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Yoda 12-05-01 09:00 PM

The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread
Hey, it had to happen at some point: post a picture! I'm gonna have a few taken (they'll be on a somewhat fuzzy webcam, though...sorry), and post them when I do...but it'll be a few days. Any of you other souls brave enough to post them for now?

sadesdrk 12-05-01 09:08 PM

1 Attachment(s) if that works. Not sure it's a valid extension. Yeah...that worked. too bad half of my face is dark...stupid sun. I'll update it when I get a better pic.

spudracer 12-05-01 09:09 PM

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Ok, I have moved my picture here to leave the other thread somewhat on topic. :D

Here it is(renamed to a more fitting title):

Yoda 12-05-01 09:10 PM

Yep, works! Sadie's gone public, people. (need to get a smilie that claps, don't you think?) :yup:

spudracer 12-05-01 09:12 PM

Sadie, it's not all your fault that that picture looks as bad as it does. My scanner isn't all that great anymore and works like crap sometimes. The picture scanned too dark, and I tried lightening it since you couldn't really see your face. :D

And yes, a smilie that claps is needed.

sadesdrk 12-05-01 09:15 PM

I can't wait to post a better one. It's so hard to be a flirt...or have sexi-mexi as your title and Betty Boop as your avatar...because everybody thinks I'm gonna be this siren, and I'm so average.:( POOH.

*actually...this is a fish for compliments...cuz I know I'm hot as snot...

Sir Toose 12-05-01 09:22 PM

Spuds, you look nothing like I pictured you. Be glad. Be very glad. You look like one of my beer drinkin' buds... he drinks me under the table every time.

Sades... you are as hot as snot!!;)

Yoda 12-05-01 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Toose
Sades... you are as hot as snot!!;)
I'll assume that's a complement. And yeah, Sadie's picture is a tad I imagine it doesn't give us a good look at her. Drat. She's got bright red hair though...big plus right there.

Sir Toose 12-05-01 09:25 PM

You know Spuds... you look like Sandra Bullock's twin brother!

spudracer 12-05-01 09:28 PM

I hope your joking Toose. :D

Sir Toose 12-05-01 09:45 PM

Originally posted by spudracer
I hope your joking Toose. :D
Nope. I meant it as a complement tho...

jungerpants 12-05-01 10:26 PM

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You can find me a lot at

But here's one pic of me:
(okay, so it's of me and some others... I'm in the middle ;) )

Yoda 12-06-01 12:16 AM

Hmmm, I've gotten several notifications that say people such as Anne and Patti have posted here...and someone else I think too. Did you guys zap your posts afterwards or something?

spudracer 12-06-01 12:32 AM

Nope. I meant it as a complement tho...
Oh, well I didn't know Sandra Bullock had a twin brother. :D They say everyone has a twin out there somewhere. Who knows.

Yoda 12-06-01 12:42 AM

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Patti sent me this. Check it izzout. :) She says it's (from left to right), her, her daughter Ellie and her brother's then-girlfriend Rebecca. Patti's in damn fine shape, I might add.

ryanpaige 12-06-01 01:07 AM

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The goofiness that is me in a staff photo for a job I had not too long ago.

The Silver Bullet 12-06-01 01:08 AM

I can so see you as a Hollywood film director Ryan!!


patti 12-06-01 02:04 AM

very cool to see everyone's mug......but T, you aren't here yet, are you? spud- sades told me you were cute......i am happy to see everyone's faces.....those who have i want to see the rest.
Thanks "T" for helping me get in on it.....and for the kind words.....can you send a notice for everyone to know the thread is hidden down in site feedback? anyway, thanks again "T"

and cheers to all the smiling faces.:D

now holden, you need to send one to the commish like i did!? :cool:

L .B . Jeffries 12-06-01 02:44 AM

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it's always good to know who your talking to it puts things into perspective I don't know what kind of perspective but it does for me.

I don't know exactly how to add pictures but I'll give it a try here it goes I just took the pic on my web cam it's not a bad of quality picture.

mecurdius 12-06-01 03:44 AM

Im the white kid, the one in the back that looks menacing and evil. Yes the one labled FAG, though im not gay.

thmilin 12-06-01 04:00 AM

ooooh, my god, y'all are so CUTE! each and every one, :yup:

i'm afraid to post mine now, sades is such a hottie with the red hair (ya know i wrote a story about a man with a fetish ... i mean, fascination for red hair - i admit i have one too) and oh man, spud you're in so much trouble, you so know every chick out there is going to SPAM your spuddy @ss.

mecurdius you do look evil ... your friends shouldn't trust you in back of them ...

and Patti is indeed looking mahvelous, my dear i like you more and more!

T, it's no fair that yours ain't up, give it up!

LB why so serious? give us a mighty grin! hehe.

ok ok, here's mine. now that my personal site is dead the personal pics are rare! but i'm going to deliver my no-fail pic, cuz all the others look d@mned awful. this one's me at my best. ;)

The Silver Bullet 12-06-01 04:02 AM

We are a quite a bag of mixed nuts.

Mines on it's way.

L .B . Jeffries 12-06-01 04:30 AM

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ok thmilin here's a picture were i'm not looking so serious I gotsa big grin on my face and I'm with my cat name Stanley have funny.

Yoda 12-06-01 10:25 AM

I'm getting one, don't worry! As a matter of fact, let me see if I can get one up before my computer is fixed. I can burn a CD or put a photo on disk or something. But damn, don't hype me, I won't live up to it. :D

I saw that picture of Miriam awhile ago...and yes, it's a very nice picture. Great smile. :) I'm glad to see so many people posting them. As Miriam would certainly say if she were to think of it: "This is what it's all about, people!"

No one's getting off the hook in this thread. :) None of us care if the others look this way or that, I'm sure, so there's no reason for any of us to be shy about it. I'm digging this. As such, here's a list of some of the regulars who haven't posted theirs yet (sorry, just trying to encourage everyone to post one):
  • Peter (OG-)
  • Holden Pike (???)
  • Steve N./Steve (Steve)
  • Frank (sunfrog/Sunfroglin)
  • Zephyrus (last post: 9-29)
  • Laurie L
  • BrodieMan (last post: 10-22)
  • jrs1013
  • SultanBigPants (last post: 11-19)
  • bigvalbowski
  • Matt (The Silver Bullet -- in transit! :))
  • Toose (posted a pic as an avatar, but it's gone now!)
  • Arthur Dent
  • Rodney (last post: 11-26)
  • Guy
  • Jozie
  • Deckard
  • Timing

Sir Toose 12-06-01 12:02 PM

I figured peeps didn't want to view my mug every time I post. I'll send you some current ones as soon as I get my scanner back up

Timing 12-06-01 03:36 PM

On vacation in Colorado. No, I don't shave while on vacation! ;)

sadesdrk 12-06-01 04:06 PM

This is SO much fun!
L.B.J- not at all how I pictured you! I thought you were old for some reason. You look kinda like a friend of mine, cool.:)

Thmmie- You are adorable. I'm so glad to put a face to the outrageous sense of humor.

patti- I've seen you before are HOT baby! Yeah!;D

Timing- CUTIE! who's red car is that in the bottom corner? I have a red car too.:D

T- I'm dyin' here...give it up!

20 bucks Holden doesn't post one.

bigval...I'm chanting your name bro! Post!

Silver B.(Matt) C'mon baby, fair is fair...;D

I know what Art D. looks like too. Post it! You're a cuttie and you know it!

HyperBaseball- Nice pic with all the ladies crawling all over you...that's probably exactly how it is huh? Couldn't find one all by yourself? You can barely see your face!:)

I have a confession too. I'm not really a red head. I dye my hair like as often as I flirt. Right now I'm my natural color, which is dark brown. I was a blonde last summer...I'll just keep adding to this little family album once in awhile.:)

Timing 12-06-01 05:20 PM

The red car in the corner was our rental, but it was a Ferrari. ;) :D

sadesdrk 12-06-01 05:30 PM! Too bad it's a rental. You could lied and said it was your Ferrari...then I would have thought...Timing's the man!;D

sadesdrk 12-06-01 05:32 PM

Originally posted by L .B . Jeffries
ok thmilin here's a picture were i'm not looking so serious I gotsa big grin on my face and I'm with my cat name Stanley have funny.
Sorry for the double post, but that's a great picture! I love the antique look! Nice smile BTW.:D

Timing 12-06-01 05:39 PM

Okay, okay... it was a Grand Am. :(

Steve 12-06-01 06:20 PM

I don't have a scanner or a digital camera, I'll see what Peter's doing about posting his, maybe I can get in on that deal...

spudracer 12-06-01 08:02 PM

I'm trying to find the picture of me when I got festive for Hawaiian Day at my school a couple years back. I can't find it though. I would have you all rollin if I could find it. :D

sadesdrk 12-06-01 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Timing
Okay, okay... it was a Grand Am. :(
DAMN! Honesty stinks!

Steve...get it on it!:)

spudracer 12-06-01 08:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I forgot to attach it to my post, and had to delete it since it wouldn't let me go back in and add it.

This was taken like two years ago, and was a day where I didn't feel like gelling my hair.

sadesdrk 12-06-01 08:31 PM

Nice grass skirt! I was almost excited until I noticed you were wearing shorts underneath!:laugh: You were dancin' too...AHMWHAWMHAWA!:laugh: You're so cute...*sigh*

Arthur Dent 12-06-01 08:35 PM

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This pic is 3-4 years old. I just got my scanner back from a friend (who borrowed it about a year ago), and it no longer works.

Oh well, I don't look that much different now anyway.

spudracer 12-06-01 08:39 PM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
Nice grass skirt! I was almost excited until I noticed you were wearing shorts underneath!:laugh: You were dancin' too...AHMWHAWMHAWA!:laugh: You're so cute...*sigh*
I wanted to get into the mood that day. I had a lot of people comment on my grass. :D A few girls got upset when they found out that i was wearing shorts underneath, too. :)

sadesdrk 12-06-01 08:43 PM

couldn't you have fixed my ancin' to dancin' before yo quoted it, spud?:p are so cute! I saw that pic right? That's the one where I said I wanted to squeeze you...squish you into tiny pieces!

spudracer 12-06-01 08:52 PM

There I fixed it. :D

Arthur Dent 12-06-01 08:54 PM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
couldn't you have fixed my ancin' to dancin' before yo quoted it, spud?:p are so cute! I saw that pic right? That's the one where I said I wanted to squeeze you...squish you into tiny pieces!
Yeah, that's the picture you saw. And you said something about it, but it wasn't that.

sadesdrk 12-06-01 08:55 PM

Thank-You Patada Head...

Yoda 12-06-01 08:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The many faces of T, part one: bored.

Yoda 12-06-01 08:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The many faces of T, part two: paranoid.

Yoda 12-06-01 08:56 PM

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The many faces of T, part three: upside-down.

sadesdrk 12-06-01 08:56 PM

*gasp* I LOVE T!!! Nice eyebrows! GRRROOOOWWWLLLL!!!!:D

Yoda 12-06-01 08:57 PM

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The many faces of T, part four: in the background behind his bestest friend in the whole world, Adam.

Yoda 12-06-01 08:58 PM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
*gasp* I LOVE T!!! Nice eyebrows! GRRROOOOWWWLLLL!!!!:D
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You have no idea how funny that brother was making fun of my big bushy eyebrows earlier. I like 'em.

sadesdrk 12-06-01 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Arthur Dent

Yeah, that's the picture you saw. And you said something about it, but it wasn't that.
Oh...well, that's what I'm saying NOW!!!:p

I love eyebrows...T.....:cool:

Yoda 12-06-01 09:02 PM

Arthur Dent looks very friendly to me for some reason. Innocent and wide-eyed. :) And yes, eyebrows are the shizznat.

OG- 12-06-01 10:38 PM

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Dang, everyone looks alot different than I pictured. I've posted my pic before, I think, or sent it to people, but here goes for anyone who hasn't. (I was 14 at the time, 16 now)

Spud, you look alot different than I pictured you. T shocked me the frist time I saw him, and when I talked to him:eek:, but now I'm use to his foony faces.:)

Sir Toose 12-06-01 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Arthur Dent
This pic is 3-4 years old. I just got my scanner back from a friend (who borrowed it about a year ago), and it no longer works.

Oh well, I don't look that much different now anyway.
Hey Art...
Are you wearing PLite's britoosh school uniform?

mecurdius 12-06-01 10:56 PM

LB - you look twice as evil as i do with that damn cat.

Sunfrogolin 12-06-01 11:05 PM

Wow! What a great thread! :D Spud you really look like Sandra Bullock in that grass skirt now! Lol! OG I thought you were fat. ?? hahaha! Tw, I love that paranoid pic cause you can see the tree outside your window. :D Art, how old are you? I thought you were in college, you look like you're 12! Thmilin, you have any pics of you dressed like catwoman? ;) Patti what is that little man on your wrist? (ps. woohoo!) ;D Oh yeah, hey T are all those movies in the pic of you and Adam yours? Is that your room? My pic is over at and so is... Pigsnie's! I needed a shave too, I didn't think anyone was gonna see my pic, I just did it cause Tyler did his.

spudracer 12-06-01 11:11 PM

Why is it that everyone is saying I look different then what they thought? I mean because of the name, spud, I am going to be chubby? T, looked somewhat different from what I thought, which is good, cause I thought it was going to be some geeky kid with coke-bottle lenses, and a pocketprotector. :laugh:

Sunfrogolin 12-07-01 01:56 AM

Ps. Anne's pic is over at MoVa too. :)

patti 12-07-01 02:00 AM

spud, i think you kinda' look like Tom Cruise in his Risky Business days.....just to make sure could you do a little dance in your underwear for us?:p

thmilin, i think you're beautiful and i PM'd you on that.
LBJ, i think you look very cool......goes well with your great taste in movies.;D

and sunfrogin, the man figure on my wrist (it's on the underside as well) is a tattoo of an image i came across in Chicago....a little piece of blue paper (torn from a band flyer i think) was blowing past me and i reached up and grabbed it out of mid air...that image was all that was on it......i promptly took it to the tattoo shop and had it permanently imprinted on my me is symbolizes "simple man, nature and art". i like it very much and that's lucky because it's hard to cover up. i get to see it all the time. i have a couple other tattoos, on my biceps...nothing big...a pluto on my right arm, and three ravens in a circle on my left arm (check out the Ravenswood wine label.....that's it). i've also got a little "eye" on the side of my left wrist. enough already about patti and her tattoo's ..sorry everybody.:p

Arthur Dent 12-07-01 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Toose

Hey Art...
Are you wearing PLite's britoosh school uniform?
LOL! Actually that was taken right before I went to the Winter Formal my sophomore year.

And Sunfrog, I'm 20 now, but I was 16 then. Possibly this weekend I can get a more recent picture scanned in.

spudracer 12-07-01 09:16 AM

spud, i think you kinda' look like Tom Cruise in his Risky Business days.....just to make sure could you do a little dance in your underwear for us?
:laugh: Hmmm, lemme think. No. It's actually cold around here now, and I don't want to get a cold. :D

Yoda 12-07-01 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Sunfrogolin
Wow! What a great thread! :D Spud you really look like Sandra Bullock in that grass skirt now! Lol! OG I thought you were fat. ?? hahaha! Tw, I love that paranoid pic cause you can see the tree outside your window. :D Art, how old are you? I thought you were in college, you look like you're 12! Thmilin, you have any pics of you dressed like catwoman? ;) Patti what is that little man on your wrist? (ps. woohoo!) ;D Oh yeah, hey T are all those movies in the pic of you and Adam yours? Is that your room? My pic is over at and so is... Pigsnie's! I needed a shave too, I didn't think anyone was gonna see my pic, I just did it cause Tyler did his.
I'll take 'em one at a time:

1) Nice tree reference. :) 2) Those are just tapes of some old shows my dad did. And no, that isn't my room...just some old corner my desk used to be in. Now I'm in this office. I have a computer in my room at the other house, and another one over here in the office, and a third in my room here...but the one in my room here is old and It's only here because I hope to install Linux on it at some point. Saw your pick: you look low on sleep in it. Like a crazed insomniac. :D Didn't see Pigsnie's or Anne's, though.

And yeah, Spud, I think a lot of people expect me to look hopelessly geeky.

sadesdrk 12-07-01 11:30 AM

Originally posted by TWTCommish

And yeah, Spud, I think a lot of people expect me to look hopelessly geeky.
I thought you would be too...but in a sexy kinda way. Because you can't be as funny and smart as T...and be HOPELESSLY geeky.:D

Yoda 12-07-01 11:36 AM

Oh, ok...geeky with some hope, then. Like the male counterpart to a stereotypical standoffish librarian, right? :D

sadesdrk 12-07-01 11:42 AM

Yeah! Like that...only, that doesn't sound geeky...sounds sexy...geez, I'm the one who's hopeless. A hopeless flirt.:rolleyes:

thmilin 12-07-01 09:56 PM

*oooooooh* [wiggles butt in chair, preparing to fly at the keyboard]

LB - NOW you look like you're going to EAT the cat!! that's a fat one, he is, the kind of belly you want to stick your face in and rub away at. sorry ... um. I really like cats. :D

patti - that tattoo story kicks @ss! a free and beautiful soul of poetry! i wrote back on the pm, thank you! ;)

spud - at the very least, it's the name that won me over. a man who calls himself by my favorite tuber ... and all the very stylish variations you can come up with ... spudster! (i imagine Mike Myers as Austin Powers turning to point in a sudden, groovy motion as he says it, teeth exposed), spudalicious! hulaspud! superspud! it just has so many uses! yeah, everyone's shocked cuz you totally look like you belong on the Real World dude. I'm sorry, you're just such a wholesome American, it's disturbing. ;) now, as you wear the grass skirt, just turn a little to the right ... stand in the way of the nearest breeze ... *calls to sades* hurry up, spud is gonna blow ... laughs hysterically as sades comes running.

TWT - sades, did you and I not agree that it's all about eyebrows? i was looking at George Clooney the other day on Reveals (Jules Asner needs to stop leaning as if she's going to fall over, pull her hip in, and learn to smile!) and i realized - without those eyebrows and the arch he has to them he would not be nearly as sexy. note the lack of upper lip and squinty eyes. you know i'm right!

soo, anyway ... T - you look just about EXACTLY like a really close friend named Jacob, in high school. maybe a wee bit shorter and definitely not as hefty but yes, the dark hair, the ponderous expressions, definitely the analytical mind that will nicely argue you to death. he was quite the geek. see, the race of geek that you guys are, you're of the Silent Bob persuasion. not silent, per se, but that intelligent, quiet guy whom girls find cute but who burns with the desire to prove he can kick @ss with the best of them. he's usually accompanied by a wild, difficult young skinny lad, much like Jay (note: in high school, his best friend was named Chris and fit exactly this description - a spastic, amusing, long-haired, short, dangerous guy - who always got the chicks) . so anyway. yeah. it is not by coincidence alone, i think, that you are in my life and as entangled in movies and computer relations as we are.

sades - gasp! no red hair! waaaah ... well, i prefer brunettes so I can live with highlights. :) my mom's a hairdresser baby, don't think I don't take advantage!

Oh my god - Arthur Dent is Malfoy!! he is!! look!! *points* :D im' sorry, delicate boarding school face and apparel are just gonna get you the digs. squished by sades? uhuh, i know exactly what she's gonna squish that face with, too. ewww ... mwahah ...

announces loudly: OG is the next Eminem!!

sunfrog, i'm too lazy to go over there. can't you just give us a link?? pwetty please?

Timing i don't care what you're car is, it's red and it revvs! T, you'll look like him when you grow up. i'm serious. that's a compliment. :) for both of you! ... but who is this "we"? is there some other female involved? *raises hand to block potential words* - don't speak! don't speak. i can't stand to hear the truth! *runs away in a flood of tears*

thanks all for appeasing my ego about the pic! ;) it's true, i'm loving seeing you guys and that IS what it's all about. i have the hugest grin, did from the start of the thread right on through.

whew. all typed out. adios!

sadesdrk 12-07-01 10:42 PM are a goddess! I love you*blows kisses*

patti 12-07-01 11:29 PM

when thmilin is famous and rolling in green, she's gonna remember all of us and send us tickets for a MoFo reunion cruise..........if we haven't managed one yet by the grace of T's massive profit margin once his site hits the bigtime.....lets see, Holden will be a famous sought after author and make a long fantasy story short.....whomever makes it big sure to send us all tickets for luxury accomodations on a chartered Mo Fo cruise.....okay? okay? now everybody be sure to treat everybody nicely so we don't piss off any potential celebrity in our midst!! :idea:

and toose, i've heard what kind of candy you like......gasp.....did i say that? :eek:

sadesdrk 12-07-01 11:37 PM naughty girl!
T you heard it first...we want a MoFo cruise...exclusive to members only! I get to bunk with patti! I have lots to tell her...;D

Yoda 12-07-01 11:41 PM

If it ever becomes feasible, I'll let you all know. I do hope some of us can get together for a movie (what else?) someday. Some of us are a dozen states apart, unfortunately, but I do think a fair amount of us are somewhat near each other...Virginia, Indiana, PA, and I think NY...though there are others out West, too.

sadesdrk 12-07-01 11:54 PM

Representin' California! Hey...I'm gonna open a game of checkers at a web site known to me...PM me ifin' you wanna play...

ryanpaige 12-08-01 12:26 AM

Well, me and Timing and jrs1013 can get together and catch a movie at the Cinemark Legacy in Plano. Granted, the trip is a little longer for some than others. But we're all in Texas.

spudracer 12-08-01 01:30 AM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
If it ever becomes feasible, I'll let you all know. I do hope some of us can get together for a movie (what else?) someday. Some of us are a dozen states apart, unfortunately, but I do think a fair amount of us are somewhat near each other...Virginia, Indiana, PA, and I think NY...though there are others out West, too.
I'm representin the wild wild state of Kansas...I feel like I'm doing that bit Wayne and Garth do on Wayne's World(movie) where they are going to all the states. Oh look, we're in Kansas. Wow!! :rolleyes:

Thmilin - Thanks for the compliments on my spudtacular uses for the word spud. :D For those girls wanting to know, no I don't have the grass skirt anymore. :( Yeah I know, I was happy to get rid of it too. :D

sadesdrk 12-08-01 11:57 AM

Here's the deal...we all give T some money. He books all of us rooms at a centrally located hotel, then we all shack-up in one of the rooms with all the movies, food, and beer any of us could ever want! One giant party for a whole weekend! Sounds good to me!:)
Except we'll tell Holden it's a costume party so that he'd be the only one dressed up.:laugh:

patti 12-08-01 01:30 PM

as far fetched as it may be, sades, it sounds like a's about i rent us a limo-version of one of those Humvees (sp?) and cruise around to all the represented states and pick everyone up........then we head to holden's house for a long weekend movie party. then, for any one still alive, we all head to the outback to bunk with Silver......just in time for his golden christmas and a santa in shorts?
:idea: boy, i'm coming up with some great ideas, aren't i? 'bow' 'bow' thankyou thankyou

spudracer 12-08-01 01:49 PM

:laugh: It just might work!!!

sadesdrk 12-08-01 02:40 PM

I'm game!;D

OG- 12-08-01 04:20 PM

I could easily drive up and see a movie with T, maybe during the summer...And Holden and I are playing to see a movie sometime, so its already starting...:)

Yoda 12-08-01 07:10 PM

Originally posted by OG-
I could easily drive up and see a movie with T, maybe during the summer...And Holden and I are playing to see a movie sometime, so its already starting...:)
That'd be cool. It'd be interesting to meet a few of you guys. I still haven't bothered to get my license or anything (movies is the only reason really)...

Yoda 12-08-01 07:35 PM

Originally posted by thmilin
soo, anyway ... T - you look just about EXACTLY like a really close friend named Jacob, in high school. maybe a wee bit shorter and definitely not as hefty but yes, the dark hair, the ponderous expressions, definitely the analytical mind that will nicely argue you to death. he was quite the geek. see, the race of geek that you guys are, you're of the Silent Bob persuasion. not silent, per se, but that intelligent, quiet guy whom girls find cute but who burns with the desire to prove he can kick @ss with the best of them. he's usually accompanied by a wild, difficult young skinny lad, much like Jay (note: in high school, his best friend was named Chris and fit exactly this description - a spastic, amusing, long-haired, short, dangerous guy - who always got the chicks) . so anyway. yeah. it is not by coincidence alone, i think, that you are in my life and as entangled in movies and computer relations as we are.
Could be. :) And yeah, my friend Adam is sort of like that. He's one month younger than me, roughly, and is thinner and definitely wilder than I am. I don't think he's the type to "always get the chicks," but he's definitely thinner and wilder. :D

Steve 12-08-01 08:13 PM

Double post! Double post! :furious:


:rolleyes: :laugh:

I want to see a movie with some of you people soon. I'll let Peter organize it, & I'll tag along. ;)

I'm antsing to get my picture on here. Problem is, I don't have any. Sheeit. Soon enough though, soon enough. I'll find a way.

Oh yeah - thmilin, you are BEAUTIFUL!

The Silver Bullet 12-08-01 08:14 PM

Lol, that's just like me and one of my best friends Dave.

I am so the Silent Bob to his Jay.

sadesdrk 12-09-01 01:11 PM where's your picture?(silver b.)

spudracer 12-09-01 01:12 PM

At least you're not the Jay to his Silent Bob. Sorry...if anyone got that I apologize. :D

thmilin 12-09-01 04:19 PM

lol, you crezzy kids!

don't worry, when i'm rich I'll:

1) rent the biggest, nicest movie theater complex in the US

-they'll show reels in each theater according to what we want to watch - if there are 20 theaters, 20 different films! a DAY! for DAYS!
-it'll be one to 4 weeks of movie watching
-our own relive it/new movies/indies/etc Film Festival!!! the Mofo Film Festival, huyeah! they'll televise us, just watch.
-each state will be flown in (may be coach, depends on how rich i am) and driven in a limo humvee to meet the rest of us at the grandest hotel nearby
-the hotel shall include: hot tubs, saunas, spas for everyone (most especially the ladies) lots of chocolates on the pillows, balconies, great views (none of that view of a brick wall business), and free mini bars for everyone! no free porn channels tho. :) you should be watching movies - not THOSE kind!
-we'll have nutty dinners every day, free continental breakfast buffet ... kids, i will keep you well fed and carefree so all you have to think about is movies!
- i may even give y'all shopping money! $1000 each!

hehe. if there are millions of Mofo members though, that won't happen. perhaps a "date of registration" limitation. or, top 25 posters of movie content, though apparently i'm slacking off there. ;) hmm, maybe top 100 ...

2) The MoFo Cruise. Hmmmm ... month long trip around the bahamas and caribbean ... hitting the coast of Latin America ... floating around Alaska ... that might not be enough time. there will have to be a huge theater on the ship so we can screen movies - there will be fresh popcorn baby! maybe even celebrities. this will be how they get cozy with us fans and we can all have fun. by then, of course, several of us will BE celebrities. :D swimming pool ... all the food you want. again, lotsa stuff to keep us occupied so we can forget our daily lives and just BE movie lovers! oh ... happy happy, joy joy!!

what is this checkers business? i like cards. or scrabble. word games, obviously, nyuck nyuck. uno!!!

Sir Toose 12-09-01 06:17 PM

Originally posted by patti
when thmilin is famous and rolling in green, she's gonna remember all of us and send us tickets for a MoFo reunion cruise..........if we haven't managed one yet by the grace of T's massive profit margin once his site hits the bigtime.....lets see, Holden will be a famous sought after author and make a long fantasy story short.....whomever makes it big sure to send us all tickets for luxury accomodations on a chartered Mo Fo cruise.....okay? okay? now everybody be sure to treat everybody nicely so we don't piss off any potential celebrity in our midst!! :idea:

and toose, i've heard what kind of candy you like......gasp.....did i say that? :eek:
This little snippet hath not escaped my attention Patti my dear. It makes me wonder if someone should get a spanking.

patti 12-09-01 09:30 PM

Toose, i just finished PMing you...BUT i had'nt yet seen the above post......i am sitting here laughing, holding my hand over my mouth...... laughing......sugar baby syrup trying to escape through the corners of my guffawing mouth......
as you know, i have to avoid any spanking situations myself so any "compartment syndrome" bruising will be noticeable........but i'm not the one who's getting the spankin' warning, am i? oh, oh, she'll be giggling in anticipationi IF know my sistah! :yup::yup:

Sir Toose 12-09-01 09:45 PM

I am of a mood to dole punishment this evening. I am considering administering to both of you for the crime of collusion sore @ss or not ;D

patti 12-09-01 09:50 PM

don't be thinkin' your punishment wouldn't go unrewarded!..............wait......whaat? heh heh heh
:yup: :nope: :yup:

spudracer 12-10-01 12:18 AM


Maybe we should present an idea to Fox here. MoFo Cruise: Extra Buttery. You never know, they greenlight anything these days.

sadesdrk 12-10-01 12:34 AM

Spud- that's actually a really good idea!(the MoFo Cruise)

Toose- you're all bark and no bite I'm afraid...;D

patti- now see what you did? I'm gonna have to kiss some @ss...:D

Sir Toose 12-10-01 09:51 AM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
Toose- you're all bark and no bite I'm afraid...;D


patti 12-10-01 10:02 AM

sades............your welcome? :laugh: nah, sorry .......t'was a fun gamey mood and.....Toose has been kind, i shouldn't have unleashed myself on him........i was hoping you would be loggin on sades.......i had so much time for the forum this weekend (eves) and nobody was around much.

spud, ".....they greenlight everything these days" haahahahahaha, i think you're right.

spudracer 12-10-01 10:19 AM

Temptation Island 1 & 2, Boot Camp, Love Cruise, Who Wants to Marry A Multi-Millionaire, etc.

I mean all crazy excuses for shows, so of course it's true. :D

sadesdrk 12-10-01 01:45 PM

So we'll combine all those shows, and we have to shack up, on an island, with a mismatched, totally wrong for us, MoFo member. Then we have to vote each other off the island...the ones who get voted off, have to move into a house together, and stop being nice and start being REAL.:laugh:

Too bad some guys are gonna have to shack-up with each other, because there's just not enough girls to go around....not that I'm complaining!

spudracer 12-10-01 02:16 PM

:rolleyes: Sadies ideas for things scare me sometimes. :laugh:

sadesdrk 12-10-01 03:40 PM

Face it. I scare you, period.:)

spudracer 12-10-01 03:54 PM

Uh huh....:laugh: :nope:

sadesdrk 12-10-01 03:56 PM

Pff...potatos are so timid.:rolleyes:

Is anyone else gonna post some pictures? Shesh!

jungerpants 12-10-01 04:05 PM

Is there some reason why this thread is in the Site Feedback section as opposed to the Intermission Forum?

spudracer 12-10-01 06:39 PM

Who knows. Isn't a bad spot for it though. :D

Sir Toose 12-10-01 07:06 PM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
Face it. I scare you, period.:)

You are putty in the hands of a non potato!!

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