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Stirchley 03-09-20 02:17 PM

Is this the 1st thread? Surprising in a way, but couldn’t find another thread.

Virus has finally reached Connecticut where I live. Every state with close proximity to us has the virus, but we managed to evade it for a while.

A friend who works at UConn Health Center told me yesterday that the hospital freaked out after a suspected case was brought in. Turned out to be a false alarm, but 2 people from New York State have brought the virus to Danbury & Bridgeport Hospitals.

Somber day at the cathedral mass yesterday. Archbishop decreed that the holy water fonts shall remain empty. No communion wafers on the tongue, only by hand. No touching anyone during the peace offering - waving only.

No hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol or wipes available anywhere. Turns out the Doomsday Preppers knew something after all.

Stirchley 03-09-20 02:19 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Northern Italy is closed. All of Italy’s schools are closed. Churches are open, but there are no masses. Apart from China, Italy has the highest percentage of elderly vulnerable people - 25% of the population is 65+.

Citizen Rules 03-09-20 02:35 PM

I was thinking about making a thread about this as I've been following the news on the corona virus. Glad you did.

Here in Washington state we've had a number of deaths thanks to the gross mishandling of a nursing home where the staff knew a contagious respiratory disease was going around. So what do they do? They have a Mardi Gras celebration and invited family members and friends...and all the patients and guest are together in a big room having food. Meanwhile the staff wore face mask. Nuts!

Toilet paper is hard to find, there's no hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, face mask, all that kind of stuff has been cleaned out. The University of Washington suspended classes, and I'm guessing public schools will be closed here eventually too.

Citizen Rules 03-09-20 02:38 PM

Re: Coronavirus
The cruising industry is going to be devastated financial, and I was thinking of taking another cruise too. Well maybe later, much later!

John McClane 03-09-20 02:57 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Yeah, this is precisely why I will never go on a cruise. Because when **** hits the fan every government is going to be incompetent and leave your ass in the petri dish. Relaxing? I don't think so.

Stirchley 03-09-20 03:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Look at what New York State is doing! 100,000 gallons of this stuff is being churned out EVERY WEEK by prison labor. I have tweeted CT’s governor, Ned Lamont, to do the same! ASAP.

John McClane 03-09-20 04:23 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Yeah, I'm not a proponent of prison/slave labor. No matter the epi/pandemic, but NY has always had a bad track record in that regard, anyhow.

Citizen Rules 03-09-20 04:55 PM

Re: Coronavirus
I believe the prisoners in NY volunteer to make the hand cleaner and are paid too.

Wyldesyde19 03-09-20 05:00 PM

Re: Coronavirus
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.

Stirchley 03-09-20 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19 (Post 2071335)
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.
I would not visit Thailand if you paid me. Their lack of animal rights is appalling. Gentle people, but they abuse their animals, including elephants.

Stirchley 03-09-20 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2071330)
Yeah, I'm not a proponent of prison/slave labor. No matter the epi/pandemic, but NY has always had a bad track record in that regard, anyhow.
This is not the time. I don’t give a damn who makes the stuff. Annoyed that NY has come up with this & CT has not.

Stirchley 03-09-20 05:17 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Gonna sit down now & re-watch Contagion. Didn’t even know I own this & can’t remember a single scene (which does not bode well).

ynwtf 03-09-20 05:17 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19 (Post 2071335)
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.
Off topic but you mind me asking what parts you're visiting?

Wyldesyde19 03-09-20 05:22 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2071343)
Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19 (Post 2071335)
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.
Off topic but you mind me asking what parts you're visiting?
An island named Koh Samui

John McClane 03-09-20 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2071334)
I believe the prisoners in NY volunteer to make the hand cleaner and are paid too.
Well yeah, they're probably drinking it ;)

Miss Vicky 03-09-20 06:07 PM

Re: Coronavirus
There's been at least one confirmed case in my town and it was a woman who had not traveled recently and had no known contact with anyone who had traveled. The hospital where she was is within walking distance from my house.

They've been quarantining Americans from China and people from that cruise ship at the air force base nearby.

Scary stuff.

Mr Minio 03-09-20 06:14 PM

Re: Coronavirus
The first confirmed case in my country was in my city. xD Now we're up to 17 confirmed cases in the whole country, and probably dozens if not hundreds undetected ones. When the case in my city had been confirmed, people stormed the stores to buy long-lasting products such as rice, pasta and canned food, so a shortage of such products was quite noticeable that day (i.e. empty shelves), but now everything seems to be back to normal after they'd been resupplied.

The hospitals in Poland need donations, because they don't have enough equipment. They were crying out loud there is not enough equipment after only one confirmed case in my city, so imagine what would happen if dozens cases were taken to the hospital at once. They have some plans that in case the isolation ward gets overcrowded, they will temporarily use other wards, but the health service in Poland is hardly standing on its feet, and it's hard to foresee what would happen if the virus really got out of control, which thankfully is not very likely but sadly still feasible.

Meanwhile, the President of Poland signed a statute to transfer 2 billion zloty a year for 4 consecutive years (which equals 8 billion in total) to the public TV which has become a disgusting Goebbels-level propaganda tube that attacks basically anybody who's not siding with the current government, symbolically showing the middle finger to all other needs of the country, including the opposition's demand to transfer this money to oncology wards to help fight cancer, and now --- to provide the equipment needed for the outbreak of Coronavirus. Yes, the equipment and the resources are there, but not quite enough.

Less optimistic predictions state that in two-three weeks we will have a second Italy here, but some people claim it will just blow over with no serious impact. It's really hard to say what future will bring, but all we can do right now is try to avoid big crowds of people, wash our hands often, and hope we will not fall sick.

WrinkledMind 03-09-20 06:34 PM

Re: Coronavirus
All of Italy now closed down.

Never heard or seen anything like this in my life before. And the world has dealt with worse diseases like Ebola or here in India we had the Nipah virus.

Stirchley 03-09-20 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2071345)
Well yeah, they're probably drinking it ;)
Reminder not to send any NY hand sanitizer to Virginia.

Originally Posted by WrinkledMind (Post 2071361)
All of Italy now closed down.
Is this true? Do you have a link?

WrinkledMind 03-09-20 06:45 PM

Here you go, @Stirchley

Austruck 03-09-20 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2071293)
The cruising industry is going to be devastated financial, and I was thinking of taking another cruise too. Well maybe later, much later!
We're scheduled to take a cruise in early May, including a flight to the port and then a train ride home after the cruise.

Carnival sent us information yesterday on options for cancelling/taking credit for money already paid. We'll be discussing this option, especially since Southwest Airlines is good about changes/cancellations, and even Amtrak has put a policy in place for no fees for changes/cancellations right now. No reason to risk it, IMHO. But... must have this discussion with hubby, who will have to change his vacation days now to something later in the year.

Guaporense 03-09-20 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by WrinkledMind (Post 2071361)
All of Italy now closed down.

Never heard or seen anything like this in my life before. And the world has dealt with worse diseases like Ebola or here in India we had the Nipah virus.
It is the biggest pandemic in a 100 years, since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu". :D

Citizen Rules 03-09-20 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2071401)
We're scheduled to take a cruise in early May, including a flight to the port and then a train ride home after the cruise.

Carnival sent us information yesterday on options for cancelling/taking credit for money already paid. We'll be discussing this option, especially since Southwest Airlines is good about changes/cancellations, and even Amtrak has put a policy in place for no fees for changes/cancellations right now. No reason to risk it, IMHO. But... must have this discussion with hubby, who will have to change his vacation days now to something later in the year.
Early May isn't that far away...If your cruise was like a year from now, this coronavirus should have run it's course. So tough decision, but it's cool that Carnival is giving you an option to cancel and take another cruise at a later date. I had heard about that new policy and it's very recent, I'm thinking it was implemented in the last few days or so.

I've been on 12 cruises and my wife is wanting to take another. Should be some good prices in the near future. Though being locked down under quarantine doesn't sound fun!

NedStark09 03-09-20 08:53 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing. And another thing why does it seem like the viruses start in same area over seas. In som asian country the Swine, Bird Blue and now this virus has started.

NedStark09 03-09-20 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 2071407)
It is the biggest pandemic in a 100 years, since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu". :D
wonder if anyone has the death toll numbers what the Black Plague caused back in the day.

Guaporense 03-09-20 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071413)
wonder if anyone has the death toll numbers what the Black Plague caused back in the day.
Roughly it is estimated it killed 1 in 4 people worldwide, with substantially higher mortality in some parts of Europe. Basically it was like killing 2 billion people today. :eek:

Guaporense 03-09-20 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071411)
Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing. And another thing why does it seem like the viruses start in same area over seas. In som asian country the Swine, Bird Blue and now this virus has started.
Every year about 50 to 60 million people die.

Coronavirus is different because it is a new disease that could theoretically be contained but was not. Also, it kills about 2% of infected people, so it spreads to the whole world it could kill upwards to 150 million people.

Miss Vicky 03-09-20 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071411)
Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing.
That's because we have a flu vaccine as well as greater knowledge of how that disease affects people and how to provide care for the infected. There are people working on a coronavirus vaccine but it'll be a long while before that is ready and available and we're still learning about how this virus spreads, incubation periods, etc.

Also I've seen plenty of reports/videos that compare mortality rates of COVID-19 with that of the flu so it's not all just fear mongering.

Stirchley 03-09-20 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by WrinkledMind (Post 2071367)
Here you go, @Stirchley

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2071401)
We're scheduled to take a cruise in early May, including a flight to the port and then a train ride home after the cruise.
Nothing right now would make me take a cruise.

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 2071407)
and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu". :D
As it originated in China, that would make no sense. How did you come up with this figure?

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2071342)
Gonna sit down now & re-watch Contagion. Didn’t even know I own this & can’t remember a single scene (which does not bode well).
Wow, prescient, much? Terrific movie that did not resonate with me at all 9 years ago.

John McClane 03-09-20 10:51 PM

Re: Coronavirus
They ain’t ****ing around either. Said they will bring criminal charges against anyone that violates it.

Smart move, tho. Italy is full of old people.

John McClane 03-09-20 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2071438)
Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 2071407)
and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu". :D
As it originated in China, that would make no sense. How did you come up with this figure?
You do know the Spanish flu of 1918 didn’t originate in Spain? That’s just where the news of it broke. Where it starts don’t mean nothing.

Citizen Rules 03-09-20 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 2071407)
It is the biggest pandemic in a 100 years, since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu". :D
Where did you get that 50 million number from?

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 2071418)
...Coronavirus is different because it is a new disease that could theoretically be contained but was not. Also, it kills about 2% of infected people, so it spreads to the whole world it could kill upwards to 150 million people.
And where did you get the even higher 150 million from?

The fact is we don't know how bad the coronavirus will be. 2% mortality rate is probably accurate and that makes it about 20 times more deadly than the common flu, which kills around 50,000 a year. 20 times 50,000 would be a number of 1 million deaths...However, all sorts of steps are being taken to isolate infected people and to keep large groups of people from getting together, so the actual death toll could be no more than the standard flu.

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071411)
Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing. And another thing why does it seem like the viruses start in same area over seas. In some asian country the Swine, Bird Blue and now this virus has started.
New super flu strains often start in China because in rural areas it's common for pigs, ducks and people to be in close proximity to each other, which allows an existing avian flu to transmit to pigs and pigs are enough like human physiological that we then can catch the bird flu from them. Then there's such a high density of people that it spreads rapidly from there.

Citizen Rules 03-09-20 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2071446)
You do know the Spanish flu of 1918 didn’t originate in Spain? That’s just where the news of it broke. Where it starts don’t mean nothing.
That's true. Most of the countries prohibited mentioning the flu of 1918. But not Spain, they talked about in the newspapers so that it then got associated with them. But that wasn't the origin point.

John McClane 03-09-20 11:01 PM

Re: Coronavirus
When it comes to deadly viruses the more contagious the better. You want something that burns hard and fast. That’s why the Spanish flu ended as quick as it did.

chawhee 03-10-20 12:51 AM

Re: Coronavirus
It is worrisome that this virus continues to ramp up as the weather gets warmer, contrary to the common flu virus behavior. Could make an interesting next month or two...

NedStark09 03-10-20 01:33 AM

Re: Coronavirus
Also I hear countries over seas sometimes eat things god didnt create us to eat. Some tribal people in jungles eat bats monkeys and so on.Strange thing with me is I dont get flu's or colds. I have similar allergy symptoms like coughs and sneezing now and then.

But I dont get fevers and chest congestion colds and I never get a flu shot. Im From West Virginia and maybe its because we have no large airports or shipping yards for boats . Sure lots people here die of cancer do to coal mining. We raise Pigs and Chickens. But no generated death virus.

Im thinking these strands of killer virus just might be started as a weapon against lots of people. I watch the show Last Ship long before Swine Flu and this came into being. I think worst thing is for people to watch the news. Cause news seem to want to promote death or war.

I think now the time if for people to clean more and Im talking about Buisnesses like Walmart and things. I was to a movie theater and the smell of pee and poop knock you over. And I have been in many stores where the floors look unmopped for days.

Austruck 03-10-20 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2071408)
I had heard about that new policy and it's very recent, I'm thinking it was implemented in the last few days or so.
Yup, just yesterday. I had checked their website for information the day before that and none of this was there. This was an email to us as upcoming passengers so I'm not sure how public the information is. There were also onboard credits available if we choose to go on the cruise anyway, though not enough to impress me that much ($200 total for our stateroom).

JoaoRodrigues 03-10-20 05:20 AM

Re: Coronavirus
Let it come, let it die, we're so boring with our save this and do this and that. I'm all in with new beginnings.

Yoda 03-10-20 08:41 AM

Yeah, I wouldn't extrapolate current rates to the entire world population. That's not how it works. We understand it better each day, and there's no way we could get to a fraction of that total without awareness spreading as well, which would help combat it.

I'll take the way, way under on even the smaller of those two big scary numbers.

NedStark09 03-10-20 11:43 AM

Re: Coronavirus
well i choose not to panic with these kind of things. If it how you die its just how it is. People die by drunk drivers and cancer and guns then this thing. So i say remain positive as long as your healthy.My sister yesterday had surgery to have to have her colon put in a bag for 6 months. All things went fine in surgery but point is she couldnt wait to see if this virus was over . They had to fix her from a fistula. That was putting pus and poo where she peed. I did my preyors and she lived and is doing well so maybe preying isnt a bad thing in these times.

GulfportDoc 03-10-20 07:58 PM

“A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have a hundred from corona,” Dr. Drew said in an interview with CBS.

“Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? A hundred versus 18,000? It’s not a trick question,” Drew noted.
Dr Drew Slams Media For ‘Hurting People’ With Coronavirus Panic

Mesmerized 03-10-20 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2071279)
No hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol or wipes available anywhere. Turns out the Doomsday Preppers knew something after all.
There are various places on the internet that tell you how to make the stuff. 2/3 cup rubbing alcohol (if you can find it) and 1/3 cup aloe vera gel. Or maybe both ingredients are now hard to find.

Mesmerized 03-10-20 09:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2071667)
“Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona?

I'm partial to the bottled variety.

TheUsualSuspect 03-10-20 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2071667)
“A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have a hundred from corona,” Dr. Drew said in an interview with CBS.

“Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? A hundred versus 18,000? It’s not a trick question,” Drew noted.
Dr Drew Slams Media For ‘Hurting People’ With Coronavirus Panic

:rolleyes: Italy had over 100 die in a single day.

doubledenim 03-10-20 10:43 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Wait a sec, did I see InfoWars?

NedStark09 03-10-20 11:03 PM

Re: Coronavirus
All Virus germinate from somewhere and just dont happen to a person over night. Why these virus's and flus kill is because people cannot afford to see a dr across the world. They think its just a cold bug. All the panic warnings is mute really cause if its air born now then we all should die. Unless as I always suspected that the virus effects certain people and not everyone. Its like why people got or didnt get Swine Or Bird Flu.

chawhee 03-10-20 11:33 PM

Re: Coronavirus
The unknowns are still scary... How long does it take to show symptoms, how contagious is it.... The worst is yet to come in the US it sounds like

Citizen Rules 03-10-20 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by chawhee (Post 2071694)
The unknowns are still scary... How long does it take to show symptoms, how contagious is it.... The worst is yet to come in the US it sounds like
It takes 2 to 14 days before those infected show symptoms. Many who are infected won't really get sick and so might think they just have a cold and so continue spreading it. It's at least as contagious as the flu, but from what I read it sounds even more so.

Austruck 03-11-20 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by Mesmerized (Post 2071677)
There are various places on the internet that tell you how to make the stuff. 2/3 cup rubbing alcohol (if you can find it) and 1/3 cup aloe vera gel. Or maybe both ingredients are now hard to find.
Or, you know, just wash your hands properly, which is far better than using hand sanitizer anyway. That stuff is only really for when you don't have access to a sink and soap. It's pretty lousy to use as a primary source of sanitizing. People should be stocking up on soap, if anything.

doubledenim 03-11-20 03:36 AM

Re: Coronavirus
She's right. Lubrication is more important than anything.

Chypmunk 03-11-20 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 2071715)
She's right. Lubrication is more important than anything.
I once had a necrophiliac friend that said exactly the same :D

On topic though, it's amazing to me that people are needing to be taught basic hygiene really.

NedStark09 03-11-20 05:41 AM

Re: Coronavirus
My families second oldest sister is in the hospital for a repair of a fistula that was in her private area. Its pretty much a tear that causes poop too come through a women's area where she pees . You get them if a women has an inflammation in the small intestine or its side effect if females have a Diverticulitous.

She is doing fine by the way anyways my other sister traveled 3 hours to see her in the hospital and wouldnt hug my sister because thought might get the corona virus.

Me and My sister who had the surgery dont have a cold or anything. It was just that we are poorer then my sister and people in the news think poor people are likely to get this virus. Or could be a carrier. And only places we go in our small town happens to be a Walmart or A Shop And Save Or Doller Tree.

Chypmunk 03-11-20 05:59 AM

Re: Coronavirus
And there was me worrying that I may have overstepped the bounds :shrug:

John-Connor 03-11-20 08:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Ultraviolence 03-11-20 08:35 AM

Re: Coronavirus
^ haha

Do you guys remember that 2011 movie "Contagion"? It's funny how that film looks current now, like "The Siege" after 9/11 for example.

Yoda 03-11-20 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2071667)
“A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have a hundred from corona,” Dr. Drew said in an interview with CBS.

“Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? A hundred versus 18,000? It’s not a trick question,” Drew noted.
Dr Drew Slams Media For ‘Hurting People’ With Coronavirus Panic

And a bad flu season doesn't clog an entire country's hospital system, either. Since this manifestly has, it should be obvious already that comparisons to the flu are, to put it as nicely as I can, ignorant. Not because this is ebola or something, but because it's essentially a bad flu that none of us are immune to yet.

Anyone reading this, please disregard people telling you this is unimportant. They're either smacking down the obvious straw man of "panic" (which you also should not do) or working backwards from some political consideration. Simply take it seriously by being careful about your interactions and studious about your hygiene, and we'll all be better off.

chawhee 03-11-20 10:03 AM

Re: Coronavirus
To add to Yoda's comment about immunity, I believe I also read that people who have had the coronavirus did not develop the proper antibodies to fight it off again if they encountered it a second time. There have been cases of reinfection, so this is another concern.

GulfportDoc 03-11-20 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 2071684)
:rolleyes: Italy had over 100 die in a single day.
I believe Dr. Drew was referring to the U.S. population. Still, using his worst case figures, 60,000 deaths would average 164 per day.

In my view there are people who are inclined to quickly panic over dire warning situations, while there are those who are not inclined that way. The panic is always promoted by the media, government, and oftentimes the pharmaceutical companies-- all who stand to gain from the panic.

I've lived through 3 or 4 of these hysterical disease warning episodes, and they never cause anywhere near the death and misery that they have predicted.

Naturally people should be careful, wash/sanitize hands, avoid contact with sick people, just like a prudent person would do during regular flu season. It's especially important for the elderly, immunocompromised, or those who are already seriously sick with something else.

This also should cause some serious re-appraisal of continuing to allow China to be our sole provider of many medicines and other goods. We here in the U.S. ought to be more self-sufficient.

Yoda 03-11-20 11:02 AM

Re: Coronavirus
Consider the possibility that reacting strongly and seriously to previous pandemics is why they didn't end up causing as much death and misery as they could have.

That people may have perverse incentives to spread panic can be true without in any way minimizing the actual risk, or downplaying it in some dangerous attempt to counterbalance them. Embrace the "and."

John McClane 03-11-20 11:11 AM

Re: Coronavirus
If I had a few grand to dump into the stock mocket I totally would right now. Rich asshats using fear to make more money and buy a bigger asshat.

rauldc14 03-11-20 11:42 AM

Re: Coronavirus
As I said before, shut the world down for a month. Problem possibly solved.

Yoda 03-11-20 12:30 PM

Re: Coronavirus
From a White House press briefing:
Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

John McClane 03-11-20 12:34 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Fauci is ten times more stupid than the seasonal idiot.

The Rodent 03-11-20 12:49 PM

Re: Coronavirus
This whole thing is media panic mongering.

Reported in Britain as "The" Coronavirus... harking about deaths caused etc.

THE Coronavirus as it's reported, THE Coronavirus (even though there's actually 6 or 7 types), THE Coronavirus, in 6 months, has killed... 4000.
8000 a year average.
Regular flu and colds kill over a million a year.
Since January 1st, 10 weeks, flu and common cold has killed 160,000.

The major thing I'm pissed at, is that in the UK, the media panic mongers aren't saying exactly who has died.
If you do some digging though, ALL deaths, are people in their 70s and 80s, who already had underlying illnesses like cancer and heart disease or have compromised immune systems.
It takes a LOT of digging to find the facts, because the media don't report it. They just love to panic monger for click bait and to sell papers.

Looting, panic buying, stockpiling, shutting schools and public events cancelled... over what is essentially a virus that is 40 times weaker than the common cold... because people believe what they're fed.

Rant over.
Mic Drop.

John McClane 03-11-20 12:52 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Like I said, asshats trying to buy a bigger asshat.

rauldc14 03-11-20 01:05 PM

Re: Coronavirus
It's a big deal, but the media is going overboard and therefore society too.

Mr Minio 03-11-20 01:16 PM

Re: Coronavirus
They closed all schools and unis for two weeks in my country :)

Citizen Rules 03-11-20 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2071667)
“A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have a hundred from corona,” Dr. Drew said in an interview with CBS.

“Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? A hundred versus 18,000? It’s not a trick question,” Drew noted.
Dr Drew Slams Media For ‘Hurting People’ With Coronavirus Panic

That's the same Dr. Drew with right wing leanings, that constantly warns of a homeless plaque disease outbreak. Sounds hypocritical to me as he ties homeless to a potential disease plaque, while saying stupidly the coronavirus is nothing worse than the common flu. I'm sure Italy didn't lock down part of their country over the common flu.

Dr. Drew Warns Of Plague Outbreak: How The Homeless Crisis Puts Los Angeles At Risk of Norovirus, Typhus, and Rickettsial Infections

And this is the same Dr. Drew who's CNN TV show Dr. Drew on Call was cancelled after he made false claims on a radio talk show that Hillary Clinton was gravely ill during the last presidential election.

With that in mind I personally believe he's parroting the Trump administrations Cornonavirus policy: aka 'don't worry be happy'.

Yoda 03-11-20 01:40 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Simple death toll comparisons are really weird, and don't really make sense, because you're comparing something after it's fully spread to something that's just now spreading. Of course the latter will be lower. That's why you need to factor in the lethality rate among people who are already infected. And by that metric, Coronavirus is a lot worse than the seasonal flu.

Does that mean it will kill as many? Nope! Especially if the "panic" causes people to actually behave more carefully. That's the catch-22 of warnings about disease: you can say it's overblown, but how would you know the difference between "overblown because it was never a big deal" and "overblown because the worry actually got people to take it seriously, so it didn't spread as much"?

Citizen Rules 03-11-20 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2071814)
Simple death toll comparisons are really weird, and don't really make sense, because you're comparing something after it's fully spread to something that's just now spreading. Of course the latter will be lower. That's why you need to factor in the lethality rate among people who are already infected. And by that metric, Coronavirus is a lot worse than the seasonal flu.

Does that mean it will kill as many? Nope! Especially if the "panic" causes people to actually behave more carefully. That's the catch-22 of warnings about disease: you can say it's overblown, but how would you know the difference between "overblown because it was never a big deal" and "overblown because the worry actually got people to take it seriously, so it didn't spread as much"?
...and agreed. That sums it up nicely.

John McClane 03-11-20 01:53 PM

Re: Coronavirus
This virus is an exercise in stamping out stupidity, so I am all for it.

WARNING: Don't cough on people because you will get them sick. :eek:

But but...that's counter to everything I was ever told in school. I thought we were SUPPOSED to cough on each other. Damn, I been doing it wrong all these years.

Did ya'll see the couple that is suing the cruise line for $1mil because they said they exposed them? Hello, ya'll were stupid enough to set foot on a petri dish.

WrinkledMind 03-11-20 01:53 PM

People are indeed taking this lightly because of the death rate.
But they are ignoring the quickness with which this is spreading. This virus has already mutated couple of times already. Who knows, it might mutate again and turn into a more lethal form.

The biggest issue is the rate. With a high rate, you are looking at a large number of patients and that puts an incredible amount of strain on the hospitals.

I am already reading horrifying stories from Italy where because of the unmanageable workload doctors and nurses are being forced to make a choice between patients. They are simply letting anyone above 85-90 years die, because younger lot have a better chance of surviving. I am not blaming the doctors cause they have been put in an unwinnable situation, but look at this and take the thing seriously. Cause if we don't, then things will get worse from here.

This thing hasn't even exploded in heavily populated developing countries like India or Brazil, like it has in Italy and Iran. If that happens, then God help us.

And this is not me trying to scaremonger. But it will help if everyone starts taking serious precautions.

Yoda 03-11-20 02:03 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Yeah, fear about this stuff isn't averaged out. If some people are overreacting, you don't fix that by taking the opposite position and implying it's no big deal. Just take the correct position. And it seems pretty clear the correct position is "this could be pretty dangerous, it's spreading fast and kills more than the flu, but it's not the end of the world, so let's be smart and keep the toll minimal."

Citizen Rules 03-11-20 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by WrinkledMind (Post 2071825)
People are indeed taking this lightly because of the death rate.
But they are ignoring the quickness with which this is spreading.
It's called denial. I see some people reacting to the threat of coronavirus with a lot of anger driven denial, that most likely is coming from a deep fear of a pandemic. It's a normal human response to initially deny and attack bad news, like the coronavirus, even to the point of believing contradictory facts. It's a defense mechanism.

I am already reading horrifying stories from Italy where because of the unmanageable workload doctors and nurses are being forced to make a choice between patients. They are simply letting anyone above 85-90 years die, because younger lot have a better chance of surviving. I am not blaming the doctors cause they have been put in an unwinnable situation, but look at this and take the thing seriously. Cause if we don't, then things will get worse from here.

This thing hasn't even exploded in heavy populated developing countries like India or Brazil, like it has in Italy and Iran. If that happens, then God help us.

And this is not me trying to scaremonger. But it will help if everyone starts taking serious precautions.
I take the threat seriously in large part due to the unprecedented reaction by governments and cities. When public officials take such extreme precautions as closing schools and quarantines, one needs to take the coronovirus seriously...but no one should panic, it's not the end of the world. Just a big speed bump.

Austruck 03-11-20 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2071757)
Consider the possibility that reacting strongly and seriously to previous pandemics is why they didn't end up causing as much death and misery as they could have.

That people may have perverse incentives to spread panic can be true without in any way minimizing the actual risk, or downplaying it in some dangerous attempt to counterbalance them. Embrace the "and."
Very true. I've had an April conference postponed till October and a board meeting this month probably going to Skype. I've gotten emails about change in policy from Carnival and Amtrak. Colleges are switching to online classes. Nobody's *panicking* -- they are simply doing these prudent things in order to keep this thing from being bigger than it would be otherwise.

Big difference between prudence and panic. :)

Chypmunk 03-11-20 02:14 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Some of the media really don't help in keeping people balanced over issues such as this. The wife's default TV channel when there's nothing of interest on is BBC News 24 and just like Brexit they are making as much coverage out of Covid-19 as they can from what I've had to see. If I didn't need the telly to watch my movies on I'd quite happily put a brick through it tbh :D

WrinkledMind 03-11-20 02:19 PM

Re: Coronavirus
To add to what I have said above, we aren't even discussing the secondary effects of this outbreak, and that is the financial cost. Of course we shouldn't at this point now, cause our primary concern should be health.

But I saw my two years worth of earnings in stock market wiped out clean on Friday. Now I am privileged enough to have a primary job and this was just my secondary pay.
But imagine pensioners who invested there.

I am also lucky enough to be in a profession, where I can work from home, if my company tells me to. Imagine what the daily labourers would go through when the business will start shutting down. I am not speaking of the temporary breaks if and when the governments everywhere would put in for a short time. I am speaking about loss of jobs because certain businesses will go bust after this.

The thing is the longer we let status quo continue, the severe the impact will be. Hence, the cry for taking more measures now. If needed take harsher measures. The quicker we halt this, the lesser the damage we will incur. And the quicker we will come out of that as well.

As I type this, I see WHO has declared this a pandemic.

The Rodent 03-11-20 02:24 PM

Re: Coronavirus

103 years old. Contracted the virus... a week later, recovered.

UK news won't report it though... because it's not panic mongering.

As I said... older people with underlying conditions are at risk.

Fit, and ANY age?
Healthy and ANY age?
Stop looting and rioting. Simple.

Mic Drop.


John McClane 03-11-20 02:41 PM

Financial wise I don't have much sympathy for anyone who is retired/about to retire having their accounts hit hard by this virus. They should know better than to have the bulk of their retirement wealth in a volatile investment like the stock market. This is why we have bonds and mutual funds.

Mesmerized 03-11-20 03:13 PM

The World Health Organization has declared the Coronavirus a pandemic.

RoystenCrow 03-11-20 03:24 PM

Every reservation for planes, trains and automobiles I've got is emailing about this stoopid bug. You don't trust the CDC fine, you think the government are full of it, fine, I just wish people would stop listening to the click bait powered media.

There's a nice dose of real on Joe Rogan with Michael Osterholm - an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology.

Stirchley 03-11-20 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2071445)
Italy is full of old people.
Slight exaggeration. 25% of the population is 65+.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2071447)
... in China because in rural areas it's common for pigs, ducks and people to be in close proximity to each other, which allows an existing avian flu to transmit to pigs and pigs are enough like human physiological that we then can catch the bird flu from them.
Not just rural areas. This whole mess (as I’ve posted before) started in the wet live animal markets that were all over China in the country & the cities. Cages piled 6 high filled with distressed & terrified animals. Many stolen pets & many endangered species of wildlife. Prime breeding grounds for disease. Bill Gates predicted a year ago that a pandemic would arise from these markets & he was right.

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071471)
Also I hear countries over seas sometimes eat things god didnt create us to eat. Some tribal people in jungles eat bats monkeys and so on.
LOL. Not like us civilized folks who only eat pigs, sheep, cows, et al. :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues (Post 2071492)
I'm all in with new beginnings.
You might get a new beginning if Portugal is affected as badly as Spain.

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2071756)
I believe Dr. Drew was referring to the U.S. population. Still, using his worst case figures, 60,000 deaths would average 164 per day.
Dr. Drew from 16 and Pregnant? Do people really give him credence?

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 2071765)
As I said before, shut the world down for a month. Problem possibly solved.
IMO, this will last at least all of this year.

John McClane 03-11-20 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2071898)
Slight exaggeration. 25% of the population is 65+.
Yup, that would definitely count as full of old people then. I underestimated their oldness. Old people like old things. I feel like that's the appeal of Italy: lots of **** older than you.

Stirchley 03-11-20 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2071902)
Yup, that would definitely count as full of old people then. I underestimated their oldness. Old people like old things. I feel like that's the appeal of Italy: lots of **** older than you.
Your math is completely off. If 25% are 65+, ergo 75% are not.

John McClane 03-11-20 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2071903)
Your math is completely off. If 25% are 65+, ergo 75% are not.
That's because they're just practicing at being old. My math is solider than a Triscuit cracker.

Stirchley 03-11-20 04:25 PM

Re: Coronavirus
⬆️ You’re a cracker. :p

NedStark09 03-11-20 04:39 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Its quite clear to me by seeing how China reacts to this. Tells me they seem to have a lung illness weakness in the treatment. Because you see many asian countries have heavy mask wearers. I personally think Covid19 is some kind of weapon from some terrorist group but something in it allowed not just asians of chinese to be infected. Call it my silly Oliver Stone conspiracy theary. But North Korea would love illnesses to there enemies and that be just about anyone not them.

Mesmerized 03-11-20 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2071813)
And this is the same Dr. Drew who's CNN TV show Dr. Drew on Call was cancelled after he made false claims on a radio talk show that Hillary Clinton was gravely ill during the last presidential election.
I disagree with Dr. Drew about HC being gravely ill during the last presidential election. Hillary Clinton has always been gravely ill -- in the heart and in the head.

NedStark09 03-11-20 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2071898)
Slight exaggeration. 25% of the population is 65+.

Not just rural areas. This whole mess (as I’ve posted before) started in the wet live animal markets that were all over China in the country & the cities. Cages piled 6 high filled with distressed & terrified animals. Many stolen pets & many endangered species of wildlife. Prime breeding grounds for disease. Bill Gates predicted a year ago that a pandemic would arise from these markets & he was right.

LOL. Not like us civilized folks who only eat pigs, sheep, cows, et al. :rolleyes:

You might get a new beginning if Portugal is affected as badly as Spain.

Dr. Drew from 16 and Pregnant? Do people really give him credence?

IMO, this will last at least all of this year.

Well God clear;y created Cows Pigs Chickens and Sheep for human consumption because they are in the bible. But Human beings will eat anything. And thus is why so many likely get sick.

Yoda 03-11-20 04:46 PM

Re: Coronavirus
That's a tad literal: he obviously means "full" as "a lot more than normal." I can say a vacation spot is "full of bugs" even if the majority of living things are not bugs. ;)

WrinkledMind 03-11-20 04:49 PM

Re: Coronavirus
It's not just about consumption of animals and birds.

When we are looking at wet markets in China or other developing countries, then the conditions actually give rise to more diseases than the actual eating part.

The way animals and birds are stored, or rather cramped in tiny cages. Several lay dead at times, and are not removed. They are left there. And ones alive are kept in a mixture of ****, blood and pus. This is a perfect environment for diseases to flourish.

NedStark09 03-11-20 04:49 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Some tribal people will eat ants and spiders. Its easy sad to say for us humans to kill our selves. Just by accident

NedStark09 03-11-20 04:50 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Birds are the dirtiest carriers for things cause all the do is eat fly and poop.

Chypmunk 03-11-20 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071930)
Birds are the dirtiest carriers for things cause all the do is eat fly and poop.
This logically makes pilots the dirtiest humans. Stay away from pilots people!!! :D

John McClane 03-11-20 05:00 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Racism is cool again

Stirchley 03-11-20 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by NedStark09 (Post 2071919)
Well God clear;y created Cows Pigs Chickens and Sheep for human consumption because they are in the bible.
Noah’s Ark was full of animals we don’t eat (e.g., elephants & zebras) & that’s in the Bible.

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2071924)
I can say a vacation spot is "full of bugs" even if the majority of living things are not bugs. ;)
You might say this. I would not. :)

Originally Posted by WrinkledMind (Post 2071928)
When we are looking at wet markets in China or other developing countries, then the conditions actually give rise to more diseases than the actual eating part. The way animals and birds are stored, or rather cramped in tiny cages. Several lay dead at times, and are not removed. They are left there. And ones alive are kept in a mixture of ****, blood and pus. This is a perfect environment for diseases to flourish.
Read my post again. I said the exact same thing as you. This is what I said: Cages piled 6 high filled with distressed & terrified animals. Many stolen pets & many endangered species of wildlife. Prime breeding grounds for disease.

John McClane 03-11-20 05:06 PM

Re: Coronavirus
This pandemic gives more credence to Agent Smith's philosophy.

WrinkledMind 03-11-20 05:56 PM

Re: Coronavirus

I wasn't countering you. I was speaking with respect to Ned's comment on humans eating anything.

NedStark09 03-11-20 07:08 PM

Re: Coronavirus
Well I should say humans can have the chance to eat any animal. People in certain countries eat what there is for protein. Im by no way saying cows and pigs are safer. Just saying some animals shouldnt be eaten. Lots people eat birds but not all birds should be eaten. Sure an Osteridge has pretty big drumstick. But is it meant to be worlds biggest turkey.

I have no idea the purpose for Zebra other then for Lions to eat them Stirchley. Zebra and Gazelle seem to be African main food to hunt. Every contenant has some type of dear like animal. Zebra in a since are horses or donkey type animals and should be pack animals. But they are not used for that.

I just not a big supporter all things animal should be eaten. Nor am I a vegetarian. My feeling is animals have a purpose but not all were meant for food.

mark f 03-11-20 07:53 PM

Re: Coronavirus
WTF, again.

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