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MonnoM 12-08-16 05:55 PM

Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...

And it looks promising. Though I rarely put much stock into these reaction articles, I have to say this is giving me a smidgen of hope.

SeeingisBelieving 12-08-16 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by MonnoM (Post 1615181)

And it looks promising. Though I rarely put much stock into these reaction articles, I have to say this is giving me a smidgen of hope.
Very interesting.

WARNING: spoilers below
It does make you think about how relatively tame Prometheus was in terms of body horror. But if they're setting out to make us all sick, this is the franchise to do it with.

dadgumblah 12-08-16 06:45 PM

Ooh, sounds very promising indeed! As a fan of the Alien in any movie (yes, even the vs. Predator flicks, on a lesser level), I'm eagerly awaiting this one. Can't wait until they release a trailer. Thanks for the news, MonnoM!

Swan 12-08-16 07:40 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
So glad to hear some say it'll be horror, like the first.

Lucas 12-08-16 08:44 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I'm absolutely stoked for this film! Ridley Scott might be considered a "hit or miss" director, but one thing is for sure: his films are always stunning visually. Alien & Blade Runner are stone-cold masterpieces, and even his lesser efforts like Prometheus are very well-done.

I'm really glad that this is going for the atmospheric horror vibe of the original. I think he'll really deliver with this one!

GorillaTripping 12-12-16 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by dadgumblah (Post 1615208)
Ooh, sounds very promising indeed! As a fan of the Alien in any movie (yes, even the vs. Predator flicks, on a lesser level), I'm eagerly awaiting this one. Can't wait until they release a trailer. Thanks for the news, MonnoM!
Don't you remember that the trailer for Prometheus was awesome, and the movie was awkwardly stupid for something on that level. It's better to manage your expectations.

MonnoM 12-20-16 05:59 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
It's rumored that the trailer is going to drop any day now. :D

And this article also features some stills.

"Our friends over at Trailer Track, who recently tipped us off to the arrival of yesterday's Blade Runner 2049 trailer, are back with a new heads up: according to them, the Alien: Covenant trailer will be here any day now...and will feature a David Bowie cover.

Here's what they're saying:

The trailer (reportedly soundtracked by a trailer-ised David Bowie cover – way to jump onto that trend) has been screened to press by Fox at various showcase events over the last few weeks, and looks to be the final big-name trailer release of 2016. Word from these events is that, while it’s not playing theatrically with Assassin’s Creed in the U.S. this week, we could be seeing the trailer sometime this weekend – and if the new daily release of stills accompanied by mysterious number series is to go by, we are definitely getting close."

SeeingisBelieving 12-20-16 06:28 PM

It's funny, I've no desire to watch the Blade Runner 2049 trailer but I am looking forward to the one for Alien: Covenant. And I like Blade Runner. It's like burnout, but perhaps I'm just skeptical about Blade Runner 2049 being a worthy follow-up.

MonnoM 12-20-16 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1618357)
It's funny, I've no desire to watch the Blade Runner 2049 trailer but I am looking forward to the one for Alien: Covenant. And I like Blade Runner. It's like burnout, but perhaps I'm just skeptical about Blade Runner 2049 being a worthy follow-up.
I liked the Blade Runner trailer. For a teaser it was sufficient in piquing my interest and I thought it looked incredible. Now, whether the film itself will live up to the hype remains to be seen. I really hope it does. It's hard to make a sequel as good, if not better than the original, let alone one years after its predecessor. History has mostly proven that it's nearly impossible to make a sequel this long after the original and make it successful. But, we'll see. No pressure.

I just want the Alien Covenant trailer to come out already. Look at this, I'm actually getting excited about a new Alien movie. If this one disappoints me, I don't think I'll be able to recover.

wannalearn 12-21-16 02:26 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
if there's an alien in it, I'm there...

MonnoM 12-24-16 02:13 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Teaser has arrived!

Not much, but at least now we finally know when we get the official trailer. :D

Merry X-mas, everyone!

PSHPZVGS 12-24-16 11:30 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
One of the most anticipated films of 2017 for me, along with Blade Runner 2049 and Star Wars VIII. It seems that Ridley Scott is going back to the deep roots of the franchise he launched and that is a good thing! More chest-bursting please!

Edit: Trailer just came out. Looks a bit too Prometheus-y to me. OK, but not up to my very high expectations.

doubledenim 12-25-16 08:27 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...

Sleezy 12-25-16 04:00 PM

Not impressed. It looks very rehash-y. Another crew, another planet, another "curiosity killed the cat" plot.

And come on, an alien spoiling shower sex? You're better than this, Ridley. (Or are you?)

Swan 12-25-16 04:04 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
It looks alright, but I'm holding out hope.

SeeingisBelieving 12-25-16 05:33 PM

My immediate thoughts:

WARNING: spoilers below
The song annoyed me most because it makes it seem like Suicide Squad or other current films that have tailored song covers on their trailers. It's something I find a bit too self-aware and takes away from the film's identity. The Raindrop Prelude played over the end titles of Prometheus was beauty following horror, and it attained a latent scariness and an ominousness as a result. This doesn't achieve that.

Aside from that what I found odd is that the film doesn't appear as visually interesting as either Alien or Prometheus; Billy Crudup is the only actor aside from Michael Fassbender who looks like a decent character.

And it does puzzle me a bit why every planet has to look so much like Earth; but, fair enough, the Engineers probably created at least some of what our planet looks like.

Looks very bloody and horrible but let's hope there's a point to it rather than it just being sensational (plus we know before seeing it exactly who dies first). I do like the new ideas that have been described recently, as if the planet itself is deadly.

rambond 12-27-16 04:04 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
it needs another score definitely, the music in the trailer is taking away from the alien franchise identity.

SeeingisBelieving 12-27-16 07:16 AM

One of the other things that was bugging me:

WARNING: spoilers below
The backburster clip. How much of that sequence is the actor and how much CGI (apart from the obvious:p)? I feel like the percentage is weighted towards the CGI end* – the man's back looks unreal when what's needed is much more reality for it to be truly shocking. If you were to compare it to John Hurt especially, but also Noomi Rapace in Prometheus, there was an almost total reliance on the actor and the actor's body to convey what was happening. I think Scott's putting too much store on effects here in a way that is unusual for him.

*One thing I did overlook with this is that this man has been infected by the black liquid in 'pollen' form, so he's probably not just incubating an alien but his body is mutating as well, a bit like Holloway in Prometheus. That would account for why his skin almost looks translucent. I have to say though that even with that in mind the sequence doesn't work so well to me.

SeeingisBelieving 01-06-17 06:48 PM

I was thinking about the trailer again today and there was a familiar character about it I couldn't pin down. Now I think I have:

WARNING: spoilers below
It reminds me of a fan film trailer, which I don't mean in a way that denigrates fan films, but that there are aspects that are a bit rough around the edges. An example, which I think triggered the thought in the first place, is the clip where a man allows a woman to run out, then follows.

ShopkeeperTriumph 01-07-17 07:47 AM

I'm on board. I liked Prometheus well enough despite the problems I had with it, and this one looks closer to the original, both my favorite horror, and sci fi film of all time arguably. But, who knows. Mr. Scott is very sporadic in terms of film quality, you never know when he's going to drop a a good one. I mean, I thought The Martian was his best since Thelma and Louise, and that was coming off of the heels of Exodus, which I've heard isn't very good.

SeeingisBelieving 01-07-17 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by ShopkeeperTriumph (Post 1624171)
I'm on board. I liked Prometheus well enough despite the problems I had with it, and this one looks closer to the original, both my favorite horror, and sci fi film of all time arguably. But, who knows. Mr. Scott is very sporadic in terms of film quality, you never know when he's going to drop a a good one. I mean, I thought The Martian was his best since Thelma and Louise, and that was coming off of the heels of Exodus, which I've heard isn't very good.
I liked Prometheus as well; Exodus is apparently a bad one. I think Gladiator is the last really good film he made, but I haven't seen a large percentage of his films since then.

Sir Toose 01-07-17 02:49 PM

Looks... not bad.

I feel a certain amount of distrust for the prequels.

Ever since I saw Alien in about 1980 I wondered who that big alien strapped into the seat was in the derelict space ship.

In Prometheus, they almost explained it. Big Alien, big chair, straps himself in... I'm thinking aha, so now I know. THEN he gets out of the chair and gets killed in another part of the ship which is completely incongruent with the story line.

I have a feeling this will be another 'predator like' money grab.

SeeingisBelieving 01-07-17 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 1624269)
Looks... not bad.

I feel a certain amount of distrust for the prequels.

Ever since I saw Alien in about 1980 I wondered who that big alien strapped into the seat was in the derelict space ship.

In Prometheus, they almost explained it. Big Alien, big chair, straps himself in... I'm thinking aha, so now I know. THEN he gets out of the chair and gets killed in another part of the ship which is completely incongruent with the story line.

I have a feeling this will be another 'predator like' money grab.
Aliens is really the only film that can compare with Alien for quality.

I didn't mind Prometheus not connecting directly to Alien. In fact it probably came about because of the non-literal way they went with the Engineers, i.e. the remains in Alien being shown to be a suit rather than the appearance of the aliens themselves. That was clever and the idea of inverting their body colour to white rather than the black of the Alien was also very smart. It will be interesting if Alien: Covenant does link directly to Alien and whether we think it was the right decision to hold off; or, that Prometheus would have been a better story to link to Alien instead.

Sleezy 01-11-17 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1624187)
I liked Prometheus as well; Exodus is apparently a bad one. I think Gladiator is the last really good film he made, but I haven't seen a large percentage of his films since then.
For me, Black Hawk Down (2001) and American Gangster (2008) are his standouts since Gladiator, along with The Martian (2015), although that film has Andy Weir's fabulous novel to thank for the source material. Body of Lies (2008) was also very good and, although it wasn't terribly well received, I find Robin Hood (2010) to be a lot of fun.

Gladiator (2000), to its credit, is also a lot of fun... but it should never have won a Best Picture Oscar. It's very superficial, very smarmy, just like his later sword-and-sandal epics. And Joaquin Phoenix, though he did what he could, fell a bit into the trap of overacting the villain. (Miss Vicky will swat me for saying that.)

The Rodent 01-11-17 10:54 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Ridley Scott is an odd director.
He makes either a masterpiece, or complete bilge.

Sleezy 01-11-17 10:59 PM

Well, the Coens do that too. Even Spielberg makes stinkers from time to time. By now, I think these guys are more apt to pick risky passion projects because they've reached a measure of success that all but guarantees a studio will fund whatever they want to make.

TheUsualSuspect 01-11-17 11:54 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I'm very surprised that I'm not....excited for this at all.

Nausicaδ 01-13-17 05:46 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
^ Felt the same when I saw the new trailer. Shall see.

Raven73 01-14-17 09:36 PM

The trailer looks like an amalgamation of the first Alien movie and Prometheus, and thus not very exciting.

I'm glad to see in IMDB that the Elizabeth Shaw character is back. I liked her unbreakable faith and Ripley-like intelligence.

SeeingisBelieving 01-15-17 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Raven73 (Post 1627603)
The trailer looks like an amalgamation of the first Alien movie and Prometheus, and thus not very exciting.

I'm glad to see in IMDB that the Elizabeth Shaw character is back. I liked her unbreakable faith and Ripley-like intelligence.
I was disappointed that we weren't picking up from the end of Prometheus, or some time after the end. I wonder if the intention is to have Shaw back properly in the third film (though I doubt it)?

SeeingisBelieving 01-18-17 03:10 PM

A while back I remember some comments about how the 'births' in Alien: Covenant don't make sense –

WARNING: spoilers below
because the Alien we're familiar with grew in the chest cavity so it already had an easier way out. Apparently in this one, embryos grow in a crewmember's back and the other in someone's throat.

I wonder whether the writers have looked to Greek Mythology again here, as I was thinking today about Zeus and two instances where his children are born from his own body – Athena from his head after he has a supposed headache; and Dionysus from his thigh.

SeeingisBelieving 02-25-17 09:54 AM

Very good, that new prologue/trailer.

WARNING: spoilers below
I found the interaction of the crewmembers very believable and convincing. Clever red herring that I kind of saw coming given the 'Last Supper' tagline. I continue to be very impressed with Billy Crudup, who really I think is on a par with Michael Fassbender – Fassbender made me laugh at the end with that weird little smile Walter does, like the android has trouble making it look naturally human :).

SeeingisBelieving 02-28-17 02:55 PM

Surprised there's not been any further discussion about the prologue scene – anyone else seen it?

Dani8 02-28-17 03:11 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I'm looking forward to this.

Saunch 02-28-17 04:56 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Trying to keep it at a minimum for this since I got burned badly by Prometheus.

I liked the prologue. It's strangely eerie while also being festive (we know what's going to happen to these people after all) and I like the hints at disfunction between the crew members.

Plus some sly suggestiveness from Walter and Daniels.

SeeingisBelieving 02-28-17 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1658840)
Trying to keep it at a minimum for this since I got burned badly by Prometheus.
Fair enough – not an easy task these days.

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1658840)
I liked the prologue. It's strangely eerie while also being festive (we know what's going to happen to these people after all) and I like the hints at disfunction between the crew members.

Plus some sly suggestiveness from Walter and Daniels.
Early days but Crudup's character is

WARNING: spoilers below
giving me an Ash vibe.

Saunch 02-28-17 05:44 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Hadn't thought about that.

I was thinking Carter Burke.

Little Devil 02-28-17 05:46 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Will this be Prometheus school of stupid as well?

SeeingisBelieving 02-28-17 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1658877)
Hadn't thought about that.

I was thinking Carter Burke.
It definitely seems like there's more to Crudup's character, but it could also be that he's far too interesting to watch ;). I remember seeing Paul McGann in his first Hornblower appearance as Bush, where he stole the production just by being enigmatic. I knew nothing about the original story or the character, but even if I had I'd still have wondered whether Bush was an Admiralty plant.

Saunch 02-28-17 06:36 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1658880)
Will this be Prometheus school of stupid as well?
Prometheus and school in the same question? Someone's attended.

Dani8 02-28-17 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1658880)
Will this be Prometheus school of stupid as well?

I hope not. I told someone here when I first arrived that I thought Prometheus was a great looking film but everyone was just so freaking dumb! Best thing about it was the honest trailer IMO. Laughed so much at that I cried.

Little Devil 02-28-17 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1658915)
Prometheus and school in the same question? Someone's attended.
Only in Prometheus school of stupid you learn how to run in a straight line when a Space Doughnut is rolling after you.

Or that a random image of a Juggler means Aliens

Or that a super machine tagged "for males only" will get your alien baby out... but not your uterus.

Or that a geologist who is responsible for mapping a rather straight forward area gets lost

Or that the most important discovery in the History of Mankind should always be lead by a team of Shaggys and Scoobys

Or that smoking pot inside the space suit is always such a great idea

Or that when you're in an alien environment it's such a great idea to take your Helmet off

Or that when you're in said Alien environment, it's always a good idea to rush in as fast as you can instead of surveying said environment from above

Or that you should always get depressed and drunk because the aliens are dead, instead of being happy you did indeed discovered them [or that there could always be more on the planet, as it is shown later on].

Or that a Mcguffin that dissolves the DNA from lpretty much alive and well creatures into nothingness somewhow also mutates live and well creatures into something else, but only when the script calls for it

Or that if a species has the same exact DNA as you they are aliens

Or that zapping electricity into a dead aliens' head [aka galvanism] is obviously thoroughly scientific and is taught in science class 101

Or that an alien's language from more than 2000 years ago would never change

Or that a biologist who is afraid of dead aliens is so happy to befriend a pretty much alive and clearly aggressive alien snake

Or that if the robot that doesn't follow simple orders should obviously still walk around unchecked

Or that if you so happen to just have had a C-Section you will most likely walk, jump, roll over and climb as a champ

Or that after having said C.Section, no one will even care what the hell that creature is on the other room. Let it be and grow healthy.

Yep, Prometheus School of Stupid right there. :)

Little Devil 02-28-17 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1658920)
I hope not. I told someone here when I first arrived that I thought Prometheus was a great looking film but everyone was just so freaking dumb! Best thing about it was the honest trailer IMO. Laughed so much at that I cried.
nah, it's like... DEEP and ... stuff...

Gatsby 02-28-17 07:38 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I personally prefer the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things. :)

And yeah that trailer looks not too promising. It's edited like every single trailer for a sci-fi flick released in the last 5 years.

Little Devil 02-28-17 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1658967)
I personally prefer the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things. :)

And yeah that trailer looks not too promising. It's edited like every single trailer for a sci-fi flick released in the last 5 years.

Saunch 02-28-17 10:31 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...

AdamUpBxtch 02-28-17 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1659066)
I'm way too hyped for this movie, it probably won't live up to how high my hype is, but I don't care I need this movie in my life....right now. Kind of sucks they showed the full Alien already, was hoping they'd just tease the Xeno's some more.

Captain Steel 03-01-17 12:24 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Pause at 1:27
Looks like... nah, couldn't be.

Dexter007 03-01-17 12:26 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Considering the jokes about Prometheus here, I hope Ridley Scott hasn't....."alien"ated you all.

The Rodent 03-01-17 01:03 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Looking gooooood.

Dani8 03-01-17 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1659173)
Looking gooooood.

Looks great but there's an emo teenager in it. I'm already breaking out in hives.

re93animator 03-01-17 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1659141)
Pause at 1:27
Looks like... nah, couldn't be.
It's Giger dawg.

Iroquois 03-01-17 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1659198)
Looks great but there's an emo teenager in it. I'm already breaking out in hives.

thePrimeOne 03-01-17 05:11 AM

From the latest trailer, the Aliens don't seem terrifying like the original. Can't wait to see this though.

cat_sidhe 03-01-17 06:24 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I never saw Prometheus. I quit after 15min and thought maybe I wasn't in the mood for it, but then I never got in the mood for it. Do I have to or can I just skip it?

Little Devil 03-01-17 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1659261)
I never saw Prometheus. I quit after 15min and thought maybe I wasn't in the mood for it, but then I never got in the mood for it. Do I have to or can I just skip it?
well this is a sequel to a prequel of a sequel. You should watch Prometheus even if only to laugh a bit.

Little Devil 03-01-17 07:38 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Ok, after watching the 2 trailers I'm already laughing.

1 - "human vegetation" - LOL wot?
2 - "who planted it" - oh dear... because the entire vegetation on Earth was "planted by humans".
3 - If you are going to colonize a new planet, you MUST do it with gay people [nothing wrong with gay people, obviously, but they won't contribute to multiply the colony - unless via sperm donation. It's way too cumbersome all the same]
4 - No one seems to rely on their on-board computers to analyze the surface of the planet. "I heard there's a planet we can colonize. Dunno what it looks like at all, let us all just rush in"
5 - Ripleys' mom spotted. Because the entire universe hates a random yet unborn woman.

Visually it looks alright. It also has Aliens. GOOD.

Little Devil 03-01-17 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 1624269)
Looks... not bad.

I feel a certain amount of distrust for the prequels.

Ever since I saw Alien in about 1980 I wondered who that big alien strapped into the seat was in the derelict space ship.

In Prometheus, they almost explained it. Big Alien, big chair, straps himself in... I'm thinking aha, so now I know. THEN he gets out of the chair and gets killed in another part of the ship which is completely incongruent with the story line.

I have a feeling this will be another 'predator like' money grab.
One of the best part of the Alien movie was that the SJ was never explained. There's no need to.

cat_sidhe 03-01-17 07:48 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1659271)
well this is a sequel to a prequel of a sequel. You should watch Prometheus even if only to laugh a bit.
I can deal with unintentionally funny...

Little Devil 03-01-17 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1659285)
I can deal with unintentionally funny...
that you will.

NextScorsese 03-01-17 09:12 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
What have they done, the Aliens look so fake, why are there no practical effects aside from the face huggers.

Little Devil 03-01-17 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by NextScorsese (Post 1659324)
What have they done, the Aliens look so fake, why are there no practical effects aside from the face huggers.
it's the damn color scheme.

Slam 03-01-17 10:30 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Unintenionally funny is the best kind of funny, and this definitely looks like Prometheus 2: Electric Bughuntaloo.

rambond 03-01-17 03:14 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
i have to admit the new trailer has striked fear into me, hope the movie is gonna be great

MonnoM 03-01-17 03:45 PM

A good amount of it looks great, though I think they showed too much too soon. However, I have to agree that the CGI Aliens aren't cutting it. That last scene was ridiculous. To top it off, the Star Wars-esque extravaganza looked really out of place. It's 50/50 for me right now. This could turn out to be really great or a huge disappointment.

re93animator 03-01-17 03:56 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I love the look of this. A lot of it seems overblown, but I don't care. It's borderline impossible to make an Alien movie that I won't like. I actually hope they go with more extraterrestrial planet stuff. The spaceship stuff doesn't look as appealing as its forerunners.

SeeingisBelieving 03-01-17 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1659350)
it's the damn color scheme.
I saw a great YouTube comment today, telling Ridley Scott "there are other colours than teal"

SeeingisBelieving 03-01-17 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1659274)
Ok, after watching the 2 trailers I'm already laughing.

1 - "human vegetation" - LOL wot?
2 - "who planted it" - oh dear... because the entire vegetation on Earth was "planted by humans".
3 - If you are going to colonize a new planet, you MUST do it with gay people [nothing wrong with gay people, obviously, but they won't contribute to multiply the colony - unless via sperm donation. It's way too cumbersome all the same]
4 - No one seems to rely on their on-board computers to analyze the surface of the planet. "I heard there's a planet we can colonize. Dunno what it looks like at all, let us all just rush in"
5 - Ripleys' mom spotted. Because the entire universe hates a random yet unborn woman.

Visually it looks alright. It also has Aliens. GOOD.
I meant to reply to this earlier but pesky real life got in the way.

I'm looking at all the comments so far and I'm agreeing with so much – I think we've all got the same, if not similar, niggles.

WARNING: spoilers below
The human vegetation thing stuck with me as well. It wasn't particularly about who planted it but just the term. Why not "Earth vegetation?" Just seems like a weird phrase, as if it's been written by someone coming to sci-fi afresh. I laughed remembering a great Doctor Who line (from Colony in Space ironically :p) "There's no animal life, just a few birds and insects". Did you know Ridley Scott nearly designed the Daleks :)?

The gay colonist thing is a fair point – actually I hadn't noticed that at all – and perhaps sperm donation would be the way round it. They might even be thinking along the current lines of 3-person fertility.

I liked some of what I could see of the aliens. There's a strange, light-coloured thing that's like a cross between a facehugger and a chestburster that attacks someone. I like the overtly new stuff the best.

The alien attacking the – drop ship? – does look very poor. Its legs are like a spider aren't they? But, I feel like it needed to be a man in a suit, even with CGI to enhance it. I would also say that "Holy ****!" doesn't even cut it if that thing is smacking its head on your windshield. More like "F**** me!" Even Michael Caine in Jaws: the Revenge is better.

Couple of other things. The emotive mention of "couples" is like a reversal of Ripley's exhausted "Families. Oh Jesus" in Aliens; the shot of Waterston seemingly reacting to bloody remains or something equally hideous calls to mind Ripley finding what's left of Lambert and Parker in Alien. You worry that there will maybe be too many nods to the past at times. I like the prologue red herring choking scene though.

Little Devil 03-01-17 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1659637)
I saw a great YouTube comment today, telling Ridley Scott "there are other colours than teal"
:D see?

Little Devil 03-01-17 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1659649)
WARNING: spoilers below
The human vegetation thing stuck with me as well. It wasn't particularly about who planted it but just the term. Why not "Earth vegetation?" Just seems like a weird phrase, as if it's been written by someone coming to sci-fi afresh. I laughed remembering a great Doctor Who line (from Colony in Space ironically :p) "There's no animal life, just a few birds and insects". Did you know Ridley Scott nearly designed the Daleks :)?

The gay colonist thing is a fair point – actually I hadn't noticed that at all – and perhaps sperm donation would be the way round it. They might even be thinking along the current lines of 3-person fertility.

I liked some of what I could see of the aliens. There's a strange, light-coloured thing that's like a cross between a facehugger and a chestburster that attacks someone. I like the overtly new stuff the best.

The alien attacking the – drop ship? – does look very poor. Its legs are like a spider aren't they? But, I feel like it needed to be a man in a suit, even with CGI to enhance it. I would also say that "Holy ****!" doesn't even cut it if that thing is smacking its head on your windshield. More like "F**** me!" Even Michael Caine in Jaws: the Revenge is better.

Couple of other things. The emotive mention of "couples" is like a reversal of Ripley's exhausted "Families. Oh Jesus" in Aliens; the shot of Waterston seemingly reacting to bloody remains or something equally hideous calls to mind Ripley finding what's left of Lambert and Parker in Alien. You worry that there will maybe be too many nods to the past at times. I like the prologue red herring choking scene though.
All fair paints as well. Yeah I liked the choking scene but when she started to choke I could see where it went after two seconds.

NextScorsese 03-02-17 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1659350)
it's the damn color scheme.
Yeah, the final shot looks more like a piece of concept art if anything else.

SeeingisBelieving 03-02-17 04:50 PM

I also meant to mention that it surprises me how much Ridley Scott is deferring to CGI, especially for the aliens. From what I've seen so far they're looking – and behaving – much more like animals than a version of people. That makes them less frightening to me, and calls to mind Alien: Resurrection where they were at their most animalistic.

WARNING: spoilers below
The alien trying to break through the cockpit screen reminds me quite a bit of the Alien Queen, even though the head is more like a normal alien – looks bigger than a normal one as well, with the arms being very elongated.

rambond 03-03-17 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1660308)
I also meant to mention that it surprises me how much Ridley Scott is deferring to CGI, especially for the aliens. From what I've seen so far they're looking – and behaving – much more like animals than a version of people. That makes them less frightening to me, and calls to mind Alien: Resurrection where they were at their most animalistic.

WARNING: spoilers below
The alien trying to break through the cockpit screen reminds me quite a bit of the Alien Queen, even though the head is more like a normal alien – looks bigger than a normal one as well, with the arms being very elongated.
why would they behave as a human, they are animals alright, it's not that they have a brain like a human being, they are smart ofc, anw it's about time for a new alien film and this looks to be bloody, hopefully it is gonna be good, i liked prometheus better after second and third viewing by the way.

SeeingisBelieving 03-03-17 07:35 AM

Originally Posted by rambond (Post 1660643)
why would they behave as a human,
You've just reminded me of that great Legend line "We are all animals my lady" :).

I always think back to Alien, because there's a lot made of it being a version of a human. "Kane's son"; "It's like a man, it's big"; and there's even the Lambert death where Veronica Cartwright alludes to it "checking [her] out". So there's a lot of extra, and very disturbing, stuff there beyond it just being a ferocious beast.

There's also its body shape. You remember how the Alien: Resurrection ones had hind legs even though they apparently came out of humans? Didn't make sense where it did in Alien 3. They've lost that human aspect over time that made them really unsettling. Arguably even Aliens, as great as it is, weakened the menace by having the more relatable structure of a queen, warriors and drones.

I liked Prometheus as well, especially the Engineers.

SeeingisBelieving 03-12-17 01:46 PM

A few more titbits of information out this week, including a new teaser involving Walter.

WARNING: spoilers below
The reported new footage relates to Alien in quite a clever way, because Ash's fascination with the Alien makes even more sense if it was the product of another android's experiments.

Also, I'm intrigued by the description of David's weird and wonderful collection of horrors that he created on the way to perfecting the eggs. Smacks of The Island of Doctor Moreau (and Alien Resurrection), and might explain why the Alien trying to break in to the cockpit looks so different to an Alien from a human host.

SeeingisBelieving 03-18-17 06:35 PM

I remember thinking this when I saw the trailer and it wandered out of my thoughts until now — the planet is too ordinary. Yes you have the strange 'pods' with their deadly infectious spores but other than that it's basically just a beautiful location, beautifully filmed, but indistinguishable from Earth. Even if the Engineers previously visited the planet to doctor it I don't see why it should look like a carbon copy.

The crewmember mentions "human vegetation" (actually a good replacement line would have been "This is wheat. What are the chances of finding wheat all the way out here; who planted it?"). It seems obvious that to reinforce how incongrous this would be the planet should have had more about it that was unfamiliar. Maybe the trees or the rocks were a peculiar shape, or the colour of the sky; just something that would mark the place out as alien. I'm not saying "double basses growing on trees" but you get the idea.

Going back over the franchise, LV-426 and Fury 161 were much more unearthly, I would say especially due to their inhospitable visuals. Even LV-223 in Prometheus was a passably foreign realm for similar reasons.

Little Devil 03-18-17 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1670902)
I remember thinking this when I saw the trailer and it wandered out of my thoughts until now — the planet is too ordinary. Yes you have the strange 'pods' with their deadly infectious spores but other than that it's basically just a beautiful location, beautifully filmed, but indistinguishable from Earth. Even if the Engineers previously visited the planet to doctor it I don't see why it should look like a carbon copy.

The crewmember mentions "human vegetation" (actually a good replacement line would have been "This is wheat. What are the chances of finding wheat all the way out here; who planted it?"). It seems obvious that to reinforce how incongrous this would be the planet should have had more about it that was unfamiliar. Maybe the trees or the rocks were a peculiar shape, or the colour of the sky; just something that would mark the place out as alien. I'm not saying "double basses growing on trees" but you get the idea.

Going back over the franchise, LV-426 and Fury 161 were much more unearthly, I would say especially due to their inhospitable visuals. Even LV-223 in Prometheus was a passably foreign realm for similar reasons.
I agree in all regards. The dude should have said "Earth Vegetation" OR "Earth-like vegetation". [it looks like wheat, but is it?] - or even nothing at all because there are trees all over the place.

Another thing I noticed is the "Listen, There is no sound". She was expecting birds and insects and monkey sounds? Why?

And even more peculiar, so they know it's a planet capable of colonization, but know nothing about it? Nothing at all? It makes no sense.

SeeingisBelieving 03-18-17 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1670908)
I agree in all regards. The dude should have said "Earth Vegetation" OR "Earth-like vegetation". [it looks like wheat, but is it?] - or even nothing at all because there are trees all over the place.

Another thing I noticed is the "Listen, There is no sound". She was expecting birds and insects and monkey sounds? Why?

And even more peculiar, so they know it's a planet capable of colonization, but know nothing about it? Nothing at all? It makes no sense.
Yeah, nobody's surprised that everything is like Earth. Just the wheat :p.

I pondered over that "Listen" line as well. I'm assuming that the alarm is supposed to come from there being flora on the planet but no fauna whatsoever. And yet at the moment Daniels' reaction sounds contrived. I think whatever Katherine Waterston did, it would sound off. There is nothing wrong with her delivery but the flaw is in what's supporting her, namely the world-building. To me, it would have made more sense for the team to disembark, marvelling at how identical to Earth this alien planet was, listing all the flora that was replicated so far from our area of space and then to hit the audience with "where are the animals?". It certainly hints at extermination whichever way you slice it.

Little Devil 03-18-17 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1670938)
Yeah, nobody's surprised that everything is like Earth. Just the wheat :p.

I pondered over that "Listen" line as well. I'm assuming that the alarm is supposed to come from there being flora on the planet but no fauna whatsoever. And yet at the moment Daniels' reaction sounds contrived. I think whatever Katherine Waterston did, it would sound off. There is nothing wrong with her delivery but the flaw is in what's supporting her, namely the world-building. To me, it would have made more sense for the team to disembark, marvelling at how identical to Earth this alien planet was, listing all the flora that was replicated so far from our area of space and then to hit the audience with "where are the animals?". It certainly hints at extermination whichever way you slice it.
EXACTLY! So these guys can travel the galaxy and yet a simple planet reconnaissance [which can be done from across a vast distance] is a foreign concept? lol.

"oh look, trees" I would be amazed, my self.

SeeingisBelieving 03-19-17 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by Little Devil (Post 1670970)
EXACTLY! So these guys can travel the galaxy and yet a simple planet reconnaissance [which can be done from across a vast distance] is a foreign concept? lol.

"oh look, trees" I would be amazed, my self.
Yeah, it's like the writer has come to the science fiction genre completely fresh, with hardly any useful research, and has no awareness of the kind of shorthand that is available.

Little Devil 03-19-17 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1671173)
Yeah, it's like the writer has come to the science fiction genre completely fresh, with hardly any useful research, and has no awareness of the kind of shorthand that is available.
I have a real hard time suspending disbelieve when faced with simple common sense shortcomings. :D

SeeingisBelieving 03-19-17 10:31 AM

This also reminds me of something that Ridley Scott said years ago. He was explaining his thoughts on the Space Jockeys (as they were then) and why the one in Alien was carrying the eggs, and said "They're not from Mars so they're not gods of war". So it was as if any alien race that came from Mars would have to be warlike because of how we named the planet :rolleyes:;).

It sounds very naοve but I think it's more to do with Scott coming with a perspective of early science fiction where aliens were couched in the familiar. Obviously The War of the Worlds gave us that link with bellicose aliens and Mars and that continued on with Flash Gordon, Invaders from Mars and in more recent times with the Ice Warriors in Doctor Who – there may be more examples still but I can't recall them.

Actually, Scott's thoughts in the early stages of Legend about Jack were similarly quaint – I mean that in a nice way, a creative way. Initially he was thinking that being of the forest, Jack could be green.

The Rodent 03-19-17 10:33 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
In the Alien commentary, Ridley also said that the Space Jockey was a fossilised creature that was fused to its chair, not a creature in a space suit...

SeeingisBelieving 03-19-17 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1671209)
In the Alien commentary, Ridley also said that the Space Jockey was a fossilised creature that was fused to its chair, not a creature in a space suit...
I don't remember him saying that but Dallas also says it in the film as they're examining the carcass. I think it's "He's grown onto the chair".

The Rodent 03-19-17 10:47 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Yeah during the commentary Ridley says it's a creature fossilised and fused to the chair.

He never says anything about it being a creature in a suit.

If you look at the creature as well, under the long nose part, is a mouth with teeth inside it.
It's not a suit... it's an actual creature.

SeeingisBelieving 03-19-17 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1671215)
Yeah during the commentary Ridley says it's a creature fossilised and fused to the chair.

He never says anything about it being a creature in a suit.

If you look at the creature as well, under the long nose part, is a mouth with teeth inside it.
It's not a suit... it's an actual creature.
Yeah, it was definitely believable as a living creature. I like the retcon though, I think the Engineers are a great creation.

The Rodent 03-19-17 10:53 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I was watching the commentary last night tbh. Coincidence :D

You know how the ship was designed?

Scott was looking through Giger's Necronomicon for ideas on the ship... and he spotted a Croissant shaped thing that was like a musical instrument in the patterned design on the outside.

He said "kinda like this would be good" and the production team basically just took the design directly from the book, and that was that.

They changed nothing about it... the croissant shaped musical instrument in the book, was lifted directly from the book and used :laugh:

SeeingisBelieving 03-19-17 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1671220)
I was watching the commentary last night tbh. Coincidence :D
No, it was ordained :p;).

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1671220)
You know how the ship was designed?

Scott was looking through Giger's Necronomicon for ideas on the ship... and he spotted a Croissant shaped thing that was like a musical instrument in the patterned design on the outside.

He said "kinda like this would be good" and the production team basically just took the design directly from the book, and that was that.

They changed nothing about it... the croissant shaped musical instrument in the book, was lifted directly from the book and used :laugh:
Yeah, they had a lot to play with. Was it his first commentary – the one where he's on his own? I like that one the best.

The Rodent 03-19-17 11:57 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Yeah just Scott by himself.

You can here him sparking up cigars all the time as well :D

SeeingisBelieving 03-19-17 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1671259)
Yeah just Scott by himself.

You can here him sparking up cigars all the time as well :D
Yeah, it's excellent. The only thing that is a bit of a shame with the current extras and commentaries is that you don't get anything from Yaphet Kotto or Ian Holm. Holm does mention filming a little bit in his autobiography though.

Dani8 03-23-17 04:23 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Pretty bleak but stunning

MonnoM 03-23-17 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1674146)
It's said that the Queen may be making an appearance. That's supposedly her head in the background.

Good old BD. Always delivers in the interesting theories department.

Dani8 03-23-17 07:41 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
I would hang that on my wall. I love it

rambond 03-24-17 12:40 PM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
new poster is both frightening and beautiful

Korinaz 03-31-17 07:37 AM

Alien: Covenant - Movie FACTS
Hi guys!!! Here's some interesting FACTS on Alien: Covenant. I hope you like it. :) Tell me what you think :)

The Rodent 03-31-17 08:00 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant - Movie FACTS
Why don't you post this in the Covenant thread?

TheUsualSuspect 03-31-17 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1679356)
Why don't you post this in the Covenant thread?
He's learning....

doubledenim 03-31-17 10:42 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant - Movie FACTS
Whenever there is an option between an article or video, I choose article. There wasn't a choice here so I didn't receive the information.

Yoda 03-31-17 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1679356)
Why don't you post this in the Covenant thread?

Little Devil 03-31-17 11:20 AM

Re: Alien: Covenant footage was screened. Results are in...
Ridley Scott [during Alien]: "It's the fossilized carcass of a creature that is fused with the chair he is sitting on, as though he outgrown from it" [talking about the Space Jockey]

jump to Prometheus:

Ridley Scott: "I always saw it as a a guy on a space suit"

Ridley Scott on doing Alien movies:

Ridley Scott: "I will never do another film with the Dragon [alien]. That thing is done."

1 year later:

Ridley Scott: "this film will totally have the Dragon in it"

Bless you Scott, you are truly a man of your word.

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