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Hondo333 07-26-03 11:53 PM

Best Batman
Adam West

Michael Keaton

Val Kilmer

George Clooney

Beale the Rippe 07-27-03 02:33 AM

I dunno. I've always loved the Michael Keaton Batman movies, (they are not only my favorite superhero movies, but some of my favorite movies period), so I'll say Keaton. Clooney sucked (although that might've been the fault of his film. Forever was completely over the top, but that was barely saved by entertaining performances from the villians (Two-Face wasn't who he should've been, but his character fit in perfectly with the tone of the movies.)

Adam West comes in second.

(Side note:I consider Batman and Batman Returns to be completely independent of the second two Batman movies. They are completely seperate series' in my opinion)

Knoxville 07-27-03 10:33 AM

Michael Keaton's the darkest and therefore, in my opinion, the best Batman.

Aniko 07-27-03 10:46 AM

I voted for Adam West. He's my favorite. I love the campiness of those old shows and wished the movies had shown more light hearted camp than darkness. To each his own. :)

Of the movies I like Michael Keaton. For me, he was the best of the three.

Caitlyn 07-27-03 12:48 PM

I have to go with Keaton… I liked Kilmer too, but the more I think about it, Keaton was better…

Oh Lord…. Now I have the Batman theme from the tv show stuck in my head... :laugh:

Hondo333 07-28-03 04:52 AM

Nananananananananananan Batman

Aniko 07-30-03 11:54 PM

Since you both got that song stuck in my head, I had to find some bat quotes to share...


Robin: "Where'd you get a live fish, Batman?”
Batman: “The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin.”

Robin, about Batgirl: "She's gone again! For once, Batman, let's follow her."
Batman: "No, Robin. With my head sticking out of this neosaurus costume, I might not appear like an ordinary, run of the mill crimefighter.”

Dick: "Bruce, let me ride Waynebow. I'm light enough.”
Bruce: "No, Dick, I couldn't allow my own ward to ride my own thoroughbred. People might think it was funny.”

Batman: “I'll do everything I can to rehabilitate you.”
Catwoman: “Marry me.”
Batman: "Everything except that.”


Penguin: “Here comes the bride, all bagged and tied!”

King Tut: [to Nefertiti] “How many times must I tell you? Queens consume nectars and ambrosia, not hot dogs.”

Robin: “The way we get into these scrapes and get out of them, it's almost as though someone was dreaming up these situations; guiding our destiny.”

Batman: “This time, the Joker gave the party. Next time we'll hand out the door prizes.”

Batman: “You're a rare lady, Catwoman, you're right on time.”

:laugh: :D

Caitlyn 07-31-03 01:16 AM

Hondo!!! :rotfl:

Those are great Annie… I love the last one… :laugh:

Okay... all together now.... :D

Nananananananananananan… Batman…

Beale the Rippe 07-31-03 01:36 AM


Right on guys!

linespalsy 07-31-03 01:34 PM

i have the theme from sickman stuck in my head

Monkeypunch 07-31-03 11:56 PM

I think we've done this poll before, but I still vote for Adam West, The Once and Future Batman. Seriously. Adam West is an acting god, second only to William Shatner in his greatness. A guy I know got Adam West's autograph and he misspelled "Old Chum." (old CHOM, he wrote.) :laugh: A GOD, I tell you. Everyone do the Batusi! :laugh:

jrs 08-01-03 12:34 AM

Keaton is my choice...

Revenant 08-01-03 05:26 PM

It absolutely must be Michael Keaton if you want the best and most accurate Batman. The dark and gloomy look about him and the movie was perfect for this vengeful hero of the night.

For the lighter version it would be Adam West.

Hondo333 08-05-03 09:24 AM

"Where Just your every day crime fighters going about our mundane buissness"

slug_slug 08-31-03 09:13 AM

i think that keaton is the best... yeah, definitely!

and i have the na na na na na na na na bit from good vibrations stuck in MY head...
so different na's... better song...

Nikki 08-31-03 09:44 AM

I go for Val..........

firegod 08-31-03 02:13 PM

Keaton is great, but he couldn't save Batman Returns from the inexplicable wackiness Burton unleashed on that poor movie.

BEAR 08-31-03 02:52 PM

Them quotes were funny.

I think the best Batman was Keaton, not because he was really good, but because everyone else really sucked.
I didn't include Adam West, cause he played a different kind of batman.
He was supposed to resemble Batman as a nice guy and really friendly and stuff. (it was a kids show)
The Batman movies seem to be using the angle the comics took, of Batman being half insane and still trying to take out criminals; as if the bat was his alter-ego.

So for the movies, Keaton was the best I think.
"You wanna get crazy"
He played a good bruce wayne, too.

but the others were all good Bruce Waynes, and horrible Batmans. George Clooney especially, Batman should not smile like that all the time!
And Val Kilmer is too much of a wimp to play Batman...

Michael Keaton wasn't all that great either, but better than the others.

Revenant 08-31-03 03:53 PM

Stretching the topic a bit, there has been a couple of names being touted to play Batman in the next installment.

Top of the list are HUGH DANCY and ASHTON KUTCHER. Tentative director Chris Nolan is all for Hugh Dancy whilst Warner Brothers are keen to ply the talents of the latter.

Here's the stretch. Who out of those two would be the best choice to don the infamous cowl of the Dark Knight?

Personnally I think both of them are too young to play the part. I much prefer Guy Pearce whose name was associated with the role for awhile. Of course he would have to fill out his body a little to get that rugged square-jawed look. Or perhaps with the natural growth of costume design advancements, Keaton could be tempted back into the role. ;) :skeptical: (The restrictive costumes was partially why he left the role in the first place). Who else?

Keatons still my favourite as you can tell from above. :rolleyes:

Fugitive 09-01-03 12:37 AM

I separated the old series and the movies. I'm not one to like comicbook characters in movies, but I preferred Keaton by far. Not only was he a 'dark' Batman, he also gave his alter ego a great character.

Hondo333 09-01-03 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by Revenant
Personnally I think both of them are too young to play the part.
There is a rumor going around that the film is to be set with a young bat man, Early 20's

I hate the thought of kutcher plaing batman, But Kutcher has a similar acting background as keaton did in '89.

My Ideas

Young Bat: Heath Ledger
Normal Bat: Mark Whalberg

Althought i do like the idea of a unknown stage acter.

Caitlyn 09-01-03 01:12 PM

Ledger might be a pretty cool younger Batman … but Kutcher… :sick:

Revenant 09-01-03 01:48 PM

So its likely to focus on the early years of Batman then?

The choice of Ledger sound interesting. I've seen him in a Knight's tale so I know he can act. His foppish hair in that would have to go though, :D but he does have potential.

The genral consensus of Kutcher I would have to agree with. Hugh Dancy with his little well-known background could certainly add a bit more realism to the character without any previous ideology.

Regardless I think a British actor would make a better choice then an American. We're more morose as a rule, it would add to the darker qualities of the Bat himself.

MyRobotSuit 09-02-03 08:00 AM

I chose Keaton although ol' Adam is still fantastic to watch.

Herod 09-19-03 10:43 PM


Hondo333 09-19-03 11:11 PM


Aniko 09-20-03 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Hondo333
No need to blush Hondo.
So there's another thread. This one has been alot of fun...and I liked your pictures. :yup:

Caitlyn 09-20-03 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by Aniko
No need to blush Hondo.
So there's another thread. This one has been alot of fun...and I liked your pictures. :yup:

Ditto... :yup:

And a one and a two.... Nananananananananananan… Batman


Turd Ferguson 10-10-03 07:21 AM

Originally Posted by Knoxville
Michael Keaton's the darkest and therefore, in my opinion, the best Batman.
I agree, although I've never really seen too much of the original tv series.

Sinny McGuffins 04-16-06 10:07 PM

Who's the best Batman?

Christian Bale, of course.

SamsoniteDelilah 04-16-06 10:46 PM

I thought he pulled elements from the others that worked, and blended them together in one beautiful, beautiful package. heh

susan 04-16-06 10:58 PM

i second was the best batman i've seen yet...looking forward to the next one in the series

Sedai 04-17-06 01:12 PM

This poll doesn't have the best Batman on it. Christian Bale was the best, by far, IMO.

Holden Pike 04-17-06 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
This poll doesn't have the best Batman on it. Christian Bale was the best, by far, IMO.
Yeah, that's because this poll was started in July of 2003.

Sedai 04-18-06 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Yeah, that's because this poll was started in July of 2003.
As if that has anything to do with....oh....


Ðèstîñy 04-18-06 03:03 PM

Michael Keaton beating George Clooney! Bummers!

JBriscoe 04-24-06 02:41 PM

gotta go with the original (film series)

rosk84 04-29-06 08:11 AM

Michael Keaton

jrs 04-30-06 05:29 PM

Escape 04-30-06 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
Christian Bale was the best, by far, IMO.
Yeah I agree there. He's also for once Buff enough for the part too. Michael Keaton and Clooney had the body of a 12 year old girl. :D

PrometheusFG 04-30-06 07:00 PM

Michael Keaton easily.

James_Sparrow 04-30-06 11:42 PM

Heres my problem you see for best batman, Hands down its Keaton but for best Bruce Wayne it goes to Val just cause he had the whole Playboy thing. But Keaton gets my vote since it is for BATMAN!

Tim Johnson 05-07-06 05:26 AM

Michael Keaton is the best Batman by far, no challenge. Van Kilmer and Adam West were decent but George Clooney was terrible and so was Batman & Robin. The movies Keaton played Batman in were very good such as the great Batman and pretty good Batman Returns, two of the three best Batman movies to date (Batman Begins is the third choice).

Shoggoth 05-07-06 08:48 PM

I thought from Keaton through to Bale that Val Kilmer was the best one. He just suited it more I think.

AmyLovesYou 05-10-06 12:55 PM

Michael Keaton, no question.. My only questiion is: Why has he disappeared from the face of the Earth?

Yoda 05-10-06 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by AmyLovesYou
Michael Keaton, no question.. My only questiion is: Why has he disappeared from the face of the Earth?
I saw him throw out the first pitch at PNC Park for the Pittsburgh Pirates' home opener a month ago. Whether or not Pittsburgh is actually on the face of the Earth at the moment, however, is up for debate.

Brit_3 06-28-06 11:48 PM

Keaton is my favorite. Batman Returns is my favorite Batman movie. But Christian Bale is a very close second. Batman Begins was very good as well.

somali 06-29-06 04:02 AM

Goerge Clooney

Escape 06-29-06 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by AmyLovesYou
Michael Keaton, no question.. My only questiion is: Why has he disappeared from the face of the Earth?
He recently made that White Noise film so I wouldnt say he disappeared that well. :)

Sleezy 07-02-06 12:50 PM

George Clooney would have been an excellent Batman had there been a suitable writer penning the film.

Purple_Panther 07-02-06 01:16 PM

I had to vote for Keaton. I just loved the way he said "I'm Batman"

Terminator734 07-04-06 04:29 AM

since u bastards didnt include Bale
Keaton is 2nd best

Holden Pike 07-04-06 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by Terminator734
since u bastards didnt include Bale
Ah, another genius late to the party. We bastards started this poll and thread back in July of 2003, before Bale had even been cast much less any of us having seen his performance.

Wow, and you abbreviate "you" as "u" and use no punctuation, either. I hope you're around for at least another ten or fifteen posts.

Terminator734 07-05-06 02:25 AM

well it wouldnt hurt to edit the pole and include him
anyways i wasnt being rude or anythin just messin

like i said
Bale #1
Keaton 2nd best

but over all both of them potrayed the roles differently so sometimes when i think about it i think they were both equal at playing Bats

KnicksRIP 07-06-06 03:58 AM

Of course, Bale would be everyone's number 1 by now! But per the original poll... I have to say Keaton by default. He looked the part and, given the material, fit the brooding quite well (particularly for a comedian). George Clooney... that's so sad... he COULD have been an amazing Batman, but how could you even say he got a *chance* with a film as stunningly terrible as Batman and Robin?

ObiWanShinobi 07-07-06 04:55 AM

Originally Posted by KnicksRIP
Of course, Bale would be everyone's number 1 by now! But per the original poll... I have to say Keaton by default. He looked the part and, given the material, fit the brooding quite well (particularly for a comedian). George Clooney... that's so sad... he COULD have been an amazing Batman, but how could you even say he got a *chance* with a film as stunningly terrible as Batman and Robin?
I actually despise Bale as Batman. It seemed like he moaned his way through the role, and I was supposed to find that deep. But I digress, I just really enjoy Keaton as Batman.

That's all over now, though, so it's just a remembrance.

The_Walrus 07-09-06 06:19 PM

I thought Christian Bale was good...

Heaper 07-11-06 12:18 AM

The new batman from batman begins got my vote get the old christopher bale in the list!!!

Heaper 07-11-06 12:21 AM

I do realise the poll is old though...perhaps making a new pole....because he is my clear favourate choice...the others are actors in a mask and suite...bale becomes the bat :d

B-card 07-11-06 02:24 PM

Tim Burtons first two Batmans were the best which means Keaton is the best Batman

Bale did a good job too with Batman Begins

CaptainCrunch 07-12-06 05:12 PM

Michael Keaton 100,000,000% :) love that guy!

usernameme 07-14-06 05:05 AM

Batman was best when done by Keaton in the direction of Burton hands down no argument!!! If you think otherwise you are just lame.

crazy chick 07-22-06 06:08 PM

Danny Da Vito was the best ever !!!! That sexy little man!!!OOh Wait I forgot he played poison ivy.

KnicksRIP 07-22-06 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by usernameme
Batman was best when done by Keaton in the direction of Burton hands down no argument!!! If you think otherwise you are just lame.
There's certainly a big difference between Burton's vision of Batman and that of Nolan.

Burton seemed to envision Batman as some nebulous figure in the background of all the seedy enterprises of Gotham. The first two Batman films are told primarily from the perspective of everyone BUT Batman.

Nolan seemed to have a similar perspective, but for the fast-cut action sequences only. Otherwise, the story was very much Batman's (as it had to be; it was an origin story).

I dunno; I go for the heavy characterization over the heavy stylization. And as much as I love Elfman's Batman music, I think Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard really knocked it out of the park.

Odd Thomas 07-23-06 06:59 PM

Out of the candidates, I voted for Val Kilmer.

But I think Christian Bale owns em all.:cool:

chris01 07-25-06 10:33 AM

I voted for goerge clooney thats because in the poll they never had chritian beil i recon geroge clooney was the second best batman and christian beil is the first best batman.

Wolf1982 07-30-06 06:22 AM

has to be christian bale

self-destructive 08-06-06 08:35 PM

Michael Keaton was the best of the movie Batmans.

Rock24cb 08-07-06 04:22 PM

Christian Bale was the best batman. This is an incomplete survey.

KnicksRIP 08-09-06 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by Rock24cb
Christian Bale was the best batman. This is an incomplete survey.
It's from 2003, so yes.

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