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spudracer 08-07-07 02:10 PM

Notice for new users
Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of movie discussion that is Movie Forums. On behalf of Chris aka Yoda, I would like to take this time to lay down some simple ground rules to help you as you get acquainted with the site.

1. Please use the search function prior to starting a new thread about something that already exists. You won't get in trouble, but it can be confusing to have two different threads going about the same topic.

2. Don't register and build your post count to advertise a movie you've made or a website. This is just inconsiderate. You wouldn't want someone doing this on your website, would you?

3. Don't post links to where a full-length movie can be downloaded. This again is inconsiderate, but this is inconsiderate to the director of the film. They worked hard on their film and they deserve compensation for that. Again, you wouldn't want someone doing that to you, would you?

4. Enjoy your time here. You have joined one of the most enjoyable forums out there on the web. We're all here to talk about movies, first and foremost, but we are also here to have fun, so live it up.

If you follow these rules, you'll be fine. Again, welcome to Movie Forums, you are now a MoFo, SAY IT WITH PRIDE!! "I AM A MOFO!"

Thank you for your time,
Kent aka Spud

spudracer 08-21-07 08:25 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Ok, I'm going to continue to add onto what was previously listed.

5. Don't register to ask if movies can be downloaded from this website. Again, we don't condone the illegal downloading of movies. It is inconsiderate to all involved in the movie making process. Failure to comply with this request, will result in being banned.

6. Don't come with one-sided views. The internet wasn't initially created for anoymous slandering, but since it's come to that, you have the ability to express your views or thoughts concerning films here. Take advantage of that!

michaelcorleone 08-21-07 08:48 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 378298)

1. Please use the search function prior to starting a new thread about something that already exists. You won't get in trouble, but it can be confusing to have two different threads going about the same topic.
I've started using that function now! lol. Whoops..

spudracer 08-21-07 10:21 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by michaelcorleone (Post 380208)
I've started using that function now! lol. Whoops..
Hey, as long as you acknowledge that the function exists, you're ok in my book. :)

7thson 08-21-07 11:49 PM

Re: Notice for new users
I did a search for "search function" and saw "Holden Pike". WOW

Heh, just kidding all, seriously though, use it, learn it, live it. DO not post things like: What is the best movie ever?

Escape 08-22-07 10:06 AM

Re: Notice for new users
I always found this the perfect little video short for any new posters out there. :yup:

Austruck 08-22-07 12:34 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Escape, that's hilarious! I should show this to friends at another forum I frequent ... because their rule is not posting in any thread over 30 days since the last post. They would rather you start an entirely new thread all over again!

I've tried telling them they're the oddballs in this, but they don't seem to think it's that weird. I hate it, especially when I might rather read an ongoing thread about a specific topic and know I've got everything on that topic right there. With their method, I have to search for OTHER threads that may have been started and stopped in the past on the very same subject. Pleh.

Sedai 08-22-07 02:48 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Cool idea Spud... :)

Escape 08-22-07 07:55 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 380303)
Escape, that's hilarious! I should show this to friends at another forum I frequent ... because their rule is no posting in any thread over 30 days since the last post. They would rather you start an entirely new thread all over again!
Hey thanks Austruck. :)

I remembered throwing it in another forum a couple years back and tracked it down once I saw this thread made by Spud here.

I've tried telling them they're the oddballs in this, but they don't seem to think it's that weird. I hate it, especially when I might rather read an ongoing thread about a specific topic and know I've got everything on that topic right there. With their method, I have to search for OTHER threads that may have been started and stopped in the past on the very same subject. Pleh.
heheh,yep, that is weird hearing a forum do that with the 30 day rule you speak of. I am fortunate not to see that horrid mess of threads they obviously have on the same topic over and over where the older posters keep having to repeat what they did in the last similar thread. So to end say "pleh" and I'm gonna have to say "bleh". ;)

sammy.dipp 10-03-07 01:36 AM

Re: Notice for new users
Hi folks..
It is me Sammy..........

sammy.dipp 10-03-07 01:38 AM

Re: Notice for new users
By the way i am a new member and i am loving this forum.... :-)

SamsoniteDelilah 11-10-07 04:53 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by sammy.dipp (Post 386057)
Hi folks..
It is me Sammy..........
hi Sammy

leeryan 01-14-08 11:20 AM

Re: Notice for new users
ah ....I can't upload pics....

MorbidPig 07-29-08 09:20 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Well the Search function on here has actually gone out of use because some threads that already exist do not show up.. Use this one instead until this problem is solved.. You don't have to, but it's just a thought..

mark f 07-29-08 09:22 PM

Re: Notice for new users
He couldn't upload pics because he didn't have 10 posts. :)

MorbidPig 07-29-08 10:09 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by leeryan (Post 405657)
ah ....I can't upload pics....
He's right... You need to have 10 or more posts to upload pics..

Aquadias 10-02-08 10:30 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by MorbidPig (Post 449476)
He's right... You need to have 10 or more posts to upload pics..
That explains alot for me when I first started out lol :rolleyes:

KasperKristensen 01-20-09 02:58 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Are there other milestones?

Yoda 01-20-09 03:02 PM

Re: Notice for new users
I don't think there are any other post minimum restrictions. I'll let you know if I run across/remember any, though.

Sammieb91 01-20-09 05:14 PM

Re: Notice for new users
I couldn't post any links until I got to 10. Which I thought was silly.

KasperKristensen 01-20-09 05:19 PM

Re: Notice for new users
so people should just be able to create an account an advertise away? Not that the 10 post rule stops them, I guess, but at least they may take their crap to another site.

Sammieb91 01-20-09 05:22 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by KasperKristensen (Post 494977)
so people should just be able to create an account an advertise away? Not that the 10 post rule stops them, I guess, but at least they may take their crap to another site.
what the heck you talkin about

martian leader 01-20-09 05:31 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by KasperKristensen (Post 494977)
so people should just be able to create an account an advertise away? Not that the 10 post rule stops them, I guess, but at least they may take their crap to another site.
HUH What? :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 494981)
what the heck you talkin about
I agree! :D

KasperKristensen 01-20-09 05:35 PM

Re: Notice for new users
I mean that it would be eaiser to join another forum if your only intention is advertising your own movies and stuff like that (if that site doesn't have a 10 posts limit for posting links). At this forum you have to post 10 posts before you're able to add links (and thereby advertise). At least it's something. Is that only making sense in my head? :P

Sammieb91 01-20-09 05:40 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by KasperKristensen (Post 494994)
I mean that it would be eaiser to join another forum if your only intention is advertising your own movies and stuff like that (if that site doesn't have a 10 posts limit for posting links). At this forum you have to post 10 posts before you're able to add links (and thereby advertise). At least it's something. Is that only making sense in my head? :P

It makes sense if YOU are trying to spam on this board with your own crap. But i was just pointing out we cant post links, till wwe get to 10 posts.

KasperKristensen 01-20-09 06:06 PM

Re: Notice for new users
And I was just pointing out that I think it makes sence as a precaution (though a minor one) against spamming and advertising?

Wasn't personal

Yoda 01-20-09 06:08 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 494997)
It makes sense if YOU are trying to spam on this board with your own crap. But i was just pointing out we cant post links, till wwe get to 10 posts.
It makes sense no matter who you are. It's another barrier for spammers, and it's proved to be a pretty useful one, too. I don't know what you're disagreeing with.

And it's only "silly" if you start with the assumption that any rule which does not directly apply to you is meaningless. But seeing as how we can't always differentiate between spammers and normal people, it's necessary.

Ðèstîñy 01-20-09 06:27 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Yep, it works. It just worked about oooooh 15 minutes ago. :p

I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone join late at night, start making a thread, and poof, gone.

Sammieb91 01-20-09 06:43 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 495021)
It makes sense no matter who you are. It's another barrier for spammers, and it's proved to be a pretty useful one, too. I don't know what you're disagreeing with.
I can understand the point about spammers...but where do you see me disagreeing with anyone. :confused: I'm just talking

Sammieb91 01-20-09 06:48 PM

Re: Notice for new users
And whats with the negative rep? Martian Leader agreed with me... give him negative rep too.

Yoda 01-20-09 06:59 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 495029)
I can understand the point about spammers...but where do you see me disagreeing with anyone. :confused: I'm just talking
Saying it's "silly" wasn't a criticism (and therefore, disagreement) with the decision? :skeptical: Also, this:
"It makes sense if YOU are trying to spam on this board with your own crap."
Sounds like an argument to me. But I can't really grasp the point you're trying to make. What Kasper said makes sense whether someone's trying to spam or not. It makes sense as long as you know that spammers exist at all.

Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 495030)
And whats with the negative rep? Martian Leader agreed with me... give him negative rep too.
I did, actually, but not for agreeing with you. Not that whether or not I did is really of any relevance to this discussion.

I gave you negative rep because I felt you were criticizing Kasper for no good reason. He wrote something perfectly understandable and rational, and your response was: "what the heck you talkin about." This isn't how people ask about things when they actually don't understand something (though I'm not sure what would have been hard to understand about his post, anyway); it's rhetorical. It implies that he's said something unreasonable or confusing, which he hadn't.

Frankly, if you're not disagreeing with people, or criticizing the link posting minimum, then what are all these posts supposed to be about?

Sammieb91 01-20-09 07:08 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 495033)

Frankly, if you're not disagreeing with people, or criticizing the link posting minimum, then what are all these posts supposed to be about?
Mainly i just stated the fact that we needed 10 posts to post a reference to you saying.....

Originally Posted by Yoda
I don't think there are any other post minimum restrictions. I'll let you know if I run across/remember any, though.
That's it.

Yoda 01-20-09 07:14 PM

Re: Notice for new users
You said you thought it was "silly." That's a criticism. Which is perfectly fine; you can criticize the policy if you like, but that's where this all stems from. I guarantee you that none of the posts which have followed that word would exist without it.

Kasper said he understood the policy's purpose of weeding out spammers, and you acted like he wasn't making sense. Frankly, I don't get it. I don't get what you were trying to say to him, or why you seemingly don't see how any of this constitute criticism or disagreement. But it's not terribly important, anyway, so I guess there's not much use in arguing about it further.

Sammieb91 01-20-09 07:40 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 495047)
You said you thought it was "silly." That's a criticism. Which is perfectly fine; you can criticize the policy if you like, but that's where this all stems from. I guarantee you that none of the posts which have followed that word would exist without it.

Kasper said he understood the policy's purpose of weeding out spammers, and you acted like he wasn't making sense. Frankly, I don't get it. I don't get what you were trying to say to him, or why you seemingly don't see how any of this constitute criticism or disagreement. But it's not terribly important, anyway, so I guess there's not much use in arguing about it further.

Whoa, chill. all this cause i gave my opinion on the fact we need 10 posts to give links???

One simple response to my opinion could have been given in one post. I dont understand why you are going on and on about this. I just gave my opinion on one of the post restrictions.


KasperKristensen 01-20-09 07:44 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 495056)

One simple response to my opinion could have been given in one post.
I honestly tried to do that mate.

Sammieb91 01-20-09 07:47 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by KasperKristensen (Post 495059)
I honestly tried to do that mate.
I was talkin to Yoda , you're ok Kasper.

Yoda 01-20-09 08:34 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 495056)
Whoa, chill. all this cause i gave my opinion on the fact we need 10 posts to give links???
Er, no. Because you called it silly and then acted all confused when someone explained why it wasn't, and then acted confused again when I recounted what had happened. And now again.

I don't think pointing any of this out should be taken to mean that I'm not perfectly calm, either.

Originally Posted by Sammieb91 (Post 495056)
One simple response to my opinion could have been given in one post. I dont understand why you are going on and on about this. I just gave my opinion on one of the post restrictions.
I'm going on about it because you keep insisting that you weren't arguing or criticizing, and keep trying to make out that you're some kind of victim.

As for "one simple response" -- as Kasper pointed out, you were given one simple response. And you asked him "what the heck" he was talking about. Why? He politely explained again (even though it was perfectly clear the first time), and then you said something bizarre about it only making sense if he were a spammer. Why? Neither of those replies makes sense, and it's a little weird that you keep trying to pretend you just made one casual offhand remark, when I can clearly scroll back a bit and see that that's not what happened.

Ever after all this, I still have no clue what you were trying to say with those two responses to Kasper, and I don't know why you keep acting like this argument was inflicted on you somehow.

r3port3r66 01-20-09 09:14 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Ah whatever happened to those wonderful religious discussions we used to have; you know, free will vs God and such...?

Swedish Chef 01-20-09 09:22 PM

Re: Notice for new users
I think Yoda's avatar is "silly". Who wants to argue with me about it?

r3port3r66 01-20-09 09:29 PM

Re: Notice for new users
What exactly are you trying to insinuate about Yoda's avatar?

Ðèstîñy 01-20-09 09:37 PM

Re: Notice for new users
It needs bangs. Too much fod showing. It looks like a small, long haired kid wearing a Yoda mask. :p

Yoda 01-20-09 09:43 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Troy doesn't have bangs, so why would Yodamalu?

Better get used to it, MoFos. It's here for, oh, another 12 days or so, unless I find a better one.

Swedish Chef 01-20-09 09:45 PM

Re: Notice for new users
What exactly are you trying to insinuate about Yoda's avatar?
Whoa, chill. All I'm saying is it's silly, all right?

I mean, Troy Polamalu's body with a wrinkly green muppet inserted in the facehole? What am I supposed to make of that? What kind of sick sexual union spawned that abomination? How can there be a God if that exists? And is the belief in free will really a prerequisite for atheism 101? I think not! What a silly argument to make.

mikeython1 01-20-09 09:53 PM

Re: Notice for new users
I dont know exactly were this thread is going but I thought this was funny.;20Pull.jpg

Yoda 01-20-09 09:57 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Swedish Chef (Post 495115)
And is the belief in free will really a prerequisite for atheism 101?
Nope, other way around.

Anyway, it's no sillier than a racist puppet. Oh, snap.

Yodamalu stays!

Originally Posted by mikeython1 (Post 495125)
I dont know exactly were this thread is going but I thought this was funny.
I don't know where it's going, but I don't think there's any going back.

Swedish Chef 01-20-09 09:58 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Once you go black you never go back.

Unless you're a racist puppet.

no1mccoy 06-01-09 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 378298)
Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of movie discussion that is Movie Forums. On behalf of Chris aka Yoda, I would like to take this time to lay down some simple ground rules to help you as you get acquainted with the site.

1. Please use the site function prior to starting a new thread about something that already exists. You won't get in trouble, but it can be confusing to have two different threads going about the same topic.

2. Don't register and build your post count to advertise a movie you've made or a website. This is just inconsiderate. You wouldn't want someone doing this on your website, would you?

3. Don't post links to where a full-length movie can be downloaded. This again is inconsiderate, but this is inconsiderate to the director of the film. They worked hard on their film and they deserve compensation for that. Again, you wouldn't want someone doing that to you, would you?

4. Enjoy your time here. You have joined one of the most enjoyable forums out there on the web. We're all here to talk about movies, first and foremost, but we are also here to have fun, so live it up.

If you follow these rules, you'll be fine. Again, welcome to Movie Forums, you are now a MoFo, SAY IT WITH PRIDE!! "I AM A MOFO!"

Thank you for your time,
Kent aka Spud
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 380201)
Ok, I'm going to continue to add onto what was previously listed.

5. Don't register to ask if movies can be downloaded from this website. Again, we don't condone the illegal downloading of movies. It is inconsiderate to all involved in the movie making process. Failure to comply with this request, will result in being banned.

6. Don't come with one-sided views. The internet wasn't initially created for anoymous slandering, but since it's come to that, you have the ability to express your views or thoughts concerning films here. Take advantage of that!

thank for the information.

Shabutie 07-18-10 04:28 PM

Re: Notice for new users
How do I get the "popcorn container" critic ratings? Is there a thread with instructions? I've been having to copy and paste images of them for my reviews. Is this the right way to do this or am I missing something?

Yoda 07-18-10 04:32 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Like this (sans asterisks):


To find out how anything is done, though, just hit "quote" to reply to a post with what you want in it, and switch the editor mode until you can see the code that created it.

Shabutie 07-18-10 04:37 PM

Re: Notice for new users

Shabutie 07-18-10 04:38 PM

Re: Notice for new users

Darkrose 07-30-10 06:28 PM

Re: Notice for new users
How do we change whats under our user name where it says "Registered User"? I looked in the My Profile place and under all the Editing tools...but I'm a bit of a technology nahnahnah...

Yoda 07-30-10 06:31 PM

Re: Notice for new users
It's under My Profile -> Edit Your Details.

Darkrose 07-31-10 08:51 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Wow, I looked right at it and didn't see it...multiple times. Thanks Chris :bashful:

UrnAsh 12-09-11 12:56 AM

Re: Notice for new users
Good to know!

mellon 11-04-12 06:07 PM

Hi everyone!
I'm new and I'd like to say hello. I've registered for this forum cos' it seemed very friendly to me. At the same time I ask you for tolerance due to my English (I'm still learning it);)

Daniel M 11-04-12 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by mellon (Post 854899)
Hi everyone!
I'm new and I'd like to say hello. I've registered for this forum cos' it seemed very friendly to me. At the same time I ask you for tolerance due to my English (I'm still learning it);)
Welcome aboard, you should post a new thread in this same section ( ) introducing yourself and telling us a little bit about you :)

Nice to see you've already filled in your favourite movies, I think you'll get along with JayDee as he seems to have similar taste of movies to you (American Beauty, LOTR, Dances with Wolves, Back to the Future) :p

Michael T 01-09-14 02:32 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Hi to everyone - Just joined and looking forward to getting involved.

Just a quick question really ...Why can't I see my signature on my posts - is it because I'm new, or too stupid to use the site correctly? :)

Oh my, It's there now ...too premature!

Austruck 01-09-14 02:35 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Last I heard, Michael T, your signature shows up the first time you post on any given page here on the site. Then it won't show up again on that same page.

Unless Yoda changed something... which is entirely possible. :)

Michael T 01-09-14 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 1014487)
Last I heard, Michael T, your signature shows up the first time you post on any given page here on the site. Then it won't show up again on that same page.

Unless Yoda changed something... which is entirely possible. :)
Thanks Austruck. :)

gbgoodies 06-10-14 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 642977)
Like this (sans asterisks):


To find out how anything is done, though, just hit "quote" to reply to a post with what you want in it, and switch the editor mode until you can see the code that created it.

I just signed up for this site a couple of days ago, and I'm really enjoying reading all of your posts, movie reviews, etc., but I don't post on a bunch of other forums so I'm not used to all of this and I'm still learning some stuff about posting.

On a different post, I saw instructions for how to post a spoiler similar to the way to post a rating shown here. I was wondering if there is a page somewhere that has a list of "how to" instructions for other helpful stuff that I might have missed.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Yoda 06-10-14 07:13 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Those are pretty much the only noteworthy custom codes.

The spoiler one is on the editor (the red exclamation mark), and I'm hoping to put something similar up for ratings before long.

gbgoodies 06-10-14 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1101804)
Those are pretty much the only noteworthy custom codes.

The spoiler one is on the editor (the red exclamation mark), and I'm hoping to put something similar up for ratings before long.

Thank you for the information. I'll try to do everything the right way, but I just want to apologize in advance just in case I mess up somewhere along the line.

So far, I'm very impressed with this site and the posters here. I think you guys know a lot more about movies than I do, but I love watching movies, and I'm really enjoying reading some of the reviews, especially the ones about movies that I haven't seen yet. I've already made a list of movies that I want to see based on some of the reviews and comments that I've read here.

Thank you to everyone.

Yoda 06-10-14 07:39 PM

Re: Notice for new users
No worries, I don't think anyone'll be too hard on you for simple forum code miscues--heck, posters who've been here forever still make them sometimes (getting the quote tags wrong is particularly common). If you have any questions, feel free to PM/profile comment/whatever myself, or one of the mods (Sedai, Tacitus and Loner are all on pretty regularly).

Thank you for the kind words! :) Glad you're digging it so far.

Weemus 08-01-15 11:07 PM

What does it mean to say you have to have 20posts before you can post? How does that work?

Miss Vicky 08-01-15 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by Weemus (Post 1362295)
What does it mean to say you have to have 20posts before you can post? How does that work?
You have to have a certain number of posts before you can do things like post images, post links or send private messages.

Yoda 08-02-15 10:30 AM

Re: Notice for new users
Aye. Because those are the kinds of things disproportionately done by spambots when they first sign up.

Diogo Mendes 08-25-15 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 378298)
3. Don't post links to where a full-length movie can be downloaded. This again is inconsiderate, but this is inconsiderate to the director of the film. They worked hard on their film and they deserve compensation for that. Again, you wouldn't want someone doing that to you, would you?
Before I joined this forum, I was in a website where they actually did this. I pirate movies often but I never share links or anything in forums, so this rule isn't a problem to me. I just hope I feel comfortable during my time on this community.

tatmmw2 02-18-17 07:50 PM

Re: Notice for new users

matt72582 02-18-17 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by tatmmw2 (Post 1650186)
Elephant Man impression? :)

Dani8 04-25-17 09:02 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Is spud still here. Very cool thread. Not sure why I never noticed it before.

Camo 04-25-17 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 378298)

1. Please use the search function prior to starting a new thread about something that already exists. You won't get in trouble, but it can be confusing to have two different threads going about the same topic.
That won't get in trouble part wouldn't be a thing if i was in charge. I'd come down hard on these menacing duplicate thread makers :walter:

Dani8 04-25-17 09:23 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1692812)
Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 378298)

1. Please use the search function prior to starting a new thread about something that already exists. You won't get in trouble, but it can be confusing to have two different threads going about the same topic.
That won't get in trouble part wouldn't be a thing if i was in charge. I'd come down hard on these menacing duplicate thread makers :walter:
I don't like duplicate threads either so I always search and ask.

Yoda 04-25-17 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1692810)
Is spud still here. Very cool thread. Not sure why I never noticed it before.
Hasn't come by in awhile, but I'm friends with him on Facebook. Went into the Navy, started a family and all that. Was a huge part of the site in the early days, though. Nice guy, too.

Dani8 04-25-17 09:29 PM

Re: Notice for new users
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1692819)
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1692810)
Is spud still here. Very cool thread. Not sure why I never noticed it before.
Hasn't come by in awhile, but I'm friends with him on Facebook. Went into the Navy, started a family and all that. Was a huge part of the site in the early days, though. Nice guy, too.
Funny tagline under his Avatar.

Captain Steel 11-23-17 08:31 PM

Re: Notice for new users
As a new user, I now consider myself noticed!

The Hamish 01-16-19 11:59 AM

Re: Notice for new users
Well this should count. noted on rules etc.

Neralie 12-18-19 06:40 PM


tujaka 04-26-22 12:14 AM


FridayNightFights 06-16-22 06:47 PM

Re: Notice for new users
If I were going to post a thread about two movies (vs.) each other, would general discussion be an okay place to do that?

Yoda 06-16-22 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by FridayNightFights (Post 2307904)
If I were going to post a thread about two movies (vs.) each other, would general discussion be an okay place to do that?
Yep! Thanks for asking. :)

Citizen Rules 09-13-22 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Ash TheStrangeOne (Post 2332500)
Hello, figured I would break the ice and introduce myself. I used to lurk at a few forums (RT and Corrie) in the past but didn't interact much. Obviously a Bruce Campbell fan. Hope to get to know some of you going forward.
Welcome! btw did you read the notice;)

lightnbuttery 09-14-22 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 380201)
6. Don't come with one-sided views. The internet wasn't initially created for anoymous slandering, but since it's come to that, you have the ability to express your views or thoughts concerning films here. Take advantage of that!
I dont understand what that last one means...dont come with one-sided views?

Chypmunk 09-14-22 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by lightnbuttery (Post 2332573)
I dont understand what that last one means...dont come with one-sided views?
I've always taken it as meaning to show some tolerance toward views that may not agree with yours. Disagreement is healthy, intolerance isn't. Others may of course disagree.

Yoda 09-14-22 09:07 AM

Re: Notice for new users
All that was written by a mod about 15 years ago, too. Not really rules, just that mod's general suggestions. The first few are the really important ones, anyway.

Might be worth updating this, however, just to reduce any possible confusion.

arthquick 02-16-23 04:34 AM

As a new member of this forum I would like to say hi to everyone and also glad to read these forum rules.

thanks for the instructions

xSookieStackhouse 02-16-23 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by arthquick (Post 2372466)
As a new member of this forum I would like to say hi to everyone and also glad to read these forum rules.

thanks for the instructions
also no scammers and no spammers especially scam links or u get reported and banned

Yoda 02-16-23 10:24 AM

Re: Notice for new users

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