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Shadow 05-26-13 02:32 AM

Best Movie In a Horror Series
There seem to be quite a few Horror fans here, which is awesome as it's my favorite genre and I always enjoy talking about them. I think this should be a fun little questionaire to do. Of the following Horror series, which entry do you feel is the best in each? Add more series to the list if you'd like, right now I just have some of the notables listed.


Friday The 13th
A Nightmare On Elm Street
Evil Dead
Child's Play
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Final Destination
Paranormal Activity


IMO the best in each:

Friday The 13th - The Final Chapter
Halloween - 1978 Original
A Nightmare On Elm Street - New Nightmare
Saw - Saw II
Scream - Original
Alien - Aliens
Predator - Predator 2
Phantasm - Phantasm II
Evil Dead - Evil Dead II
Child's Play - Original
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2003 Remake
Hellraiser - Original
Final Destination - Original
Paranormal Activity - Original

Camo 05-26-13 11:20 AM

Friday The 13th - Original (The only other one i've seen is part 6 though)
Halloween - Original (I've seen them all except the remake of part 2)
A Nightmare On Elm Street - 1 or 3 (I've seen them all)
Saw - Not seen any
Scream - Original (Seen all except 4)
Alien - Aliens (Seen them all)
Predator - Original (I've not seen Predators)
Phantasm - Not seen any
Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2 (Seen all of them)
Child's Play - Bride of Chucky (Seen all of them)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Original (Not seen 3d)
Hellraiser - Not seen any
Final Destination - 3 (Ive oonly seen 1,2 and 3)
Paranormal Activity - 1 (Only seen 1 and 2)

Nausicaä 05-26-13 11:27 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I've added the ones I like the most out of the whole series but put in bold the best one in the series for me.

Halloween - Adore the first Halloween film and H20.

A Nightmare On Elm Street - First, Dream Warriors, Freddy's Dead, New Nightmare are my favourites and I find the remake underrated once you get past the wasted chance of imaginative dream sequences.

Saw - See Saw Rank topic.

Scream - First one is one of my all time favourite films, the rest not up there with it but still love the whole series.

Alien - Alien, Aliens, Alien Resurrection, Prometheus - I haven't seen Alien3 in years and years so have to go back to it.

Predator - First film only.

Phantasm - Only seen the first film. Not a favourite of mine.

Evil Dead - Enjoyed Evil Dead II the most. Haven't seen the films in years but going to watch them all on Blu-ray soon.

Child's Play - Enjoyed Child's Play 2 the most but wouldn't watch them again.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - First only

Hellraiser - First only

Final Destination - Final Destination 2 and Final Destination 5.

Paranormal Activity - Not a fan.

JoeHorrorFanatic 05-26-13 11:42 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I'm going to add a few of my own at the end of this list.
Friday The 13th - Jason Goes to Hell. It added something different to the series, and the death scenes were awesome. I haven't seen many of the Friday the 13th films, though, and I want to see the 6th.
Halloween - The Return of Michael Myers. That ending scares the living sh*t out of me.
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Freddy's Dead. A guilty pleasure, for sure. I like how it had more comedy than the others.
Saw - a toss-up between 1 and 2.
Scream - the original, which is the only one I've seen.
Alien - Aliens. Have not seen the third or fourth ones, nor do I want to.
Predator - the original.
Phantasm - the original. I haven't yet watched the third or fourth, and I'm curious to see the third.
Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2, but I love every one that they've made so far.
Child's Play - Child's Play 2. Another guilty pleasure.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I gotta go with you on the 2003 version here. It was the first of the franchise that I saw, and it had me staying up for several nights.
Hellraiser - Hellbound:Hellraiser 2. Like the last film I mentioned, this was the first one I ever saw. It was broad daylight outside, and this movie still terrified me.
Final Destination - FD2. Once again, first one that I saw.
Paranormal Activity - the original. The only other one I saw was the second, which I watched in theaters and never bothered getting on DVD. It just didn't have the same impact as the first, and I doubt that any of the sequels that followed would have.
Subspecies - Bloodstone. I bought the entire trilogy at Dollar General about a year ago, and while the first one bored me to tears I thought the second (Bloodstone) and third were pretty awesome.
Puppet Master - Toulon's Revenge. Unsurprisingly, a lot of people have cited this as their favorite of the series. Toulon's puppets were the original Inglourious Basterds. I'm also pumped for the new one they have coming out, Axis Rising.
Leprechaun - In the Hood. This is a cult favorite that a lot of people seem to like. It's the type of campy B-movie that I love.
Romero's "Dead" Series - Day of the Dead. Most would say that Dawn of the Dead is their favorite, but I love the story that this one tells. One individual tried saying that George Romero hasn't made a good movie since Dawn of the Dead, but has he even seen this freaking picture?
The Fly - Cronenberg's version. David Cronenberg adds a lot of emotional depth to the story and the way that Brundle becomes a fly is less laughable than it was in the original. However, I have to say I love every film in this series except for Curse of the Fly.

Anyway, I'm going to cut it short there. There's probably a dozen more series out there to talk about, but those are some of my favorites.

JoeHorrorFanatic 05-26-13 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 907994)
Friday The 13th - Original (The only other one i've seen is part 6 though)
Halloween - Original (I've seen them all except the remake of part 2)
A Nightmare On Elm Street - 1 or 3 (I've seen them all)
Saw - Not seen any
Scream - Original (Seen all except 4)
Alien - Aliens (Seen them all)
Predator - Original (I've not seen Predators)
Phantasm - Not seen any
Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2 (Seen all of them)
Child's Play - Bride of Chucky (Seen all of them)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Original (Not seen 3d)
Hellraiser - Not seen any
Final Destination - 3 (Ive oonly seen 1,2 and 3)
Paranormal Activity - 1 (Only seen 1 and 2)
The only one you haven't seen that I'd recommend is Predators. It's not as good as the original, but I bought it on Blu-Ray after having seen it in theaters, if that tells you anything.

The Gunslinger45 05-26-13 12:28 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Friday The 13th - the original (but I am not a really a fan)
Halloween - The original
A Nightmare On Elm Street - see Friday the 13th
Saw - The original
Scream - None
Alien - Aliens
Predator - Arnie!
Phantasm - Have not seen any of them
Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2
Child's Play - Was never really a fan
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Not a fan
Hellraiser - I barely remember them
Final Destination - Not a fan
Paranormal Activity - Have not seen any

The Gunslinger45 05-26-13 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by JoeHorrorFanatic (Post 908001)
The only one you haven't seen that I'd recommend is Predators. It's not as good as the original, but I bought it on Blu-Ray after having seen it in theaters, if that tells you anything.
I love Rodriguez as a director, and Danny Trejo vs Predators is an awesome concept, but I am sorry but Adrian Brody all jacked up and trying to do the Christian Bale Batman voice killed it. And unlike Rodriguez, I liked Predator 2!

JoeHorrorFanatic 05-26-13 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 908019)
I love Rodriguez as a director, and Danny Trejo vs Predators is an awesome concept, but I am sorry but Adrian Brody all jacked up and trying to do the Christian Bale Batman voice killed it. And unlike Rodriguez, I liked Predator 2!
Rodriguez produced that movie, and the director was Nimrod Antal. The only other movie he's made that I've seen is Vacancy, which had a great concept but just ended up underwhelming.
And I agree on Predator 2. I liked all of them except for AVPR.

The Gunslinger45 05-26-13 01:02 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Oh yes he did not direct that he was the producer. XD Anyways I do not understand his beef with Predator 2. I thought going the Urban Jungle route worked. And it is LA, lots of possibilities to be had for violence! And I thought Danny Glover was great! And Bill Paxton while on screen for only so long made his character memorable.

Watch_Tower 05-26-13 01:35 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
mmm this is a good thread because horror series' seem to go on for ever, stretching across decades!

Saw: Saw I is the best but Saw II was exceptional too...everything after is just shite!
Scream: Scream 2 is my absolute fave. Funny and gruesome!
Exorcist: the original, everything else is rubbish
Alien: the original...because that is the only movie that is actually a horror
Halloween: H2O is actually a very good movie

mmmm not sure what other horror franchises I've watched.

Camo 05-26-13 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Watch_Tower (Post 908035)
mmm this is a good thread because horror series' seem to go on for ever, stretching across decades!

Saw: Saw I is the best but Saw II was exceptional too...everything after is just shite!
Scream: Scream 2 is my absolute fave. Funny and gruesome!
Exorcist: the original, everything else is rubbish
Alien: the original...because that is the only movie that is actually a horror
Halloween: H2O is actually a very good movie

mmmm not sure what other horror franchises I've watched.
Since you added the Exorcist i'll say my favourite is of course te original since it's one of my favourite movies but imo Exorcist 3 was ok not great but it was a decent watch, but yeah i agree with you on the rest all terrible. Also i just realized that i said i'd seen Friday the 13th part 6, i actually meant Friday the 13th part 8 Jason Takes anhattan which was terrible imo.

Camo 05-26-13 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by JoeHorrorFanatic (Post 908023)
Rodriguez produced that movie, and the director was Nimrod Antal. The only other movie he's made that I've seen is Vacancy, which had a great concept but just ended up underwhelming.
And I agree on Predator 2. I liked all of them except for AVPR.
Thanks for the suggestion i'll give it a shot.

JoeHorrorFanatic 05-26-13 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 908088)
Thanks for the suggestion i'll give it a shot.

bighuey 05-26-13 10:00 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Paranormal Activity 3 - I havent seen the first two, but if they are as good or better as No.3 they must be fantastic.

The first two Friday the 13th movies - the rest were just poor imitations of the first two, altho the one about Jason in space wasnt bad.

Alien and Aliens. The rest were crap.

Some of the Frankenstein movies, most were bad but there were a few good to excellent ones. My personal favorite is The Bride of Frankenstein.

Predator and Predator 2. Predator Vs. Alien was just plain silly.

gugubee557 05-26-13 10:40 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
To be honest, I have only watched Paranormal Activity & Final Destination.

As odd as it may seem, I really enjoyed PA 2, while everybody else (or the majority) thought it was the worth of the series. Really don't know why I liked it so much, but I did anyways.

As for Final Destination, I liked the third one the most, maybe because it was the first one I saw (sometimes it helps hehe) :)

I should seriously give the other series a go though.

Camo 05-26-13 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by gugubee557 (Post 908162)
To be honest, I have only watched Paranormal Activity & Final Destination.

As odd as it may seem, I really enjoyed PA 2, while everybody else (or the majority) thought it was the worth of the series. Really don't know why I liked it so much, but I did anyways.

As for Final Destination, I liked the third one the most, maybe because it was the first one I saw (sometimes it helps hehe) :)

I should seriously give the other series a go though.
You liked the third one the most because it was the best one :p

gugubee557 05-26-13 11:30 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Aha, now that I think about it, I must admit that I was disappointed with the actors who played in the first movie, and the ending in the second movie really deceived me. The fourth one was a complete flop, and although I liked the one that came out in theaters not so long ago, I think that the 3rd one was better, don't really know why to be honest. It kind of gave me a fear of roller coasters though, which is a good thing movie-wise, I guess :p

Watch_Tower 05-27-13 08:08 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
ohhh I totally forgot about Final Destination, I do enjoy the odd slasher flick so I liked all of the movies but the original sticks in my mind as the best.

annajulie76 05-27-13 12:27 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
The Woman in Black
Final Destination

gugubee557 05-27-13 12:35 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Oh, I totally forgot Scream. The first one was the best for me, although I quite liked the fourth one aswell. I've heard they are planning to make a fifth installment, so we'll have to wait and see :)

McConnaughay 05-27-13 09:17 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I'd say that the best Friday the 13th movie is the remake, which basically summarized the first movie in seconds. I think that Freddy vs. Jason is the best portrayal of Jason in movies because it gave him a character to take minds off of his lack of depth. Personally, I consider the first few Friday the 13th movies along with the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre to be some of the worst movies that I've ever seen, no ****. I'd say that Halloween 4 is my favorite from the series, I enjoyed 5, 6, the remake, and the original as well. My favorite movie from the A Nightmare on Elm Street series is the third movie, although my favorite movie from the Freddy franchise is Wes Craven's New Nightmare. I think that I like the original Saw movie the most, although I enjoyed three quite a lot as well. Same for Scream, except for I thought the second and third movie were sub-par. Wrapping this up, Hellraiser: Inferno is my favorite Hellraiser. I've only watched the first five so far but right now, it's the only one I consider to be actually a good movie. The second Evil Dead is the best, although I enjoyed 2013 reboot for what it was. The second Child's Play is my favorite, the first being a close second with none of the others really coming close to matching. I think Hostel Part 2 is the best of the Hostel series.

JoeHorrorFanatic 05-27-13 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 908495)
I'd say that the best Friday the 13th movie is the remake, which basically summarized the first movie in seconds. I think that Freddy vs. Jason is the best portrayal of Jason in movies because it gave him a character to take minds off of his lack of depth. Personally, I consider the first few Friday the 13th movies along with the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre to be some of the worst movies that I've ever seen, no ****. I'd say that Halloween 4 is my favorite from the series, I enjoyed 5, 6, the remake, and the original as well. My favorite movie from the A Nightmare on Elm Street series is the third movie, although my favorite movie from the Freddy franchise is Wes Craven's New Nightmare. I think that I like the original Saw movie the most, although I enjoyed three quite a lot as well. Same for Scream, except for I thought the second and third movie were sub-par. Wrapping this up, Hellraiser: Inferno is my favorite Hellraiser. I've only watched the first five so far but right now, it's the only one I consider to be actually a good movie. The second Evil Dead is the best, although I enjoyed 2013 reboot for what it was. The second Child's Play is my favorite, the first being a close second with none of the others really coming close to matching. I think Hostel Part 2 is the best of the Hostel series.
I agree with much of this, and you got a + from me just for having the balls to bash the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. I disagree on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but while I enjoyed Friday the 13th it was pretty overrated.
I also appreciate that someone other than myself liked Hellraiser 5. Some of the acting was pretty wooden and the script was originally intended for a film unrelated to the Hellraiser franchise, but I thought it worked well because it brought something different to the series, and it was genuinely creepy at times.

Shadow 08-16-13 08:01 PM

New Nightmare is my favorite ANOES film also, I feel it was more creative with the concept.

McConnaughay 08-16-13 11:18 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I decided to kind-of reorganize my post, and add to it.

Friday the 13th
- All of the originals were atrocious, with Freddy vs. Jason ultimately being the best performance of the character. However, I'd say that the Friday the 13th remake was the first all-out Jason movie that I enjoyed. It had a lot of problems, but they weren't as abundant as the pieces of **** that came before it.

Halloween - I liked Halloween 6: Curse of Michael Myers, the remake, and the original Halloween movie. All for different reasons, I liked the remake because it re-imagined the idea in a unique way that gave Michael Myers mortality, made him seem like a person, and not just like a monster. However, I'll admit that there was some excess that hurt the movie. The original movie stands entirely off of Dr. Loomis, which was also well-done in the remake, but in this one, I think I appreciated it a lot more. I don't know why, maybe it's a lot of nostalgia. As for the sixth movie, I really liked the idea of the disciples, and the darker, almost Gothic spin felt very different in my first-time viewing. I'm going to say Halloween 6 is the best of them.

A Nightmare on Elm Street - Wes Craven's New Nightmare, although not really an installment in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise as much as it is a new thing altogether, is easily the best of the series. I really loved the concept and idea of it.

Saw - This one is a little iffy, I am going to go with the original movie which is sixty-four on my favorite movies of all-time, however, I also thoroughly enjoyed the third movie. After that, the rest of them are kind-of mediocre, however.

Scream - The second and third movies didn't really do it for me, they had their moments, but their twists were stupid, whereas the first one's twist was hilariously outlandish. "My parents are going to be so mad at me!" The fourth movie is easily the second best of the series, but I liked the original the most because of how fresh it was at the time.

Child's Play - I liked both the first and second movie, however, Child's Play 2 seemed to really come together for the franchise before its ultimate downfall with Child's Play 3, which wasn't really bad, but I didn't like it.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I hate the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise, absolutely despise it, and I think that the original may very well be one of the worst movies ever made. "It was great at the time." That may very well be the case, but I think that it aged like chicken-****. I haven't seen the rest of the original series, but I did watch the 2003 movie with Jessica Biel. I didn't like it at all, but I'm happy to say that The Beginning really helped to wash the taste from my mouth after all of these years. If only for the performance of Sheriff Hoyt, whose dark humor really brought the series to life for me.

Hellraiser - Hellraiser has always been a series that I held in very low-regard, a mere number above the Puppet Master movies in the horror hierarchy, but there is some enjoyment to be had from them. I think that the best movie was Hellraiser: Inferno, which is the first, and only movie from the series that I considered to be good. Which is funny because it's the first movie of the series not to have Clive Barker's involvement. Which may very well be the reason why it worked. I love Clive Barker's demented imagery in things like Jericho, and I love the imagery for the Cenobites, but his stories can be a little difficult to grasp on film.

Children of the Corn: I've only seen two of them, the original, and Isaac's Return. I hated them both.

Evil Dead: I've seen Evil Dead 2 and the Evil Dead remake, and while I enjoyed them both, Evil Dead 2 is certainly better in a lot of ways. There is a lot more outlandishness and innovation, whereas the remake is merely a strongly entertaining splatter film.

Leprechaun: Hate 'em all.
The Grudge: I've only seen the first.
Psycho: I've seen the first two, and while, obviously, the original Psycho is more original, and has way more memorable one-liners, I think Anthony Perkins did even better in the second movie. I like them both, however.

anikalamba 10-14-13 04:01 AM

Best Movie in a Horror Series:

-Wrong Turn
-Final Destination
-Paranormal Activity.

evillemachine 10-14-13 06:09 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Not my favourite horror film, but I was impressed by Rob Zombie's remake of Halloween. He got panned by the critics and got mainly awful reviews. I had a peak at it last week with the wife and we both enjoyed it. Now, don't me wrong, I'm in my forties, so apt to moan about anything at any given time - and one of my childhood favs was being put to the test for a remake, and I was more than ready to have a good whine. Delighted to say it was excellent, and added a bit of a background to Michael Myers.

Nausicaä 10-14-13 06:37 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
^ That's what I didn't like about it, the background information was not needed for someone like Michael Myers, he's the type of killer where knowing less is better and far more scarier. Rob Zombie felt the need to bring in the common family/abuse background helping to change an already damaged child into a 'monster'.

There are quite a few real life serial killers out there who came from what was a perfectly fine and loving background and I find that so disturbing that psychopaths and so on can come out of a normal loving life.

In the original Halloween he just snapped one day and decided to kill his sister when he was only a child. He's 'pure evil' and it's a mystery as to why he kills.

Shadow 02-22-14 10:50 AM

I saw the most recent Paranormal Activity last month when it came out and it was surprisingly pretty good and a return to form for the series, though I still like the original the best.

The Sci-Fi Slob 02-22-14 11:11 AM

The Return of The Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Hostel 2
Final Destination
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Paranormal Activity 2

Shadow 02-22-14 12:05 PM

What about the other series, haven't seen them?

TheGCritic 02-22-14 12:13 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Nightmare on Elm Street- the first (one of my favorite movies)
Friday the 13th- 3D
Halloween- the first (everything else except it, 2, and H20 is ****)
Saw- I hate them all
Scream- the first
Alien- Aliens
Predator- the first
Evil Dead- II
Child's Play- the first
Texas Chainsaw Massacre- the first
Final Destination- see my opinion on Saw
Paranormal Activity- see my opinion on Saw
Frankenstein- Bride
Jaws- the first
Dracula- Horror

Shadow 02-22-14 02:56 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Never seen the Hellraiser or Phantasm films?

windsoc 02-22-14 04:01 PM

Friday The 13th - I have never seen past the first and from what others have said I shouldn't
Halloween - I enjoyed the first the forth and fifth, I really hated H20
A Nightmare On Elm Street - I enjoyed the first and Wes Cravens New Nightmare
Saw - I enjoyed all of them, they may be cheesy with a side of schlock but I do enjoy them
Scream - I enjoyed the first, second and forth
Alien - I enjoyed the prequel, first and second
Predator - I enjoyed the first and thought the second was stupid
Phantasm - Never seen them
Evil Dead - I have seen them all but only enjoyed the first and second
Child's Play - Never seen them, Chucky scares me too much!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I have only seen the original
Hellraiser - Never seen them
Final Destination - I think I saw the first but can't remember much about it
Paranormal Activity - Absolute drivel, not scary in the least


My list:

Ring (original 1998 version)
Switchblade Romance
Dark Water
Ills (them)
The Strangers

TheGCritic 02-22-14 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 1041140)
Never seen the Hellraiser or Phantasm films?
No and I have no intentions of watching them.

Shadow 02-22-14 07:45 PM

If you like surrealist type Horror films they're definitely worth a watch.

patrickshawn 02-26-14 12:03 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
evil dead
friday the 13th
hollow man , i was so scared of it when i was little
wrong turn

Shadow 02-26-14 03:17 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
What about the other film series listed?

The Major 03-01-14 06:44 PM

Friday The 13th Pt VII: The New Blood
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Dawn Of The Dead (1978)
Night Of The Seagulls (The Blind Dead series)
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline
Halloween II (1981)
The Omen (1976)
The Satanic Rites Of Dracula (Hammer Horrors Dracula series)
Evil Dead II

cdcorrea 03-03-14 01:25 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
You need to add the Exorcist series. The first film in the series of course wins.

Shadow 03-06-14 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by cdcorrea (Post 1048311)
You need to add the Exorcist series. The first film in the series of course wins.

I've only seen the original, which I thought was excellent.

Deadite 03-06-14 08:43 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Hokay, here we go...

I liked the Friday The 13ths a lot more when I was younger. I still have a mild affection for them, formulaic and dumb as they are. I don't think any of them are especially good horror films but they all have their moments and as a whole the series is an amusing diversion for fans of "novelty kills". Jason himself is a horror icon, deservedly so, and the whole "campfire tale" feel of the series appeals to me. If I had to pick, I'd probably go with the cheesy sci-fi hybrid Jason X as the most fun film in the franchise.

The Halloweens are also a pretty mediocre series, though they too have their moments. I don't find Myers a particularly compelling villain unlike many other horror fans. I was never sure why he was quite so indestructible since he was basically just a psychopathic killing machine, not clearly the larger-than-life undead revenant seeking revenge Jason was or the demonic spirit violating the sanctity of the mind as Freddy was. Michael was just... a cypher. Anyways, the original Halloween is by far the best, though I did rather like H20, as well as appreciating the subtler shades of grey in Zombie's remake which attempted (misguidedly or no) to humanize "The Boogyman".

More thoughts soon....

Kakarot89 03-06-14 08:49 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Friday The 13th Part 6: Jason Lives
Halloween (1978)
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Phantasm (only seen the first one)
Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn
Child's Play 2
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (again, only seen the first one)
Final Destination (only seen the first one)
Paranormal Activity (saw the first, didn't like it)

Deadite 03-06-14 09:34 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
The Screams.... I'll just get it out of the way quick by saying the first was the best overall. It was fresh at the time with its clever self-aware slasher satire. I loved the cast, the humor, the killer's costume, the neat moments such as the time delay scene at the party. I recall a local reviewer upon its theatrical release who (unfortunately for him) gave it a rather negative pass for mixing horror and comedy. Not for mixing them poorly, mind you; The reviewer was apparently opposed to the idea per se... so yeah. Anyways the sequels are fairly weak by comparison, IMO, but still fairly enjoyable as sequels go.

The Final Destinations are an easy favorite of mine, go-to favorites for their embracing of absurdly elaborate novelty killing as their raison d'etre. The first is undoubtedly superior but I dig them all and could probably watch a few more, at least, before my evil inner child tires of the Rube Goldberg-style deaths.

Another personal favorite series of mine are the Phantasms. I fell deeply in love with Phantasm II way back when and have been a loyal fan ever since. The series takes silly turns, its vision of the Tall Man's apocalypse is sadly hampered by its low budget, and it will likely never be satisfactorily concluded, but the films are just dripping with imagination and humor and gory fun. The 2nd is IMO the best but I adore the series overall.

More to come.

Shadow 03-07-14 12:09 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I'm a softee for the Friday The 13ths, not the smartest Horror movies but I find a good bulk of them are fun and some are even genuinely tense and scary.

Kakarot89 03-07-14 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 1050773)
I'm a softee for the Friday The 13ths, not the smartest Horror movies but I find a good bulk of them are fun and some are even genuinely tense and scary.
I didn't like them until a few years ago. Now I really enjoy them because they helped me overcome something rather traumatic.

Shadow 03-07-14 09:07 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I'm curious to hear about that.

Deadite 03-07-14 06:33 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series

Best Saw? First.

Best Child's Play? First.

Best Texas Chainsaw Massacre? First one, but TCM 2 is rather brilliant in its own darkly humorous way. Bill Mosely invested his nasty character with a self-awareness that sent it a whole other level of discomfort.

Best Elm Street was the first of course, but I pretty much love the whole series although it got pretty hammy and goofy after the original Nightmare.

Best Hellraiser... I actually would say the first two are just about equally great. The only one that approached the quality of the first two was Bloodline, which was an intriguing but muddled attempt to fill in backstory and expand the Hellraiser mythos. The rest are quite crappy.

Shadow 03-07-14 08:08 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I'm still behind on the Hellraiser series, last I saw was Hellseeker, I think.

Kakarot89 03-08-14 12:45 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I think we should add REC to the list. I don't know how many people on here have seen them but they are coming out with a fourth one soon. My personal favorite is REC 3 because they ditched the found footage angle people have grown so sick of and make a legit possession movie. However, most people hated it for ditching the found footage thing 30 minutes in. I think even as a stand alone movie, it was really good.

Shadow 03-08-14 02:18 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I've seen the first two REC films and quite liked them, I even enjoyed 2 a little more than the first.

Shadow 03-30-14 08:02 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
A lesser-known series but I remembered the Warlock films. I've only seen the first two and remember quite liking both of them, the first a little more than the second, but it's been so long since I last watched them.

Kakarot89 03-30-14 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 1065286)
A lesser-known series but I remembered the Warlock films. I've only seen the first two and remember quite liking both of them, the first a little more than the second, but it's been so long since I last watched them.
I may be mistaken, but I remember reading somewhere the second was actually a remake of the first. Just with a bigger budget. I've never seen either one from beginning to end though, just bits and pieces on TV.

papercut 03-31-14 04:31 PM

Paranormal Activity 1
Saw 1
V/H/S 1
Scream 2

Shadow 04-03-14 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by Kakarot89 (Post 1065342)
I may be mistaken, but I remember reading somewhere the second was actually a remake of the first. Just with a bigger budget. I've never seen either one from beginning to end though, just bits and pieces on TV.

The second pretty much is a remake, the studio decided to reboot the series since they felt not enough people knew of the original.

dadgumblah 04-06-14 01:05 AM

Friday The 13th---The first one with Mrs. Voorhees.
Halloween---The original John Carpenter one, Halloween II, and Halloween H2O. Have seen the Rob Zombie ones and did not like them at ALL.
A Nightmare On Elm Street---The original and #3: Dream Warriors (although I like all of them except Freddy's Revenge).
Saw---don't like this series.
Scream---the first, although I haven't seen the fourth one.
Alien---Aliens all the way.
Predator---the first.
Phantasm---I've only seen the first two, but I like the second one better.
Evil Dead---Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness...haven't seen the remake but want to.
Child's Play---the first.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre---the first two originals (as for #2, can't beat Dennis Hopper as a Texas Ranger with two mini-chainsaws strapped on like a gunfighter).
Hellraiser---only saw part of the second one but I thought it was interesting.
Final Destination---liked the first one and the third one (especially because of Mary Elizabeth Winstead...what can I say, I like the ladies). :randy:
Paranormal Activity---have only seen the first, so have to choose it now, but I intend to see the rest.
Ginger Snaps----have only seen the 3rd one, Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning, but I liked it enough to want to check out the rest when I get the chance.
Poltergeist---I like the second better, believe it or not. I thought the first was too much "everything but the kitchen sink thrown in and that's only because we couldn't get it loose."
The "Living Dead" series---totally the 1978 follow-up, with the S.W.A.T. team kicking butt.
Hammer Dracula films---I've seen all of them, but the first, Horror of Dracula is my favorite, followed by Brides of Dracula (with David Peel as the head vampire, not named Dracula) but still with the great Peter Cushing as Van Helsing.
Hammer Frankenstein films---the first, Curse of Frankenstein but they're all fun.
Universal Frankenstein films---Son of Frankenstein (Bela Lugosi was all kinds of fantastic as Ygor, the broken-neck caretaker of the monster.
Universal Dracula films---the first.
Universal Mummy films---the first.
Universal Wolfman films---the first, although, like the other films in the Universal series here and above, they're all highly watchable.
[REC] films---I like them all, but [REC] 2 is my favorite so far.
Pumpkinhead---the first is far and away the best. The second was excrement. The third and fourth (straight to video) were surprisingly pretty good.
Mimic---the first of the three.
The Howling----the first in the series, all others need not apply.
Resident Evil: the third, Resident Evil: Extinction (this is really an action series of films but with horror).
Underworld: the first one, but like the RE films, mainly action. I like both series, just for fun.
Jaws---the first of course...the second has some good scenes, mainly the ones with the late Roy Scheider, but 3 and 4 are pure mung.
Tremors---Tremors 2: Aftershocks. Fun stuff, with the creatures mutating, upping the ante.
Return of the Living Dead series---the first, although I liked the 2nd and 3rd also.

Mesmerized 04-06-14 01:40 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
No other creature has been made and remade
and inspired so many horror movies than vampires.
Bela Lugosi as Dracula (1931)

Master Crash 04-07-14 02:28 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
A lot of them I only saw one so here's the ones I did saw more films:

A Nightmare On Elm Street - The First (Only the first 3)
Saw - Saw I
Alien - The original, though Aliens is quite the contender
Predator - Predator
Final Destination - Final Destination 2

Other horror franchises:
Cube - Cube
The Dead Series - Dawn of the Dead (2004 remake) (Did not see the original Dawn of the Dead yet though)

Shadow 04-20-14 07:32 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Good call on Cube, I liked all three of them but definitely the original the best.

Shadow 04-25-14 05:23 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Another series I remembered and probably fairly obscure is Xtro. I've only seen the original, which is possibly the weirdest movie ever. Never saw the two totally unrelated sequels which had the same director back for both.

Deadite 04-27-14 12:59 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Mimic... scifi horror. Really liked the first.

Shadow 04-27-14 01:32 AM

Originally Posted by Taxx (Post 1077806)
A Nightmare On Elm Street - New Nightmare

What about the other series?

Shadow 07-17-14 12:01 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
It might be a stretch to count Godzilla or King Kong as Horror but I think they're close enough. It's been so long since I last saw any not counting this year's version of Godzilla which I quite enjoyed.

Shadow 10-02-14 05:35 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Thought I'd bring this back in time for this month :)

Shadow 12-01-15 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 907963)
Friday The 13th - The Final Chapter
Halloween - 1978 Original
A Nightmare On Elm Street - New Nightmare
Saw - Saw II
Scream - Original
Alien - Aliens
Predator - Predator 2
Phantasm - Phantasm II
Evil Dead - Evil Dead II
Child's Play - Original
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2003 Remake
Hellraiser - Original
Final Destination - Original
Paranormal Activity - Original

These are still my choices and here's some others:

Insidious - Chapter 3
Hannibal Lecter - The Silence Of The Lambs
Blade - Undecided between 1 or 2
Puppet Master - Puppet Master 4
Maniac Cop - Maniac Cop 2
Romero's Living Dead - Day Of The Dead (1985)
Return Of The Living Dead - Part II
Poltergeist - Poltergeist II
Jaws - Original
Cube - Original
Tremors - Original
Leprechaun - Original

CiCi 12-01-15 12:18 PM

Friday The 13th - Original
Halloween - Original
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Original
Saw - Saw III
Scream - Not a fan
Alien - Aliens
Predator - Original
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I actually really liked the 2006 prequel :lol:
Final Destination - Final Destination 2

The Three Mothers - Suspiria (although I do think Inferno is very overlooked too :( )
Argento's animal trilogy - The Bird with the Crystal Plumage

Shadow 12-01-15 12:25 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I really like the TCM remake's prequel as well. Saw it in theaters back when it came out, good times.

Spaghetti 12-02-15 12:15 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Evil Dead II will always hold a special place in my heart as one of my first horror movies, so I definitely agree with you on that one. Great thread by the way.

Shadow 12-02-15 03:31 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Thanks :) I love Evil Dead II as well, such a riot of a movie. What would your choices for the other series be?

Horroist 12-02-15 03:55 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
The Exorcist
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Friday The 13th
A Nightmare On Elm Street
Evil Dead
Child's Play
Final Destination
Paranormal Activity
Original for all of the above. And I loved TCM remake & its prequel also! :)

Shadow 12-02-15 05:32 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I sometimes get heat for preferring the TCM remake. I still like and respect the original but I simply enjoy the remake more. Though I lost a lot of respect for the Leatherface actor in the remake and prequel for his comments about the recent passing of the original Leatherface, Gunnar Hansen.

alexxx 12-02-15 09:14 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
"An American werewolf in London"

Rocket_Sam74 12-02-15 04:41 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
28 Weeks Later...

...also, I don't know if it counts as a horror sequel, but AVP: Requiem

MovieMeditation 12-02-15 05:24 PM

Friday The 13th - Part 6, Jason Lives
Halloween - the original, quickly followed by the first sequel
A Nightmare On Elm Street - the original
Saw - III
Scream - original or the fourth
Alien - the original, closely followed by the first sequel
Predator - the original
Evil Dead - Part 2
Child's Play - the original
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - original (haven't seen all)
Hellraiser - Hellbound (though I've only seen the first two)
Final Destination - maybe the fifth
Paranormal Activity - first sequel... but all suck (stopped at 3 though)
Jaws - the original
Blade - the first sequel
Insidious - the first

Horroist 12-03-15 02:32 AM

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 1417732)
I sometimes get heat for preferring the TCM remake. I still like and respect the original but I simply enjoy the remake more. Though I lost a lot of respect for the Leatherface actor in the remake and prequel for his comments about the recent passing of the original Leatherface, Gunnar Hansen.
Why?...what he said? :suspicious: :furious:

Shadow 12-03-15 02:44 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Go to Google and type in Andrew Bryniarski Gunner Hansen comments.

Be ready to destroy something after you read his disgusting disrespect.

CiCi 12-03-15 04:22 AM

He posted on Facebook in response to a fan saying "Boo hoo" and to "suck his dead nuts"
Still, while Gunnar will always be remembered for being generous to his fans and portraying one of the most prolific and iconic roles in the history of horror, this prick will be a footnote at best in whatever he attempts.

Shadow 12-03-15 07:35 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Andrew doesn't seem like he's very nice in person either and I've read numerous accounts from people who've met him at conventions and such who say he's rude, which doesn't come off as a shock. Shame as I liked his Leatherface but he's rotten in person.

vinkevinnn 12-04-15 06:53 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
THE FLY !!! The feeling after you watch it. REAL HORROR. disgusting feeling. amazing movie tho

Shadow 12-17-15 07:50 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
The Fly is a damn good film, I find I even enjoy the sequel.

AboveTheClouds 12-17-15 03:39 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Friday The 13th - Jason Takes Manhatten (not the best but my favorite)
Halloween - Halloween 2
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Nightmare on Elm Street 2
Saw - Saw 2
Scream - Scream (I did love scream 3 though)
Alien - Aliens (Again, maybe not the best but my favorite)
Predator - Predators (Say what you want, this movie was a lot of fun)
Phantasm - Phantasm (I did like the whole series though)
Evil Dead - Evil Dead
Child's Play - Child's Play 2(Not the biggest fan of this series though)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Can't choose between original and remake, love them both.
Hellraiser - Hellraiser (But I love them all)
Final Destination - Impossible for me to choose between 1 and 3. (I love them all though)
Paranormal Activity - Paranormal Activity 3
Insidious - Chapter 3 (But the three make up one of my favorite modern horror trilogies)
Hannibal Lecter - The Silence Of The Lambs
Blade - Blade 2 (Wesley is unstoppable in these, but the second was the most fun)
Puppet Master - Puppet Master 3
Maniac Cop - Maniac Cop 2
Romero's Living Dead - Dawn of the Dead
Return Of The Living Dead - Original (SEND MORE PARAMEDICS!!)
Poltergeist - Poltergeist 3
Jaws - Jaws 2
Cube - Original
Tremors - Tremors 3
Leprechaun - Back 2 Da Hood(Just because I could not stop laughing)

Derek Vinyard 12-17-15 03:51 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Friday The 13th - Freddy Vs. Jason (definitely the most fun and two horror icons face/off is epic)
Halloween - Halloween (1978)
A Nightmare On Elm Street - 1984 version
Saw - Saw (2004)
Scream - Scream (1996)
Alien - Alien (1979)
Predator - Predator (2010 version)
Phantasm - Phantasm (1979)
Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2
Child's Play - Child's Play 2
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 1974 version
Hellraiser - Hellraiser (1987)
Final Destination - Final Destination (2000)
Paranormal Activity - Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Insidious - Insidious (2010)
Hannibal Lecter - Red Dragon (2002)
Romero's Living Dead - Dawn Of The Dead
Return Of The Living Dead - only see the first...
Poltergeist - Poltergeist (1982)
Jaws - Jaws (1975)
Cube - only see the first
Tremors - only see the first
Leprechaun - Leprechaun 3

Shadow 12-17-15 07:59 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Forgot Psycho, but that might be because believe it or not, I've yet to see the original.

AdamUpBxtch 12-17-15 08:15 PM

All of Romero's classic dead series movies are really good. Only one I don't like is the newest one that that he made back in like 09 or something called "Survival of the Dead". I actually quite enjoyed Land of the Dead and Diary of the Dead.

Scream 1 is the best in that series but Scream 4 is close second to me. I personally don't like Scream 2 or 3 that much.

Army of Darkness still counts as horror even if it has plenty of comedy elements as well and that is my favorite Evil Dead movie.

Can't go wrong with the Original Alien.

After Halloween 2 I lost interest in the Halloween series but I actually quite enjoyed the Halloween remake in 2007, but 2009 Halloween 2 is garbage.

Friday The 13th remake wasn't actually that bad either but Friday The 13th Part 2 is my personal favorite with the actual introduction of Jason.

anything after the 1st Jaws is just unwatchable to me so that one is pretty obvious.

None of the new Horror series are any good to me. I watched Paranormal Activity 1 and I was done there. Final Destination I liked the 1st one but after that they fall off for me.

The first 3 Saws weren't bad but they milk that **** way too long I didn't even watch the final 2.

Predator 1 I liked but not 2. The remake I don't even think counts as a horror movie, if it does it isn't that a scary but as a sci-fi action it actually wasn't terrible. I was actually surprised by it (Danny Trejo seriously shouldn't of been in it though)

Silence of the Lambs is the only Hannibal Lector movie I like. It is so good but the 2 sequels just don't work for me. Hopkins is good in them but the movies themselves fall flat for me. Especially replacing Jodie Foster with Julianne Moore in the second movie really bothered me. I like Moore but I just hate recasting in general unless you are rebooting or remaking a series.

Shadow 12-17-15 09:03 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Predators wasn't a remake, the events of the first movie are even briefly mentioned.

AboveTheClouds 12-17-15 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 1424759)
Predators wasn't a remake, the events of the first movie are even briefly mentioned.

Yeah, totally different concept and everything.

Shadow 12-19-15 03:18 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Some speculated it ignores Predator 2 but there's no indication it does.

Shadow 07-30-16 04:40 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Been a while since this thread was last active. The Conjuring and The Purge are eligible for this with the newest entries that saw release this year. The Conjuring 2 is definitely the best yet of the series IMO (and yes, Annabelle is being counted as part of the series). The Purge: Election Year was solid but I think I like Anarchy the best by a smidge.

NexusSix 07-31-16 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by cdcorrea (Post 1048311)
You need to add the Exorcist series. The first film in the series of course wins.
The Exorcist III > The Exorcist. IMO.

Topsy 07-31-16 07:02 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
is deep blue sea considered to be part of the jaws franchise? :lol:

DirkDiggler50 07-31-16 08:37 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
The first Saw is what horror is all about. Absolutely loved it and Wan still has yet to top it, it's sad he's now making furious 7 and the insidious bullcrap

Tugg 07-31-16 11:36 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
"Saw" symbolizes everything that was wrong with 2000s cinema- choppy editing, lack of smooth story flow, excessive and pointless torture imagery, over dramatic and grandiose/ lacking nuance in it's experience delivery.

DirkDiggler50 08-01-16 01:58 AM

Very funny because I re watched it tonight and it has not aged well and I agree with everything you said.

It's been about 5 years since if actually sit down and watch it and it was rough,it's no Shakespeare

DirkDiggler50 08-01-16 01:59 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
But it still has more of a brain and ambition than most horror films, and there's a reason it was so successful.

AboveTheClouds 08-01-16 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by DirkDiggler50 (Post 1553517)
But it still has more of a brain and ambition than most horror films, and there's a reason it was so successful.
It wasn't outrageously successful, it was more of a cult phenomena I thought. And the people that did rave about it were mostly gorehounds and people who wanted to test their mettle, and who aren't genre fans. And I think that we can all agree, just because it's "popular" it doesn't also mean that it has any true artistic merit or is of any real value to the genre, just look at the Justin Beibers of the world, they are living examples of this. Leigh Whannell and James Wan best contributions to the genre are Dead Silence and the Insidious trilogy.

Tugg 08-01-16 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by DirkDiggler50 (Post 1553517)
Very funny because I re watched it tonight and it has not aged well and I agree with everything you said.

But it still has more of a brain and ambition than most horror films, and there's a reason it was so successful.
I just rewatched Saw 1 & 2 and they felt like average CSI episodes. There are better CSI episodes especially in earlier seasons.

As far as brain and ambition go, I thought 1 & 2 were pretty straight forward in general and moral sense, if you pick up on few key pillar ideas that hold this thing together. I'm not bothered to watch further sequels.

DirkDiggler50 08-01-16 05:10 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
The first Saw made decent money in the box office and since DVD sales were so lucrative they made more

the "Saw" films still had a cool idea and they ran with it. They are bad though, even awful, in some films.

Billy the puppet on his tricycle has just as welcome a spot next to any other famous horror icons though and the filmmakers have my credit for that. They created the most popular horror icon of the early 2000s.

Shadow 08-01-16 03:58 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
I still think the first two Saw movies are genuinely solid and well-made movies and are more akin to psychological thrillers. It wasn't until the third they started becoming gruesome for the sake of it.

Shadow 08-27-16 06:49 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Blair Witch will be eligible with the surprise third movie out in a few weeks. I've seen the original and find it meh, never saw the second.

Vokzul 09-01-16 11:06 PM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Friday The 13th - Part 6, really embraced the campy nature of the series and revived the franchise, the first of many fun sequels.
Halloween - The Original is the better film but I have a soft spot for Part 4.
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Never really got into the series, but I enjoyed New Nightmare.
Saw - The 5th film seemed like it had more story than most of the movies, although most are forgettable at best. Not a huge fan.
Scream - The original, it revived the Slasher genre. Scream 2 is also a underrated movie, feel free to ignore 3 and 4 though.
Alien - Aliens
Predator - OG
Phantasm - Haven't seen any
Evil Dead - Evil Dead II, took everything good from the original and spiced it up.
Child's Play - Original
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Although being one of the most overrated movies of all time, the original is the only good one out of their franchise.
Hellraiser - Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Final Destination - Only seen 5, so I guess it wins be default.
Paranormal Activity - None

Shadow 09-08-16 07:15 AM

Re: Best Movie In a Horror Series
Phantasm is a great series and well worth seeing.

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