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Yoda 08-07-06 12:56 PM

Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
I know I'm not the only one who does this. Usually, it's with comedies. If I step outside on a hot day with someone, it's even money that one of us will look at the other and say "Milk was a bad choice!"

Sometimes, it's out of nowhere. Last week I was sitting at a poker game and started the "I still don't know to this day what those two Italian ladies were signing about" monologue from The Shawshank Redemption for no apparent reason.

It goes to ridiculous lengths at times; if, at one of said poker games, someone uses the phrase "chillin' out" for any reason, there's approximately a 95% chance someone will continue with the second-half of the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, at which point two or three others will join in, and it won't stop -- literally -- until they've gone all the way through.

So, what memorable lines, from movies or TV, do you find yourself using in day-to-day life on a daily basis? Have you ever quoted a movie without explanation and had someone not recognize it? Did you explain it to them, or just move on?

SaintxSuicide 08-07-06 01:30 PM

Very True, I tend to use quotes around people that only know what I'm talking about. My favorite is from Old School when Mitch is in the cab...

Mitch: I'm Sorry,Your seatbelt seems to be broken,What do you reccomend i do?
Cabdriver:I reccomend you stop being such a F*****. You're in the back seat.

I find myself using that one quite a bit around friends when they tend to complain about the most trivial things. It always sparks a good laugh and many other movie refrences

Sedai 08-07-06 01:37 PM

Oh man, I constantly do this, to the point where I question whether or not my entire vocabulary is made up of movie quotes...

"Is there anyone on this planet to even challenge me?!" - Superman II

"Who stole my frozen banana guacamole??" And HEY!! They also got away with my nude pictures of Ernest Borgnine!" - Don't remember where I got this one, but it makes people laugh...

"Only now do you understand...." - Return of the Jedi

"Very impressive, you speak chinese just like a native" - The Muppets Take Manhatten (damn, I'm lame)

"Aye, and if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon" - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home

"You must Chill!" - Say Anything

"You're stewed buttwad!" - Weird Science

and for any hungover folks... another weird sci classic...

"How would you like a greasy pork sandwich, served in a dirty ashtray?"

Holden Pike 08-07-06 03:00 PM

The whole movies I routinely quote the most from are probably Fletch, Quick Change, Joe vs. the Volcano and Young Frankenstein. There are at least a dozen lines from each of those I'll recite almost daily, including...
  • "You should have seen my shoes."
  • "Buenos dias. Coke and Taco."
  • "Does this proposition entail my dressing up as Little Bo Peep?"
  • "You don't mean Communists, do you, Sam?"
  • "And a damn fine answer, if I do say so my damn self."
  • "Melanoma, carcinoma, some kind of noma.
  • "I don't know, I don't have any....No elephant books."
  • "Thank you, Doc. You ever serve time?"
  • "Ah, you usin' the whole fist, Doc?"
  • "I rent 'em. I have a lease with an option to buy."
  • "Not since breakfast."
  • "He draws the foul!"
  • "I'm a shepherd."
  • "Ah, come on guys. It's so simple, maybe you need a refresher course? It's all ball bearings nowadays."
  • "I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull rank on you, I didn't want to have to do this. I'm with the mattress poilce. There are no tags on these matresses. I'm gonna have to take you downtown."
  • "Why don't you guys go down to the gym and pump each other."
  • "You and your wife are currently alive, I take it."
  • "If you shoot me you're liable to loose a lot of those humanitarian awards."
  • "Thank god, the Police."
  • "Smile. Say flesh. Look, defenseless babies!"
  • "Sometimes thier noses are horns."
  • "It's bad luck just seein' a thing like that."
  • "They're on a blufftone!"
  • "And thanks, for calling me 'friend'."
  • "Get your own women."
  • "Quiet! No codes."
  • "He doesn't even understand colors!"
  • "This ain't my dick in your back"
    "That's a relief."
  • "Then I said, 'It's all over, Chuckles,' and wrassled him to the floor, but he got some gal in his sights and I had to let up. That's when he coldcocked me"
  • "Oh, Sir. You forgot your map, and our million dollars."
  • "Well, unless someone wants to make a higher offer? It's got a moon on it."
  • "Ooooh, Baby; up yer butt with a cocanut!"
  • "You could have given us help, but you've given us so much more."
  • "I'm not arguing that with you!....I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?.....Who said that?....If I said that, I would have been wrong......I'm not arguing that with you...."
  • "Not that anybody could look good under these zombie lights. I can feel them sucking the juice out of my eyeballs."
  • "I'm not sick except for this terminal disease?"
    "Which has no symptoms."
  • "You didn't get a second opinion on something called a 'brain cloud'?"
  • "I bribed them, to sing us a song that would drive us insane and make our hearts swell and burst."
  • "Damned if I know, Kemosabe. All I know is when you're making those kinds of calls, you're up in the high country."
  • "Live like a king, die like a man, that's what I say."
  • "Very a luggage problem."
  • "Wherever we go, whatever we do, we're gonna take this luggage with us."
  • "I love you too. I've never been in love with anybody before either. It's great, I am glad. But the timing sticks, I gotta go."
  • "I'm a flibbertygibbit."
  • "I have no response to that."
  • "Ovaltine?"
  • "Put the candle back!"
  • "Taffeta, sweetheart."
  • "Certainly, you take the blonde and I'll take the one in the turban."
  • "Roll, roll, roll is zee hay...!"
  • "He'd have an enormous schwanschtucker."
  • "Abby someone."
  • "Sed-a-GIVE!?!"
  • "Quiet dignity and grace."
  • "Wait, where are you going? I was going to make espresso."
  • "Are you speaking of the worm or the spaghetti?"
  • "What the Hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance?"
  • "A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun."
And on and on.

Austruck 08-07-06 03:25 PM

Aha, Holden, I had to read through your whole list waiting for the Young Frankenstein quotes. Would you believe I have the soundtrack from that album ... on vinyl? :D Anyone who quotes from YF is aces in my book, of course.

I'm surprised Yoda didn't mention the most obvious movie-quoting-instigator of all time ... and I bet this holds true for just about anybody here: All you have to do in a group of semi-normal people is quote ONE line (oh heck, half a line) from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and usually everyone else keeps going and pretty much quotes the whole rest of the movie.

"...with big nasty teeth!"
"... some call me Tim."
"We are the knights who say 'Ni'!"
"It's only a flesh wound."
"I got better."
"Bring out yer dead!"
"Run away! Run away!"
[singing] "I have to push the pram a lot!"
"What is your favorite color?" "Blue -- no, green!"

Well, okay, I'll stop -- but we all know I could have gone on forever. Quoting from The Holy Grail is addictive, so you're probably all sitting there running through entire scenes in your head. :)

Austruck 08-07-06 03:26 PM

Here's one we use a lot and yet I can't recall at all where it came from: "That's going to leave a mark...."

Anyone refresh my memory??

Austruck 08-07-06 03:27 PM

Holden, you missed the easiest one with Young Frankenstein: "Ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!"

SaintxSuicide 08-08-06 12:43 AM

"Catch you on the flip side"

i never started saying that untill i saw boondock saints when Funnyman rocco says it

and Young Frankenstein is my 2nd favorite movie by mel brooks
1st of course would be Spaceballs.

"You idiots! These are not them! You've captured their stunt doubles!"

[Black Soldiers coming desert with large pick] "We aint find s***"

aelmeox 08-26-06 12:51 AM

Birdy! Butterfly! Tiger!

Reservoir Dog 08-26-06 03:34 PM

"Give me the ****ing keys, you ****ing *********** mother****er, AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!"

Don't ask.

SamsoniteDelilah 08-26-06 04:29 PM

What, this old thing? I only wear it when I don't care what I look like! (It's A Wonderful Life)

Six hunned dollahs?! It's not even leathah!!! (Working Girl)

"-wise" meaning "in reference to" (The Apartment)

Inconcievable. (The Princess Bride)

I am NOT drinking any F**KING MERLOT!!! (Sideways)

Jae 08-27-06 11:12 PM

I'll be back.

Do you understand the words that are commin' out of my mouth?

Gimme a litre o' cola.

Eatin' a b*tch out, and givin' a b*tch a foot massage ain't even the same f**ckin' thing.

sith_rising 08-28-06 12:14 AM

"Lead the way, Jorge"

- Tarantino in Desperado.

weishuang 08-28-06 01:43 AM

i'll be back!

oh yes,there will be blood.

undercoverlover 08-28-06 04:11 PM

i too feel the need to sing, in its entirety, the theme song to the fresh prince.

I regularly say:
  • 'lets get some f**king french toast!' - 40 year old virgin
  • 'good things' (complete with ear lobe rubbing) - Along came Polly
  • 'Spank you, spank you very much' - Ace Ventura
  • 'In the jungle the mighty jungle...' - also from ace ventura
  • I make my younger brother do the 'Truffle Shuffle' from the Goonies
  • as well as countless buffy quotes between close friends who can excuse this annoying habit
  • 'Have you seen a man eat his own head?' (wait for response) 'Then you haven't seen everything have you?' - team america
  • 'Nobody takes me serirousryyyy....' - Team America
  • 'Surprise c**kfags!' - team america

diamondgeeza 08-28-06 06:17 PM

Too tight? You could land a jumbo fu*king jet in that (Snatch)

Lock, stock, the fu*kin' lot. (lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels)

Remember it ,Write it down, take a picture, I don't give a fu*k (Friday)

Do the letters F.O mean anything to you? (Smokey and the Bandit)

You can't negotiate turns. You can't signal properly. You can't maintain speed. You can't parallel park. Hell, you can't drive. (Gone in 60 Seconds)

......Being a lorry driver i can alway's count on a few choice phrases to shout at people who p*ss me off on the road!!!

Tacitus 08-29-06 08:28 AM

Years ago, I used to regularly use quotes from Withnail & I in polite conversation ("I demand to have some booze!" etc etc etc) before realising that it was an incredibly uncool thing to do.

Maybe it was something to do with being a student? :D

PrometheusFG 08-29-06 09:12 AM

This is a funny one

Yeeeeaaaaa Booooooooy- Shaun of the Dead

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 09-05-06 04:37 AM

"Get the f_ck out of my way!" - Tom Green ("Gord," Freddy Got Fingered)

I've said that for years but when Tom Green, or Gord, said it to an old lady that got in his way while driving a car he made it a classic. It's from Freddy Got Fingered which is, by the way, the best movie to ever come out of the planet earth.

AmyLovesYou 09-05-06 12:57 PM

Terminatior........I'll be back, and for some reason I have to do it in the same tone and accent. LOL.

Jae 09-05-06 07:09 PM

who is your daddy and what does he do?

IchibanKurosawa 09-06-06 10:06 PM

I saw Beerfest yesterday and i cant stop saying it.

snoman7472 09-13-06 12:58 PM

this is more from South Park, but it originates from ALIENS...

"The aliens mostly come out at night....mostly"

My friends and I frequently substitute "aliens" and "come out at night" with random objects that incorporate into the conversation (eg: Andy mostly does a good job of making a decent pizza....mostly)

i just realized that I may be the only one who finds this humorous

nebbit 09-15-06 03:05 AM

When people are trying to be serious, I say "then why are you wearing that hat" from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes :D

No one is perfect: "Some Like it hot" :D

Loner 09-19-06 07:55 PM

I'm ****ing hungry now you know.

Gaer Grimsrud-Fargo

BobbyB 09-19-06 07:57 PM

I often say to my friends "What business you in? Cause I'm in the knifin' business!"

Bill 09-19-06 08:17 PM

-"Surely you can't be serious" from Airplane
-"NEVER, No matter what, NEVER open the door. OK, I was just joking. OPEN THE ********* DOOR NOW!" from Young Frankstien
- "Ah, hamburgers, a heathly choice for breakfast." from Pulp Fiction

PappaSteve 09-19-06 10:47 PM

Occasionally, when me and a particular friend of mine are walking down the street and a plane flies overhead- kinda low, one of us will point up and say:

"See that, I think it's a mail-plane,"
"Oh yeah, how can you tell?"
"Well didn't you see the little balls."

That one's from The 3 Amigos.

SpoOkY 09-20-06 08:10 AM

I have a few I use every now and then:

"Are you talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?" - Taxi Driver
"Don't you dare try to stop me, try to stop me" - Hook
"There's so much beauty in the world" - American Beauty
"You call that a knife, this is a knife!" - Crocodile Dundee (lame aussie humour :P)
"If i'm not back in 5 minutes....wait longer" - Ace Ventura
"Come on in, and try not to ruin everything by being you" - As Good as it Gets (just as a joke statement)
"Why don't you make like a tree and get the heck out of here" Biff from Back to the Future

PappaSteve 09-20-06 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by SpoOkY
"Come on in, and try not to ruin everything by being you" - As Good as it Gets (just as a joke statement)
That movie has the BEST lines possibly ever.

Girl: "How do you write women so well?"
Melvin: "I think of a man, then I take away reason and accountability."

Nicholson was awesome in that too. I just love how politically incorrect it was. I think most people pass it off as a romance movie, but it was actually a pretty brilliant film overall.

Austruck 09-20-06 10:34 PM

"As Good As It Gets" is one of those movies I watch every time I get a chance, and I always love the dialogue and the interplay of the characters. Great casting in that movie, too.

One I like to use when I can (and wish I could find a way to use more) is from "The Birdcage":

"Sweetie, you're wasting your gum...."

Lane's delivery on that line (in that whole scene) was impeccable.

BobbyB 09-21-06 01:04 AM

Just thought of some others. Don't ask why.

"Ya' catch my drift? Ya' know, the kind of...X rated pronos." Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story
"All righty then" Ace Ventura
"Um...yeah" Office Space
"And that's...bad? Right?" The Emperor's New Groove

spudracer 09-21-06 07:57 AM

Alrighty, lemme take a swing at this...

"You're not a daisy, you're not a daisy at all"
"You tell them I'm coming, and hell's coming with me....hell's coming with me"

There's just a couple. Only ones I can think of so early in the morning.

PappaSteve 09-21-06 12:06 PM

"You're not a daisy, you're not a daisy at all"
"You tell them I'm coming, and hell's coming with me....hell's coming with me"
I forgot about "Tombstone" some of the BEST lines ever.

You know any Stephen Foster? Camptown Races? Oh Susana? Stephen Stinking Foster?
Ah yes well, this happens to be a Nocturne.
A which?
You know- Frederic F***ing Chopin?


It would appear Mr. Ringo is an educated man. Now I REALLY hate him.

delicado_cinco 09-21-06 08:06 PM

Someone started quoting Joe Versus the Volcano, which I love and most people haven't seen it.

What about the Big Lebowski? I could work a line from that movie into any conversation.

spudracer 09-21-06 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by delicado_cinco
Someone started quoting Joe Versus the Volcano, which I love and most people haven't seen it.
Ok, here's where your wrong. Most people HAVE seen Joe Versus the Volcano, but don't want to admit it.

Holden Pike 09-21-06 09:26 PM

Live like a king, die like a man!
I've said it time and time again, but Joe Versus the Volcano is a brilliant flick. I love it to pieces.
ANGELICA: I'm a flibbertygibbit.

7thson 09-21-06 10:39 PM

Anytime I figure out something tough at work or at home I say:

"A-ha! I thought it was one of the prime numbers of the Zeeman series. I haven't changed!"

Loner 09-22-06 07:15 PM

Deserve's got nothin' to do with it...

William 'Bill' Munny-Unforgiven

undercoverlover 09-22-06 07:26 PM

'whats the matter, zee germans after you?'

'you can call me susan if it makes you happy.'

'cor you been using sh*t for toothpaste again mullet?'

'why did i meet you amongst the gar-barge?'

delicado_cinco 09-23-06 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by spudracer
Ok, here's where your wrong. Most people HAVE seen Joe Versus the Volcano, but don't want to admit it.
That makes me feel you are all somehow I've finally come home!

"If I had the need, and the wherewithal, Mr. Banks, this would be my trunk of choice."

juno101 09-23-06 05:36 AM

any tricky situation: "we're gonna need a bigger boat..."

everyone says it now at work, even my superviser!:eek:

everone loves jaws don't they?

undercoverlover 09-23-06 11:08 AM


Loner 09-28-06 02:08 PM

"What we've got here is failure to communicate."

Captain-Cool Hand Luke

max cady 09-28-06 05:03 PM

my favs are from carlitos way when pacino says;
"you think your big time-your gonna die big time"
and the godfather when pacino says;
"keep your friends close,but your enemies closer".

undercoverlover 09-29-06 08:10 AM

'ya let him beatcha, ya c*ck knocker!' from stand by me
'know how i know you're gay (insert comical description)...' 40 year old virgin

sandyintheburbs 10-04-06 11:51 AM

"Looks like I picked up a bad day to give up [insert almost anything here: drinking, smoking, chocolate]."

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."
"Wonderful girl. Either I'm gonna kill her, or I'm beginning to like her."

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges."

ToBeOrNotToBe 10-05-06 03:04 PM

Annoyingly I can't go the day without saying to someone "Forget about it!" Napoleon Dynamite style...

Sexy Celebrity 10-05-06 05:12 PM

I hate to seem so boring, but I don't think I ever go around quoting movies at random much. I'll try and keep a tab on myself if I do the next time, but I usually stick to my own personal sexy-isms.

nebbit 10-05-06 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I hate to seem so boring,
Boring, you, never :nope:

linespalsy 10-05-06 11:34 PM

I used to have a shirt that said "you talkin to me" with that picture of deniro holding a gun after he just shot the guy in the hallway (I know, kinda lame, I always felt kind of embarassed to wear it because of the cheesy tough-guy quote. Plus I was always affraid someone would say "I'm talkin to you".

Somedays I used to say "suck on this" and shoot my little brothers with rubberbands. I'm a little too old for that now.

My sister and I will often apply the Eric Estrada from Sealab accent to various household items, for example if there happens to be some doritos in the room one of us will say "oh yeah, I'm gonna eat me som doh-reet-ohs"

cmitchell 10-06-06 06:55 PM

I have a habbit of saying "Allllrighty then".

I dont know why. I ****ing hate that movie.

edit: Also (not an exact quote, but it never is):
"I need to write. Just one line, then Ill go get a coffee. And a muffin. Mmmmm banana muffin."

missmari98 10-09-06 12:10 AM

Taking It Back Oldschool
Cheech And Chong

He Said His Name Is, Rrrrrrrraaaaaaallllllllppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhh

Born In East La

I Really Like Your Phants

pokrprodgy23 10-09-06 03:49 AM

Jeremy Grey: Yeah? Well, the proper girl in the hat just eye-****ed the **** out of me.
Wedding Crashers

Peronel 10-10-06 12:44 AM

My brother and I only sepak in Simpsons quotes. We tried to go five minutes without doing it once, and didn't have anything to talk about! Most used (about three times a day) is the sequence inn the stonecutters ep where Homer is talking to the plumber:

"Well what if I was to shake your hand in this-wise?"

It happens anytime someone says the word 'really'.

Others include:
"You just called me a bastard, didn't you?" (The Young Ones)

"Who's tryin to kill you Mr. Donutman?" (Wayne's World)

"I've had plenty of jobs, nothing you'd call a career. Let me put it this way: I have an extensive collection of name tags and hairnets." (also Wayne's World)

plus many, many more

oern 10-11-06 01:38 PM

"how long is this going to take?" madagascar

aussiegirl88 10-15-06 11:36 PM

Me and my friend after watching Bio-Dome about 4 times in one day are constantly saying...

.."when we're not out saving the environment, we're thinking of you, naked, thigh deep in tofu"..

we usually say when shes over my house when we actually are eating tofu because i am vegetarian lol

Golgot 10-24-06 08:52 AM

I only remember stuff that I've watched far too many times... hence favourites from my childhood...hence...

Flash Gordon

It's a really... brilliant... stra_te_gyyy


Why not? (Sydow stylee)

ORO 10-24-06 12:34 PM

"Not even the wankers in the street drink that!" -- WITHNAIL & I

It crops up most days.

Mousey350 01-02-07 10:53 AM

Alllllllllrrriiiighty Then!

undercoverlover 01-02-07 03:58 PM

'im going to go across the street and get you some orange sherbert.'
'all for sh!ts and giggles'

and for some reason

'lions and tigers and bears, oh my!'

Monkeypunch 01-02-07 05:15 PM

"I can't know that!" - Serenity
"I just filled the cup." - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
"Are you prejudiced?" - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
"Don't take any guff from these f***ing swine!" - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Poultry_man 01-09-07 03:15 AM

"there's someting about blasting the s@#$ out of a razorback that brightens up me whole day" Razorback

dojo 01-13-07 11:52 AM

"That's all" .. saw the Devil Wears Prada and loved the way Miranda was saying this :D

fry 01-18-07 09:27 PM

"You gotta be sh!tty me Robbie" - The Wedding Singer

"What the Hell was that all about?" - Black Sheep

"It's a hell of a thing, killin' a man, take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have" - Unforgiven

"Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying" - The Shawshank Redemption

"Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering is the path to the darkside..." - Star Wars: Episode I

(when answering the phone): "This is Cush" - Jerry Maguire

joshuafor 01-19-07 05:18 PM

I am going to punch you in the ovary right in the baby maker
Anchor Man

Dorthy Mantooth is a saint

Kitsune Castle 01-19-07 05:27 PM

A history of the world pt one


MovieMaker5087 01-19-07 11:58 PM

More or less lines from A Christmas Story, such as "What's a football?" to jokingly show I have no grip on sports.

Iroquois 01-20-07 01:40 AM

I quote a wide variety of movies on a regular basis - if I had to pick one, it's Scarface.

billdozer 01-21-07 11:21 PM


Amber 01-23-07 04:38 PM

Thank You for playing-from Dead Poet Society(Whenever a student gives a smartass answer to a math question I use it.)

coolhiptrendy 01-26-07 12:21 PM

Yes pleish (Borat voice)
Never get out of the boat (should have been in Apocalpse Now )

BobbyB 01-26-07 12:37 PM

First rule of leadership...everything is your fault.

Powdered Water 12-18-07 12:22 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
"Illuminate... Deluminate" Demolition Man

"What's with you and the f*ckin sandwiches" Bad Santa

"Not the fat little sausage fingers" Bad Santa

eMilee 12-18-07 01:18 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
1. ''if u cannot say anything nice, come sit by me.''---in steel magnolias but i just found out that teddy roosevelt's daughter had this on a pillow.

Partimus 12-18-07 11:17 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
"Excellent" - in my best/worst Mr. Burns voice

"Let me face the peril!" - MP & THG

"INCONCEIVABLE!" - Princess Bride

"You did not just shoot that green Sh*t at me!" - Independence Day

"Ya, and monkeys might fly outta my butt!" - Wayne's World

"Excuse me Russell, but I believe I requested the hand job" - Wayne's World

Those are just a few that came to mind. I'm sure I am much worse than that ;)

Caitlyn 12-18-07 12:20 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
You're gonna need a bigger boat. ~ Jaws

Although, considering I'm crazy enough to live somewhere below sea level, it gets changed to We're gonna need a bigger boat a lot... :p

linespalsy 12-18-07 12:54 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
"Give, Queenie!" ~ You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (I think). Whenever we want something that someone else has.

regina414 12-18-07 02:58 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
As if!

- From the romantic comedy film Clueless.

rufnek 12-18-07 03:51 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 339582)
I know I'm not the only one who does this. Usually, it's with comedies. If I step outside on a hot day with someone, it's even money that one of us will look at the other and say "Milk was a bad choice!"

Sometimes, it's out of nowhere. Last week I was sitting at a poker game and started the "I still don't know to this day what those two Italian ladies were signing about" monologue from The Shawshank Redemption for no apparent reason.

It goes to ridiculous lengths at times; if, at one of said poker games, someone uses the phrase "chillin' out" for any reason, there's approximately a 95% chance someone will continue with the second-half of the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, at which point two or three others will join in, and it won't stop -- literally -- until they've gone all the way through.

So, what memorable lines, from movies or TV, do you find yourself using in day-to-day life on a daily basis? Have you ever quoted a movie without explanation and had someone not recognize it? Did you explain it to them, or just move on?
I can't think of any movie--or other--line that I use daily or even weekly. The conversations I have just aren't that predictable, although my youngest brother did get in a habit of talking about "cowboying up;" not sure what he meant, but I suspect he got it from some movie.

However, a second brother--between me and my youngest brother in age--was once in Billy Bob's, a Dallas honky tonk that attracts tourist like Gilly's used to do here in Houston, when a fella came up and said there was a gal in their group visiting from up north who wanted to meet a cowboy and would my brother (who certainly looked the part) oblige? So he goes over, and this gal says, "Are you a real cowboy?" My brother said later, "I'd been waiting for years for someone to feed me that straight line!" So he pushes back his Resistol, leans back on the bar, and says, "Well that depends on what you think a real cowboy is!" (The meeting scene, as near as I can remember, between Debra Winger and John Travolta in Urban Cowboy).

Me, I'm more apt to quote country songs. So my reply would have been, "Don't call him a cowboy until you see him ride."

crashbarbarian 12-18-07 06:30 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Tombstone - damn this birds jumping, im you're huckleberry, you aint no daisy, skin that smoke wagon, (insert name) i'm rolling

Predator - so you cooked up some story and dropped the six of us in the meat grinder, stick around, you're one ugly mother fxxxer, whats the mater (insert name) been pushing too many pencils

Billy Madison - oh so sorry to interupt... proceed

Top Gun - negative ghost rider the pattern is full

Raising Arizona - I'm crapping you negative

and many more

undercoverlover 12-18-07 07:50 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Judd Apatow and Will Ferrel movies are the most quotable i think

Ron Burgundy: You are a smelly pirate hooker.

Ron Burgundy: I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

Frank Vitchard: This is getting to be ri-god-damn-diculous.

Ron Burgundy: I'm in a glass case of emotion.

Brick Tamland: [shouts] Loud noises.

Ron Burgundy: I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.

Ron Burgundy: [to Veronica Corningstone as the news has just gone off the air] You're a real hooker. I'm gonna slap you in public.

Ron Burgundy: [to Veronica Corningstone] I'm gonna shoot you with a BB gun when you're not looking. Yep, back of the head.

Brick Tamland: I love lamp.
Chazz: No exaggeration, I could not love a human baby more then I love this brush.

Chazz: Whoever invented rope was a real a-hole!

Chazz: [talking to the press] This is my brother. And this is my brother's new girlfriend and she is NOT a whore!

Ricky Bobby: Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and i piss excellence.

Herschell: Yeah? Well we invented the missionary position... You're welcome.

Powdered Water 12-18-07 08:10 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
What a great thread Yoda, I can't believe I found this all the way back on page 16!

Any way I just popped in a couple that that I say a lot at random but there are so many more.

I say "Deluminate" to myself almost every time I turn off the lights. The world's illiterate untie! :p

I'm pretty sure I could take up an entire page with all the stupid crap that comes out of my mouth at random on any given day so I won't bore everyone.

A couple more of my favorites from some of the holiday movies we've been watching are:

"Sh*ter's full"! Christmas Vacation

"Are you sayin there's something wrong with my gear?" Bad Santa, I say this way to often and will probably get into a heap of trouble someday.

I really hope I never blurt out the fat little sausage fingers remark if I ever talk to a little person.

And of course... FRA-GEE-LAY!, every single time I open something.

I need therapy.:eek:

Equilibrium 12-18-07 10:02 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
"I"ll catch you on the flipside" (boondock saints) the end of all of my phone convos

"milk was a bad choice" (anchorman) everytime i choose a beverage that i dont like.

"I piss excellence" everytime i recieve a compliment.

"shooooot me" (Full metal jacket-the part where the vietnamese girl begs the soldier to finish her off) everytime im in a bind.

"I like you, do you like me?" (Borat) everytime i feel some tension in the room.

"verrrry niiiiice" (Borat) everytime something good happens that doesnt require me being serious.

so many in a phase right now though where im not as witty as i used to be...

Outbreak 12-20-07 10:49 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
i say this 2 my friend a lot "yo man, hows my driving?"
he always responds "man, i think we're parked" *cheech n chong up in smoke*

and I also say "if so powerful you are... why leave?" when ever someone goes home or something like that.

"there are 3 types of people in this world; dicks, pussies and

and i've always wanted 2 say this since watching superbad... *hot chick* "we'll scratch your back if you scratch ours."
*me* well, the funny thing about my back *hotchick name*, its located on my cock"

meatwadsprite 12-20-07 11:10 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
"hey why are you here ? I thought I told you to go f**k your mother ?" - i find myself saying this to all people

7thson 12-20-07 11:48 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 400884)
"hey why are you here ? I thought I told you to go f**k your mother ?" - i find myself saying this to all people
Why "all" people? I mean do you say this to your mother, yourself, a family member, your teachers, the chashier at your local store, the movie theater manager at your local cinema - I mean ALL???? You would be dead or worse by now if this was true - and to steal your thunder: you can say it to me, but I wouldnt really care.:rolleyes:

Captain Driftwood 12-21-07 01:31 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
I wouldn't say that I incorporate too many lines into my everyday dialogue. I will sit down and toss around quotations until the cows come home, but that is different. Only one comes to mind that I have used in normal conversation:

"Hello. Hello. Anybody home? Think Mcfly. Think."

I even knock on top of my buddy's head and everything.

Biff Tannen...gotta love it.

mark f 12-21-07 03:56 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
That one is used by everyone I know (if only occasionally), but as you say, you have to knock on their forehead. :cool:

Caitlyn 12-21-07 12:06 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 400884)
"hey why are you here ? I thought I told you to go f**k your mother ?" - i find myself saying this to all people

I'm fairly certain this is an out and out lie... I'm also fairly certain this is a bid for attention... and that you are trying to "fit in", so to speak... and if so, you are going about it the wrong way.

Sir Toose 12-21-07 12:14 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
I routinely call one of my co-workers (male) 'Clarice' as we both regularly quote Silence of the Lambs. I'd have to say that the most regular one we use is "ready when you are Officer Pembry" when going to lunch or a meeting together.

Sir Toose 12-21-07 12:23 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by crashbarbarian (Post 400288)
Tombstone - damn this birds jumping
I love Tombstone so I have to correct you :D

It's 'burg' informally referring to a small town, versus 'bird' referring to avian animal.

meatwadsprite 12-21-07 01:59 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
hey why are you here ? i thought i told you to go f**k your mother ?

see how usefull it is ?

I know you consider this witty, and I know that I told myself that I would ignore you for awhile, so: Apologize or leave, that is my thoughts, if they matter in this instance. Seriously dude, wake up - you have the IQ, now learn how to mesh your social skills with it.

Caitlyn 12-21-07 02:08 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 400956)
hey why are you here ? i thought i told you to go f**k your mother ?

see how usefull it is ?

People normally treat you the same way you treat them... remember that.

emir 12-21-07 02:11 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
"Usefull"? It's hullarious!

Sir Toose 12-21-07 04:39 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 400956)
hey why are you here ? i thought i told you to go f**k your mother ?

see how usefull it is ?

Consider yourself on my radar. Up until this point I've been ignoring your antics because of your age and your obvious disability in critical thinking.

I'm seriously considering just banning your account due to the comments I've seen regarding your posting of late.

I would expect that you would take this opportunity to reconsider your current path and apologize to Caitlyn for the above comment.

You're on notice. Keep it up and I won't hesitate to run you out of here. One too many people have complained about you and your antics so booting you at this point is easier than thinking about why we should allow you to stay. This is more warning than I intended to give, use it wisely.

nebbit 12-21-07 05:33 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 400985)
I would expect that you would take this opportunity to reconsider your current path and apologize to Caitlyn for the above comment.
Yes right now :furious:

meatwadsprite 12-21-07 11:56 PM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
What percent of people here aren't mods ?

I don't appreciate you editing my posts either

GROW UP!!!!!!!!!

Caitlyn 12-22-07 02:00 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 401027)
What percent of people here aren't mods ?

I don't appreciate you editing my posts either

GROW UP!!!!!!!!!

The real question is exactly why he had to edit your post...

Sir Toose 12-22-07 02:28 AM

Re: Movie Lines You Routinely Incorporate Into Your Day-to-Day Life
I'm waiting on the apology. If I don't see it tomorrow I'm banning the account. No wisecracks, no bull-sh*t, just an apology.

Also, to answer your query, there are thousands of users and less than 10 mods. Just enough to ensure that immature and/or rude posts/posters aren't tolerated.

If you value your membership here, meatwad, make the apology and we'll move on.

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