up to something and ends out of nowhere. It dosen't conclude anything and just further developes the incredible out of place character : the cop.

Visuals : Top notch cinemetography for the most part with some breathtaking scenes that will blow your mind. Though the tired and boring desert setting sure gets anoying by the end of the film : and there fail to be any "mind blowing" scenes after the half way mark.

Sypnosis : So many bad ideas combinde into some breath taking visuals and brutal action scenes. The weakest Coen brothers film I've seen - defintly didn't live up to the hype : with such a bland ending and pointless characters.

nebbit 11-23-07 01:39 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
If you want to see how to write a good review, go here to read Pikeys on the same movie :yup:

meatwadsprite 11-23-07 08:44 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 395204)
If you want to see how to write a good review, go here to read Pikeys on the same movie :yup:
I read that 10 years ago :eek:

and did you see the movie ?

Holden Pike 11-23-07 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 394768)
More reviews coming soon (with predictions)
Oceans Eleven - have rented out

Die Hard 4 - going to rent

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007) - going to rent

Jackass : The Movie - going to rent
I have predictions for meatwad's upcoming ratings as well...
Ocean's Eleven* (one viewing)

PLOT: approximately eleven guys plan to rob casinos in Las Vegas owned by a jerk they don't like.

STORY: I liked when they were actually doing the break ins and stuff, especially the oriental guy who could do flips, but other than that it was too slow paced and nothing happened for too many scenes, just talking. If it was supposed to be funny, I didn't laugh. Also Julia Roberts is ugly, I wish they had cast somebody like Eliza Dushku instead.

ENDING: Horrible. They stare at a fountain while some Beethoven or something plays?!? Very stupid and pointless and not a good resolution. Something should have blown up or there could have been an exciting chase with motorcycles or a Ferrari or something. See the ending for Con Air for the proper way to end a cool Vegas movie.

VISUALS: Las Vegas looked pretty cool sometimes and Clooney and Pitt wear expensive clothing, but this is boring and standard photography and all casinos look the same.

SYNOPSIS: I don't know why TNT has called this a "new classic". It was very average in most parts and too slow with a nothing climax. Bottom line: it's no Spider-Man 3 or Rush Hour 3. You have been warned! I don't think I will ever watch this movie again. Though it could have been worse: Stanley Kubrick could have directed it, then it would have been even more boring and have a much bigger waste of an ending.

*I'm assuming this is the Soderbergh remake

meatwadsprite 11-23-07 01:39 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Ocean's Eleven (1 viewing)

Plot : Just out of prison Danny Ocean (George Clooney) assembles a team of 11 to rob a highly secured casino vault.

Story : Fast paced story telling with quickly developed characters makes for a fun - but not incredible story. Danny's team slowly goes through the casino making their escape and entrance breach by breach - over the course of a couple days I assume : which is for the most part really fun to watch and as the big day of the heist gets closer - your prone to expect a couple twists. None of the characters have any motives in this movie aside from getting the money : with the exception of Danny , who is trying to get his wife back from the man running the casino. You never have to dig deep into this film's characters though the story goes so fast - but it defintly wouldn't have been a challenge for the films huge star cast.

Music : The majority of the film is played out with great beats and melodies - which always fit right in place with the rest of the picture. Along with a very different classical score at the end which is incredibly effective.

Visuals : Though the images are never lacking here , they just don't touch that eye candy quality. The settings are mostly small , with tons of focus on the characters - but they get the job done for what they're used for.

Sypnosis : Some small character fast paced fun - backed up by a great soundtrack and cast.

Monkeypunch 11-23-07 02:16 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 395229)
I read that 10 years ago :eek:

and did you see the movie ?
10 years ago? really? are you from the future? Whats 2017 like? :rolleyes:

nebbit 11-23-07 04:52 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 395229)
I read that 10 years ago :eek:

and did you see the movie ?
No i haven't seen it as it hasn't arrived here in Australia yet :nope: I will foe sure :yup:

Didn't you at least think Pikeys Review was interesting, you 2 have opposite views of the same movie :yup: Also maybe, there is something to learn from his technique :yup:

meatwadsprite 11-23-07 05:06 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
maybe there is

meatwadsprite 11-23-07 05:07 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 395257)
10 years ago? really? are you from the future? Whats 2017 like? :rolleyes:
movies are in full 3D - but have reverted back to black and white

meatwadsprite 11-23-07 05:25 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
The Big Lebowski (7+ viewings)

Plot : The dude Jeff Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) spends his time bowling and doing drugs - untill one day some guys ruin his rug : when they mistake him for the rich man with the same last name. The dude is thrown into a mystery of the other Lebowski's kidnapped wife - where nothing is as it seems.

Story : The events in the story bounce back and forth from the kindapping mystery and the bowling tournament. With his friends and bowling team Walter (John Goodman) and Donnie (Steve Buscemi) as they "help" him out with the mystery. It's a perfectly executed mystery as it dosen't rely on shock value rather than it's hillarious approach to serious matters.

Humor : The first half you can't stop laughing the entire time - with the second half still subtly funny , but more focused on the story and characters. Tons of highly original style and a hillariously horrible narrator - make this one of the funniest you'll ever see.

Visuals : Beautifull throughout the entire film , espicially with it's crazy surreal dream scene and the camera in the bowling ball view : not to forget it's lovely bowling scenes - all of this accompinied by a great unforgetable soundtrack.

Sypnosis : Easily the best Coen brothers film , sucseeds all their other works - in visuals , comedy , and story telling : and earns it's spot as one of the best.

nebbit 11-23-07 05:32 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Have you seen Millers Crossing? a different type of movie, it is fantastic :yup:

meatwadsprite 11-23-07 07:38 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by nebbit (Post 395313)
Have you seen Millers Crossing? a different type of movie, it is fantastic :yup:
I've been hearing a lot about it recently - i'll check it out

meatwadsprite 11-24-07 11:46 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Fargo (2 viewings)

Plot : Jerry Lundegaard (William H Macy) hires two guys (Steve Busecemi and Peter Stormare) to kidnap his wife - so they can split the ransom money.

Story : Jerry is in some money trouble and hires the two to kidnap his wife - they are baffled by his choice , but accept it due to the big ransom. Jerry runs a car dealership owned by his father in law who he plans on getting the ransom money from. Though the plan takes wrong turn after wrong turn - eventually detective Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand) is called in to investiage some people killed on the road. The movie's characters are pretty much the main focus here , they are very motivated and you really start to feel for them toward the end. Though don't confuse this for saying the story is perfect , the main detective and her husband (who is also a cop) are always sitting around do boring stuff : and the audience has to watch. Not to say that dosen't make the character better - but the scenes themselves defintly could have been done better. You could probably cut about 20 minutes out of this film and it would be one of the best movies of all time.

Visuals : The first Coen film that I have seen with bland visuals. Though there are a very short few great moments , for the most part the camera movement is minimal - and most of the action is very powerless (due to the minimal camera) , but the snowy setting for this movie defintly makes for a highly original setting - espicially with the beautifull ending scene.

Sypnosis : A lot better than No Country for Old Men as a character based suspense thriller , but I really don't wana watch people watching the nature channel.

meatwadsprite 11-24-07 12:04 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Fight Club (9+ viewings)

Plot : (Edward Nortan) is a lonely guy with a well paying office job that requires him to travel alot. One day though his entire life is destroyed when his apartment blows up.

Story : (Nortan) meets soap salesman Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) on his way home to his exploded apartment , after he finds out about this catastrophe - he calls Tyler to stay at his place. Tyler dosen't mind seeing as how his house is a run down destroyed place , that he most likely did not pay for. With nothing to do now they both start up a club where men can beat the crap out of each other - fight club. As fight club gets bigger and more spread out around the nation - it eventually turns into a complete army of people dedicated to a new way of life and set on destroying everything that seperates people from each other. The movie is originally adapted from the novel written by Chuck Palahniuk - with only a few minor changes and totally different ending (that dosen't neccasarley rule out the books ending as well). One of the most original stories you'll see in a film - with great scene after another.

Visuals : Dominated by amazing super realistic CGI zoom ins on things cameras will most likely never be able to do in a 100 years. The dark and rotted house , the perfect corperate buildings , and the blood drenched anarchists make this a visuall thrill ride.

Sypnosis : If your looking for a highly original story , with great visuals : watch this movie.

emir 11-24-07 12:06 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I would really love to read Holden Pike's Meatwadsprite Reviews Prediction Thread.

PrometheusFG 11-25-07 12:08 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by emir (Post 395493)
I would really love to read Holden Pike's Meatwadsprite Reviews Prediction Thread.
:rotfl:Yeah me too. I would enjoy reading that thread more than meatwad's. Holden, that post was one of the funniest damn things I have read on these forums. :laugh:

Lockheed Martin 11-25-07 08:19 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
I'd say the relationship between Marge and her husband is one of the best parts of Fargo personally. It's a morality tale at core, as well as a subversion of the usual hard-bitten, emotionally-retarded alcoholic cop archetype. And it's really quite lovely too.

As for Fight Club, while it's a well constructed, fun movie that's become something of a call to arms for disaffected 21st century men I definitely wouldn't say it was "highly original". Emasculation, individuality vs. conformity, the nature of self-identity and the dehumanizing effects of industrial/post-industrial society have all been explored as far back as Herman Melville. The twist itself is one of the oldest going in literature. That's not to say it's a bad movie, on the contrary I loved it when I was 14, but it's no-where near as deep and nuanced as, say, Fargo.

meatwadsprite 11-25-07 11:26 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Originally Posted by Lockheed Martin (Post 395647)
I'd say the relationship between Marge and her husband is one of the best parts of Fargo personally. It's a morality tale at core, as well as a subversion of the usual hard-bitten, emotionally-retarded alcoholic cop archetype. And it's really quite lovely too.

As for Fight Club, while it's a well constructed, fun movie that's become something of a call to arms for disaffected 21st century men I definitely wouldn't say it was "highly original". Emasculation, individuality vs. conformity, the nature of self-identity and the dehumanizing effects of industrial/post-industrial society have all been explored as far back as Herman Melville. The twist itself is one of the oldest going in literature. That's not to say it's a bad movie, on the contrary I loved it when I was 14, but it's no-where near as deep and nuanced as, say, Fargo.
I agree that Fargo's characters and their problems do go extreamly deep , which is what seperates it from a lot of movies : but being such a short movie - it's just like a brief glimpse into such realistic characters , that I personally can never connect with them.

As for Fight Club - i've never seen a movie with the same themes or even anything similar to the events that happen in the story.

meatwadsprite 11-26-07 11:56 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Spiderman (7+ viewings)

Plot : Peter Parker (Tobey McGuire) is about to graduate from high school , near the end of the year though : he is bitten by a new species of spider on a field trip. The bite gives him super-powers : allowing him to spin webs and making him very strong.

Story : Many different characters are introduced throughout the movie : there's Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) the girl Peter has worshiped for his entire life , Harry Osbourn - Peter's best friend and Harry's father Norman Osbourn : who becomes the green goblin in order to save his company - but dosen't stop there. All these characters flow great together and never let the story slip away from the movie. Not to mention Peter's Uncle and Aunt who he lives with - who defintly make a big impact on the story.

Action and Visuals : Though not the CGI fest that the sequels are , it still has some really great visualls. The general cinemetography is pretty bland and underused : but then there is the scene with the parade floats - which really is an incredibly breathtaking scene. The action though dosen't touch the fluent battles of the sequels either , with tons of cuts and a couple of cheesy looking blows : in the end it still makes the obvious statement of what's happening.

Sypnosis : Some great visuals , but no CGI showcase like the next two - with a powerfull character driven story and a great musical score.

nebbit 11-27-07 12:07 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Not a big Spidey fan but thanks anyway :)

meatwadsprite 11-28-07 09:33 AM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Star Wars Episode IV : A New Hope (9+ viewings)

Plot : Luke Skywalker has always dreamed of becoming a pilot for the rebellion. Though it dosen't seem like he will be going anywhere soon , a Jawa sandcrawler sells them two droids that have just escaped the clutches of the empire - with incredibly important data.

Story : Religion is one of the big binding concepts of this movie , though it's not contreversal enough to be interperted as a movie that's trying to "force feed" you it's religion : it's used as a fictional energy that the viewer will come to relize is real or fake. When Luke is cleaning the droids he stumbles upon a message left in one of the droids that reveals his mission , although R2D2 (the droid with the message) seeks an old hermit Obi Wan or Old Ben. When Luke finds Obi Wan Kenobi - it is revealed to Luke that he must come with on a life risking mission : and leave his family and farm life. Meanwhile Darth Vader (the second highest rank in the impire) is destroying planets and torturing Princess Leia for the location of the rebel base. Eventually all these characters confront each other , not to mention Han Solo and his friend Chewbaca , in some way.

Visuals : I'm not one of those people who stands by the original 70's release of the film : since the first version I saw was the 90's special eddition , but this is not even the 90's special eddition : it's an all new 2004 release. The CGI has been updated and the picture is incredibly more clear than both of the previous releases. The entire star wars universe as you will see is incredibly original and new.

Sypnosis : Not just a movie but the basis of a whole new universe of characters and places. When comparing this to other movies about space and the future : it's the undoubted king.

meatwadsprite 11-28-07 11:40 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Jackass : The Movie (1 viewing)

Plot : A bunch of guys do incredibly dangerous , sick , and downright stupid stuff.

Story : Beyond knowing the character's names and what they look like you won't actually ever come to know them (unless maybe you watch the show witch I don't). The majority of the movie is all real footage of guys doing incredibly dangerous stunts and ruining themselves in the craziest ways possible. Easily the grossest movie you'll ever see , which I can't say is that great of a feat : but you could call the film powerfull.

Humor : Though some of the stunts are pretty funny to watch : the more tame stunts are all the more funnier. Chances are you'll be asking yourself time and time again how they get away with doing all of this stuff in public and if it's just set up : but either way some parts are too funny not to laugh. Though the more extreme and gruesome the less funny I found it.

Visuals : Gut wrenching and disgusting at times most of the footage in the film is captured by great cameras , with lesser : hidden cameras supposdly filming some parts. They look pretty realistic for the most part and the intro and outro's are both tons of fun to watch.

Sypnosis : Gross and extreamly violent - plus some laugh out loud moments : with no means of conventional story at all , but in the end it's dumber tricks outweigh it's hillarious parts.

meatwadsprite 11-28-07 11:54 PM

Re: Meatwadsprite's Slow Review Thread
Spiderman 2 (4+ viewings)

Plot : Following closely from the first spiderman's story - Peter Parker is trying to balance out too many things at once : and tries to decide what he wants the most.

Story : Really uses the first spiderman to it's advantage completely. All the characters and events that happened in the first are made very important in this sequel. When inventor Otto Octavious reveals his life's work - a machine that will make tons more energy than it uses , something goes wrong and he is taken over by the A.I in his metal arms. Meanwhile Mary Jane is getting married to newspaper editor Jamison's son , Aunt May has to move out of her house unable to pay the bills , Harry Osbourn's failure with Dr. Octavious makes his vengance on Spiderman incredibly important to him - and Spiderman is trying to balance all these people in his life out and remain spiderman. The story moves pretty fast with lots of emphasis on it's existing characters.

Visuals and Action : Lots of more CGI than the first installment , but still not as much as the third. The action scenes though are mostly crafted CGI crazy battles , that destroy tons of terrain and dish out crazy stunts that would never be possible otherwise. A huge improvement from the first , with much broader settings and cleaner presentation.

Sypnosis : A great second movement in a trilogy , leaving you on the edge for the final installment (which is the best in my opion)

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