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TheUsualSuspect 12-25-11 11:13 PM

MoFo Health Thread
I figured I'd make a thread on those who might want to keep people updating on their health, since I believe I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which is really an inconvenience and not curable.

Changing my diet doesn't seem like too much of a big deal, I just hope it helps with the pain and the constant feeling that I have to go when I don't.

Again, this is just me looking things up on the internet based on my symptoms. It could very well just be constipation.

I'll try and change my diet and if it continues, then go see a doctor.


Some people might not want to let people know about their health, but I figured there should be a thread for those who want to keep people updating on such a thing.

will.15 12-26-11 01:00 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Depends how long you've had it. I have had periods of two weeks tops with that and it corrects itself. It has to be chronic to be serious.

I didn't have that when I was your age.

Try prune juice. That gave me the runs last time I had a problem and it is a natural laxative if it works. It tastes nasty though and I still have a bottle in the freezer. Been in there for over a year. I should throw it out. I won't drink it unless I have to.

Jim Garten 10-18-12 08:19 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Licorice is a good alternative to prune juice (tastes better too), but I'd agree with others here who say get it checked by your doctor.

Alternatively, you could try the mathematician's method... work it out with a pencil :laugh:

Nausicaä 10-18-12 09:23 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Looking up medical symptoms on the internet is one of the worst things you can do, if you think there is something wrong with your body, just go to your Doctor.

Not all but it makes some people panic - I remember when I first did it years ago(haven't since) I wanted to see what was happening when I had a problem with my heart, I choose all the symptoms and so on and the first thing to come up in the list was a form of Cancer... :rolleyes:

Since this is from last year, I hope it didn't turn out to be IBS, UsualSuspect?

earlsmoviepicks 10-18-12 10:14 AM

Also, could be stress levels. I normally don't have stomach issues at home, but when I had to travel for work and be in a stressful meeting my stomach would be a wreck.

Powderfinger 10-18-12 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 784068)
I figured I'd make a thread on those who might want to keep people updating on their health, since I believe I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which is really an inconvenience and not curable.
I have colitis, though years ago I was put on a medication for one year. However, the Dr said it may come back anytime....even 20 years from now.

Powderfinger 10-18-12 07:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 784068)
I figured I'd make a thread on those who might want to keep people updating on their health, since I believe I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which is really an inconvenience and not curable.

Changing my diet doesn't seem like too much of a big deal, I just hope it helps with the pain and the constant feeling that I have to go when I don't.

Again, this is just me looking things up on the internet based on my symptoms. It could very well just be constipation.

I'll try and change my diet and if it continues, then go see a doctor.


Some people might not want to let people know about their health, but I figured there should be a thread for those who want to keep people updating on such a thing.
Mate, I take this now..

will.15 10-18-12 07:59 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
I have scurvy.

Time to eat an orange.

Powderfinger 10-18-12 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by will.15 (Post 851260)
I have scurvy.
Probably more than that..:D

Powderfinger 10-19-12 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 851266)
Dip it in some cyanide.
Both of you go to your room! :D lol!

BlueLion 09-19-13 12:41 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
I might even regret this later but what the hell. Okay, I am suffering from severe constipation atm. Hence, I have decided to give 50+ rep points to the person who can name ONE food item (laxatives don't count obv) that will give me INSTANT relief.

However, it does not count if it's some expensive vegetable/fruit that I haven't even heard of, or if it's chamomile tea. I've already tried the latter and although it works to some extent, my patience is wearing thin.

yours truly

honeykid 09-19-13 12:54 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Prunes or Caster oil.

BlueLion 09-19-13 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 965446)
Prunes or Caster oil.
I've tried prunes. It didn't quite work as effectively and as quickly as I hoped. Caster oil sounds like something that falls into the "food item I've never heard of" category. But thanks for your concern.

BlueLion 09-19-13 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965447)
It's psychological. If you need to take a *****, you have to be in the mood to take a *****. Otherwise, it's like being pee shy, but in the other exit door.

Listen to these fart sounds. It will get you in the mood to get it all out. You're constipated because of a mental block.
It isn't a mental block, trust me.

BlueLion 09-19-13 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965449)
Constipation is a joke. I have never been constipated. To me, it just doesn't exist. It's a mental thing.
It isn't m8. Trust me because I've literally forgotten how it feels like to do a number two.

BlueLion 09-19-13 01:10 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
My toilet has been longing for it.

Miss Vicky 09-19-13 01:11 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
BlueLion - Have you tried exercise? I struggle a lot with bowel problems and find that the more I move the more my bowels move too.

BlueLion 09-19-13 01:15 AM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 965461)
BlueLion - Have you tried exercise? I struggle a lot with bowel problems and find that the more I move the more my bowels move too.
I don't exercise at all. Does walking your dog for 30 minutes every evening count? I used to do like 40 push ups a day during the summer but that wasn't helping. This thing has been going on for months.

I don't even drink enough water. I've nobody but myself to blame really.

BlueLion 09-19-13 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965466)
It's all in your head. Read Dr. Sarno. He'll tell you.
it isn't for the umpteenth time. Besides, how can you know when you've never experienced it?

Miss Vicky 09-19-13 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by BlueLion (Post 965465)
I don't exercise at all. Does walking your dog for 30 minutes every evening count?
Not really. You need a more intense workout for it to make a noticeable difference and drinking more water will help too.

Nausicaä 09-19-13 08:12 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
This thing has been going on for months.
I know it's obvious but if it's been going on for that extremely long time then I really recommend going to see your Doctor.

Start drinking your water - it can help a lot for some people.

Or as Sexy has pointed out - it could all be psychological and caused by something like stress.

Really, there are an awful lot of things that can cause it so it's really best to talk to your Doctor about it to find out what is the likely cause and work on from there.

The Rodent 09-19-13 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by BlueLion (Post 965432)
I might even regret this later but what the hell. Okay, I am suffering from severe constipation atm. Hence, I have decided to give 50+ rep points to the person who can name ONE food item (laxatives don't count obv) that will give me INSTANT relief.

However, it does not count if it's some expensive vegetable/fruit that I haven't even heard of, or if it's chamomile tea. I've already tried the latter and although it works to some extent, my patience is wearing thin.

yours truly

Peas and beans... chick peas, haricot beans (baked beans), cannellini beans (white kidney beans)... sweetcorn... garden peas.
Basically any kind of pulse that has a soft shell. The shell is mostly indigestible and they scrape the bowels on the way through.

There are number of things that cause constipation though. Low fibre in the diet, not enough water etc.

Best thing to do, eat a ton of chick peas and haricot beans with lots of vegetable oil added to them when cooking.
The shells will clean you out while the oil will literally lubricate your insides for a day or two...

Hopefully after a day or so, you'll be freshly cleaned out and then maybe look into changing your diet.

Worst thing to eat when you already have bad guts is cheese.

BlueLion 09-19-13 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965686)
Did you poop yet, BlueLion? I see you reading the thread.
I did a few hours ago.

my feelings summed up in one picture:

But now I can barely sit.

The Gunslinger45 09-19-13 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965690)
Either you took my first recommendation - which I see that prudish old woman from the dark ages, Yoda, deleted.
So I take it Zack and Miri Make a Porno has some truth to it.

The Rodent 09-19-13 08:51 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Actually I think your post was deleted because it was crass for the sake of being crass, rather than Yods being "frightened" of some sort of "truth".

Admit it. It was crass.

Powdered Water 09-19-13 08:58 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
This thread needs to be renamed.

The Rodent 09-19-13 08:58 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Speaking of health, I have an appointment to see a psychologist on the 30th.

Find out what's wrong with me.

I already know. Bi-Polar. But my GP wants to be sure and do things by the book.

weeman 09-19-13 09:01 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
"Mofo Poop Thread"

The Rodent 09-19-13 09:09 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
MoFo Bowel Movement Masseeve.

The Rodent 09-19-13 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965707)
We need a "Bathroom Commentaries" thread.


It would only take a couple posts before pictures started up.

honeykid 09-20-13 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 965685)
Worst thing to eat when you already have bad guts is cheese.
That's what the army doctor used to recommend during WWII for soldiers with the runs. Apparently the troops referred to it as "bunghole". I can still remember by granddad calling it that sometimes when he wanted to make us laugh as children. :D

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965707)
We need a "Bathroom Commentaries" thread.
That, and this is saying something, is one of your worst ideas I've ever seen you express. :yup:

weeman 09-20-13 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965789)
I can't believe nobody said, "It's already been done" and then linked to my movie commentaries thread. You people are slow.
It's already been done.

...too slow? :suspicious:

honeykid 09-20-13 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 965789)
I can't believe nobody said, "It's already been done" and then linked to my movie commentaries thread. You people are slow.
Well I wouldn't have done that, as I like them. :)

matt72582 02-17-15 09:30 PM

Before I go to a doctor (some of you might be doctors), I have had frequent urination for years, and for the last year, my feet are so cold, circulation feels way off... Maybe you guys have experienced of this?

Citizen Rules 02-17-15 09:47 PM

(some of you might be doctors)
I'm not a doctor damn it, I'm a brick layer;)

Seriously, I don't know anything about those symptoms. But:

Do you smoke? People who smoke have poor circulation to the extremities. Do you constantly drink liquids during the day? If so that could be causing excessive bathroom trips.

matt72582 02-17-15 10:17 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
I don't smoke cigarettes, and haven't smoked pot in 3 days. And when I do smoke, it's at night, 2 puffs and I'm good... I try not to drink any water at night.. I'm worried it's diabetes, but I don't want to go through so many tests, and I hate needles, but thanks for replying..

foster 02-17-15 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1257614)
I don't smoke cigarettes, and haven't smoked pot in 3 days. And when I do smoke, it's at night, 2 puffs and I'm good... I try not to drink any water at night.. I'm worried it's diabetes, but I don't want to go through so many tests, and I hate needles, but thanks for replying..
diabetes is basically just one simple test of blood sugar.

Miss Vicky 02-17-15 10:24 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Suck it up and go see a doctor. The symptoms you're describing aren't something to brush off or get around to later.

Citizen Rules 02-17-15 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1257618)
diabetes is basically just one simple test of blood sugar.
That's true.

And now that I think about it those are two of the symptoms of diabetes, but Don't Worry. Many people just have a slight problem with maintaining their glucose levels. It's only 1 simply test, so listen to Miss Vicky and get to the doctors ASAP.

90sAce 02-20-15 10:19 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
A low carb, high fat diet will probably help with constipation - if anything it may make you lean slightly in the diarrhea direciton; this is what the fats do.

Overall I have way more energy and better testosterone on this diet, so I highly recommend it in general - from what I've heard we're way more evolutionarily adapted to this diet than we are the typical American diet chock full of sugar and refined carbs.

Godoggo 02-22-15 10:22 AM

So I just got home from a wonderful overnight at the hospital.

I went to this little clinic place that I go to and they do vitals every time you go in. My first blood pressure reading was 203/133. Of course everyone is laughing and saying what a big mistake that is except it was the same next time. They did it manually and it was a little lower but lower as in 190/109. They called an ambulance and I had to go to the hospital. No choice, I was going. They made me do the stroke test and I passed. At this point I started
getting a raging headache and sweating profusely. (That always makes you feel wonderful around the cute EMTs.

I had blood panels, electrocardiogram, a ct scan of my brain and chest ex~rays. No conclusive evidence as to why my blood pressure is so high, the headaches or the profuse sweating.

The threw around the word brain tumor I couple of times because I've also been having severe mood swings and irritability. No tumor.

It could be something bacterial, I think? I was on Ativan during that part of the conversation. Tim knows but he's sleeping right now. I have to get more tests done later.

My blood pressure stabilized and they let me out. Still high, but not dangerously so.

So far 2015 is kicking my butt. I'm a little scared there is really something wrong medically with me. Who has this blood pressure that high at 30?

Miss Vicky 02-22-15 10:26 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Damn, that's scary.

Fingers crossed it doesn't turn out to be anything really serious.

seanc 02-22-15 10:27 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
My goodness Godog, I am sorry to hear your going through that. I am glad it wasn't either of the major two problems you mentioned. Keep us informed.

Godoggo 02-22-15 10:54 AM

Hopefully, if I get more tests we can figure out what this is and get it taken care of.

At least it's not a brain tumor. They seem kind of interested in my brain specifically, but what does your brain have to do with high blood pressure?

And why didn't they send me to Dr. House? ;)

seanc 02-22-15 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1259859)

And why didn't they send me to Dr. House? ;)
Just remember if they do, you will get much worse before getting better.

Godoggo 02-22-15 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1259862)
Just remember if they do, you will get much worse before getting better.
The doctor I did have looked nineteen tops. He was really good but I was hoping for experience. He kept telling me that he had never seen anyone so young with such high blood pressure. I told him that he couldn't have been a doctor longer than yesterday, maybe, but he laughed and said "I'm older than I look" Well that leaves a lot of room. I'd certainly card him for a beer.

rauldc14 02-22-15 11:22 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Sorry to hear Godoggo. I hate everything to do with Medical.

rauldc14 02-22-15 11:26 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
What is ridiculous is how much it costs. Absolutely ridiculous.

Godoggo 02-22-15 11:27 AM

Some of it is kind of fun honestly but then there is also the being scared and not knowing what it wrong with you part.

The ct scan was fun. It's not scary like some people think. It's just this big whirring sound. I have to get my records so I can see my brain. That would be cool. I have no idea what my brain looks like. I bet it's really big. :p

Godoggo 02-22-15 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1259871)
What is ridiculous is how much it costs. Absolutely ridiculous.
Oh child, you have no idea what this will cost me. I've heard ambulance rides are crazy expensive as are ct scans.

My dad is telling me not to worry about it, but I want to pay my own way in life.

Tim and I may end up rushing things just to get me on his insurance. I have insurance but his is better.

rauldc14 02-22-15 11:37 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Yeah my wife and I have medical bills and they are ridiculous. They really put a damper on life. They aren't even affordable.

Swan 02-22-15 11:48 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Seriously hoping everything is okay, Goddogo. That is really scary. :(

Godoggo 02-22-15 12:16 PM

On a more pleasant note, has anyone ever noticed how hot EMTs are? Wow. Even my boyfriend commented that it figures they would send me those two. I didn't get as lucky as I could have. We went past a sea of them and there was one that is just about worth hurting yourself just to have him help you. :D

Even my doctor was really cute. Actually so was my nurse. It wasn't all bad.

Citizen Rules 02-22-15 02:07 PM

Godoggo, I'm sure they will get to the bottom of this and it will be OK. But boy I bet your stressed right about now, sorry to hear about this.

190/109 is not only very high but strange, as the first number is the Systolic and abnormally high compared to your second number, the Diastolic.

Have they checked you for any serve allergy reactions? Sudden high blood pressure can happen with a reaction to food allergies, or medicines. If in the past you had normal blood pressure and all of a sudden it went high, try to think of what changed in your life, (foods, medicines, etc).

Godoggo 02-22-15 02:25 PM

No, they didn't. I wonder though. That might make sense.

Now, I'm wondering what all I should stop taking. They told me to stop taking
one thing, I'm wondering if I should stop taking everything but my lisinopril now?

Citizen Rules 02-22-15 02:31 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
No! it's real dangerous to stop taking prescribed medications. So please don't do that. But if your taking vitamin/nutrient supplements you could stop those.

People can have severe reactions to all sorts of things. Some are really made sick by coming into contact with latex, or foods like nuts.

Can you monitor your blood pressure at home? If you buy an inexpensive BP tester you can monitor your BP after you get up in the morning, mid day and at late night, recording your BP and seeing if there is a change through out the day. Sometimes that can help a doctor make a determination.

Godoggo 02-22-15 02:42 PM

They are medical prescriptions. One of which the side effect is....high blood pressure.

I'm not taking that one anymore. I just started it anyway and the more I look into it it looks awful.

Yeah, I can monitor my blood pressure.

Citizen Rules 02-22-15 02:53 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Hopefully that med you stopped taking was the cause of your high BP.

Some meds do have nasty side effects. Some meds are tolerated by themselves but when taken with a second prescription they can have strange side effects.

Godoggo 02-22-15 02:56 PM

I meant to put that they Aren't medical prescriptions.

Yeah, that one I looked up was especially nasty and maybe wasn't working well with the other one.

It's back to the doctor Monday, so hopefully we can get this all sorted out.

Godoggo 03-16-15 11:20 AM

The word from the doc is hyperthyroidism. Easily treatable but until the meds start working I'm going to Dunkin' Donuts for a dozen donuts then Chopstix and then the most fattening Starbucks drink they have. I'm taking advantage of this why I can because when you have an over active thyroid you lose weight like crazy.

Swan 03-16-15 11:33 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Glad to hear it is easily treatable, Godoggo.

Godoggo 03-16-15 11:33 AM

I don't think that was how you where supposed to go about it, but I'm honored anyway. ;)

Godoggo 03-16-15 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1271702)
Glad to hear it is easily treatable, Godoggo.
Yeah, just like the BP. I just gotta be the medicine girl now.

Yoda 03-16-15 11:38 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Great to get a diagnosis! Glad to hear it's something that can be treated. Really good news (I typed that as "really food news" at first, which I guess is just as appropriate).

Godoggo 03-16-15 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1271708)
Great to get a diagnosis! Glad to hear it's something that can be treated. Really good news (I typed that as "really food news" at first, which I guess is just as appropriate).
Thanks, it is very relieving. Yes, food is very appropriate because I plan to look at the bright side of things and eat until it hurts. :)

Yoda 03-16-15 11:53 AM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
That reminds me of something old-timey MoFo OG- said. Apparently when he was younger he had some blood condition that made it really hard for him to gain weight. He said that girls at his school would ask him how they could get it, and he'd always tell them it was sexually transmitted.


christine 03-16-15 12:08 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Glad to hear you're ok Go, sorry I didn't see your original post. Good to get a diagnosis too. Now you know why you were being irritable cos that's a symptom isn't it?

gbgoodies 03-16-15 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Godoggo (Post 1271697)
The word from the doc is hyperthyroidism. Easily treatable but until the meds start working I'm going to Dunkin' Donuts for a dozen donuts then Chopstix and then the most fattening Starbucks drink they have. I'm taking advantage of this why I can because when you have an over active thyroid you lose weight like crazy.

I'm glad to hear that the doctors figured it out, and that it's something that's easily treatable. I hope you're feeling better now, and that you stay well.

Godoggo 03-18-15 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1271712)
Glad to hear you're ok Go, sorry I didn't see your original post. Good to get a diagnosis too. Now you know why you were being irritable cos that's a symptom isn't it?
It is a symptom. I feel like a cat that is constantly being petted the wrong way. The meds take about a week to kick in until then flare ups of extreme bitchiness will unfortunately be apart of my personality. :(

@gbgoodies: Thanks :)

MovieMeditation 03-18-15 12:46 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
I just went two days without working out and it is so hard to jump back into it, even after a short break like that... I guess it is because my workouts hold such high intensity that even the smallest of breaks effect my body. Anyways, I'm back at it now going on last week of month 1!

90sAce 03-18-15 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1272765)
I just went two days without working out and it is so hard to jump back into it, even after a short break like that... I guess it is because my workouts hold such high intensity that even the smallest of breaks effect my body. Anyways, I'm back at it now going on last week of month 1!
Glad to year you pulled yourself back into it - too easy to fall out of maintaining a good routine.

MovieMeditation 03-18-15 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by 90sAce (Post 1272793)
Glad to year you pulled yourself back into it - too easy to fall out of maintaining a good routine.
Thanks for the reply, it is great to have someone no matter when and where, to give you a sort of positive energy to keep going. :up:

Since I'm only missing less than a week of month 1, I better see that as a clear goal to keep going and pushing through everyday!

matt72582 01-29-17 08:03 PM

I'm watching TV and saw a commercial that grabbed my eye.

"Do you ever feel sluggish? Do you eat bad foods?" -- then they went on to say there's "Liveraid" sold at Rite Aid... For some reason, I have my doubts on those products, as they are not tested by the FDA.

Does anyone take supplements? If not, any reason? If so, what works?

doubledenim 01-29-17 08:11 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
My sister is a nurse practitioner. She is of the belief the only result of supplements is expensive urine.

I don't give much credence to stuff that preys on insecurities or fears.

matt72582 01-29-17 08:33 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Thank you!

What about foods and drinks? I've loved pomegranates my entire life, so it was a delight when I read from many sources it was the strongest antioxidant. I also love passion fruit, it's easy to eat.

doubledenim 01-29-17 09:41 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
Eating food is the best way to meet your nutrition needs.

In light of Pom Wonderfuls advertising issues, pomegranate is considered a great source of antioxidants.

Citizen Rules 01-30-17 02:27 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
I love pomegranates...but...if you're not careful they splatter red juice which stains like it was ink. So I bought a papaya the other day, I'm going to plant the seeds and see if I can grow it.

MovieMeditation 01-30-17 02:34 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
My "diet" is weird lately... I eat like at least 80% healthy on week days, but then in the weekend, I unintentionally and usually also regrettably end up eating a lot of bad foods. :/

So I'm going with a 5-2 diet... 5 days healthy, 2 days of being a fat f*ck.

doubledenim 01-30-17 02:42 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
71/29 :) is great. Outside of any holidays or celebrations, family events, I find it works really well. I don't eat carbs 3-4 hours before bed and only if I'm starving a handful of nuts. I find it is paying dividends.

Citizen Rules 01-30-17 02:48 PM

Re: Mofo Health Thread
I eat cheese

matt72582 03-01-17 01:24 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
Preamble: I don't visit doctors, don't plan on it... Don't even care to explain.

Anyway, I've had pain in my gut for 2 months now. The first month seemed to be more sharp, now it's a little less sharp, and more upset, but still enough pain constantly.. Last week I woke up and dry heaved, and I've noticed the same bile in the last few days. If I had to guess, I'd say it's an ulcer, but I'm not sure.

I went online, one site says ginger is great, the other says different. Milk too. I just got back from the grocery store.. I bought tums, bananas, ginger (so spicy), cashews, aloe vera blueberry drink, kale (so nasty, first time having it), romaine..

I've also had chest pains.. Feels like my heart is a tennis ball, and someone grabbing it so hard, it goes inward. It was horrible a few months ago, went away for a few weeks, and it's coming back. I noticed it when I was in bed (I sleep on my right side) and the fear of it prevents me from falling asleep unless I take a painkiller.

If anyone has tips or ideas, I'll read. Thanks.

Citizen Rules 03-01-17 01:25 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
@matt72582 Tip...chew your food until it's mush. Believe me, it can make all the difference in the world.

matt72582 03-01-17 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1659454)
@matt72582 Tip...chew your food until it's mush. Believe me, it can make all the difference in the world.
Thanks CR. I don't think I do, but then again, I never think about it. I noticed the pains were in correlation with some temporary work I did for my brother (who is a BS'er), opening up an office in Michigan, and I was working day and night for 3 weeks.. But even after I was done, the pain is still around.

But I haven't changed any habits... But I'll try to remember to chew more. Thanks!

Citizen Rules 03-01-17 01:45 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
I have a bad habit of not chewing my foods, and hard to digest foods like chocolate bars or chips, peanuts and nuts, granola...takes a long time in the stomach to digest which means a lot more stomach acid. But if you avoid those foods and chew everything you eat until it's well broken up, it helps a lot.

Dani8 03-01-17 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1634399)
I'm watching TV and saw a commercial that grabbed my eye.

"Do you ever feel sluggish? Do you eat bad foods?" -- then they went on to say there's "Liveraid" sold at Rite Aid... For some reason, I have my doubts on those products, as they are not tested by the FDA.

Does anyone take supplements? If not, any reason? If so, what works?
My specialist recommended vitamin D because the post cancer hormone therapy I'm on can cause osteoporosis. Not sure if it works because as with all supplements I forget to tke it, but my bone scans are perfect anyway.

Other supplements - naaah. I think they're a bit of a rort to be honest, and that's coming from someone who studied homoeopathy back in my hippy period (wtf was I thinking!). I do have one for night cramping which I get in my feet, but I only think to take it if a foot cramp wakes me up. I think your best bet is to mke sure you have a good diet and decent amount of sunshine, clean water, and I know this sounds like a cliche, a generally positive disposition. If something is making you feel negative, knock that bastard on the head.

Joel 03-12-17 08:55 PM

Cool thread. I have some anxiety issues, but I think it's primarily because I'm a bit of a dick.

Dani8 03-12-17 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Joel (Post 1667099)
Cool thread. I have some anxiety issues, but I think it's primarily because I'm a bit of a dick.
So far on MoFo you dont strike me the least bit dickish.

I remembered another supp I take - cant remember if I mentioned it because I obviously need a supp for my short term memory. Had to take it this morning because my rib area on one side was cramping. An enzyme called CoQ10 which is also supposed to be good for the brain. Cramps dissipated almost immediately. Sadly, the brain not so much.

Joel 03-16-17 10:24 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
I heard there has been at least one success story in here about weight loss. I'm planning on getting my weight back down to 160 from 200 lbs. I've studied nutrition and body building for a good two years, but never really lit the flame. Rest, water, lemon, kale, plant proteins, fish oil, garlic, nutmeg, dairy, no red meat, lean chicken and tuna in moderation twice a week at most. Cardio, no less than 20 mins in intervals of slow, med, fast, overdrive, medium, fast, medium slow, slow, medium, fast, overdrive etc. 2-4 times weekly.

Weight training, mostly concentrated on thrust squats or careful leg presses or free weight squats snap a hormone in your body like a glow stick enabling muscle growth and rapid weight loss. Hi rep, light weight on the arms, shoulders, back and chest. Push-ups, chair dips, overhead presses and calf raises mixed with lunges and swiss ball crunches every day, alternated, just to taste it, not always full force.

But all of that does not explain the 40 lb weight gain for me. You have to actually do that ***** every day with only one cheat day. Cut way down on empty carbs, replace with whole grains, watch intake of starches like potatoes (chips), sugars and aspartame gum (makes you stupid and messes you up). If I could only chew ginger candies all day, but that's too much sugar, oh what to do...

So, if anyone knows any success stories about weight loss, I'd love to read it for some inspiration.

Yoda 03-17-17 09:17 AM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
There are a handful of such stories in The Diet Thread. I've dropped 75-80 pounds over the last two years, and have a bunch of posts there talking about it (starting on page 8).

The short version was that it was done with better eating habits, rather than increased exercise. Exercise is a bigger part of it now, but it was eased into over time. It's mostly been the food.

Dannii 05-19-17 04:42 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1659451)
Preamble: I don't visit doctors, don't plan on it... Don't even care to explain.

Anyway, I've had pain in my gut for 2 months now. The first month seemed to be more sharp, now it's a little less sharp, and more upset, but still enough pain constantly.. Last week I woke up and dry heaved, and I've noticed the same bile in the last few days. If I had to guess, I'd say it's an ulcer, but I'm not sure.

I went online, one site says ginger is great, the other says different. Milk too. I just got back from the grocery store.. I bought tums, bananas, ginger (so spicy), cashews, aloe vera blueberry drink, kale (so nasty, first time having it), romaine..

I've also had chest pains.. Feels like my heart is a tennis ball, and someone grabbing it so hard, it goes inward. It was horrible a few months ago, went away for a few weeks, and it's coming back. I noticed it when I was in bed (I sleep on my right side) and the fear of it prevents me from falling asleep unless I take a painkiller.

If anyone has tips or ideas, I'll read. Thanks.
Are you male or female hon? I'd see a doctor about your chest pain, and your stomach pain could be IBS, a high fibre diet would sort it out, your doctor would diagnose this with a few tests if it's IBS.

christine 05-19-17 04:55 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
@matt72582 really Matt I agree with Danii, you can't mess around with not getting chest pains checked out. Please do it.

Dannii 05-19-17 05:38 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
Originally Posted by Dannii (Post 1705166)
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1659451)
Preamble: I don't visit doctors, don't plan on it... Don't even care to explain.

Anyway, I've had pain in my gut for 2 months now. The first month seemed to be more sharp, now it's a little less sharp, and more upset, but still enough pain constantly.. Last week I woke up and dry heaved, and I've noticed the same bile in the last few days. If I had to guess, I'd say it's an ulcer, but I'm not sure.

I went online, one site says ginger is great, the other says different. Milk too. I just got back from the grocery store.. I bought tums, bananas, ginger (so spicy), cashews, aloe vera blueberry drink, kale (so nasty, first time having it), romaine..

I've also had chest pains.. Feels like my heart is a tennis ball, and someone grabbing it so hard, it goes inward. It was horrible a few months ago, went away for a few weeks, and it's coming back. I noticed it when I was in bed (I sleep on my right side) and the fear of it prevents me from falling asleep unless I take a painkiller.

If anyone has tips or ideas, I'll read. Thanks.
Are you male or female hon? I'd see a doctor about your chest pain, and your stomach pain could be IBS, a high fibre diet would sort it out, your doctor would diagnose this with a few tests if it's IBS.
I forgot to mention that i work for the British NHS.

Dani8 05-19-17 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1705168)
@matt72582 really Matt I agree with Danii, you can't mess around with not getting chest pains checked out. Please do it.

Yeh I go with this, Matty. Just get it checked. I mean I'm a fine one to talk and just think things will pass but comes a time when you have to knuckle down. It might be nothing but you need to see a doc for a professional opinion rather than ask Dr google. Just for your own peace of mind. All the best, my friend.

matt72582 05-19-17 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1705199)
Yeh I go with this, Matty. Just get it checked. I mean I'm a fine one to talk and just think things will pass but comes a time when you have to knuckle down. It might be nothing but you need to see a doc for a professional opinion rather than ask Dr google. Just for your own peace of mind. All the best, my friend.
I still have the pains, about 5-10 a day, but it's not as bad as before.. I haven't noticed any pains in bed when I try to sleep.

I realize I treat my body horribly, so I shouldn't expect any good results.

Dani8 05-19-17 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1705205)
I still have the pains, about 5-10 a day, but it's not as bad as before.. I haven't noticed any pains in bed when I try to sleep.

I realize I treat my body horribly, so I shouldn't expect any good results.
I luv ya, mate. You have been so sweet to me since I came to this board. Look, I always poo poo going to the doctor but some times you just have to in order to figure out why your body is being a bitch. It might be nothing but you are better off finding out otherwise you will stress, and stress is not good. xxx

christine 05-19-17 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1705205)
I still have the pains, about 5-10 a day, but it's not as bad as before.. I haven't noticed any pains in bed when I try to sleep.

I realize I treat my body horribly, so I shouldn't expect any good results.
Give yourself a break Matt, don't be negative luv, your health is a precious thing. Think of that beautiful little niece of yours and how much love you have for her and she for you. Look after yourself x

Dannii 05-19-17 06:12 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1705205)
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1705199)
Yeh I go with this, Matty. Just get it checked. I mean I'm a fine one to talk and just think things will pass but comes a time when you have to knuckle down. It might be nothing but you need to see a doc for a professional opinion rather than ask Dr google. Just for your own peace of mind. All the best, my friend.
I still have the pains, about 5-10 a day, but it's not as bad as before.. I haven't noticed any pains in bed when I try to sleep.

I realize I treat my body horribly, so I shouldn't expect any good results.
Any chest pain should be checked out. I'm a trainee doctor, i hate going to see my doctor but at some point we have to seek medical advice.

Dani8 05-19-17 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1705217)
Give yourself a break Matt, don't be negative luv, your health is a precious thing. Think of that beautiful little niece of yours and how much love you have for her and she for you. Look after yourself x
I was thinking of his beautiful little niece as well. She won't want her beautiful Uncle being stressed.

Dannii 05-19-17 06:21 PM

Re: MoFo Health Thread
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1705205)
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1705199)
Yeh I go with this, Matty. Just get it checked. I mean I'm a fine one to talk and just think things will pass but comes a time when you have to knuckle down. It might be nothing but you need to see a doc for a professional opinion rather than ask Dr google. Just for your own peace of mind. All the best, my friend.
I still have the pains, about 5-10 a day, but it's not as bad as before.. I haven't noticed any pains in bed when I try to sleep.

I realize I treat my body horribly, so I shouldn't expect any good results.
Do you not wanna speak to me? I'm just tryna be helpful. Your post stood out from those i'd read. Good luck and take care then, pls take my advice,the girls are fond of you from their posts so listen to them if not me.

matt72582 05-19-17 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by Dannii (Post 1705223)
Do you not wanna speak to me? I'm just tryna be helpful. Your post stood out from those i'd read. Good luck and take care then, pls take my advice,the girls are fond of you from their posts so listen to them if not me.
No no! I just didn't have anything to add :)

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