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terapattrik 04-23-10 08:43 AM

"Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Hello, movie lovers. Hope this 2010 year will be better than 2009 . Today i like to divide movie lover in Two groups. Few movie lovers prefer to watch movies in Theater Hall even first day first show and the rest like to watch movie at home in TV and DVD , avoid going at Theater hall. Which group you belong ?

What is the reason behind your choice.

n3wt 04-23-10 09:42 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I used to love going to the cinema to see movies but due to my illness im unable to so now I love nothing better than being in my own home chilling watching a new dvd :D

Yoda 04-23-10 10:21 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
This used to be an easy "Yes" for me, but now it's usually "No." People are just too inconsiderate on average for me to enjoy going to the theater nearly as much as I used to.

Kenup17 04-23-10 10:48 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Yes, absolutely! There's nothing like seeing a new picture on the big screen, there ain't no doubt its a much more powerful experience. But the thing I like most on theaters is that I can't be interrupted, which is what I most hate about watching movies at home: few are the times when I sit down to see a DVD and don't get interrupted by phone-calls, doorbells or even room mates. At a movie theater I have the social excuse for being absent to the world :)

Yoda 04-23-10 11:16 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
At this point I'm more likely to get interrupted by a phone in a theater than I am at home. At home you can turn your phone off; at the theater, lots of people leave theirs on.

I'm getting a little annoyed just talking about this, actually, so perhaps I should just move on.

urineburn 04-23-10 11:24 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Yeah there is nothing like watching a great movie on the big screen. And as much as i love it, i do avoid the theaters as much as possible. it's weird. I usually only go if its a movie i HAVE to see in theaters. Like, Inception. I hate when i go see a film and im not liking it and i have no choice but to sit there. Andwhen i do go i never go on friday nights, middle/high schoolers love their phones and friends.

christine 04-23-10 01:21 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I love going to the cinema to see films but I'll only go to the multiplex during a weekday or on the first showing on a Sat or Sun cos like the others, there's just too many annoying people out there. Our local arthouse is fine tho, but their screens are tiny.

I like watching dvds at home too, specially late at night when no one will call to interrupt.

n3wt 04-23-10 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 615853)
This used to be an easy "Yes" for me, but now it's usually "No." People are just too inconsiderate on average for me to enjoy going to the theater nearly as much as I used to.
This is so true :yup:

Sedai 04-23-10 05:36 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Given the choice - I will choose the theater, as I feel the experience just isn't the same at home for many reason. I tend to wait for the end of a film's run to go to the cinema, so i avoid most of the negative aspects some folks are bringing up, for the most part.

jrs 04-23-10 05:47 PM

I like going to the movies most of the time when people are either in school or really early in the day. Although depending on the film, I like to sit with a huge crowd and get the full theater experience. :) Although, nowadays I just go to see specific films anyways.

SoulInside 04-24-10 07:07 AM

Going to the theater hall, watch it on the BIG SCREEN, feel the magic, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, prices are rising constantly, so I can`t go there that often nowadays :(. I solve problems with chatting idiots and ringing cellphones by growling "Shut up, you ****in moron!" or something like this. Try it, it works - if you are a true beliver, you have to defend this little magic space. ;)

Shempy 04-24-10 08:11 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I gotta go with home, as much as i love the experience of the cinema... no really the movie aspect of it big yes... but the other people... noisy, smelly food, people with phones etc etc annoy me.

I find that if I go to the first showing of a movie its such a better experience cause you're usually there with other fans who really care, and not a bunch of teens who have no clue what theyre going to see and randomly walk in and out of the movie making lots of noise.

So at home is better, but then my family can be noisy too :P (or if ive seen it and one of them hasn't will ask questions all the way through, so much pausing and telling them to "just watch the movie already")

I change my mind, i like to watch a movie alone. :D

Justin 04-26-10 01:48 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I'll always choose the theater, even though there is always a group of inconsiderate people. Lately, if I have the day off, I'll go in the middle of the day rather than in the evening; it helps avoid a lot of the problems.

earlsmoviepicks 04-26-10 09:36 AM

To me a really good comedy is fun to see in the theaters. Hearing everyone laugh in unison is awesome.

Shempy 04-26-10 01:02 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
snap Justin, i try to go early as possible, i find problems on an evening.

I like a good horror also at the cinema, as well as a good comedy.

It does depend on the crowd, there can be amazing atmospheres in the cinema watching a movie.

ChasingButterfly 04-26-10 01:30 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I love the cinema but I can never afford to go unless it's a movie I'm really excited about! I usually take advantange of Xtra-vision's two dvds for £2 for two nights deal! :D

Caitlyn 04-26-10 01:31 PM

I used to love to go to the theater but now I just can't as often as I would like to because of my work schedule and distance... when I do go though if someone is rude enough to talk I have been known to ask them (the flap jaw person) to give me my ticket money back... I've also asked a few people how well they like their cell phones...

Importer-Exporter 04-26-10 06:17 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I'm not sure, I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I enjoy the fact that there are fewer distractions at the theater, like not having a computer or a pet near by. At home I have a greater selection of movies, it's less expensive, and there are no people. I guess I enjoy the theater experience more, but if I wish to seriously watch a movie I need to do it at home.

rufnek 04-26-10 06:29 PM

My living room is more comfortable and the snacks are better than at the movie theater. I can control the sound, eliminate commercials, start the film when I please rather than race to a showing at a set time, pause it if called away, rewind it if I missed something, and read the dialogue across the bottom if the accents are too heavy.

It's cheaper, and the company's better because I pick the audience.

From the few examples of the revived 3-D technology I've seen, I don't miss it at home.

I do miss the grandure of a Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen, but how often does a Lawrence of Arabia come along these days? Most films today are small stories with small actors who fit quite well on small screens. Who really wants to watch yet another car chase in Cinemascope and stereofonic sound?

Plainview 04-26-10 09:06 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Home for sure without a question unless its some big visual blockbuster then a theater is a must.

deathroman13 05-07-10 04:26 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
theater is my favorite choice to watch a movie...
The sound and the screen and the seats are good:D.
and you can see what other people think of the movie:D
But the drinks and snacks are expensive.

The Prestige 05-07-10 10:53 PM

Its an easy yes at the cinema for me. I dont care how comfortable your couch is or if you have a HD tv, you cannot replicate the experience of seeing a film in a good cinema in your living or bedroom. Specially a film made for IMAX.

I dont know if its because I have always been lucky or what, but I honestly dont think that I have EVER had a bad experience in the cinema. Not one. Almost everybody will either turn their phones off or have it on silent.

I really like the atmosphere in a cinema, specially amongst a large crowd as if there is a part in a film that gets the audience to cheer or laugh, its pretty infectious to me and I end up doing the same most of the time. Its a personal yet unified experience the cinema is. Hard to put into words.

lutherdclooney 07-01-10 09:51 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I agree. I prefer movies at hoem due to lower cost and I can pause the movie if I want to plus the saved transportation and crowds and noisy people/kids i the cinema.

take2la 07-16-10 06:24 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
New releases in the theatre.
2nd run at home.

Rhoten 07-16-10 07:21 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I have two part time jobs just so i can go the theater, but i equally like watching movies at home. Both different experiences.

Juno MacGuff 07-16-10 11:05 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I think I mentioned this in another thread. Going to the cinema is an experience in itself. It is the whole atmosphere that makes it better for me. The stadium seating, the surround sound, and even the expensive popcorn and soda(that is what a large purse is for) :)

Powdered Water 07-16-10 11:16 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I choose both. Because I enjoy both. Probably enjoy home a bit more, but I do tend to make an effort to see the big popcorny type movies in the theater at least once.

Juno MacGuff 07-17-10 12:09 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
The only time I think I would enjoy a movie better at home is if I was on a date. Something about watching a movie on a comfortable sofa being held close by your man is just perfection.

Blue Lou 07-18-10 06:41 AM

I want to see more mergers like Comcast/Universal catch on so that a variety of new movies will be more readily available. On Demand is pretty damn sweet. Nothing beats a good size LCD, the Bose, and a fat ass comfortable sectional.

therumsgone 07-18-10 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by Juno MacGuff (Post 642255)
The only time I think I would enjoy a movie better at home is if I was on a date. Something about watching a movie on a comfortable sofa being held close by your man is just perfection.
Completely agree. Of course, there's always the issue of things getting too cuddly when you really just want to watch the movie.

I watch most films at home though. I love the good snacks and the ability to pause, but I do wish I had a better sound system.

Shabutie 07-18-10 02:15 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Any of The Lord of the Rings films, Star Wars, Avatar, Cloverfield, The Dark Knight. Possibly Inception, I have not seen Christopher Nolan's latest movie yet.

planet news 08-01-10 06:48 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I prefer watching it at home, because theaters are full of idiots who won't shut the fuk up and ooooo and aahhhh. Plus it's something you HAVE to pay for, whereas home theater stuff is more... let's just say "variable".


JohnQuigley 08-05-10 04:19 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I usually like to watch a film at home, unless it's something I just can't wait for, like Kick-Ass or The A-Team. I generally watch more films at home because my cinema only shows the big blockbusters, so I missed out on 'Whatever Works' - my two favourite people - Larry David and Woody Allen.

planet news 08-05-10 04:58 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Yes! I've been wanting to see that one too.

Cries&Whispers 08-05-10 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 650472)
I prefer watching it at home, because theaters are full of idiots who won't shut the fuk up and ooooo and aahhhh. Plus it's something you HAVE to pay for, whereas home theater stuff is more... let's just say "variable".

I think the joy of watching a movie for the first time is an experience meant to be shared with an audience. In many movies, the ooooohhs and aahhhhs are an important part in enjoying a major movie. I remember watching Dark Knight in theaters maybe five times, and every time, the entire audience gasped or laughed when the Joker made the pencil 'disappear,' they were completely in enthralled by the opening bank heist and many other set pieces, and many people literally yelled "Holy Sh*t!! when the truck flipped and Batman drove up a wall on his bat-cycle. Those are some of the fondest memories I have of going to a movie, and they weren't distracting at all. I like to know that others feel as passionately about movies as I do, and it's nice to get feedback on whether or not certain scenes worked for other people.

Also, no matter how high end your theater system is at home, it's no match for a fifty foot screen with superior sound in a darkened room with elevated seating.

A final note, the man in your avatar would strongly disagree with your opinion. Godard, along with most French New Wave directors, absolutely loved going to the cinema. As an adolescent and a young adult, that was his greatest passion, possibly along with philosophy and political discourse. I remember reading somewhere--maybe Richard Brody's Everything is Cinema?--something that has stuck with me. He and Truffaut and some others used to lie down in the front row of a movie house and look up at the screen, believing that sitting closer would allow them to receive the images on screen before everyone else, and bring them a more intimate experience. He loved watching films with an audience.

journeyowns 08-05-10 10:27 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I feel like certain types of movies are better to see in theaters than others. I'll see a comedy in theaters many times but wait for DVD on a serious drama. I feel like the laughing and crowd reaction can add to a comedy and distractions can sometimes take away from a drama or thriller that is more involved.

When I saw The Hangover on its opening night I really feel like the audience popping and reacting to all of the jokes made it even a more memorable experience. The buzz from everyone while leaving the theater at the conclusion was just crazy. People were hyped. I think watching it for the first time at home wouldn't have been as enjoyable as that.

Michael_10 08-05-10 10:32 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I find when watching a Movie at the Theatre, where the subject matter is hard to follow, and your full attention is not being paid. I'll get lost in between trying to hold onto a piss, and having some 16 year attendant, tell me, that having my feet slightly balancing on the back chair isn't allowed.

TheGirlWhoHadAllTheLuck_ 08-08-10 08:36 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I love the cinema but it's so expensive nowadays.

The Next Big Thing 08-08-10 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 616489)
My living room is more comfortable and the snacks are better than at the movie theater. I can control the sound, eliminate commercials, start the film when I please rather than race to a showing at a set time, pause it if called away, rewind it if I missed something, and read the dialogue across the bottom if the accents are too heavy.

It's cheaper, and the company's better because I pick the audience.

From the few examples of the revived 3-D technology I've seen, I don't miss it at home.

I do miss the grandure of a Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen, but how often does a Lawrence of Arabia come along these days? Most films today are small stories with small actors who fit quite well on small screens. Who really wants to watch yet another car chase in Cinemascope and stereofonic sound?
Couldn't agree more.
The damn commercials are so long these days you've slurped your £3.50, 400 mil cup of coca cola before the movie even starts through sheer boredom and then your dying for the toilet all movie. :mad:

7thson 08-08-10 10:50 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I love the cinematic theater - there is nothing else like it. Here you are with a bunch of strangers, spending money on entertainment that you all want to see. The "gasps" and the "laughs" and the "ohhs-n-ahhhs" in unison are quite simply a kind of magic. It does happen less and less often these days, when a mass of people can come together and enjoy the same thing, but it does happen now and then, and when it does it leaves me breathless.

planet news 08-08-10 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by 7thson (Post 655238)
I love the cinematic theater - there is nothing else like it. Here you are with a bunch of strangers, spending money on entertainment that you all want to see. The "gasps" and the "laughs" and the "ohhs-n-ahhhs" in unison are quite simply a kind of magic. It does happen less and less often these days, when a mass of people can come together and enjoy the same thing, but it does happen now and then, and when it does it leaves me breathless.
I love this paragraph, because what you just described is exactly the kind of beautiful (and rare) moment of community solidarity that we need.

Nevertheless, I usually find that kind of stuff disruptive.

voneil7 08-09-10 02:44 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
For me it depends on the type of movie. Since my wife and I had our daughter, we don't get to the movies nearly as often as we used to. So, when we go, we prefer to see movies that are enhanced by seeing them on the big screen. I would consider these to be anything with great special effects or comedies where being part of the audience adds to the overall experience. Any other films, we tend to wait till they are on DVD and just watch them at home, since in my opinion, it's not necessary to see them on the big screen and watching them at home isn't all that different for me.

planet news 08-15-10 02:01 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Even action films are better for me at home. I feel like I have a better "grasp" on the frame. The ONLY movies that're better in theaters are 3D and that's just... whatever... :bored:

Cries&Whispers 08-15-10 02:06 AM

This is SO SO WRONG. If you didn't send me that epic picture comment, I would so neg rep you right now, you don't even realize.

The ONLY director whose work I prefer in my own home theater is Ingmar Bergman. He almost always worked in 1:33:1 aspect ratio, so an average widescreen fits the image perfectly. And the movies are so personal and require so much attention that this is almost the only way I can watch his work.

But he's it. Did you ever read my response to your earlier post here? I said Godard would hate you for preferring home over a theater. But I said it more eloquently.

planet news 08-15-10 02:18 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
WTF R U SAYIN MAN??? Am I going to go to my local Cinemark and catch Wild Strawberries in theater 12 or something??? We're talking about films in theaters vs. home theater here. Films like Inception and Avatar. Don't tell me you went and watched Throne of Blood on the big screen last Saturday. Don't tell me this. If you do, you're lucky as hell.

I can't see Godard's films getting much better on the big screen either... BUT I'd love to see them regardless. I can't though, and I probably never will.

How can I say I prefer it when I haven't even done it? I was born in 1992 man! Basically all the films made after that that I like were never wide released and all the films that I like before that were impossible for me to see because I was either gestating or a sperm.

It's late here. I'm tired. It's like the SATs. The wrong answer is always that with words like ONLY and NEVER.

Cries&Whispers 08-15-10 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 659217)
WTF R U SAYIN MAN??? Am I going to go to my local Cinemark and catch Wild Strawberries in theater 12 or something??? We're talking about films in theaters vs. home theater here. Films like Inception and Avatar. Don't tell me you went and watched Throne of Blood on the big screen last Saturday. Don't tell me this. If you do, you're lucky as hell.
I live in Chicago homie, there are classic movie houses all over the place. I just saw The Third Man in a theater last month. I saw Gun Crazy and Breakfast at Tiffany's this afternoon at the Music Box.

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 659217)
How can I say I prefer it when I haven't even done it? I was born in 1992 man! Basically all the films made after that that I like were never wide released and all the films that I like before that were impossible for me to see because I was either gestating or a sperm.
Maybe I misinterpreted the thread question. I took the question to mean: Given the choice, would you rather watch a movie in a theater, or that same movie at home? I don't think the point was to say, like, would you rather watch Avatar in theaters, or illegally download it and watch it on your computer? Or, would you prefer to watch Inception in a theater, or a classic Hollywood movie that's not in theaters at your house?

planet news 08-15-10 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by Cries&Whispers (Post 659218)
I live in Chicago homie, there are classic movie houses all over the place. I just saw The Third Man in a theater last month. I saw Gun Crazy and Breakfast at Tiffany's this afternoon at the Music Box.


Cries&Whispers 08-15-10 02:33 AM

You're kinda a fan of memes, aren't you?

planet news 08-15-10 02:34 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Not really my thing. No.

planet news 08-15-10 02:38 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I'm not going to lie. Maybe in the end I would prefer to watch films in the sanctity of my own home, because I get to sit in my PJs and munch on snacks and "laugh out loud" as people say and not be a afraid to bawl if something is sad. Maybe in the end I do prefer the privacy of the home, but, like I said, it's not like I've ever watched my favorite films in that setting, so I don't know. I've only watched marginal films in theaters, and the experience is, well, marginal.

The Next Big Thing 08-16-10 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by Cries&Whispers (Post 659218)
Maybe I misinterpreted the thread question. I took the question to mean: Given the choice, would you rather watch a movie in a theater, or that same movie at home? I don't think the point was to say, like, would you rather watch Avatar in theaters, or illegally download it and watch it on your computer? Or, would you prefer to watch Inception in a theater, or a classic Hollywood movie that's not in theaters at your house?
Its actually a really interesting point. My opinion would fluctuate depending on the film. I was actually sitting in with a mate last week watching Quantum of Solace (Blu-Ray) on a 48" HD TV and it brought me to the conclusion that I really need a new TV, the quality of your home set-up must also impact your decision.

Cinema Kaiju 10-09-10 09:29 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Most definitely. If I have the time and or money I prefer to make a trip to the theater, settle in with some corn, and enjoy a flick on a huge screen with powerful sound. Okay, so my local theater doesn't exactly offer that experience but the screen is large and I enjoy the communal aspect of watching with an audience. The major downsides to the theater are occasionally sitting next to disinterested chatty Kathys and the frigid cold temperatures that many theaters are kept at. If you have a quality cinema near by, and have the extra bread, there are few things more enjoyable more than an afternoon, or evening, at the movies.

DisabilityMovies 11-20-10 03:23 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I generally prefer watching movies at home, but if I know a movie should be seen for the special effects I'll schlep to the movie theater for it.

applecrisp22 11-20-10 04:02 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
If its a movie I want to see & its at the imax,I try to go.Otherwise ill stay at home & watch it on my 42" plasma with a 1,000 watt 7.1 sourround.

kcmovieman 11-24-10 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by DisabilityMovies (Post 696261)
I generally prefer watching movies at home, but if I know a movie should be seen for the special effects I'll schlep to the movie theater for it.

i definately agree with this. Movies at home are MUCh better and MUCH cheaper. But if it's a big action flick or one that has generated a lot of buzz (paranormal activity 2) then I tend to spend the crazy money and go to the theater.

dreamerfui 04-28-11 05:37 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I just hate going out and having to deal with INCONSIDERATE ppl!

Marky2011Movies 06-12-11 11:48 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
It all depends on the film
If its an action film then the cinema is the place
But comedy horror and romance are best left on the sofa at home

Nollywood Movies Mf prod 10-07-11 12:42 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Its got to be the theater for me. I think the fact that you are sitting among hundreds of people and experiencing their reactions to suspense, humor etc all adds up. In the early 1900s before film making started, you'lld notice that theaters and stage plays were very strong elements of many cultures and value systems and those evidences can still be seen till today.

vickylin714 10-29-11 03:14 AM

i too perfer the cinematic experience, but i could do without the cell phone lights, texting, and in house commentary

Used Future 10-31-11 11:09 AM

There's no question that seeing a film on the big screen is the way to go, but it really does depend on who else is in the theatre at the time.

Kathy and I usually wait for a movie to near the end of it's run before venturing to the cinema, and even then we try and pick a showing that will be less crowded. There's nothing worse than inconsiderate people who insist on talking and fiddling with their phones throughout the show.

I also think the big multiplexes have sucked a lot of the charm and character out of the cinema experience with their dull decor and clinical ambience.

We don't have to worry about these things when we sit down for a movie marathon at home. We can snuggle up on the sofa, make our favourite snacks (that don't cost the earth) and pause and rewind for toilet breaks at our leisure if needs be.

Darkrose 11-01-11 02:00 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Much agreed...

Dog Star Man 11-02-11 03:53 AM

I'd love to see something in the theater... that is... if it was worth watching. I became disillusioned with contemporary cinema a long time ago. Now I'm just sticking to the oldies which I watch on my own home "moderately-sized" screen.

dom bant 11-05-11 11:32 PM

movie theatre wins hands down

akatemple 11-06-11 02:57 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
It really just depends on what the movie is and if I feel like watching it with 50+ usually annoying, talking people.

chamaltatis 11-15-11 03:12 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
We go to theaters occasionally for dating and fun but in most cases, we still watch movies at home.

JormaVonTrier 11-23-11 12:01 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Depends on the film. Action, blockbusters and really anticipated movies in theater, otherwise at home. I don't like to go out on a date and watch a movie, it's too passive way of spending an evening. Unless it is with a friend.

cinemaafficionado 02-25-12 11:14 AM

Of course, I love the big screen, but at a theater, you can't always choose who you are watching the movie with, even at private screenings.
People talk, or make out, spit, throw popcorn, spill drinks, answer the phone, bring along crying babies.... I could go on......
At home, my screen is big enough ( 62" Samsung LCD ) for me to enjoy without distractions or when I choose, with a few select friends.

Mountaineer 02-27-12 12:08 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I prefer to watch movies at home. I guess I'm just a home body. I'm more comfortable without all the annoyances you all mentioned. I have everything I need right there at home, including the bathroom. All I have is a 23'' LCD, and I'm perfectly happy with it. Plus, there's always friends who have larger TV's than mine. I only go to the theater maybe 3 times a year, if it's for something special. I did see Avatar 3D in the theater, and that was well worth the $13.

medusa2012 07-12-12 04:11 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Depends on the movie, revenge of the sith i had to see in a cinema first.

Justin 07-12-12 08:50 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Despite the amount of talking and cell-phone checking, it's hard to say I'll ever prefer home viewings over the theater. Seeing a film in the theatre is an experience in itself.

Slimgee55 08-08-12 12:48 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I agree with Justin completely. I love going to the theatre. I love going to midnight premieres. I spend tons of money seeing movies but I love going to the theatre. I have a spot that is the perfect spot in which to sit and just the environment is great. At home, I'll want to be on my phone or computer and not pay attention as much

Proximity 08-14-12 12:04 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I prefer a theater, but it's damn costly.

gandalf26 08-14-12 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by Proximity (Post 836131)
I prefer a theater, but it's damn costly.
Once you actually get to the movie, the theatre is great but the 30 minutes of advertising and trailers are the problem, all of which you can avoid at home.

Unless of course you have one of those SUPER LAME DVD's that force you to watch the trailers without skipping straight to the menu/play.

Nausicaä 08-14-12 08:21 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I've never had a disc that has forced my player to let all the trailers run through, can always fast forwards through them. Never had to play trailers through in my whole dvd/blu-ray playing life. Put it on high speed fast forward and they soon go.

kXnPunk 08-20-12 06:35 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Cinema Theater. Only for films I just HAVE to see on BIG screen, a very small list. I probably wouldn't care if I had a nice Home Cinema system which isn't the case.
But I buy dozens of DVDs/month so I don't bother much going out. AND beer sadly isn't aloud in theaters. lol :D

m_maursund 08-22-12 12:54 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Some movies need to be seen in the theater, but prefer home

Diraan 08-25-12 04:48 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Depends on the film. A romantic comedy or political satire? Probably at home. Something like Gladiator or The Dark Knight? Definitely at theaters.

As a filmmaker myself - films are most often made with the intent that they will be seen first in a theater - so for films that are heavily visual, they really should be seen in the theater.

Jim Garten 09-24-12 01:04 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I prefer to watch movies at the cinema rather than at home but the problem is, I'm married to a born again (and self confessed) dormouse; you put my wife into a comfy seat in a darkened cinema &.... ZZZZZZZZZZZ

I think that maybe why she agreed so readily to my buying a decent 7:1 home cinema amplifier;)

quint 09-24-12 01:55 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I have a chronic back, so movie theaters are no longer an option for me. Can't take the lower spine pressure.

I don't think I'd go to the theaters anyhow. I like being able to pause & rewind.

cricket 09-24-12 10:25 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Home or the drive in. I can't smoke in the theater, it's uncomfortable, I have to be able to answer my phone 24/7, and I always want to strangle some rude bastard.

HonestMovieReviews 09-29-12 08:54 AM

I prefer to be at home.


bzfilm 10-20-12 01:32 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I prefer home as well. Cinemas are too crowded, and there's no way one can concentrate on a film, which is a must in my book. As for blockbusters, no need to rush to theaters right after premiere, as I usually wait for some time, until the DVD is out, and then watch it at home with comfort.

cinemaafficionado 10-26-12 04:25 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I just lovez lying on my pimped out bed transfixed by my 65" Samsung PLazma surround sound. It's just me and my TV and no distractios whatsoever . I can drift of into movie land, have a heart, be a part and totaly lose myself.
Don't have to worry about falling asleep. If that happens, the movie was boring anyway.

s1t3b0rer 11-01-12 03:30 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I like being able to pause the movie if I have to run into the other room. Plus my couch is a lot more comfortable than the movies.

Some of the new iPic theaters are nice, but they are really expensive for the good seats.

Will_P 11-01-12 06:52 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Personally I prefer watching movies at home, particularly with my friends, because we can have direct interactions with what his happening on the screen. Also, at my home, the food is not overpriced and my couch is more comfortable than the seats at the theater!

cinemaafficionado 11-02-12 07:43 PM

There certainly is a point to be made for watching movies on a big screen in a theater.
For me, it would have to be some movie of epic proportions.
Of course, the very big screen would enhance that experience.
I would prefer to watch that movie with a few people as possible to avoid distraction ( and no, I don't need prompts when to feel something ).
That means going to an early screening on a week day in a theater where there is not much traffick.
In this era of internet and media, I rather watch a movie that hasn't been over-exposed. I don't want to know the ending.
When one takes all these factors into consideration, for me, it's way more practical and enjoyable just to watch it at home.
In my teen days, I was forever doing things in a group and loved the overall experience.
As I got older, I became more of an introvert and prefer solitary or one on one experiences.
That's why now, I choose my living room or bedroom over a movie theater, to watch and fully enjoy movies.

Cream 11-03-12 11:30 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
At home. I get restless and uncomfortable sitting for long periods in the dark. Nothing
wrong with the movie :p but a medical condition.

kinosis 11-27-12 11:32 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Home. Trying to watch a movie in the theater can be such a mixed bag now days. People on their cell phone, being loud and annoying, plus it's a lot more expensive.

Exist 11-27-12 11:41 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
One of my favorite things is observing the way people react to films when I'm watching it with them and have already scene it, great films, scary films; films I think they'll enjoy and do, self-congrads time.

They other side of the coin, I can't stand others not paying attention or talking, or seeming disinterested in what I consider top tier.

teeter_g 12-19-12 12:51 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
Home. I can watch them online and be much more comfortable AND I won't have any mouthy teenagers yacking through the whole movie.

7thson 12-19-12 01:21 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I like both actually. Popcorn flicks are definitely a theater favorite for mine, suspense or slower paced flicks are better at home.

McConnaughay 01-20-13 04:05 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I'd probably say "Yes," because the spectacle of "going to the movies" is still there for me, it's an event, whereas watching a movie in my room is not.

teeter_g 01-20-13 10:28 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I suppose it depends. If I am going to watch a movie with my friends I would rather go to the theater. If not I would just stay home. It costs too much money to go running to the theater all the time!

BlueLion 01-21-13 04:30 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I prefer at home, because at home I feel much more comfortable.

I like watching movies at the theater but only if it is not full of people. Sometimes when it is completely full not only that it becomes hard to concentrate, but I can't even breathe properly. I'd like to go to the cinema and be with only 20 more people in there, or perhaps even less. That'd be perfect.

BumbleBee 03-04-13 01:06 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
If this were a few years ago, hands down it would have been in a theater. Nowadays though, as I've gotten a little older -- I feel like my tolerance of people in the movies has pretty much become non-existent. When I'm completely drawn into a film and the sound of popcorn crunching away from the person next to me, or someone sucking away at a polished off thick-shake, I get really irritable.
Not to mention phones going off and people speaking OVER the film itself.

Movie-goers are there to see the film, and there used to be a level of respect for the art that was being portrayed on screen. Now though, it seems like those formalities (hell, even simple signs of respect for your fellow viewer) have been lost.

Although, I suppose a lot of the films that been tossed out of Hollywood haven't exactly been the most compelling of releases in comparison to years passed. So, the ruder of folks in films have some saving grace, I guess.

Still, home is where it's at! Comfort, quiet and quality when it comes to viewing.
Yes please!

twisted_state 03-04-13 05:02 AM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
In this era, where you can have home theater, I'd rather spend some money to watch movies in peace. With legs on the table and beer in my hand.

cinemaafficionado 03-10-13 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by BumbleBee (Post 883137)
If this were a few years ago, hands down it would have been in a theater. Nowadays though, as I've gotten a little older -- I feel like my tolerance of people in the movies has pretty much become non-existent. When I'm completely drawn into a film and the sound of popcorn crunching away from the person next to me, or someone sucking away at a polished off thick-shake, I get really irritable.
Not to mention phones going off and people speaking OVER the film itself.

Movie-goers are there to see the film, and there used to be a level of respect for the art that was being portrayed on screen. Now though, it seems like those formalities (hell, even simple signs of respect for your fellow viewer) have been lost.

Although, I suppose a lot of the films that been tossed out of Hollywood haven't exactly been the most compelling of releases in comparison to years passed. So, the ruder of folks in films have some saving grace, I guess.

Still, home is where it's at! Comfort, quiet and quality when it comes to viewing.
Yes please!
Sadly, general rudness in public seems to be the trait nowadays. I don't know how many times a day, I just feel like slapping someone. Thank God, anger management is not my problem:D

The Gunslinger45 03-10-13 08:14 PM

If I could I would have one of those private theater rooms in my home like Bill Murray had in Zombieland. Now If I only had the money.

cinemaafficionado 03-10-13 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 885149)
If I could I would have one of those private theater rooms in my home like Bill Murray had in Zombieland. Now If I only had the money.

chappers 03-11-13 09:57 PM

Re: "Prefer watching movies at Theater rather than at Home"? Y/N.
I would prefer cinema but it has to depend on the cinema I'm watching the film, otherwise, definitely prefer watching at home. If a cinema has a chilled atmosphere and a handful of people I tend to enjoy it a lot more. Plus its ideal to watch with a group of friends. Small art house cinemas tend to meet this criteria a lot more I find. Nothing more annoying though then a packed cinema, and having to either sit at the end of the aisle constantly getting out of your seat to let people through, or sitting next to the wall and squeezing past everyone with an awkward look on your face muttering sorry to everyone you go past.

Usually I prefer to watch at home just because I have complete control over how, when and what i want to watch. Sounds ridiculous, but amount of times I come out of the cinema and have little to no understanding with what I've just watched. This never happens at home and I think its due to subtitles. If I'm at home I usually watch TV shows or films with subtitles if I can, my hearing isn't too great having subtitles therefore enriches the experience.

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