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Blister 08-13-05 10:08 AM

Yoda's Birthday Today!
It's Yoda's Birthday today!

Happy Birthday!

Tacitus 08-13-05 10:47 AM

Happy Birthday!!

19 years is a long time to have Frank Oz's hand up your....oh nevermind. Have a great day. :D

EDIT - where the heck did I get 19 from? When I was 21 I'd have flattened someone who mistook me for 19, though thesedays I'd happily be confused for 30. ;)

blibblobblib 08-13-05 10:55 AM

Oh you bugger, i was gonna make a thread, chronicalling the genius that is the green one from his humble days living in a dustbin on Sesame Street to present day when he is ruler of all that is good. Oh well.

Happy Birthday Yoddy! Nineteen years...Goes by in a flash. May your birthy day of fun be filled with everything you want and that all your commands over the humans you control be carried out swiftly and with as little death as possible. Many Happy Returns!

Darth Stujitzu 08-13-05 11:26 AM

Birthday good you will have.
Scotsman's greetings you will have.
Beer, leads to fear, fear leads to hatred, hatred leads to the dark side, dark side leads to beer drinking Darth Stujitzu!!!
Have a good one O little green nemesis.

Strummer521 08-13-05 11:48 AM

happy birthday!

I got ya a present! Like it? Antique!

blibblobblib 08-13-05 12:14 PM

You put him in an impenetrable, air-tight cardboard and plastic chamber? Thats a pretty harsh present...

Sedai 08-13-05 01:51 PM

Happy Birthday Chris!!! :)

MovieMaker5087 08-13-05 02:05 PM

Happy Birthday Chris!

And crappy 3rd anniversary for me!

Eyes 08-13-05 02:20 PM

Happy birthday oh wise one. To you, a birthday of happiness I wish, Yes.

undercoverlover 08-13-05 04:55 PM

yay for Yoda, congratulations on living 19 years, quite an accomplishment

SamsoniteDelilah 08-13-05 06:58 PM

You're only 19?!!
Have a happy, Yoda. You're the coolest little green guy I know. :kiss:

susan 08-13-05 07:56 PM

happy bday chris....enjoy...

and happy anni moviemaker

Strummer521 08-13-05 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
You put him in an impenetrable, air-tight cardboard and plastic chamber? Thats a pretty harsh present...
Not him, just a small, accurate replica. I guess it's kinda creepy...

Austruck 08-13-05 09:14 PM


I should know. Trust me, I did the math, just in case. (You guys had me worried there for a moment.)

TWENTY-ONE! TWENTY-ONE, PEOPLE! Looks like Slay's doing the math again. ;)

Austruck 08-13-05 09:15 PM

P.S. He *will* check this thread, of course. But he's currently several hundred miles away from home and will be back in good ol' Pa. tomorrow evening. Just in case you're wondering why he's ignoring you. ;)

Me? I'm used to it.

Sexy Celebrity 08-13-05 09:19 PM

A REMINDER: Since you're advancing in age, it would be wise to keep drinking milk. Here's you to explain why:

* Drink your milk in a White Russian.


OG- 08-14-05 12:47 AM

If this is on or after the 13th, you're too drunk to read this, but happy birthday. Jerk.

SpoOkY 08-14-05 07:15 AM

Happy Birthday, hope you had an awesome day :D

Piddzilla 08-14-05 04:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Happy 21st Birthday, Chris!! I take it number 21 is a pretty big thing "over there", huh?? :randy:

You're allright. Sometimes a bit too right. You know right as in right in the wrong way... Not the right way. As opposed to left way.... HA HA HA HA!!!! Did I tell that "joke" last year too?

Have a really good one, my man!


Austruck 08-14-05 04:08 PM

Yes, Piddz ... Over here, 21 means you can legally drink adult beverages in all 50 states.

Yee-haw, just what a mother wants to know. Gahhh.

jrs 08-14-05 04:20 PM

Sorry I'm late Chris...Happy 21st Bud :D .

Piddzilla 08-14-05 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Yes, Piddz ... Over here, 21 means you can legally drink adult beverages in all 50 states.

Yee-haw, just what a mother wants to know. Gahhh.
No more illegal drinking, no more fake IDs... You should be happy!!

nlkead 08-14-05 05:04 PM

Happy B-day, Chris. I hope the hangover isn't crushing your head right now.

Austruck 08-14-05 05:28 PM

How fitting that this should be my 1,000th post here!
Just talked to Yoda on the phone: It's a green light for his flight home in a few hours. I'll be leaving to pick him up at the airport around 7 p.m. He'll be tickled to see this thread! :)

Piddz ... fake IDs? HA, he had a hard enough time getting the REAL one! ;)

John McClane 08-14-05 07:14 PM

Holy crap!!! Good lesson to be learned here. Never leave for more then 2 or 3 days. You might miss something. Hope the day was happy. Because I mean it should be a happy birthday. :D

LordSlaytan 08-15-05 02:25 AM

Happy birthday, Chris.

Dammit! I wanna say more, but your mama and lil' sis will see it, so I can't. This SUX!!! ;)

Strummer521 08-15-05 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Happy birthday, Chris.

Dammit! I wanna say more, but your mama and lil' sis will see it, so I can't. This SUX!!! ;)
That's what PMs are for. :D

Piddzilla 08-15-05 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Piddz ... fake IDs? HA, he had a hard enough time getting the REAL one! ;)
Yeah, I can imagine the authorities have trouble believing he's actually for real displaying that green complexion.

Naisy 08-15-05 09:25 AM

Well master every year I learn to respect you more and more....your a man of morals and I admire that, Your mother and dear gracie would be proud of you, heck Im from halfway round the world and I respect you....but I do miss those religious debates, Happy Birthday Big Daddy

chicagofrog 08-15-05 07:36 PM

Yoda! i'm glad you're here to sometimes have some great arguments and whatnot and i'm glad there are people like you around! :)
some froggish humor for yr birthday?
here you are!

Sinny McGuffins 08-15-05 08:44 PM

Happy Birthday, Yoda. And thanks for starting this little commune. :)

Caitlyn 08-16-05 01:23 PM

Haliheliga Udetiyisgyi My Friend!!!

Sorry I'm late... :kiss: ... so, does it feel any different to be legally old enough to do the things you've been doing for years anyway?

Aniko 08-16-05 01:32 PM

Happy Birthday Chris!
I hope you had a great birthday and had fun celebrating.

Question for mom... many hours of labor did you go through with Chris?
Was he an easy going baby or did he keep you up at night?

Anonymous Last 08-16-05 04:28 PM


Damn, I missed it!

Uncle Rico 08-16-05 05:02 PM

Happy Birthday

Austruck 08-16-05 05:16 PM

Yoda was a relatively easy baby, once he was born. ;) He was posterior (not breech), so the labor wasn't as much fun as I had hoped. *koff* He was born at 10:50 in the morning on Aug. 13, 1984, after about 24 hours of official labor (during much of which I sat around, ate, and watched TV). I had him at home. He was 9 pounds even, with a nice pointy head due to the long pushing stage of labor.

But, by about four weeks old, he was sleeping about 12 hours a night: from about 1 a.m. to 1 p.m., which was great for me, a night owl. I think he still keeps those hours to this day. :D

He's always been a nice mix of boyish and yet sensitive, smart and focused and yet chaotic, brilliant but yet a little naive (in a good way). Remind me to tell you guys about how he found out about eating chicken.... That's classic Chris.

(sniffle) My widdle Yoda is all growed up. *koff*

Sedai 08-16-05 05:22 PM

He is also ignoring his Birfday thwead....


Aniko 08-16-05 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
I had him at home. He was 9 pounds even, with a nice pointy head due to the long pushing stage of labor.
You gave birth at home!?! Does this mean you didn't have drugs either?

How long did you push? :modest:

But, by about four weeks old, he was sleeping about 12 hours a night: from about 1 a.m. to 1 p.m., which was great for me, a night owl. I think he still keeps those hours to this day. :D

He's always been a nice mix of boyish and yet sensitive, smart and focused and yet chaotic, brilliant but yet a little naive (in a good way). Remind me to tell you guys about how he found out about eating chicken.... That's classic Chris.

(sniffle) My widdle Yoda is all growed up. *koff*
You're such a good mom. you have any cute baby pic's...maybe touching his toes?
(I love those cute nekkid pics of baby's discovering their toes. Very sweet.)

birdygyrl 08-16-05 05:49 PM

Man, I have got to check in more often. Happy Belated Birthday Chris. Glad to hear it was a good one.

Austruck 08-16-05 08:21 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Aniko, nope, no drugs, dammit. :) And, stupid me, I didn't learn my lesson because I had the other three at home too -- and they were bigger than Yods!

He was still the toughest birth, though, because of my own ignorance of labor. I stayed in bed too much and should have been up and around more. The other labors were easier. With Yods I pushed for a solid three hours, which is crazy-nuts and painful if you don't even know the baby is posterior. (The doctor knew, but just didn't want to tell me!) Ugh. I ended up with an episiotomy anyway (no drugs for that either, even though she did it too early), and hemorrhaged and fainted after the birth.

I didn't get the color back in my face or the palms of my hands or my feet for over a week. As I said, the other births (once I knew what I was doing) were very nice home births from start to finish. Yod's birth was really great once we got to this point:

Austruck 08-16-05 08:22 PM

P.S. That's my mom -- the new grandma -- in the second pic. Dang, she looked good for what amounts to my age now!

Austruck 08-16-05 08:23 PM

LOL, and I just noticed, too, in that pic that Chris really kinda DOES look like Yoda if you look closely enough, only he's pink. :D

Tacitus 08-16-05 08:26 PM

You've got my respect there Austruck. My ex's first labour seemed as long as Tony Blair's first term (there's a joke in there somewhere I think).

The second one was accompanied by more drugs than an apt simile...

Austruck 08-16-05 08:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Now you got me started, but this is the last one, promise. This is one of my favorite family pictures. This is of my paternal grandmother (the only grandparent I knew) with her young great-grandson, Chris, when he was about four weeks old. He'd been fussy, but as soon as we gave him to her and she started sweet-talking to him, he totally zonked, as you can see by the picture. Her name was Fannie Mae Hockenberry Au, and I adored her.

I guess she's the Yods-Whisperer. :)

Aniko 08-16-05 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Aniko, nope, no drugs, dammit. :) And, stupid me, I didn't learn my lesson because I had the other three at home too -- and they were bigger than Yods!
You're a better woman than me. I had to have the drugs. It's amazing to me that your other kids were bigger and you still went without drugs. My hats off to you.

Thanks for posting the pictures. They're adorable. I love the photo of Chris and your grandmother. If you haven't had it framed, you should. That's such a great shot. Thanks for sharing. :)

Austruck 08-16-05 08:45 PM

It's framed and on my living room mantelpiece right now, along with a bunch of other family photos. But that one's my favorite by far.

Sedai 08-16-05 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Yod's birth was really great once we got to this point:
Is it me or does he actually look like Yoda in that first pic!!! The jedi master himself!!

EDIT... nevermind, I hadn;t got to the post where you already said that...clearly I agree, though... :eek:

Austruck 08-16-05 08:47 PM

You misunderstand most of my bravery. I have a huge dislike of hospitals and interventions of just about any kind. I'm the stupid type who doesn't go have her ankle x-rayed when she twists it badly. ("Oh, I'm sure it's fine.")

Not bravery ... more like fear. :)

Austruck 08-16-05 08:48 PM

Meanwhile, we're just passing the time waiting for Yoda to show up and read this thread, right?

*looks around furtively*

Austruck 08-16-05 08:50 PM

Sedai, yeah, I agree. As I looked for photos to scan just now, I started to think they all looked like Yoda. Same shaped head, that's for sure. (Some were worse!)

Sedai 08-16-05 08:52 PM

This means something....

*looks at potatoes*

SamsoniteDelilah 08-16-05 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Now you got me started, but this is the last one, promise. This is one of my favorite family pictures. This is of my paternal grandmother (the only grandparent I knew) with her young great-grandson, Chris, when he was about four weeks old. He'd been fussy, but as soon as we gave him to her and she started sweet-talking to him, he totally zonked, as you can see by the picture. Her name was Fannie Mae Hockenberry Au, and I adored her.

I guess she's the Yods-Whisperer. :)
That is beautiful! :)

Austruck 08-16-05 09:55 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
This means something....

*looks at potatoes*
hee hee! I get this joke!
[pats self on back]

LordSlaytan 08-16-05 11:51 PM

Uh...don't even think you're getting away with not posting one of mommy and baby.

Gimme a break, Lindarelli.

Austruck 08-17-05 12:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, here's one of me and Chris/Yoda on his first Halloween at a church Halloween costume party. We went ... yes, as bunnies! He was wearing a white one-piece sleeper that I'd sewed a fluffy tail onto, and a white baby bonnet/hat that I'd sewed cloth-covered cardboard ears onto. I thought we looked cute together. :)

He was about two months old here:

Anonymous Last 08-17-05 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Okay, here's one of me and Chris/Yoda on his first Halloween at a church Halloween costume party. We went ... yes, as bunnies! He was wearing a white one-piece sleeper that I'd sewed a fluffy tail onto, and a white baby bonnet/hat that I'd sewed cloth-covered cardboard ears onto. I thought we looked cute together. :)

He was about two months old here:
Yes! You both were adorable...very cute, though please think of my buddy Yoda while posting such cute pictures of him here. How can anyone of these fine posters have a good mean intelligent debate with the guy now after all this cuteness in their minds? I'll try to have his back in the future with all my silliness, but please... think of Yoda!

Well Chris, I tried.

Austruck 08-17-05 12:34 AM

Geez, Anon, I mean, thanks for the effort, but even *I* wouldn't fall for that one. That was so sickeningly sweet, I think I just went diabetic.

[runs off to check blood sugar levels]

Anonymous Last 08-17-05 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Geez, Anon, I mean, thanks for the effort, but even *I* wouldn't fall for that one. That was so sickeningly sweet, I think I just went diabetic.

[runs off to check blood sugar levels]

So this is what it sounds like, when doves cry.

Austruck 08-17-05 12:55 AM

Prince? You quote Prince to me?
I'm ashamed to admit I know you, sir.

[Well, okay, that's a bit harsh. But still ... PRINCE?]

Equilibrium 08-17-05 01:22 AM

mmm oh master i wish thee a very fantabulous birthday...even tho im sorry but its just that i suck take whatever joy you can from me saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY YODA.

Anonymous Last 08-17-05 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Prince? You quote Prince to me?
I'm ashamed to admit I know you, sir.

[Well, okay, that's a bit harsh. But still ... PRINCE?]
I didn't think my Salt N' Pepa quote was gonna be appropriate in this thread.

Austruck 08-17-05 11:51 AM

Well, when you put it that way....

... it still doesn't make sense.

Sedai 08-17-05 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Prince? You quote Prince to me?
I'm ashamed to admit I know you, sir.

[Well, okay, that's a bit harsh. But still ... PRINCE?]
Prince = Complete and utter GENIUS. His arrangement skills, technique, production skills....

I don't really dig his stuff that much, but the man is one of the greatest living performers in music today, IMO. I just don't like his music very much. Some of it I really like though, like the aforementioned Doves cry. He played at the grammy awards recently and his mini-set was unreal. The guy did a back flip while ripping up the guitar solo, and he didn;t miss a note. My jaw was on the floor....

Regardless, where is Chris??? Sucka is MIA. That bunny suit is sure cute.

SamsoniteDelilah 08-17-05 02:06 PM

Well, he is a lot closer to the floor than most of us, but still... very impressive.
I think Austruck protesteth too much. I suspect a stack of Prince LP's, well worn and memorized, lies at the back of a closet somewhere in her home. :suspicious:

Austruck 08-17-05 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Well, he is a lot closer to the floor than most of us, but still... very impressive.
I think Austruck protesteth too much. I suspect a stack of Prince LP's, well worn and memorized, lies at the back of a closet somewhere in her home. :suspicious:
Nope, not a single Prince CD or LP or single anywhere in the house, ever.

This is more easily explained than that: Prince is one of the few artists who won't give Weird Al permission to parody any of his work. Twit. Get over yourself.

LordSlaytan 08-17-05 04:55 PM

I saw our little grown up friend on again last night, yet he still failed to post anything. What is he? A Prima Donna? Cindarella maybe? Gee whiz...I've heard of fashionably late before, but this is ridiculous.

Golgot 08-17-05 05:16 PM

Hey, the guy's just found out he was turned into a rabbit when he was 2 months old. That can be a shock to the system.

He's probably in the bathroom right now making sure he isn't mutating into a Wilderbeast. Or a potato. It's a very delicate age is 21.

Congrats on making it Chri. ;)

SamsoniteDelilah 08-17-05 05:17 PM

I can only imagine that every time he tries, he gets all emotional and his eye mist over and he can't find the words.

There really can't be any other reason, right? :D

eta: Golgot~ :rotfl:

Piddzilla 08-17-05 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Nope, not a single Prince CD or LP or single anywhere in the house, ever.

This is more easily explained than that: Prince is one of the few artists who won't give Weird Al permission to parody any of his work. Twit. Get over yourself.
He he... The guy takes his art seriously, nothing wrong with that. And compared to Weird Al.... Wait, I'm trying to compare Weird Al to Prince?? What was I thinking..... ;)

Austruck 08-17-05 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by Piddzilla
He he... The guy takes his art seriously, nothing wrong with that. And compared to Weird Al.... Wait, I'm trying to compare Weird Al to Prince?? What was I thinking..... ;)
Yes, no comparison!

(Wait....Somehow I don't think we meant that the same way.) :rolleyes:

Sexy Celebrity 08-17-05 08:45 PM

Oh my god, I love Prince... She wore a RASPBERRRRY beret! The kind you find in the second hand store... RASSSSSSSSSPBERRY beret. If it was warm she wouldn't wear much more. I've kareoked to that song before. December 28, 2004 at O'Meara's in Manassas, VA to be exact (in case you can time travel). I brought down the house.


Yoda 08-17-05 09:10 PM

D'oh, how did I miss this? Thanks guys; I appreciate it. :)

Let the intrusive personal questions begin.

SamsoniteDelilah 08-17-05 09:12 PM

Where did you go on your trip?
Why was it so taxing?
What happened that you hurt your finger?
What did you do to celebrate your birthday?
Who did you celebrate with?
Do you like them? I mean... do you like... like them, like them?

Yoda 08-17-05 09:18 PM

Where did you go on your trip?

Why was it so taxing?
Several reasons. The one I'm willing to tell you about is that my flight was delayed four times and I ended up sitting in an airport terminal in Indianapolis for about 6 1/2 hours, during which an announcement beckoning a "Mr. Chewbacca" to the baggage claim came over the AP system.

What happened that you hurt your finger?
Side of my hand, actually. Long story.

What did you do to celebrate your birthday?
Bought some music, ate, bought a lot of alcohol, drank it.

Who did you celebrate with?
A girl named Tracy.

Do you like them? I mean... do you like... like them, like them?

Sexy Celebrity 08-17-05 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda
D'oh, how did I miss this? Thanks guys; I appreciate it. :)
And we should all thank the power of Prince for getting him to notice it. His picture in this thread was all it took. Yes, I believe in Prince.

John McClane 08-17-05 10:14 PM

You know, he really does look like Yoda in that picture. :p :)
Originally Posted by Austruck
Aniko, nope, no drugs, dammit. :) And, stupid me, I didn't learn my lesson because I had the other three at home too -- and they were bigger than Yods!

He was still the toughest birth, though, because of my own ignorance of labor. I stayed in bed too much and should have been up and around more. The other labors were easier. With Yods I pushed for a solid three hours, which is crazy-nuts and painful if you don't even know the baby is posterior. (The doctor knew, but just didn't want to tell me!) Ugh. I ended up with an episiotomy anyway (no drugs for that either, even though she did it too early), and hemorrhaged and fainted after the birth.

I didn't get the color back in my face or the palms of my hands or my feet for over a week. As I said, the other births (once I knew what I was doing) were very nice home births from start to finish. Yod's birth was really great once we got to this point:

Anonymous Last 08-18-05 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
And we should all thank the power of Prince for getting him to notice it. His picture in this thread was all it took. Yes, I believe in Prince.
Hey! Let's not go crazy here.

chicagofrog 08-18-05 12:17 PM

is Prince the King, or was the King the Prince?
well, i like Bonnie Prince Billy a lot more...

Austruck 08-18-05 12:49 PM

I feel ill.

chicagofrog 08-18-05 12:50 PM

why's that?

Austruck 08-18-05 01:02 PM

Too much talk of ... P-Puh-Puh-Prin...
I can't say it.


chicagofrog 08-18-05 01:04 PM


nebbit 08-22-05 07:51 AM


:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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