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Yoda 03-24-02 11:46 AM

MoFo Roles
Alright, a short list. This is gonna be fun, methinks. :D

Which MoFo would you most want...
  • ...fighting alongside you?
  • ...defending you verbally?
  • see a movie with?
  • see a concert with?
  • have as a co-worker?
  • have as a business partner, if you ran a business?
  • read a book aloud to you?
Part of me is tempted to have a Which MoFo would you LEAST want... list here, but that might hurt a few feelings, so I say we skip it. :yup: I'm thinking this thread will be a good way to see what most of us see as each other's strengths and such. Sound fun?

BrodieMan 03-24-02 11:51 AM

lol...... read a book aloud to you? like in kindergarten? :D that's cute. i would pick patti for that. she seems like the sweet, kind-hearted mom-type.

also, what do you mean by concerts? i would have to say it depends on the show. usually it's fun going to concerts with people who are die-hard fans and know all the words.

and to see a movie with would be difficult, because everybody here would tie for me in that category.

Yoda 03-24-02 11:53 AM

Yeah, the movie one is tough. I guess for the movie/concert thing, part of going with them is that you'd agree on one. So you'd want someone you can enjoy some of the same type of music with, and someone who'd be fun at a concert. And if anyone else has their own "Which MoFo..." questions, feel free to post 'em! :)

BrodieMan 03-24-02 12:01 PM

i wanna see a concert with steve or og . wasn't steve the one with a tom morello quote in his sig? that rocks so hard. how about MoFo you'd wanna watch snl or a good comedy with? i think everyone here is a movie fan, but it takes a special kind of person to appreciate a good comedy. i'd pick sades for that. we used to have long rambling conversations about snl and simpsons trivia all the time. i miss those days. she and a couple other people here at the forums were some of the rare few to love mst3k, too.

and i wanna sit down and watch every single kevin smith movie with ryan . i miss him, too.

oh, and for the argument thing, i would pick you, TWTCommish. trust me, i'm not kissing your @$$ or anything, but i can honestly say every time i fight with you, i thoroughly enjoy myself. you're great at that stuff, and open my eyes a lot of the time.

Yoda 03-24-02 12:11 PM

That's a good one: Which MoFo would you most want to watch SNL with? I'd pick Sades, too, basically because I know she looooooves SNL...and I'm completely batty for it myself. And yeah, I think it was Steve that had that quote. He definitely seems like he'd be fun at a concert.

spudracer 03-24-02 12:59 PM

I would have Chris on all of them expect for the reading a book aloud to. I would have Sadie read a book to me

sadesdrk 03-24-02 01:03 PM

Fighting along side you: Patti- She's buff.:yup:

Defending me verbally: Easy. Thmmie.

See a Movie with: Kent or Chris. We always talk about it.

See a concert with: Fez, OG-, or Steve.

Have as a co-worker: Mightymose

Business Partner: Matt. He's the man.

Read a book aloud to me: Also extremely easy: Matt, Matt, Matt!!!

Yoda 03-24-02 01:04 PM

Ha, Kent would want me to go to a concert with him? I am NO fun at a concert. :D I don't dance and I'm not much for grooving to the music if people are around me. :laugh:

Yoda 03-24-02 01:08 PM

Since a few others have, I'll bite, too:

...fighting alongside you?
Matt, probably. I'm convinced we'd kick a fair amount of a**.

...defending you verbally?
Bah. I don't know. Miriam, probably. Maybe firegod. Depends on the situation. see a movie with?
The hardest of all. I can't choose between Kent and Miriam. see a concert with?
Mir! It'd have to be U2. have as a co-worker?
Either Mose, or Kent. have as a business partner, if you ran a business?
Mose or Matt. read a book aloud to you?
Definitely Mir; she's got a comforting voice. :yup:

I'm liking this thread...

firegod 03-24-02 01:21 PM

To have fighting alongside me?

To have defending me verbally?

To see a movie with?

To see a concert with?

To have as a co-worker?

To have as a business partner?

To read a book aloud to you?

sadesdrk 03-24-02 01:23 PM

Originally posted by firegod

What book? :cool:

firegod 03-24-02 01:35 PM

Originally posted by sadesdrk
What book? :cool:
Well, I find you to be hilarious (in a good way, i.e. on purpose :) ) so how about Private Parts? I'd laugh my ass off for hours.

sadesdrk 03-24-02 01:38 PM

Originally posted by firegod

Well, I find you to be hilarious (in a good way, i.e. on purpose :) ) so how about Private Parts? I'd laugh my ass off for hours.
Oh my yes! (Thanks for the nice remarks; I try.:modest: ) I think you're the bees-knees, too.

Hmmm...ever read The Princess Bride?:rotfl: Now that's a funny story!

sadesdrk 03-24-02 01:40 PM

Re: MoFo Roles
Originally posted by TWTCommish
Part of me is tempted to have a Which MoFo would you LEAST want... list here, but that might hurt a few feelings, so I say we skip it.
*Whispering* I would just pick Jared's Uncle for all of them anyways.Shhhhh...he might hear me.:eek:

Double Post! Sin of all sins!

firegod 03-24-02 01:40 PM


sadesdrk 03-24-02 01:43 PM

Originally posted by firegod
Listen to the teaser on the back: *reading aloud* What happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince in the world-
and he turns out to be a son of a bitch?


patti 03-24-02 02:15 PM

any of you Mofo's want a story read to you, i'm your man.......uhmm, i mean woman......i'm gooooooood. :modest:

firegod.....what makes you want to see a concert with me, and what concert are we going to? ;)

these questions are hard to answer......

fight beside me? toose, or sades

verbally defend me? you all do so well, i'd be happy with almost any mofo but i'd pick chris and thmilin first.

business partner? would have to know someone really well to make that choice

coworker? sades, thmilin, toose, silver, brodie, chris, kent, holden, lbj, sullivan, mightymose, firegod.....all of you

see a movie with? holden or lbj

read to me? silver

go to a concert? sades

sadesdrk 03-24-02 02:17 PM

Originally posted by patti
go to a concert? sades
I quote Peter's signiture," Rock most on." Cool.:cool:

thmilin 03-24-02 03:30 PM

awww, chris, at first i thought i was only going to be on peeps "defend verbally list" but me flattered you picked others! and for the movies ... can i beat out the competition if I whisper sweet nothings in your ear in the dark? and i pay for the snacks?

yay, firegod, you wanna see a flick wit me? why? or was that random? ;)

i guess from peeps votes I should be a lawyer, huh? i suppose i have the academic background to go on to law school but since i can't stand memorization and my brain is tired of school i'll just ... keep on keeping on.

patti, once again, i'll steal your list and alter to fit my answers. hehe. :)

*fight beside me? - toose, chris

*verbally defend me? - toose, chris

*business partner? - would have to know someone really well to make that choice just like patti said :) i luv ya guys but i'm a careful type.

*coworker? - most of y'all, so long as you don't hate my guts, give me grief, and don't hog the vending machine or the recreation room. i got dibs on the PS2 and beanbag chair!

*see a movie with? - chris

*read to me? - paaattti (ma-ma! lol)

*go to a concert? - steve, OG, bullet, chris, one of them wild nutty types.

sadesdrk 03-24-02 03:37 PM

Originally posted by thmilin
awww, chris, at first i thought i was only going to be on peeps "defend verbally list"//... i guess from peeps votes...
Wha-?! I feel so un-hip. Peeps?=People?:confused:

firegod 03-24-02 03:44 PM

Originally posted by patti
firegod.....what makes you want to see a concert with me, and what concert are we going to? ;)
I think you are very nice and would be fun to hang out with, and I was running out of categories. :) Which one? I'd let you pick. I know very little about music, but my tastes are pretty eclectic. I like all kinds of stuff.

firegod 03-24-02 03:47 PM

Originally posted by thmilin
yay, firegod, you wanna see a flick wit me? why? or was that random? ;)
I like your taste in movies, and I think it would be fun to pick your brain afterwords. Just don't kick my a$$ too much if we get into a debate. :)

thmilin 03-24-02 04:21 PM

sades, yep, peeps equals people. how can you NOT know this being in NorCal? what kind of mofo are you, dude? :D

firegod ... aaah, like my taste in mooovies! kewl beans. though picking my brain might hurt. as for kicking your @ss ... i think you'd enjoy it - an agile brain above all will keep you hopping and laughing! have you got one? a big ... agile ... brain?

there. i have flirted. let the mudflinging begin.

The Silver Bullet 03-24-02 06:37 PM

...fighting alongside you?

I would say Toose. I don't know why. Loyalty.

...defending you verbally?

Miriam. All the way.
Of course no one would be listening by the end, but I'd be loving it. see a movie with?

Chris. I do not know why.
Discussion afterwards, perhaps. see a concert with?

Patti and Sades both.
I probably wouldn't get home for three months.
And or some reason I think Opie would die.

;D have as a co-worker?

Kently McSpud.
I'm pretty sure there would be a lack of work and maximum mischeif. *darts eyes* have as a business partner, if you ran a business?

Chris. read a book aloud to you?

From what I've heard, Miriam.
Although I'm sure Patti would do just as motherly a job.
And I'd like that.


spudracer 03-24-02 07:14 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Ha, Kent would want me to go to a concert with him? I am NO fun at a concert. :D I don't dance and I'm not much for grooving to the music if people are around me. :laugh:
Neither am I, so we would at least not be alone there. :rotfl:

mightymose 03-24-02 08:27 PM

Wow, very interesting topic!

I'm curious as to why everyone has me for a business partner/co-worker... weird stuff :)

...fighting alongside you?

Thmilin... with that bad ass avatar nobody would stand a chance!

...defending you verbally?

Chris b/c we see eye to eye on just about every issue, he's just much better at getting a point across. see a movie with?

Holden, and it would have to be a stupid popcorn movie. I'd love to see his reaction and pick his brain afterwards! see a concert with?

Sades, though the wife might not like that one ;) have as a co-worker?

Toose... some spooky coincidences lead me to this one. have as a business partner, if you ran a business?

Chris, b/c I imagine we could come up with something very interesting. read a book aloud to you?

Thmilin again!

BrodieMan 03-24-02 08:28 PM

"watch snl" is indeed a good category. i watch too much of that show, anyway, really.

how about MoFo who's the best musician?

patti 03-24-02 08:32 PM

i'll happily be a reader......but you guys are all thinkin' of me as "mommy" don't realize what a soothing voice i have--it ain't just for nursery rhymes. :modest: heh heh :p

mightymose 03-24-02 08:34 PM

Oh! I forgot the SNL category... definitely Sades and Chris. I am a huge SNL fan and watch it at least once every day, be it on NBC, Comedy Central or on VHS/DVD.

Best Musician... not sure who plays! I'd have to say your Brodie, mainly b/c of your avatar :)

BrodieMan 03-24-02 08:35 PM

i just see you as being good for that role, it's not a BAD thing by any means. :D i'm sure your voice is quite........ um........ soothing. ;)

how about most underrated MoFo?

or MoFo most likely to succeed?

lol...... have at it.

BrodieMan 03-24-02 08:37 PM

thanks, mose. :D

i definitely play guitar and bass, but there are musicians here who are probably pretty good, i just know it.

mightymose 03-24-02 08:42 PM

I used to be pretty good on the sax, trumpet and drums, but I haven't played in years... was first chair in high school, LOL.

Funny story actually... I am a bit of a procrastinator and never really got around to practicing much. If we turned in a certain amount of practice hours each semester we got some stupid little award, I don't remember what exactly. Well, I forged my parents signature on something like 200 hours... when we had our concert and I stood up to get the award for most practice hours my parents just about fell out of the bleachers :)

BrodieMan 03-24-02 08:45 PM


that's the coolest story i've ever heard. i played baritone horn for like 3 weeks and then quit. the school marching band thing never did it for me.

if i'm not seriously into the music that i'm playing, i can't do it. i didn't want to do sousa marches and whatnot when i could be at home hammering out power chords. it's better to go with what you want than to be recognized as a "real" musician.

thmilin 03-24-02 09:02 PM


Of course no one would be listening by the end, but I'd be loving it.

i HAVE been known to be brief, ya know. d@mn you all.

aww, patti, i'm a het female, i got no choice but to think of you as mama. though sharing you with your tot may prove difficult ... :D

mightymose, you've just got a cool name. i'd tease you if you were a coworker and try to get you to yodel his tagline like he used to in the cartoon.

BrodieMan 03-24-02 09:04 PM

i'd like most of the people here to be coworkers actually.

mightymose 03-24-02 09:06 PM

Hummm... not sure if I yodel it, but I do say "Here I come to save the daaaayyyy!!!" at work all the time. Wheneve someone comes into the shop with a problem, out comes my cry :)

Brodie: I was never in marching band... way to lazy for that!

BrodieMan 03-24-02 09:08 PM

mose -

yeah, but you practiced the most!

you can't be lazy. :D

mightymose 03-24-02 09:09 PM

Yeah, I'm a rebel... I figure it's b/c I went to a public school. New Math baby! I can turn 2 hours practice time into 200!

BrodieMan 03-24-02 09:13 PM

i bet those two hours were a ton of fun for your parents, too. ;) i still live at home (until next year) and my playing annoys the hell out of anyone within ear-shot. not that i totally suck, i just like to experiment and play stuff that's...... well......... strange.

patti 03-24-02 11:31 PM

thmilin......that voice comment was just my starved identity taking over and fighting for non-mommy recognition.
geesh.......i need to get out once in a while. :laugh:

now, on to the latest q's...
*Mofo most likely to succeed?

*most underrated Mofo?

why.........all of us, ofcourse.

Yoda 03-24-02 11:47 PM

Underrated is too vague. As for most likely to succeed: needs to be more specific. Is it from now on? Some of us are grown...some of us are not. Most likely to succeed is something you apply to those still growing, usually, so I think it'd have to be re-phrased to apply to all...

...but then again, I'm probably sucking the fun out of this. :D

thmilin 03-25-02 03:17 AM

*thhhooo.... thororooo...*

(aka, sucking sounds)

Fez Wizardo 03-25-02 07:36 AM

oh wow, I got mentioned how :cool:


Granted mine's not going to be half as personal as the rest...but: you can see what your net persona depicts to strangers....

...fighting alongside you?

Firegod... I mean c'mon, fire kicks arse on it's own, just think what a fireGOD can do!

...defending you verbally?

Sadie :yup: see a movie with?

Everyone at once, kind of like a communal MoFo video viewing session... that would be cool. You're all invited round my gaf if you can grab the grub on the way.... see a concert with?

Whose got a strong stomach for alcohol and doesn't mind me smoking a few thou J's on the way? anyone... ? oh well, your loss :D have as a co-worker?

Patti, Toose, Thmillin, hell I'll work with all of you ;) have as a business partner, if you ran a business?

Ooooh - TWTCommish and Spud, they make a good team here, and if they can be my partners then I wouldn't have to do anywork. Pants, did I say that out loud? read a book aloud to you?

dang these ones too difficult, pass.

Sir Toose 03-25-02 09:17 AM

Re: MoFo Roles
Originally posted by TWTCommish
Alright, a short list. This is gonna be fun, methinks. :D

Which MoFo would you most want...
  • ...fighting alongside you? Sadie, T, Sullivan, Patti...
  • ...defending you verbally? TWT, Thmilin, Sadie
  • see a movie with? Spud, Fezzie
  • see a concert with? OG, Sadie
  • have as a co-worker? All inclusive
  • have as a business partner, if you ran a business?TWT, Mose
  • read a book aloud to you? Sadie, without a doubt.
Part of me is tempted to have a Which MoFo would you LEAST want... list here, but that might hurt a few feelings, so I say we skip it. :yup: I'm thinking this thread will be a good way to see what most of us see as each other's strengths and such. Sound fun?
**Edit** Forgot to include Brodie on my concert list. He digs the same music (you know the stuff Sadie disdainfully calls "Oldies" :D ) as I do. Brodie, should Roger Waters ever decide to tour it shall be my treat.

Sir Toose 03-25-02 11:16 AM

Originally posted by thmilin

*fight beside me? - toose, chris

*verbally defend me? - toose, chris
Wow, thmilin, I'm flattered to be on your list of verbal defenders. We clash a bit sometimes so it was unexpected. I thank you for the nod..

sadesdrk 03-25-02 11:35 AM

Oh, I see, Matt...the only one I don't qualify for is, business partner? Uh-huh...I'm just not smart enough for you, am I? Hmph.

* I'm kidding of course. :kiss:

**we both know how reading a book to each other would turn out, too.;D

Sir Toose 03-25-02 12:14 PM

Though I wanted to I couldn't list you on everything... people would talk ;D

sadesdrk 03-25-02 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Toose
Though I wanted to I couldn't list you on everything... people would talk ;D
I had the same thought.:blush:

thmilin 03-25-02 01:22 PM

toose, I think you may have mixed up the play fighting we had before with fact. i've never felt a clash with you at all ... but somehow you got it into your head that i was "prickly" cuz of how I've handled others, i guess. i've never had any prob with you and was never serious with the verbal sparring. sorry if you thought I was. :D

Yoda 03-25-02 01:32 PM

Ya'll are copping out. :yup: All-inclusive? Bah. That's the easy way out.

Sir Toose 03-25-02 02:52 PM

I wish to declare SB the MoFo I most want to jump into stormy seas with. Never got that image out of my head.

Yoda 03-25-02 08:47 PM

You mean fight with? Or swim with? Or did I miss something here? :)

The Silver Bullet 03-25-02 09:08 PM

With a bit of rum coarsing through our veins, off the boardwalk, under the foam and waves, and in good company, eh Toose?

Right back at you, my friend.

patti 03-26-02 12:48 AM

fez.......i think there are some potential concert goers for ya' here.....i'm guessing' sadie, toose, holden and i....maybe thmilin and lbj.......:yup: boy, would that be a blast.

Fez Wizardo 03-26-02 06:27 AM

ok, if we're going I better get my squirrel on slave labour to start rolling from now...

(it's ok, I give him enough nuts)

Sir Toose 03-26-02 09:13 AM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
You mean fight with? Or swim with? Or did I miss something here? :)
Way back on the highlight thread SB discussed spending new years diving into the sea in the midst of a storm with friends. It made me laugh... never forgot it.

sadesdrk 03-26-02 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Fez Wizardo
ok, if we're going I better get my squirrel on slave labour to start rolling from now...

(it's ok, I give him enough nuts)
Fez! You freak! You can't change your avatar! You're the monkey...not the squrril. Back me up here, everybody; once we all get used to seeing a picture attatched to a name, that's what it should be for the REST OF YOUR MoFO LIFE!!!
Would you like it if I suddenly ditched Betty and became BIG BIRD?;D :laugh:

Yoda 03-26-02 01:02 PM

I'm torn. I'm glad I changed mine...and Spud went back even though we were, I think, getting used to the Homer one. I do think people should choose an avatar with the intention of keeping it for a long while, though. :yup: Much easier that's kinda hard to imagine this place without avatars now. Did we really used to shift our eyes and READ the username like that to see who it was? Now I just sorta see the avatar out of the corner of my eye, and I usually know who it is.

Fez Wizardo 03-26-02 01:09 PM

I've got loads of avatars on their way :)

I can't stick to something, t'will bore me eventually (say 3 days max)

Don't worry the novelty of my avatars will wear of soon, but that monkey betrayed me :(

sadesdrk 03-26-02 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Fez Wizardo

Don't worry the novelty of my avatars will wear of soon, but that monkey betrayed me :(
Well...if I can't change your mind, then...oh well, I tried.
I still really liked that mysterious little monkey with the tea-cozy hat.:D

Fez Wizardo 03-26-02 01:19 PM


(it's a shame you don't change avatars, i always feel Yoda is watching me...)

sadesdrk 03-26-02 01:31 PM

Don't get started on Yoda. The Yoda stays.:p

patti 03-26-02 03:06 PM

i like that one mofo is a bit schizophrenavatarish........:cool:

Fez Wizardo 03-26-02 04:45 PM


both your posts, way over my head!


sadesdrk 03-26-02 04:50 PM

Originally posted by patti
i like that one mofo is a bit schizophrenavatarish........:cool:
:rotfl: I get it. Fezzie can't make up his mind...???

Yoda 03-26-02 04:51 PM

Yep, I think that's what the madeup word means. :yup:

Fez Wizardo 03-26-02 04:51 PM



Well you'll find it true when I keep changing my opinions on movies too... :D

sadesdrk 03-26-02 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Fez Wizardo

Well you'll find it true when I keep changing my opinions on movies too... :D
Well...that is just not allowed.:nope: We are a "stick-to-your-guns" kind of people.

Sir Toose 03-26-02 05:20 PM

Hey Fezzie, I can dig it as it don't speak "Squittle" :eek: !!!!

BrodieMan 03-28-02 07:21 PM

Re: Re: MoFo Roles
Originally posted by Toose

**Edit** Forgot to include Brodie on my concert list. He digs the same music (you know the stuff Sadie disdainfully calls "Oldies" :D ) as I do. Brodie, should Roger Waters ever decide to tour it shall be my treat.
yes! waters rules! :D :D :D you are officially my new concert buddy. by the way, i'm taking you up on that offer. :)

sadesdrk 03-28-02 07:35 PM

Originally posted by BrodieMan
i think everyone here is a movie fan, but it takes a special kind of person to appreciate a good comedy. i'd pick sades for that. we used to have long rambling conversations about snl and simpsons trivia all the time. i miss those days. she and a couple other people here at the forums were some of the rare few to love mst3k, too.

'member our mst3k thread? That thread rocked! I still wake up early some Saturday mornings and check it out.

I still adore the Simpsons and SNL, too. Will Ferrill and Horatio Sanz are the bestest!

Yoda 03-28-02 07:38 PM

SNL is flat-out a great reason for living. :) Sanz and Ferrell crack me up so bad...and I LOVE how Jimmy Fallon is 100% helpless when it comes to his own laughter. He cracks up every single sketch, practically. He can't stop himself at all. He's completely infectious, too.

BrodieMan 03-28-02 07:38 PM

yes they are! :D wow, i haven't seen mst3k in a long time, but of course i'm still a huge fan. for some reason i can't drag my arse out of bed that early.

did you see the snl with jack black? that was probably one of my all-time favorites. the "new and improved" birthday song was pure genius.

sadesdrk 03-28-02 07:45 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
SNL is flat-out a great reason for living. :) Sanz and Ferrell crack me up so bad...and I LOVE how Jimmy Fallon is 100% helpless when it comes to his own laughter. He cracks up every single sketch, practically. He can't stop himself at all. He's completely infectious, too.
I know! I love it! Hell Yeah!

BrodieMan 03-28-02 07:49 PM

i'm like jimmy fallon in that i have to laugh at myself, too. i totally sympathize.

that's what's great about live tv, though. norm almost got fired for dropping the f-bomb on the update.

sadesdrk 03-28-02 07:59 PM

Originally posted by BrodieMan
that's what's great about live tv, though. norm almost got fired for dropping the f-bomb on the update.
Oh Yeah! I remember that.

Shhhh....*secret crush* Jimmy Fallon. Shhhhhhh.;D

BrodieMan 03-28-02 08:12 PM

oddly enough, i think tina fey is sort of cute. definitely underrated in the cuteness territory, anyway.

the new guys this season are all funny, too. hey, sades, did you see jeff richard's spacey impression? :D it was genius.

sadesdrk 03-28-02 08:15 PM

Originally posted by BrodieMan
hey, sades, did you see jeff richard's spacey impression? :D it was genius.
*gasp* No! Damn it...I should stop watching just the 1 hour re-runs on Comedy Central, and start watching the real thing.:yup:

Yoda 03-28-02 08:15 PM

I think I saw it...good, but cannot compare to his David Letterman impersonation, which was DEAD-ON! Frighteningly so, honestly. He does a great over-the-top Louis Anderson, too...and a surprisingly good Gary Shandling, seeing as how Shandling, at least to me, doesn't seem like someone who'd be too easy to imitate.

sadesdrk 03-28-02 08:18 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
...and a surprisingly good Gary Shandling, seeing as how Shandling, at least to me, doesn't seem like someone who'd be too easy to imitate.
Are you kidding. All that guy does is talk through his teeth and blink and squint. Easy-coco-schmeesy!

Yoda 03-28-02 08:20 PM

What I mean is, he doesn't have anything about him that stands out all that much. It's hard to impersonate someone who doesn't have some characteristic you can stretch and exaggerate into a caricature...impressions like that have to be very subtle and detailed...and he really nailed Shandling's basic vibe.

BrodieMan 03-28-02 08:21 PM

yes! he's awesome! both the louie anderson AND the letterman made me literally laugh outloud?

how about bill o'reilly? one of my favorite sketches, my favorite jeff richards impressions, and it's only funny if you watch bill o'reilly.

and sades, you should say up and watch, it's worth it. :D

hey, if you didn't watch the new ones this season, you missed jack black. THAT'S one worth watching.

sadesdrk 03-28-02 08:24 PM

Jack Black is the man!

BrodieMan 03-28-02 08:26 PM

that episode kicked arse.

and kg stopped by and they did a tenacious d song on update! rocked my socks off........

:D :D

Yoda 03-28-02 08:27 PM

Ha! The O'Reilly sketch was AWESOME. He had his mannerisms and facial expressions nailed to the freakin' wall. Great, great stuff. Is it just me, or are virtually all of their "intern" cast members worthy of a full-time gig? Their scouting department has been kicking a**. Fallon, Sanz, Rudolph, and Parnell were all new guys, and they all stuck around (now they're four of the best of recent years, IMO)...and now they've got Seth Meyer, Jeff Richards, Dean Edwards, and Amy Poehler on there...and all four are hilarious!

As for Black; damn, he was funny. I especially enjoyed his overly sexual sweater-wearing character. You know, the one with the weird Ferrell/Dratch couple. A great recurring sketch.

Indeed, Sades should stay up. I never miss it...I used to, but now I just don't let it happen. I'm always glad for having seen it, too.

sadesdrk 03-28-02 08:30 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
As for Black; damn, he was funny. I especially enjoyed his overly sexual sweater-wearing character. You know, the one with the weird Ferrell/Dratch couple. A great recurring sketch.

Indeed, Sades should stay up. I never miss it...I used to, but now I just don't let it happen. I'm always glad for having seen it, too.
Oh God! I love that sketch, love-ah !! I will make a point to stay up this weekend!

BrodieMan 03-28-02 08:30 PM

me too!

you're right about the new guys. they are hilarious.

do you remember the farrell/jack black "bass off"? i'm still laughing at that one.

patti 03-28-02 10:36 PM

i haven't watched SNL in ages......i will this weekend, and shall check out all these new dudes. :)

mightymose 03-28-02 11:07 PM

Speaking of Black... Tenacious D is going to be here in a couple of weeks... I can't wait to see 'em live!

sadesdrk 03-29-02 10:54 AM

Oh you!
No fair. :(

BrodieMan 03-29-02 08:04 PM

they rock! :D i want their new cd, but i haven't gotten it yet.

Naisy 07-03-02 10:39 PM

I just saw this thread i just had to give it a go.

...fighting alongside you? im a loner when it comes to fighting, i dont like to risk other people (its one of my flaws if a fight isnt going my way i still fight alone, i cant really rely on anyone)

...defending you verbally? Chris (Yoda) because he never gives in see a movie with? Bullet (because he remains objective and he wouldnt talk all the way through it) have as a co-worker? Sades she is kind enough and wouldnt be boring to have around the office like most people would just become annoying have as a business partner, if you ran a business? Bullet because he has brains and would be able to understand my logic (althought things might get tough all the time) read a book aloud to you? Knightmare, me only because i like the way i read, not because i love the sound of my own voice

Gracie 08-20-02 06:46 PM

...fighting alongside you? Holden would be cool!

...defending you verbally? Definitely SB see a movie with? Sadie see a concert with? Og cause he seems extreme. Ya' know... scream along with the song? have as a co-worker? thmilin 'cause she'll probobly goof of alot! have as a business partner, if you ran a business?
Definitely Chris, 'cause he'll help me cook and test my stuff! read a book aloud to you? Spudly. He has a nice voice.

The Silver Bullet 08-20-02 08:21 PM

You see, the thing about verbally defending someone is that you just need stamina. Logic is uncalled for, and for that reason, ding and ding and ding, look at me!

Yoda 08-20-02 10:11 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
You see, the thing about verbally defending someone is that you just need stamina. Logic is uncalled for, and for that reason, ding and ding and ding, look at me!

sadesdrk 08-20-02 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Gracie see a movie with? Sadie
Let's go! :)

The Silver Bullet 08-20-02 11:08 PM


Gracie 08-21-02 11:31 AM

Let's go! :)
SUH-WEEEEEEET!! How about a boot-leg copy of LOTR:TTT?! I have connnections!!

Naisy 09-01-02 10:11 PM

not that you have a Boot-leg copy right now :suspicious: ive never seen that post in my life, im innocent! (just incase of internet cops :laugh:)

The Silver Bullet 09-01-02 10:41 PM

...the internet cops?!


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