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Sexy Celebrity 02-19-14 11:00 PM

The Diet Thread
The Diet Thread

Godoggo 02-19-14 11:22 PM

I think this is a great idea. I don't need to lose weight exactly, but I've not been exercising like I used to and I would like to tone up and lose five or six pounds.

My weight is 138.

Godoggo 02-19-14 11:27 PM

I hope more people sign up. It's always more fun to do things in a group and this is something that's really good for everyone.

Miss Vicky 02-19-14 11:28 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Okay... I'll bite. But damned if this isn't embarrassing as hell.


seanc 02-19-14 11:29 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
This comes at a really good time. Im going to the gym tomorrow for the first time in almost a year. I am sure to be the heaviest I have ever been. I will post my weight tomorrow night.

Miss Vicky 02-19-14 11:30 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Yeah, I just hate that it's so public, but I really need to buckle down and do it.
Maybe the fact that it's so public will be the kick in the ass I need. I've lost a lot of weight on my own before but then sort of fell off the wagon and gained it back.

I need to get back to counting carbs like my doctor told me. When I stuck to it before, I lost 50 lbs.

Miss Vicky 02-19-14 11:34 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I ate a bunch of Nutter Butters earlier. I also had ramen noodles for lunch, which are really high in sodium. Weighing myself late in the evening after eating all day wasn't exactly ideal. I'll post future weights in the morning before I've eaten anything. I did have a healthy breakfast of low fat cottage cheese and a fresh pear and a healthy dinner of baked chicken and cauliflower though.

The Rodent 02-20-14 09:55 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
196lb or 88.9k...

I work in stones though...

14 stones...

Perfect weight for my height seeing as I don't have much body fat.

The Rodent 02-20-14 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1040010)
This morning I weighed 205.2!!!

Last night I was 207.2.

2lbs... ?

Easy to lose that...

Just go to the toilet. I once lost 6lb going to the bog.

Mr Minio 02-20-14 10:00 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I could participate only if I wasn't so lazy. :) I believe I'm around 94 kg. Don't know how much lbs. is it. I'm 193 cm as well.

The Rodent 02-20-14 10:03 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
94k is about the same as SC. Near 15 stones.

But at 6'3 you're probably close to your recommended weight.

The Rodent 02-20-14 10:05 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
See if you guys can do what I did when I was 17...

I went from 14st (196lb) down to 10st (140lb)... in the space of 5 days.

I was sooo ill.

The Rodent 02-20-14 10:10 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament

Real flu, not these bad colds people moan about and reckon it's flu... I had the proper thing.

I was working a heavy job at the time, materials handling and FLT operating, and almost everyone in the dept was on holiday that week... so I was being relied on to keep the dept going by doing the job of 5 people.

All while carrying flu.

Imagine doing the most intense workout in a gym for a solid 8 and a half hours, with no breaks, no fluid intake and no food.

The Rodent 02-20-14 10:14 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
That was Monday to Friday, 5 days...

I was in Hospital on the Friday afternoon on a drip... I discharged myself after a couple hours, spent the weekend in bed than went back to work Monday.

Miss Vicky 02-20-14 10:52 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament

The Rodent 02-20-14 11:47 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Go Vick-y Go Vick-y Go!

Yoda 02-20-14 12:03 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Hmmm, I'm considering this. My wife and I give up a lot of stuff for Lent each year, and I'm a little tempted to go really nuts this time. Might coincide nicely with this.

The Gunslinger45 02-20-14 06:45 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Well I am not really trying to loose weight, I am trying to burn fat and put on muscle. So I want my weight to stay fairly constant, but with a smaller waist.

But I can offer a few tips to help people out.

seanc 02-20-14 08:29 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Weighed in at 241 today. I knew that was coming. Had a good start for what I want to do. I know I can lose if I set my mind to it. I have lost 30 lbs. on two separate occasions the past ten years. All about calorie intake and exercise for me. I would love to be 185 again, but short term realistic goal I want to lose 35-40 lbs. If I lay off the fast food, soda, and exercise three or four times a week I feel good weighing in the 200 range. Not gonna weigh everyday because I will drive myself insane. I will check in a couple times a week though and weigh in once a week.

The Gunslinger45 02-20-14 08:58 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Well if the goal is to burn fat, sprinting (as in going as fast as you can short distances) or running is not the best idea. A light jog or even speed walking would be best.

Now I have to run and do ruck marches for my job (and they are great cardio and rucking is a calories burner like no other). But I also am more likely burning muscle before I burn any fat. And that is the key to trimming the waist. If you want to burn fat, do something that gets the heart pumping, but is not going too far.

In addition this is the easiest way to burn fat and trim the waist. When I was in college I was able to drop a few pant sizes (from a 36 to a 32) by simply parking in a parking lot on the other side of campus where my classes were and walking across most of the campus to go to class. So I got a good 2 -4 miles or so in a day and I did not even change my diet.

Of course a healthy diet helps. Now I do not drink soda except for VERY rare occasions and I have cut out the majority of fast food except for very rare occasions. I eat Subway, but my days of frequenting Burger King and McDonalds are over. Problem is I still drink a fair amount of Red Bull. Going to use the season of Lent to cut that out, and hopefully stick with it past that.

Gabrielle947 02-20-14 09:00 PM

Uhhh,that's a nice tournament. ^^
I recently joined the gym and I want to do weight lifting but it feels so awkward to be fat and do weights for a girl. :D
I did it before for a few months and I had amazing results.But I don't know my weight :/

Godoggo 02-20-14 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1040030)
Damn. I thought you might have meant losing all that weight made you ill.

I can't believe a person could lose that much weight in five days.

I weighed almost 140 lbs. ten years ago. I honestly would love to be that skinny again.
That's super skinny for a guy, unless you're short.

I still weighed 138 today. I wanted to weigh in the morning and see if last nights weigh in was accurate. It was.

I dusted off my gym membership and went there today instead of the library. I also had yogurt, fruit and nuts for lunch instead of the usual veggie sub and chips. I do love potatoes and bread. I need to eat them much more moderately.

Also I've decided as 131 as a goal weight.

Miss Vicky 02-20-14 10:22 PM

Tomorrow's weight will probably show a gain. I was having a bit of stomach trouble last night and this morning, which probably accounted for some of the loss.

I did pretty okay food wise today. Breakfast was a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich from Subway with egg white, flat bread, light mayo, provolone cheese, spinach, tomato, cucumber and olive. Then I snacked on a couple of pieces of string cheese. Lunch was two pork tamales. Then I had half of a meal replacement bar for a snack. Dinner is baked chicken breast with roasted potatoes and steamed asparagas.

Camo 02-20-14 10:34 PM

Roughly 175 lbs or 12-13 stone and 6'2.

Miss Vicky 02-21-14 11:03 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament

Guaporense 02-21-14 11:11 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Men here are big: Minio is 193 cm, 94 kg, whoa, he could beat me up easily, SC is also around 90 kg and 185 cm and The Rodent is 90 kg and he says he doesn't have much fat. Camo is 187 cm and 80kg. I am 179 cm and 76 kg. I feel so tiny compared to the other guys.

Guaporense 02-21-14 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1040269)
That's super skinny for a guy, unless you're short.
He is not short, at 185 cm and 63 kg (6'1 and 140 lb) he would be anorexic.

Godoggo 02-21-14 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1040463)
Men here are big: Minio is 193 cm, 94 kg, whoa, he could beat me up easily, SC is also around 90 kg and 185 cm and The Rodent is 90 kg and he says he doesn't have much fat. Camo is 187 cm and 80kg. I am 179 cm and 76 kg. I feel so tiny compared to the other guys.
You and I are the same height.

The Rodent 02-21-14 12:16 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I forgot to add my height as well... 14st which is 196lb (88.9kg), almost 6'1ft (185.5cm) tall... I'm a shade off 6'1.

Guaporense 02-21-14 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1040508)
You and I are the same height.
Whoa. You are tall for a woman. The average height here appears to be much higher than among the general population.

christine 02-21-14 03:06 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I'm going to join you but not till Monday . I got a family celebration to cook for tomorrow and I'm making cheesecake amongst other goodies ;)

I reckon I could do with losing a stone (14lbs , 6.36kg) . I'm 12st 5lb (173lb 78 ish kg) but I'm tall too 5ft 10inch (178cm) so people always think I don't look that overweight , but I can feel it when my clothes get tight!

christine 02-22-14 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1040986)
Since I started the tournament, I have lost 3.4 lbs.

Miss Vicky, who has also been recording her weight, has lost 5 lbs.

She is in the lead.
well done both of you!

Miss Vicky 02-22-14 10:52 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
223.8, no change today.

Happy with that though, since I had a big hamburger for dinner last night.

The Gunslinger45 02-22-14 11:06 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Also keep in mind the body fluctuates a few pounds everyday over the course of the day.

For example yesterday after a day at work and eating Subway I weighed 165 pounds. Just now I weighed 161 pounds on an empty stomach and after my morning dump.

So if you are going to weigh yourself do so the same time everyday.

Miss Vicky 02-22-14 11:16 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Except for the very first weight which I took right after I saw this thread, I've been weighing myself at about 6:40 each morning. :)

The Gunslinger45 02-22-14 11:21 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
That was not directed at anyone particular. Just a helpful tip. :)

Miss Vicky 02-22-14 11:22 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
The morning is typically the most accurate time to weigh yourself, too for the reasons you mentioned. Best not to weigh your food and your waste.

One of the worst times to weigh yourself is right after a workout, since you may be dehydrated from perspiration.

The Gunslinger45 02-22-14 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1041025)
The morning is typically the most accurate time to weigh yourself, too for the reasons you mentioned. Best not to weigh your food and your waste.

One of the worst times to weigh yourself is right after a workout, since you may be dehydrated from perspiration.
Oh yeah, I loos like 5 - 10 pounds of water after a really long ruck.

The Gunslinger45 02-22-14 01:30 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I am a short guy. 5 foot 8.

The Gunslinger45 02-22-14 01:31 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
That was naked.

Miss Vicky 02-22-14 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1041071)
You should also weigh yourself totally naked. I'm just sayin'.
Ideally, yes. If not possible, then strip down to your underwear or try to wear as close to the same clothing each time as possible.

Godoggo 02-22-14 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1040601)
Whoa. You are tall for a woman. The average height here appears to be much higher than among the general population.
I did calculate that right; you would be 5'8"? I'm generally one of the tallest women I'm around, but it's not considered extremely tall, just above average. I just read Chrisitine has me beat by two inches. One of my female friends is 6'1. Now she's tall.

@ Sexy- Soda and coffee are my vices. They pack a lot of calories. I'll try to cut down, but I can't quit.

I still weigh 138. That's fine though. It will probably take me a little while to lose that first pound.

I had a junk food craving last night, but I decided to go somewhere in the middle instead of devouring french fries like I wanted too. I had a hummus sandwich instead and saved half for lunch today.

The Rodent 02-22-14 02:00 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Just had minced beef chilli with rice... as I eat every day.

My weight has stayed constant for the past 10 years.

Guaporense 02-22-14 09:09 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1041081)
I did calculate that right; you would be 5'8"?
I am 5'10.5.

You are 172.5 cm. Ok that's quite above average, 179 cm is the height of a 99%
percentile woman. A 30 year woman taller than 95% of other woman is 174 cm.

Men's heights in the US are as follows:

So at 179 cm I am very near the mean. Sexy Celebrity is around the 80th percentile and Gunslinger around the 20th percentile.

Godoggo 02-22-14 09:32 PM

Ah, so I did calculate that wrong. Should have just googled it. :)

gandalf26 02-23-14 08:40 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Ok I'll play.

Been doing the Insanity workout dvds for the past like 3 weeks, not doing it on days where I have 12.5 hour shift though. Starting to enjoy it, threw up the first day after the fitness test but did the fitness test again this week and big improvement across the board, plus no throwing up. Starting to enjoy it, my legs feel like steel rods.

I'm 6'3 and weigh in at approx. 102kgs/225 pounds. Would love to get down to around 90kgs/sub 200lbs. Most definitely fat.

Any extra motivation like this thread is most definitely welcome.

Miss Vicky 02-23-14 10:02 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
No change again this morning.

I'm going to go bowling in a little bit and after that I've got some errands to take care of which I'll walk to. Hopefully tomorrow will show a loss.

Gabrielle947 02-23-14 10:48 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Ahhhh,I want to participate in this! Can smeone come and weight me? :D

The Rodent 02-23-14 10:49 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I could think of a response to that offer... but it would be inappropriate.

Miss Vicky 02-24-14 10:51 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Still holding at the same weight.

I guess I should be happy that I didn't gain, though. I didn't get to bowl nearly as much as I usually do thanks to a league tournament hogging most of the lanes and then I didn't eat very well yesterday.

Oh well. Today's another day. I had a whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. Dinner is going to be baked salmon and steamed asparagus. Let's hope I keep it together for lunch and snacks.

Mr Minio 02-24-14 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by Gabrielle947 (Post 1041905)
Ahhhh,I want to participate in this! Can smeone come and weight me? :D
I'm coming.

seanc 02-24-14 07:20 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Terrible eating weekend that I don't even want to think about. Good Monday as far as calorie intake though and I just got back from the gym. Hopefully four days of good eating and exercise will show up on the scale Thursday.

Miss Vicky 02-25-14 10:56 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament

gandalf26 02-25-14 01:19 PM

So sitting at 102.2kg this morning when I was more like 103 a few days ago.

I think a key factor of losing weight is what you drink, I've given up tea/coffee for the moment and just going to try and drink 3 litres of water a day and nothing else unless I get some herbal tea in or something.

That and NO SUGAR, NO SUGAR, NO SUGAR, oh and did I mention NO SUGAR! (Except my banana and small yogurt this morning which had plenty of sugar:))

Miss Vicky 02-25-14 01:47 PM

While no sugar is the best way to do it, the more realistic way is to have sugar/carbs in moderation. Otherwise you're going to feel deprived and risk bingeing on them later.

I'm doing my best to stick to the carb counting method my doctor recommended. This means eating every few hours for a total of five times a day - three meals and two snacks. Each meal should contain 45-60 grams of carbohydrates (high fiber is best) and each snack should contain 15-30 grams of carbs.

The Rodent 02-25-14 02:07 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I bought some chocolate today...

I'm allergic to chocolate but I just couldn't help myself... it's chilling in the freezer right now...

Daniel M 02-25-14 02:28 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
If I could weigh myself I could do this. I eat way too much fast food now I am in university and need to stop. I'm not overweight at all though, so it's okay, actually I think I weigh a bit, but don't really look it, need to get more muscle :p

Gabrielle947 02-25-14 08:13 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I think a key factor of losing weight
the key to losing weight is burning more calories than you eat.

gandalf26 02-26-14 06:11 AM

101.5 kg today that's -0.7kg from yesterday.

Miss Vicky 02-26-14 11:10 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament

gained 0.2. Not really significant.

Mr Minio 02-26-14 02:06 PM

I'm joining in!

Well, at least partially as I don't have a weight in a room I rent, so I couldn't really tell how much weight did I lose, but I will finally start to exercise. Something I never really did in my life for real. Since on my studies there's Physical Education (I believe Poland is the only country that has this subject on studies*; correct me if I'm wrong). I have to end my lazy bones habits. There were various kinds of sports we could choose ourselves. Some of them include (the sport and then my commentary):

- swimming - I can't swim and am not too keen to learn, or at least not at school,
- horse riding - that's a kinky one, but they actually require you to know something about it already and you are also being charged for the possibility of 'renting' the horses; sounds crazy anyway,
- football/volleyball/basketball - I never was a sucker for such team games and I was very bad at them, so it's natural I didn't choose them
- bodybuilding (weightlifting) - I never was too strong and honestly I can't imagine myself sitting in the gym lifting.
- aerobics - that's the one I have chosen!!! I talked about it with my mate and actually it was him who suggested this option. It's a perfect choice to me, although it made some of our male friends laugh. Just look at this:
- it's not too hard - it's gonna contain some dancing moves - always useful in the future, but overall it's not running after a ball for 2 hours or lifting and almost breaking my spine for an hour
- it's only me and my mate that signed up; I'm talking about boys of course. It's us and 18 girls. They're probably gonna wear leggings, so I think you already know what I mean.

- there's a two hour break between this and the lecture so I will have enough time to change my clothes and take a shower; will not have to haste
Can't think of any disadvantages right now. A perfect idea. :>

To overcome my laziness I also decided to start running! I'm renting a room in a house on the outskirts of a city, so there's a lot of good running paths.

Not really thinking about a real diet. I will just cut on eating sweets and unhealthy food (didn't eat much of it, anyway; unhealthy food that is, as I am very keen on sweets :) )

* How do you call it? I know it's University, but can it be a college, or is it something before University? You see, in Poland we have a little different system and I'm always confused with English/American school chronology or however you want to call it.

Gabrielle947 02-27-14 04:54 PM

- it's only me and my mate that signed up; I'm talking about boys of course. It's us and 18 girls. They're probably gonna wear leggings, so I think you already know what I mean.
I think leggings will be the least of your joys. :D

Mr Minio 02-27-14 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Gabrielle947 (Post 1045168)
Haha. I remember this song and music video. Unfortunately, I don't think ladies will dress like that. :D

seanc 02-27-14 08:07 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament

Considering the weekend I had last week I am happy with my first week results. Hopefully I can keep it going for a whole week and beyond.

gandalf26 03-02-14 05:19 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Down to 100.4 this morning after 3 12 hour shifts in a row from about 103 10days ago.

Miss Vicky 03-02-14 09:56 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I've not forgotten about this. I'll try to get a weigh in tomorrow.

gandalf26 03-04-14 09:26 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
So where are all the people supposedly taking part? No grit and determination? That Fast food too good?

I was back to 100.8 kg this morning, hopefully crack the 100 barrier some time in the next few days. Might starve myself.

Miss Vicky 03-04-14 10:33 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I'm up to 224.4.

But I've been struggling with constipation these last few days (if that's tmi, sorry) which is why I haven't posted weights in here. Didn't see much point in weighing myself when I'm full of *****.

cadra 03-04-14 05:12 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Is it too late to sign up? If not, I'd like to join in. I weigh 145.5 lb and I'd like to get down to 120 lb.

Godoggo 03-05-14 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 1049172)
So where are all the people supposedly taking part? No grit and determination? That Fast food too good?

I was back to 100.8 kg this morning, hopefully crack the 100 barrier some time in the next few days. Might starve myself.
I'm still in this. I just weighed myself and 137. That's one pound so far. Hopefully, that sticks. I didn't eat much today do to a slight stomach ache.

Ðèstîñy 03-05-14 02:20 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I wish this wasn't just for weight. I do believe I've finally found the thing that will correct my spinal cord deformation. Well, a good 85% plus, anyway. Now wouldn't that be oh so very nice!?!

christine 03-05-14 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1049599)
I wish this wasn't just for weight. I do believe I've finally found the thing that will correct my spinal cord deformation. Well, a good 85% plus, anyway. Now wouldn't that be oh so very nice!?!
That would be great Destiny!

I'm here, sorry days later than I said, but this morning I weigh 176lb . Wish me luck as I'm working in a pub that makes amazing pizzas today...oh the temptations!

Mr Minio 03-05-14 08:53 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I just finished first aerobics and it was quite exhausting. Sores will come tomorrow. :(

Ðèstîñy 03-06-14 02:33 AM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1049606)
That would be great Destiny!

I'm here, sorry days later than I said, but this morning I weigh 176lb . Wish me luck as I'm working in a pub that makes amazing pizzas today...oh the temptations!
Thank you, dear. My results won't be weighed in, but they will be about which size ball is now being slid through the space between my back and the wall. This is of course while I'm standing straight up against it. (If you want to call it that!) Right now it's a softball. I aim to get it all the way down to a golf ball or smaller, and then I aim to learn how to golf. Thank you! Thank you!

My miracle cure will hopefully be The Teeter. Who knew!?! We shall see.

p.s. This is unfortunately going to hurt like hell. "No pain, no gain!"

christine 03-06-14 03:00 AM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1050170)
Thank you, dear. My results won't be weighed in, but they will be about which size ball is now being slid through the space between my back and the wall. This is of course while I'm standing straight up against it. (If you want to call it that!) Right now it's a softball. I aim to get it all the way down to a golf ball or smaller, and then I aim to learn how to golf. Thank you! Thank you!

My miracle cure will hopefully be The Teeter. Who knew!?! We shall see.

p.s. This is unfortunately going to hurt like hell. "No pain, no gain!"
Here's to ping pong balls! Look forward to hearing your progress, keep your chin up :)

Ðèstîñy 03-12-14 04:51 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Well people, what's up . . . or off!?!

christine 03-13-14 03:20 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
me too. 1lb in a week, pretty pathetic .....

Guaporense 03-16-14 08:37 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I don't have a "weighting device" on my home so I have no idea how much I weight on a daily basis but I know that from November to February I went to the doctor and since it's the US the measure is in pounds, and lost 10 pounds in between, from 182 pounds to 172. I think that considering my height (about 5'10 in the imperial system), that's about right.

cadra 03-16-14 09:01 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I gotta fess up..I gained...up from 145.5 to 146.6

Ðèstîñy 03-16-14 10:01 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Come on people. I know the weather sucks, but Spring is in the air. Get it moving. I've almost got my first post ready to go. Everyone lose 5 lbs before I get it up here.

Maybe you guys really need some sort of competition or something. Dare each other. I dunno. There's not much more you can do when you're online. If the rep was back up, you guys probably would have liked that for this deal.

seanc 03-16-14 10:21 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I'll get back in on this. I weigh at the gym and since I have skipped the last two know the rest.

Ðèstîñy 03-17-14 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1056993)
I'll get back in on this. I weigh at the gym and since I have skipped the last two know the rest.
Hmmm, you lift weights, yes?

OK, right now a softball passes through in between me and the wall. This is when I'm standing straight up against it. (If you wanna call it that.)

This is the equipment I'll be using to get my spine realigned.

Here is my spine . . .

gandalf26 03-17-14 08:51 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
On Friday I was down to 100.1 from around 103kg but I've been lazy the last few day and haven't eaten well or exercised except for a few decent dog walks. I'll have to get back on the wagon and crack that 100kg barrier.

seanc 03-17-14 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1057598)
Hmmm, you lift weights, yes?

OK, right now a softball passes through in between me and the wall. This is when I'm standing straight up against it. (If you wanna call it that.)

This is the equipment I'll be using to get my spine realigned.

Here is my spine . . .
Very little. Im a cardio junkie when I'm going good. Which is rarely.

RepentantSky 03-17-14 09:03 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I might consider this. though I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to weigh in as I want it to be as accurate as possible. I know I'm something like 220 (which isn't bad because I used to weigh around 280 about 3 years ago) but I still want to drop another 30. I know I can do it but I'm a bit lazy about it and while I'm vacation, it isn't a really big concern. I mean, why take a break if you don't relax and enjoy it right? By tomorrow I'll know if I really want to take place in this or not.

Ðèstîñy 03-21-14 08:08 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
OK people, my meds are here two days early. My pain filled road to recovery starts tonight.

Someone better get off their ass and talk to me in here.

I'm so alone! (My cute but very sad puppy face right here)

Godoggo 03-21-14 08:13 PM

I haven't posted in here for a bit so I just ran to weigh myself. 136!!! That's two pounds since I've started. I've been really good lately about making better choices like just have coffee instead of the White Chocolate Mocha and having a yogurt when I'm snacky instead of something salty.

Godoggo 03-21-14 08:19 PM

I do love pizza. I love it a lot. I can make a really decent pizza that really isn't that high in calories, but I just eat past the point when I'm full when I eat pizza. I think that's common with most people. It's just one of those foods that you eat until you bust.

Ðèstîñy 03-21-14 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1059965)
I haven't posted in here for a bit so I just ran to weigh myself. 136!!! That's two pounds since I've started. I've been really good lately about making better choices like just have coffee instead of the White Chocolate Mocha and having a yogurt when I'm snacky instead of something salty.
That's a really good weight, or so I think. What type of exercising do you prefer to do?

SC, you need to get to it, dude. I mean, it's your thread and all.

Godoggo 03-21-14 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1059978)
That's a really good weight, or so I think. What type of exercising do you prefer to do?

SC, you need to get to it, dude. I mean, it's your thread and all.
Yeah, I just wanted to lose a little extra I had put on. My frame is really long and lanky with small bones, so my ideal weight is probably a little lower than some at my height.

I go through different moods with exercise. Sometimes, I'm all about weights and strength training then I'll love kickboxing for awhile then I'll get bored with that and move on to something else. The one thing that I've always stuck with is Yoga. I love the way your body feels after. Also I feel alert and calm.

The one exercise I've always hated is jogging. I don't mind a treadmill, but I hate running around the neighborhood. I don't know why.

teeter_g 03-21-14 08:46 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I just started a weight loss program today. :) Probably a terrible time to do it but I went to the doctor yesterday and had an accurate weight to put in as a beginning weight.

gandalf26 03-21-14 09:14 PM

Still holding at 100.1 kg but I've joined the gym, so been for a good swim the last couple of days and I've eaten really well last few days so might just crack 100kg barrier tmrow.

Ðèstîñy 03-22-14 06:33 AM

This is amazing. My son just showed me this. In it, this man is told the same thing I was. My X doctor told me that she didn't believe I'd ever get better. She said that I'd just keep getting worse, and always be on meds. I am already doing better, and I will be great by my birthday. Then I'm going to go rub it in her face. The dumb bitch!

gandalf26 03-22-14 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 1060006)
Still holding at 100.1 kg but I've joined the gym, so been for a good swim the last couple of days and I've eaten really well last few days so might just crack 100kg barrier tmrow.

Got on the scales this morning, 99.2kg. YEAH BABY!

teeter_g 03-22-14 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1060244)
This is amazing. My son just showed me this. In it, this man is told the same thing I was. My X doctor told me that she didn't believe I'd ever get better. She said that I'd just keep getting worse, and always be on meds. I am already doing better, and I will be great by my birthday. Then I'm going to go rub it in her face. The dumb bitch!
Was this guy doing the DDP yoga thingy? (I didn't watch the video)

TheUsualSuspect 03-22-14 08:08 PM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
I'm gonna pop in here every now and then before my wedding in September.

Current Weight: 210 lbs.

Ðèstîñy 03-23-14 03:26 AM

Yes teets, it's DDP Yoga.

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 1060476)
I'm gonna pop in here every now and then before my wedding in September.

Current Weight: 210 lbs.
Congratulations on the wedding, and you are tall, right? What weight are you aiming for?

Ðèstîñy 03-24-14 11:51 AM

Re: Weight Loss Tournament
Day 4 and this stuff is hurting me, man! Right where it curves in at. I won't stop, but I may get grouchy. I wonder if my obsession had lots of pain when he was getting better. He probably had insurance that gave him killer drugs.

Well, I hope some of you come in here soon with some good news.


gandalf26 03-24-14 08:14 PM

Back to 99.6 today but tmrow could bring sub 99kgs.

Today Breakfast: bowl of Granola, Cappuchino and lots of water.

Lunch: soup with a roll, some mozzarella dippers to go with soup and lots more water.

Dinner: 150g bag of plain cashew and raisins and loads more water.

That's it!

Ðèstîñy 03-25-14 03:37 AM

Weight Loss Tournament
Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1041070)
I am a short guy. 5 foot 8.
If you are 165 at that height, you are at a good weight, in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1040023)
I'm more like 6'1.
SC, if you are that tall, then you also are at a good weight. Maybe what you need to do is not focus on dieting, but do some sort of working out. When I was 11 I started aerobics, and it was fun, but once I got in high school it was all weight lifting. Before my back got too bad to handle, I would do 10 miles a day on my exercise bike, lift weights for 30 mins to an hour, and then walk the neighborhood, 3-9 miles. I did this 6 days a week for forever. I really believe that's what you should be doing. I know a lot about that stuff, as well as therapy for damaged parts of the body. Gee, I wonder why I should know about that.

p.s. I will merge my posts in a bit if they are all in a row. I have never read the start of this thread before.

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1040191)
Well I am not really trying to loose weight, I am trying to burn fat and put on muscle. So I want my weight to stay fairly constant, but with a smaller waist.
Besides my spine getting fixed, this is what else I want to do. Get all the muscles back that I had before this crap happened to me. Please believe me that I'm not trying to sound like a snob or anything else, but even after 3 children, I kept a great body. Right after my last child, I was 116, a size 4/5 small. I'm a midget at only 5'5", though. I did that workout that I mentioned up above, and ended up with some serious muscle. I went to 125 lbs, but could still wear my 4/5 small. I must have burned a lot of fat doing that. I also ate very very healthy. Anyways, I WANT THAT BACK!!! Who all is going to lift weights with me?

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