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Jackie Malfoy 02-08-04 07:45 PM

Reviewing movies that are Mortally Offensive!
:) Now I got this from a Cathloic newsletter and I am not saying if it is right or not I was just wondering if you argee or not! Below is the list of these movies!


"American Wedding"R

"Bad Santa"

"The Barbarian Invastion"

"The ButterFly Effect"

"Buffalo Soilders"

"Cabin Fever"

"Dysfunktional Family"

"Freddy Vs Jason"

"Gangster Number one"

"Hard Word"

"The Holy Land"


"House of the Dead"

"In the Cut"

"Kill Bill Volume One"

There are alot more but I am too lazy to type them out that and I have no time so if you want to see this online go to A.D.!So do you guys argee or not?See you around!JM :cool: ;) :o

Holden Pike 02-08-04 11:35 PM

I think close-minded idiots labeling things under the veil of their zealotry is morally offensive.

Yoda 02-08-04 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
I think colse-minded idiots labeling things under the veil of their zealotry is morally offensive.
Agreed; but I think blanket dismissals like this are sometimes just as offensive. Surely a movie is capable of being morally offensive, and thus any generalized disapproval of the term in regards to cinema is just as close-minded as the zealousness it decries.

jamesglewisf 02-14-04 01:38 AM

There are definitely movies that are morally offensive. There's nothing wrong with creating a list for like-minded people. It doesn't prevent anyone else from seeing them.

Jackie Malfoy 02-14-04 07:44 PM

That is true!
So why does people go ahead and write a list about the movies that are offensive. But seeing that these movies are MO people go see them anyway.
The more people tell others not to watch these peoples the more people want to see them! So the list in the way is geting more people to go see the movies for themselfs then telling people not to see them!
Wow I wonder why is it that like?That is so crazy!Anyway see you around!jm :cool: :p :D :)

Garrett 02-15-04 10:09 PM

That's kind of stupid. It depends on your morals....I guess some people just can't seperate fantasy from reality. No one is forcing anyone to see these so called "offensive" movies.

suppression 02-16-04 01:24 AM

They forgot a few offensive movies. . . let me add some:

The Gospel of John
-Do we want our children to see a man who ruffles religious people's feathers, make alcohol out of water, and actually sheds blood in this movie? Don't people know that blood is bad and children shouldn't see it?

The Lion King one and a half
-I'm starting an insects rights group over this movie!

There is a point to this: I'm a Christian man and when I read my Bible I read about a man named Lot who screws both of his daughters, a warrior named Samson who steals the skin off of the penis's of Philistines, and a story about a drunk named Noah telling God to curse his son for covering him up while he was drunk and nude after saving civilization. God inspired or not, the scriptures are pretty graphic and don't pull any punches. I don't want someone to say my Bible is inappropriate, evil, and shouldn't be read. So, I believe it would be hypocritical for us to put up a double standard there. Besides, if you pick anything apart long enough (even the Holy Bible) you're going to come up with something that will offend something (and if you don't. . . turn off the movie or put the book down cause it ain't worth your time).

Django 02-16-04 05:43 PM

What about all those Bible movies? Many of them depict horrific acts of violence and debauchery... polygamy, incest, murder, bloodlust, etc. but I guess it depends on the context, doesn't it? What about all the Jesus movies, esp. the new one... The Passion of Christ? What could be more offensive than a gorey depiction of violence against God Himself? But, again, all this violence is at the heart of the religion, isn't it? Again, it's a matter of context...

projectMayhem 02-16-04 06:16 PM

When it comes to morality I believe it doesn't necessarily come from one particular religion, but from what the masses in a specific society deem appropriate. This is especially true in the U.S. because of our diversity, and since Catholicism isn't the dominant religious practice in this country how can they say to everyone else what is or isn't morally right? Each religion has different standards and rules that followers of it are expected to live by, e.g. Catholicism is obviously different from Buddhism, and many people don't even practice religion.

The fact that many of these movies were made in Hollywood studios, in America means that their morals can be somewhat skewed and awry and still have a wide audience that can choose whether or not they wish to see it. Just because some people don't want to see 15 heads chopped off very rapidly with a geyser of blood spewing forth, a drunken mall Santa Clause trying to commit suicide, or a moronic character in a gross-out movie eat dog-crap doesn't mean that people who may want to see them shouldn't have the chance. These movies are R-rated for a reason: to let people know that they might want to think twince about seeing them if they are a little squeemish or easily offended; no one is forcing anybody to see them.

suppression 02-16-04 06:29 PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If a movie doesn't have anything at all offensive in it, then it's not worth watching. Life, by nature, is offensive. It is also painful, fun, exhilerating, depressing, and many other things. Movies need to reflect this aspect of life.

Jackie Malfoy 02-18-04 08:04 PM

True very true!
Originally Posted by suppression
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If a movie doesn't have anything at all offensive in it, then it's not worth watching. Life, by nature, is offensive. It is also painful, fun, exhilerating, depressing, and many other things. Movies need to reflect this aspect of life.
I am not sure how to answear that question so I will not but good point!See you around!JM :cool: ;) :p :D :) :eek:

Edwin 01-17-05 03:43 PM

Lessons from any movie
Originally Posted by Jackie Malfoy
:) Now I got this from a Cathloic newsletter and I am not saying if it is right or not I was just wondering if you argee or not! Below is the list of these movies!


"American Wedding"R

"Bad Santa"

"The Barbarian Invastion"

"The ButterFly Effect"

"Buffalo Soilders"

"Cabin Fever"

"Dysfunktional Family"

"Freddy Vs Jason"

"Gangster Number one"

"Hard Word"

"The Holy Land"


"House of the Dead"

"In the Cut"

"Kill Bill Volume One"

There are alot more but I am too lazy to type them out that and I have no time so if you want to see this online go to A.D.!So do you guys argee or not?See you around!JM :cool: ;) :o

Being a Christian for nearly 25 years now(you can tell by some of my posts that I'm quite liberal minded) and a avid cineaste, I realize that any film, whether from a major Hollywood studio or an independent company, no matter how morally offensive, has lessons to teach us. This includes films with similar plots, but different characters.
In the two films , Chasing Liberty and First Daughter, Mandy Moore and Katy Holmes play Anna and Samantha respectively. The President's daughter. Both have completely different attitudes about life and freedom and especially love. While Katie Holmes's Samantha is concerned about finding true love, Mandy Moore's Anna just wants to get laid for the first time. This is quite evident when she literally blackmails her "getaway" man Ben into sleeping with her. If not she'll sleep with someone else just to lose her virginity.

Mose 01-17-05 03:48 PM

I'm curious as to whether or not the person who created the list actually saw all of those movies. It's always fun to read interviews with people protesting movies like Dogma, The Last Temptation of Christ, etc only to find out they haven't even seen the film. That's the type of hypocrisy I love :)

Sedai 01-17-05 04:30 PM

Jackie was a very young kid, and most of her posts were just sort of parroting what she saw on other sites. Funny little kid though. Hasn't been around for a number of months now.

As for "offensive" films, I say the same thing that I always say about people getting offended:

If you don't like it, don't watch it :)

I don't feel any person has the right to decide if certain information is dangerous to me, they can't ever possibly know what is good for me and what isn't, they can just act like fascists and have me not listen to them, ever.

[EDIT] Ha!!, just re-read the thread title, offended mortals will be chiming in any time now.

Mose 01-17-05 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
These movies are R-rated for a reason: to let people know that they might want to think twince about seeing them if they are a little squeemish or easily offended; no one is forcing anybody to see them.
This brings up one of my pet peeves actually. I think it's about time the MPAA sat down and really worked on revamping their system for ratings movies. A perfect example (IMHO) was 2002's Whale Rider. The dang movie was rated "PG-13 for brief language and a momentary drug reference." I'm sorry, this was a wonderful and moving film I would actually encourage my children to see, regardless of age.

I'll get off my soap box now :)

mikeCGP 01-18-05 02:52 AM

I can honestly say these movies have not effected my morals one bit...

Escape 01-19-05 05:21 AM

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
This is especially true in the U.S. because of our diversity, and since Catholicism isn't the dominant religious practice in this country how can they say to everyone else what is or isn't morally right?
They are not saying this to everyone else. I get the Catholic News weekly and they are just warning other Catholics what movies are morally offensive. They are not telling us Catholics not to go, just to be prepared if we do that's all.

MovieMaker5087 01-19-05 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Garrett
That's kind of stupid. It depends on your morals....I guess some people just can't seperate fantasy from reality. No one is forcing anyone to see these so called "offensive" movies.
You know, you're right. I agree with Garrett on this one.

Mose 01-19-05 01:32 PM

After rereading the title of the thread I thought I'd add that I will always be open to reviewing movies I happen to find morally offensive b/c I cannot know if they are offensive unless I've already seen the film. I try to avoid letting other people make decisions for me b/c I quite often disagree with what most people say. The most reliable way to determine whether or not a film is offensive is to actually see it, and if I've already seen it I might as well right a review.

witchy one 01-22-05 04:32 PM

I don't know about morally offensive-- but at least half of the movies listed were Creatively/Intellectually offensive (in my opinion)

LordSlaytan 01-23-05 02:29 AM

Originally Posted by Mose
This brings up one of my pet peeves actually. I think it's about time the MPAA sat down and really worked on revamping their system for ratings movies. A perfect example (IMHO) was 2002's Whale Rider. The dang movie was rated "PG-13 for brief language and a momentary drug reference." I'm sorry, this was a wonderful and moving film I would actually encourage my children to see, regardless of age.
...or Amélie getting an 'R' rating in America alongside films like Natural Born Killers. :rolleyes:

hayward 02-25-05 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by Jackie Malfoy
:) Now I got this from a Cathloic newsletter and I am not saying if it is right or not I was just wondering if you argee or not! Below is the list of these movies!

"House of the Dead"

There are alot more but I am too lazy to type them out that and I have no time so if you want to see this online go to A.D.!So do you guys argee or not?See you around!JM :cool: ;) :o
HOUSE OF THE DEAD is the worst F*****G film i have EVER seen. that is no lie. that film makes me seriously angry at how Uwe Boll got the rights to make that heap of S**T! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

christine 03-10-05 06:51 AM

If you want to see something that's morally offensive see what happened in Rwanda in Hotel Rwanda. If your morals are offended by fiction, then there's something wrong with you.

Sedai 03-11-05 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
...or Amélie getting an 'R' rating in America alongside films like Natural Born Killers. :rolleyes:
This is completely ridiculous, and I agree with Slay 100%. Amelie is such a wonderful, well....happy film, all around. Makes me happy anyway.

"But they show a baby coming out of a vagina"

Oh ya, child birth, that is totally offensive and the poor little children need to be protected from that knowledge. Horse apples!!!!

I feel sorry for all the young adults that missed out on this one because of this....

SpoOkY 03-11-05 09:27 PM

Well Butterfly effect had some pretty intense scenes but I was in no way offended. Look away people. Fast Forward. Don't WATCH IT!

We're talking about adults yes? not children because that's a whole other issue but I reckon any person with half a brain can work out that House of the Dead is going to be somewhat like the name suggests.

I can't speak for everyone but the sort of people I know who don't like gore or don't like swearing or don't like horror generally avoid movies that are likely to contain it.

People need to just read a review, ask around, find out something first! Or they should prepare to be morally offended! :)

trotskyist 04-06-05 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
...or Amélie getting an 'R' rating in America alongside films like Natural Born Killers. :rolleyes:
Amelie got an R in america?!. thats news to me its just M15 in Aus. I dont know much about the Us rating system. could someone explain it?.

feral cat 04-10-05 08:29 AM

Just depends on individuals morals, one persons offensive is not the same as another’s, the only thing I would consider avoiding is films in which animals (or in an unlikely case people) are deliberately tortured or killed in the making of and maybe a film which had the sole intention of promoting hate crimes.

The films on that list seem very tame to me …

jayell 06-07-05 01:49 PM

First off. This message was not typed by a "supreme being". :D It is meant only meant to raise questions in search of the truth.

Movies, and Moviemakers are held in high regards by all.
In their elevated position they have the power to change
and create worlds (so to speak), shed light on dark situations,
or glorify either side of human nature.

My questions: Is evan a lifetime of mental absorbtion of a false reality
worth the suffering of one little girl/boy who doesn't have the
mental capacity to fully understand the situation? Have you ever
considered how many adults there are in the world who are greatly
affected by what they percieve as a more glamorous world of violence,
coupled with sex, and glorified drug use. (note that I am not saying sex is bad, or
even drugs in moderation.) Have you considered the fact that these people will
breed? They will reproduce, and pass their ideas on to their children who will do the

Do we not want to make this thing better?

Let me know what your ideas are.

"I believe that every life is a ripple...
...each of our actions echo far beyond our life."

Gideon58 03-26-14 04:17 PM

What I find most disturbing about this list is the number of movies on it that I have never heard of, let alone seen.

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