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cinemaafficionado 11-25-13 02:59 AM

Road House
This just in. The original Road House movie starring Patrick Swayzee is going to be re-made. MGM has assigned Rob Cohen, director of Fast And Furious 1, to do the job. No news about casting yet. Who do you think would be good in the Swayzee role? What about the Sam Elliot role?

The Rodent 11-25-13 03:12 AM

Re: Road House
It'll probably be Marky Mark... or The Rock...

Sexy Celebrity 11-25-13 08:36 AM

Re: Road House
I really wish Mark Wahlberg still went by "Marky Mark" even as an actor. It is so much more exciting.

honeykid 11-25-13 04:22 PM

I'd love to see Clooney in the Sam Elliot role. It needs someone of effortless coolness if it's going to rival Sam's portrayal. Brad Pitt could do a good job, as could Denzel Washington. Viggo Mortensen or Kevin Costner might work in their own way. Or you could go bargain basement and give it to Christian Slater, which I'd actually like. :D

I haven't really got anyone for Patrick's role, but Josh Hartnett, Dominic Cooper or Eddie Cahill might work.

The Rodent 11-25-13 04:35 PM

Re: Road House
Eric Banana in Swayze's role...
Viggo Mortensen in Sam Elliott's role...

Love interest: Olivia Thirlby

It'll never happen though... and the remake will be a PG rated CGI fest.

Masterman 11-25-13 06:24 PM

Re: Road House
Love Road House. Probably be The Rock, or Jason Statham.

The Marb 11-25-13 07:19 PM

Re: Road House
Rob Cohen...oooookayyy (backs away then runs to door).

This is just the sort of film that should be remade (the originals not exactly a classic) but honestly, from the director of The Mummy thanks

TylerDurden99 11-25-13 08:11 PM

Re: Road House

It'll probably be Channing Tatum, an actor I don't mind, but totally wrong for the role.

WorldFilmGeek 08-02-22 05:34 PM

Re: Road House
The reboot (not remake) goes into production this month. Jake Gyllenhaal will star in the film and play a former UFC fighter who takes a job as a bouncer of a bar in the Florida Keys and discovers that his place is not paradise. Doug Liman is directing the film and co-stars Billy Magnussen, Daniela Melchior, Lukas Gage. The film will premiere on Amazon Prime Video.

Holden Pike 08-02-22 05:54 PM

Re: Road House

WorldFilmGeek 08-24-22 06:40 PM

Re: Road House

And so it begins...Conor McGregor is also making his film debut in this..

WorldFilmGeek 01-07-24 05:21 PM

Re: Road House
The film is coming out March 21 on Amazon Prime

AgrippinaX 01-07-24 05:22 PM

I’m looking forward to this, oddly enough.

Balor 01-07-24 09:15 PM

Re: Road House
Road House is the greatest philosophy movie.

Galactic Traveler 01-11-24 07:55 PM

Re: Road House
Am I the only person who didn't like the original 'Roadhouse?' :)

doubledenim 01-25-24 09:00 PM

Captain Steel 01-26-24 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler (Post 2432952)
Am I the only person who didn't like the original 'Roadhouse?' :)
Not at all. I don't remember much of it (only that I had friends who kept coaxing me to see it as they thought it was the greatest movie ever made).

I remember thinking so much of it was ridiculous: as if it took place in a reality so far removed from any reality we know even though it doesn't take place in any galaxy far far away, but in a local, lower-class strip club!

First, the main character has a global "reputation" as a bouncer... ya know... like how bouncers are known all over the world... we all know some of the world famous bouncers from history... let's see... there was... um... and... uh...
Nope, I don't know of a single bouncer to ever exist that had a reputation or was known by name to millions FOR being a bouncer at a strip club.

Second, the love interest is a female doctor and we know that doctors in general have a lot of free time which they spend after work at strip clubs... especially female doctors... what better place to meet a like-minded, intelligent, well-to-do male who is potential husband material? We all know intelligent, well-to-do professional men hang out at low-brow strip clubs and now, because of this movie, we know that professional female doctors hang out to watch women strip too (even if they're not a lesbian). Where else would a lady doctor go to boost her career, sip some wine after a long day of treating patients, and meet others of her class?

Go to any strip club known for its weekly brawls and you'll undoubtedly find world-famous bouncers who are household names (due to their bouncing reputation) and tons of accomplished lady doctors who, after a hard day of surgery at the hospital, go to clubs to watch other women strip (even though they're really there to nab a husband - who is hopefully a "famous" bouncer)! ;)

Citizen Rules 01-26-24 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler (Post 2432952)
Am I the only person who didn't like the original 'Roadhouse?' :)
Oh you gotta see this Road House!

TrailerTwist 03-04-24 12:54 PM

Re: Road House
Cant wait to see this Movie.

WorldFilmGeek 03-21-24 07:08 PM

Re: Road House
Watched it today. It doesn't live up to the original, but that's okay. it is its own beast, thanks to Jake Gyllenhaal's performance as former fighter Elwood Dalton. He comes off as mostly a pacifist who likes to warn his adversaries what will come or ask if there is a hospital nearby or having insurance. We learn why Dalton becomes who he is. When things go too far, that's when he kicks into gear and begins to use his skills. Daniela Melchior is good as "Doc" this time around, but don't expect a raunchy love scene like the OG film...not happening. The only nudity in the film is Conor McGregor's intro, when he walks around the streets of Rome buck naked. That's the level of OTT he brings to the table as does Billy Magnussen, as the businessman attempt to shake down the road house (which has no name...just called the Road House).

There is a fun reference though to the OG. Dalton befriends a bookstore owner and his daughter and the name of the restaurant next to the bookstore is called the "Double Deuce". Solid B-film that runs just over 2 hours and no Wade Garrett-like character this time.

ironpony 03-22-24 03:21 AM

I noticed that the movie just went to Prime right away, without even going to theaters first. But isn't the original Road House a popular enough cult classic, that the remake could have went to theaters first?

Stirchley 03-22-24 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 2448226)
I noticed that the movie just went to Prime right away, without even going to theaters first. But isn't the original Road House a popular enough cult classic, that the remake could have went to theaters first?
I never even heard of this movie until @AgrippinaX brought it up today.

And I can watch it for free on Prime. Yea.

Tugg 03-22-24 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 2448226)
I noticed that the movie just went to Prime right away, without even going to theaters first. But isn't the original Road House a popular enough cult classic, that the remake could have went to theaters first?
Director wanted the movie in theaters, but production released it straight to streaming.

AgrippinaX 03-22-24 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2448322)
I never even heard of this movie until @AgrippinaX brought it up today.

And I can watch it for free on Prime. Yea.
@ironpony is referencing the original with Swayze whereas this was the remake.

Stirchley 03-22-24 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by AgrippinaX (Post 2448332)
@ironpony is referencing the original with Swayze whereas this was the remake.
I know. Dislike Swayze in any role.

AgrippinaX 03-22-24 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2448350)
I know. Dislike Swayze in any role.
I’m not a fan either.

ironpony 03-22-24 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by Tugg (Post 2448328)
Director wanted the movie in theaters, but production released it straight to streaming.
Oh I see. Did the production have a reason to sklp theaters and thereby skip making more money on ticket sales?

FilmBuff 03-22-24 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 2448501)
Oh I see. Did the production have a reason to sklp theaters and thereby skip making more money on ticket sales?
Are you seriously that preoccupied with Amazon making enough money? :eek:

Besides, with theater chains taking a big cut of ticket sales, it's pretty unlikely the movie would have made money for a studio.

ironpony 03-22-24 10:23 PM

Oh but why wouldn't they have money for a studio?

Tugg 03-23-24 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 2448501)
Oh I see. Did the production have a reason to sklp theaters and thereby skip making more money on ticket sales?
ROAD HOUSE Remake Director BLASTS Amazon For Lies & Boycotts HIS OWN FILM:

AgrippinaX 03-23-24 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by Tugg (Post 2448554)
ROAD HOUSE Remake Director BLASTS Amazon For Lies & Boycotts HIS OWN FILM:
Well, this is a ridiculous headline if I ever saw one.

ironpony 03-25-24 11:20 PM

Re: Road House
Well it seems that other movies, like that Batgirl movie from a couple of years ago for example, was never released at all, by the studio, and of course people involved were disappointed. When a director signs on to direct a movie, can they have it in the contract that the film will get a theaterical release, or is that too big of a demand for almost all directors to make and it would not be taken seriously?

WorldFilmGeek 03-25-24 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by Tugg (Post 2448554)
ROAD HOUSE Remake Director BLASTS Amazon For Lies & Boycotts HIS OWN FILM:
He originally did boycott it, but he ended up going to the SXSW premiere. His boycott involved his not going to the premiere at the festival, but he ultimately did so to support the film.

ironpony 03-26-24 08:57 PM

If he says he wasn't going to go originally, he should have stuck to that, because it comes off as not being consistent or lacking conviction otherwise.

Yoda 03-26-24 09:35 PM

Streaming services have been toying with this, wondering if foregoing the box office money is worth it to drive signups to (and/or awareness of) their streaming platforms. My inclination is they're probably coming out behind on the bargain, and that they'd get most of the benefit (and a lot more money) by releasing it in theaters for 4-6 weeks at least. But who knows, it's one of those things that's impossible to measure the efficacy of.

ironpony 03-29-24 06:35 PM

Oh okay I see. That makes sense.

I was also curious, how come they decided to remake Road House of all movies? It just seems like such an odd random choice from the time. Wouldn't that be like choosing to remake a movie like Above the Law (1988), or Lone Wolf McQuade (1983), which would be kind of odd or random?

Yoda 03-30-24 09:39 AM

Re: Road House
Road House has way more of a cult following than either of those.

And sometimes it's as simple as "a screenwriter had an idea/loved this old movie and wanted to remake it."

ironpony 03-30-24 06:57 PM

Re: Road House
Oh okay. Is there any reason why Road House has more of a cult following than those movies since those movies seem to be in the same league?

Yoda 03-30-24 07:03 PM

Re: Road House
I haven't seen them, so I don't know, but cult followings have nothing to do with quality. Often they're inversely related to it. They're unpredictable and have a million variables.

Stirchley 04-01-24 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by WorldFilmGeek (Post 2448152)
Watched it today. It doesn't live up to the original, but that's okay. it is its own beast, thanks to Jake Gyllenhaal's performance as former fighter Elwood Dalton. He comes off as mostly a pacifist who likes to warn his adversaries what will come or ask if there is a hospital nearby or having insurance. We learn why Dalton becomes who he is. When things go too far, that's when he kicks into gear and begins to use his skills. Daniela Melchior is good as "Doc" this time around, but don't expect a raunchy love scene like the OG film...not happening. The only nudity in the film is Conor McGregor's intro, when he walks around the streets of Rome buck naked. That's the level of OTT he brings to the table as does Billy Magnussen, as the businessman attempt to shake down the road house (which has no name...just called the Road House).

There is a fun reference though to the OG. Dalton befriends a bookstore owner and his daughter and the name of the restaurant next to the bookstore is called the "Double Deuce". Solid B-film that runs just over 2 hours and no Wade Garrett-like character this time.
Jake G. was very good. Conor McGregor ruined the movie.

ironpony 04-01-24 09:27 PM

Re: Road House
Well it seems to me that the director of the movie was under the impression that it was going to get a theatrical release, and the studio wasn't planning on it, and thought everyone was cool with a straight to streaming release. But why didn't the director just go over this with the studio,so he wouldn't have felt he misassumed, or had felt unpleasantly surprised after? Unless the studio lied to him about going theatrical, and it was never their intention?

Yoda 04-01-24 09:43 PM

You're basically asking "why do misunderstandings happen?"

FilmBuff 04-01-24 10:57 PM

People in Hollywood being told things that aren't true - what on Earth is the world coming to!!

ironpony 04-09-24 01:41 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2451273)
You're basically asking "why do misunderstandings happen?"
Oh I was just wondering, why didn't the director Doug Liman get in writing, if he wanted the theatrical release so bad?

FilmBuff 04-09-24 02:33 AM

Maybe he was so busy directing, he forgot to read over the contract?

Yoda 04-09-24 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 2453147)
Oh I was just wondering, why didn't the director Doug Liman get in writing, if he wanted the theatrical release so bad?
This is the same question: "how do misunderstandings happen?" It's the kind of thing you can hazard a guess at, same as anyone. Imagine a misunderstanding you've had and the kinds of things that led to it. It's probably one of those.

Also, this this is a relatively new thing, it's possible standard contract language doesn't say anything about it either way.

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