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DerrickLevron 05-04-02 10:34 PM

Jurassic World
Well, It's official, I heard JP4 is set to begin work on the script. Any ideas as to what it may be about?

P.S. Reports say that the next film will NOT be on either island.

Greg The Bunny 05-04-02 11:53 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Originally posted by DerrickLevron
Well, It's official, I heard JP4 is set to begin work on the script. Any ideas as to what it may be about?

P.S. Reports say that the next film will NOT be on either island.
JP4: "Walking with dinosaurs"
Saw it on the discovery channel already.

After that last pile of dinosaur dung, is this one even going to have a plot? Or just 90 minutes of GCI dinos?


spudracer 05-05-02 12:37 AM

I'm surprised they're risking a fourth one...

I thought, for sure, that JP3 was the last, wasn't there a statement somewhere about that?

werewolf 05-05-02 06:32 PM

Jurassic Park 4 was inevitable whether the the third was a success or not, Speilberg said a fourth was on the horizon before the 3rd came out. I have no idea what the plot would be for the fourth but it should be dealt with care and Speilberg should take his time on this one. Bring back Goldblum. Bring back Neil as well.

The Silver Bullet 05-07-02 12:53 AM

In other words, make a good Jurassic Park film again.

I haven't seen III, but if they really put in an effort to get a decent screenplay and cast together (with, may I add, a note of finality to the franchise), I'd be pleased to see it.

Overall, if they really put in to make some special, not just another dinosaur movie, I'd see it. They need to try to equal that original.

But I doubt it shall be so.

Vetinari 05-10-02 09:03 PM

I seriously doubt I would go see a fourth JP movie. Come to think of it, I haven't even seen the third one yet. I'll probably wait 'til they show it on tv:laugh:

Marcellus 05-10-02 09:53 PM

"My story's better -- it has tigers!"

where's that from?

excuse the off-topic-ness :D

Yoda 05-10-02 10:09 PM

Methinks is stems from The Simpsons: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Sunfrogolin 05-10-02 10:12 PM

I think it's from Calvin & Hobbes
Dinos in NewYork of course. JP5 will be the rise of man, I'm tellin' ya. I don't know what you guys are whining about, JP3 was pretty decent.

ken_movieguy 05-10-02 10:43 PM

i think they shouldn't make a JP4, it would ruin the triology. The 3rd one was ok, a fourth one could ruin it. The 1st one was the best of the three.

spudracer 05-11-02 09:49 AM

Well, it doesn't help that the script for JP3 was still being written when production started. It's not that the cast was terrible, cause it wasn't...well not totally.

Now, if they get Goldblum, Neill, and possibly Richard Attenborough(sp?) back there's a start.

ken_movieguy 05-11-02 11:30 AM

Well, I would probaly watch JP4 if goldblum and neill were in it. They did really well in the first one and i would like to see them in the same jurassic park movie again.

The Silver Bullet 05-11-02 11:48 AM

"My story's better -- it has tigers!" is from The Simpsons, spoken by the Hunter on the Ship of Lost Souls.

aspen 05-11-02 12:26 PM

According to this site:

Michael Crichton says there will not be a JP4.

I sure hope thats true.

Dinosaur Chase 3 was severely disappointing. It was the exact same thing as Dinosaur Chase 1 and Dinosaur Chase 2. Very annoying.

The original movie didn't even come close to being as good as the book.

Michael Crichton has been the victim of some horrible screenplay writers.

IMO Jurassic Park has been wrung of every dollar its going to deliver. Crichton has alot of other good books that they should turn into movies.

sadesdrk 05-11-02 12:34 PM

Originally posted by ken_movieguy
The 1st one was the best of the three.
The first one was great. It had the story to go off of...
The second was sh*t because the took too much creative license, and made a bunch of crap up. Then came the death to the Jurassic Park movies, the third one was so bad...I couldn't blieve it. It would take a miracle to save this series's reputation and I doubt anyone note worthy would be willing to sign their name to another flop...
(What was William H. Macy thinking? Maybe he needed a new house or something.)

CrazyLegsMC 05-23-02 04:46 PM

I was reading an article somewhere and it was saying that Speilberg is actually very excited about this film. He said he wants to make a real effort to break away from the last 2 movies and bring a thrilling movie like the the original Jurrasic Park back.

He already has an intriuging plot laid and says furthermore that this will be the final production for the JP colleciton. Also he went on to mention as proof of this being the "finale" of his "quadilogy"
when JP4 comes out on DVD he plans to release the Jurrasic Park 5 DVD collectors Set which has a Bonus DVD to mentioned more on later.

But since his interviewed was only viewable to accessible to download off the site, its hard to verify the truth behind JP4.

Yoda 06-13-02 10:16 AM

Check it out. I have high hopes for this.


Raziel1 06-13-02 11:25 AM

i think they should just leave this one go. man thids movie is dead can't they see that.three fine but don't doom your self atleast u have a trilogy. leave it at that.:yup:

Monkeypunch 06-19-02 01:00 AM

They should have it take up where 3 left off, with the millitary invading Jurassic Park. It could be like Aliens, with soldiers just capping dinosaurs but mostly getting eaten. Oh, and bring back Laura Dern, sort of like Sigourney Weaver...okay, I know that sounds like a huge rip off, but I'd really like to see it.

I disgust myself with how uncreative I am sometimes...:sick:

fostersliteice 06-21-02 08:10 AM

This is my theory on what jussrasic park 4 will be about, their is a volcano on one of those islands and is going to explode so they send a team to get 2 of every species male and female and transport them to another island or some of the dinosuars make to a country and start breeding,

what do use think?

Ladies Man 07-11-02 08:24 PM

What they did wrong with the second movie is not make it like the book, which they should have done for Site B. The second Jurassic book park was the best, it showed so many new things on why cloning dinosaurs is wrong and the side effects or doing so.

darkside 08-18-02 07:49 PM

I'm not interested in seeing #4, but spielberg says he has a story that everyone liked, he also said he wished it would have been the story for #3, so we will wait and see, returning cast members from the original would ideal, #3 was fast paced (90 minutes long), #2 more dinos, more story then action, same for #1, more story then action, but 1&2 were much longer, (2hours and 10 minutes), if steven directs #4(of course he won't), the story would have a chance, and the jurassic films wont suffer, but with #3, I hope #4 won't be crap

Naisy 08-18-02 10:50 PM

IMNPO (In My NOT-so profession opinion)
Jurassic Park one, brillent great movie, some different ideas to the norm, i went to see it at the cinema

Jurassic Park Two reasonably good sequal but i waited till it came out on video to watch it

Jurassic Park Three i havent been that interested in watching, in fact i still havent watched it, i will watch it when it comes on TV

but now a number four, it just isnt going to be good, even if the movie is great, are people really going to flock to see another dinosaur movie. I know im not, so the previews had better be something fantastic to sway my opinion! :yup:

fostersliteice 08-19-02 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Naisy
IMNPO (In My NOT-so profession opinion)

Damn straight

turkeybird099 08-21-02 11:21 PM

--oh god, not another one!!! i mean the 1st and 2nd were tolerable but the 3rd and possibly a 4th? i mean the whole jurassic park dinosaur thing is getting old! 'specially those damn dinosaur inhabited islands...--

rudeboyben 08-23-02 05:34 PM

i am looking forward to this one but i herd that good old Stevie isn't directing it and is not that bothered about a 4th one.

And get this they say Tom Cruise is going to be in it!

WOW:love: :laugh:

Sharkespeare 08-26-02 03:23 AM

I read the books and saw all the movies. I have been waiting for 2 things...In the first book they mentioned that dinosaurs(Compys or baby raptors) had made it to the mainland and that they were eating lysine rich food(like lima-beans) and that could be an option...another thing they left out was in the 2nd book(only 2 pages though) and that was of a perfectly camouflaged dinosaur(see the flashlight trick toward the end of the book). COnsidering what technology they have nowadays I was floored(how could anybody wanna pass this up) that they weren't included in the 2nd movie(of course Speilberg changed the ending to compete with Godzilla-even though he denies it).

There could be a very good 4th installment and I would definitely see it...if they got a good writer and if they tried to go back to the suspense instead of action genre. Soldiers vs. dinos??? In a jungle, I could see it but let's avoid the Godzilla route.

sisboombah 08-26-02 05:27 PM

all i can say about this is:


the first one was wicked. second one was ok. third one was totally pointless. forth one...well...why bother?

i heard that they wanted to make a forth coz micheal critchin (sp?) didnt write the third one and that is their excuse for why it was so ****. if they make another i will probably go watch it but im not gonna expect it to be as good as the first. not even half as good.

i think jurassic park is a classic example of how some films get sh*tier the more you make.

tails100 08-17-03 12:45 AM

i luv Jurrasic Park
1 Attachment(s)
iwould luv to see a Jurrasic Park four especially if the velocoraptors learned how to use guns:)^_^:D

sisboombah 08-17-03 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by tails100
iwould luv to see a Jurrasic Park four especially if the velocoraptors learned how to use guns:)^_^:D
omg....that is just the rubbish type of thing they would actually use. ive just figured out what you were talking about in you private message to me as well.

nageki 08-17-03 04:07 PM

oh please please, not Jurassic Park again !

MovieMaker5087 08-19-03 07:17 PM

I just made a post concerning JP4.

My Post

blibblobblib 08-19-03 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by tails100
iwould luv to see a Jurrasic Park four especially if the velocoraptors learned how to use guns:)^_^:D
:rotfl: That would be so funny. Would be better if they learned how to wear clothes as well....and SING!

Jurassic Park the Musical! :eek: I would pay to see that.

sisboombah 08-25-03 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
:rotfl: That would be so funny. Would be better if they learned how to wear clothes as well....and SING!

Jurassic Park the Musical! :eek: I would pay to see that.

they could break into song everytime something dramatic happened. like someone dieing 'aaaaahhhhhh! wont somebody help me! hes crunching my bones! his breath smells rather funny!'

or the dinosaurs could sing when they meet the ppl.

ah it would be great.

MyRobotSuit 09-20-03 09:47 AM

A little news about the film at AICN here

I can't wait for this, if they get the whole original cast back it should be good.

fangl55 10-26-03 11:05 PM

has anyone else noticed that in all of the movies, there is a kid, a man and a lady, and a bald guy that dies? :confused:

alexi oromov 10-26-03 11:20 PM

the jurrasic parks are sooooooo bad...they all have the same plots.._RUN WER'E being chased by a dinasaur!!!!_ a fourth juassic park? GOD NO!!!!!

MovieMaker5087 10-27-03 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by alexi oromov
the jurrasic parks are sooooooo bad...they all have the same plots.._RUN WER'E being chased by a dinasaur!!!!_ a fourth juassic park? GOD NO!!!!!
They're not all bad... but your post is funny! :D

lincon 11-06-03 09:29 AM

hmm, read somewhere that it's going to have dinosaurs evolved like humans.

could be good ?

juggla 11-08-03 02:54 AM

i didnt see the third i might watch it if its on tv. and i would never go see a fourth even if it got rave reviews. I just have had my fill with that genere of movie with that back story.

led_zeppelin 11-08-03 01:11 PM

If the crew/cast was good, and the trailer was ok, then I might see it. The first one was the only one I liked out of the trilogy so far. Hopefull if they are going to make a fourth one, it'll be more like the first, not all the soldiers and crappy dialogue.

CyCL3 01-02-04 03:48 PM

this is what i got for story line and such

its not going to be on an island. which makes me highly beleive its underwater :) :)
keira knightly signed for it and their trying t get jeff goblum and uhh that one guy from the 1st one 2 sign it also. speilburg is not directing it but producing it as before for the 3rd one. :( which really sux cuz i loved the 1st 2 untill speilburg decided to produce....)

theshape82 01-02-04 06:41 PM

could be good if the right people did it..

Jackie Malfoy 01-05-04 08:08 PM

I have no idea but I do know this I don't plan on seeing it at all!
The third one sucked and I have an idea that this one might too.I will be geting the soundtrack if John Willams does the music however he is so great! ;)
But anyway I think they should had stoped at the second one and lefted it alone.Acouse they will find out why they lefted it alone once this movie hits the movies and the crics atteck it!
I am planing to atteck it acouse!Anyway see you around!JM :cool: :p ;) :D :) :o :eek:

T-850 01-05-04 09:45 PM

I'll give it a chance. I thought JP3 was better than JP2. I thought the Lost World was rather boring and long. Jurassic Park 3 was shorter but every minute had action. Only thing I hate about JP3 is that the T-Rex got his ass kicked by that other dinosaur! T-Rex is the king dinosaurs! :p

allthatglitters 01-05-04 09:45 PM

Jurrassic Park was my best friends favorite movie until FOTR came out and we used to watch them all...........repeatedly. in my opinion when you see how absolutely crazy the plot is in JP2 JP3 actually makes sense, but can they top the craziness? and JP1 was a very nice movie with some nice elements to it that I always loved.

Philmster 01-06-04 12:06 PM

I just think that they have explored every entertaining story possible, and the thought of another 'money-maker' doesn't really appeal to me.

CujoLink 01-06-04 12:07 PM

Someone better ask in the movie

"Ever been raped by a brontosaurus?"

Cause that would be funny

James_Bond 01-06-04 05:33 PM

I would like to see Jurassic Park 4 if it is done right. If they make it as good as the original I would definately see it. If they make another Jurassic Park 3 then forget it! The Lost World wasn't too much better.

Punishment 01-07-04 02:35 AM

good god, i would rather take a bullet to the head then sit through anouther JP. thats just my thoughts.


Zeiken 01-08-04 03:01 PM

Ya know, almost everyone on this thread claims to despise the mere thought of another jurassic park movie, whether it be by spielberg or not. Many of you also claim that you wouldn't go and see it, or you would wait till it came to TV. You all would see it no mater what! The sheer curiosity of it all would drive you insane, till you snap and for over the right bucks to sit through another dino flick.
After that, then feel free to come back here and complain all you want, at least the you might be able to throw some justification in with your moaning.

Hell_Bent 01-08-04 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Zeiken
Ya know, almost everyone on this thread claims to despise the mere thought of another jurassic park movie, whether it be by spielberg or not. Many of you also claim that you wouldn't go and see it, or you would wait till it came to TV. You all would see it no mater what! The sheer curiosity of it all would drive you insane, till you snap and for over the right bucks to sit through another dino flick.
After that, then feel free to come back here and complain all you want, at least the you might be able to throw some justification in with your moaning.
Zeikens got a point, we all think this movie's gona suck major balls, despite that we will all see it. Same thing happend with most people and Terminator 3, ppl complained and said they werent gonna watch it considering it wasnt done by Cameron, yada yada yada ppl went and saw it anyway...

CyCL3 01-10-04 01:49 AM

they both have good points, and besides speilburg wanted to do this strory for three before but instead they replaced it with the 3 we know prolly cuz this next one wouldnt make sense w/ out it. i didnt think jp3 wasnt as good but i think of it as more of an info movie, so that the story is easier to undestand in 4. spelburg is really excited about this one, and knowing hes one of the best directors/ producrs of al time i can trust him on it.

Freddy4lifenjb 01-10-04 04:59 AM

I have to say Im excited about a 4th flim, I loved JP1 and JP2 but the third sucked, But the fourth sounds very promising.....

Joshman 03-11-04 10:57 PM

Jurassic Park 4
it has been confirmed being made. It will have Jeff Goldblum and kierra knightly in it for sure. Maybe Sam Neil and rumored to have Keanu reeves.
I have read the script and it should wind out to be about 2 hours and 20 min. wich is almost an hour longer than jurassic park 3 wich had an ending that wasnt very GOOD! Anyway, I have read only about half of the script so far, and i must say that there is going to be a very exciting raptor part. Lets just say this is ALOT darker than all of the others put together. I mean, scripts arent really that scary, it is when you see that actual final product. I wont say anything about the script because i dont want to ruin it for anyone. You know the feeling when you saw the first Jurassic Park for the 1st time. Well to me, if they do it like they do in the script, this will be better than the first. You know that sense of awe you had when you saw it, well it feels like that. I cant wait for this movie! What about you. I know the the third one kinda dragged through the story line, but it was still a pretty good movie. Will you see this movie?

jrs 03-12-04 12:41 AM

Where did you get this script ? :confused:

Philmster 03-12-04 05:01 AM

If it has Keanu Reeves in it, I will avoid like the plague.

keeps 03-12-04 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Joshman
it has been confirmed being made. It will have Jeff Goldblum and kierra knightly in it for sure. Maybe Sam Neil and rumored to have Keanu reeves.
I have read the script and it should wind out to be about 2 hours and 20 min. wich is almost an hour longer than jurassic park 3 wich had an ending that wasnt very GOOD! Anyway, I have read only about half of the script so far, and i must say that there is going to be a very exciting raptor part. Lets just say this is ALOT darker than all of the others put together. I mean, scripts arent really that scary, it is when you see that actual final product. I wont say anything about the script because i dont want to ruin it for anyone. You know the feeling when you saw the first Jurassic Park for the 1st time. Well to me, if they do it like they do in the script, this will be better than the first. You know that sense of awe you had when you saw it, well it feels like that. I cant wait for this movie! What about you. I know the the third one kinda dragged through the story line, but it was still a pretty good movie. Will you see this movie?
This sounds like a load of tosh i think. i would love this to b true but you have no proof. when will it be out. kiera knightley is great

Joshman 03-12-04 08:32 PM

I just went to google and typed in Jurassic park 4, and i stumbled onto the script. It should be out in july 2005.

Joshman 03-12-04 08:48 PM

You might have to go through alot of websites, i know i did before i stumbled on this masterpeice.

RedQueen83 03-13-04 04:33 PM

I've already seen it on TV!!!! haha

Harlinator 03-15-04 06:21 PM

Oooh, Keanu Reeves. Will he say more than 'Whoa'? ;) Maybe he'll be another lawyer-for-dino-fodder...

/me no likey #2, but #3 was 'ok'. I liked #1 but wish they had followed the book more closely. You felt sorry for the old guy in the movie, but in the book he got what he deserved.

So what's the plot for #4? Dinos in Disneyland? :-D


MovieMaker5087 03-15-04 10:02 PM

Oooh! You have the script! Can I see it?

MovieMaker5087 03-15-04 10:09 PM

Or, if you wish not to send it to me, post a URL, would ya? I'd really like to read the script, and so would many other people.

Joshman 03-16-04 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by MovieMaker5087
Or, if you wish not to send it to me, post a URL, would ya? I'd really like to read the script, and so would many other people.
I would but i dont want to get in trouble for letting the script seap out there before the movie is released. Sorry,but you'll have to wait until july 2005.

MyRobotSuit 12-01-05 06:24 AM

Anyone got an update on this movie? Will Spielberg direct? (please...)

I love the original movie and still hold on to the hope of a decent sequel.

Escape 12-01-05 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by MinionTV
Anyone got an update on this movie? Will Spielberg direct? (please...)

I love the original movie and still hold on to the hope of a decent sequel.
I thought I heard he was only gonna produce this one. But that was awhile ago so not sure if his plans has changed since then. I also thought this movie was supposed to be out this month. Looks like that was also misinformation. :(

markolinio 03-04-06 11:45 PM

Nice Very Nice

limboslam 03-11-06 06:43 PM

The thrid movie lost it for me when they had a Spinosaurus killing a T-Rex. A Spinosaurus? C'mon!

Mrs.Robinson 03-13-06 10:21 AM

it sounds good...but i know spielberg is owed to Viacom some after the sale of Dreamworks,so he has to make more hit films...very little time passing each of the films

lostworlds 04-19-09 10:48 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
i dont think that the movie will be anything like the others, which really sucks because i like when they get chaced and stuff lol but ive a bit of the script and it looks really good so...

spudracer 04-19-09 10:51 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Originally Posted by lostworlds (Post 521811)
ive a bit of the script and it looks really good so...
Yeah, I'm sure you've got a bit of the script of a now defunct movie that isn't being made. I bet you could maybe get $10 for it on eBay.

TheUsualSuspect 04-19-09 11:05 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I've read the script too, this is where I found it.

moviesdude 04-28-09 02:54 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I don't see any pages on IMDB about a 4th.

Sedai 04-28-09 03:03 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Originally Posted by lostworlds (Post 521811)
i dont think that the movie will be anything like the others, which really sucks because i like when they get chaced and stuff lol but ive a bit of the script and it looks really good so...
So you think it sucks, but it should be really good?



sharkfan 05-14-09 03:42 AM

Is this film lost? No! It just needs focus!

This films needs to be big--bigger than big. To do that, it needs to incorporate more story than the biggest dinosaur. Imagine dinosaurs have gotten out of control--some have invaded Los Angeles. But that is not it. Oh, no, it is not. Aliens have also invaded, and predators have moved in to stop them. The problem becomes so great that Jack Bauer is brought in to interrogate a "raptor" and other dinos. Supreme Court judges, part of a secret society of secret keepers, call upon Hogwarts and the wizards and witches within to help solve the muggle probelm with their god-like powers. Lord Voldemort engages the real world by recruitng dinos, aliens, and Jack Bauer into his private army of murderers. And to top it off, the borg have, once again, invaded the space of Earth from the future to assimilate the past, and the Enterprise crew is led by the old guy, the woman, and the dead/not dead Captain Sisko(?) of Deep Space Nine to stop the collective from assimilating dinos, aliens, predators, Jack Bauer, wizards, witches, and you!

See it for the showdown between wand and phaser! See it for what happens when a gigantosaur is used to breed a new...breed of alien! See the predator reaction to time-tested torturer extraordinaire Jack Bauer! See the Supreme Court like you have never seen it before...because you probably have not seen it before! Most of all, see it because it is, indeed, bigger than big.

That, good people, is what you call a story. Tell me it wouldn't work. Wait...don't tell me. It would break my heart. i want to see this movie!

jrs 11-08-09 07:12 PM

Joe Johnston Talks Jurassic Park 4 Story

Harry Knowles at Ain’t It Cool News put up an interview from a while back on the set of The Wolfman with director Joe Johnston. In the interview they discussed a bunch of his previous works and a bit about Jurassic Park 4 for which he is attached to helm.

This was before it was announced that Johnston would be directing The First Avenger: Captain America so unfortunately, that topic does not come up.

In the interview, the topic of special effects (the right mix of practical and digital) came up and Johnston gave the example of the first Jurassic Park and how it still holds up today as something special in that regard. Shortly thereafter, Harry brought the conversation back to Jurassic Park to ask some questions about the widely speculated fourth installment of the franchise. Joe Johnston of course, directed Jurassic Park 3.

“Well, there is a great story for the fourth one that I would be interested in getting involved with and it’s nothing like the first three. It sort of takesthe franchise off in a completely different direction, which is the only way I would want to get involved.”
Harry then asked if it would be again about a group of folks trying to survive against the dinos and Johnston responded, “We’ve done that and it’s been done three times…”

Following that, Harry emulated the feelings of many fans and said to stay away from the island.

“Why would anybody go back to that island? It was hard enough to figure out the second and third reason for them to go, but it would take it off in a whole other trilogy basically, but when it gets to that level it’s sort of about studios and Steven’s thing and who knows. I think we are at that point where we are due for another one if we are going to do it. They had what four years between them? 1992… 1996 or 1997, and then 2001, so we are past due. I don’t know, but we will see.”
Johnston’s Jurassic Park 3 was sadly was the worst of the trilogy for me and they definitely need to do something new and completely different for it to work or potentially kick-startthe franchise with a new set of films.

Universal has no official schedule set for Jurassic Park 4. The Wolfman finally hits theaters February 10, 2010 and The First Avenger: Captain America will hopefully not be delayed and open July 22, 2011.

Source: Screenrant

WBadger 11-08-09 07:25 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I am protesting and not seeing this...

MovieMan8877445 11-08-09 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by WBadger (Post 580635)
I am protesting and not seeing this...
I would be doing this, too, but I want to see what new direction they're talking about. It's exactly what this series needs, IMO.

WBadger 11-08-09 11:14 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Personally, I don't think this series needs to continue at all. And shouldn't have in 2001.

So then, I guess Jurassic Park 5 will be here in 2017.

n3wt 11-09-09 05:24 AM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I would love to see another JP film, especailly if they put a new twist on things.

Sarah820w 11-11-09 04:48 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I agree, no JP4. 1 was great, 2 was terrible, 3 was a little less than bad.

jrs 01-14-10 05:28 PM

Joe Johnston says “there is going to be a Jurassic Park IV”

Are you ready for another Jurassic Park trilogy? Because one is currently being planned according to Jurassic Park 3 director Joe Johnston. Late last year the director said “there is a great story for the fourth one” and that he would be interested in getting involved. Now he has confirmed to that we will be seeing it in the future, and that it will start a whole new trilogy of dino-films.

You mentioned to Ain’t It Cool that there might be a good script.

Did I tell him? Was it me?

You said that there was no way to get people back on the island for a fourth time and have it make sense, but that 2001 was the last installment and we’re due.

Well, there is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. And it’s going to be unlike anything you’ve seen. It breaks away from the first three—it’s essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It’s going to be done in a completely different way. That’s pretty much all I can tell you.

A second trilogy?

If you think of the first three as a trilogy, number four would be the beginning of a second trilogy.

That’s big. So not to lock you in, but there’s a possibility there might be a total of six films?

Well, you never know. If they keep working—and if audiences keep going to them—there’s no reason why there wouldn’t be. We just want to make them justified in their own right. We don’t want to make sequel after sequel just because there’s a market for it. We want to tell different, interesting stories. You don’t want to just sell hamburger.
Johnston’s The Wolfman will be released next month, and then he will be getting ready for Captain America which will begin filming in June. It has not been confirmed that he will be directing the next Jurassic Park film, so they don’t necessarily have to work around his schedule. If things work out and they hire a director we could be seeing dinosaurs back on our screens in the next few years.

Source: Filmonic

WBadger 01-14-10 06:16 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
A second trilogy? I hate movies.

jim2010 01-15-10 03:37 AM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
lets hope they will make JP4 soon.

TheUsualSuspect 01-15-10 04:36 AM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
....or not.

The third one was pretty bad.

akatemple 10-08-11 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by Sarah820w (Post 581468)
I agree, no JP4. 1 was great, 2 was terrible, 3 was a little less than bad.
I completely agree, I loved the 1st, second sucked, third was a bit better then second. I am all for another Jurassic Park as long as it's done right and I think you have to have Sam Neill and Laura Dern, and I wouldn't mind seeing Jeff Goldblum again.

Laura Dern could return in Jurassic Park 4

Oct 8, 2011
Jurassic Park 4 is slowly, but surely seems to be moving forward. Steven Spielberg was last saying the film could be happening in a few years. There’s no way of knowing where the story will go, but Laura Dern revealed that she could be returning in the film. “I hear it’s happening. I think it’s got a ways to go. Steven is about to immerse himself in Lincoln, which is really exciting and something he’s poured his heart and soul into for a long time. I’m so excited because Daniel Day-Lewis is playing Lincoln. Once that’s finished, there’s always been talk that my character is deeply involved in [Jurassic Park 4] somehow, but I haven’t heard yet,” she said to Slate.
Laura Dern had a big role in the original film, and returned in Jurassic Park 3 briefly. It would be great to see her return in a bigger role in the next film.

vladereign 10-09-11 08:57 AM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
National Geographic prove that some dino on JP were made wrong, I hope they will show new form on them..,

akatemple 12-11-11 09:17 PM

Could Jurassic Park 4 be a reboot?
Dec 11, 2011

We’ve been hearing that Steven Spielberg is working on Jurassic Park 4, but we don’t know when to expect the film. Fans are also curious as to where the next film would take the story, but Spielberg’s cryptic comments to Shock Til You Drop could indicate that it may be a reboot. “It’s just another boring secret,” he said about whether or not the film will be a reboot. A complete reboot isn’t very likely to happen with this film, but we could see a semi-reboot as the film is said to bring back many of the original characters.

planet news 12-11-11 09:58 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Though the third one was a steaming pile (and featured many steaming piles as crucial plot devices), I did like how the park had been down for a while and how the locations were all dilapidated and stuff.

I think one part that sucked about it was that it wasn't scary enough for whatever reason, and I saw this when I was younger.

So either make it more scary or more interesting. A reboot doesn't seem to increase the latter, but maybe it could maximize the former... I'm not sure what's easier/cheaper...

linespalsy 12-11-11 11:06 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I didn't think any of them were scary enough.

Comet 12-17-11 11:10 PM

I have mixed feelings about a fourth installment. The first one was outstanding. After that, they became progressively worse, with the third almost unwatchable.

Hopefully this will bring back the magic of the original and redeem the franchise.

Also hope Laura Dern returns. Always loved her as an actress.

robin01 12-26-11 12:42 AM

Jurassic Park 4 was inevitable whether the the third was a success or not, Speilberg said a fourth was on the horizon before the 3rd came out. I have no idea what the plot would be for the fourth but it should be dealt with care and Speilberg should take his time on this one. Bring back Goldblum. Bring back Neil as well.

Donatello 01-15-12 04:54 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
hope it would be as good as first part. at the worst like second film

Alys 01-18-12 09:37 PM

i think there isnt really too much they can do its a big risk, ive thought it over before and i cant think of what they could do and not make a flop. But i would like to see what they come up with and i will give it a chance. If i had to predict though i bet it will focus more on bird like dinosaurs

The Rodent 01-19-12 11:34 AM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
The problem they have is that writers these days haven't got the imagination of Crichton.
It was his ideas that made the first two so successful.

If they're making the 4th, I'd say bring in JJ Abrams and his team of wizards to do their thang. Abrams is a pal of Spielberg anyway.
What those guys did with reinventing/restarting Star Trek was fantastic. They could certainly invigorate the dead JP movies.

honeykid 07-23-12 02:55 PM

Jurassic Park 4 will hit screens in two years
Producer says new CGI will allow 'great things'

The producer of 'Jurassic Park' has said that the fourth film in the series will arrive within two years.

Frank Marshall, a long-time collaborator with Steven Spielberg, is working on the project right now, after Spielberg announced his plans for another film at last year's Comic-Con event.

“I would say that it will be on the screen within two years,” he said, adding that he was most excited about the advancements in CGI since the last film, 'Jurassic Park 3' which was released in 2001.

“That’s what’s gonna be great about it, technology’s taken a leap now that we can really do some great things.”

IMDB lists 'Captain America: The First Avenger' and 'Jumanji' director Joe Johnston to be helming the project, while its script is being penned by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, who wrote 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'.

Spielberg is expected to take a producer's role on the film.

Masterman 07-23-12 02:58 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Cant really see where they will go with this, maybe they open a Jurassic Park in a city and things go wrong. No more islands please.

Yoda 07-23-12 03:10 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
I think it's gotta be a prequel. Unless they're prepared to make Jurassic Park 4: In Space.

Which I would not be against.

TheUsualSuspect 07-23-12 03:23 PM

Re: Jurassic Park 4
Something Survived.....IN DA HOOD!!!!

Make it like the Leprechaun series.

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