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T.H.U.G 12-19-03 08:09 PM

Legend of Zelda movie
I think they should make a Zelda movie. It would be good if it was made like LOTR, and I think Link would look a little more mature if he looked more like Fierce Diety Link. Here are some of my ideas for the characters:

Link- Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood
Zelda- Keira Knightly
Ganondorf- Johnny Depp or Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep)
Nabooru- Michelle Rodriguez

Also I think there should be a whole new story(in hyrule) instead of basing it on one of the games. Anyone with me?

whoopdido 12-19-03 09:50 PM

Yeah, hopefully it would be as good as Super Mario Brothers. But seriously, I love the Zelda games and think if it was done right it could really be good. The Zelda games were serious, so the movie shouldn't be cartoonish and slap-sticky. If it was done with the same tone as the Lord of the Rings I'd like to see it. At the very least I'd like to see some cool CGI bosses.

Muzzy 12-19-03 10:14 PM

Yeah, that's true that would be pretty darn cool. As long as it had a serious feel, LOTR style and not Harry Potter style. Maybe get Peter Jackson to direct it, but not Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood as Link that would be taking the LOTR similarities too far.

They should get somebody good, a veteran actor to play Ganon and maybe do a CGI Ganondorf.

Zeiken 12-20-03 01:45 PM

I would have to say that this movie is a wonderful idea, but i agree with muzzy against Orlando or Elijah.

Stallion06 12-20-03 11:46 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I think Arnold Vosloo from The Mummy would make a great Ganondorf. He has a great attitude for the role and played Imhotep like a demon. I mean, just look at him too! His facial features frighteningly resemble Ganon.....just take a look at the nose and eyes....

Jackie Malfoy 12-21-03 02:51 PM

That would not be a bad idea!
Originally Posted by T.H.U.G
I think they should make a Zelda movie. It would be good if it was made like LOTR, and I think Link would look a little more mature if he looked more like Fierce Diety Link. Here are some of my ideas for the characters:

Link- Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood
Zelda- Keira Knightly
Ganondorf- Johnny Depp or Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep)
Nabooru- Michelle Rodriguez

Also I think there should be a whole new story(in hyrule) instead of basing it on one of the games. Anyone with me?
Well they made a movie out of "Mario Brothers' why not Zenda?Not a bad idea!Also the eighty show was not that bad either(the Zanda one that is!)
But I think Zelda should be the actess who played in "The Pirates of the Cabican" or Uma Truman!
But I like Orlando Bloom to be LInk he would be good!The rest don't sound too familar I can't think of the rest of the cast of that show right now!Uh I will get with you!See you aruond!JM :cool: ;)

theshape82 12-21-03 03:08 PM

UMA THURMAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
are you nuts?
that's awefull....she would NOT be a good zelda
don't get me wrong....uma is my Hottie with a capital H
but zelda she is not

Jackie Malfoy 12-23-03 08:22 PM

who do you think would make a good Zanda?
Originally Posted by theshape82
UMA THURMAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
are you nuts?
that's awefull....she would NOT be a good zelda
don't get me wrong....uma is my Hottie with a capital H
but zelda she is not
Well I was going for an actess who is blond!But then again those actess always change there color of there hair so who can tell now adays!Anyway
I just had a thought how about the actess who played in "THe Pirates of the Cabican" Eliazbeth?She would be a good one don't you think?
All I have to do is think of her with blond hair and we will be all set!lol!So how about it?See you around!JM ;) :D :p

T.H.U.G 12-23-03 08:31 PM

I think the actors who play Link and Zelda should be around 17, because thats how old they are in the game. And maybe they should cast a new actor and actress. I mean, look at LOTR, hardly any of them were well known, and now they're superstars.

T.H.U.G 12-23-03 08:55 PM

It'd also be pretty cool if it took place in Egypt. Link would have to go through tombs and stuff. By the way, speaking of Egypt, heres a cool heiroglyphic translator I found:

;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :) ;) :)

theshape82 12-23-03 09:04 PM

it's not being made so what's the point

Jackie Malfoy 12-26-03 01:03 PM

They are not going to do it?
Are you sure?Why are they not going to make a movie out ot Zanda?It would be such a great movie!It might be a flop but I still think they should do it anyway it would be so cool!
Link and Zanda are only seventeen?I thought they were older?It the old cartoons they look inleast in there twentys!Maybe because of how they look!
Please let them do it please!See you around!JM :cool: ;) :p :)

Endless 12-26-03 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by Jackie Malfoy
Are you sure?Why are they not going to make a movie out ot Zanda?It would be such a great movie!It might be a flop but I still think they should do it anyway it would be so cool!
Link and Zanda are only seventeen?I thought they were older?It the old cartoons they look inleast in there twentys!Maybe because of how they look!
Please let them do it please!See you around!JM :cool: ;) :p :)

Who in the blue hell is ZANDA???????

Jackie Malfoy 12-26-03 11:57 PM

Oh sorry I spelled the name Zelda wrong!
Sorry I mean Zelda I was tpying fast and I was not checking my spelling!
Anyway why are not making it into a movie?Did they think it is going to be like SuperMario brothers movie!
Which I thought was not that bad but anyway I still think it is a good idea!See you around!JM :cool: ;) :D :)

Endless 12-27-03 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by Jackie Malfoy
Sorry I mean Zelda I was tpying fast and I was not checking my spelling!
Anyway why are not making it into a movie?Did they think it is going to be like SuperMario brothers movie!
Which I thought was not that bad but anyway I still think it is a good idea!See you around!JM :cool: ;) :D :)

LOL, thats cool, i was just joking around. But seriously, how many movies based on games have your seen that have been good....Tomb Raider is the only one I can think of, and thats only because of Miss Jolie, but hey, to each thier own, i just think it would be a huge let down. I agree that if they did it like LotR, it would be very good, but i do not think they would take it that seriously so it would prolly suck. Oh well, prolly not being made so who cares.

Strange.Player 12-28-03 07:00 PM

Orlando Bloom as Link.. Directed by Peter Jackson.. no way your talking about a Zelda Movie, that sounds more like "LOTR4 - Legolas new Adventures" :D


slopescorcher 12-29-03 03:40 PM

I agree with T.H.U.G on this one.

Slopestormer :D

T.H.U.G 12-30-03 11:27 PM

I can see all of your points, but it's not like they're definately not making it. I'm sayin that if they did, what would be cool for it.

TheOne 12-30-03 11:30 PM

but if there was to ever be one we know it would kinda suck because some how thelly manage to screw up the plot not stay true to it or real f*ck up like the mortal kombat series of movies

theshape82 12-31-03 04:24 PM could go wrong but to say that it will just because it was based on a video game is just ignorant

Richard Hell 01-01-04 02:28 AM

yeah the residental evil movie wasnt bad at al but does any one think they can pull it off

Richard Hell 01-01-04 02:30 AM

whaT i meant to say is that not all video game movies were flops

CyCL3 01-02-04 04:00 AM

ok heres what ive come up with.

link - matt damon
now i know what your thinking, it would be stupid with him in it but think how good it could tun out if he does it in GOOD serious typ mood. and i think matt damon with a little longer blonde hair looks like and the correct suit would look kewl.

zelda - reese witherspoon
same thing as before but i think she can play a serious role, but we never really sen her in one. i think the legally blonde movies destroy a serious loook from her. but with her with long straghit hair i think she looks like zelda.

ganandorf - arnold vasloo weve discussed him :)

hope it hlps

T.H.U.G 01-02-04 03:55 PM

I see what your sayin about Damon, and it sounds like a good idea. Can't imagine Reese Witherspoon playin a serious role, though. I'd still say Keira Knightley for Zelda...

James_Bond 01-06-04 05:45 PM

It would be cool if they made a Zelda movie no matter what the cast is. Just as long as they do it right. Recent movies based on video games have sucked. If you see the House of the Dead you will know what I mean.

led_zeppelin 01-06-04 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by CyCL3
zelda - reese witherspoon
same thing as before but i think she can play a serious role, but we never really seen her in one.
Never played Zelda, but RW has played in a serious movie. Fear with Mark Whalberg. Just thought I'd point that out incase you guys might wanna check it out.

evardon 01-25-04 06:33 PM

Zelda film
There will be a Zelda film. Not directed by Peter Jackson, but in the style of the LOTR films. It will be co-written and directed by a glass mantis productions and it will take most likely six or seven years from now for this film to be released. There is some difficulty acquiring the rights to the story, which is why it will take so long. The actors cast in the roles will likely be unknowns, except for Ganondorf, as it was felt he should be played by a well-known and respected actor. Zelda and Link will be played by actors who are approximately eighteen years old, and the story will be LOOSELY based on the Ocarina of Time story, but much less complex, and with added occurences.

Sleezy 01-25-04 06:40 PM

Got a source for all that info? My interest has been peaked.

Sir Toose 01-27-04 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by T.H.U.G
I mean, look at LOTR, hardly any of them were well known, and now they're superstars.


Most of them were well known and a few weren't.

Sleezy 01-27-04 12:47 PM

Well, I'd say a few were recognizable, but seldom to a casual movie fan. Most people probably could have said, "Yeah, he/she was in that one movie...", about almost every actor/actress in the films, but couldn't have picked out a name.

Elijah Wood and Sean Astin were probably "familiar" to most, and Hugo Weaving was probably associated with "The Matrix" pretty quickly. Viggo Mortenson was probably a stretch for most people, since he's picky about roles. Bernard Hill and Brad Dourif might have been known to some, but most people would have no idea. Everyone who watches TV probably knows who Liv Tyler is, or who her daddy is. And Indy fans know who John Rhys-Davies is, but few know past that. I'd say Ian McKellen was probably pretty recognizable, thanks to the fact that X-Men catered pretty successfully to both comic book fans and casual film-goers alike. And Christopher Lee was probably known by older film fans, Bond fans, and everyone who saw Episode II. Past that, I doubt anyone knew who Orlando Bloom, Dom Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Miranda Otto, Karl Urban, John Noble, David Wendham, or Sean Bean was.

Sir Toose 01-27-04 05:44 PM

Did you just prove my point? I think you did. :D

Viggo has been around... Young guns 2, Carlito's Way, The Prophesy, ... as the master chief in GI Jane (unforgettable that one)... 28 Days, A Perfect Murder. Not a stretch at all IMHO.

By the way... you forgot Christopher Lee :)

edit** No you didn't, I forgot to read...

edit*** Please tell me you're giving credit where due to Sir Ian for having a pre X-Men career?

Don't forget, Tolkien has fans as old as my dad, and I'm old enough to have fathered most people here at this site. :D

Me and Aniko and Nebbit can have an old fogey 3some...

Sleezy 01-27-04 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Did you just prove my point? I think you did. :D
Yeah, I guess I did... :laugh:

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Viggo has been around... Young guns 2, Carlito's Way, The Prophesy, ... as the master chief in GI Jane (unforgettable that one)... 28 Days, A Perfect Murder. Not a stretch at all IMHO.
Don't forget Crimson Tide. I was just stating that, based on these past roles, he'd be recognizable to most people, but I doubt they'd know his name or could even come up with three movies he has been in.

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
edit*** Please tell me you're giving credit where due to Sir Ian for having a pre X-Men career?
Believe me, I'm well aware of McKellen's career prior to his step into "geek cinema". :laugh: Gods and Monsters, Apt Pupil, Richard III, Six Degrees of Separation, and even Last Action Hero (which not many people remember he was in) come to mind.

Don't forget, Tolkien has fans as old as my dad, and I'm old enough to have fathered most people here at this site. :D
Quite right. I'm still fairly new to the whole Lord of the Rings story, but thankfully, I read the books before seeing the films.

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Me and Aniko and Nebbit can have an old fogey 3some...
:eek: :laugh:

ieatglue 02-11-04 05:09 PM

Z31d@ m00vie
I think that ganon should be played by vin diesal (sp) (if they did it live aktion) :devil: :devil:

katic_92 02-11-04 07:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by T.H.U.G
I think they should make a Zelda movie. It would be good if it was made like LOTR, and I think Link would look a little more mature if he looked more like Fierce Diety Link. Here are some of my ideas for the characters:

Link- Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood
Zelda- Keira Knightly
Ganondorf- Johnny Depp or Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep)
Nabooru- Michelle Rodriguez

Also I think there should be a whole new story(in hyrule) instead of basing it on one of the games. Anyone with me?
I think Christina Applegate would make a good Zelda. I also think the whole idea of making a movie from legend of zelda game is great. this game is the best game of all time.

katic_92 02-11-04 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by katic_92
I think Christina Applegate would make a good Zelda. I also think the whole idea of making a movie from legend of zelda game is great. this game is the best game of all time.
Also Charlize Theron would be play Zelda.

Revenge of Mr M 02-12-04 09:59 AM

Matt Damon as Link = not a good idea just my opinion. The person playing Link should be kinda slim and not archetypal action hero. I think new actors for both would be a good idea.

MyRobotSuit 02-12-04 11:03 AM


Link was actually on Tom Cruise's character in the Ridley Scott film Legend.

James_Bond 02-13-04 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by MinionTV

Link was actually on Tom Cruise's character in the Ridley Scott film Legend.

keeps 02-19-04 06:33 AM

uma thurman
Originally Posted by theshape82
UMA THURMAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
are you nuts?
that's awefull....she would NOT be a good zelda
don't get me wrong....uma is my Hottie with a capital H
but zelda she is not
i agree she is a good actress but not zela atral. a zelda should be more quiet and less brash, such as keira knightley (bend it like beckham, pirates of the caribean)or that one from resident evil mill jovich.

crell123 02-24-04 09:26 PM

The zelda cast should include

Link-Dean Correll (rising young actor on broadway)
Zelda - Hilary Duff
Gandorf - Colin Farrel

PinkFloyd2003 02-25-04 03:18 AM

just for fun i thought id get started on a screenplay of my own actually. im working out characters right now... then ill attack the plot. Ive read other people's zelda screenplays and theyre horribly atrocious.... just flat out really really bad. im coiming up with an original story though and taking elements from the games. like i actually want a beginning middle and an end. most people just assume you know all the characters already and so why bother introducing them. i hate that. i want to give the characters substance; look at the story on all sides rather than just staying on link (like in the games). i wanna write about the king, gannon, zelda everyone. And i dont wanna just say "gannon is a bad guy and wants to take over hyrule" thats lame. i want him to devlop into that person or at least give the readers a feel for him first. I have all these ideas bouncing around and i just keep writing them down... i want it to have all the qualities of a real movie and i want it to come off as a real movie... not the typical "movie based on a game" filth that has been plaguing theaters lately. I want someone who has never seen a zelda game in their life to be able to appreciate it... similar to the Lord of the Rings movies... i never read the books but i loved the movies... anyway im just rambling now... i dont know what will happen when im done with it. i mean im only 19, and this will be the first screenplay ive attempted. like i said though its just for fun (and for practice) but i can always keep dreaming... lata

Hell_Bent 02-26-04 07:16 PM

ya i think so, and nice pic btw. ;)

aspen 02-26-04 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by Sleezy
Well, I'd say a few were recognizable, but seldom to a casual movie fan. Most people probably could have said, "Yeah, he/she was in that one movie...", about almost every actor/actress in the films, but couldn't have picked out a name.

Elijah Wood and Sean Astin were probably "familiar" to most, and Hugo Weaving was probably associated with "The Matrix" pretty quickly. Viggo Mortenson was probably a stretch for most people, since he's picky about roles. Bernard Hill and Brad Dourif might have been known to some, but most people would have no idea. Everyone who watches TV probably knows who Liv Tyler is, or who her daddy is. And Indy fans know who John Rhys-Davies is, but few know past that. I'd say Ian McKellen was probably pretty recognizable, thanks to the fact that X-Men catered pretty successfully to both comic book fans and casual film-goers alike. And Christopher Lee was probably known by older film fans, Bond fans, and everyone who saw Episode II. Past that, I doubt anyone knew who Orlando Bloom, Dom Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Miranda Otto, Karl Urban, John Noble, David Wendham, or Sean Bean was.
Mostly you'd be correct. Orlando Bloom just graduated from drama school for instance, LOTR was pretty much his first gig.

However I'd add Sean Bean to the list of known actors. He was in Patriot Games and Golden Eye, two pretty popular films, and he was the lead antagonist in both.

Personally I think a Zelda movie is probably a bad idea. For a fantasy movie I'd much rather see Dragonlance.

keeps 02-28-04 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd2003
just for fun i thought id get started on a screenplay of my own actually. im working out characters right now... then ill attack the plot. Ive read other people's zelda screenplays and theyre horribly atrocious.... just flat out really really bad. im coiming up with an original story though and taking elements from the games. like i actually want a beginning middle and an end. most people just assume you know all the characters already and so why bother introducing them. i hate that. i want to give the characters substance; look at the story on all sides rather than just staying on link (like in the games). i wanna write about the king, gannon, zelda everyone. And i dont wanna just say "gannon is a bad guy and wants to take over hyrule" thats lame. i want him to devlop into that person or at least give the readers a feel for him first. I have all these ideas bouncing around and i just keep writing them down... i want it to have all the qualities of a real movie and i want it to come off as a real movie... not the typical "movie based on a game" filth that has been plaguing theaters lately. I want someone who has never seen a zelda game in their life to be able to appreciate it... similar to the Lord of the Rings movies... i never read the books but i loved the movies... anyway im just rambling now... i dont know what will happen when im done with it. i mean im only 19, and this will be the first screenplay ive attempted. like i said though its just for fun (and for practice) but i can always keep dreaming... lata
I know what you mean, rubbish like tomb raider. I would love to hear your ideas aobut your storyline for zelda. you never know someone important mite read this site and make it. being in my teens i came to the zelda series l8 starting with ocarina of time which in my opnion is thebest game evr. i recently got the zeda colltos edition disc on gamecube (by far the best nxt genration consle no offence xbox and ps2) in englnd things r harder to buy than in the usa so i had t search far ad wide 4 it. uve probaby heard gd suggestiions for parts here our mine
Link:orlando bloom (cant think of anyone better)
Zelda:Keira Knightley (shes an english rose)
Ganon: Robert Englund (freddy kruegar nigtmare on elm st.)u heard it here first
Saria: Hillary duff (very cute)
ru thinking of having navi?

ForgottenLink 03-17-04 05:20 PM

Good idea, but no--try this.
Alright, obviously a Legend of Zelda movie is undoubtedly going to be made in the future--I'm sure Nintendo gets request after request. And following the fame of the last three Zelda games for major systems--Ocarina of Time (Which story is very good for a movie plot, if re-vamped), Majora's mask (Also, a good story plot; perhaps, even a good sequel), and then, of course, a third in a trilogy of fantasticly thought up games: Windwaker. Hell, if they wanted, they could if they wanted to; make those three games into movies, and make a trilogy. They'd have to modify, and/or revamp it quite a bit, but still have the necessary plot. Or, better yet, make their own plot--I really don't care either way. Fact of the matter is this, grab actors and actresses who have shown their ability to play in action adventure type movies, and serious roles. For example; here's some of my choices for cast memebers:

Link--Orlando Bloom (look away from LotR, because he was also a godly actor, and sword fighter, in Pirates of the Caribbean),or Hayden Christensen, though I'd much prefer someone other than him.

Zelda--Kiera Knightly--as discussed before; is a great choice, but, of course, I don't know if she fits the role of Zelda. Maybe Malon, or another character they introduce? Natalie Portman has experience playing royalty, and playing a warrioress as well. No, Star Wars isn't exactly Zelda; but it's still something to think about. Or hell, let's look back to LotR, and think of that woman who play Aowyn? She's got some of a Zelda Look. Of course, we're lookin' for a younger actress who can play a 17 year old. And therefore, let's look to T.V. Maybe the young woman who plays one of thel eading roles in "American Dreams'? I'm vieing for her, if she could play the part. Who knows--this is a tough choice for one of the main characters.

Ganondorf--obviously, he'll be played by he who played Imonhotep. And perhaps the man who played Darth Maul--but htat's VERY unlikely, considering the man looks nothing like t him--he's just proven his ability to play serious roles.

Ganon--Cgi--if they even have "Ganon".

Sages--if we have them:

Raru (Light Sage): I haven't a clue--that's up to you guys this time.

Impa (Shadow Sage): THAT could be Uma Thurman, though unlikely. My main case for Impa would be the woman who played The Queen Elf in LotR. (Keep forgetting her name).

Darunia and Ruto--though actor capable, they could typically be played by CGI's.

Saria--That, too, is up to you.

And, Nabaroo--Selma Hayek, or some other Mexican, spanish, or Latino girl whose a good actress.

As for side chars:

Zelda's father--Sean Connery. Why? Because Sean Connery HAS to be in this movie. It's Sean Connery for crying out loud!

Epona--the Horse from Seabiscuit! (Seriously though, this one was a joke.)

And that's all that really come to mind--if you have any more ideas, please feel free to give me some ideas; however, those are the best I could come up with.

sharma 03-17-04 07:15 PM

This forum is excellent
Hi there, i am new to this forum or any for that matter. I am currently taking a course in media production and one day hope to find my self in the film industry. I have been set a task by my college to produce a short movie that last no longer than 14 minutes, being such a big Zelda fan there was no question on what my production would based on. So scrap the "A" list cellibrities because there is no way i can cast them, what are your guys opinions on the plot of the movie. Ocarina of Time in my opinion has a very good plot to work with, or maybe i should produce a new one keeping in the Zelda theme and style. Seriously any thoughts you have on the matter would be appreciated. :D
You never know, if i do make it big time you might recieve a generous cheque in the future...???

ForgottenLink 03-18-04 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by sharma
Hi there, i am new to this forum or any for that matter. I am currently taking a course in media production and one day hope to find my self in the film industry. I have been set a task by my college to produce a short movie that last no longer than 14 minutes, being such a big Zelda fan there was no question on what my production would based on. So scrap the "A" list cellibrities because there is no way i can cast them, what are your guys opinions on the plot of the movie. Ocarina of Time in my opinion has a very good plot to work with, or maybe i should produce a new one keeping in the Zelda theme and style. Seriously any thoughts you have on the matter would be appreciated. :D
You never know, if i do make it big time you might recieve a generous cheque in the future...???
Eh...well that's great. I'm all for it! GO FOR YOU! But, seriously though. There seems to be but one..<i>Minor</i> problem. That, of course, being the fact that in 14 minutes, how do you plan on doing the Ocarina of Time? There'd be no development--key to making movies. I'd suggest a new plot theme; and something small, and cartoonish probably. Maybe our little pig-friend Ganon; is on his way filtering through Hyrule, trying to find something to reek havoc on. He, of course, finds some valubale jewel from some Gerudo chick, and steals it. Well, Link being a member of the Gerudo Thieves, is asked to fetch it for her. So Link steals himself away into some layer of Ganon's, fights some guys, sneaks in, steals the item, fights Ganon epically--once more. And comes back to return the device, jewel, whatever. Then you end with Zelda: "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH THOSE WOMEN AGAIN?!" And hitting him over the head with a frying pan--you could "x" the last part out, if you so chose. But it'd be funny. ^.^ ...>.> Yea, anyway.

sharma 03-19-04 10:35 AM

Thanx but no Thanx
Hmmm, thats an interesting idea...but i don't like. Don't get me wrong, thanx for replying but i'm going for more of a serious epic movie. I know it's hard with only 14 minutes.....but it's enough time for development as long as the scenes are quick and understandable by the audience. I really don't want to use humour..

It would be like a music video that tells a story, simular to "I would do anything for love" by Meatloaf....if you have heard or seen it???

Sleezy 03-20-04 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by crell123
Gandorf - Colin Farrel
Whoa, no way. Ganondorf is a big, scary guy.

CyCL3 03-25-04 03:43 AM

Originally Posted by crell123
The zelda cast should include

Link-Dean Correll (rising young actor on broadway)
Zelda - Hilary Duff
Gandorf - Colin Farrel
hilary duff may resemble zelda and be the same age but i just dont think she is that good of an actress, good singer (altho i hate that kind of music, but respect it) but acting is a bit iffy.

i think vin diesel (sp?) also should be played as ganondorf, i honeslt think hes perfect.

BatGirl1415 05-03-04 05:49 PM

i think with a movie like this people should definetly pick new fresh actors and actresses buttt.....

Kiera Knightly sounds good as zelda but she may be too old....hilary duff isn't quite fit...she's too.....girly....too modern....not
THAT good of an actress......for YOUNG zelda could totally be that girl from Uptown Girls and Cat in the Hat

OOOH....maybe David Gallagher who plays simon on 7th Heaven could be link.....

Ganondorf could be played by that bad guy dude from The Patriot.....he's so creepy...ooh Jason Isaacs is his name

Nabooru could be like...Angelina Jolie....

Saria...hmmmm.....has to be someone little....i can't even think....i'll post when i can think of more...

Zeiken 05-03-04 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415

OOOH....maybe David Gallagher who plays simon on 7th Heaven could be link.....
Good call, Gallagher would be pretty good.

ShadowMasterSM 05-18-04 05:43 PM

Me I think that it would be better to do a movie of the legend of Zelda without any cast, like the movie: "Final fantasy-Spirits within". This movie wasn't really great, but the next movie ("Final fantasy VII-Advent Children) seems really good. Take a look at it at: . However, before nintendo produce such kind of movies, I think we'll have to wait, but I really think the movie would be better this way.

robotreker 05-19-04 05:35 PM

Legend of Zelda Movie Idea
yea that sounds like a good idea my friends say i look like link but i need 2 bleach my hair i would b willing 2 do it there is a girl i was goin out with who everyone said looked like zelda so some of my friends said we were the link and zelda couple i bet she would do it a regular movie star would look horrible in one of these kinds of movies my mom has a collage friend who directed a few movies that were ok he worked with MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING and he produced PASSIONADA. they turned out pretty well maybe he would be intrested my email is [email protected] if any one wants to give me support we probably would need to change the script though since link never talks too maybe we could change part of the story line so we could make 2 or 3 movies this is how I see the story line go

like in the first 1 zelda says (at age 8) she wants to go to another world and link (being her body gaurd not brother or whatever he is we could make all the royal family have body guards) goes with her the world (i will call it 2nd world) they pick goes 3 times faster (this world in this time) so every 1 year in their origional world is 3 years in the second world they go to so they are reencarnated as babies in 2nd world and remain close friends through out their second life journey (however it is only their minds in this world but their full bodies can go they just didnt want to risk the loss of life) we skip a few years and only link remembers the other world how to get to it he and zelda are together and such so the day comes when they are in allignment with the other world (age 13) and they must go back but gannon wasnt killed in the other world so he has possessed a kid in the world they are in and comes after zelda and link and link shows off and (with cool powers like magic or the energy thing from dragon ball z which i like) kills gannon link chooses an apprentice who will watch over the 2nd world until they return zelda and link go back to the other world and zelda cant quite remember whats going on so link must show her what she doesnt remember while secretly traveling hyrule looking for alliances to help aide in gannon's death in the 1st world link goes and visits the gurudos and zoras and gorans and kakories and hurulians and gains their alliances and link kills gannon with no help needed and there is peace between the different ethnics and zelda goes back to the 2nd world and lives there for a while and link tells her he will be in the 1st world watches over her and stays in the 2nd world he has the power to shape-shift so it gets cool

then the second movie gonnon escapes from the empty world he was traped in and with barely any strength makes a light arrow and kills the princess by shooting the arrow in the middle of the hyrule market who was in zelda’s place while she was gone she has the triforce of wisdom so when she loses it it goes to Zelda and she collapses from the imbalance of power and the fact she needs to carry the piece of the triforce link as a monkey in Africa feels the pain and falls from a tree and falls to the ground with like electricity paining him and Zelda this happens at night so they sleep through it and Zelda doesn’t realize a thing until she sees is when she is at school (learning) link wakes up too and realizes what must have happened and goes to find Zelda gannon (who felt the pain too since he has the triforce of power is pained but does not collapse until he is in the room by the drawer bridge with the pots and drinks poes as a way of getting his energy back link gets Zelda back to the 1st world and they check on their alliances for when they will have the war of the lives (Gannon and the skoutulas and the skeleton knights and all of those evil things that attack link through out the entire ''Legend of Zelda: Occoraina of Time" game vs. the gurudos zoras hurulians gorons and kokoris) and everything is OK until link finds the man in the pot room (gannon disguised) the people say he disturbes them and they want him out gannon says he will leave if he gets 10 poes and link gets him 10 poe and as he drinks them link asks if he will leave and gannon with his full strength kills him aside (hits link really hard not “kills” him) gannon goes to the top of the castle and changes it to the evil castle it was and summons his army and calls for link gannon tells link he has 3 days to prepare for when they will meet in the middle of the hyrule field for the 1 battle war the good guys are gathered and go for it and camp out under the stars waiting for the morning to come the lead gurudo and lead zora and lead goron and lead kakori and king of hyrule talk waiting for the battle at 3 am link takes Zelda to the land of the sages (another 1 of the gazillion worlds) where saria and the dead princess and the other sages await her to take care of her until the time is right for her to go back to the 1st world so they watch the battle through meditating and Zelda learns how to meditate and starts to remember how to use her secret powers like predicting time and stuff meanwhile she watches as the bad army comes out of the ground and stand in perfect army formations waiting until noon gannon comes down from the sky and asks 1 more time if they want to surrender and link says no and he says very well then and the bad guys advance toward the good guys and they start to attack and fight then gannon flies off toward the evil castle in Hyrule link flies after him with the master soward and Hyrule shield in hand in his green tunic the battle rages on and gannon and link meet atop the evil castle and begin to talk and soon they start to fight after a few gannon vs. link fight scenes and a few big battle war scenes link and gannon fly quick toward each other and from the big battle you see a big bang and the fighting pauses then in blinding white light you see a horse coming out from the castle and you cant tell who it is yet you see a silhouette and then you begin to see the green tunic as it stops being so bright and then you see link on Epona with his soward and his triforce on his hand glowing and you see the bad army all turn into these big skeleton guys (I call them assassins) with knives in their hands NOT for hands (they come out any time the assassins want their hands just glow white) (they change because their master is dead and they can go to their extremes and nothing is holding them back) the battle then resumes and link helps out and all the assassins get killed and Zelda goes back the the 2nd world again and she and link make out and she watches as he goes back to the 1st world and makes amends with the other tribes of people and rebuilds Hyrule and everything is ok and the movie ends

then for the third movie a year goes by and everything is ok and link decides he will visit Zelda so he goes and finds that gannon found a way to switch over into different worlds but he forgot how so he took over the world he was in and it was the 2nd world so he burned everything else up on Earth except for that town where Zelda was hiding so when link came he realized everyone was like a robot and zelda was no where to be found but a group of 4 kids managed to escape getting put under mind control they were zeldas friends in that world when she didn’t remember the 1st world so she used the powers she remembered from meditating in the previous movie to protect them gannon even put a mind control on the apprentice link chose in the 1st movie the apprentice is the one enforcing gannon’s laws zelda’s friends help link find gannon and Zelda is resqued from the prision she was in and gannon and link fight for what gannon claims is the last time needed so link wins easily but gannon used his last bit of strength to change back to the 1st world there he stays dormant for a year during that time Zelda decides she wishes to live some of her life in Hyrule so they go back so Zelda can serve as one of the royal family in the Hyrule government on an average day Zelda is kidnapped by gannon he takes the castle again link goes to the gurudos since in the 1st movie they excepted her as a sister (one of their kind even though she doesn’t stay with them) they decide they will go to any lengths to protect a sister they then go out with link on their horses to the evil castle for the finsl time instead of going through the castle with the gurudos link jumps off Epona and starts to climb up the side of the castle eventually link reaches the top and breaks through one of the stained glass windows with Gannon on it he goes into the room and gannon explains why he has lived so many times and they start to fight for really the final time they gurudos come into the room and get Zelda out of there and the gurudos get onto Hyrule field as the final battle scenes are shown and gannon makes the castle explode then the three gods naru din and farror come down to Hyrule and explain how they have taken the liberty of closing gannon in a world under their watch foreverthey then fly around Hyrule and it is healed and looks beautiful the bad things are gone forever and the alliances between the races (burudos gorons zoras kakories and hyrulians) are strong and will stay that way forever link follows Zelda around to which ever world she needs to go to and the movie ends with clips of link opening windows to the 2nd world and Zelda and him together

REvil_Anime 05-21-04 07:58 PM

I dare say we REALLY should send a petition to Nintendo, I'm going to E-mail them this could be a blockbuster hit + I have already made a poster.

Check it out at

I built this up yesterday.

AnalogAxe 05-25-04 11:24 PM

Orlando Bloom.. as Link? Get serious!!
If Orlando Bloom, or any major LOTR characters, portray Link, I will refuse to see the movie. Sorry, but it's true.

Honestly, kids. I know everyone here, including myself, really like the LOTR series, but too much of a good thing is a BAD THING!! Do you really want to typecast Orlando Bloom any further? Hm.. he played a 'elf-looking man dressed in green'.. let's make him Link.. NO!! HE DOESNT EVEN RESEMBLE ANY ARTWORK OF LINK!! Plus, he's not the world's best actor, face it, it's true. It makes me sick that just because the LOTR films have been a real breakthrough in the fantasy genre, obsessive fans want to see their favorite hobbits, elves, dwarves, and kings in every possible film in the genre. Am I being out of line in saying this?

I think a Legend of Zelda film could be phenominally successful, but it needs to do it without trying to hop onto LOTR's bandwagon. Also, those of you who think you need to write 1,000,000,000 letters to nintendo to convince them to make a movie need to stop and realize that.. NINTENDO DOES NOT MAKE MOVIES. But, seeing as how John Woo is scheduled to make a Metriod movie in 2006, maybe you should look at actual movie MAKERS to write letters.

See ya later.

Gelber 06-06-04 01:31 AM

The Legend of Zelda: The Movie
Before I begin, I would like to make two things clear:

1) I'm not claiming to be an "insider" or "someone who knows someone who ... etc ... very high up". Please do not consider anything in this post to be a "leak" or "announcement".

2) By that same token, I represent neither Nintendo nor any major motion-picture company. I'm just a fan like you.

A friend of mine is an amateur writer who believes that, if the right plot can be pitched to the right person, the process of converting Legend of Zelda into a movie may be started. I initially thought he was crazy (note the word amateur), but his idea makes sense, and here's why.

There have certainly been attempts to buy the rights to Zelda in the past, but <i>there's no general agreement on how to make it</i>. That is to say, one person may believe the story needs to start with the young Link and be a "coming of age" movie based on the Link to the Past/Ocarina of Time plot; another may believe that it should instead be an action flick with the classic "save the princess" plot, with the adult Link fighting the forces of evil in Rambo fashion; and so on.

Here's where you come in. We would like input (again, we are <i>not</i> Nintendo or 20th Century Fox - this is unofficial) from normal people on how you envision a Zelda movie. For example:

Do you see this as a live-action, cartoon, or CGI film?
Would the notion of fire/ice/light-imbued arrows be too cartoony if it was live-action?
Since it definitely a negative caricature of the Arab culture, would the Gerudo gang of thieves need to be redesigned?
Would a romance subplot between Link and Princess Zelda be acceptable, and why or why not?

Essentially, I am asking for any kind of feedback that you would like to provide. The last example question, however, is a big one. Obvious Hollywood fasion would necessitate such a romance, but a number of people have expressed objections. Hopefully, this discussion will further our cause. Thank you for your input.

Gelber Weiss

Maniac 06-06-04 02:20 AM


I'm sorry i just think the whole idea of making anouther unsucessful translation from a game to a movie is just dumb.

Lets not forget:
Street Fighter
Super Mario Bros.

What's it gonna be off of ocarina of time???
That game was the best.
But leave the games to gamers. Hollywood should keep movies to the movie lovers.

If you know what i'm saying.

marvelhero125 06-06-04 04:10 PM

I think that Erik Von Detten might do good as Link. He looks exactly like link and is around the same age. or at least he looks it. He may not act the best but maybe he could get better. Take a

marvelhero125 06-06-04 04:23 PM

I think it would be great to have a "Legend OF Zelda" Movie.

It would definately need to be live action because if it were CGI or Cartoon it would just be plain dumb. I think most all Zelda fans would like a live action movie (but i have heard a few that said CGI) but i think it would have to be live.

about the arrows, it might be okay to do the fire arrows, like show link lighting them on fire before he shot em. the others would work too if they showed like where he got em. I think it should stay true to the game and dont change much.

about the romance. i think it could work out okay in this movie. Not to a huge extent but to just show that he does like her and he likes her more as it goes by. i dunno im just given you my opinion.

and finally i think that it should give the backstory of link and show him as a little kid, but not for that long. I think the majority of the film should be him as an adult. because he's a whole lot cooler then!

Gelber 06-07-04 02:02 PM

If anything, I would hope that the only bad cinema that comes from the making of a Zelda movie would be similar to that caused by the phenomenal success of Spiderman: people trying to imitate its success. Granted, there are numerous examples of bad game-to-movie conversions, but unless the planned Metroid movie is an utter failure, I believe it's inevitable that a tremendously popular series like Zelda will eventually become a movie. I only want to see that it is a quality movie, rather than an attempt to simply cash in on the name.

BatGirl1415 06-10-04 09:53 PM

"Lets not forget:
Street Fighter
Super Mario Bros."

well, look at Tomb Raider! or Resident Evil...those movies kicked ass...
and they were based off of games...

i just think it would be dumb to make it a cartoon, bleh.....that would be pointless
Def. Live Action! based on Ocarina of Time....


Spider-Freak 06-11-04 12:21 PM

I think it would be so hard to make this movie successfully.... in staying faithful to the game it would not be taken seriously by non zelda playing people because it has a very light element to it... even in the darker aspects of the game (i know i even confused myself there but hopefully you get it). But to do anything else would most likely be seen as riding off the back of the LOTR movies.

I would love to see it happen thogh but it would mean creating a hell of a balance which lets face it... most studios and directors etc are not capable of pulling off. with a computer game adaption. Not that there haven't been some nice attempts i guess but nothing "blew them all away" like i would want a Zelda movie to.

Psion 06-11-04 05:35 PM

i would like to see Games into Movies. Anyone has a comment on any other games that should be made into movies?

Rustygirl 06-11-04 05:53 PM

Mortal Kombat was game before a movie wasn't it?

Darkness&Horror 06-17-04 06:04 PM

I agree the movie would be an awsome idea, however everyone has to realize how much a movie to like this to be the calibur that everyone expects would cost a lot, and most move studios do not want to lose billions of dollars :eek: on a movie that flops, and plus, to start out if they did do this movie all of the actors would be people we never heard of, because all the big name actors would want more mony than the less known actors, but if for the sake of argument my choce for actors would be as follows

Link: still don't know but Erik von Detten would be a good choice
Zelda: Reese Witherspoon; or Meg(from American Dreams)
Ganondorf: Vin Diesal; or the guy from the Mummy
Saria: again not to sure (probly the hardest part to cast)
Impa: Uma Thurman
Napuroo: Angelina Jolie
Raru: mybe Robert Denero ??
Durian: CGI voice over buy someone
The water sage(whats her toast):CGI voice over
Ganon: CGI vocie over by Vin Diesal: or they guy from the Mummy
Navi: Do like what they did for Peter Pan, etc. w/ Kira Knightly; the elf chick from LOTR

That is my opinion and sorry but, dragging in most of the LOTR cast into the movie as main characters is a bad idea and no self respecting producer, director, or casting agent would do it, I just put KK and elf chick just for looks if I was a CA or director etc. I would not.

Great ideas though :) :idea:

Maniac 06-18-04 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
"Lets not forget:
Street Fighter
Super Mario Bros."

well, look at Tomb Raider! or Resident Evil...those movies kicked ass...
and they were based off of games...

i just think it would be dumb to make it a cartoon, bleh.....that would be pointless
Def. Live Action! based on Ocarina of Time....

They sucked to.

I'm sorry I'm just not a big fan of over dramatic hero/heroine pictures that are all flashy with nonsense.

Crowchild85 06-24-04 04:29 PM


Well I honestly don't think a movie like this will be made for some years. But, my idea for it is simple. Make the movie without considering new game elements into it. Let the designs and of corse the storyline from the first game drive the film. It was the original story therefore the "classic" game movie. Everyone knows the story of it and those who dont are most likely the little punks who think Ocarina of time was the fist game. Yes they are out there. Making a Game Movie without making a game movie.

It has to have a balance of atmosphere. Light and dark elements but as said before played very seriously and as a reality. A serious portrayle of the world that although different would automaticly be recignized by fans of the first game. A film for the LAST generation of gamers from the NES era I think would be the best way to go. Simple, straight forward, ass-kicking adventure. On one note this should never be made like a cartoon. I'm the one in favor of having link wear a really
green/ grey toned tunic with NO HAT for the first hour and a half of the film. It's a change but I think it would be a decent idea. Let the myth grow on people who see the film and explode at the final act... The last battle/climax.

Swords, armor triforce, all of it should be toned down and a little bit more earthy than the games. I have some artwork to illustrate what I mean on my site.Any way this is just the way I see the film. Make it true to the original and as a reality with a darker and more gritty edge to it.

lotr37ae 06-30-04 05:45 AM

hey, do you think that link would have a little romance with zelda in the movie? I don't thinkk there should. Since you are listing characters from the ocarina of time game, i think that malon should be in the movie, it seemed as though link liked her in the game and that they should have a romance instead of link and zelda. If there was a romance between link and zelda, it would be a typical dansel in distress movie, but if he fell in love with malon, the movie would portray that he didn't save zelda because he loved her but because it was his mission. And then the movie wouldn't turn out to be a 'oh, i got to save you because i love you so much and i can't live without you'. It would be more like ' this is my destiny and i will fulfill it'. God, the more i type the less i make sense, so i'm just going to stop right now.

Crowchild85 07-03-04 01:28 PM

It makes sence and ... yes that would be a rather good plot as well. However I still think creating a "pure" classic NES version of the film would be best. In that case just have link be. Not childish, very enigmatic, and to some degree have VERY little dialouge when not nessecary. For some reason I think Hyrule should be a slightly darker world than it has been portrayed in the past while still being a fantasy. Think "Legend" meets "the animated Hobbit, meets "Stargate". just for atmosphere references

cheche 07-06-04 11:03 PM

hi, what do you think about haley osment as link, i think is great!!
and as zelda i really dont know but if is a cute girl no problem for me....

i cant imagine other ganondorf except arnold vosloo

cheche 07-06-04 11:14 PM

hi, what do you think about haley osment as link, i think he will be a great link!

i really dont know who can be zelda but if she is a cute blonde is fine with me......

arnold vosloo is my only ganondorf for this movie :o

Zeiken 07-07-04 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by cheche
hi, what do you think about haley osment as link, i think he will be a great link!

i really dont know who can be zelda but if she is a cute blonde is fine with me......

arnold vosloo is my only ganondorf for this movie :o
Why do you insist on posting twice but re-wording?

Lin|< 07-08-04 05:52 PM

A zelda movie should IMO be animated, or at very least CG. A live-action wouldn't really work, although the idea of Kiera Knightly as Zelda is swaying my opinion ;) I personally think a Zelda Movie in the style of the Japanese Anime film Metropolis would be awesome!!

keeps 07-16-04 02:17 PM

maybe link has to chose between his love malon and zelda he has to save the princesss but in the process would lose malon

Zeiken 07-16-04 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by Lin|<
A zelda movie should IMO be animated, or at very least CG. A live-action wouldn't really work, although the idea of Kiera Knightly as Zelda is swaying my opinion ;) I personally think a Zelda Movie in the style of the Japanese Anime film Metropolis would be awesome!!
Yeah- an anime would be nice, but i honestly think live action would work. Of course, a lot of the characters would be CGI, but link, at least, should be live action.I've already seen him animated. :D

Ganondorf'son 07-17-04 12:35 PM

Indeed, Arnold Voslo would make a great Ganondorf. He's got that evil look, even when I saw him in the Mummy, he was great.

Ganondorf'son 07-22-04 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by T.H.U.G
I think they should make a Zelda movie. It would be good if it was made like LOTR, and I think Link would look a little more mature if he looked more like Fierce Diety Link. Here are some of my ideas for the characters:

Link- Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood
Zelda- Keira Knightly
Ganondorf- Johnny Depp or Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep)
Nabooru- Michelle Rodriguez

Also I think there should be a whole new story(in hyrule) instead of basing it on one of the games. Anyone with me?
Hey my name is Josh. I'm new to this thing and I saw your description of this Zelda movie. I think the same way too. However I do think that it will be hard to find the right actors for the characters. Not that I'm telling you that these actors you listed won't be good. Already I'm making a book of my own about Zelda. It's "The Legends of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time." Maybe if you like to, want to help me with this book of mine. I need a few help on finding ideas . I want this book of mine to become as good as Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" turn it into Hollywood to find some director to make this book into a movie. That's my goal. If you like to reply back, my email adress is [email protected]

Ganondorf'son 07-22-04 09:47 AM

I also think that some director from Hollywood should make a movie of Zelda. It would be a masterpiece like the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Ganondorf'son 07-22-04 11:23 AM

I'll help you. [quote]

Ash_Lee 07-22-04 12:54 PM

As long as John Frakes doesn't get his hands on it I'm happy.

Sam 07-25-04 08:10 PM

Legend of Zelda Movie
Hello everyone. I just want to say that i only signed up recently and that i have read through the WHOLE forum about this Zelda movie, in my opinion, i think it would be GREAT to have a zelda movie, i think it should be in two or three parts like LOTR ( Shame they did not do that with Harry Potter 3, i was a bit disapointed with that movie ). The reason it should be in two or three parts because Link has to goto the dungeons and do quests and all those other things like that. It should be that in the first part, he has a choice when he finds out that the world is falling to bits wether he would save the world or not do anyting. If he made the choice to save the world, he would have to awaken the sages and get to the TRIFORCE before Ganon.

( going to be a long opinion )

When he does awake them, it will be a little too late because Ganon had already have gotten hold of the TRIFORCE of STRENGTH he will be able to take the MASTER sword, then the scene changes to something like.. Everyone is praising him while he holds the sword in the air with a flashing TRIFORCE Piece on his hand.... THE END then thats where they start the second part where he either defeats ganon or maybe, he helps hyrule FIGHT ganons army of mixed monsters including the Bokogoblin and the Shadow Knights ( both from Wind Waker ), if he defeats ganon in the second part, it would be a negative DRAMATIC IRONY... i mean, when people think he is going to do WHAT they think Link will do, but then something extraordinary happens.

... Something like that ^ ( and with the ocarina of course )

I hope you like it.. i now am going to tell you the opinions for my characters.

Link - Maybe Jack Ryder or David Gallaghar
Zelda - Kiera Knightley ( BEA-Utiful ) or Julia Stiles (10 things hate about you ) ;)
Ganon AKA Ganondorf - Ron Perlman [Hellboy] ( look at this picture on here and compare it with Ganondorf by removing its horns and changing its skin color )
Impa - How about Prescilla Presley , cut her hair and make it white lol ( or does she still act?) you could also have Jamie Lee Curtis as well.
Saria - Larisa Oleynik ( my choice from 10 things i hate about you )
King of Hyrule - Robby Coltrane ( with lots of grey beard )
Nabooru - Charlotte Lewis
Master Sword - The Sword from Arthurs Quest, the Excalibur! ) lol

The Sages and Monsters - Computer made Computer Graphics

I hope you like all my information.
Thanks hope you can answer back ... please note, i dont come online often so maybe you can send me email [email protected]

Zeiken 07-25-04 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by Sam
Ganon AKA Ganondorf - Ron Perlman [Hellboy] ( look at this picture on here and compare it with Ganondorf by removing its horns and changing its skin color )
good call on pearlman. He was incredible in Hellboy.

allthatglitters 07-25-04 09:16 PM

I've never played 'Legend of Zelda' but my brothers are obssesed with it. I swear that theme song haunts my dreams...actually it's pretty catchy.

Ever been to and seen 'The Return of Ganandorf'? It's pretty funny, alot of the stuff on there is.

Sam 07-26-04 03:26 AM

Thanks Zieken, im Glad you like it... If they EVER make a film on Zelda, it will be worth watching. If THAT ever happens, i will watch it FIRST cos i loved the game as i PLAYED all of them.

Sam 07-26-04 03:38 AM

lol alltheglitters, i like that website.. i wonder how ganon change in that movie.. Well.... it is all a mysterie to us i s'pose.

Bag O' Crap 07-26-04 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Sam
Hello everyone. I just want to say that i only signed up recently and that i have read through the WHOLE forum about this Zelda movie, in my opinion, i think it would be GREAT to have a zelda movie, i think it should be in two or three parts like LOTR ( Shame they did not do that with Harry Potter 3, i was a bit disapointed with that movie ). The reason it should be in two or three parts because Link has to goto the dungeons and do quests and all those other things like that. It should be that in the first part, he has a choice when he finds out that the world is falling to bits wether he would save the world or not do anyting. If he made the choice to save the world, he would have to awaken the sages and get to the TRIFORCE before Ganon.

( going to be a long opinion )

When he does awake them, it will be a little too late because Ganon had already have gotten hold of the TRIFORCE of STRENGTH he will be able to take the MASTER sword, then the scene changes to something like.. Everyone is praising him while he holds the sword in the air with a flashing TRIFORCE Piece on his hand.... THE END then thats where they start the second part where he either defeats ganon or maybe, he helps hyrule FIGHT ganons army of mixed monsters including the Bokogoblin and the Shadow Knights ( both from Wind Waker ), if he defeats ganon in the second part, it would be a negative DRAMATIC IRONY... i mean, when people think he is going to do WHAT they think Link will do, but then something extraordinary happens.

... Something like that ^ ( and with the ocarina of course )

I hope you like it.. i now am going to tell you the opinions for my characters.

Link - Maybe Jack Ryder or David Gallaghar
Zelda - Kiera Knightley ( BEA-Utiful ) or Julia Stiles (10 things hate about you ) ;)
Ganon AKA Ganondorf - Ron Perlman [Hellboy] ( look at this picture on here and compare it with Ganondorf by removing its horns and changing its skin color )
Impa - How about Prescilla Presley , cut her hair and make it white lol ( or does she still act?) you could also have Jamie Lee Curtis as well.
Saria - Larisa Oleynik ( my choice from 10 things i hate about you )
King of Hyrule - Robby Coltrane ( with lots of grey beard )
Nabooru - Charlotte Lewis
Master Sword - The Sword from Arthurs Quest, the Excalibur! ) lol

The Sages and Monsters - Computer made Computer Graphics

I hope you like all my information.
Thanks hope you can answer back ... please note, i dont come online often so maybe you can send me email [email protected]

Yeah, I have no idea about any of the other characters, but I KNOW that Elisha Cuthbert (Girl Next Door, 24, Old School) should be Zelda.... I don't like the idea of Keira Knightly as Zelda. elisha looks more like Zelda than Keira.

Also, I dont think they should have British accents (maybe more like the different accents of LOTR). Its easy to picture them like that, with all the castles and dungeons and knights and stuff, but still...they're HYRULEAN

That's really all i have to say, only whoever plays Ganondorf should have dark toned skin, know...he isnt very white.

Sam 07-26-04 07:39 PM

lol, ganondorf is not white, he is green but if you click on the link next to Ron Perlman, you can compare him with ganondorf by removing his horns and changing his skin color green and add a bit of orange hair.. try it or have you?

Zeiken 07-26-04 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by Sam
lol, ganondorf is not white, he is green but if you click on the link next to Ron Perlman, you can compare him with ganondorf by removing his horns and changing his skin color green and add a bit of orange hair.. try it or have you?

speakin of which, hellboy comes out tomorrow! Yay!

Sam 07-27-04 05:53 AM

it does come out tomorrow but i have seen it
It quite a good film

heyuonthewall26 07-27-04 12:03 PM

First off, you guys must be nuts!?! When making this movie, how be we not make a LOTR clone, mmkay?
ad choic
Link: Heath Ledger, I think he looks the part and can obviously play a Brit

Zelda: Keira Knightly is not a bad choice but I do think that there are unknown actresses that could do it.

Ganondorf: Antonio Banderas, Ganondorf is like a Spainard so he was my first choice.

Ok enough with that, now the Mario Brothers movie was awful, it was nothing like the game, same with Resident Evil. When I go see a movie about something I know, I want it to be close to something I recognize.

And last of all, If/when they make this movie it WILL NOT take place in Egypt, it never has before and they shouldn't start with a movie. It will be in Hyrule land of castles and whatnot and as far as I can tell that is practically England so NO pyramids and crap like that.

The movie has potential.

Bag O' Crap 07-27-04 05:32 PM

Well, I dont think they should be british...maybe only slight accents, but not really. And egypt doesn't exist in the Zelda games anyways...It takes place in Hyrule, which is some sort of other reality (like in any other fantasy adventure game).

Ganondorf isnt green! He has a brownish skin. The picture you have of him just LOOKS green...maybe he's a little breen (brown-green) but in the games, he has a dark skin tone. Not Antonio Banderas, but he's a better choice than some of the other ideas ive seen so far.

and i still say no to Keira Knightly as Zelda. Elisha Cuthbert is more...unknown, then Keira Knighlty, and plus, she looks a lot like Zelda. Just give her pointy ears, and grow her hair a little longer, and is a perfect match.

jacks username 07-28-04 01:23 AM

I love the Zelda series and I think a Zelda movie would be great!

Sam 07-30-04 05:26 AM

Hey bag o' crap, look at this LINK
compare this guy Ron Perlman with ganondork by change his skin colour to Brownee - Green and changing his hair to orange.

hoffarthd 07-31-04 01:01 AM

:idea: i think it would be cool if instead of the legend of zelda movie live action. i think it would be a preety good anime film.

Sam 07-31-04 12:51 PM

nah.. seen the anime programs before i have.

wish i were link 08-02-04 12:27 AM

i think peter jackson would be a perfect derector. he would take it verry seriously and im sure hes i nerd like the rest of us and has played all the games. iv sent him an e-mail to see if he wouldbe interested in trying to put this together.
also orlando bloom is no hav to remember link is only sopposed to be 16 so he would probubly be played by someone new.
so there ya hav it. ill let you all kno what the jackster says. :)

wish i were link 08-02-04 12:46 AM

crowchild85 is a genus. thats how i invisiond the movie too. except for the part of the no hat. if you hav eny ideas let me kno.

Sam 08-02-04 01:38 PM

hey ... wish i were link ..... can you giv me the email of Peter Jackson, if i send him 1 email about this ^ ( you sent him 1 aswell ) he may want to be thinking about MAKING this film.. hope you can give it.. thanks

Sam 08-02-04 01:38 PM

oh.. and ..... wish i were link ..... whats that you are talking about on the LAST post?

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