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KnicksRIP 07-06-06 07:39 PM

Better film? X-Men 3 or Superman Returns
There seems to be a cinematic superhero brawl every year. Which did you enjoy more, X-Men: The Last Stand or Superman Returns? Both have received mixed reviews, so I'm eager to find out what everyone picks.

Personally, I wasn't a huge fan of X3, although I certainly didn't hate it. I did enjoy Superman Returns; however, I found something in it lacking (probably Lois Lane and/or Lex Luthor).

gohansrage 07-06-06 08:34 PM

Well in Superman people acted, a plot unfolded, the pace wasn't stuck on 1st gear, and there was no ridiculous parade of money lines.

I think we know which I liked better.

The Taxi Driver 07-06-06 11:36 PM

Many will say Superman is better and looking at it film wise it was. It had better acting and a better story than X3 but i vote for X3 just because I find superman to be the most annoying super hero. I just hate that character and all the other characters in that universe. I love the back story and messages about discrimination that X-men delivers. I also grew up with X-men and I have always not been able to stand super man and all his damn powers its like cmon man stop doing everything and give the bad guys a chance. We know his one weakness its not like there is going to be any suprise how Lex Luther will weaken superman this time.

The Gnat 07-07-06 03:42 PM

I would have to say that Superman Returns was better. I really liked X3, but it was very much action driven at the expense of character development. Superman Returns allowed character development to happen along with that action.

TheUsualSuspect 07-07-06 08:32 PM

If it were X-2 this would be a different story, but since it's The Last Stand, I'm going with Superman.

Bill 07-07-06 09:01 PM

I saw Superman Returns and I was the only guy there.


7thson 07-08-06 12:29 AM

Although it is certainly different than the first two movies X-3 seems like a part 3 of a trilogy to me, while Superman seems almost like a remake. It is not of course, but X-3 gets my vote here. I did enjoy Superman, but it seemed a bit...ummm....................average?:)

KnicksRIP 07-08-06 05:44 PM

See, to me, X3 didn't seem like the third part of a major motion picture trilogy. It felt more like a TV film used to wrap up some loose ends in a very small amount of space.

kuch1009 07-08-06 06:03 PM

superman returns

Sci-Fi-Guy 07-09-06 05:15 AM

I liked both movies.
X-men 3 was more of a comic book made into a movie while Superman Returns was a movie made from a comic book.
If that makes any sense at all. :dizzy:

Overall, I'd give Supes my vote. :up:

Terminator734 07-09-06 05:26 AM

both Hugely dissapointing and i'd say bad but if u got no choice i'd say Superman Returns

but dont blame me if u dont like either one of them

CaptainCrunch 07-12-06 04:53 PM

Superman... I am getting tired of the whole XMEN thing... it needs a long break.

special-k 07-20-06 03:18 PM

Superman Sucked. X-Men takes it down.

crazy chick 07-23-06 06:28 PM

Walk The Line

KnicksRIP 07-23-06 06:30 PM

You are just so gosh-darn wacky. Kooky, even.

Odd Thomas 07-23-06 07:13 PM

I liked X3 better. Superman Returns was good, but X3 owned it.

_buster_sword_ 07-27-06 02:18 PM

Superman in my opinion was a better movie, although i personally hate him, hes like some 5 year old playing superheros with his friends and makes up alot of powers to make them jelous. (yes i know, bad example) x-men wouldve had me, cept they added so many new characters and they ended up hardly having anything to do with the story. Like archangel, i mean, yes he is a sweet character and gave a good example of a person confused and being pushed by society to change, just he didnt fight or anything, and was only in like, 3 scenes. Along with juggernaut and the others. Just got ridiculus.

yellowjacket1 08-01-06 03:40 PM

I respectfully disagree. X-Men 3 outclasses Superman Returns in every way that matters. Superman is burdened with a dialogue-heavy, action-light plot that just does nothing but remind us that we’ve seen these exact characters played by much better actors in the past. Were did they find that kid to play the lead? He was cardboard. I heard they spent over 260 million to make this movie. You really wonder where it all went unless they funded and built a time machine to go back to the 1970s and grab Christopher Reeve’s untalented stunt double and bring him to the set. This child may look like a young Christopher Reeve but he sure doesn’t have Reeve’s chops or his presence.

Director Bryan Singer takes Superman 1 & 2 way too seriously here and as a result, this movie suffers. The film's storytelling stumbles frequently. The story often loses focus and is filled with absolute foolishness that really isn’t worthy of this modern comic book era. Maniacal cartoonish villains hell bent on killing billions with a hair-brained, nonsensical plan may have worked in the 1970s but it’s just too silly for the modern thought process. There is also very little in this movie to develop anticipation toward the near ending. I say near ending because after Superman’s miraculous feat of hurling a Kryptonite land mass in to space the movie still runs on and on. Like Superman, most of the audience needed to be resuscitated from a near coma that was induced trying to stay awake and focused on this movie and its childish plot. Adding to the malaise was the acting. It seemed perfunctory, and there was little chemistry, between the love interests or even the enemies. Returns, in general, is also remarkably shallow. That’s not easy to accomplish when a movie runs this long and is this light on action. The clumsy message they were trying to impart doesn’t need interpretation. The metaphysical/religious "plot" is just burdensome baggage. The original Superman was good despite the corny story and foolish missile plot. Returns centers on the wrong things. That's why it was dull and even slightly embarrassing to watch. This movie falls into the abyss of most sequels - excellent advertising for an at-best mediocre product. (One huge star for the flying and the airplane scene, though. I liked seeing Superman leave a sonic boom in his wake) More and more people who have seen both are saying that X3 is the better all-around film.

Richard X 08-02-06 09:33 AM

No contest, Superman Returns is way better.

Sedai 08-02-06 09:55 AM

Superman Returns

gohansrage 08-02-06 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by yellowjacket1
I respectfully disagree. X-Men 3 outclasses Superman Returns in every way that matters.
Everything you list here is suffered by X-Men to the Nth degree. X-men was one of the worst movies I have seen in a looooong time.

yellowjacket1 08-02-06 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by gohansrage
Everything you list here is suffered by X-Men to the Nth degree. X-men was one of the worst movies I have seen in a looooong time.
Judging by the box office, it seems that most of America sides with me, however.

Not to mention this guy...

X-Men Last Stand =:up:
Superman Returns =:down:

susan 08-02-06 11:25 PM

superman returns

gohansrage 08-02-06 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by yellowjacket1
Judging by the box office, it seems that most of America sides with me, however.

Not to mention this guy...

X-Men Last Stand =:up:
Superman Returns =:down:
Box Office proves nothing of quality to me. X3 came out first, and put a bad taste of superhero movies into everybody's mouth.

Roger Ebert has the worst possible rating system on the face of the planet. And how the hell could he give that garbage up anyway? Gah!

7thson 08-03-06 12:16 AM

Your rating system is a bit "needy" also Gohan: nothing personal here but in your sig' you go from plague-like to good.....nothing in between? Chicken pox or V.D.?;)

KLAATU 08-03-06 02:27 AM

Superman Rocked
Superman Wins! It Was A Better Looking Movie. X-men3 Was Little Over Rated - I Could Only Watch It Once, Whereas With Superman I Watched Many Times Over!

gohansrage 08-10-06 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by 7thson
Your rating system is a bit "needy" also Gohan: nothing personal here but in your sig' you go from plague-like to good.....nothing in between? Chicken pox or V.D.?;)
It's better than good vs bad. Thumbs up or down. That's it. From one of the most knowledgable men reviewing movies today. Thumbs up. Thumbs down.

I thought it was clear that a 4 was less than a 6. A 1 less than a 3. The number systems are more of a category system. I guess ahve not made the system clear enough.

JustAnotherUsher 08-10-06 01:21 AM

I absolutely loved both movies, but i had to give X-3 the big V. Super man was awesome, but it just didn't do anything for me. Yeah hes a classic super-hero, but thats all he was, and the movie wasn't really about anything.

X-Men had me on the edge of my seat, and after the credits made me go crazy for the next!

KnicksRIP 08-10-06 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by yellowjacket1
Judging by the box office, it seems that most of America sides with me, however.

Not to mention this guy...

X-Men Last Stand =:up:
Superman Returns =:down:
To be fair, X3 built on a CURRENT franchise, the first of which made way less than Superman Returns.

And Ebert gave Spawn 3 1/2 stars. Go figure. :D

Jawa_ 08-11-06 03:04 AM

I liked Superman returns better. The only thing I didn't really like about it was Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. I thought she played the character well, but I just don't like the way she looked. She didn't look like Lois Lane to me.

jav1856 08-11-06 09:03 AM

I am 100% with yellowjacket1 on this. I was really surprised at how bad Superman was. The plot was convoluted and poorly explained, and there wasn’t a single arc that made me care about any of the characters. The casting was atrocious, on several levels. Why did they skew so young? The movie is supposed to be set years after Superman 2, but Lois looks like she’s around 22, guess what she has a 5 year old son and just won the Pulitzer Prize, so I guess she started working at the paper around the tender age of 14. Routh looks a little older, but not as old as I think Superman should look, but I am willing to deal with it since Superman might not age the same as humans in Bryan Singers vision of Superman. However I can’t deal with the wooden performance delivered by Routh.

Yes Routh physically fit the typical notion of Superman but he displayed no acting talent, I guess he has no idea how to construct a character. I have read reviews that said Routh was trying to imitate Christopher Reeve, I think that is entirely too generous, I would say that the performance he turned in is more equivalent to him imitating a high school drama student who’s imitating Christopher Reeve. The entire cast seemed fairly wooden, but there are several talented actors in the film so I think the dialog and lack of character development must have made it very difficult for the cast to get their hands around their respective roles. A perfect example of this is Parker Posey, she’s above average to excellent in her entire reel, but she does nothing in this movie, and I don’t think it’s her fault, the story just fails her and most of the other characters.

Overall Superman Returns has a very flat tone to it. It doesn’t have the dark, serious mood of X-Men, and doesn’t make use of humor or moments of levity like Spiderman does, it’s just sort of there for 2.5 hours. Who’s fault is it? Well it pains me to say this because I am a huge fan of his, but it seems like Bryan Singer dropped the ball on this one. The studio gave him free reign on this and threw money at him, so I can’t see how the blame can be passed onto anyone else. This was supposed to be a tent pole for Warner but after all the money they spent its performance is disappointing, and I can assure you that the budget for the sequel will only be in the $125m-$150m range.

On the other side of the coin you have X3, while the story wasn’t equal to that of the prior installments, it was clear and defined. There were production problems from the start, and don’t believe for a second that Singer left because he loves Superman so much, he left because Fox wasn’t letting him spend the money he wanted and Warner’s told him they would let him through money around. Then X3 goes through another director and finally ends up with Ratner. There’s an immediate backlash because most people love talking about what a hack Ratner is. Fox pulls the budget down once again, yet X3 turns out to be a fun movie that turns in a strong B.O. performance, and there’s enough public interest in the franchise to develop both Wolverine and Magneto spinoffs. And if anyone can tell me of a scene in Superman Returns that’s as cool as when Phoenix vaporizes DR. X I am all ears.

cambece 08-11-06 09:39 PM

Even though I haven't seen X-Men 3, I would say X3 is a better movie.

Darth Stujitzu 08-11-06 10:30 PM

Both sucked, but at least Superman Returns has no illusions of being anything but a kid's movie.
X3 is a franchise killer, thankfully the spin off movies will give the studios even more chances to really screw things up. Brett Ratner was never going to make a decent movie, I would have liked to have seen what Mathew Vaughn would have done with the film, but hey-ho.
Superman dissapointed me greatly, especially as Bryan Singer directed it, definetly his worst film to date, and even Kevin Spacey was pants!
Oh well, bring on the next onslaught of sub standard comic book adapts, Ghost Rider looks pretty pants, maybe Spiderman 3 can save the day, the trailer looks decent!

jav1856 08-16-06 05:22 AM

Franchise killer? I don’t know what you mean by that, but in no way is the XMen franchise dead after The Last Stand. In fact the exact opposite is true, the Last Stand’s numbers have forced Fox into developing an X4, after several key folks at Fox weren’t even interested in doing X3. The producers have all ready signed some talent and are currently trying to lock up more talent, which shows they are fairly serious. As of right now X4 is behind the Wolverine and Magneto spin offs in the development pipeline but that could change. Fox recently also added a young Magneto spin off to it’s development roster but I doubt that’s going to make it to production any time in the near future.

So while many people may not have had much love for X3, it’s proved that it’s still an economically viable franchise and that matters more to the studios than anything else.

hazii82 08-16-06 03:54 PM

Superman, X-Men was way to slow for me.

bueller 10-16-06 06:06 PM

dont wanna say it, because it was good seeing sups back again but the film was to straight forward, its like i remember every scene and some was kinda boring, X-3 is the kinda film i can watch over and over again.

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