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eMilee 12-23-07 12:28 AM

What character scared you as a child?
here is a question that i am sure will get a rise out of my Mofos. what movie character scared you as a child? for me even though i loved wizard of oz, i was terrified of the flying monkeys..

then as i grew up and even now, i hate freddy kruger. it could have been that dammed song ( you know ''one,two freddy is coming for you) then i had a nitemare that a good friend got killed by freddy and the next day i went to school, he was absent. talk about messing with a person's mind
if doesn't scare you to bad that is...... or dredge up long forgotten fears!!

The Taxi Driver 12-23-07 12:28 PM

Re: scary??
As a child nothing haunted me more than


no two films stuck with me more through my childhood and constantly had me checking behind doorways and under the bed

Mrs. Darcy 12-23-07 06:19 PM

Re: scary??
The Birds scared me, because, let's face it, you see birds all over the darn place. If they decide to get nasty, we're screwed.

The Exorcist scared me even more, because I believe in evil, it's out there, so possession could happen to someone. Hopefully not me...

eMilee 12-23-07 06:39 PM

Re: scary??
Originally Posted by The Taxi Driver (Post 401134)
As a child nothing haunted me more than


no two films stuck with me more through my childhood and constantly had me checking behind doorways and under the bed

whats #2? i dont see it...

Holden Pike 12-23-07 07:04 PM

Re: scary??
Originally Posted by eMilee (Post 401160)
whats #2? i dont see it...
Yeah, they didn't realize you can't hotlink to images on the Internet Movie Database. But it's Carrie (1976) they're talking about.

eMilee 12-23-07 08:12 PM

Re: scary??
but what scared u, holden???

Futon 12-26-07 09:08 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Anything that was alien related scared me. Aliens in movies were just so scary looking when I was younger and I was always afraid to go to bed in fear of them abducting me while I was sleeping.

Slug 12-26-07 11:04 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Invaders From Mars
For me, the alien in the globe.
Extremely frightening.
Even now, when I watch it, it's creepy.

Cryxellis 12-27-07 06:49 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

It was Freddy.. his really creepy
he brings shiver to my spine :(

mc-yui 12-27-07 09:06 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
i remember that lepricon...jeeseee that one scared me a lot...:eek:

Sedai 12-27-07 11:50 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

Aniko 12-27-07 01:55 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The Wicked Witch of the West was definately the first character I feared. Quaked in my slippers at the sound of her voice I did.

Then it would have to the hunters in Bambi. The gun shots and Bambl's mom not comming back made an impact on me. And then the hunters starting the fire....

...Needless to say I didn't marry a man who was into hunting. :D

Caitlyn 12-27-07 02:01 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

The alien in Predator scared the crap out of me and my brother used sneak up behind me and make that weird sound he made.... grrr

christine 12-27-07 02:29 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I agree about The Birds, specially the bit where they're all perched on the school climbing frames and the kids have to make a run for it down the road. I still have shudders if a bird comes too near me. But the one that gave me nightmares the most was the dismembered hand in The Beast with Five Fingers, truly horrible

uconjack 12-27-07 03:22 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz scared me and so did Injun Joe in Tom Sawyer (1930).

I was pretty scared of Indians in general. The scene in Drums along the Mohawk where they burn Francis Ford alive was pretty scary. There were a lot of westerns on when I was young, and the Indians were always the bad guys.

Caitlyn 12-27-07 03:29 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
And people wonder why I hate the majority of the old westerns...

psyche 12-27-07 03:33 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by Cryxellis (Post 401479)

It was Freddy.. his really creepy
he brings shiver to my spine :(
When I was a child I am so scared to this character...I remember that I am afraid to sleep then when I first saw his movie...I find him so terrifying before but now I guess not anyway he not real then...

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 12-27-07 07:28 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The devil in the Exorcist.

I thought, and still do think, that's the scariest moment in film, and it's just a dude with some makeup. Michael Bay, are you paying attention?

mark f 12-27-07 09:36 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

Misterking 12-28-07 02:35 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

And no, I'm not kidding. I had recurring nightmares and everything.

fbuenanry 12-28-07 07:41 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
up to now im still scared of Chucky!

Godoggo 12-28-07 08:04 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by Misterking (Post 401630)

And no, I'm not kidding. I had recurring nightmares and everything.

Rusty Nail 12-30-07 09:14 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I can't recall any characters "scaring" me, as a child. But, one character that I thought was the meanest person on Earth when I was about 3 or 4, was Eddie Albert's character Mr Douglas on Green Acres. Always yelling and carrying on, he was meaner than any monster I ever saw. Now, 40+ years later, I find the show quite harmless and entertaining.

Lennon 12-30-07 10:45 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
There was this old episode of Scooby Doo I remember with the Shadow Creature... I can't find an image of it, but it was scary I have never finished the episode...

cooluks 01-02-08 05:16 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The Exorcists....That really scares me...

mark f 01-02-08 11:22 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I like your answer, but can you be more specific? Do you mean that Fathers Merrin and Karras scared you or their confrontation with Pazuzu did? Or, are you talking about the whole flippin' movie?

Personally, I find it awesome that Max von Sydow was in both The Seventh Seal and The Exorcist. I feel sorry for those who don't think it's awesome, but not too much. After all, they feel sorry for my being ignorant about lots of other things. :cool:

Lennon 01-02-08 11:26 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 402682)
I like your answer, but can you be more specific? Do you mean that Fathers Merrin and Karras scared you or their confrontation with Pazuzu did? Or, are you talking about the whole flippin' movie?

Personally, I find it awesome that Max von Sydow was in both The Seventh Seal and The Exorcist. I feel sorry for those who don't think it's awesome, but not too much. After all, they feel sorry for my being ignorant about lots of other things. :cool:
Regan MacNeil's make-up still creeps me out...

Sir Toose 01-03-08 10:14 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Mine are probably dated and predictable but after being exposed to these characters I started becoming interested in what made me fear things rather than the spark that initially caused the fear (character, situation etc). As such, evocation of actual fear from a character in a film didn't last long but I still have memories of nightmares re: the following. Actually, #1 still gives me nightmares :D .

1. The Child Catcher
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

2. Oompah Loompahs
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

3. The Wicked Witch of the West
The Wizard of Oz

Daneegyrl 01-03-08 12:01 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Robert Englund BKA Freddie Krugger. Actually, even out of costume Robert still scared me. No one made me afraid to sleep that guy. Funny, I would always watch anyway.

Paulie 01-06-08 08:07 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

IT the mofo had me pissing my pants when I was a kid.. I still feel scared when I see IT

grogworth 01-06-08 07:52 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Dudes the character that had me scared shitless,when i was a kid was Pennywise from Stephen Kings IT.

jel-chappo 01-06-08 08:03 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Well, my mum being a horror movie nut introduced me to films like that when i was 7 to 10 years old.
I watched Evil Dead when I was 7, Se7en when I was 10, the Exorcist when I was 8, IT when I was 8 and the Freddy and Jason movies around those ages too.
So, being scared of absolutely everything and anything for about 4 years, it got to a 'threshold' so now...nothing on a TV screen really scares me at all :p

RYS 01-07-08 12:11 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Alien used to scare me. And you should try Asian horror movies, such as Ju On and The Shutter. They are really creepy.

7thson 01-07-08 01:07 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Sally, join us!… Sally… Sally… join us!…

If you have seen this movie you know what I mean, if not.....make sure you have extra flash bulbs around:) .

ElizabethI 01-09-08 04:07 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
when i was a child two characters that i am so scared are from the Exorcist the person was portrayed by Linda Blaire and Freddy Krueger.Up to this day even when i watch it over and over again, it still gives me goosebumps all over my body.

Tatanka 01-09-08 05:48 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by eMilee (Post 401119)
i was terrified of the flying monkeys..
You know... I have always thought there was something subtly terrifying about these things.

This dude always got me when Salem's Lot came on TV....

mc-yui 01-09-08 08:50 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by fbuenanry (Post 401640)
up to now im still scared of Chucky!
me either...i hate this creepy little doll...

Silas 01-09-08 12:15 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

scared the crap out of me

~DaRk-EyE~ 01-09-08 12:36 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
This one scared me the most when I was a little kid................

QueenMovie 01-18-08 01:22 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Hi everyone. Im the new kid on the block. As a child I was afraid of the Predator, Ms. Hannigan (Carol Burnett), and the Terminator. Only afraid of the Terminator when, in the first movie, it got blown up in the truck and its flesh was burned away. When it started chasing Sarah while limping freaked me out.

eMilee 01-21-08 04:19 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

i think she just needed a long bath and wash her hair... since she had been in the well a long time!!!

SouthernZombie 01-29-08 04:55 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The Birds :eek:

Lennon 01-29-08 05:04 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
hmmm I thought I posted here but, some Scooby-Doo villians scared me,

such as him: him:
and him too:

Oh and 1 I can't find a picture of is called the "Shadow Creature"

rufnek 01-30-08 07:51 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Whe I was a kid, Lon Chaney Jr.'s wolfman and any Dracula movie used to give me nightmares or else keep me awake wondering what was in the dark corners of my room. Finally got myself over it by telling myself that if any blood-drained bodies or savagely ripped corpses were turning up in the real world, ther would be something in the newspapers about that. Couldn't say that about some of the serial killer movies they crank out today.

mark f 01-30-08 11:57 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
So, the Wolfman and Dracula contributed to your having a career as a reporter?

7thson 01-31-08 12:13 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I had a dream I was the wolfman and I was on the ledge of a tall building and Dracula was after me. He had silver teeth and I had the water in my blood turned to holy water. Oh well I was about 10 or so, but I still remember that dream.

sekuchi 01-31-08 11:21 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
FREDDY KRUEGER of ELM ST...very scary.

Faith27 01-31-08 12:35 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I'm scared of chucky until now...

SizzlingPopcorn 02-02-08 08:05 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I was afraid of ET, Kermit The Frog (especially if I looked at him in the eyes) and Yoda. I remember having a dream as a kid where I was in a swampy and foggy area, like in Return Of The Jeidi, and on one tree ET was sitting on a branch, on another was Kermit the Frog, and then....Yoda...LOL

Lennon 02-02-08 11:50 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by SizzlingPopcorn (Post 411044)
I was afraid of ET, Kermit The Frog (especially if I looked at him in the eyes) and Yoda. I remember having a dream as a kid where I was in a swampy and foggy area, like in Return Of The Jeidi, and on one tree ET was sitting on a branch, on another was Kermit the Frog, and then....Yoda...LOL
were they singing "Rainbow Connection"?

Swedish Chef 02-03-08 12:20 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I still have nightmares about the dreaded wheelers from The Wizard of Oz "sequel" Return to Oz (1985). That whole movie scared the living christ out of me.

kcurrin 02-12-08 07:47 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Jack Skellington

jamaine12 02-13-08 08:16 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The clown in the movie "IT" scares me a lot when I was a child..:eek:

Caitlyn 02-13-08 07:07 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by kcurrin (Post 413737)
Jack Skellington

You were afraid of Jack? My 3 year old niece loves him.... :D

Naisy 02-13-08 07:10 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Michael Myers of Halloween....hmm and Michael Myers of Waynes World ;)

mish_01 02-14-08 12:59 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

Caitlyn 02-14-08 09:58 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by Naisy (Post 414040)
hmm and Michael Myers of Waynes World ;)


Holden Pike 02-14-08 10:11 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
1 Attachment(s)

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)

Yoda 02-14-08 11:00 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by Swedish Chef (Post 411219)
I still have nightmares about the dreaded wheelers from The Wizard of Oz "sequel" Return to Oz (1985). That whole movie scared the living christ out of me.
Dear God! Those things are terrifying.

Powdered Water 02-14-08 11:01 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I'm not sure why I'm telling you this and I'm not bragging but I have never had a single nightmare from a horror movie or monster movie. I don't know why, probably why I love them so much. I do however have a slightly irrational fear of big bushes, in Bonnie and Clyde at the end of the film they meet their demise at the hands of several lawmen and a lot of guns, (pictured is the end result below) and to this day that is still the only scene from a film that has given me terrible nightmares. Perhaps you know what I mean if you've seen the film.

aap 02-14-08 03:30 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Surely Spawn did.

aap 02-14-08 03:30 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
So did Hellraiser.
Sorry for double post dont know how it works.

Tatanka 02-14-08 03:57 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 414158)
Dear God! Those things are terrifying.
Any critter biologically intermingled with wheels is fodder for total creepitivity.

Which reminds me of this lil' thing on episode 21 on the X Files back in 2001, which, as a full-grown adult man, skeert me...

sekuchi 02-14-08 04:26 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I'm still scared in "The Exorcist"....

kcurrin 02-15-08 05:38 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I agree sekuchi. That spiderwalk was F-R-E-A-K-Y!

rufnek 02-22-08 05:30 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 410388)
So, the Wolfman and Dracula contributed to your having a career as a reporter?
You've got a good memory, Mark! Naw, I was always reading newspapers even as a kid--not just the funnies but the news. Had a lot to keep up with during the 1950-1960s--cold war, integration. But it was reading the works of Ernie Pile as a kid, watching political conventions and race riots, on TV and working on the high school newspaper as a teen that developed my interest in journalism as a career.

Another BIG influence--are you old enough to remember a CBS TV series called You Are There? It was a weekly show on Saturday afternoons where they would reinact famous events in history--the Battle of Waterloo, the fall of the Alamo, the murder of Lincoln, the debate over the Declaration of Independence. But right in the middle of the story would be the CBS News Crew, Cronkite and Mike Wallace and Eric Severeid and others covering the events, cutting back and fourth with the latest updates or interviews with historic figures, the same way they covered the political conventions. It was a great show that played to my love of history and also showed me reporters at work. I looked at that and said, yeah, I can do that--interview presidents and generals and all sorts of interesting people.

Swedish Chef 03-06-08 09:22 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Originally Posted by The Swedemeister General
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 414158)
Dear God! Those things are terrifying.
Not-so-interesting tidbit: My little sister's friend dressed up as a Return to Oz Wheeler this past Halloween and the pants I wore that day still have a semi-noticable urine stain around the crotch.

I hope I'm not being too subtle here. What I'm trying to say is that when I saw this kid in full Wheelers regalia, I peed my pants.

Oh, and another character that scared the pee out of me the first time I saw him was The Boogeyman from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Not as terrifying as The Wheelers, but still pretty intimidating.

Scout 03-08-08 06:01 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Jack Nicholson from The Shining. He still scares the **** out of me.

jamietome 03-15-08 08:50 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Not so much a character,but that scene in Poltergeist. When the fella goes into the bathroom and pulls his face off!!
Scared the bejesus outta me when i was a kid.

7thson 03-15-08 08:54 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I had nightmares about Grimace sitting on me.

jamietome 03-15-08 08:57 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
[quote=7thson;420746]I had nightmares about Grimace sitting on me.[

Serious?? He's purple and cuddly.;)

mark f 03-15-08 09:58 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
He's purplecuddlyphobic :#

(or at least he was.)

linespalsy 03-15-08 10:02 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Large Marge!

Also, while not a movie character, the cover to album, "Duck Stab" by The Residents was a big source of childhood fear for me, as well as many of the songs (Hello Skinny, Weight-lifting Lulu and Krafty Cheese) being pretty frightening as well.

Swedish Chef 03-15-08 10:11 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Great choice, Palsy. Just curious as to why you didn't show this side of her in your post...
"And be sure to tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!"

linespalsy 03-15-08 10:14 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Heh, I can't see your image but I'm sure I know what it is. Maybe that one is still a little too scary for me; or maybe I just hoped people who never saw it would read my post and then watch the movie thinking they knew the worst of it... and then get emotionally scarred for life. ;)

mark f 03-15-08 10:17 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I have that album on vinyl, but that doesn't look like either side of my cover. :)

linespalsy 03-15-08 10:36 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Interesting. Did one of the sides look like this? :

I only own it on cd, but the first version I saw/heard may have been on vinyl and I'm fairly certain used that image (the first one) in its design.

7thson 03-15-08 10:36 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
"Serious?? He's purple and cuddly."

And scary

mark f 03-15-08 10:47 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Sure, lines, but both my covers are mostly green, not red. Weird (of course, mine are 30 years old...)

droo_face 03-25-08 12:37 AM

Re: scary??
Michael Myers from Halloween and funnily, the Terminator ...I didnt grasp the concept as a kid that he was a machine or anything, just saw those demonic red eyes, nightmares for ages

bbenson 03-29-08 09:23 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
hahaha, oh yes!! Large Marge gave me nightmares for weeks!

ReservoirPup 03-30-08 12:16 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
I've never seen the movies but to this very day I cringe every time I see that demented Mother-f*cking doll Chucky.

Tortuga 04-01-08 05:53 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Jeffrey Hunter as Jesus in King of Kings.

I know. I'm disturbed... :laugh: But his blue eyes freaked me out every time I saw it on the Channel 7 4:30 movie.

acfour 04-04-08 02:44 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Pee-wee herman terrified me as a child.
I would have nightmares for days.

jimmy's One 04-06-08 07:22 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Witchy Poo From H&R Puffinstuff:( might have been all those warts and the levil laugh

FernTree 04-07-08 08:47 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
For me it was also the Flying Monkeys in the Wizard of Oz.

On televion it was the cybermen from the BBC series Doctor Who, strangely the Daleks never gave me nightmares, but they did freak me when they started the psychotic Exterminate rant.

LOL H.R.Puffinstuff wow that brings back memories, for me those smoking mushrooms were indeed very sinister. It wasn't untill much later that I became aware of the undertone of druggy messages.

FILMFREAK087 04-14-08 03:08 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Chucky from childsplay, the trailer freaked me the hell out!

Erasmus Folly 04-19-08 09:54 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
My parents took me to see House on Haunted Hill (1958)

I was 10 years old at the time and this scene right here:

scared me so badly that I had to run out to the theater lobby and hide for about 5 minutes before I went back inside.

P.S. For some reason the larger images keep disappearing. The smaller image should remain fixed. Thanks FernTree.

Labello99 04-24-08 07:22 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Every clown

CKane 04-25-08 03:45 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The dragon from pagemaster.

i have no idea why, but i wouldnt even watch the movie again til i was like a pre-teen.

****in dragon

CaptHowdy 04-25-08 03:48 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?

Hattori_Hanzo 04-25-08 02:02 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
freddy kruger and IT the clown.

Stephen King sure found a way to kill the clown business very quickly

globalbpo 04-29-08 02:57 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The troll in The Troll. He turned his victims into vines and trees and **** with his green ring.

Museofire 09-18-08 07:52 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
On the Dr. WHo? series, I can go along with the Dalek ranting but I think it was particularly frightening when it was Davros speaking. The way he looked and the way his voice kept rising as he spoke, getting more high pitched as time went on.
Speaking of high pitched voices, what did you think about Christopher Lloyd's character at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? The part where he reveals that he was the one who dropped a piano on Bob Hoskin's brother, his voice going high pitched - that was some freaky stuff!
When I was around 16 I saw a commercial for a movie. The part I remembered was where there was some sort of machine built into a wall, dark and futuristic (a la Bladerunner) with a man's head coming out of the machine/wall (a la Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner). The man appeared to be coming out of the machine. I had a nightmare that night in which that man was coming out of the machine and was chasing me. When I awoke I had a voice in my head which was criticising me and speaking sarcastically to me. This, as you can imagine, freaked me out totally. My remedy was to go downstairs and watch videos for as long as it took to get my mind thinking about something else.
Unfortunately, in my adult years, I have been unable to pinpoint which movie it was that I saw the commercial for, any guesses?

The Prestige 09-18-08 08:17 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
The ugly Gremlins scared the **** out of me. I kept on having recurring nightmares because of them until my early teens. I couldn't watch the films all the way through. Dodgy stuff there. Freddy Kruger and Chucky played on my mind aswell.

Classicqueen13 12-06-09 07:37 PM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
When I was a kid, my dad told me that the flying monkeys scared him when he was little. I laughed and told him he was crazy.

I was scared of so much stuff when I was little that I forget most of them now. It (even though I never actually saw him until I looked at this thread), Batman Villians (most but never Arnold), whatever the bad guy in Disney's The Black Cauldron was scared me to death, but here's a funny one:

Cruela De Vil (Glen Close)

honeykid 12-06-09 09:37 PM

Not him, but the whole film. Horrid, evil film. In fact, I didn't even finish it.

That said, it was this character that made me turn it off.

karibou 12-07-09 12:17 AM

Anything which had bugs in it.

We lived in an apartment that was crawling with waterbugs. Even as an adult, I cannot watch Joe's Apartment.

It just skeeves me out.

michaelcorleone 12-07-09 12:37 AM

n3wt 12-07-09 06:56 AM

Re: What character scared you as a child?
Norman Bates's mother and him dressed like her.

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