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FilmBuff 04-09-24 09:14 PM

Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
Not linking to the tabloid in question - they just want the clicks - but they apparently won't let Gene Hackman, now 94, enjoy a quiet retirement :mad:

FromBeyond 04-10-24 06:40 AM

Seen this yesterday, can't believe how frail and different he looks, unrecognisable.

Stirchley 04-10-24 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by FilmBuff (Post 2453432)
Not linking to the tabloid in question - they just want the clicks - but they apparently won't let Gene Hackman, now 94, enjoy a quiet retirement :mad:
They just took his photo. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

FilmBuff 04-10-24 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2453582)
They just took his photo. I don’t think it’s a big deal.
They are making false claims about him. That's why I didn't link to the story

Nausicaä 04-10-24 02:55 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
If I'm able to walk unaided at 94 I will be very happy.

Thursday Next 04-10-24 04:40 PM

I don't understand this thread. I even read the article and all it says is he got a pie and a coffee. It's a pointless non-article but I don't see how that is hounding him, unless there's something I'm missing.

crumbsroom 04-10-24 06:12 PM

They are making a story out of him looking old and sick. It's ****ing gross. But I guess if our standards for society are already at zero, I suppose it might not seem like a big deal.

Citizen Rules 04-10-24 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 2453635)
I don't understand this thread. I even read the article and all it says is he got a pie and a coffee. It's a pointless non-article but I don't see how that is hounding him, unless there's something I'm missing.
And a pack of smokes too, at least that's what it looks like in his hand. He looks fine for a 94 year old, more power to him.

FilmBuff 04-10-24 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 2453635)
unless there's something I'm missing.
They either hired someone to stake out the places he goes to, or they bought the photos from someone who does it for the money.

Also, they made some false claims about him which prompted twitter readers to put a community note in the tweet that included the story.

GulfportDoc 04-10-24 08:27 PM

Geez, I never would have recognized Mr. Hackman from those two pictures!

I believe I first saw him in a film in '67, when he was in Bonnie & Clyde. He was great in that picture, and reliably great in ever film he was in. Glad he's having a good retirement.

Mesmerized 04-11-24 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by FilmBuff (Post 2453432)

It's amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.

Miss Vicky 04-11-24 12:28 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
Umm.... How TF is a man wearing a "nearly identical outfit" to one he wore weeks earlier significant in any possible way? If he was wearing the same set of clothes day after day, that might be a cause for concern and even then only if the clothes appeared dirty. But this? This is just stupid.

Also, I'll be happy if I'm even alive at 94 and thrilled if I look that well at that age.

FilmBuff 04-11-24 01:18 PM

If something positive has come from that horrible attempt to smear him, it's that a lot of people are taking time to appreciate him for still being pretty outgoing at 94, and thinking fondly of him for all of the great performances he gave over the years.

Much better than people not remembering him until after he was gone... 🙂

AKA23 04-11-24 03:40 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
I don't think taking photos of him when he looks extremely old and frail and commenting on how he is wearing the same clothes, or a variation of them, is a smear. It actually sounds like it might be a mistake, but I wish they didn't do this. I think celebrities should be entitled to have some degree of a private life, especially given that he is long retired and has not done in a film in 20 years. I don't think that's a cigarette box. Cigarette boxes are thinner, and that looks more like the dimensions of a box containing food. It may be the box for the apple pie that he bought.

FilmBuff 04-11-24 04:39 PM

I would say that making him look like an old man who never changes his clothes definitely amounts to making an unsubstantiated charge or accusation against him, however silly it might be, and that is literally the dictionary definition of "smear".

Citizen Rules 04-11-24 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2453834)
...I don't think that's a cigarette box. Cigarette boxes are thinner, and that looks more like the dimensions of a box containing food. It may be the box for the apple pie that he bought.
That's one small apple pie:p You might be right though. I don't smoke, never have so it just looks like a pack of cigarettes to me. It doesn't matter anyway as Hackman is old enough to smoke if he wants. He looks fine, I mean he's not going to look like he did back in The Conversation.

FilmBuff 04-11-24 05:15 PM

Gene Hackman: example of a life well lived :D

crumbsroom 04-12-24 04:55 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
So trying to (incorrectly) draw attention to the fact he's been wearing the same clothes for weeks isn't a smear?

Why are they talking about how maybe he's been wearing the same clothes for weeks then? Even if that was the case, which it seems it isn't, **** off. Leave the guy alone. Stop trying to make people glancing at this article believe he's beyond the point of knowing he needs to change his shirt.

I'm so tired of this attitude that just because someone was an actor and in the public sphere (twenty years ago!) we have the right to gawk at what they look like now. That this deflects any criticism we might have towards the media, and how disgusting it is.

Is it legal? Yes. He's in a public space. But using that as a way to not acknowledge how super gross this is says a lot.

Captain Steel 04-12-24 05:28 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
I wear the same clothes for weeks. Of course I wash them (at which time I wear another set of same clothes).
I have this thing where I like to wear stuff out before wearing new stuff. Like socks - I've got new, never worn socks, but I'll wear used ones until they have holes in them and retire them to the rag bag before breaking out a new pair.

But then, I am the result of parents who grew up during the depression.

Citizen Rules 04-12-24 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 2454137)
I wear the same clothes for weeks. Of course I wash them (at which time I wear another set of same clothes).
I have this thing where I like to wear stuff out before wearing new stuff. Like socks - I've got new, never worn socks, but I'll wear used ones until they have holes in them and retire them to the rag bag before breaking out a new pair.
You sound just like me. I often wear the same clothes....why not? It's not like the people in the grocery store are going to say, 'hey he's wearing the same clothes as last week.' I don't even wash them if they don't get dirty and if I wear pants and a shirt for a few hours they aren't getting dirty. I figure the more I wash them the faster they wear out. I have plenty of shirts and pants but they are going to have to fall apart before I wear any or the other ones I have.

Captain Steel 04-12-24 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2454170)
You sound just like me. I often wear the same clothes....why not? It's not like the people in the grocery store are going to say, 'hey he's wearing the same clothes as last week.' I don't even wash them if they don't get dirty and if I wear pants and a shirt for a few hours they aren't getting dirty. I figure the more I wash them the faster they wear out. I have plenty of shirts and pants but they are going to have to fall apart before I wear any or the other ones I have.
At one job, I and another guy were discussing the wearing of pants with female co-workers.
We confessed that we usually wore the same pair of pants all week - it's not like they got dirty in an office. When we'd get home we'd slip into something more comfortable - so the pants weren't even worn full time. They were hung on a chair after work & all night in front of an open window, ready to go the next day.

(In fact, we'd even alternate the same 2 or 3 shirts through the work week! Shirts 1, 2, and 3 for Mon. - Wed., then wear shirt 1 & 3 again for Thurs. & Friday... or something like that.)

The women were appalled! They said pants worn even just once (for any length of time) should go directly in the wash.

crumbsroom 04-15-24 10:32 AM

Changing your pants every day is for chumps.

Stirchley 04-15-24 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by crumbsroom (Post 2454614)
Changing your pants every day is for chumps.
It sure is. I’m not one for overly doing the laundry. One thing that blows my mind with Americans - and you guys might not know this - is that they launder all brand-new stuff before they will use it. Clothes, bed linen, etc. all go in the washing machine as soon as they get home from the store. :rolleyes:

One vlog I follow on you tube was moving to a new house. But before she moved, she literally washed & dried her entire wardrobe. Why??? :eek:

FilmBuff 04-15-24 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2454663)
One thing that blows my mind with Americans - and you guys might not know this - is that they launder all brand-new stuff before they will use it. Clothes, bed linen, etc. all go in the washing machine as soon as they get home from the store. :rolleyes:
It's actually a very good idea, for hygienic and health reasons:

Yoda 04-15-24 02:17 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
My philosophy is: take care of the long-term stuff, and go easy on anything short-term you could fix in a few minutes. Example: having a good haircut is important, but showering isn't, because you can fix the latter problem in 10 minutes.

I'm happy to be a slob 90% of the time and then just clean up nice when I need to.

Stirchley 04-15-24 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2454671)
My philosophy is: take care of the long-term stuff, and go easy on anything short-term you could fix in a few minutes. Example: having a good haircut is important, but showering isn't, because you can fix the latter problem in 10 minutes.

I'm happy to be a slob 90% of the time and then just clean up nice when I need to.
Sounds reasonable to me.

AKA23 04-15-24 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2454671)
My philosophy is: take care of the long-term stuff, and go easy on anything short-term you could fix in a few minutes. Example: having a good haircut is important, but showering isn't, because you can fix the latter problem in 10 minutes.
I think this is a good example of what you're referencing regarding time horizon, but I actually see having a good haircut as not very important. My opinion is, as long as it looks professional, I don't really care. If I don't like it, the hair will grow back, and my life will be just fine either way!

FilmBuff 04-15-24 02:31 PM

A reminder that we just went through a pandemic and, for many people, getting a haircut in a safe environment might not have been possible.

Lesson: you can always just let it grow out. Get some scrunchies or whatever. :p

Yoda 04-15-24 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2454683)
I think this is a good example of what you're referencing regarding time horizon, but I actually see having a good haircut as not very important. My opinion is, as long as it looks professional, I don't really care. If I don't like it, the hair will grow back, and my life will be just fine either way!
I actually sort of agree, haircut isn't the best example because you can get one of those kinda quick (just not, like, immediately).

A better example is probably just general fitness.

Citizen Rules 04-15-24 02:49 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
I learned to cut my own hair during the pandemic and do a fine job too...all while saving money and time.

Stirchley 04-15-24 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2454693)
I learned to cut my own hair during the pandemic and do a fine job too...all while saving money and time.
My hairdresser retired. She charged $35, which is amazingly cheap. Didn’t feel like looking for yet another hairstylist so decided to let my hair grow & I wear it in a cute little bun now or under a woolen hat for half the year.

Yoda 04-15-24 02:54 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
Normally I'd tell people to keep on topic but since the original topic is just tabloids being dumb and everyone quickly came to that conclusion, sure, go off on hygiene and haircuts.

Yoda 04-15-24 02:56 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
Head shape and type of hair matters a lot. If you mostly wear your hair really short you can save a lot of time and money, for sure. I wear mine a bit longer and it's quite thick, and I learned I have a fairly large crown, so the cheap places I used to go to tended to do a pretty poor-to-mediocre job.

I went to a nicer place in my early 30s, explained the problem, and they did a much better job, and I've been going ever since. Well worth the extra cost.

That said, during the pandemic it grew out quite a bit and the wife and I cut each other's hair a bit for awhile. But it was really just to stop it from getting out of control, nobody attempted anything too ambitious.

Stirchley 04-15-24 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2454701)
Head shape and type of hair matters a lot. If you mostly wear your hair really short you can save a lot of time and money, for sure. I wear mine a bit longer and it's quite thick, and I learned I have a fairly large crown, so the cheap places I used to go to tended to do a pretty poor-to-mediocre job.

I went to a nicer place in my early 30s, explained the problem, and they did a much better job, and I've been going ever since. Well worth the extra cost.

That said, during the pandemic it grew out quite a bit and the wife and I cut each other's hair a bit for awhile. But it was really just to stop it from getting out of control, nobody attempted anything too ambitious.
Husbands can sometimes be useful. Mine in the past has done an ok job cutting my hair.

FilmBuff 04-15-24 03:01 PM

They need to come up with a hair-cutting robot so you can just always do it at home!

AKA23 04-15-24 03:07 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
So a somewhat related personal grooming topic to laundry is shower frequency. Growing up, I took a shower every day, sometimes twice a day, but in recent years, especially during the pandemic and post-pandemic, I shower less frequently, and I actually researched this to try to determine whether there was an evidence-based recommendation. There is no consistent evidence-based advice on shower frequency. Many shower every day, but there were many articles, including from medical professionals, that stated that showering every day is likely not necessary for the average person, and may even be bad for your skin. Every couple of days, or a few times per week, for some, might actually be enough. It came down to personal preference, and also, whether you sweat or not. If you sweat, then yes, every day is good, but if you don't sweat much, and you are not doing a lot of activity, you can probably get away with showering less often and still maintain cleanliness. I found the same type of guidance for how often to shampoo your hair. Now, I usually shower every other day, and if I'm going into the office for work, or if I am meeting up with someone, I will shower before that generally.

Stirchley 04-15-24 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2454711)
So a somewhat related personal grooming topic to laundry is shower frequency. Growing up, I took a shower every day, sometimes twice a day, but in recent years, especially during the pandemic and post-pandemic, I shower less frequently, and I actually researched this to try to determine whether there was an evidence-based recommendation. There is no consistent evidence-based advice on shower frequency. Many shower every day, but there were many articles, including from medical professionals, that stated that showering every day is likely not necessary for the average person, and may even be bad for your skin. Every couple of days, or a few times per week, for some, might actually be enough. It came down to personal preference, and also, whether you sweat or not. If you sweat, then yes, every day is good, but if you don't sweat much, and you are not doing a lot of activity, you can probably get away with showering less often and still maintain cleanliness. I found the same type of guidance for how often to shampoo your hair. Now, I usually shower every other day, and if I'm going into the office for work, or if I am meeting up with someone, I will shower before that generally.
I’m not one for daily showering & hair washing. Too much of a palaver & I’m naturally very clean. Nothing worse than body order on someone.

Harry Lime 04-15-24 03:26 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
Yoda please change the title to: "Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid, and the Mofo Personal Hygiene Thread" Thanks

Yoda 04-15-24 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2454711)
So a somewhat related personal grooming topic to laundry is shower frequency. Growing up, I took a shower every day, sometimes twice a day, but in recent years, especially during the pandemic and post-pandemic, I shower less frequently, and I actually researched this to try to determine whether there was an evidence-based recommendation. There is no consistent evidence-based advice on shower frequency. Many shower every day, but there were many articles, including from medical professionals, that stated that showering every day is likely not necessary for the average person, and may even be bad for your skin. Every couple of days, or a few times per week, for some, might actually be enough. It came down to personal preference, and also, whether you sweat or not. If you sweat, then yes, every day is good, but if you don't sweat much, and you are not doing a lot of activity, you can probably get away with showering less often and still maintain cleanliness. I found the same type of guidance for how often to shampoo your hair. Now, I usually shower every other day, and if I'm going into the office for work, or if I am meeting up with someone, I will shower before that generally.
Yeah for most people I think showering every day is a little much. Or at least, shampooing your hair every day seems like too often. Not even good for the hair.

A quick rinse every day is a little different. And obviously if you're very physically active that's different.

Harry Lime 04-15-24 03:53 PM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
I shower every day because I like to feel refreshed to start a new day. Pants can be worn for days or weeks in between cleaning. Same with sweaters/sweatshirts if you have a shirt on underneath. Button shirts it depends. T-shirts, socks, and underwear are for single wearings only and then need to be washed. I think Hoosiers is a great Gene Hackman movie.

FilmBuff 04-15-24 03:56 PM

If you're hitting the gym on a daily or near-daily basis, you should also shower just as frequently.

Citizen Rules 04-15-24 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2454711)
...there were many articles, including from medical professionals, that stated that showering every day is likely not necessary for the average person, and may even be bad for your skin. .....
I believe it! I do take a shower every day, don't think I could sleep if I didn't...BUT my skin gets very dry.

Captain Steel 04-15-24 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2454663)
It sure is. I’m not one for overly doing the laundry. One thing that blows my mind with Americans - and you guys might not know this - is that they launder all brand-new stuff before they will use it. Clothes, bed linen, etc. all go in the washing machine as soon as they get home from the store. :rolleyes:

One vlog I follow on you tube was moving to a new house. But before she moved, she literally washed & dried her entire wardrobe. Why??? :eek:
I know there are good reasons for doing this (as other replies indicate).
But I've never washed new clothes before wearing them.

A funny story along these lines: somehow this came up with my friend's wife, that many years ago my mother had given me a package of underwear she bought for my father because he didn't like the style (they were probably boxer briefs).
Friend's wife says, "You're not going to wear them are you?"
I said, "Of course I am. They're brand new, in the package as if I bought them myself."
She says, "But, they're your father's underwear... that's disgusting!"
I said, "They were only bought for my father, but were never opened. It's no different than if I went out and purchased them for myself."
She says, "But you didn't. They are someone else's underwear - it's disgusting! I'm sure you're going to wash them a few times before wearing them, right?"
I said, "Wash them? They're brand new, never been worn. Why would I wash them?"

And the rest continued much like this conversation!

Stirchley 04-15-24 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 2454742)
I know there are good reasons for doing this (as other replies indicate).
But I've never washed new clothes before wearing them.
Which replies? Didn’t see any that addressed this specifically.

FilmBuff 04-15-24 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2454750)
Which replies? Didn’t see any that addressed this specifically.
This is my reply from, like, hours ago

Originally Posted by FilmBuff (Post 2454667)
It's actually a very good idea, for hygienic and health reasons:

crumbsroom 04-16-24 12:29 AM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
Haircuts? Pffffft

Fitness? Barffff

Showering every day? Of course. What do you think I am, a monster?

MoFoUs 05-09-24 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by FilmBuff (Post 2454752)
This is my reply from, like, hours ago
Yeah - formaldehyde & etc.

Also, stiff and itchy.

I looked up the NYPost story, and he looks great.

94??? :eek:

John McClane 05-09-24 11:22 AM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
i love wearing pesticide soaked cotton against my skin. grown from the finest of Monsanto seeds

Harry Lime 05-09-24 11:27 AM

Re: Gene Hackman, 94, being hounded by tabloid
The Official Mofo HyGene (Hackman) Thread

Gideon58 05-09-24 12:37 PM

Fascinating where this thread has led so I would like to throw in my childhood training. My mother, God rest her soul, trained me that pants could be worn two consecutive days, and a more study pair could be worn three, but everything else, had to be changed every day along with a shower.

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