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MonnoM 08-31-17 12:51 AM

Joker origin Movie
Figured this should have its own thread.

"Last week, news broke that WB was planning a Joker origin movie that would not be set in the current DCEU.

At the time we were told that the Todd Philips-helmed film would take influence from producer Martin Scorsese's early work such as Raging Bull and Taxi Driver, and now we might just have a few intriguing - if no doubt polarising - new details to add.

Former MMA fighter Brendan Schaub is friends with Phillips’ agent Todd Feldman, and while appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience (of all places) he revealed the following:

My boy Todd Feldman put this together with Todd Phillips. It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him. It’s like on the streets of Brooklyn. It’s super dark and real.

How much stock you decide to put into this is up to you - but there is a decent chance Schaub did hear a few tidbits relating to the project, which is only in the very early planning stages."

Saunch 08-31-17 01:50 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Desperate move.

Sounds like they're going for something concrete but that just takes away from the character.

Preferably they'd take a similar route as Brian Azzarelo did with his one-off, giving us a small peak inside Joker's life through the eyes of a relatable henchman but, realistically, they'll try to give us Joker: The Life and Times.

Iroquois 08-31-17 02:53 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
It's always one step forward and two steps back with these people, isn't it?

Doolallyfrank 08-31-17 05:29 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I'm not hyped for this yet

Iroquois 08-31-17 05:44 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Can't say that the presence of Todd Phillips is particularly promising. It's like DC execs tried asking themselves who was even more of a stereotypically dudebro filmmaker than either Zack Snyder or David Ayer.

Doolallyfrank 08-31-17 06:08 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1766727)
Can't say that the presence of Todd Phillips is particularly promising. It's like DC execs tried asking themselves who was even more of a stereotypically dudebro filmmaker than either Zack Snyder or David Ayer.
I haven't seen War Dogs yet, but I hear good things

Iroquois 08-31-17 07:57 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
It's an extremely passable Wolf of Wall Street knock-off with very little to recommend about it - even so, it might still be his best (out of the few I've seen, anyway).

Kissintel 08-31-17 08:20 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
If only Todd Phillips were to take a page or two from Hated (1993), then you would have me warming the seats of my local theater on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, the odds of that are less than zero.

Camo 08-31-17 08:48 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Everything i've read about this has made sure to highlight Scorsese's involvement as if he's going to play a massive part in this. I doubt it. The first place i read it i kind of skimmed over and initially had the impression Scorsese was directing because Todd Phillips was like an afterthought.

Saunch 09-01-17 12:59 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
According to THR, WB is hoping to use Marty as a lure for Leo.

MonnoM 09-02-17 12:04 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I'd be interested in seeing what Leo does with the role. At this point I think it's safe to say the worst is over. Can't possibly get any worse than a Joker straight out of Hot Topic. Bring on the Caprio.

TheUsualSuspect 09-02-17 12:15 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
The news for this movie gets stranger every time I read it.

The Gunslinger45 09-03-17 04:56 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Not even Scorsese could get me excited for this. DC Animated movie studio managed to screw up The Killing Joke, so this can only be worse.

Then again you skip the first half hour, then The Killing Joke is awesome!

Saunch 02-08-18 02:51 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Joaquin Phoenix is in talks to star.


Swan 02-08-18 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1864596)
Joaquin Phoenix is in talks to star.

Officially stoked.

Saunch 02-08-18 03:01 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Can we replace Phillips with, I don’t know, The Safdies or something?

Swan 02-08-18 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1864604)
Can we replace Phillips with, I don’t know, The Safdies or something?

That would be so amazing. Oh my God. I need to stop thinking about this.

doubledenim 02-08-18 06:40 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Phoenix as the Joker (seeing how Infinity Wars is in its pre-release still perfect form :D) is what I movie want more than anything else.

Saunch 03-12-18 03:35 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie

doubledenim 07-11-18 03:45 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
The war between Joker movies can officially begin.

If $55 mil is a small budget, what are we calling the budget for the Spawn movie? Pocket lint?

Iroquois 07-11-18 04:21 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
*insert that line from TDK about liking stuff that's inexpensive or whatever*

$55m is about the same budget as the original Deadpool, so it's just a question of what they're looking (or able) to accomplish on that kind of budget. Still intrigued by Phoenix and skeptical of Phillips.

TheUsualSuspect 07-11-18 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 1922825)
The Joker Wars are officially set to begin.

If $55 mil is a small budget, what are we calling the budget for the Spawn movie? Pocket lint?
It's not like it has to be a big budget superhero film. Make it low budget horror. I'm thinking Se7en with The Joker.

Saunch 07-11-18 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 1922911)
I'm thinking The King of Comedy with The Joker.

TheUsualSuspect 07-11-18 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1922913)
I'd be down for that.

doubledenim 07-11-18 04:49 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
My take was that the movie is being reported as "small budget". I like Todd Phillips and some of his sensibilities. It strikes me as "out of the box thinking" that doesn't seem to happen much. If Moon and Dredd were made for pennies, $55 mil is more than enough.

Saunch 07-23-18 03:02 PM

They’re getting De Niro in this:

Atlanta’s Zazie Beetz is also in the cast.

Uh, so there’s also a supposed plot leak from 3 days ago that had De Niro listed as a cast member and right now I’m inclined to believe it’s accurate (Frances McDormand reportedly turned down the role of The Joker’s mom some time ago.) If you’re willing, check it out (Potential Spoilers, obviously):

It sounds... bad.

Saunch 08-27-18 09:40 PM

Alec Baldwin is playing Thomas Wayne, “a cheesy and tanned businessman who is more in the mold of a 1980s Donald Trump.”

Oh, and Joker’s mom is confirmed for this (played by Frances Conroy (see previous post.))

Yoda 08-27-18 10:13 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I like Alec Baldwin as Thomas Wayne, but that take on the character sounds weird and forced.

Saunch 09-12-18 03:13 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie

doubledenim 09-12-18 03:22 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Hell yeah! They got Hamill to do the voice over work.

Captain Steel 09-12-18 05:42 PM

This is a pretty good edit.
(And @Miss Vicky should like it!) ;)

TheUsualSuspect 09-17-18 01:43 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Baldwin is out.

I still think this is one of the weirder group of people to be making this type of movie.

Iroquois 09-17-18 02:06 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
It's like they want to outdo Venom.

Saunch 09-21-18 02:29 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie

Swan 09-21-18 02:41 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I really dig that, actually. I like the showman feel I get from it.

MonnoM 09-21-18 08:04 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I'm really looking forward to seeing how this plays out. I like what I see so far.

Leto can't catch a break.

Lil Rob 09-22-18 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1951596)
I was optimistic as soon as I heard Joaquin Phoenix was linked to the role. For me, he is one of the best actors in Hollywood.

Regarding his make-up, well, nothing is scarier than a man in clown make-up. Clowns with traditional make-up have scared people for decades. You don't need scars, tats, or grills. I was more excited by this short clip than I was with Leto's whole performance in Suicide Squad.

doubledenim 09-22-18 08:55 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I had the clowns conversation with a person the other day. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have them around kids...

FromBeyond 09-22-18 11:30 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
and there's more..

SeeingisBelieving 09-22-18 12:49 PM

When I saw the make-up I thought it looked brilliant; plus, I quickly thought of Jack Nicholson's Joker when he has his alternative look in the "pen is truly mightier than the sword" scene.

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1951604)
I really dig that, actually. I like the showman feel I get from it.
Yeah, it's definitely there in what you can see of the 'ghosted' character in full make-up (looks like he's wearing a deep red coat as well). I love it when he goes deadpan at the end :).

The scene from filming's quite exciting. There's a shuffling in his walk that reminds me of a character in something else – I wish I could place it. I think this is going to be good.

Saunch 09-22-18 12:55 PM

I guess it needs to be stated that that’s merely a make-up test and isn’t likely to be the final Joker look. Remember, the character started out trying to make it in show business.

doubledenim 09-22-18 12:59 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I can never get over the period cars in these scenes. I would be enthralled by the logistics of the entire process from start to finish.

I think Phoenix is too much of a talent for this to be anything less than decent and will probably be a lot more.

Captain Steel 09-22-18 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by FromBeyond (Post 1951899)
and there's more..
I still can't believe Joaquin Phoenix is that same kid from Parenthood (1989)!
And in this clip he's carrying that brown paper bag around again - the one with his porno movies in it!

FromBeyond 09-22-18 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1951931)
I guess it needs to be stated that that’s merely a make-up test and isn’t likely to be the final Joker look. Remember, the character started out trying to make it in show business.
It's a camera test w/ sound but obviously a teaser, based on recent examples of sneak peaks I imagine this is the joker we will get.. I like the simplicity of it, more like traditional clown make up but applied roughly.. in keeping with a grittier real life joker story but maybe you are right and his look will evolve.

SeeingisBelieving 09-23-18 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1951930)
There's a shuffling in his walk that reminds me of a character in something else – I wish I could place it.
It could be John Malkovich in In the Line of Fire.

ynwtf 09-23-18 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1952537)
Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1951930)
There's a shuffling in his walk that reminds me of a character in something else – I wish I could place it.
It could be John Malkovich in In the Line of Fire.
That's been bugging me too, to figure it out.

Maybe Jim Carry in one of the Man on the Moon tantrums?

SeeingisBelieving 09-23-18 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 1952543)
That's been bugging me too, to figure it out.

Maybe Jim Carry in one of the Man on the Moon tantrums?
I haven't seen that but it's sort of happy-go-lucky, more like a kid.

ynwtf 09-23-18 11:46 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Originally Posted by SeeingisBelieving (Post 1952544)
Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 1952543)
That's been bugging me too, to figure it out.

Maybe Jim Carry in one of the Man on the Moon tantrums?
I haven't seen that but it's sort of happy-go-lucky, more like a kid.

With his stiff shoulders and flailing wrists and lower arms? And almost stomping like he's in a puddle of water? That really caught my attention visually and I can't tell if another actor has done that or if he did in another movie. Its freaking me out but I've seen it before! Maybe from The Master?

SeeingisBelieving 09-23-18 02:48 PM

I've just seen the latest images from filming, with Phoenix in the make-up and costume, and it's thrilling. One thing that occurs to me is that he has that elongated face shape we usually associate with the Joker, which none of the others had apart from Cesar Romero in the TV series.

mojofilter 09-24-18 11:03 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
New report regarding The Joker.

I just realized that the origin film is being produced by Martin Scorsese and co-stars Robert Deniro. It wasn't until now that this project has peaked my interest.

There's also new footage captured by TMZ showing Joaquin Phoenix in full character (outfit, make-up and all) filming a scene in a New York City subway.

aronisred 09-24-18 11:15 AM

I got a bad feeling about this movie. Lot of things are red flags for me.
- Todd Philips is not a great director. He knows to make a certain kind of movies. Dark Comedies. None of his movies prove that he can make a compelling movie about a demented character.
- Joaquin Pheonix is a great actor but his box office track record is abysmal. I don't think there is enough anticipation among general movie going community.
- The movie is made for a relatively small budget for a comic book movie. So the production value of the movie will not be mind blowing.
- This movie is not deadpool. As demented as his character is, nothing about deadpool movie is sad and depressing. Audience are never made to feel sad. But this movie is going to be sad and depressing.
BTW Scorsese is not producer. His named was attached to produce but thats gone.
All this make me think this movie is not gonna be received greatly.

The Rodent 09-24-18 11:23 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
The thing with Joker, is that he's a mystery and with the entire history of the character being put to screen, it takes away any strengths the character had.

Ledger's Joker was a mystery, which made him powerful. Leto's Joker has a tiny bit of backstory but his history is kept secret, which makes him a little mysterious as well.

I've also just read, this isn't part of the Nolanverse as I thought it was... which basically means now that this movie is a non-movie.
They could have just made a crime movie about a standup comedian turned psycho, but instead they've attached the Joker's name to it to sell tickets.

Not impressed by this at all atm.

DC have fallen hard recently.

Iroquois 09-24-18 11:46 AM

^Like the Joker himself said at one point, he likes to think of the past as multiple choice.

Originally Posted by aronisred (Post 1952812)
I got a bad feeling about this movie. Lot of things are red flags for me.
- Todd Philips is not a great director. He knows to make a certain kind of movies. Dark Comedies. None of his movies prove that he can make a compelling movie about a demented character.
- Joaquin Pheonix is a great actor but his box office track record is abysmal. I don't think there is enough anticipation among general movie going community.
- The movie is made for a relatively small budget for a comic book movie. So the production value of the movie will not be mind blowing.
- This movie is not deadpool. As demented as his character is, nothing about deadpool movie is sad and depressing. Audience are never made to feel sad. But this movie is going to be sad and depressing.
BTW Scorsese is not producer. His named was attached to produce but thats gone.
All this make me think this movie is not gonna be received greatly.
- Fair point, I don't think I've ever genuinely liked a movie the guy's made, but I think that's more to do with the subject matter than anything else and him trying something different here could work. You've defended David O. Russell's work so you know that a director can shift gears on their career like this.
- Like Rodent said, he's not the main draw here so who cares?
- That could be for the best, though - one of the most boring things about the superhero genre is that the high production budgets mean that the films get more risk-averse and end up being blandly generic as a result (e.g. however many of them climax with a giant blue beam into the sky) so something like this could always force the talent involved to focus up and deliver something a bit more distinctive.
- I don't know, have you seen either Deadpool movie? There's jokes everywhere and all but they don't exactly shy away from depicting how much of a screwed-up and tragic existence he has either (especially in the second one). Whether they're successful is another matter, but it's not like they don't make the effort.

I'll agree that so much of this sounds absurd on its face, but I can't say I'm not intrigued by the whole situation (especially the idea that this is going to turn out like The King of Comedy, though that's a very high standard to set).

Camo 09-24-18 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 1952814)
The thing with Joker, is that he's a mystery and with the entire history of the character being put to screen, it takes away any strengths the character had.

Ledger's Joker was a mystery, which made him powerful. Leto's Joker has a tiny bit of backstory but his history is kept secret, which makes him a little mysterious as well.
Don't you love Batman 1989 were we see who he is before and how he becomes Joker?

Iroquois 09-24-18 12:00 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
It also appears to be a period piece set in the '70s/'80s so it's quite obviously setting itself apart from previous iterations.

Camo 09-24-18 12:04 PM

Man these unedited clips make it seem like some elaborate joke, like a sequel to I'm Still Here or something haha.

Pretty excited anyway, Joaquin is the best working actor IMO so even if the films bad/mediocre i expect to get something out of his performance.

Iroquois 09-24-18 12:09 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
It would be perfect for a standalone Joker movie to actually be some kind of elaborate practical joke on the Joker's most annoying fans, like it ends up being a tribute to old-school Hollywood musicals or something.

aronisred 09-24-18 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1952821)
^Like the Joker himself said at one point, he likes to think of the past as multiple choice.

- Fair point, I don't think I've ever genuinely liked a movie the guy's made, but I think that's more to do with the subject matter than anything else and him trying something different here could work. You've defended David O. Russell's work so you know that a director can shift gears on their career like this.
- Like Rodent said, he's not the main draw here so who cares?
- That could be for the best, though - one of the most boring things about the superhero genre is that the high production budgets mean that the films get more risk-averse and end up being blandly generic as a result (e.g. however many of them climax with a giant blue beam into the sky) so something like this could always force the talent involved to focus up and deliver something a bit more distinctive.
- I don't know, have you seen either Deadpool movie? There's jokes everywhere and all but they don't exactly shy away from depicting how much of a screwed-up and tragic existence he has either (especially in the second one). Whether they're successful is another matter, but it's not like they don't make the effort.

I'll agree that so much of this sounds absurd on its face, but I can't say I'm not intrigued by the whole situation (especially the idea that this is going to turn out like The King of Comedy, though that's a very high standard to set).
- Comparing Todd Philips to David o Russell is not ideal. David O Russell had brilliance in his early career. That did not go anywhere. Almost all his movies have similar tone as fighter/hustle/playbook. He was never called a comedic director. All his movies are part drama. Todd Philips movies are more in comedic end. Even war dogs felt like a cheap knock off to wolf of wall street. How many of those american dream based movies are there ?
- A crime fighting guy whose body regenerates itself and still get to have and sleep with a girlfriend despite looking like he does he more upbeat than a "cautionary tale" of joker as it read in official logline. People go into deadpool for laughing. Joker not so much

Nausicaä 09-24-18 05:44 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Meh, not really excited about this at all. Although the choice of music composer is interesting.

doubledenim 09-24-18 06:27 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Low budget. Heh. Wait'll they get a load of Spawn.

Iroquois 09-25-18 12:43 AM

Never mind Spawn, Kick-Ass supposedly cost around $30 million and people like it (I don't).

Originally Posted by aronisred (Post 1952840)
- Comparing Todd Philips to David o Russell is not ideal. David O Russell had brilliance in his early career. That did not go anywhere. Almost all his movies have similar tone as fighter/hustle/playbook. He was never called a comedic director. All his movies are part drama. Todd Philips movies are more in comedic end. Even war dogs felt like a cheap knock off to wolf of wall street. How many of those american dream based movies are there ?
- A crime fighting guy whose body regenerates itself and still get to have and sleep with a girlfriend despite looking like he does he more upbeat than a "cautionary tale" of joker as it read in official logline. People go into deadpool for laughing. Joker not so much
- I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this point because I don't think Russell's films are anywhere near brilliant, though they are arguably closer to being tolerable than Phillips'.
- In fairness, he spends most of the first Deadpool angsting over the fact that she might think he's hideous now and even when that's proven untrue...

WARNING: "Deadpool 2" spoilers below
at the start of Deadpool 2 she still gets murdered by a criminal who's trying to kill Deadpool, which sends him even further off the deep end

I'm just saying there's more to the guy than just being a joke machine.

Cynema De Bergerac 10-16-18 03:01 PM

No. Way.

mojofilter 10-16-18 03:10 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
They're really going retro with this Joker movie version. I'm liking what I'm seeing.

Saunch 10-16-18 03:17 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie

Boost Mobile?

ElizabethOliver 11-28-18 08:45 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
The only reason I have any interest in this movie is because of Joaquin, this first video of him as Joker has already impressed me so I hope that at least his performance is good ...

doubledenim 03-23-19 10:16 AM

B&W Joker image from Todd Phillips
Todd Phillips Twitter

John-Connor 04-02-19 01:29 PM

MHamiltonVisuals 04-02-19 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by MonnoM (Post 1766646)
Figured this should have its own thread.

"Last week, news broke that WB was planning a Joker origin movie that would not be set in the current DCEU.

At the time we were told that the Todd Philips-helmed film would take influence from producer Martin Scorsese's early work such as Raging Bull and Taxi Driver, and now we might just have a few intriguing - if no doubt polarising - new details to add.

Former MMA fighter Brendan Schaub is friends with Phillips’ agent Todd Feldman, and while appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience (of all places) he revealed the following:

My boy Todd Feldman put this together with Todd Phillips. It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him. It’s like on the streets of Brooklyn. It’s super dark and real.

How much stock you decide to put into this is up to you - but there is a decent chance Schaub did hear a few tidbits relating to the project, which is only in the very early planning stages."
While I do love the Joker as a character. He is a hard character to get right so it worries me this could flop.

doubledenim 04-02-19 04:54 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
It will be the best comic movie of the last 5 years.

Not sure what those movies are...

Captain Steel 04-02-19 06:33 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Not set in the DC universe...? Hmmm... do I smell another Catwoman (2004)? ;)

doubledenim 04-03-19 01:43 AM

WARNING: "Shot by shot teaser trailer spoiled" spoilers below

  • The trailer starts with a shot of Manhattan doubling as Gotham City.
  • Arthur talking to his therapist.
  • A shot of him flashing the first of several creepy smiles in the trailer.
  • We see him walking and then, at home, we see him bathing his mother in a tub.
  • He says his mother tells him to put on a happy face.
  • His job is to dress as a clown and spin a sign on a street corner.
  • Some thugs take his sign, robbing and beating him.
  • We hear Arthur say: “Is it me or are things getting crazier out there?”
  • Shots of Arthur on a date with Sophie.
  • We see him crossing the street to Arkham Hospital.
  • There’s a quick shot of an orderly looking up. The actor playing that role? Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’s Brian Tyree Henry.
  • Arthur in an elevator unnerved by a patient thrashing in a stretcher.
  • Arthur looking at the reflection of his face in clown makeup.
  • Arthur running through a tunnel.
  • We finally see him in full Joker makeup.
  • Thomas Wayne is giving a speech about how Gotham has lost its way, about how wrong it is for people to hide behind masks.
  • Shots of angry onlookers and crowd control police clashing, urban chaos.
  • And it looks like Arthur actually meets young Bruce Wayne. There’s a shot of Arthur reaching through the bars of a gate (possibly at Wayne Manor) and pulling the boy’s lips up to make a smiley face.
  • A quick shot of Robert De Niro as a talk show host on a very Johnny Carson-like set.
  • Arthur’s dialogue: “I used to think my life was a tragedy. But now I believe it’s a comedy.”
  • We see Joker dancing down a long set of stairs.
  • The last shot is Joker, in full makeup but not smiling, getting into an elevator

TheUsualSuspect 04-03-19 10:43 AM

Yoda 04-03-19 10:44 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Still don't like the idea...but the trailer itself is pretty damn good.

MovieMeditation 04-03-19 10:49 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Public: everything DC sucks!!

Joker movie: am I a joke to you?

The Rodent 04-03-19 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2001655)
Still don't like the idea...but the trailer itself is pretty damn good.

I'd be far more interested if this was attached to Nolanverse.

Iroquois 04-03-19 11:42 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
^Eh, the last thing Nolan-Joker needed was an entire film about his actual backstory.

I'm the opposite of Yoda in that the idea's interesting but I am not exactly impressed by what the trailer's shown so far.

ScarletLion 04-03-19 11:44 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I have zero knowledge of these types of films as they're not something I am interested in, but can someone tell me if this is a standalone film?

Is it going to be a film that will make sense if you don't know anything about these comic book worlds / characters? Or do you need to be involved in some backstory of the 'Joker' and his peers etc?

Miss Vicky 04-03-19 11:46 AM

Re: Joker origin Movie
I had planned to watch this just because of Joaquin, but seeing that trailer makes me actually kind of excited for it.

MovieMeditation 04-03-19 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2001672)
I have zero knowledge of these types of films as they're not something I am interested in, but can someone tell me if this is a standalone film?

Is it going to be a film that will make sense if you don't know anything about these comic book worlds / characters? Or do you need to be involved in some backstory of the 'Joker' and his peers etc?
It’s a stand-alone type of affair. So you can go right in.

I think there’ll probably be a few references for those who know the character and universe but this is not part of the current DCEU and not (for now at least) something that’s supposed to bind things together or continue something from another film. Also, Phoenix wouldn’t be involved then. He isn’t interested in being part of a bigger universe.

WorldFilmGeek 04-03-19 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 2001675)
this is not part of the current DCEU and not (for now at least) something that’s supposed to bind things together or continue something from another film. Also, Phoenix wouldn’t be involved then. He isn’t interested in being part of a bigger universe.

That was why he turned down the role of Doctor Strange when he was offered the role. He didn't want to sign a 6-movie contract, and hence Benedict Cumberbatch took the role.

As for DC, I think the DCEU is pretty much non-existent at this point. We have this film, Wonder Woman 1984 being confirmed as not a sequel, but a standalone movie, James Gunn's soon to shoot The Suicide Squad is a reboot and not a sequel, and Matt Reeves' The Batman will feature a younger Batman and not the Batfleck incarnation, and is rumored to be set in the 1990s. As for The Flash, that's still up in the air right now, but last rumor is that Ezra Miller and Grant Morrison are writing a script that is dark as opposed to hired guns Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley's "light hearted" approach and with Miller getting ready to shoot the next Fantastic Beasts film this fall, shooting may not begin until at the very least 2020.

Doolallyfrank 04-03-19 02:17 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie

TheUsualSuspect 04-03-19 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by WorldFilmGeek (Post 2001734)
That was why he turned down the role of Doctor Strange when he was offered the role. He didn't want to sign a 6-movie contract, and hence Benedict Cumberbatch took the role.

As for DC, I think the DCEU is pretty much non-existent at this point. We have this film, Wonder Woman 1984 being confirmed as not a sequel, but a standalone movie, James Gunn's soon to shoot The Suicide Squad is a reboot and not a sequel, and Matt Reeves' The Batman will feature a younger Batman and not the Batfleck incarnation, and is rumored to be set in the 1990s. As for The Flash, that's still up in the air right now, but last rumor is that Ezra Miller and Grant Morrison are writing a script that is dark as opposed to hired guns Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley's "light hearted" approach and with Miller getting ready to shoot the next Fantastic Beasts film this fall, shooting may not begin until at the very least 2020.
I feel like their best approach should be to do their own thing and not try to copy MCU. Let their films stand on their own with their own stories. I wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of origin villain stories to be honest, done with this tone but not connected necessarily.

seanc 04-03-19 02:22 PM

Team trailer. I am genuinely excited for this now. Looks super dark and it will obviously be the Phoenix show, as it should

doubledenim 04-03-19 02:44 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Let nobody think this isn't gonna franchise into _____ if this is yuge.

mojofilter 04-03-19 03:53 PM

Re: Joker origin Movie
Mark my words. Joaquin Phoenix will win an Oscar for this.

TheUsualSuspect 04-03-19 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by mojofilter (Post 2001780)
Mark my words. Joaquin Phoenix will win an Oscar for this.
I will because he won't.

Miss Vicky 04-03-19 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by mojofilter (Post 2001780)
Mark my words. Joaquin Phoenix will win an Oscar for this.
They’ll never give him an Oscar and I doubt he’d want it if they did. The Academy Awards are a joke.

seanc 04-03-19 06:44 PM

Phoenix doesn't want one but I don't see why anyone would think they will never give him one. He already has multiple nominations and is certainly regarded as one of the greats at the moment.

Miss Vicky 04-03-19 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 2001826)
Phoenix doesn't want one but I don't see why anyone would think they will never give him one. He already has multiple nominations and is certainly regarded as one of the greats at the moment.
He called the awards "total, utter bull****." I don't think the academy takes too kindly to that.

Captain Steel 04-03-19 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2001672)
I have zero knowledge of these types of films as they're not something I am interested in, but can someone tell me if this is a standalone film?

Is it going to be a film that will make sense if you don't know anything about these comic book worlds / characters? Or do you need to be involved in some backstory of the 'Joker' and his peers etc?
This is kind of an interesting question because the Joker's "backstory" has become something very nebulous even in the source material of the comics themselves.

He's had so many backstories that part of his origin has become that no one (perhaps not even the Joker himself) knows which story is real, if any.

This aspect was highlighted in the Dark Knight - as the Joker told several different stories as to how he got his scars (themselves - an apparent "Glasgow smile" - only being particular to his character in that movie at the time).

So, basically, you don't really need to know a Joker backstory for any Joker story - as his origin is (as he himself admits) multiple choice.

Doolallyfrank 04-03-19 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 2001831)
He's had so many backstories that part of his origin has become that no one (perhaps not even the Joker himself) knows which story is real, if any.

This aspect was highlighted in the Dark Knight - as the Joker told several different stories as to how he got his scars (themselves - an apparent "Glasgow smile" - only being particular to his character in that movie at the time).

So, basically, you don't really need to know a Joker backstory for any Joker story - as his origin is (as he himself admits) is multiple choice.
this is probably my favourite part of the character.
I'm pumped that this will be it's own thing, I wanted it as far away from Suicide Squad and the Nolan-verse as possible. It looks pretty effed up and (fingers crossed) will be psychologically disturbing, it won't please everyone but I want something different

Captain Steel 04-03-19 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Doolallyfrank (Post 2001836)
this is probably my favourite part of the character.
I'm pumped that this will be it's own thing, I wanted it as far away from Suicide Squad and the Nolan-verse as possible. It looks pretty effed up and (fingers crossed) will be psychologically disturbing, it won't please everyone but I want something different
Definitely make sure it's separate from Suicide Squad!!! :p

Although, based on the trailer, it almost looks like it could be an origin for the Joker in The Dark Knight (as nothing was known about the character before he appears - the one big difference is the scars - but who really knows when he got them?).

Come to think of it, every Joker on film so far has been a separate character from all the other versions. Each one of them has been quite a bit different from all others.

Doolallyfrank 04-03-19 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 2001866)
Definitely make sure it's separate from Suicide Squad!!! :p

Although, based on the trailer, it almost looks like it could be an origin for the Joker in The Dark Knight (as nothing was known about the character before he appears - the one big difference is the scars - but who really knows when he got them?).

Come to think of it, every Joker on film so far has been a separate character from all the other versions. Each one of them has been quite a bit different from all others.

I disagree about the dark knight joker tho, firstly because in this he already looks a lot older than Ledger's lol. Everyone fixates on the scars, not all incarnations have to have them :scream:

seanc 04-03-19 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 2001830)
He called the awards "total, utter bull****." I don't think the academy takes too kindly to that.
Why does everyone still talk about the academy as if it is one old white dude grinding an axe.

Miss Vicky 04-03-19 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 2001868)
Why does everyone still talk about the academy as if it is one old white dude grinding an axe.
The Academy Awards are about politics and popularity, not merit. This has been true for a long time and I have not seen any evidence of change.

Captain Steel 04-03-19 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by Doolallyfrank (Post 2001867)

I disagree about the dark knight joker tho, firstly because in this he already looks a lot older than Ledger's lol. Everyone fixates on the scars, not all incarnations have to have them :scream:
I think people fixated on the scars because they were completely new for the character (no comic, TV, cartoon or movie version had them before) - plus the fact that Ledger's Joker wore make-up and hadn't been turned white with green hair by a dunk in a toxic vat.

The DK Joker was a "realistic" version sans turning into the living embodiment of a playing card due to chemicals that altered both his body and his mind. And instead of the rictus grin that Nicholson sported, they gave Ledger a "Glasgow smile" (a real-life means of torture and permanent scarring, usually given by very bad & violent people). ;)

And a bit of trivia: this was apparently an allusion to The Man Who Laughs (1928) - the silent film starring Conrad Veidt, which Bob Kane (Batman creator) claimed inspired the Joker (although other Batman creators, Bill Finger & Jerry Robinson, contest who actually created him!) In the movie, the man with the grin was a victim of a "Glasgow smile" (he'd been cut and disfigured).

Although the DK Joker was the first to have the smile scars - that went on to be adopted by certain non-canonical comic versions as well.

But, yes, Phoenix does appear somewhat older than Ledger's Joker, but then again we never really saw Ledger's Joker without make-up (except maybe when he disguised himself as a cop) so it's hard to tell with something like age when considering a guy who wears clown make-up.

P.S. I still can't belief Joaquin Phoenix is that kid from Parenthood! ;)

Doolallyfrank 04-03-19 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 2001877)
I think people fixated on the scars because they were completely new for the character (no comic, TV, cartoon or movie version had them before) - plus the fact that Ledger's Joker wore make-up and hadn't been turned white with green hair by a dunk in a toxic vat.

The DK Joker was a "realistic" version sans turning into the living embodiment of a playing card due to chemicals that altered both his body and his mind. And instead of the rictus grin that Nicholson sported, they gave Ledger a "Glasgow smile" (a real-life means of torture and permanent scarring, usually given by very bad & violent people). ;)

Although the DK Joker was the first to have the smile scars - that went on to be adopted by certain non-canonical comic versions as well.

But, yes, Phoenix does appear somewhat older than Ledger's Joker, but then again we never really saw Ledger's Joker without make-up (except maybe when he disguised himself as a cop) so it's hard to tell with something like age when considering a guy who wears clown make-up.

P.S. I still can't belief Joaquin Phoenix is that kid from Parenthood! ;)
yeah I own the Brian Azzarello book, it's not bad, I'm more of a "a death in the family" or "the man who laughs" kind of joker fan, the new 52 stuff was so odd that it was pretty great too (they had Joker as some eternal entity that seems to have been around Gotham for centuries) and they way he got into people's heads was just mental, I was hoping Leto would be going down that route but unfortunately it wasn't to be

Captain Steel 04-03-19 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Doolallyfrank (Post 2001879)
yeah I own the Brian Azzarello book, it's not bad, I'm more of a "a death in the family" or "the man who laughs" kind of joker fan, the new 52 stuff was so odd that it was pretty great too (they had Joker as some eternal entity that seems to have been around Gotham for centuries) and they way he got into people's heads was just mental, I was hoping Leto would be going down that route but unfortunately it wasn't to be
I go back a little further - I'm more of a Killing Joke Joker fan! :)

seanc 04-03-19 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 2001871)
The Academy Awards are about politics and popularity, not merit. This has been true for a long time and I have not seen any evidence of change.
The Academy Awards are about the consensus of a very large industry. Consensus almost always means the thing with the broadest appeal wins. It even work that way in Mofo HOF when you have 10 or 12 people coming to a consensus. How much more is it going to be true when you have 100's coming to a consensus.

Doolallyfrank 04-03-19 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 2001881)
I go back a little further - I'm more of a Killing Joke Joker fan! :)
my all time favourite, but it's everyone's though right? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
(my pic is my number 1 artwork from any comic, regardless how the colours change depending on which edition)

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