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Quid Pro Quo 04-25-09 01:23 AM

5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
What are 5 movies you would watch again and again (they really don't even have to be on your top 10 if you think about it.) I would have to go with:

5. Watchmen
4. Slumdog Millionaire
3. Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
2. Jurassic Park
1. Ghoulies

5. Watchmen
Come on, a film that has been trying to make it to the big screen for about 20 years is watchable even if it sucked (which it didn't in my opinion.) And the special effects mess with your brain, in a good way.

4. Slumdog Millionaire
This being one of my favorite movies, I could watch this all day for a month and still enjoy it more and more every time. This one was just a plain movie I loved, so that is why I added this one.

3. Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
Family Guy isn't what it used to be, but I have to say that it is still funny, however many may disagree. I feel like the movie however managed to pick up the entire series, and this movie was just hilarious.

2. Jurassic Park
This action mixed sci-fi horror classic seemed to never end, and that is what I loved about it. Even though the film is based off of a novel, I feel that Spielberg made it into a true classic.

1. Ghoulies
This movie almost killed me. This was definitely an extremely wasteful horror movie, and I even considered it a comedy. That is why I chose this as number one, because it is fun to make fun of.

NewGoblin 04-25-09 01:26 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Watchmen
2.Seed of Chucky
3.Freddy Vs Jason
4The Dark Knight
I have alot more but since these are top 5 I chose these 'cuz I'm a horror nut.

martian leader 04-25-09 01:35 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Puppet Master

2. 2 Fast 2 Furious

3. Mars Attacks

4. The Italian Job

5. Battle of Britain


mark f 04-25-09 03:02 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Manhattan Murder Mystery
Bringing Up Baby
The Silent Partner
Dances With Wolves

uconjack 04-25-09 08:05 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Casablanca (1942)
The Searchers (1956)
Unforgiven (1992)
Dr. Strangelove or : How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)

zedlen 04-25-09 08:12 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Originally Posted by Quid Pro Quo (Post 523749)
What are 5 movies you would watch again and again (they really don't even have to be on your top 10 if you think about it.)
I disagree the movies I watch over and over again are in my top ten and they are there for that reason.

n3wt 04-25-09 08:12 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Terminator 2
Pulp Fiction
Friday 13th part 7
Happy Gilmore

honeykid 04-25-09 09:13 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Gone With The Wind
The Lost Boys
Jason X

Cute-Babe 04-26-09 12:43 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The quest -------- van dame

bleacheddecay 04-26-09 12:54 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Jesus Christ Superstar 2000
What's Up Doc
Moulin Rouge
Rocky Horror Picture Show

TheDOMINATOR 04-26-09 12:57 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
12 Angry Men
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Blair Witch Project
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

TheMightyCelestial 04-26-09 04:18 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
There are a bunch of films that I enjoy watching over & over again. But outside of my top ten, I never got around to ranking 'em into any kind of order. So, for my post, I'm just gonna take 5 different genres & post a film that falls under the category of that particular genre. Each of these titles is not in my top ten & is one that I've watched & will probably continue watching many times over:

Science fiction:
5. The Abyss

We humans are a species capable of our own destruction. Or of our own salvation.
And though sometimes, it's can seem like we're going down the road of total annihilation, there's still enough within us to choose otherwise.
At least, that's the kind of hope the water-breathing life-forms from outer space in this film seem to hold about us.
Personally, I think this is James Cameron's masterpiece. It's actually two stories in one. The alien storyline that provides the twist for the film, crossed over with the tension building plot involving the scientific crew & the naval SEAL team. And both plots, while differently paced, are still very excellently executed. Now, while the edited version that was originally released into theatres is a fine film, for my money, the uncut version is what truly reveals just how great this movie really is.

4. The Thing

This is one of those films that I tend to view over & over again more because of the warm childhood memories that it evokes, of seeing it when I was a kid.
I remember first watching this & my young mind thinking to myself what a weird & yet kick-ass life-form the "Thing" was in this movie.

3. First Blood

Another film that I recall fondly viewing as a kid.
I remember first watching this & my young mind thinking to myself what a weird & yet kick-ass life-form Sylvester Stallone was in this movie.

2. Bugsy

Bugsy is a mob flick that doesn't even try to compete with other mob flicks. And therefore, it succeeds as a gangster movie that stands out on its own. It almost completely removes the realistic-type dialogue & the grittiness that is usually associated with this genre. I can almost sense the same sheen that the old black & white mafia films used to use to screen over the mobster characters & give em that "romanticized" look that they became famous for back then. For all their ruthlessness, the major players in this story come off as very likeable people.
And along with Warren Beatty & Annette Benning, you just can't beat the supporting cast of Harvey Keitel, Ben Kingsley, Elliot Gould & Joe Mantegna.

Crime with a dash of dark comedy:
1. Pulp Fiction

Because Pulp Fiction is like pie.
And any time is a good time for pie.

For me, the list can go on & on. Especially those certain movies that get shown alot on television, that, whenever they come on, I find it difficult to turn the channel. Marathon Man, Shawshank Redemption, Jaws, Ronin, The original Wolf-Man, Plains, Trains & Automobiles, etc..

Devils Angel 04-26-09 05:29 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1) When Harry Met Sally
2) Empire Record
3) Office Space
4) How to Lose a guy in 10 days
5) Big Daddy

The Prestige 04-26-09 06:26 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
I would say I could watch Following over and over again. I just love the guerilla style filmmaking of that film. It gets me and makes me feel like I could make a film! I would reveal other films but that would clue people in on my Top 10 films..;)

FrodoBagginsDazzlesMe 04-26-09 08:35 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
. Harry Potter (all)
. Spirited Away
. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
. The Lord of the Rings (all)
. Underworld (all)

I watch all those... a lot. :)

WSSlover 04-29-09 01:59 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Originally Posted by zedlen (Post 524099)
the movies I watch over and over again are in my top ten and they are there for that reason.
Same here, zedlen.

joykristel 04-29-09 03:12 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
My number 1 movie would be City of Angels. Then Love Actually (a comedy-romantic movie). My 3rd would be My Sassy Girl (the original Korean movie--made me cry over and over again). Wanted would be included in my list (the stunts are so good!!!). Fourth will be Dead Poets Society (it's an old movie..but a real good one). And lastly, So Close (it's a good movie,,very heartwarming).

rufnek 04-29-09 04:49 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Movies I have watched multiple times:
Citizen Kane, simply because it's the best movie ever filmed, with one of the top casts ever.

Double Indemnity: The best example of film noir with Edward G. Robinson, Barbara Stanwick in one of best roles ever, and Fred MacMurry stealing the show in one of his rare but great bad-man roles.

Bad Day at Black Rock: Spencer Tracy in one of his toughest roles, stealing scenes from other veteran actors such as Robert Ryan. A small cast with probably the biggest proportion of former and future Oscar winners ever assembled--Tracy, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan, Ernest Borgnine, Lee Marvin.

From Here to Eternity: Great but very different performances by Burt Lancaster, Borgnine, Montgomery Cliff, and Frank Sinatra. Sinatra won best supporting actor Oscar and revamped his career. Good girl Donna Reed won an Oscar playing a watered-down version of a whore. Of all the war movies ever made, this one best captures the spirit and reality of the Regular Army in the days just before World War II. They use real soldiers in base scenes; it's a pleasure to watch them march. Filmed in the very barracks where those troops were stationed in Hawaii.

Trying to pick the fifth one, there are just too many contenders. The Quite Man was John Wayne's best film and a fine example of ensemble performances, but so many pick it that it's almost cliche. Wayne's second best film, The High and the Mighty is less well known or mentioned, but he played it without his wig and looked more like his real age in his performance as "the old pelican" co-pilot. One of the first films about an airliner that loses an engine and faces destruction while in flight. Then there are the westerns, The Searchers, the best western ever, and in a close second Shane. But these two are frequently mentioned, and I just made entries in other threads about great comedies such as The Miracle of Morgan's Creek, Hail the Conquering Hero, and One, Two, Three.

But if I've got to pick a fifth, right this moment I'd choose The Caine Mutiny, a good adaptation of a great book, one of Bogart's greatest, most nuanced roles for which he seldom gets proper credit. It's got Lee Marvin and Claude Akins in their early careers, it captures the reality of a wartime navy (as does Mr. Roberts), it's got MacMurry in another great bad-guy role, and it spotlights Jose Ferrer, a remarkably good actor who seldom gets enough credit for his roles. I've always assumed that his shoulder must have really been broken when he played that role, or else that was the most inspired costume ever conceived for film.

Serendipity77 04-29-09 05:33 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Most of these are on here because I've tested the theory :p

Finding Nemo
War of the Worlds
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Nightowl 04-30-09 12:38 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
#5 National treasures 2 BOOK OF SECERTS

Dill-man 04-30-09 12:47 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again


Greeneyesgrayheart 04-30-09 07:26 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. My Best Friends Girl
2. Forgetting Sarah Marshell
3. A Knights Tale
4. Click
5. Van Wilder

WSSlover 05-02-09 10:51 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
I think that West Side Story is really the only film that falls into this category for me, but there are others in my Top Ten that might, also.

GodsOtherMonkey 05-03-09 02:14 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Anything on my favorite movie list, aside from those;

Bring Me The Head Of Alredo Garcia
The Professionals
The Last American Hero

I watch/listen to these allot. The scripts are great.

streamingmovies 05-03-09 09:52 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1.V For Vendetta
5.The Notebook

The Moviegoer 05-03-09 12:24 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
5. There Will Be Blood
4. Slumdog Millionaire
3. Bridge to Terabithia
2. Schindler's List
1. Watchmen

Sawman3 05-03-09 01:24 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
5. Vanishing Point
4. Goodfellas
3. 300
2. The Departed
1. Hell Ride

Black Rawkus 05-04-09 03:46 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Coming To America
The Dirty Dozen
Pulp Fiction
Animal House

scorpcog 05-04-09 08:56 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Ok whats with all the Watchmen. It was a great movie, but i've seen it 3 times at the movies so far and i reckon it COULD get boring after 5 times.

1. LOTR3
2. Transformers
3. Star Wars: A New Hope
4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
5. Apocalypse Now


B-card 05-04-09 11:01 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Bad Boys II
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Jay and Silent Bob strike back
Transformers(sorry I have a thing for Bay movies)

Slim Jim 05-04-09 03:54 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
When Harry Met Sally
Heist (David Mamet's version)
The Shawshank Redemption
Sirens ;)

llAtticusll 05-10-09 01:46 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Casablanca
2. The Wizard Of Oz (It's always on TV on my birthday for some reason)
3. The Dark Knight
4. Annie Hall
5. Caddyshack

shapeshifter 05-18-09 07:37 PM

1 bourne supremacy
2 first blood
3 aliens
4 constantine
5 hot fuzz

sarah f 05-19-09 05:28 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
I watched Harold and Maude like 10 times the week after watching it the first time.
And I could watch
Fight Club,
Young Frankenstein,
The Iron Giant
(among others) over and over again, and have watched each of them several times.

RedQueen83 05-19-09 06:02 PM

LOTR(1,2 &3)
Scream Trilogy
Star Wars (4,5 &6)
Moulin Rouge

CaptHowdy 05-19-09 07:56 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
5.Great Balls of Fire
3.Pineapple Express
2.Pulp Fiction

LordBayne 05-19-09 08:43 PM

I watch very few movies more than once but the few that I have are (in to particular order):

1) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2) Being John Malkovich

3) Vanilla Sky

4) O Brother Where Art Thou

5) Shortbus

downthesun 05-19-09 11:07 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
American Psycho
Fight Club

Veronica_888 05-20-09 12:01 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
In no particular order.
3.I am Legend-

4.The Grudge-
5.My Best friend's wedding-

BobTheKing 05-21-09 06:27 PM

1) Confidence
2) Matrix
3) Blood In Blood Out
4) Casino
5) Good Fellas

Nightowl 05-22-09 01:45 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
#1 teeange mutant ninjaturtles
#2 backto the futuer part2
#4 ironman
#5 inidajones-kingdom of the krystl skull

downthesun 05-22-09 07:46 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Lock Stock
American Psycho
American Beauty

JKRoss 05-22-09 12:46 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Planes trains and automobiles
Raiders of the lost ark series
A League of their own

SoulInside 10-29-09 07:17 AM

1. Blue Crush
2. Collateral
3. Terminator 2
4. Matrix
5. Pulp Fiction

beelzebubbles 10-29-09 07:24 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
As a kid
Th Wizard of Oz
Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella

As an adult
Les Liaisons Pornographique
Intimate Relations

tiptom83 10-29-09 03:09 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Lord of the Rings (1,2,3)
Dumb and Dumber
Ferris Bueller's Day Off

LTIZZY 10-29-09 04:01 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre....Original
2. Legend
3. Dazed and Confused
4. Wizard of Oz
5. Mulholland Drive

Sarah820w 10-29-09 07:42 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Lord of the Rings
Facing the Giants
Anne of Green Gables
Emperors New Groove

ballstouweboll24 10-29-09 08:27 PM

1. Ghostbusters
2. Man on Fire
3. Jurassic Park
4. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
5. Alien 3

meatwadsprite 10-29-09 08:37 PM

Pyro Tramp 10-29-09 08:46 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Book of Secrets twice and no mention for Bangkok Dangerous or The Wicker Man

Pyro Tramp 10-29-09 08:47 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Business
Evil Dead 2
Die Hard

Used Future 10-29-09 09:35 PM

Used Cars
Play it Again Sam
Ghost World

Annie Hall
As Good As it Gets

Classicqueen13 10-29-09 10:46 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
5 movie I DO see over and over again:

1) Raiders of the Lost Ark
2) Die Hard
3) Charade
4) Titanic
5) Spaceballs

I rewatch all movies that I like over and over again, but I think these rank the highest as for viewings.

Maxine Taurus 10-30-09 09:03 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
My personal choices? Hmmm... that's a toughie from all the movies I've seen, but right off the top of my head, they would be:

1. Something's Gotta Give ( I just love the witty script and the casting!)
2. Shrek 2 (?) Hooo booy!!! that well scene, just blew me away! "You most definitely am are! LOL!!!
3. Star Wars (all) seamless in its story line for me. Brilliant!
4. True Lies;
5. Road Hogs ( Great casting and awesome script)

Prospero 10-30-09 07:11 PM

Movies that I already watch over and over again...and over

1. Aliens
2. Casablanca
3. Snatch
4. Young Frankenstein
4. Blade Runner
5. The Matrix

EDIT: Oh yeah:
6. The Usual Suspects
7. Fight Club

iamjacksmovies 10-30-09 08:37 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Fight Club
Blade Runner

Plainview 11-21-09 12:26 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Movies I see on a daily basis
Peter Pan
Toy Story
Monsters Inc
I have a 3year old 2year old and a 1 year go figure.
Movies I can watch a million times besides the ones on my top ten.
Blue Chips
Happy Gilmour
Dazed and Confused
Its weird because these really are not my fav movies. I just enjoy these movies over and over.If I thought about it there is probly hundreads more....

7thson 11-21-09 12:34 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Princess Bride
Flash Gordon
Star Wars
Top Secret

Anneke 11-21-09 07:13 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Dirty Dancing
10 Things I Hate About You
City of Angels
She's the Man

Roserosie 11-21-09 07:42 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Sound of Music
2. Charlottes Web
3. Towering Inferno
4. Little Women (either version)
5. Gone with the wind

Dog Star Man 11-21-09 08:07 AM

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey, (I know I've seen that film more than 100 times now).
2. The Life and Death of 9413, A Hollywood Extra
3. Eraserhead
4. Black Ice
5. Winter Light

I know I've seen 2001 the most out of my collection... but the other 5 I know I've seen a number of times as well. If I like something, I usually rewatch it at least 10+ times, I never get bored of something I like.

beelzebubbles 11-21-09 08:41 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Stirring music from 2001. Might make you buy the soundtrack even if you don't want to see the movie.

Doc Holiday 11-21-09 09:45 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Boondock Saints

2. Heat

3. The Big Lebowski

4. Casino

5. Pulp Fiction

TONGO 11-21-09 10:26 AM

The common similarity in flicks I watch continuosly is how quotable they are. Not in any particular order....

Glengarry Glen Ross

If you have ever worked in sales at any time in your life this movie is a must see. The performances not only were awesome the movie was so well cast each part complimented each actors style perfectly. Alec Baldwins best 10 minutes of his career by far.

I was running a phone room one time, and suggested my top salespeople see this. They did, and the entire office was quoting the film constantly since there were so many opportunities too as the day would wear on. One guy had a small cassette player where he recorded all the choice lines (this was before the mega cellphones).

If youve never been in sales though Ive found people think the movie as ho-hum.



Yeah I know the MoFos eyes are a rollin with this pick, but if youre looking for a great beer n pretzels western thats quotable this is the flick. Val Kilmers performance in this jumpstarted his career. Just full of juicy quotes.


An epic with no flaw, and the best epic made in the past 20 years. This movie did for Rome what Unforgiven did for the western, and thats show us how it really was. Maybe it wasnt but Ridley Scott sure sold us all on his vision.

When Harry Met Sally

The best romantic comedy ever made! Sorry but Rob Reiners a genius, and this movie made Meg Ryan a star, and for good reason.

This last one had no real quotable lines.....

Fist Of Legend was just the best martial arts movie ever made.

Caitlyn 11-21-09 11:03 AM

I have a lot more than five... but these are the five I probably have watched over and over the most...
The Last of the Mohicans (1992, Michael Mann)
Braveheart (1995, Mel Gibson)
Aliens (1986, James Cameron)
Predator (1987, John McTiernan)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991, James Cameron)

tramp 11-21-09 10:33 PM

My 5 are:


Like Tongo, I can watch this film over and over. (On a personal note, after 9/11 and watching the news footage for about a week, I found myself incredibly depressed. My husband came home one night and I was watching Gladiator. He said, "Gladiator?" and I responded, "I wanted to watch something that reminded me of the world before 9/11." The film had come out just the year before...) I love Russell in this movie and the return of the uncompromising hero.

Dances With Wolves
I saw this in the theatre 10 times, lol. This is a beautiful movie. I love everything about it.

A movie my son and I often find ourselves watching again and again....Shaun of the Dead.... "she so's drunk"

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise: I can't get enough of Captain Jack.

And finally, the movie that I can watch over and over and over and at a running time of 12 hours, that's A LOT of movie:

Lord of the Rings

And if I need just a short fix of my favorite movie, I watch the first film, Fellowship, so I can watch Boromir die. It's my favorite scene. :eek:

Shahab 11-22-09 02:12 PM

1- Lord of the Rings 1
2- The Shawshank Redemption
3- Modern Times
4- The Dark Knight
5- Braveheart

inthecornerdunce- 11-22-09 05:58 PM

Have watched and would watch over and over again.

Stand By Me ( Rob Reiner, 1986 ) - Not only is this my favorite book turned film, but, also my favorite all time film in general. Rob Reiner did an incredible job of getting astounding performances out of all of his cast. If you watch the bonus material on the DVD you will see that he really goes to extreme lengths to drag out the potential that he knew he had found in the four young actors.

What else is perfect about this movie? The camera work, the narration by Richard Dreyfuss, the clever use of period music, the attention to detail (like the old Hills Bros. coffee can the kids pitch rocks into at the junkyard), the pace and rhythm. The juxtaposing of the main storyline with detours like Vern's penny hunt and the sad but hilarious tale of Lard Ass Hogan is brilliant, and makes this a hard film to get tired of no matter how much you see it.

One excellent scene in particular, the real gem in this crown, is where Chris (River Phoenix) tells Geordie (Wil Wheaton) about his milk-money experience. It was the strongest point of the film, by far the most emotional and River Phoenix acted well beyond his years, more believable than most adult actors.

To give this film as high praise at it deserves is near impossible.

The Lost Boys ( Joel Schumacher, 1987 ) - The sets were excellent, the effects were horrifically believable, and the characters were well developed enough as to give the audience a good dose of concern for the principal participants. The addition of Laddie on the milk carton shows the level of detail and care given to this attempt, and the soundtrack just adds so much as the songs are fitting and right with each scene.

Full of great one liners and comedic performances (Barnard Hughes is great as the eccentric taxidermist/grandfather). The Lost Boys is a film showcased by the small touches: we still have the usual vampire yarn, but the youthful overtones create a different effect. Schumacher creates a film that is not only a fun take on vampires but a creative take on teenagers and their neverending trek to belong.

Ghost World ( Terry Zwigoff, 2001 ) - The comedy in Ghost World is not the gut-busting type, but rather the quiet situational type that's amusing. At the same time, as we laugh at the nerds, geek, freaks, dorks and dweebs that inhabit Ghost World, the film works to humanize them in our eyes and raise a sympathy for them. Suddenly their eccentricities seem less strange and more interesting. And like Enid, we find ourselves drawn to them.

This film is excellent for its creative portrayal of disenfranchisement, discontent, and the humor that saves us from despair.

The Outsiders ( Francis Ford Coppola, 1983 ) - Francis Ford Coppola and Kathleen Rowell did a good job bringing S.E. Hinton's highly acclaimed story to the motion picture format. It's got a good, solid story, beautiful photography, convincing acting by the leading actors and a nice score.

My Own Private Idaho ( Gus Van Sant, 1991 ) - Brilliantly acted and directed, with fine use of colour, recurring motifs and bold credits, Idaho possesses a rare, dream-like quality. The camera shots of long horizon-spanning roads and skylines, fast-motion clouds, surreal and symbolic shots of houses and rushing rivers provide the film with a strange almost other-worldly charm. The music too is well chosen, and complements the magical dialogue perfectly.

the professional 11-23-09 02:44 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Dark Knight.
The Evil Dead.
Man on Fire.
War of the worlds.

Sorry had to put a couple more in.

BeetleJulz 11-23-09 01:05 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1 The Good the Bad and the Ugly
2 Carlito's way
3 Meet the Fockers
4 The Big Lebowsky
5 UP

no1mccoy 11-25-09 05:33 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Phantom Of The Opera
Scent Of A Woman

mastrfox18 11-25-09 08:59 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Empire Records
I Love you, Man
Napoleon Dynamite
The Breakfast Club

spring 11-25-09 10:02 PM

The Rock
The Bourne Identity
The day after tomorrow
The Lord of the Rings

Nightowl 11-26-09 02:05 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
#1 teeaange mutant ninja turtles 1
#2 back to the futuer part 2
#3 Batman begins
#4 iron man
#5 the incdabile hulk

stevetamis0 11-26-09 07:25 AM

My five movies are

1. Ocean's eleven
2. Ocean's Twelve
3. Ocean's Thirteen
4. Pirates of the Caribbean
5. Matrix

bamboo 11-26-09 11:35 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Empire Strikes Back

Cradle Of Fear 11-26-09 11:41 AM

Lord Of The Rings
The Usual Suspects
Crimson Tide

vato 12-02-09 08:03 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. The Shining
2. The Dark Knight
3. Blow
4. Slumdog Millionaire
5. American Gangster

MovieFanaticSB 12-02-09 02:01 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
I would watch

gladiator, braveheart, and fight club over and over

BradS1234 12-02-09 02:07 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Session 9
The Dark Knight

harjeet 12-04-09 07:16 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. The Dark Knight
3. The Matrix Series
4. The Bourne Series
5. The Lord of the Rings

These are my favorite movies which i can watch anytime and any no. of times....

ChasingButterfly 12-08-09 06:44 PM

Step Brothers
Back to the Future
Wayne's World

kdmf 12-08-09 10:43 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. The Watchmen
2. The Dark Knight
3. Secret Window
4. Sweeney Todd
5. Uncle Buck

I watch a lot of movies over and over again these are just a few of my favorites.

Darkrose 12-09-09 12:37 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Not in order:
2.Queen of the Damned
3.The Last Boy Scout
4. Adams Family Values
5.Stir of Echoes

moviexpert 12-13-09 10:15 AM

I can say this with 100% guarantee that,
following are best 5 movies
which i wish to see again and you also have to view these:

1. The Green Mile
2. The Notepad
3. Panic Room
4. Hostage
5. Titanic

BumbleBee 12-13-09 10:17 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
1. Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones
2. Titanic
3. Braveheart
4. Taken
5. Big Stan
Ace Films.

Caitlyn 12-13-09 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by moviexpert (Post 588781)
5. Titanic
Originally Posted by BumbleBee (Post 588782)
2. Titanic

You two must have a softer cushion than I do... ;)

ellehc 12-14-09 11:49 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
A walk to remember
Naked Weapon
Harry Potter
Finding Nemo

melanienam 12-15-09 09:20 AM

My top 5:
Amelie from Montmartre (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)
Big Fish
Edward Scissorhands
Moulin Rouge

downthesun 12-15-09 01:56 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Fight Club
Lock Stock
American Psycho

the professional 12-15-09 04:08 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
The Hangover
Tropic Thunder
The Dark Knight

Caitlyn 12-15-09 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by darkrose (Post 587889)
Not in order:
2.Queen of the Damned
3.The Last Boy Scout
4. Adams Family Values
5.Stir of Echoes
I've never seen Towelhead ... and need to re-watch The Last Boy Scout ... but I have watched the others numerous times... especially Adams Family Values... I love that movie... :D

xxDELxx 12-15-09 07:58 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Kill Bill
Return To Oz
Sin City

mark f 12-15-09 09:32 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
I just watched the first one again yesterday; that's probably about the fifth time this year, all on cable (although I own the DVD). I just turned it on to hear the theme and then Brenda came in, and that was that.

The Big Country
The Importance of Being Earnest
Last Holiday (1950)
The Heart of the World (2000 Guy Maddin short)
A Hard Day's Night

Caitlyn 12-15-09 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 589170)

The Importance of Being Earnest (1952)

I loved the newer one (2002?)... but don't think I've ever seen that version so will have to check it out... :)

Plainview 12-15-09 11:34 PM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
National Lampoons
Christmas Vacation
European Vacation
Vegas Vacation

And Animal House
I never get bored of these movies everytime there on tv you can count on me to watch them

darrensmits 12-16-09 12:25 AM

My top 5 movies are here, that I watch over and over again.
1. 300
2. Titanic
3. The Dark Night
4. Lord of the Ring
5. Watchmen.

linaelectronic 12-24-09 04:09 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
i am new here,glad to know about them...
Thank you very much.

mark f 12-24-09 04:19 AM

Re: 5 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over Again
These silent flicks I can watch forever and maybe almost be happy with nothing else.

The Kid (1921)
Sherlock, Jr.
Safety Last
7th Heaven
Sunrise: The Story of Two Humans

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