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GulfportDoc 07-21-18 01:05 PM

I've not come across a review of this series on the site, so perhaps I've missed it.

Despite my admiration for Brian Cox, I had to bail on this series after the first two episodes. The story is interesting enough, although familiar territory; but the writing is sophomoric, and the dialogue sounds like it was written by a computer programmed by a beginning dialogue coach.......... from 1986.

All the men, save Brian Cox, are either wimps or goofballs, and all the women are witches. But everyone gets to utter the F word in nearly every sentence. Is this what passes for "hip" these days?

I think the Jeremy Strong character ought to commit suicide as soon as possible. And the grandson would be better off squashed by a falling safe.

Granted, the show might improve in later episodes, if they have any audience left. Still, if someone could give me some encouragement, we'll continue viewing, against our better judgement..:)


Stirchley 05-01-19 07:21 PM

Re: Succession
I love the show - absolutely adore it - and thrilled that season 2 begins in August. :)

ynwtf 07-21-19 02:53 PM

Re: Succession
Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 1925681)
I've not come across a review of this series on the site, so perhaps I've missed it.

Despite my admiration for Brian Cox, I had to bail on this series after the first two episodes. The story is interesting enough, although familiar territory; but the writing is sophomoric, and the dialogue sounds like it was written by a computer programmed by a beginning dialogue coach.......... from 1986.

All the men, save Brian Cox, are either wimps or goofballs, and all the women are witches. But everyone gets to utter the F word in nearly every sentence. Is this what passes for "hip" these days?

I think the Jeremy Strong character ought to commit suicide as soon as possible. And the grandson would be better off squashed by a falling safe.

Granted, the show might improve in later episodes, if they have any audience left. Still, if someone could give me some encouragement, we'll continue viewing, against our better judgement..:)


Pretty much in the same boat here. I had to stop after ep2, and made myself finish that one. It's been a few weeks now and have attempted another go but I can only take it in half episode increments.

It's stylish, but I can't figure if it's comedy or pop drama. It doesn't feel like it's committing to anything for me, playing it safe pretending to be either as it's convenient. I'll keep at it though. Maybe it will grown on me.

Stirchley 07-22-19 02:48 PM

Re: Succession
Shaking my head. I cannot wait for season 2 to start early next month.

ynwtf 07-26-19 01:52 PM

I'm honestly trying! I still can't put my finger on why this show bugs me the way it does. I THINK I have started EP6, the one with the board meeting. But I literally had to stop it because
WARNING: "secret stuff" spoilers below
of how important this vote was for Kendall, he still risks it by flying out to speak to his mother-in-law (?) (that only minutes before was revealed to be a possible plot device) about her vote. Then, as fate would have it, he can't fly back AND gets caught in traffic without once calling in at least to his brother to give an update.
I threw my hands up and screamed at the setup.

I think it's that the characters are all bipolar. I don't mean their mental states necessarily, but the way they are written. In one scene, Kendall is an idiot frat boy throwing slang to try to fit it. Another scene he is actually quite intelligent, self-aware, and quite confident and capable of what he is doing. It's just that these traits are not consistent, as if he is written to the needs of individual scenes rather than longer arcs across an episode or even season. I find the similar patterns in all the other characters. In fact, the only consistent development I've seen is with Cousin Greg. His peaks and valleys seem appropriate throughout and he is actually growing, even if by paranoid accident, enough to plant seeds for potential future story development.

Overall, I feel as though characters are only responding to what is in front of them at any given moment. While I can appreciate that people do that in real life, and the lifestyle of this family may have set up short attention spans. It's hard to believe that every character has the same pattern when Roman fills that role so well already. That leads me to believe that it may not be the characters that think this way but the writer's inability to write beyond that short term characterization so then everyone gets the same treatment.

Hey! I think I have it! It's like a hybrid between HBO's Westworld and Arrested Development. Just there's no central straight man Michael Bluth to ground things for me. And it doesn't blend the two styles but, instead, jumps from one style to the other every few scenes.

Tonight I will try to finish at least this episode, though I may need to fast forward through where I left off. That was just too preposterous for me. But I'm trying!

Stirchley 07-26-19 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2025900)
the only consistent development I've seen is with Cousin Greg. His peaks and valleys seem appropriate throughout and he is actually growing, even if by paranoid accident, enough to plant seeds for potential future story development.
Cousin Greg is hilarious. Very unwise of anyone to under-estimate him. He will probably end up as head of the company. His interactions with Tom are hilarious.

cricket 07-26-19 08:10 PM

I'm not interested based on the trailer but my wife is. That means I'm trying it.

ynwtf 07-26-19 08:23 PM

Re: Succession
Originally Posted by cricket (Post 2025968)
I'm not interested based on the trailer but my wife is. That means I'm trying it.
Curious what you both think after 2 or 3 in.

cricket 07-26-19 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2025970)
Curious what you both think after 2 or 3 in.
If she doesn't like it, she won't even give it 20 minutes. We'll see.

honeykid 07-30-19 07:37 AM

Re: Succession
Although I'm interested in seeing a second season, I get exactly what's been said about this here. I like it, but not really for reasons I can quite understand. It should annoy me and it doesn't sit easily, but then some episodes I really liked, while others just seemed to happen in front of me.

I've been like that with Big Little Lies too (and I'm about 3 episodes from the end of season 2 with that) and I still haven't decided whether to stay with it or not.

Stirchley 07-31-19 03:02 PM

Re: Succession
I couldn’t make it through the pilot of Big Little Lies. But I just bought season 1 on sale so will try again since people seem to love it.

cricket 07-31-19 04:34 PM

I loved Big Little Lies

Stirchley 08-16-19 02:58 PM

Re: Succession
Season 2 has started of Succession HBO. First episode was so good.

ynwtf 08-20-19 03:25 PM

I've caught the first two episodes of season 2 and have enjoyed both. Someone must have hit a reset button during the break as character motivation makes sense now to me. It seems like everyone has settled into what should be comedic for plot rather than distraction or lack of writing commitment, and characters are pulling interesting moves now that someone is considering longer arcs. I hope the rest of the season can maintain this.

honeykid 10-21-19 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2031061)
I've caught the first two episodes of season 2 and have enjoyed both. Someone must have hit a reset button during the break as character motivation makes sense now to me.
I felt the same way, @ynwtf and having finished the second season I feel that continues. It now feels to me as if the first season was an unnecessarily long intro to the second season. But the second season really delivered for me and felt much more like the programme I was expecting from the beginning. When I finished the first season I didn't really know why I'd bothered finishing it and, had I not had the whole season recorded, I probably wouldn't have. But with the end of the second season I can't wait for the next. If you struggled with the first season but kind of know who the characters are, I'd say just jump into season 2 and give it a go. I'm sure that what currently feels like an overlong season 1 will have planting seeds for future plotlines and character development, but by then I see no reason why you won't just need a couple of lines of dialogue to catch up. I'm sure I'll have forgotten (along with much of the audience) the thing which happened or was said in season 1 which become relevant later down the line.

Stirchley 10-21-19 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2030336)
Season 2 has started of Succession HBO. First episode was so good.
Season 2 was brilliant. Too bad we have to wait until 2020 for season 3.

doubledenim 10-21-19 03:27 PM

Re: Succession
They absolutely gush about this show at the Ringer, but then again I'm pretty sure HBO has a shadow stake in that operation.

Stirchley 10-21-19 03:28 PM

Re: Succession
⬆️ One of the best shows I’ve ever seen.

Stirchley 01-06-20 03:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)

So glad Succession won at the Golden Globes. Such a good show.

Gideon58 10-11-22 07:45 PM

Couldn't find another thread for this show, so I'm starting one. Just watched the pilot for this sizzling HBO drama of corporate chicanery and family dysfunction that takes old fashion prime time dramas like Dallas and Dynasty into the 21st century. From the creative force behind the Oscar nominated film Don't Look Up, this is the story of the Roy family. Patriarch Logan Roy (Brian Cox) is the CEO of the fifth largest media conglomerate on the planet who has apparently been contemplating retirement and handing over the reins to his son Kendall (Jeremy Strong), the high strung divorced father of two who has returned to the day to day at the company after a stint in rehab. The official announcement of Kendall taking over the reins is getting varied reactions from Kendall's siblings, Connor (Kieran Culkin), Connor (Alan Ruck) and Shiv (Sarah Snook), who have all gathered to celebrate Logan's 80th birthday in the opening. Throw into the mix Logan's pot-smoking nephew, Greg (Nicholas Braun) who has just lost his job as a character in one of Logan's theme parks and now wants in Logan's management training program. Logan also fired his COO Frank (Peter Friedman) after 30 years on the job before Logan lands himself in the hospital. Cox is a one man acting class in this role of Logan Roy...this character redefines the term "ice water in the veins". This family is falling all over him trying to impress him and no one is really succeeding. Love the way Logan speaks in abbreviations and doesn't care whether or not anyone can translate. We know Logan's not dying in the pilot but it's going to be fun to see what the Roy siblings will be up to until he wakes up. In its three seasons on HBO, the show gas racked up 13 Emmys, including ones for Cox and Strong, but the rest of the cast is equally impressive. Loved Culkin channeling Robert Downey Jr as Connor, stealing every scene he was in. This is definitely a new millenium TV family. They interrupt a birthday dinner to fly in helicopters to a baseball field for a ball game, where a kid is offered a million dollars if he hits a home run. This one is going to require strict attention, but I think it's going to be worth it.

Gideon58 10-12-22 09:45 PM

Those spoiled entitled kids at the opening of ep this the best part of the hospital? Seriously? Greg's mother has an agenda and a backstory that I hope we'll be getting. The juice Logan Roy must fast did they have a board room set up in that hospital? The fight between Roman and Shiv was don't see a boy on girl fight like that very often on shows like this. How long is Greg going to let this family treat him like the help? OMG, I can't believe Greg asked the doorman to pay the cabbie. Can't believe Kendall asking Frank to step in for Logan. I don't blame Frank at all. Starting to hate Shiv, she's awfully high maintenance...she seems to be the Roy who says black when everybody else says white. In the first episode, Rome didn't want anything to do with the company, now he's dying to be COO? Greg's getting really crumby advice from his mother, why does he keep listening to her? Not understanding the point of Connor's character at all...he just sits in a corner and says he doesn't want to be involved. Alan Ruck deserves better. Loving Jeremy Strong as Kendall...he's so out there and all over the place, but never unrealistic. Love the relationship between Kendall and his ex. "Tom you can't balance it like that. I'm not going to give you a blowjob when you dog dies. Matthew MacFayden was wonderful in that scene where he proposed to Shiv. Tom needs to leave Greg alone, Greg can't take it, his head is going to explode. "Don't pin the broach on me." Kendall and Rome an alliance...that's a sh*t storm coming. No matter who takes control, Shiv is not going to be happy. The bomb Jerri dropped on Kendall was perfection. The final scene was brilliant.

Gideon58 10-13-22 05:58 PM

The beginning of ep 3 revealed that the Roy siblings really need to stop sleeping on Logan's wife...she's not the dim bulb they seem to think she is. How long does she think she can shield Logan from his children? Jeremy Strong was brilliant in that scene with the speakerphone. Loved that way too uncomfortable pause where they both thought the other had hung up. Greg is never going to make it in this family, they are going to chew him up and spit him out. I love that Marcia shielding Logan from the kids is making their collective heads explode. , Kendall's speech in the board room was beautifully written and performed. Was Rome doing what I thought he was doing against that window? Seriously/ What was that about? He has no business being COO. Loved wat happened when Shiv finally saw Logan...she kind of had that coming. Don't really understand Kendall and Rome's plan, but I hope it doesn't work. How did Marcia find out about the background check? Can't believe Rava fell for Kendall's line. That sex scene was totally hot. Awesome work by Brian Cox Logan destroyed Kendall with five little words. And has Greg finally found an inside track or is he too stupid to realize it? Loving this show.

Gideon58 10-13-22 09:11 PM

Ep 4 was directed by Adam Arkin! Loved the look of Kendall's face when he saw Logan back in the office. Was that Zoe Kravitz playing Kendall's secretary? If not, she and Kravitz could be twins. I love that with little or no effort, Logan has Kendall and Rome jumping through serious hoops. Not sure why, but until this episode, I thought Roman was gay. Tom is still a mystery to me...can't figure out that guy's angle. Love Kendall's BFF Stewie, Kendall needs to keep an eye on him. Tom seems to be threatened by Greg for some reason and is trying to set Greg up for a big fall. Is it possible that Logan might be unaware that he's not in full control of his bodily functions? Alan Ruck was funny in that scene trying to coordinate the party guests. Conner does seem to care after all. I can't tell if Logan came back to work too early, or if he's pretending to be a little off the beam and that only be credited to the brilliant Brian Cox. Now Roman is answering to Frank? That can't be good. Keiran Culkin played that scene with the waiter. That scene with Conner and the dancer was bizarre, what was going on there? Loved Logan's final speech which I guess was supposed to shock us, but it really didn't. And I thought Kendall was trying to reconnect with Rava in the last episode? Marcia makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Stirchley 10-14-22 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2339843)
Ep 4 was directed by Adam Arkin! Loved the look of Kendall's face when he saw Logan back in the office. Was that Zoe Kravitz playing Kendall's secretary? If not, she and Kravitz could be twins. I love that with little or no effort, Logan has Kendall and Rome jumping through serious hoops. Not sure why, but until this episode, I thought Roman was gay. Tom is still a mystery to me...can't figure out that guy's angle. Love Kendall's BFF Stewie, Kendall needs to keep an eye on him. Tom seems to be threatened by Greg for some reason and is trying to set Greg up for a big fall. Is it possible that Logan might be unaware that he's not in full control of his bodily functions? Alan Ruck was funny in that scene trying to coordinate the party guests. Conner does seem to care after all. I can't tell if Logan came back to work too early, or if he's pretending to be a little off the beam and that only be credited to the brilliant Brian Cox. Now Roman is answering to Frank? That can't be good. Keiran Culkin played that scene with the waiter. That scene with Conner and the dancer was bizarre, what was going on there? Loved Logan's final speech which I guess was supposed to shock us, but it really didn't. And I thought Kendall was trying to reconnect with Rava in the last episode? Marcia makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Juliana Canfield plays Jess, Kendall’s assistant. She has hardly anything to do in the show, but I find her hilarious. Love her scenes.

I like Stewie too. And if one tweets him, he tweets back which about 99% of celebrities never do unless it’s to another celebrity.

Tom isn’t threatened by Greg per se, but Greg is his punching bag. He relieves tension by literally & figuratively pounding on Greg.

Alan Ruck as Connor is hilarious. Ditto his “fiancée”.

WARNING: spoilers below
Don’ t know if you’ve come to the bit where Roman’s rocket blows up. So funny.

Gideon58 10-17-22 03:33 PM

The work between Brian Cox and James Cromwell was the driving force of ep 5. Hoping we get some backstory at some point on this very volatile sibling rivalry. That incident with the coffee was a heartbreaker. Also hope we get some more details about Tom and Shiv's pre-nup...this looks like the beginning of a very ugly storyline. I really love Mathew MacFayden as Tom. He really invests in the slime factor of his character. Can't help wondering considering his relationship with Logan, why does Ewing stay on the board? Sometime I think Kendall actually cares about his father. Frank is hard to read right now...not sure where he really stands and I think that's the way the writers want it. "She just comes off as somewhat of a must get that a lot." Did Conner actually announce that he and Willa are "going Steady"? Seriously? Loved when everything stopped at the dinner table to watch Logan carve the turkey. What's the deal with Logan and Kendall's kids? Are we really supposed to believe that Greg is as dumb as he appears? On the other hand, I have a feeling whenever this show is done, he will be the one running the company. Jeremy Strong was excellent in that scene with Ewing. Loved the go around the table and say what you're thankful for scene. What was Rome thinking handing that can of cranberry sauce to his father?

Gideon58 10-19-22 05:33 PM

The beginning of ep 6 had me not believing anything that comes out of Stewie's mouth and that Kendall better watch his back where that guy is concerned. Am getting really confused regarding Tom and Shiv...don't get what's going on there, Shiv is not acting like a woman in love and, despite the pre-nup, I don't see why she's with this slimebucket. Loved when she called to say she flying to DC, it was like they couldn't wait to be away from each other for awhile. Did I miss something? What happened to Tom's eye? Didn't really get Roman's comparing himself to a matador. Loved Kendall and Roman razzed Tom about his eye. Not exactly sure what Ewing's advice to Greg meant. "I can't reveal my sources...but it's Greg." Loved that club where Tom took Greg. Frank's loyalties finally came into focus during this episodes. Now that we've seen Shiv and Nate, again I ask, why is she marrying Tom? Loved that shot of Kendall freaking out in the tunnel while the meeting roll call was being done over the audio. IRL, someone running through the Lincoln Tunnel would result in that person's arrest, but it was great for dramatic effect. Jeremy Strong nailed his speech over the speakerphone to the board; what a great dramatic tool that he and Logan weren't face to face when he made that speech. Stewie abstaining...saw that coming. And Roman...what a snake. Word got to Mr. Neutral, Connor, pretty quick. After his treatment of the President in the final scene, I have to wonder if Logan is faking everything, and I mean, everything. Excellent episode.

Gideon58 10-19-22 09:11 PM

A look at Logan Roy's fanbase was an effective opening to ep 7. I love that Stewie is one of the few characters on this show not intimidated by Logan. Whether Logan wants to admit it or not, everything Stewie said to him in that opening scene was correct. m Wow, loved seeing Eric Bogosian pop up, hope we get to see more of him. Nate is way too good for Shiv, but I can see her seriously using and abusing this guy down the line. Interesting that Kendall's decision to sue his father was done off screen. Is Roman seriously clueless as to why Kendall is not talking to him? Totally forgot that Kendall shut Shiv out of the vote thing cause Shiv sure isn't going to forget it. Connor's ranch is beautiful. Hope Griffin Dunne's character here is a lot more likable than his character on This is Us. I wonder if Kendall was invited to this gathering and chose not to come or was he not invited. Did the kids seriously let Logan get away with that opening statement. Hate that Kendall relapsed...too obvious a storytelling card to play at this juncture. I'm really not getting what Connor is trying to do with Willa, but Alan Ruck is such a good actor, I really want to keep trying to figure it out. Logan's temper tantrum after the doctor got hurt was over the top. That scene with Sara Snook and Eric Bogosian had a definite sizzle to it. Shiv and Nate in the Solid work by Jeremy Strong in that last scene after inviting Roman over. Even Connor is fed up with his father. What I love about the Logan Roy character is is unabashed never know what this guy is going to say and do in any given situation. What's with the marks on Logan's back? Was he a slave in a former life?

Gideon58 10-21-22 12:24 AM

Stewie sounded so sincere to Roman about that party at the beginning of ep 8 but I'm still not believing anything that comes out of Stewie's mouth. Loving Kendall's casual look. Can't believe Greg ratted out Tom to Logan...very impressive. That phone call from Tom to Shiv was hysterical. It's weird the way they're being kind of vague as to whether or not Kendall is still using. Loved that Logan asked Greg to keep an eye on Kendall..."wetting his beak." Coulda knocked me over with a feather when Stewie showed up at Tom's bachelor party. I hope my previous prediction of Greg running the company comes true before Roman strangles him. So what's the story with this Sandy Furness (Larry Pine)? Haven't seen Roman and Kendall fight for one guy's attention like this? That dog cage thing was beyond bizarre. The Kendall/Greg/cocaine scene was excellent. "Dude, your heart is going to be pumping so hard, it'll probably bring you back to life." I really hate the games that Logan plays with his children...he's all kinds of messed up. There's something seriously wrong with Tom. It looks like Kendall might actually be onto Stewie, thank God.

Gideon58 10-21-22 05:08 PM

Just Watched ep 9. Shiv kills me...she can say anything she wants about her father, but no one else can. Can't believe Kendall is still trusting Stewie. Can't believe it took nine episodes to meet the Roy siblings' mother. Logan is a prick for refusing to come to the wedding unless begged to do so. Can't believe he's trying to spin why he's not attending. w\What was that scene between Gil and Roman about, no love lost there. Tom actually knew NOTHING about Nate before this wedding? Loved that confrontation between Kendall and Rava. Shiv was not the least bit convincing when she told Tom she wasn't cheating on him. Loved Logan's helicopter entrance with the theme music playing in the background. It's so dumb but not surprising that Nate wants to be the center of Shiv's universe on the day she's marrying someone else. Can't wait for a good old fashioned Krystle and Alexis catfight between Shiv and Marcia. "Can't make an omlette without breaking a dick,"

Gideon58 10-25-22 03:57 PM

I have to start paying closer attention because I didn't realize until the season one finale that Willow was a prostitute before she met Conner. That scene where Kendall approached Logan with the buyout offer crackled with tension, thanks to Cox's intimidating stare and the internalized terror Kendall was feeling, beautifully projected by Jeremy Strong. Conner really seems to be losing his mind during this episode and it seems to be coming of nowhere. There's no justifying the way Logan treated that waiter. Roman and Tom's speeches were hysterical. Why does Logan think Shiv can fix things? "I'm not going to ruin a party over a couple of f**king thumbs." I knew Greg wasn't as dumb as he's been pretending to be. I knew Shiv wasn't in love with Tom, but why wait until their wedding day to be honest with the man? That's just evil. Sara Snook and Matthew MacFayden played the hell out of that scene. Loved when Tom asked Nate to leave...great scene. Can't believe he made him pour the wine back in the bottle, OMG. Loved Kendall and the waiter...did not see that coming. This is the last thing Kendall needs right now. Excellent work by Jeremy Strong in that final scene with Logan. Superb season one finale...though it's rare with shows like this, it seems important that season two begins EXACTLY where season one ended.

Stirchley 10-26-22 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2342443)
I have to start paying closer attention because I didn't realize until the season one finale that Willow was a prostitute before she met Conner. That scene where Kendall approached Logan with the buyout offer crackled with tension, thanks to Cox's intimidating stare and the internalized terror Kendall was feeling, beautifully projected by Jeremy Strong. Conner really seems to be losing his mind during this episode and it seems to be coming of nowhere. There's no justifying the way Logan treated that waiter. Roman and Tom's speeches were hysterical. Why does Logan think Shiv can fix things? "I'm not going to ruin a party over a couple of f**king thumbs." I knew Greg wasn't as dumb as he's been pretending to be. I knew Shiv wasn't in love with Tom, but why wait until their wedding day to be honest with the man? That's just evil. Sara Snook and Matthew MacFayden played the hell out of that scene. Loved when Tom asked Nate to leave...great scene. Can't believe he made him pour the wine back in the bottle, OMG. Loved Kendall and the waiter...did not see that coming. This is the last thing Kendall needs right now. Excellent work by Jeremy Strong in that final scene with Logan. Superb season one finale...though it's rare with shows like this, it seems important that season two begins EXACTLY where season one ended.
Pretty sure Willow would describe herself as an “escort” rather than a prostitute. No matter what Marcia thinks.

Gideon58 10-26-22 06:18 PM

I'm not surprised that season two opened with Kendall back in rehab but what was with the urgency of his on camera mea culpa? Jeremy Strong played that television appearance beautifully. Love Sara Snook's haircut. That scene with Logan and his banker was interesting. Initially, it was difficult to tell where his loyalties lie. Kendall, Greg, and the "park coke" were hysterical, even though I was shocked that Kendall is still using. I love whenever Sara Snook and Kieran Culkin do a scene together, they are SO funny together, like real siblings. Marcia sends chills down my spine. Can't believe Logan is helping to cover up what happened in the first season finale. I hope that comes back and bites him in the ass. "Should we frisk him, burn him, see if he's a witch?" Roman seemed to be the only one to actually speak his mind at that family meeting. Shiv really needs to watch her step with her father. I don't believe anything he says to her. If Shiv really gets this company, is she going to use it to get rid of Tom? Can Tom get his lips any further up Logan's ass? Will Logan ever stop believing that he's going to live forever? That final scene was a kicker...nice to see Stewie at a loss.

Gideon58 10-27-22 07:14 PM

I wonder what Logan meant when he told Roman and Roy whoever fixes it first gets a cookie at the opening of ep 2? Not sure what he meant by "fix" or "cookie". Tom is kind of an idiot...can he really not tell that Shiv doesn't give a damn about him? can't believe Logan made Roman and Kendall co-CEO' good can come of this, but a lot of high drama can. Loved when they met with Lawrence and acted like they weren't both in the room. I'm guessing that Logan's ATM news is sort of a fictionalized FOX news. OMG, I didn't know Nate was married. Greg seriously needs to extricate himself from Tom, but every time Tom raises his voice to Greg, he dissolves into a puddle of water. I knew Logan was going to change his terms with Shiv. Looks like Roman has been paying a little more attention to the bottom line than we thought. Shive effectively summed up Kendall's relationship with Logan out on the terrace. That scene between Sara Snook and Mathew MacFayden was brilliant as Shiv finally told Tom what she wanted him to hear. Is there a battle waging between Tom and Kendall for Greg's soul or is Greg just a dealer to Kendall? Roman feels Tom is a threat? Didn't see that coming. "You look like a divorce lawyer from the twin cities." Shiv is having trouble staying two steps ahead of Tom. Jeremy Strong RULED in that scene where Kendall fired an entire company...I'm loving Kendall's Phoenix rising from the ashes. That final scene with Kendall is probably the closest I've seen to Logan actually being happy. Didn't get the bit with the batteries in the bodega. Had to wait until the credits to figure out who that was playing the head of the news division with Tom. My God, that was Jeanne Berlin, 1972 Oscar nominee for The Heartbreak Kid...didn't even recognize her.

Gideon58 10-29-22 06:02 PM

The opening scene of ep 3 poses a very interesting question...why would a writer researching a book about Logan Roy start at the every bottom of the food chain namely Greg? They continue to keep us wondering whether Greg is really stupid or just pretending to be. Jeri's starting to piss me off...she disagrees with just about everything Logan says and does, but never tells him to his face. Why is Conner so obsessed with being president? Love Roman going through and around his father and brother. What makes Shiv think Tom can get through to her father? "It's just that, historically, when I'm betrayed, it's usually you." Conner's really got tunnelvision about this presidency thing and is only hearing what he wants to hear. "Of course, you can trust me, to a point, but yes." I can't believe Greg told Tom about meeting with the writer, the last person he should have told. Shooting wild pigs for sport? That's disgusting. "What is this obsession with milk? You know who drinks milk? Kittens and perverts," It's about time for Tom to find the mason jar where Shiv is keeping his balls.

Gideon58 10-31-22 06:09 PM

Loved the opening of ep 4 with Kendall on the stairs as if it were through the eye of a security camera. Love the way Kendall and Shiv talk to each other but never say exactly what they mean. Though the resolve of the shooting was kind of lame, I loved the drama it caused in the two panic rooms. Nicholas Braun and Matthew McFayden nailed that scene where Greg asked if he could work somewhere else and Tom lost it, though I'm not sure why. Impressive guest shot from Oscar winner Hollly Hunter as Rhea Jurrell. Brian Cox nailed that bidding scene with Rhea. Greg TOTALLY played Tom, so glad he didn't tell Tom where those papers are. Connor's eulogy to Lester was a riot. Who's Lester? How has Shiv not seen through Logan yet? Roman's sexual issues...not really understanding them yet. Roman and Jeri? Seriously? Not sure what was going on, but Jeremy Strong and Sara Snook acted the hell out of their last scene together.

Gideon58 11-02-22 03:21 PM

That family meeting at the beginning of ep 5 was brilliantly written. Logan really knows how to keep his kids guessing. Cherry Jones and Mark Linn-Baker were fun additions to the proceedings as part of the Pierce conglomerate. Not sure why everything came to a halt with Kendall's arrival. Was some backstory between Kendall and Rhea implied here? Loved when Logan told Roman to control the volume of his laugh. I don't think I've ever heard anyone do that before. Is Marcia getting fed up with Logan, despite the fact that he doesn't seem to care? This was the first real tension I've seen between them. For someone who seriously wants the keys to the kingdom, Roman puts absolutely no effort into what he must do to get them. "Hi. I'm the right wing ogre, at your service." "This morning I bought a pound of ham and paid for it by telling them I was really worried about the environment." Loved when Marcia showed her ass to Logan right in Nan's face. Marcia still gives me the willies. I'm beginning to think that if and when Logan dies, she's definitely going to have something to do with it. Shiv may have really messed up with her premature announcement. There's a definite spark between Kendall and Naomi that goes past the cocaine. This was the first ep in a long time where I've actually seen Kendall smile. Sure would like more deep background into Roman's sexual issues. "And if you hear my electric toothbrush for a little too long it's because I'm masturbating." Gerri and Roman...WTF?!?

Gideon58 11-02-22 10:05 PM

The opening of ep 6 made realize how hard it is to keep up with all of these events where hundreds of people are gathered in a single room drinking a lot and the Roys are sizing them all up. Fisher Stevens was in this ep, I love him! That conference call with the Roys all talking from different locations was so cool...especially Shiv in the toilet. Tom and Greg on the bridge were cracking me up. Roman needs to listen a little more carefully to Gerri...she seems to be a good ally to have in all of this. Tom and Greg's squabbling over that catchphrase went on way too long. Jeremy Strong nailed that scene where Kendall confronted Stewie. "Hey! Big fan of all your money." It's interesting the way Shiv takes complete advantage of her open marriage to Tom but won't give him the same latitude. Every time he encounters another female, Shiv comes up with a loophole to veto it. Can't believe Roman compared Gerri to a filing cabinet. Didn't really understand exactly what Roman was offering to Gerri and I'm not sure Gerri did either. Nan is the only person I've seen on this show who can actually make Logan sweat. That scene with Sara and Holly Hunter...I don't know what the hell was going on there. Are we supposed to believe that Logan actually knocked Roman's tooth out? There's no denying that I enjoyed watching Nan walk out on Logan.

Gideon58 11-04-22 03:34 PM

The sexting between Kendall and Naomi was a fun opening to ep 7. Where Roman and Gerri are concerned...more, more, more! That commercial by Sandy and Stewie for the shareholders seemed rather elaborate for its purpose. "Are your nips hard? They must be cause you are so out in the cold." I had to get to this ep to figure out what all that shredding was about that Tom had Greg do. For someone who seems to be so passionate about the keys to the kingdom, Roman doesn't put a lot of effort into earning them. Rhea's an interesting character...have no idea what her agenda really is. Love the way Kendall bristles whenever someone even mentions the idea of Shiv being involved with the corporation. Who is Tom to threaten to break Greg's legs? Logan and Rhea by the fire...loved that scene. Why is Logan being blamed for that waiter's death? "Well I suppose that everybody has to apologize for everything nowadays." Logan really has Kendall's balls in a vice right now. Jeremy Strong was superb as he was walking through the boy's house and seeing pictures of him everywhere...powerhouse acting with minimal dialogue. I loved that Greg wrote "secret" on the file in adorable was that. "It's fine, it's good to check before you f*ck someone's dad." Why does Rhea want Shiv working at Pierce? That scene with Greg in the restroom was pointless. Love the actress who plays Caroline. Hope we get some backstory into Caroline and her relationship with her children. Typical rich kid...Kendall trying to clear his conscience by throwing money at the problem. That scene between Kendall and Caroline was so sad because it looked like Kendall really needed his mother and she was just too self-absorbed to give her son the attention he needed. Looks like all the Roys better watch out for Rhea...she's out for blood.

Gideon58 11-07-22 06:53 PM

Just watched ep 8...Willow has a play on Broadway already? What was with those videotaped tributes to Logan? Isn't there enough Logan ass kissing on this show as it is? "I don't piss on the carpet every time it thunders." God, Marcia creeps me out. Got the impression that Rhea wants to take the company away from the family, but I don't see how that's possible by herself. Unsure of exactly what Roman was asking Gerri but I can't wait to find out. Marica was scary as hell when she confronted Rhea. Loved the return of James Cromwell as Ewing. Can't believe Ewing actually compared his brother to Hitler. Ewing really backed Greg into a corner. Can't believe what Kendall did to Conner...and what happened to Naomi? Brian Cox played the hell out of Logan's reaction to his surprise party. Can't believe Kendall introduced Jennifer to Logan right in front of Connor. I can't figure out how these people manage to run billion dollar conglomerates and have all these parties. Did Kendall actually rapped to his father? Logan's treatment of Roman with the news about the ball team was uncalled for. Rhea better not turn her back on Marcia during the foreseeable future.

Gideon58 11-09-22 04:03 PM

The commentary provided by the family watching the whistle blower interview was a fun opening to ep 9. I'm getting the impression that Gerri might be the brightest person working at Waystar. She also seems to be one of the few people that Logan actually listens to. Loved the expression on Logan's face when Gerri suggested they throw Bill under the bus. Not surprised that Greg gave up Ewing's inheritance, but don't think Ewing is going to take that sitting down, it will just refuel the fire with his brother, I'm sure, or I hope. Still would love some backstory on Logan and Ewing. Congressional hearings? This sh*t storm is getting very serious. Not exactly clear about what Logan was asking Roman to do, but it sounds really dangerous. Didn't get that thing about Marcia either. Loved that brown pinstripe that Logan had on when they arrived in DC. "Eat, eat, eat those dangerous f*cking minutes." I KNEW Logan was putting Roman in danger...guess he felt Roman was expendable. Gil's questioning of Tom was wrought with tension, thanks to Eric Bogosian and Matthew MacFayden. Loved the look on Greg's face when his name was mentioned during the questioning. I have to admit I'm wondering how much Logan really knows about this because I sure can't tell, thanks to the amazing Brian Cox, who plays the hell out of this character. The re-appearance of Naomi was a bit convenient. Logan's opening speech at the hearing might have carried a little more weight if he wasn't reading it. Kendall's speech was awesome though...Jeremy Strong NAILED that speech. That scene with Shiv and the victim was excellent. Mark Blum still has a knack for playing truly slimy characters. "I know you're lying, but I still find you plausible and appealing." I think Rhea got out just in time, the same way Michelle Pfeiffer did in Scarface.

Gideon58 11-10-22 02:57 PM

Now Logan is suddenly concerned about Roman's safety. It's exasperating that all Logan is thinking about at the beginning of the second season finale is covering his own ass. "Welcome to our city on the's like Venice, but it smells nice." Can't believe we didn't get to see Greg's questioning by congress. Why would they just skip over that? I'm hoping we get a real good reason down the pike. Have the bad reviews for Willa's play triggered the beginning of the end of her relationship with Connor? Surprising how Roman underplayed his return...was sure he would make a spectacle about the danger he was in. It was sad that Kendall seems to have given up. I think I just figured out what Logan means by taking the company private. I'm a little slow on the take sometimes, but if I'm correct, what he wants to do seems virtually impossible. It was refreshing to see Logan taking Roman seriously for a change and I'm trusting Logan's banker less and less. I couldn't tell if he quit or not. That scene between Connor and Logan was excellent. Not much fun watching Logan tighten his grip on Kendall's balls. It was obvious that Tom was not feeling this threesome but sweet that he was willing to go along for Shiv, though I'm not 100% sure what her motives were either. Loved Connor ordering an entire bottle of burgundy for breakfast. I hated Kendall referring to the family as "loyal servants." Loved watching the family turn on Tom and he kind of deserves to be the "blood sacrifice" as Logan so eloquently phrased it. "There's no need to say elephant in the room, there are fifteen other elephants in the room." The meeting with Stewie was that he is not intimidate by Logan, like most of the rest of the cast of characters. I have never heard the phrase "I love you" spoken with less sincerity than when Shiv uses it about her husband. I can't believe she had the nerve to be shocked when he said he wasn't happy. Tom, Logan and the chicken...what was that about? Why is Shiv able to show her love for Tom to her father but not to Tom? Sara Snook was wonderful in that brief scene with Brain Cox. Took me most of this episode to realize that Marcia left Logan. I think we all knew who was going to be the blood sacrifice all along, so why make us sweat the way they did? Logan literally stabbed Kendall in the heart when he told he wasn't a killer. And the final screw you to Roman from Logan seemed like an appropriate way to end season two.

Gideon58 11-12-22 05:03 PM

The family is still on the move and apparently Kendall has not given up yet as season 3 commenced. Don't know where this resurgence came from, but loving the return of season 1 Kendall. That was awesome when Kendall threw Carolina out of the car. Loved when Kendall was giving Greg instructions and Greg didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Must have missed something in the season 2 finale because I'm not getting the gulf between Logan and Kendall. "This is like OJ...except if OJ didn't kill anyone." Is this family actually trying to escape federal charges by fleeing the country? That meeting between Kendall and his ex-wife was brilliantly civil and icy. "Frank, you're not're mashed potatoes." Why is Ewing taking what Logan is doing out on Greg's mother? Solid work by Kieran Culkin during that phone call between Logan and Roman. Nice guest shot from Sanaa Lathan as the high-powered attorney Lisa. "So I'm not giving you enough money for gender appropriate razors now?" Can't believe Kendall brought Naomi to Ravi's house. I'm thinking more and more that this hayseed thing that Greg is perpetrating is an act. I still think when this show is over, Greg is going to be running Waystar/Royco..

Gideon58 11-16-22 11:07 PM

Ep 2 offered offered the first real look at the Roy siblings that we've really seen, Really starting to hate Tom, and I'd really like to see him thrown under the bus instead of Greg. Greg hasn't figured out yet that he's going to have to choose between his grandfather and the rest of the Roys. That lawyer who showed up at Greg's house was shady as hell. It was fun watching Logan kiss Connor's ass. Logan asking Roman to keep an eye on Gerri was like asking the mouse to watch the cheese factory. The return of Marcia...brrrr...nice to see that Marcia actually has a price and legal representation to make sure she got it. LOved Peter Reigert as Ewing's lawyer. They want us to think Gerri is the man now, bit is she really?

Gideon58 11-26-22 02:08 PM

The third episode of the third season is finding the return of first season Kendall. I don't know what this game is that Greg is playing between Logan and Kendall, but it seems very dangerous. Don't really understand Roman's half-hearted efforts to stay in father' good graces when he seems to hate him so much. How does Shiv continue to believe anything that comes out of her father's mouth? It was nice ti see shiv fire her first real shot against Kendali in this war. Logan trying to hide from the FBI- maybe the funniest thing I've seen on this show thus far. Kendall watching the FBI entrance was priceless.

Gideon58 11-29-22 02:12 PM

Greg looked like he was going to evaporate into a puddle of water at the beginning of ep 4. Loved Frank and Carl trying to talk to Kendall and Frank continually motioning Carl to shut up. Don't really understand how the President can get Logan out of this. "What I can't masturbate at the time and place of my choosing?" That scene between Logan and Greg was glorious. "Do you know they're calling me Terminal Tom down on 7 because I've go cancer of the career?" I'm giving Shiv and Tom's marriage about three months. Why is Connor all of a sudden interested in the company? I thought he wanted to be the POTUS. That scene between Shiv and Connor was nasty. Oscar winner Adrien Brody was properly smooth as Josh. Brody perfectly conveyed Josh's awkwardness about being a buffer between Logan and Kendall. That silence between Logan and Kendall after Josh left was deafening. That meeting that Roman and Hugo had with the guy with the marking on his head was weird...really couldn't tell if that guy knew why he was there. "You know the Beatles put out some of their best sh*t when they were suing each other." Matthew MacFayden was chilling in that scene where he was trying to intimidate Greg. Josh is playing Logan and Kendall like a fiddle. Tom's terror about going to jail is cracking me up and I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. "I don't like betting on blood feuds." As brilliant as those scenes with Josh, Kendall, and Logan were, I really didn't see what was accomplished. Every scene that Roman and Geri share is getting to be appointment television. "You tried to assassinate our dad with the sun." Once he saw the real Logan, Josh didn't waste anytime climbing into a different pocket.

Gideon58 12-01-22 04:22 PM

Questions of where some allegences really are coming to light as the Shareholders Meeting opens up ep 5. "Tomorrow we're all going to look for jobs in the same branch of Target." Wonder exactly what Connor is up to. First ep where I've seen Stewie sweat. When did Sandy become incapacitated? Looks like Greg might have backed the wrong horse. Though he would never let Greg see it, Greg's actions have clearly broken his grandfather's heart. Despite Sandy's condition, the Roys better not count their chickens. Love the way Logan runs and hides every time he is really needed. Loved when he said "F*ck 'em" and no one knew exactly what he meant. I have to wonder if Sandy Jr might be faking his incapitation because as things progressed, Sandy Jr (beautifully played by Hope Davis) seemed to acting on her own. Logan and Tom in the bathroom...hilarious. That backstage panic at the meeting was brilliantly directed...great camerawork. Felt so bad about Frank tapdancing onstage. Cannot believe Greg is thinking about suing his grandfather. for cutting him off. Nothing good can come of that. Love that Connor wants to say no to the president. Did you see Sandy Jr's eyes light up when Shiv offered her a seat on the board? She's going to end up screwing her father somehow. Loved Roman's phone consversation with the president. What Kendall did on that stage took some real cajones. Greg kills me...he's going to sue Greenpeace. The relationship between Logan and Kendall might be the most complex father/son relationship I have ever seen on a television series.

Gideon58 12-06-22 12:33 PM

The opening of ep 6 revealed that Kendall might not be taking what's going on as seriously as he should. Greg is still playing a very dangerius game waffling between Kendall and the rest of the Roys. Really don't understand Shiv's loyalty to Logan...he treats her differently every episoe. "Dpn't worry Greg, this is a safe space where you don't have to pretend to like Hamilton". I was wondering why Caroline would get married without informing her children, but as I typed this, I think I did figure out why. Tom's horror about going to prison is getting old and I still don't feel sorry for him. "With you on contraception, it's like throwing so much cake batter into a brick wall." Was Connor actually pimping out Willow to further his political ambitions? Greg really needs to stop trusting Tom. Can't believe Kendall fired Sanaa Latham. Justin Kirk was hysterical in this episode, hope we get to see more of him. Jeremy Strong and Matthew MacFayden played that scene in the restaurant, though I don't get how Kendall can keep Tom out of jail. Greg killed me talking about Connor being president. I'm beginning to think Logan is made of teflon.

Gideon58 12-07-22 01:29 PM

Ep 7 actually opened with Jeremy Strong singing, which I didn't see coming at all. Not bad. It was a nice little acting showcase for Matthew MacFayden, but why did Tom have to destroy Gerg's office? "Where is he? Getting his nose done? ******* whitened?" Loved the dress that Shiv wore to Kendall's party. I can't believe Kedall had all those tabloid headlines blown up to poster size for party decorations. That wasa really messed up. Love those screens of fire...very creepy. Logan's "offer" to Kendall really got to Kendall, even if he's in deep denial about it. "May we please step inside your mental disorder?" Big props for the imegainatin Kendall put into his own birthday party. Don't know why Shiv hasn't walked away from this family decades ago. Kendall's encounter with Ravi was beautifully awkward. Loved when Kendall was looking for the present from his kids. Actually, Jeremy Strong has knocked it out of the park this entire ep. He should have won an Emmy for this ep alone. Rome put Shiv in her place. Rome seems the only person who seems to be abe to get to Shiv.

Gideon58 12-08-22 04:20 PM

The return of Hope Davis as Sandy Jr was a strong start to ep 8. Kendall's relationship with his mother seems to be just as toxic as the one with his father. More Geri and Roman please...and could we please get some clarificstion regarding the fluidity of Roman's sexuality? No one has told Connor yet that he can't be POTUS with a prostitute girlfriend. Tom and Shiv were so mean to Greg, that was so uncalled for. That private meeting between Kendall and Logan was beautifully written and performed. Kendall actually seemed to be attempting what he thought was sincerity but Logan was having none of it. Do the Roys realize how seriously broken this Madsen guy is? Why do they want to be in business with this guy? "Firing people is about 85% of the reason I get up in the morning." I was surprised that Shiv knew as much about Roman as she did. That final shot of Kendall was a heartbreaker...very Marilyn Monroe.

Gideon58 12-13-22 09:39 PM

The opening of the third season finale with Logan reading to his grandson was so sweet. I've never found Logan so likable, but he bounced back to the Logan we know and love pretty quickly. The sibs playing Monopoly had a delicious irony to it. That shot of the helicopter cruising over the Greek Islands was breathtaking. Does Logan think Roman is gay? The siblings intervention scene with Kendall was brilliantly performed. I can't believe what Connor said to Kendall. Alan Ruck was particularly awesome in that scene. I like that Connor is finally showing interest in the family business. The wedding venue was one of the mist beautiful churches I have ever seen. "Get in there, Greg. If Roman marries her, he'll invade France." HATED Caroline's so-called wedding attire...what was she thinking? Lost it when shiv wished that her mother's marriage would be as happy and fulfilling as hers is. Can't believe Greg called Roman a sexual pervert...Greg's really out of his league here. I don't know what's going on with Kendall, but it's scaring me. I don't think anyone in the family should be trusting Madsen, getting a bad vibe from him. Can't believe Kendall confessed to Shiv and Roman...Jeremy Strong should have won an Emmy for this scene alone. Loved the way Shiv and Roman supported their brother, which I didn't see coming. That scene with Kendall, Shiv, and Roman was AMAZING. I was sort of shocked by Kendall, Shiv, and Rome's plan, but not really. Is Greg getting ready to marry royalty? Can't believe Greg is considering getting in bed with Tom again? He hasn't figured out that he can't trust Tom? Loved that last could tell it ws killing Roman to go against his father. Caroline was quite the knife in the back...can't believe she would do that to her own children, Logan, yeah, but their mother? I'm hoping that everything Logan has done will bring the siblings closer together in season 4. Helluva three season ride, really enjoyed it.

Gideon58 04-05-23 03:27 PM

Loved Greg describing Logan at the beginning of season 4 ep 2 as if Santa Claus was a hitman. This Shiv/Tom divorce is going to get UG-LY. So Carrie is just using Logan to become an anchor? Should have seen that coming. Of course, we can't tell how Logan feels about it. Loved that her audition tape was terrible. Brian Cox nailed Logan's speech to the troops. It brought to mind Orson Welles in Citizen Kane. The scene with the siblings at the heliport was a riot. Loved that Hugo and Gerri were cracking up at Carrie's audition tape. Loved the return of Sandy I still don't think the siblings should trust himas far as they can throw him. Willa walking out on her wedding rehearsal staggering drunk? What's that about? Rome;s insensitivity to Conner did make me laugh though. Logan trying to throw Tom under the bus regarding Carrie is classic Logan. Shiv ordered club soda at the bar, is it possible that she's pregnant? Kendall's video call to Lucas was awesome, loving Alexander Skarsgaard as Lucas. The Tom throwing Greg under the bus regarding Carrie scene was excellent. It's a little creepy seeing Kendall and Shiv on the same page. Nicholas Braun played that scene with Carrie brilliantly. "If this focus group isn't real, I'm going to take you apart like a human string cheese." is Rome really acting as a double agent? Logan has got to stop thinking his children are stupid. Gauging Logan's sincerity in that scene with the kids is pretty much impossible to determine and Brian Cox deserves a lot of the credit for that. Alan Ruck's farewell speech to his siblings was a heartbreaker. Conner is coming off as suicidal right now. Roman needs to watch his step with his father.

Gideon58 04-19-23 01:20 PM

Connor's wedding turned out to be the canvas for a real turning point in this show. Not really sure why Logan wants to fire Gerri and the fact that he's making Roman do it is a real pussy movie. Couldn't really tell if Tom was lying to Greg or not. Even though it's not traditional, LOVED Willa's wedding dress. Tom's lips were very firmly attached to Logan's ass during the opening scenes, not that I'm convinced it's going to help once he and Shiv are divorced. Loved Shiv's suit with the little gold lock on the belt. Keiran Culkin totally played that scene where he first tried to fire Gerri. Loved that Gerri figured it out without Roman actually saying it. Wondering if firing Gerri is a good idea...she knows where a lot of bodies are buried. Didn't realize until today that Connor has a different mother than the other three siblings. Great to see the kids' real feeling about their dad come to the surface after getting the initial news about Logan. Tom made one lousy conduit between Logan and his kids. I was a little shocked when Kendall said that, even now, he couldn't forgive Logan. Loved the tracking shot of Kendall breaking the news to Shiv. Sarah Snook nailed it when she took the phone to talk to her father. Frank is really not handling this very well, second only to Tom. Loved Connor's reaction to the news about Logan. That scene in the cabin with the four siblings trying to decipher what's happening was intense and riveting, it had a real improvisational feel to it. "Judging by her grin, you'd think she caught a foul ball at Yankee Stadium." Not sure that I cared for the reference to Chuckles the Clown. Dying to know what's in Tom's file titled "logistics." Would love to see Greg throw Tom under the bus. It was heartbreaking that Connor was afraid that cancelling the wedding would imply that Willa was backing out. "My father's dead and I feel old." How refreshing that Willa admitted that Connor's money was a part of the package she liked. "We'll get a funeral off the racks." Interesting how the media got on to what was happening so quickly. I can already see the events of this episode bringing the siblings closer than they've ever been. Loved where Roman's head was during that last scene with Gerri. Loved the cameras behind the fence at the airport. Sarah Snook nailed the reading of the statement to the press. Very glad Connor and Willa went through with the wedding. Congrats to director Mark Mylod for pirating an hour of appoint television.

Stirchley 04-19-23 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2383258)
Connor's wedding turned out to be the canvas for a real turning point in this show. Not really sure why Logan wants to fire Gerri and the fact that he's making Roman do it is a real pussy movie. Couldn't really tell if Tom was lying to Greg or not. Even though it's not traditional, LOVED Willa's wedding dress. Tom's lips were very firmly attached to Logan's ass during the opening scenes, not that I'm convinced it's going to help once he and Shiv are divorced. Loved Shiv's suit with the little gold lock on the belt. Keiran Culkin totally played that scene where he first tried to fire Gerri. Loved that Gerri figured it out without Roman actually saying it. Wondering if firing Gerri is a good idea...she knows where a lot of bodies are buried. Didn't realize until today that Connor has a different mother than the other three siblings. Great to see the kids' real feeling about their dad come to the surface after getting the initial news about Logan. Tom made one lousy conduit between Logan and his kids. I was a little shocked when Kendall said that, even now, he couldn't forgive Logan. Loved the tracking shot of Kendall breaking the news to Shiv. Sarah Snook nailed it when she took the phone to talk to her father. Frank is really not handling this very well, second only to Tom. Loved Connor's reaction to the news about Logan. That scene in the cabin with the four siblings trying to decipher what's happening was intense and riveting, it had a real improvisational feel to it. "Judging by her grin, you'd think she caught a foul ball at Yankee Stadium." Not sure that I cared for the reference to Chuckles the Clown. Dying to know what's in Tom's file titled "logistics." Would love to see Greg throw Tom under the bus.
That 30 minute scene when they all got the Logan news was done in a single take.

Can’t believe how well Shiv recovered from falling down the step. That had to hurt.

Hilarious scene with poor Kerry when the contents of her bag fell on the floor. Marcia is a dragon!!!

Gideon58 04-24-23 12:24 PM

Just watched the beginning of "Honeymoon States" and is the first mention there's been of Shiv's pregnancy? Can't wait to see what options she is seriously considering. Will she even tell Tom? Is Tom even the father? Loved Kendall's reaction to seeing Marcia. Couldn't tell if she was lying about her nightly phone calls with Logan. The siblings' treatment of Greg? A little much? Carl seems about thisclose to doing a jig on Logan's grave. He was kind of harsh to Tom, but not altogether wrong. Loved that little dig exchange between Marcia and Willa. I don't know why, but I was thrown by Connor's interest in the house. That plotting between Frank, Carl, and Gerri was really squirm worthy. "Roman pre-grieved...he already gave at the office." Didn't get exactly what Horace was confessing to Kendall about but pretty sure a clear explanation will manifest itself later. Can't wait to see how legally binding that paper of Logan's is. Liked the way Greg tried to stand up to the board. Is Kendall really surprised that Logan wanted him to take over? Seriously? Frank's got an agenda that seems to be coming into focus. Marcia's treatment of Carrie was SO creepy. Stewey's appearance was as greasy as ever. Mom seems to be taking her sweet time getting in the middle of things. Did Kendall just think Rome and Shiv were going to sit back and accept all o this? Can't believe Rome and Kendall manipulated Shiv like that. "Long live the king, long live the king, no, the other king." So who do Horace and Carolina want in place? Yeah, that line on Kendall's name on that piece of paper is definitely open to interpretation.

Stirchley 04-24-23 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2383996)
Just watched the beginning of "Honeymoon States" and is the first mention there's been of Shiv's pregnancy? Can't wait to see what options she is seriously considering. Will she even tell Tom? Is Tom even the father? Loved Kendall's reaction to seeing Marcia. Couldn't tell if she was lying about her nightly phone calls with Logan. The siblings' treatment of Greg? A little much? Carl seems about thisclose to doing a jig on Logan's grave. He was kind of harsh to Tom, but not altogether wrong. Loved that little dig exchange between Marcia and Willa. I don't know why, but I was thrown by Connor's interest in the house. That plotting between Frank, Carl, and Gerri was really squirm worthy. "Roman pre-grieved...he already gave at the office." Didn't get exactly what Horace was confessing to Kendall about but pretty sure a clear explanation will manifest itself later. Can't wait to see how legally binding that paper of Logan's is. Liked the way Greg tried to stand up to the board. Is Kendall really surprised that Logan wanted him to take over? Seriously? Frank's got an agenda that seems to be coming into focus. Marcia's treatment of Carrie was SO creepy. Stewey's appearance was as greasy as ever. Mom seems to be taking her sweet time getting in the middle of things. Did Kendall just think Rome and Shiv were going to sit back and accept all o this? Can't believe Rome and Kendall manipulated Shiv like that. "Long live the king, long live the king, no, the other king." So who do Horace and Carolina want in place? Yeah, that line on Kendall's name on that piece of paper is definitely open to interpretation.
So confused about Shiv’s pregnancy. It seemed to come from nowhere. Did her & Tom talk about freezing eggs before? Has to be Tom’s baby. I do think she’s being very mean to him though I can see her POV. I doubt Marcia had intimate evening phone calls with Logan. Marcia is lucky she & Logan didn’t actually divorce. No clue why Connor dropped $63 million for that house. Weird.

Hugo (not Horace) has a daughter who traded in her Waystar stock the day before it went public & now it looks like Hugo or his daughter could be accused of insider trading. Hugo says he’s innocent & barely speaks to his daughter. This is what he confessed to Kendall, which Kendall used to blackmail Hugo into siding with him (Kendall) rather than with Shiv & Roman. Stupid Hugo: Kendall would never have found out about the stock if Hugo had said nothing.

Marcia is a barracuda. She always tried to put Willa in her place & did the same with Kerry. Kerry asking Roman to find out if Logan had taken any steps towards marrying her was so desperate.

Marcia calling a cab for Kerry to take her to the subway & then to her small apartment was hilarious.

Gideon58 04-24-23 03:16 PM

Marcia is a barricuda...she scares the hell out of me.

ScarletLion 04-25-23 06:37 AM

Re: Succession
Blast of a season so far. Questions:

1) The piece of paper that they found in the safe - did it originally have Kendall's name on? Or did they change it? They discussed the possibility of making it disappear, then they seemed to completely be on board with it.

2) Episode 4 ended with Kendall completely overriding Roman's decision to put out a nasty press release that dished dirt on Logan and blamed him. Yet episode 5 picked up without any mention of it. Surely Roman would have been seething at Kendal's decision reversal?

3) Did anybody else get Ex Machina vibes from Matsson's Scandinavian retreat?

Stirchley 04-26-23 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2384146)
Blast of a season so far. Questions:

1) The piece of paper that they found in the safe - did it originally have Kendall's name on? Or did they change it? They discussed the possibility of making it disappear, then they seemed to completely be on board with it.

2) Episode 4 ended with Kendall completely overriding Roman's decision to put out a nasty press release that dished dirt on Logan and blamed him. Yet episode 5 picked up without any mention of it. Surely Roman would have been seething at Kendal's decision reversal?

3) Did anybody else get Ex Machina vibes from Matsson's Scandinavian retreat?
The piece of paper in the safe had Kendall Logan Roy’s name on it. Depending on who you speak to, does the line under his name lend credence to Logan’s wishes or, as Shiv says, is the line actually deleting Kendall’s name? It’s hugely ambiguous & typical of Logan. Frank & Carl did not change what was on the piece of paper.

Kendall got Hugo secretly to plant the dirt on Logan Roy. Hugo didn’t want, as he put it, to “freelance” on this, but Kendall was still blackmailing him about his daughter & the Waystar stock & Hugo agreed to make the plant. So Roman had no idea it came from Kendall.

Did not get Ex Machina vibes at all, but that’s just me.

Yoda 04-26-23 02:21 PM

Re: Succession
Yeah, the thing with Kendall having Hugo plant those stories is that it's exactly the kind of thing we saw (or, more accurately, inferred) Logan did. From the moment he heard his name was on that piece of paper he started acting exactly like his father, in all the best and worst ways (mostly the latter).

As for the line, I appreciate the ambiguity but if I saw that in real life I'd say it's an underline, since it starts underneath and I'm assuming it went left-to-right. But I like that it just gives them all another excuse to argue. The more salient objection is that it was seemingly created before Kendall's multiple attempts to overthrow his father. :laugh:

Great show as always. Only significant critique I have over the last few episodes is that Matsson's weird reveal about his blood would've made way, way more sense coming from Ebba.

Stirchley 04-26-23 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2384351)
Yeah, the thing with Kendall having Hugo plant those stories is that it's exactly the kind of thing we saw (or, more accurately, inferred) Logan did. From the moment he heard his name was on that piece of paper he started acting exactly like his father, in all the best and worst ways (mostly the latter).

As for the line, I appreciate the ambiguity but if I saw that in real life I'd say it's an underline, since it starts underneath and I'm assuming it went left-to-right. But I like that it just gives them all another excuse to argue. The more salient objection is that it was seemingly created before Kendall's multiple attempts to overthrow his father. :laugh:

Great show as always. Only significant critique I have over the last few episodes is that Matsson's weird reveal about his blood would've made way, way more sense coming from Ebba.
Yes, I’m more for Kendall’s name on the piece of paper as being Logan’s legitimate wish. I don’t think he would ever have left the company to Roman or Shiv alone.

I have to re-watch the episode (I always watch them twice). I was tired & the Ebba Lukas blood thing went right over my head.

What’s your take on Shiv’s pregnancy? No idea what this woman is up to.

Yoda 04-26-23 03:28 PM

Re: Succession
I think his deep down choice was no one, that he thought nobody but him could really do it, and he enjoyed toying with them. His ex-wife summarized his character for us: "He never saw anything he loved that he didn't want to kick it just to see if it would still come back." But it was Kendall by default before his various coups, so it makes more sense than any one alternative, I guess.

Re: Ebba and Matsson. I just mean that it's convenient for Matsson to reveal something so damaging, presumably because it's going to "save" the Roy children later, when we've already established Ebba is disgruntled, and Shiv's already done the whole "we girls have to stick together" thing with Sandi once before. It's a more elegant way to achieve the same outcome, narratively, I think. Unless they've got something up their sleeve I've completely missed.

As for Shiv's pregnancy, I think it's just Tom's, she's keeping it from him because she's still mad at him and not sure what she wants to do, but you can see her WANTING him to make amends, wanting him to give her a way to save face in reuniting. Interesting storytelling choice to bring us in after she's known for awhile.

ScarletLion 04-26-23 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2384344)

Kendall got Hugo secretly to plant the dirt on Logan Roy. Hugo didn’t want, as he put it, to “freelance” on this, but Kendall was still blackmailing him about his daughter & the Waystar stock & Hugo agreed to make the plant. So Roman had no idea it came from Kendall.
Thanks but there was no mention of it in the next episode. Effectively, for all Roman knows, Hugo has gone against the family's wishes and done a dirt piece on Logan. Roman should have been furious. Just thought that the big cliffhanger that episode 4 ended on, hasn't even been touched on since. Massive continuity error for me. But enjoying the season.

Yoda 04-26-23 03:46 PM

Re: Succession
I'm not sure that Roman knows it was Hugo. He just knows it happened/has his suspicions, but at that point it could be a few people. Karolina among them.

Kendall tells Hugo to do it in episode 4 and then we see the result (Kendall pretending to be mad about it on the plane in front of Roman) in episode 5.

Gideon58 04-26-23 04:19 PM

Kendall seems to be back to his old form in "Skill Set". Don't understand why it's so important to Lucas that he attain ATN. When Carl, Frank, and Gerri arrived for the trip, the looked terrified that they would lose their jobs. That verbal exchange between Tom and Shiv was ugly. If this deal with Lucas goes through, Tom's head really seems to be on the chopping block. Does Lucas really think he can use Shiv to influence Kendall? Interesting that Shiv hasn't mentioned her pregnancy to anybody.

Stirchley 04-26-23 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2384372)
Kendall seems to be back to his old form in "Skill Set". Don't understand why it's so important to Lucas that he attain ATN. When Carl, Frank, and Gerri arrived for the trip, the looked terrified that they would lose their jobs. That verbal exchange between Tom and Shiv was ugly. If this deal with Lucas goes through, Tom's head really seems to be on the chopping block. Does Lucas really think he can use Shiv to influence Kendall? Interesting that Shiv hasn't mentioned her pregnancy to anybody.
Lukas may be messing with them. Seems as soon as they told him ATN is off the table, he decides he wants it. He’s childish in some ways.

Carl is terrified about finances because he & his BIL are buying a Greek island. Hilarious.

Tom & Shiv verbally sparred not for the first time, but, worse, Tom hit her. Unacceptable behavior. Has this happened before?

Shiv’s pregnancy certainly is strange. Someone suggested on Twitter that she miscarried when she fell in Logan’s house. If she’s pregnant, why drink?

AKA23 04-26-23 05:23 PM

Re: Succession
I like "Succession", but I don't love it. Very little happens to move the plot forward. The acting is great, the writing is well done, but most every episode is populated with witty conversation and little else. It's a bit one note for me. I also think it was a mistake to
WARNING: spoilers below
kill off Logan Roy so early in the last season. Without him, the show just isn't the same for me. I wouldn't have done that until towards the end.

Stirchley 04-26-23 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2384386)
I like "Succession", but I don't love it. Very little happens to move the plot forward. The acting is great, the writing is well done, but most every episode is populated with witty conversation and little else. It's a bit one note for me. I also think it was a mistake to
WARNING: spoilers below
kill off Logan Roy so early in the last season. Without him, the show just isn't the same for me. I wouldn't have done that until towards the end.
WARNING: spoilers below
It shocked Brian Cox too. He knew he would be killed off, but was surprised it was being done so early in the season. He figured around episode 8 or so. He did say it had to be done though. Obviously, as the show is Succession.

Not sure we need spoiler alerts, but you used them so I will too.

Stirchley 04-28-23 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2384379)
Shiv’s pregnancy certainly is strange. Someone suggested on Twitter that she miscarried when she fell in Logan’s house. If she’s pregnant, why drink?
We didn’t actually see Shiv take a hit of cocaine with Lukas, did we? We saw her drink twice though: Scotch with Lukas & champagne at the end of the episode. This pregnancy thing is puzzling.

Gideon58 05-01-23 01:15 PM

Loved the opening moments of Living + with everyone watching that tape of Logan and not being able to tell what anyone was thinking, especially Kendall. Lukas' interest in Shiv just seems very convenient and coming out of nowhere. Looked like Shiv was almost going to tell Tom she's pregnant and then thought better of it. Roman's refusal of condolences was unnecessarily rude. Didn't really get the point of Tom and Shiv and the biting game. I knew Roman firing Joy was going to bite him in the ass. Looks like Greg is learning how to be a real Roy. "We're just going to do an acoustic set...Ken and Rome unplugged." That was totally bizarre what Ken did at the meeting with his dad...freaking surreal and a little bit creepy. Kendall really shouldn't allow Mattson to rattle him like that. "How am I supposed to follow this? He just promised them eternal life." Kendall in the water...what was that all about?

Austruck 05-02-23 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2384379)
Shiv’s pregnancy certainly is strange. Someone suggested on Twitter that she miscarried when she fell in Logan’s house. If she’s pregnant, why drink?
I hope they don't rely on that old trope of a woman falling and then miscarrying, especially so early in a pregnancy. It's trite, and it's largely a myth. But of course, most people's minds went there when it happened. Otherwise, why else would they have a character fall in mid-scene for no other reason?

This final season, post-Logan, is muddy, unfocused, and feels as if it's taking forever to wrap things up. I'm surprised at how little interest I have in these characters without Logan around to manipulate them all like the petty god he was.

Of course, I'll watch a Greg/Tom interaction and banter scene any day! :D I do miss those earlier days before Greg got a little wiser.

Stirchley 05-03-23 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2385313)
I hope they don't rely on that old trope of a woman falling and then miscarrying, especially so early in a pregnancy. It's trite, and it's largely a myth. But of course, most people's minds went there when it happened. Otherwise, why else would they have a character fall in mid-scene for no other reason?

This final season, post-Logan, is muddy, unfocused, and feels as if it's taking forever to wrap things up. I'm surprised at how little interest I have in these characters without Logan around to manipulate them all like the petty god he was.

Of course, I'll watch a Greg/Tom interaction and banter scene any day! :D I do miss those earlier days before Greg got a little wiser.
I love Tom & Greg scenes. Also, in this season I am finding Karl & Frank to be unknowingly hilarious.

Austruck 05-03-23 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2385498)
I love Tom & Greg scenes. Also, in this season I am finding Karl & Frank to be unknowingly hilarious.
YES! Karl and Frank and the looks they constantly exchange when the kids aren't looking are hilarious!

Stirchley 05-03-23 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2385509)
YES! Karl and Frank and the looks they constantly exchange when the kids aren't looking are hilarious!
All Karl is thinking about is the Greek island he’s buying with his BIL. :p

Austruck 05-03-23 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2385512)
All Karl is thinking about is the Greek island he’s buying with his BIL. :p
...and figuring out how the heck he's gonna pay for it when these kids let everything go to crap. :D

Gideon58 05-10-23 01:27 PM

Didn't really get Tom's scorpio in the glass, but he's going to have to do better than that if he wants to save his marriage. Why was Kendall getting so upset with his ex? I can't even remember the last time he shared a scene with or voiced any concern about the welfare of his children. Jeremy Strong played the hell out of that scene with Rava though. "Woke up on the right side of the coffin, boy." Think the siblings are making a HUGE mistake deciding to override any decisions Marcia makes about the funeral. Tom sucks for making Greg fire all those people over via skype. All of a sudden Tom and Shiv having s much sex tells me that Shiv did indeed lose that baby during the fall but for some reason still wants to have a child with Tom. Loved the way Mattson's arrival at that party totally rattled the siblings. "I'm about to take a sh*t in your husband's mouth and he's going to tall me it tastes like coco vin." Mattson's staff is almost as creepy as he is. Tom seems to be in a genuine panic right now regarding his position at the company and I really like seeing him sweat. Nate burned Kendall when he inferred that Kendall is not Logan. Mattson is was above Greg's paygrade. "I thought you were backwash at the bottom of the gene pool, but you are something else." So glad that Shiv finally found a chink in Mattson's armor. Loved the Rome/Gerri scene. Great to see Kendall finally stand up to Mattson. Sarah Snook and Matthew MacFayden nailed that scene on the balcony. "I have given you endless approval and it doesn't full you up because you're broken." Does Waystar have the finances to make Kendall's plan a reality? Tom is toast.

Austruck 05-10-23 01:32 PM

Re: Succession
The things Tom and Shiv said to each other on that balcony = cringe-worthy, for sure. And yet, played SO well by both actors that it was completely believable.

I still feel as if most of this last season is just being stretched out with lots of back-and-forth game-playing by everyone but no real progression of plot. I'm ready for this to just wrap up with something like finality already. :D

Stirchley 05-10-23 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2386739)
Why was Kendall getting so upset with his ex?
Marriage can turn two nice people into monsters. Rava & Kendall can’t even have a 5 minute conversation without both dropping eff bombs.

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2386741)
The things Tom and Shiv said to each other on that balcony = cringe-worthy, for sure. And yet, played SO well by both actors that it was completely believable.

I still feel as if most of this last season is just being stretched out with lots of back-and-forth game-playing by everyone but no real progression of plot. I'm ready for this to just wrap up with something like finality already. :D
Again, marriage turning two nice people into monsters. They both fight dirty & hit below the belt. Shiv more so than Tom. When & if they divorce, they could be friends. Or not, like Kendall & Rava. :rolleyes:

Three episodes to go & the finale will be 90 minutes long & will be like a movie, said someone behind the scenes. Can’t remember who.

Gideon58 05-10-23 03:30 PM

Re: Succession
Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2386741)
The things Tom and Shiv said to each other on that balcony = cringe-worthy, for sure. And yet, played SO well by both actors that it was completely believable.

I still feel as if most of this last season is just being stretched out with lots of back-and-forth game-playing by everyone but no real progression of plot. I'm ready for this to just wrap up with something like finality already. :D
I totally agree with you that the show is being artificially stretched out. The real sizzle behind the show died with the death of Logan Roy.

Stirchley 05-10-23 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2386739)
Didn't really get Tom's scorpio in the glass, but he's going to have to do better than that if he wants to save his marriage.
The female scorpion kills her mate after both fight each other to the death. Sound familiar?

Gideon58 05-10-23 06:48 PM

Okay, makes sense now.

Yoda 05-10-23 07:10 PM

Re: Succession
I assume it's a reference to the short fable The Scorpion and the Frog.

Stirchley 05-12-23 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2386831)
I assume it's a reference to the short fable The Scorpion and the Frog.
Could be.

Gideon58 05-15-23 01:30 PM

Little unclear as to how this election relates to Tom's position in the company but apparently it does. Who was that guy with the giant leprechaun ears? That emoji conversation with Shiv and Rome was a little too cutesy, making it a little too hard to figure out what was going on. You'd think Rava would be a little grateful that Kendall thought enough to put a security team on his family. Justin Kirk was great...I love him, hope we get to see more of him. When did Tom and Greg start doing coke? Matthew McFayden was so funny during the touch screen crisis. That Tom/Shiv scene was so bizarre...he accuses her of murdering her father and she blurts out that she's pregnant? It seems a re-vote is the only option, why are they even discussing this? Didn't understand why the siblings were not allowed on the floor of the studio. Didn't understand the Greg/Shiv scene at all. So did Connor win any states at all? His concession speech was ugly. What kind of deal are the siblings trying make with Mencken? It was nice to Kendall and Shiv find some common ground in this episode, even if it's a little late in the story. Guess I spoke too soon about the common ground between Kendall and Shiv. I'm beginning to find this show boring and confusing and not sure If I'm going to be watching anymore. This show died with the death of Logan Roy.

Yoda 05-15-23 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
Who was that guy with the giant leprechaun ears?
The voting analytics guy every network has that helps them call states based on things like precinct data. That's why they kept calling him "Decision Desk Darwin."

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
When did Tom and Greg start doing coke?
They did drugs as early as season 1 (the bachelor party) and sporadically since.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
That Tom/Shiv scene was so bizarre...he accuses her of murdering her father and she blurts out that she's pregnant?
Makes sense to me: she thought this bombshell would immediately regain his sympathies so she tosses it out when things seem to be at their lowest, only to realize there's been so much betrayal and manipulation that instead of immediately rallying to her side he doesn't even know if he can believe it.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
Didn't understand why the siblings were not allowed on the floor of the studio.
Journalistic independence/integrity.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
Didn't understand the Greg/Shiv scene at all.
Greg was buddying up with Matsson in the previous episode, and we learned in this episode that he found out about his scheming with Shiv. Shiv is threatening him not to reveal it (and then he does, later, to Kendall).

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
So did Connor win any states at all?
No, his advisor can be heard saying if they do, it'll be Kentucky, and then Kentucky is called moments later.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2387547)
What kind of deal are the siblings trying make with Mencken?
That he'll block the Matsson acquisition (on some kind of regulatory/antitrust grounds) if he wins. This was the primary topic of that long dinner party scene in the previous episode, where Kendall's leaning on Nate about it to cover his bases (he wants both candidates to promise to do this so they're covered either way). It's been the primary goal for Kendall and Roman for the last few episodes, since GoJo made their irresistible bid.

Stirchley 05-15-23 03:20 PM

Re: Succession
Lots of spoilers here. Will come back to read when I’ve watched the latest episode.

AKA23 05-15-23 08:53 PM

Re: Succession
I think last nights episode of "Succession" was one of the best in the series. This season has had two really strong episodes, the fallout immediately after Logan dies, as the children learn of his sudden death, and this one. I felt like the way that they juxtaposed the business interest of the Roy's company and placed it in tension with how they would ultimately cover and report on the presidential election was really smart. There was clearly one decision that was in the best interests of the country, holding off on making a definitive call, and another that was in the best short-term interest of the company, calling it as soon as they could, and Kendall and Roman made the decision to do what they thought was in the best interest of the company, even though it was very clearly not in the best interest of the country. Allowing for the inevitable legal challenges to play out, that they knew were coming, and waiting to see if a re-vote would be allowed, was clearly the moral and right thing to do, but calling the election for the right wing candidate would, at least in their minds, ensure that the merger would not go through and that they'd be able to keep control of their company, as they received those assurances. While choosing to not do that would likely result in them losing their company, as the candidate Shiv was in partnership with would not provide those same assurances to ATN. I also thought it was a masterful depiction of something potentially being in the short term interest of the company, but potentially not being in the long-term interest of the company, regardless of the impact on the country.

As we saw with FOX News, which this episode was very clearly inspired by, having the on air commentators say one thing in public and another thing privately, and making decisions based on what they thought was in the best short term interest of the company, saying what they thought their audiences wanted to hear to keep them tuned in and loyal to the channel, ended up damaging the brand and making them a much less trusted news organization. Will the same happen with ATN in the final two episodes of the series? Also, Shiv's final comment that "things do happen" when Roman says the call doesn't matter one way or the other, and that nothing bad would happen, even if they were wrong, was a really intelligent, but subtle way, to make the point that the decisions they make in how they cover the election affect more than just the bottom line of the company, and that there could be collateral impacts of that decision that reverberate on the country in ways which both Kendall and Roman are failing to take into account, even if the election officials ultimately reverse their decision to call Wisconsin for Mencken in the end.

ScarletLion 05-16-23 07:35 AM

That was an epically good episode in the TV Newsroom. The only thing I didn't like was the live speeches by the candidates which I thought were a little fantastical.

But it's all unravelling quite nicely again. I love watching these horrible people do horrible things to each other.

WARNING: "succession" spoilers below
Anybody else thinking that the father of Shiv's baby will turn out to be Matsson ?

Stirchley 05-17-23 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2387714)

WARNING: "succession" spoilers below
Anybody else thinking that the father of Shiv's baby will turn out to be Matsson ?
WARNING: spoilers below
No. He seems almost asexual to me. Even if he weren’t, I don’t see him & Shiv in bed together.

Stirchley 05-19-23 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2387549)
The voting analytics guy every network has that helps them call states based on things like precinct data. That's why they kept calling him "Decision Desk Darwin."

They did drugs as early as season 1 (the bachelor party) and sporadically since.

Makes sense to me: she thought this bombshell would immediately regain his sympathies so she tosses it out when things seem to be at their lowest, only to realize there's been so much betrayal and manipulation that instead of immediately rallying to her side he doesn't even know if he can believe it.

Journalistic independence/integrity.

Greg was buddying up with Matsson in the previous episode, and we learned in this episode that he found out about his scheming with Shiv. Shiv is threatening him not to reveal it (and then he does, later, to Kendall).

No, his advisor can be heard saying if they do, it'll be Kentucky, and then Kentucky is called moments later.

That he'll block the Matsson acquisition (on some kind of regulatory/antitrust grounds) if he wins. This was the primary topic of that long dinner party scene in the previous episode, where Kendall's leaning on Nate about it to cover his bases (he wants both candidates to promise to do this so they're covered either way). It's been the primary goal for Kendall and Roman for the last few episodes, since GoJo made their irresistible bid.
Yoda, good post. Cleared up some things some of us weren’t sure about plot-wise. :)

Yoda 05-19-23 01:40 PM

Re: Succession
Thanks, happy to help. :) My wife and I rewatched all of it leading up to the least season and my siblings and I are talking about it each week, so I'm very immersed in it, which certainly helps. Lots going on in this show.

Stirchley 05-19-23 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2388289)
Thanks, happy to help. :) My wife and I rewatched all of it leading up to the least season and my siblings and I are talking about it each week, so I'm very immersed in it, which certainly helps. Lots going on in this show.
Yes, there is. I watch each episode twice of this final season.

Austruck 05-22-23 05:02 PM

Re: Succession
Last night's episode did NOT feel like the penultimate episode at all, but the previews for the next episode did say "Series Finale." Somehow I thought there were a few more episodes left. I have no clue how they're going to make this series feel as if it has wrapped up properly. I don't expect good closure on any of these characters.

And I think that's partly because, as I think back on their character arcs (I binge-watched most of the series in this past month and caught up only about three weeks ago), I realize that none of them have gone through any significant change. Nobody's really learned anything. Everyone is the same person they were at the start. No wonder I never felt I could root for anyone in particular: why would I care, if nobody's willing to learn a lesson or strive to become a better person?

I'm sorry, but this show just fizzled out for me since Logan died. This entire final season has felt as if these siblings (and the rest) are treading water post-Logan, with no real plot buildup worth waiting for here at the end.

I'd like to find out I'm wrong next week, but I don't expect it.

Gideon58 05-23-23 12:24 PM

I totally agree with you that the show died with Logan.

Yoda 05-23-23 12:27 PM

Re: Succession
It had to happen, to my mind, even if the show had to change down the stretch for it. It was never going to be breezy at the end, too, and they were already starting to repeat themselves with the formula of someone trying to get one over on Logan, Logan beats them anyway, Logan maybe brings them back into the fold again anyway.

As for it not feeling like it's about to wrap up, that's true, but I think that's part of the point, and will feed into multiple different types of endings. It can end abruptly, and that would be perfectly fitting, and dovetail with Logan's death: all this scheming to placate a man who's just suddenly gone. All this maneuvering to try to control a company someone else might be about to take over.

It also fits a more open-ended ending, where the end only conveys that the backstabbing will go on forever because the siblings can't break out of their destructive cycles.

Don't know what it'll be, but either way I think they've set it up properly.

Austruck 05-23-23 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2389057)
It had to happen, to my mind, even if the show had to change down the stretch for it. It was never going to be breezy at the end, too, and they were already starting to repeat themselves with the formula of someone trying to get one over on Logan, Logan beats them anyway, Logan maybe brings them back into the fold again anyway.

As for it not feeling like it's about to wrap up, that's true, but I think that's part of the point, and will feed into multiple different types of endings. It can end abruptly, and that would be perfectly fitting, and dovetail with Logan's death: all this scheming to placate a man who's just suddenly gone. All this maneuvering to try to control a company someone else might be about to take over.

It also fits a more open-ended ending, where the end only conveys that the backstabbing will go on forever because the siblings can't break out of their destructive cycles.

Don't know what it'll be, but either way I think they've set it up properly.
I get what you're saying, but I've seen enough shows do this now that it just kinda annoys me. If there is no character progression, if there is literally no resolution, if the only point is that nothing will change... then why take this long to tell us that? The minute details of each character's existence no longer matter if the story doesn't TELL us anything. They could have done that in a single season.

I suppose this is the writer side of me feeling some frustration. Sure, Logan himself never changed, but somehow that alone FELT like it should have coaxed at least one of the sibs to somehow change, especially once he was suddenly taken from them all.

But nope.

Also, in a novel, the writer has to plan this all out and present his readers with a complete story that has been thought through: beginning, middle, end. In a TV show, which by definition is threatened with cancellation unless it has enough viewership, the seasons and the story progress differently--and sometimes there really ISN'T a cohesive narrative from the get-go. In a book, such an open-ended ending might actually mean something. In a TV show, written season by season and then finally saying, "Ya know what? Let's make this the last season," it feels more like a cop-out.

I suppose part of my negative feeling is that I don't like *any* of these characters anymore. I at least used to enjoy Tom and Greg and their banter, but I don't even like either of THEM anymore.

This show has, sadly, lost me.

Yoda 05-23-23 01:47 PM

I don't really follow the simultaneous complaints of "Logan shouldn't have died" and "there's no resolution." Him dying is literally the one thing that's broken the show out of the same loop we're talking about, even though I think that loop is/was the point: I think the whole idea is to show you the feints of change that never come to pass, and to present the death as one of the only things which might theoretically break that cycle.

I don't think anything in this show's DNA ever told us to expect a perfect parabolic arc where we know when someone's hit bottom, and when they've changed, and where they become a new person from that point forward. That's never been remotely telegraphed, so the only reason to expect it is to bring the logic of other shows (mostly much worse ones) into this one.

Besides, if we say they HAVE to change, we're saying no story can ever be about futility, or about how trauma can be cyclical and insidious, about how there are certain things you don't come back from. Why can't a show be about how power corrupts? And if such a show exists, it would only undermine its point to have some character pull out of that tailspin, particularly with a significant number of episodes left.

And this is all granting something which is still speculation: it'd be very easy for something to happen in the last episode that gives us a glimmer, a trajectory of change. And depending on how that's depicted, it would either constitute a real change for the character or, more likely, leave us wondering whether this time it was real or not. But saying there's no resolution BEFORE the resolution is confusing.

Austruck 05-23-23 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2389068)
I don't really follow the simultaneous complaints of "Logan shouldn't have died" and "there's no resolution." Him dying is literally the one thing that's broken the show out of the same loop we're talking about, even though I think that loop is/was the point: I think the whole idea is to show you the feints of change that never come to pass, and to present the death as one of the only things which might theoretically break that cycle.

I don't think anything in this show's DNA ever told us to expect a perfect parabolic arc where we know when someone's hit bottom, and when they've changed, and where they become a new person from that point forward. That's never been remotely telegraphed, so the only reason to expect it is to bring the logic of other shows (mostly much worse ones) into this one.

Besides, if we say they HAVE to change, we're saying no story can ever be about futility, or about how trauma can be cyclical and insidious, about how there are certain things you don't come back from. Why can't a show be about how power corrupts? And if such a show exists, it would only undermine its point to have some character pull out of that tailspin, particularly with a significant number of episodes left.

And this is all granting something which is still speculation: it'd be very easy for something to happen in the last episode that gives us a glimmer, a trajectory of change. And depending on how that's depicted, it would either constitute a real change for the character or, more likely, leave us wondering whether this time it was real or not. But saying there's no resolution BEFORE the resolution is confusing.
If I ever stated that Logan shouldn't have died, then I recant. :) He pretty much HAD to die, given the show's title and premise.

Also, I have no problem with stories about futility. But they have to be done on purpose. And with a large ensemble of characters like this, having NONE of them change is a little frustrating. Nobody even HAS a story arc in this show.

Plus, did the writers start out this show with "life is futile, que sera sera" as their goal ending? Or did they, like most shows, kinda write each season when it came time to do it, and then at some point they said, "Let's finally let Logan die and end this show"?

If we get any glimmer of hope from any of these characters this weekend, I'm totally fine with that. And it would go a great distance to redeem it for me. But honestly, if nobody changes and the whole point of all these episodes was "People don't change," then I could have used that lesson after a season or two and saved myself a lot of time.

Also, I'd be okay with a total tailspin or two. But I have a gut feeling that we won't even see that. We'll just get a "life goes on, deal with it" lesson this Sunday. When I picture anyone taking over for Logan (again, the whole point of the title and show), I just don't see them changing because of their new-found role. I hope I'm wrong on any of these points, but I just don't see it. I don't want a deus ex machina on Sunday.

So... to address your main point: SURE, it can be a show about how power corrupts, but boy, did they take way too long to tell us that basic, universally known truth. Perhaps my view is clouded by the fact that I binged this entire show over the course of the past month and a half, and that made it easier to get tired of these people and their constant petty jockeying. The only character that seems to have changed at all is Greg, who's become jaded and cutthroat to the point where he's lost his charming comic elements (for me).

Yoda 05-23-23 03:57 PM

Re: Succession
Well, by definition if the point is futility, and an inability to break out of cycles, you can't just show it once. A cycle you only show once is just an event. And we're talking about a grand total of 40 episodes over just four seasons, so I don't see it as lingering around much.

The way it gets you to think "okay, maybe NOW they'll pull together and stop sabotaging each other" is part of the point, I expect. We get suckered in along with everyone else.

Also, sure, "power corrupts" is a simple lesson...but it's the same lesson as The Lord of the Rings. Crime and Punishment takes 100,000 words to say something pretty simple about redemption (and, to dovetail on the earlier point about not knowing what happens yet, it doesn't even really get around to that until the very end, and before that point you could reasonably accuse of it just wasting our time talking about guilt over and over), but as always it's about the path it takes to get there and all the little micro-insights along the way. Almost none of my favorite shows or movies revolve some brand new idea about human nature I'd never thought of, and I could describe all their lessons in reductive terms if I wanted to, but that wouldn't really describe the experience of watching them.

I don't really agree that the characters haven't changed, for what it's worth, but I'm not arguing the point because I don't think it matters if they have.

Austruck 05-23-23 05:05 PM

Re: Succession
Clearly we see this show differently. Comparing this story to, say, LOTR, simply because of some really general point each might be trying to make, is a bit of a stretch, yes? :D

I certainly don't mind if a story is making this point if the story itself is told well. And LOTR had plenty of likable, redeemable characters, and a lot of hope and nobility. Not so with Succession. Just a bunch of horrible people constantly doing horrible things. All the time. Everyone is a negative example.

I guess we just have different experiences with this show. Losing Brian Cox at the beginning of this season was, IMHO, a mistake on the part of the show. It gave us an entire Logan-less season, and I learned then just how much his character was carrying the show. His interaction with just about anybody else stayed fascinating to me. Watching these characters now interact solely with each other, without Logan, is far less compelling television to me. I'm sure that's clouding my experience. Meh.

AKA23 05-23-23 07:54 PM

Re: Succession
I agree that the show is not the same without Logan or Brian Cox's performance, and that it was a mistake to kill him off so early. I also think this season has been mostly underwhelming and that this succession story could have effectively been told in a couple of episodes rather than an entire season. It does feel like there has not yet been a resolution to the story, and the building blocks don't appear to entirely be set up for a satisfactory conclusion, but it's too early to say whether that will or won't happen because we have another 90 minutes to go and we really don't know what is left.

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