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OG- 09-07-05 03:21 PM

MoFo-Netflix Circle of Love
I recently broke down and signed up for Netflix. I shattered my own vow of supporting indepedent business and scribbled my soul away to the machine. And that machine better be fun!

Anyways, I just noticed Sedai mention in the shoutbox he was getting A Boy and His Dog from Netflix today, so I was wondering who else has the scourge, er, Netflix? Let's get a MoFo circle of friends going on. It'll be an interesting way to see what movies people actually are renting. So if anyone wants to offer up their email addy to be added to anyones Netflix friends list, here is the place to do so.

peter (at)

And for anyone that would, don't give me any lip about the movies I've rated. The first wave of films I rated don't actually reflect my opinion on those movies, I just rated them in whatever way I thought I should so that Netflix wouldn't recommend me similar movies that I have seen, I want it to recommend movies that I've never seen nor heard of. And it seems to have worked pretty well, so far.

Sedai 09-07-05 03:29 PM

sedai (at)

Sexy Celebrity 09-08-05 06:09 PM

I've tried it before and I may get it again. I rent too many movies from Blockbusters, why not rent several for $9.99 a month? Netflix allowed me to see Killer Tongue, which I couldn't find anywhere else.

Piddzilla 09-08-05 07:16 PM

It's at time like this I wish I lived in America. :(

Pyro Tramp 09-08-05 07:37 PM

What the poodle is this Netflix jazz all about?

OG- 09-08-05 08:23 PM

Netflix is a U.S. based, mail DVD rental service. Basically, you sign up for one of their plans (they have varrying prices/benefits), browse their online database (which is a might impressive), select what movies you want to see and they mail them to you.

If you go with their most popular (and best) plan, you get 3 at a time, with no limit as to how many you can take out a month. You can keep the discs as long as you want, just mail them back in the prepaid envelope it came in whenever you're done and once they recieve it (usually a day later), they'll mail you out the next movie(s) in your queue.

I actually only recently signed up for the service, as I like to support indepedent business, but when I got back to Tallahassee (where I go to school) a week ago and rented a flick from my favorite store I felt betrayed that the price had gone up to $3.05. I love independent business, I've only ever worked for independent businesses, but charging me $3.05 for a movie I get to keep for only two nights will just be financially crippling at the rate I rent movies, so I decided to pay the $17.99 monthly fee for Netflix and get as money movies as I want.

It is a pretty sweet deal.

Tacitus 09-08-05 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
What the poodle is this Netflix jazz all about?
Think ScreenSelect without the warehouse fires...

I haven't been sent anything in a week. :furious:

Strummer521 09-08-05 09:44 PM

How quick is it from when you mail out a movie to when you get a new one with Netflix?

OG- 09-08-05 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by Strummer521
How quick is it from when you mail out a movie to when you get a new one with Netflix?
I've only recently started the service, so someone else would be better at answering, but from other people I've known it is usually next day service. If you mail them out Monday, they get it on Tuesday, you'll have new DVDs on Weds.

Though for full disclosure, the first DVDs I got were supposed to arrive Weds and didn't arrive until Thursday. That may or may not be due to the excess flood (no pun intended) of mail traffic in the Gulf coast area...

Pyro Tramp 09-09-05 08:04 AM

Hmmmmm, so what's the catch?

Is there a UK alternative btw?

Piddzilla 09-09-05 08:49 AM

God, I wish this was available in Sweden.

MovieDan82 09-09-05 10:42 AM

[email protected]

Sedai 09-09-05 11:23 AM

No catch that I have discovered so far, and the service has been great. I still buy DVDs as well, but only the films I really love. It has been next day service for us so far, and we tend to mail one out each day, ensuring we are getting one back each day as well. We do tend to skip nights though, which throws a wrench in the gears, but some nights we just don;t get to watch a film. I have no complaints at all, especially since we used to be super bad about returns, and have wasted a ton of cash in late fees. Netflix is perfect for lazy people.

SamsoniteDelilah 09-09-05 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
No catch that I have discovered so far, and the service has been great. I still buy DVDs as well, but only the films I really love. It has been next day service for us so far, and we tend to mail one out each day, ensuring we are getting one back each day as well. We do tend to skip nights though, which throws a wrench in the gears, but some nights we just don;t get to watch a film. I have no complaints at all, especially since we used to be super bad about returns, and have wasted a ton of cash in late fees. Netflix is perfect for lazy people.
What he said.
I've had it for nearly 2 years and have had no trouble at all with the service, have seen a ton of great films without wandering around in a video store or having to pay late fees. I've averaged about $2.30 per film, because the turnaround allows me to see 3-4 films a week.

Sinny McGuffins 09-09-05 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Is there a UK alternative btw?
Yeah. Screen Select.

jrs 09-09-05 07:01 PM

Just joined Netflix. :cool:

birdygyrl 09-09-05 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
What he said.
I've had it for nearly 2 years and have had no trouble at all with the service, have seen a ton of great films without wandering around in a video store or having to pay late fees. I've averaged about $2.30 per film, because the turnaround allows me to see 3-4 films a week.

What she said. I usually have the movies in 2-3 days. I love their recommendations. I've seen so many interesting movies that I never would have heard about. I like the way they follow my queue and not just send something from somewhere on my list. I think its the best $17.99 I spend all month. (Now, if I could only review the movies like Sammy, I'd be doing all right!)

SamsoniteDelilah 09-09-05 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
What she said. I usually have the movies in 2-3 days. I love their recommendations. I've seen so many interesting movies that I never would have heard about. I like the way they follow my queue and not just send something from somewhere on my list. I think its the best $17.99 I spend all month. (Now, if I could only review the movies like Sammy, I'd be doing all right!)
You should do it, birdy! :)

r3port3r66 09-09-05 10:18 PM

[email protected]

Yeah, love Netflix. I joined because I have recently become a fan of Asian horror films and Netflix seems to carry them all! After returning a movie, I usually get my next queued selection in 2 days! Yes the " Film's you might Like" selections are one's that I've already seen, but if you know how to navigate through the website,. they are easy to ignore.

Strummer521 09-10-05 12:40 AM

I think I am going to switch to Netflix, I'll let y'all know if I do.

Tacitus 09-10-05 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by Sinny McGuffins
Maybe my reply was too cryptic...

Have you been affected by the Great DVD Fire SG?

I got my first movie in a week yesterday. ;)

SpoOkY 09-10-05 06:44 AM

ooo this sounds like an awesome setup which I would love to get. The only thing close to that in Australia is an Entertainment Pass you can get from a Video store and you get unlimited rentals for a whole month.

Similarly you can only have two out at any one time and you can have it as long as you want (even the newest ones). All you have to do is bring the old ones in and they'll swap them for you. Trouble is that you can only choose from the ones in the store. But I got my money back 3 times over in a single month, go Uni Holidays! (no work to do at home like school used to have :D)

And the sound of a 'circle of love' is kind of creepy and suggestive, both of which I can handle unfortunately no Netflix here.

OG- 09-10-05 02:13 PM

Being the nerd that I am, I saught out some Greasemonkey to aid my laziness and figured anyone with Firefox would like this as well.

Greasemonkey is an amazing Firefox plug-in which allows you to add in user-scripts to the html of websites you visit. I looked for some Netflix related ones and found exactly what I was looking for. If you're like me, you probably search for the imdb page of a movie before looking anywhere else for info on the movie, this handy dandy Greasemonkey script inserts a link in any IMDB page to search Netflix for that same movie. For example:

Simply click the Netflix link and it searches Netflix for the film.

Anyways, it certainly is handy if you're as lazy as I am. To install it, first you'll need Greasemonkey from here and after you've installed Greasemonkey (you'll need to restart your browser after the install) just right click this link and select "Install user script", click okay and you're good to go!*

If you want any more awesome Greasemonkey scripts, here is a fantastic, site-specific list of scripts and what they do.

*The only problem I've found with the script is that if the imdb lists the foreign title, it'll search Netflix for that foreign title, which it may not always be listed as causing it to look like Netflix doesn't have the movie when they actually do, but other than that it works like a charm.

EDIT: Upon further browsing, there is another Greasemonkey script called The Movie Dude which does the same thing, but for a wider variety of sites (including Rotten Tomatoes) and cross links them all (so links are inserted when viewing a movie on Netflix to imdb, rotten tomatoes etc etc and vice-versa). Check it out, it has more functionality than the above script, but also a little more clutter. Take your pick as to which you prefer.

jrs 09-10-05 11:24 PM

When ordering from Netflix , do they send you the disc(s) in the envelope in or out of its case?

OG- 09-10-05 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
When ordering from Netflix , do they send you the disc(s) in the envelope in or out of its case?
Out of the case and in certain situations a second disc (if it is just special features for example) will have to be selected seperately. At first I thought that was kinda lame, but it doesn't matter to much to me because when I rent a movie I rarely watch the special features on a second disc.

jrs 09-10-05 11:45 PM

Thanks. :D

OG- 09-26-05 04:08 PM

Have any Netflix users ever had the problem of their DVD actually being stolen in the mail?

I was supposed to get The Wicker Man in the mail, but all I got was the cover slip (what you tear off to get to the DVD) inside of a plastic sheet from the post office with a note about "sorry for the damaged mail". Damaged my ass, it's pretty obvious someone knew what was inside and just tore off the part with the DVD in it.

Too bad Netflix doesn't have an option to report the problem as, "some ******* stole it."

Strummer521 10-10-05 01:14 AM

[email protected]

I sent friendlist invitations to Sam, Sedai and OG...

7thson 10-10-05 01:25 AM

Originally Posted by OG-
Have any Netflix users ever had the problem of their DVD actually being stolen in the mail?

I was supposed to get The Wicker Man in the mail, but all I got was the cover slip (what you tear off to get to the DVD) inside of a plastic sheet from the post office with a note about "sorry for the damaged mail". Damaged my ass, it's pretty obvious someone knew what was inside and just tore off the part with the DVD in it.

Too bad Netflix doesn't have an option to report the problem as, "some ******* stole it."

Had this problem twice now, some people must be getting over

SamsoniteDelilah 10-10-05 01:58 AM

I've had one go missing, and two that arrived broken. My mail carrier is an ape. :mad:

birdygyrl 10-15-05 11:25 PM

I've only had one go missing. Service has been great.....really fast.

SamsoniteDelilah 10-19-05 07:31 PM

uhm.... Is birdy's name Amy? I got an invite from someone whose name I don't know. :p I wish they'd let us use screennames on there, having a bear of a time remembering who's who. :/

Strummer521 10-19-05 08:15 PM

I got one from an Amy too....

birdygyrl 10-22-05 10:15 AM

Nope, I'm not Amy. I haven't sent anybody an invite. But if anyone wants one I'd be happy to oblige. :)

SamsoniteDelilah 10-31-05 06:50 PM

so then... who's Amy??

OG- 10-31-05 07:40 PM

I have no clue, but she invited me as well...

Strummer521 10-31-05 11:15 PM


Maybe it's some kind of automated movie watching robot that Netflix has created to steer people towards certain movies that they have a large stock of.

SamsoniteDelilah 11-01-05 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by Strummer521

Maybe it's some kind of automated movie watching robot that Netflix has created to steer people towards certain movies that they have a large stock of.
hee! It's a thought...

Gods Lone Wolf 11-04-05 04:59 AM

Netflix user
[email protected]

I've used Netflix as an alternative ever since we had to disconnect our cable service so I still receive my fix of movies. I went through this entire thread and added all the email addresses. Go Netflix.

OG- 11-09-05 09:06 PM

Alright Netflix is really starting to piss me off.

They have changed their terms of use:

In determining priority for shipping and inventory allocation, we give priority to those members who receive the fewest DVDs through our service. As a result, those subscribers who receive the most movies may experience that (i) the shipment of their next available DVD occurs at least one business day following return of their previously viewed movie (ii) delivery takes longer, as the shipments may not be processed from their local distribution center and (iii) they receive movies lower in their queue more often than our other subscribers. Other factors that may affect delivery times, include, but are not limited to, (i) the distance between the distribution center from which your DVD was shipped and your delivery address, (ii) the timing of your placement or adjustment of movies in your queue and (iii) circumstances impacting delivery by the U.S. Postal Service.
So the consumer is ultimately punished for watching more movies than other customers.

It's really pissing me the **** off when a movie ships on a Tuesday to arrive on a Saturday or when it takes them over 2 of their business days to even acknowledge the reciept of one of my movies and a further two days to send one out.

I understand they've changed their rules to save themselves money, but this is complete bull****.


$20 says that within the next 5 months they begin to offer a higher tier that costs more, but doesn't have the pitfall of nerfing customers who actually use the service and don't just sit on movies.

Actually, what I hoped would happen (kind of) already has. A lawsuit has been brought against Netflix for their bull**** "unlimited rentals" claim and I ask everyone who is a subscriber to check out this site:

Even if you don't get over 12 movies a month and are thus not affected, what they're doing isn't fair. Don't sign on if you don't want to (or if you don't even care), but you should at least know it is out there.

SamsoniteDelilah 11-09-05 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by OG-
Actually, what I hoped would happen (kind of) already has. A lawsuit has been brought against Netflix for their bull**** "unlimited rentals" claim and I ask everyone who is a subscriber to check out this site:

Even if you don't get over 12 movies a month and are thus not affected, what they're doing isn't fair. Don't sign on if you don't want to (or if you don't even care), but you should at least know it is out there.
I signed up for their bribe yesterday. If you meet the criteria, you might as well, because either way getting the email means you can't sue, according to them. (it's not legally binding unless you click something on their site, however...)

Strummer521 11-09-05 10:37 PM

That whole scam, combined with the fact that they don't ship on saturdays makes this really not much faster than blockbuster if at all.

I am no longer getting next day service apparently nor movies from the top of my queue. It's so infuriating that they set up a service and punish you for utilizing it. It's like insurance companies that deny coverage to people with diseases that will require a lot of medical care. (on a much smaller, less important scale obviously).

OG- 11-09-05 11:33 PM

I agree and Netflix is close to driving me to getting Blockbusters unlimited rental plan. I used to smile whenever I would drop a Netflix DVD in the mailbox because its right across the street from a Blockbuster, but if the service continues to be this poor I may just start walking across the street instead.

birdygyrl 11-12-05 11:01 AM

I have noticed that it is taking longer than ususal for the movies I used to receive in two or three days. I send them in the mail Monday and now I don't see the new ones until Saturday. I had no idea about the changes. Thanks OG.

BobbyB 05-15-06 12:59 PM

NetFlix is great! I decided to list what movies are currently on my queue.

1. As Good As It Gets
2. The Green Mile
3. Goodfellas
4. Hotel Rwanda
5. The Sixth Sense
6. Good Will Hunting
7. A Time To Kill
8. The Pianist
9. Fight Club
10. Black Hawk Down
11. Dances With Wolves
12. Philadelphia
13. Brian's Song
14. American Beauty
15. The Cider House Rules
16. Field Of Dreams
17. Dead Man Walking
18. 21 Grams
19. Life Is Beautiful
20. The Usual Suspects
21. Memento
22. Good Night And Good Luck
23. Traffic
24. The Boondock Saints
25. The English Patient
26. Unforgiven
27. Driving Miss Daisy
28. Seven
29. City Of God
30. Oldboy
31. Seven Samurai
32. Sin City
33. Pulp Fiction
34. Raging Bull
35. Fargo
36. Apollo 13
37. Saving Private Ryan
38. The Thin Red Line
39. The Lost Boys
40. Awakenings
41. My Left Foot
42. Shine
43. JFK
44. Malcolm X
45. Born On The Fourth Of July
46. Out Of Africa
47. Hannah And Her Sisters
48. Platoon
49. The Broadway Melody Of 1929
50. West Side Story

I'm trying to watch every movie ever nominated for best picture, so that's why there are so many of those type of movies. The only movie I've ever seen on that list is Fargo. Are those movies all good?

Alvin 05-15-06 03:33 PM

I've seen 33 of those, some are very good, others not quite so good. Of the ones you have there, my top few (that I've seen, and in no real order):

The Usual Suspects
American Beauty
Seven Samurai
Pulp Fiction

The Sixth Sense
Born on the Fourth of July
Are the only ones I'd give really negative reviews.

BobbyB 05-15-06 03:56 PM

Oh man...I was looking forward to The Sixth Sense. I just added Do The Right Thing to my queue

Caitlyn 05-15-06 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyB
Oh man...I was looking forward to The Sixth Sense.

The Sixth Sense is not one of my favorites either... but numerous other people really enjoyed it... and you may fall in with the latter group... so don't stop looking forward to it just yet... :)

ash_is_the_gal 05-15-06 04:23 PM

you should replace The Sixth Sense with Unbreakable instead.

BobbyB 05-15-06 04:27 PM

Wasn't Unbreakable up for "Best Picture"? If so, I have to watch it. I'm trying to watch every movie ever nominated for Best Picture.

thmilin 05-16-06 02:35 AM

i coulda sworn there was a netflix friends thread elsewhere already where i did this ... total deja vu ...

miriamwynn at

SamsoniteDelilah 05-19-06 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by OG-
Actually, what I hoped would happen (kind of) already has. A lawsuit has been brought against Netflix for their bull**** "unlimited rentals" claim and I ask everyone who is a subscriber to check out this site:

Even if you don't get over 12 movies a month and are thus not affected, what they're doing isn't fair. Don't sign on if you don't want to (or if you don't even care), but you should at least know it is out there.
Six months later, I've never gotten that one extra movie I was offered (to make up for the delays that limit the "unlimited" rentals). My service has slowed a lot and my roommate and I have both not recieved anything in over a week, except promises that things are in the mail. :mad:

ash_is_the_gal 05-19-06 04:38 PM

wow, is anyone else having this problems with Netflix? i find the service to be pretty good for me... like, i mail one out say on Monday and one comes in its place on Wednesday... knock on wood.

birdygyrl 05-23-06 09:44 PM

Right now I'm sending them out on Monday and receiving them by Thursday. And I'm getting them in the order that I requested. The service works well in New Hampshire.

BobbyB 05-24-06 10:09 AM

I send them out Monday and get a new one on Wednesday. Great service.

P.S. Watched "The Sixth Sense" and thought it was fantastic

screentoclose 05-26-06 03:24 PM

Netfliz was the best thing ever until they "throttled me." So, in anger I cancelled my membership. Then, I started renting from Blockbuster again, until I realized how much money I was wasting. So, I re-joined NETFLIX under a new name and IP address and I rent alot of movies, just not quite as many before so they don't throttle me again. They will sooner or later I'm sure, but renting a few less per week hopefully will make it happen alot later.

ash_is_the_gal 05-26-06 03:29 PM

what does "throttling" you mean?

OG- 05-26-06 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
what does "throttling" you mean?
If you rent more than 12 movies a month, they begin to throttle you by holding onto your DVDs for a day or so after having recieved them. They also will send out copies of a film at the top of your queue to people who rent less often, before they send them out to you. As a final slap in the face, they'll ship your next movie out from farther away facilities, so as it doesn't come next day.

It's all just an effort to save them money by intentionally reducing their volume, but keeping price the same.

BobbyB 05-28-06 06:10 PM

That sucks! I have no idea why it would do that. I've not had that problem yet

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