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uconjack 08-09-06 10:38 AM

First Movie You Loved
Most people may not remember but I know the first movie I really loved was

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

Holden Pike 08-09-06 12:01 PM

Ummm, Star Wars (1977), of course, when I was but a lad of seven and saw it in the theater - ultimately I saw it almost thirty times theatrically between '77 and '80. I had liked other movies before, but this was definitely the first one I loved.

KnicksRIP 08-09-06 12:03 PM

The first film I loved as a child was Little Shop of Horrors (the musical).

The first film I loved as a "grown-up" (as if such a thing exists) was Dances with Wolves.

ParAnnoyed_PIXIE 08-09-06 12:24 PM

It would have to be Santa Claus (1985). I saw this at the ripe old age of 4 and I have to say they don't make christmas and Santa Claus' movies like that anymore.

Piddzilla 08-09-06 12:53 PM

We didn't have a VCR in my house until very late so there isn't really a film from my childhood that I used to watch over and over. That came later. But of course I remember seeing films on TV that I was blown away by. A few of my earliest memories are Da no tien gu / The Monkey King (1965), Captain Blood (1935), Ivanhoe (1982), La Grande vadrouille / Don't Look Now - We're Being Shot at (1966) and The Dirty Dozen (1967).

I think the first film I kind of got obsessed with and wanted to see again and again was The Doors (1991 - Oliver Stone). It didn't make me a Doors fan as much as it made me a The Doors fan. I bought the soundtrack CD but I still don't own an original Doors album or CD. I just fell in love with the film and the whole feel of it. It was more like the music was depicting the feel of the film than the other way around. The music suited the feeling of mystique that surrounds the whole film. That's how I felt but of course it's the incredible craftmanship of Stone that actually puts visuals to the music, not the other way around. Now I haven't seen it in a while but it once was my favourite film, and probably the first film I ever called my favourite film.

KnicksRIP 08-09-06 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by ParAnnoyed_PIXIE
It would have to be Santa Claus (1985). I saw this at the ripe old age of 4 and I have to say they don't make christmas and Santa Claus' movies like that anymore.
Ahh, I remember that one! Dudley Moore, right?

JibberJord 08-09-06 04:45 PM

the movie i first loved that i still do, would probably be titanic, seeing as i was only 7 when i saw it

B-card 08-09-06 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by JibberJord
the movie i first loved that i still do, would probably be titanic, seeing as i was only 7 when i saw it
No wonder it got 1.8$ Billion dollars in the Box office worldwide

JibberJord 08-09-06 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by B-card
No wonder it got 1.8$ Billion dollars in the Box office worldwide
lol yeah, nevermind the most awards at the oscars

Lil Smurf 08-09-06 05:19 PM

It was probably The Lion King

susan 08-09-06 10:45 PM

court jester...

kinukinu 08-09-06 10:54 PM

Labyrinth was the first movie I ever loved and also Home Alone for my girlfriend. Since there are 2 people using this ID at this very moment.

JustAnotherUsher 08-10-06 01:29 AM

The first movie i fell in love with, and still love to watch it every fall is Halloween Tree. Please if anyone knows a place where i can get this on DVD or VHS, i would really appreciate it if you let me know.

kinukinu 08-10-06 10:57 PM

Hi JustAnotherUsher. I found it on Amazon. Here is the link

Aniko 08-11-06 01:39 AM

The Fred Astaire and Ginger Roger particular...

Top Hat 1935) and Swing Time (1936).

Jawa_ 08-11-06 03:13 AM

Cinderella. As a kid i watched it daily. When i discovered Star Wars it quickly became my favorite though and now i never miss an opportunity to watch it.

Godsend 08-11-06 03:16 AM


Tacitus 08-11-06 07:24 AM

Nothing cool, just Star Wars. Like most other guys in their 30s... ;)

Ashlee-Kate 08-12-06 11:34 AM

when i was about 6 or 7 years old i really loved jurassic park, before that it was cinderella. :p

Britbrat19 08-12-06 05:38 PM

i think it was land before time when i was like really little,i think after the gonnies.

linespalsy 08-13-06 09:53 PM

Akira. Saw it in '93 or '94, when I was 13 or 14.

VeronicaJ 08-16-06 05:45 AM

Alice in Wonderland, and still do

nebbit 08-16-06 09:07 AM :blush:

blibblobblib 08-16-06 09:15 AM

Hmmm probably Beauty and the Beast or The Goonies. I used to watch these over and over and over. Gawd bless em!

John McClane 08-16-06 11:44 AM

The first movie I can remember that I loved was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Sexy Celebrity 08-16-06 12:42 PM

I don't remember exactly. Disney cartoon movies, probably. Alice In Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Lady & The Tramp... I loved those. I also loved the 1980's Little Shop of Horrors. Then of course there were the Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre films which I saw when I was a young kid. And probably The Wizard of Oz.

reallygreatidea 08-16-06 04:15 PM

The first movie that I really loved was Gremlins. But the second probably would have been Dirty Dancing.

Eyes 08-16-06 07:36 PM

Phantom of the Opera

what can I say? I'm a sucker for Andy Webber.

joshuafor 08-17-06 05:47 PM

Annie, the musical.

shirble 08-17-06 06:01 PM

jungle book, possibly darby o'gill and the little people

BobbyB 08-17-06 07:25 PM

I, to this day, do not love many movies. I really like some, but there are very few that I love. With that said, the first movie I ever loved was Braveheart, followed by American History X and those are the only two movies I can think of right now that I love. I feel that both of those movies are "Must see"

undercoverlover 08-20-06 03:01 PM

cant remember the exact first one but it was probably one of the films i watched over and over as a kid. Stuff like Labryinth (sp?), Never Ending Story, Ewoks:Battle for Endor or disney classics. A definate would have to be dirty dancing though. Nobody puts baby in the corner.

surfinthetube 08-21-06 04:51 PM

Star Wars "a new hope"
i know i know i know everyone is going to think that my choice is lame, however, i could humm the star wars theme song before i could talk. I'm only 23 years old


Antoine Lemonne 08-21-06 07:17 PM

The first movie that I really really loved was a Sylvester Stallone's one ... Over The Top for many reasons.

Ðèstîñy 08-22-06 02:08 PM

The Outsiders, minus Tom Cruise. I didn't like him then, either. :D

Arley Bob 08-22-06 03:51 PM

For me, it was Aladdin.

justdecent 08-22-06 06:45 PM

Dazed and Confused............Soooo Great!!!!!!!

SelenaParsley 08-25-06 06:59 PM

The Goonies and Weird Science (plastic tubes and pots and pans..)

Poppit 08-25-06 09:17 PM

The Lion King~I was real little

aelmeox 08-26-06 12:37 AM

The Matric.. Great movie :D

weishuang 08-26-06 10:51 AM

love letter from Japan .

Escape 08-28-06 09:29 PM

The Empire Stikes Back

Just a wee little fellow I was. :)

matthews_world 08-28-06 11:52 PM

I'm male and in my 30's so

Sound of Music
Star Wars, Ep. IV 'A New Hope'


Color of Money
Fast Times at Ridgemont High

7thson 08-29-06 11:06 PM

The Apple Dumping Gang:

Movies were meant to be "fun"!!! I was so awed by Don Knotts in my younger days. He made popcorn taste better and family happier.:)

diamondgeeza 08-30-06 06:31 PM
I laugh as much now as i did when i first saw it 15 years ago!!!

FrodoKilledDonnie 08-30-06 11:13 PM

Disney's Robin Hood

I used to watch that before I went to sleep every night as a child. It's still amazing to me now.

tankster792001 09-05-06 04:13 AM

clue what
I've seen the clue the movie before as a kid. I saw another movie just like it but I cant remeber the damn name to it. it was the same set up. In the film it had a french man with a butler who dressed up in fish nets:) They were in there room when the ceiling was falling down on them. There was a blind bulter in it two. Is this movie clue part 2 or named something different??????

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 09-05-06 04:48 AM

Flight of the Navigator

I think this lady might have given me one of my first boners too.

I would have punched this thing in the face and broke it's steering wheel.

This is way cooler than the brain machine in A Clockwork Orange.

And this little Alien was real rad. I found one but my mom said it was actually dog poo and flushed it down the toilet after she rubbed it in my hair.

AmyLovesYou 09-05-06 12:56 PM

When I was young my favorite movie was Big Trouble in Little China. LOL. :) I still love it.

grinzter1 09-06-06 10:35 AM

Challenge for a Movie Historian - Way back
I seriously doubt that even the most skilled and knowledgable among you could help me locate this movie from my distant childhood -- truly the first movie I ever loved. The name, the actors -- everything is lost to me except the main plot and - I don't think I was imagining this at the time - the music.

Here is what I remember. I've been looking for the title to this movie for 20 years and am not expecting much but here you go.

The movie was black and white, and when I first viewed it as a TV movie, it was in the year range 1959-1961.

The setting was a desert-like environment or a surface consisting primarily of sand. I do not remember if the main characters -- a group of young men -- were supposed to be cops, investigaors, military, or adventurers of some sort, but it appears they were investigating reports of people disappearing, being sucked into the sand and disappearing. I remember the rescuers finding some evidence of one of those sucked under -- a pair of shoes or something like that -- and then shortly after, one of the rescuers themselves were pulled under the sand as they shrieked and screamed.

At some point in the movie, we find out that those who have been pulled under and have disappeared have apparently entered some sort of paradise world deep beneath the sand. They are treated to foods and drinks and implied carnal pleasures --beautiful scantily clad women fanning the men as they lounged about. It seemed to be a place that represented "peace". When these scenes come on, the song "Stranger in Paradise" plays.

I was only 6 or 7 years old when I first saw this, and the only thing I remember from the rest of it was that the "paradise" was destroyed -- I think by some outside forces, even as its inhabitants including those sucked under, had mixed feelings or tried to stop it.

This is the first movie that had any impact on me. I remember feeling a strange sensation of hope and sadness from it. My first emotional attachment to any film.

IF ANYBODY has any idea of what this movie was, anything, I'd appreciate hearing about it. Feel free to write also directly to me at [email protected]


cmitchell 09-06-06 05:27 PM

Not a film, per say, but a series of short films. One was about a group of future humans who traded life time as a currency. Another was about a guy who comes home with a gun, and has nightmares about his kid finding it. Finally, and best of all was about a little girl in a trailer park who meets a boy who launches bugs into space on golf balls.

With I could remember what they were called...

Randal Graves 09-06-06 06:12 PM

Star was one of the first movies i ever watched and i loved it cuz i liked at the space ships and lasers and stuff lol

IchibanKurosawa 09-06-06 10:04 PM


PimpDaShizzle V2.0 09-07-06 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by IchibanKurosawa
No it wasn't.

dojo 09-07-06 05:29 PM

ET. I was small when I saw it, but I really liked it

Old Man 09-10-06 10:55 PM

Fight Club.

This is my story. I was 13 and i didnt really take movies seriously like i do now. I never watched the oscars or golden globes. I knew no actors, directors, composers, actresses etc. I despised talking bits and loved action and violence only. When i saw this film, that all changed.

I was blown away by the originality of it all. I know it was a book, but the movie was unliek any i had ever seen. I thought to myself... "all right, so that was a movie about THOSE people. There are so many sweet dang movies out there! All telling stories i have yet to experiance!"

So, that is the film that transformed me into a movie monster.

But the first movie i loved dearly as a young boy was either The Nightmare Before Christmas or Batman: The Mask of the Phantasm.

B-card 09-12-06 01:32 PM

This Thread is like 2 months old and I saw it back then and I thought "What was the first movie I loved?"and took me 2 months to find out and there it is

Nexus 09-12-06 03:35 PM

I don't know, I've always loved films. I think I watched the Star Wars movies more addictively than anything else though.

prometheusrex 09-18-06 11:20 AM

I would have to say Empire Records. Despite how disgusting that fact sounds. It just was unexpectedly good, and made me feel good, and I thinks thats what a good film does. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind did that too, and something even cornier than Empire: The Princess Bride. (Don't mess with a Cicilian when death is on the line!)

Anywho, sorry to shatter the good graces of your forum (I'd hate anyone who did this on my forum, so sorry) But I'm trying desperatly to find a film that a close friend of mine loved when growing up (a quest of sorts, if you will). We know that the antagonist lived in a giant 8-ball, its an 80s film, not animated, and involves Children protagonists who get somehow sucked into an alternate world. Beyond that i don't know what it is. I thought pinochio for the 8ball, and maybe laberynth, even perhaps The Never-ending Story, but none quite fit the bill. If it rings anyones bells, could you please let me know? I'd be quite grateful. (We're talking severe movie buff bragging rights too, by the way!!)

Anywho, you're also allowed to club me over the head. Like i said, i'd be pissed at someone breaking the peace of my forum, but thank you.

crusader33x 09-18-06 08:04 PM

Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Disney's The Little Mermaid
Neverending Story

PappaSteve 09-20-06 12:06 PM

Either ET or Karate Kid.

awsom50 09-21-06 08:21 PM

Definitely Spielberg's JAWS. Never forget watching it on TV when I was about 10 years old (this was in about 1982), and my cup of tea went everywhere when Ben's head popped out of that hole in his boat. It's still an amazing film to this day.


juno101 09-23-06 05:53 AM

I'm far to old to remember the first movie I ever saw...

but the one that got me really passionate about film and sci fi in particular was Star Wars (my mum made me take my little brother to see that *star trek* film before he *drives me crazy*;)

Thanks Mum:D

fionalin7 09-23-06 06:10 AM

back to the future 1,2,3!

undercoverlover 09-23-06 11:12 AM

pretty much all the disney classics - snow white, cinderella and especcially peter pan--the opening music titles still make me feel like im five years old again

Austruck 09-23-06 12:44 PM

First movie I can remember wanting to see over and over was Blazing Saddles ('74, I was 13). That's when I fell in love with Gene Wilder. But, we saw it at a drive-in with my parents (I was supposed to be nodding off in the back seat of the station wagon but I was wide awake) ... so I didn't have much opportunity to see it again at the time.

Then, in '75 when Young Frankenstein came out, I was already a huge Wilder fan (member of the fan club and several scrapbooks ... don't get me started) ... so I saw that one TONS of times in the theater, with friends, family, anyone who would go.

Naturally I own them both (in VHS and DVD now), but at the time I also had the vinyl soundtracks, the movie posters, and the T-shirts. (Yes, the T-shirts.)

The next big non-Wilder film that I went bizarro over was All That Jazz in '79. First year of college, away from home in Pittsburgh, and they played it at the Chatham Theater downtown. A friend across the hall in my dorm and I would take the bus straight downtown on Wednesdays (cheap ticket day) and must have seen this movie four times that way. We just couldn't get enough of it for some reason. To this day I still can't explain it. And I've seen it semi-recently and still can't pinpoint the appeal.

Austruck 09-23-06 12:48 PM

I can tell you what Yoda's first big movie excitement was (since he's not jumping in himself, for some reason). He was 2 years old and his dad and I took him to see what he called for months "Da Mouse Movie." (It was "The Great Mouse Detective.") His first theater experience.

We sat on either side of him, with the big bucket of popcorn on his lap (took up his whole lap, little guy!). He was a little scared when all the lights went out but we both patted him and assured him it would get really good really soon.

And it did! He sat there staring wide-eyed at the screen quietly for the whole movie, but didn't say a word (which, trust me, was unusual for him even back then). He slowly ate popcorn, clutched the bucket, and stared. His dad and I were sure he was scared and unwilling to say anything.

Well, as soon as we got outside after the movie, he started chattering about "Da Mouse Movie" like it was the highlight of his life. He wasn't scared -- he was just taking it all in. He couldn't stop talking about it for days and would tell anyone who'd listen that he got to see "Da Mouse Movie."

So cute. :)

spudracer 09-23-06 01:56 PM

Let's see....let me open up the vault and dig around and see what I can remember...

Being born in the early 80's, I grew up with films like E.T., Short Circuit, Batteries Not Included, Flight of the Navigator, and Labrynth, it's really hard to pick one. Naturally, all these movies nowadays are way out of date, but back then, they were right up a kids alley, at least mine anyways.

Monkeypunch 09-23-06 07:12 PM

The Muppet Movie. This is the very first movie that I remember seeing numerous times. Obviously Star Wars was a big one as well, but I have to go with The Muppet Movie because I think that I saw that first, and the Muppets were my favourite TV program at the time it came out. Oh and the original Superman with Christopher Reeve, which I was not allowed to see at the cinema when it came out because I was only 4 years old, but I saw it at my nan's house when it came on TV and it had a huge impact on me. Still a movie I can watch over and over again.

psytrancedancer 10-05-06 01:36 PM


It was also the first movie I had ever seen in a theater. I was but a little girl!

"Tomorrow...tomorrow...I love you, tomorrrow"

psytrancedancer 10-05-06 01:37 PM

OpaSteve]Either ET or Karate Kid.[/quote]

Ohhhh yeah...LOVED Karate Kid. :)

ToBeOrNotToBe 10-05-06 02:58 PM

A Clockwork Orange... Really opened my eyes as a teenager...

bueller 10-07-06 04:23 PM

ghostbusters or back to the future

missmari98 10-08-06 11:58 PM

Dude, Chipmunk Adventures

Originally Posted by uconjack
Most people may not remember but I know the first movie I really loved was

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

aussiegirl88 10-16-06 12:13 AM

Mine is kinda gay..

You know Bambi, the cartoon one about the deer.

I loved it so much I named my dog after the deer lol

joshuafor 10-16-06 04:15 PM

The Little Mermaid...learned every song!

SamsoniteDelilah 10-16-06 04:44 PM

Out of Africa was the first film I saw that combined incredible cinematography, great acting and an excellent story. It was one of the first I saw at the theater more than once. (When you're paying for movie-watching with babysitting money, that means a lot.)

VANKAMPEN 12-14-06 03:32 AM

gremlins,beverly hills cop.

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 12-14-06 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by spudracer
Let's see....let me open up the vault and dig around and see what I can remember...

Being born in the early 80's, I grew up with films like E.T., Short Circuit, Batteries Not Included, Flight of the Navigator, and Labrynth, it's really hard to pick one. Naturally, all these movies nowadays are way out of date, but back then, they were right up a kids alley, at least mine anyways.
Those three movies are probably the best things to ever be captured on film, ever.

Remember in flight of the navigator when he sets off all the fire works, I wanted to do that but my parents said I'd burn the house down. Being a kid when those movies was the best thing that's ever happened. I heard Jesus was even jealous and wanted to be born again but God was like, "Nope, you're grounded. Go to your kingdom and think about what you've done." So he couldn't be born in the early 80's. I'll probably tell him all about it though if I got the chance.

Sedai 12-14-06 05:26 PM

Good 'ol Pimp :)

joshuafor 12-14-06 06:03 PM

The little Mermaid

ymlite 12-17-06 08:01 AM

The first movie I ever loved was Never Ending Story. Corny aren't I?

Morell 12-19-06 02:04 PM

Close Encounters. My Uncle showed it at my house on his old projector (showing my age now)

Mousey350 01-02-07 10:08 AM

The Mouse And The Motorcycle (XD yeah I know...)

jrs 01-02-07 10:24 AM

The first movie I was ever taken to and loved was Superman: the Movie back in 1977. Even though I was only 4 years old, I can still remember the smell of fresh popcorn as america found out that a man could fly.

Mad Hatter 01-02-07 10:40 AM

The Muppet Movie

Steve1071 01-09-07 03:14 PM

The first film I loved was Disney's Robin Hood.

rowietee 01-09-07 03:38 PM

the godfather!

jackscolon 01-09-07 05:02 PM

tough question... maybe one of those disney movies like aladin

Gorguts 01-10-07 05:53 PM

Star Wars, A New Hope. Back when I was six years old.

shankly 01-17-07 12:51 PM

The Fugitive -- still my favorite movie of all time. They don't get any better.

fry 01-18-07 09:14 PM

Back To The Future

Great Scott!:cool::cool::cool:

Amber 01-23-07 04:59 PM

As a little kid I used to watch Charlotte's Web(the original cartoon) over and over on tape.

Ash_Lee 01-23-07 05:36 PM

I have a horrible feeling it may have been The Phantom Menace, or worse, Godzilla!

VeronicaJ 01-23-07 05:38 PM

Hmm the first 2 movies i ever loved were Alice in Wonderland (sometimes i felt like her in this magical world) and Paradise Road, it made me cry (first it made me stay up all night while i was still a little Ronnie)

carlie1983 01-27-07 07:06 AM

I need serious help with a movie title....PLS HELP!!!!
It was an adventure film aimed at a young audience. The movie had characters in it called "Wheelies" which were motorbike riding "creatures" that terrorise the children in the film while they are travelling through some sort of rock city. The only other character that I can remember is a woman who was headless, however she kept a large selection of heads which were alive without being attached to the body. She kept her heads in glass cases lining a long corridor, which was part of where she lived. The only part of the actual plot that I remember is that the children who star in the film attempt to steal a key from this headless woman and she wakes up and starts chasing them around without her head. As crazy as it sounds I hope somebody can help.....

rizmalove 01-27-07 11:10 PM

Hi Ya'll....

I've recently started posting ads in movie forums looking for the title of a movie that I saw as a child.

I have a few memories of this movie that I saw as a kid in the late 80's or early 90's. My cousins and I called it the wolf movie. It was a scary movie (if you were a kid) and I only remember a few scenes:

There was one scene where there were slow motion wolves running through a forest. THere was a woman or a girl running possibly with them who was wearing all white.

The other scene was in a cabin. There was a family. A mom and a dad and some kids. The mom or the dad...or maybe dinner started to tear off their skin. They teared the skin off their face to turn into wolves. That's all I remember. If you have any leads or any ideas of what move or show this may have been, please email me at [email protected]


Lost Samurai 01-28-07 01:52 AM

Originally Posted by carlie1983
It was an adventure film aimed at a young audience. The movie had characters in it called "Wheelies" which were motorbike riding "creatures" that terrorise the children in the film while they are travelling through some sort of rock city. The only other character that I can remember is a woman who was headless, however she kept a large selection of heads which were alive without being attached to the body. She kept her heads in glass cases lining a long corridor, which was part of where she lived. The only part of the actual plot that I remember is that the children who star in the film attempt to steal a key from this headless woman and she wakes up and starts chasing them around without her head. As crazy as it sounds I hope somebody can help.....
I know the movie you are talking about but I can't remember the name. It has been well over a decade since i watched it.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

As far as the first movie that I loved, I would have to say Enter The Dragon with Bruce Lee.

Thursday Next 01-30-07 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by rizmalove
Hi Ya'll....

There was one scene where there were slow motion wolves running through a forest. THere was a woman or a girl running possibly with them who was wearing all white.

The other scene was in a cabin. There was a family. A mom and a dad and some kids. The mom or the dad...or maybe dinner started to tear off their skin. They teared the skin off their face to turn into wolves. That's all I remember. If you have any leads or any ideas of what move or show this may have been, please email me at [email protected]

Sounds like The Company of Wolves, directed by Neil Jordan.

ProfGreen 01-30-07 02:31 PM

home alone. i destroyed that vhs.

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