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jiraffejustin 03-29-14 10:02 PM

The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time

The same rules for the movie lists are what we are using here:
  • Submit your ranked list of twenty-five titles, numbered 1-25 with no ties, to me via a private message with the title "[Your Username] - MoFo ‘TV List".
  • Series will be awarded points as follows: 25 points for 1st place, 24 points for 2nd place, 23 for 3rd and so on, all the way down to one point for your 25th placed series.
  • New members can send in a list as soon as they've been a member here for one month. This measure is taken so that the list isn't jerry-rigged by people who have been here for a week, and then disappear.
  • I am using IMDb for reference points, so anything listed as a TV series or miniseries is eligible
  • Make sure you are specific about which series you are voting for. For example: Specify between American or British Office. Each of the Blackadder series are listed separately so make sure to use the number. Dr. Who has two IMDb entries, so specify whether it's the older one or the newer one. If you have the titled with the year the show started it would be helpful.
  • Anyone who reveals their list before the countdown has ended will be disqualified.
  • The deadline for entries is September 30, 2014. That's two months after the 70s countdown. Plenty of time to review favorites, discover new ones, and order a list.
  • You have plenty of time to consider and submit your list, so no changing it once you've submitted it to me.

I will add some graphics if somebody wants to help me out here.

**** Even though it's not listed as a miniseries on IMDb, I am considering Fanny & Alexander eligible for this list since it was conceived as a television series. ****

jiraffejustin 03-29-14 10:02 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Member Lists So Far

Miss Vicky
Sir Toose
The Gunslinger45
Holden Pike
The Sci-Fi Slob
R.P. McMurphy
Thursday Next
Citizen Rules
Sexy Celebrity
Derek Vinyard
Pussy Galore
Harry Lime

Sexy Celebrity 03-29-14 10:04 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Oh, not another list....

Miss Vicky 03-29-14 10:05 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Each Blackadder counts as a separate series? Fantastic!

seanc 03-29-14 10:09 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Sweet. If you have not watched The Shield, get on it folks. Should be top 10 easy.

seanc 03-29-14 10:11 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Are current series required to have a certain number of seasons? I am thinking of Game Of Thrones specifically.

jiraffejustin 03-29-14 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1065079)
Are current series required to have a certain number of seasons? I am thinking of Game Of Thrones specifically.
As long as it's finished at least one season it's fine.

Frightened Inmate No. 2 03-29-14 10:22 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
don't think i've seen enough series to be able get 25. i'll see what i can do, i guess.

jiraffejustin 03-29-14 10:23 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
You have a long time to change that.

Godoggo 03-29-14 10:34 PM

This will be interesting. I'm in this for sure. I think I can come up with 25 that I love pretty easy.

Miss Vicky 03-29-14 10:36 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
List sent. :D

cricket 03-29-14 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1065075)
Sweet. If you have not watched The Shield, get on it folks. Should be top 10 easy.

seanc 03-29-14 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1065074)
Each Blackadder counts as a separate series? Fantastic!

What is Blackadder exactly MV? I noticed you had a few of those characters in the comedy tourney. Could I find it easy? Im wondering if I should watch it before submitting my list. Im also considering Deadwood. I may finish Dexter, the first three seasons of that show is amazing but it lost steam and I didn't finish the final three seasons.Any other suggestions MoFos?

Swan 03-29-14 10:58 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Just made a speculative list, but I'm going to let it breath for a little while so I don't regret it like I do my Comic Book Movies list. The top 15 are pretty secure though.

Miss Vicky 03-29-14 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1065105)
What is Blackadder exactly MV? I noticed you had a few of those characters in the comedy tourney. Could I find it easy? Im wondering if I should watch it before submitting my list.
Not sure where you're located, but it's available on Netflix streaming.

It's a British comedy series from the 80s that lasted four seasons, but each season is different from the rest.

The first series, from 1983, is set in medieval England, where Rowan Atkinson's Edmund is the bumbling, idiotic but scheming Duke of Edinburgh. Unfortunately, they didn't quite get it right with the first of the series and I advise all Blackadder virgins to skip this first season - either entirely or go back to it after watching the rest.

Blackadder II (1986), my favorite, sees a new Edmund Blackadder try to weasel his way into Queen Elizabeth's favor and into as much cash as possible, while making hilariously snide comments about the idiocy of those around him.

Blackadder the Third (1987) sees yet another in the line of Edmund Blackadders serving as butler to the idiotic, foppish Prince George (played by Hugh Laurie of House, M.D. fame). Mr. E. Blackadder spends his time trying to make, steal, or marry into piles of cash, abusing his dogsbody Baldrick, and making fun of everything French.

Blackadder Goes Forth (1989) sees yet another Edmund Blackadder - now a Captain in the British Army stuck in the trenches of the first World War. This Blackadder spends his time avoiding orders, shooting and eating General Melchett's beloved pet pigeon, Speckled Jim (and getting court marshalled for it), identifying German spies, entertaining the masses by producing slug balancing and Gorgeous Georgina acts, making fun of Charlie Chaplin, and basically trying not to die.

There's also a one-off reunion special from 1999 that features a modern day Blackadder who builds a time machine in order to impress his friends and win a bet. Only what was supposed to be trickery turned out to be a working time machine. He drifts through time and visits all of the previous incarnations, plus some pretty hilarious new ones.

seanc 03-29-14 11:16 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Sounds a lot like Monte Python. Dont know why I haven't heard of it. Ill give it a go since its on Netflix. Thanks for the rundown.

Daniel M 03-29-14 11:21 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Everybody watch TWIN PEAKS.

The Sci-Fi Slob 03-29-14 11:42 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Here's something I put together for the logo. I may improve it tomorrow, if my computer agrees to work properly

Sexy Celebrity 03-29-14 11:44 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Well, damn, Slobby. You're pretty good with graphics.

jiraffejustin 03-29-14 11:51 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Yeah, I like it.

mark f 03-29-14 11:52 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
No current series (:o) would be on my list, if I do one, except maybe "Jeopardy!". Sarah would undoubtedly have a more well-rounded list year-wise, but mine would still be just as good. :)

Sexy Celebrity 03-29-14 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 1065155)
Yeah, I like it.
No, he doesn't. I can tell because there's no enthusiasm here.

Swan 03-29-14 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by The Sci-Fi Slob (Post 1065147)
Here's something I put together for the logo. I may improve it tomorrow, if my computer agrees to work properly
I can hear it every time it cuts to white noise.

Sexy Celebrity 03-29-14 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1065128)
Why? I'm sure this crap will make the list already anyway.

donniedarko 03-29-14 11:54 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Knowing this forum I wouldn't be surprised if Twin Peaks won this whole thing :rolleyes:

Hit Girl 03-29-14 11:55 PM

I'm in on this, but it will take a while (and a lot of tears) to reduce it to the top 25. :)

Daniel M 03-29-14 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1065162)
Knowing this forum I wouldn't be surprised if Twin Peaks won this whole thing :rolleyes:
Don't roll your eyes :( You need to watch it again, consistently, without many breaks. Last time you watched it you never really got into it or looked forward to the next episode I don't think, and it took you ages just to finish season one (if you did). Watch as many as you can, as quick as you can. Try and watch the first season in a day or two, you have to like it :(

But yeh, hopefully it wins, don't know if it will though, it's loved by those who have seen it but not everyone has. Breaking Bad will probably take the prize.

donniedarko 03-29-14 11:56 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Netflix original series count, correct?

donniedarko 03-29-14 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1065167)
Don't roll your eyes :( You need to watch it again, consistently, without many breaks. Last time you watched it you never really got into it or looked forward to the next episode I don't think, and it took you ages just to finish season one (if you did). Watch as many as you can, as quick as you can. Try and watch the first season in a day or two, you have to like it :(

But yeh, hopefully it wins, don't know if it will though, it's loved by those who have seen it but not everyone has. Breaking Bad will probably take the prize.
I'll roll my eyes whenever I god damn want :p

I'm not really into to binge - watching shows though, I think that's what makes a TV series so special, looking forward to watching the next one in a couple of days (or months waiting for a new season). I watched all of season 1 except the second half of the last episode.

Daniel M 03-30-14 12:00 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time

donniedarko 03-30-14 12:03 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Don't forget the most influential show when making your list...

The real housewives of Orange County

Daniel M 03-30-14 12:06 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time

Watch this and tell me you don't want to try Twin Peaks again.

jiraffejustin 03-30-14 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1065157)
No, he doesn't. I can tell because there's no enthusiasm here.
Hot damn! Sonofabitch! I love that motherf*cking thing!

jiraffejustin 03-30-14 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1065168)
Netflix original series count, correct?

donniedarko 03-30-14 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1065181)

Watch this and tell me you don't want to try Twin Peaks again.
I don't but it's a pretty sweet video.

To be completely honest I never even checked who the killer was, or perhaps it's my subconscious doing this because it knows I'll consciously chose to watch the show again! There is no free will!

wintertriangles 03-30-14 12:28 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Hopefully I'll get enough experience over the time allotted to contribute with a somewhat educated list. Twin Peaks will definitely be up there though, don't worry donnie, so far my list is as such:

1-24: Twin Peaks
25: Community

cricket 03-30-14 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1065177)
Don't forget the most influential show when making your list...

The real housewives of Orange County
Please don't mention that, I come here to escape.

jiraffejustin 03-30-14 01:06 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson better make the list. The official youtube page has several full episodes up, and you can find a ton of clips from other uploaders as well.

mark f 03-30-14 01:13 AM

That''s a given, I hope. Here's a classic oldie from that.

bluedeed 03-30-14 01:15 AM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1065193)
I don't but it's a pretty sweet video.

To be completely honest I never even checked who the killer was, or perhaps it's my subconscious doing this because it knows I'll consciously chose to watch the show again! There is no free will!
Bob is the killer

christine 03-30-14 09:01 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Is it just fiction series or can you have factual series too?

jiraffejustin 03-30-14 09:54 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Both are fine.

christine 03-30-14 10:05 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Ok thanks. Giving mine some thought now

christine 03-30-14 06:51 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
That was hard ! Done now :)

Camo 03-30-14 07:45 PM

Some shows i recommend Sons of Anarchy,Community,Sunny in Philadelphia,South Park,Deadwood,Buffy,Extras,Curb Your Enthusiasm,Justified. I also second Twin Peaks and The Shield.

wintertriangles 03-30-14 07:48 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Deadwood is one I've heard about in hushes and whispers, that is to say, not a lot, but when I do, it's always lauded. It's not too long, right?

Camo 03-30-14 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 1065674)
Deadwood is one I've heard about in hushes and whispers, that is to say, not a lot, but when I do, it's always lauded. It's not too long, right?
3 seasons before it was cancelled :( . Made from the same guy who made Justified, but i'd say i prefer Deadwood.

Yoda 03-30-14 07:58 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Deadwood and Justified were made by different people; David Milch and Graham Yost, respectively. They mainly just have Timothy Olyphant and a Western sensibility in common, I think, though I seem to recall a few other casting overlaps.

Camo 03-30-14 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1065678)
Deadwood and Justified were made by different people; David Milch and Graham Yost, respectively. They mainly just have Timothy Olyphant and a Western sensibility in common, I think, though I seem to recall a few other casting overlaps.
Yeah your right. Thanks for the correction.

gandalf26 03-30-14 08:05 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Wow great list idea. There are such great TV series nowadays. Could be epic.

jiraffejustin 03-30-14 10:18 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Even though it's not listed as a miniseries on IMDb, I am considering Fanny & Alexander eligible for this list since it was conceived as a television series.

mark f 03-30-14 10:26 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
"Berlin Alexanderplatz", Baby.

jiraffejustin 03-30-14 10:28 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
I am definitely going to watch that before I finish up my own list.

mark f 03-30-14 10:31 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
People could come over and watch my Criterion. :)

mikeython1 03-30-14 11:05 PM

Originally Posted by bluedeed (Post 1065216)
Bob is the killer
I watched this show as a kid and this scared the ***** out of me! Even my second viewing of Twin Peaks only like a year ago still kinda creeped me out.

Twin Peaks will probably be very high on my list. I am not a David Lynch freak or anything allow I do fancy some of his movies. The acting of Kyle MacLachlan actually is what impressed me the most. His portrayal as Special Agent Dale cooper was terrific and pretty much made the show. If u have ever watched Fire Walk With Me Chris Issac(by the way was a huge casting mistake) could not even come close to the on screen charisma Coop had.

mark f 03-30-14 11:11 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time

Guaporense 03-31-14 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1065156)
No current series (:o) would be on my list, if I do one, except maybe "Jeopardy!". Sarah would undoubtedly have a more well-rounded list year-wise, but mine would still be just as good. :)
Current series? How can you nominate something that is not over yet? We don't know how it ends... Oh, well, we have episodic series but I don't like those very much (I have included one episodic series in my top 25 list).

I have even included some Brazilian soup operas in my top 25, besides the half dozen English TV series and the rest is what you guys would expect.

Daniel M 03-31-14 10:40 AM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1065874)
Current series? How can you nominate something that is not over yet? We don't know how it ends... Oh, well, we have episodic series but I don't like those very much (I have included one episodic series in my top 25 list).
If it's allowed I am nominating True Detective.

Sir Toose 03-31-14 11:02 AM

  • Battlestar Galactica (reboot)
  • Dexter
  • Columbo
  • Walking Dead
  • Mad Men
  • The Killing
  • Firefly
  • Kung Fu (David Carradine)

Sorry, didn't read the OPie. Will send you my list.

donniedarko 03-31-14 11:47 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
We're allowed to vote for ongoing series, correct?

A show isn't only great when you see the end, Guap.

jiraffejustin 03-31-14 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1065961)
If it's allowed I am nominating True Detective.
It's allowed, encouraged even. :)

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1065990)
We're allowed to vote for ongoing series, correct?

A show isn't only great when you see the end, Guap.
Also allowed.

Rhys 03-31-14 12:09 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
I'll do this one. But I might take a while.

Daniel M 03-31-14 12:37 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
I am hoping LOST does well, I know it has some fans on this site. I loved that show. The Sopranos better be top 5 too. And when I vote for Dexter I only mean seasons 1 to 4 :p

seanc 03-31-14 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1066009)
. And when I vote for Dexter I only mean seasons 1 to 4 :p
There is a debate raging in my head right now over this.

Godoggo 03-31-14 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1066009)
I am hoping LOST does well, I know it has some fans on this site. I loved that show. The Sopranos better be top 5 too. And when I vote for Dexter I only mean seasons 1 to 4 :p
Lost will get a lot of love from me.

I'm going to sit down today and make a tentative list. I know a couple of shows on my list won't be very popular and have no hope of making it, but I love them, so they are going on.

Miss Vicky 03-31-14 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1065874)
Current series? How can you nominate something that is not over yet? We don't know how it ends...
This is a ridiculous statement. If we went by your criteria, something like Freaks and Geeks, which lasted only one season before being cancelled, could make the list while The Simpsons which has been continuously on the air since 1989 would be ineligible.

Yeah, that makes total sense.

Skepsis93 03-31-14 01:16 PM

I hope Blackadder being split up doesn't work against it. I like the idea of all its series ('cept one, probably) making it, though. Meanwhile, since I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, please don't forget to consider one of TV's greatest achievements...

Miss Vicky 03-31-14 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by Skepsis93 (Post 1066026)
I hope Blackadder being split up doesn't work against it. I like the idea of all its series ('cept one, probably) making it, though.
Yeah, I really hope that this doesn't work against it. Needless to say, it took up multiple places on my list and I really hope it gets multiple spots on the countdown. As long as Blackadder II makes it though, I won't be too upset.

Swan 03-31-14 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1066016)
There is a debate raging in my head right now over this.
Same here, I don't know if I want to put it on my list or not, considering most of it isn't very good. I only like seasons 1, 2 and 4. But, I was really into it for a while, and watched religiously from season 4 to the end.

Nausicaä 03-31-14 02:00 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Oo, will be taking part. Got quite a lot of series I've never seen to get through in my collection so hopefully they will be good enough to vote for because I have three spaces left on my list of 25 to fill. :)

jiraffejustin 04-01-14 08:20 PM

When things slow down in here, I will resort to posting clips of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson:

This one makes me cry every time.

Camo 04-01-14 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 1066571)
When things slow down in here, I will resort to posting clips of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson:

This one makes me cry every time.
I'll be here with a random YT clip everyday so these moviefans :rolleyes: :p , remember to vote ;) .

jiraffejustin 04-01-14 10:28 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
FYI Monday Night Football should make this list, because I love Monday Night Football. And it's a way to shoehorn (American) Football into a list of tv shows on a forum dedicated to movies.

wintertriangles 04-01-14 10:29 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
I just might boycott this list if that makes it.

jiraffejustin 04-01-14 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 1066626)
I just might boycott this list if that makes it.

Go for it.

bluedeed 04-01-14 10:31 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Hopefully Skepsis participates so we can shoehorn Louie into a nice spot!

rauldc14 04-01-14 10:39 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
I remember when I first joined this forum people hated lists. My have times changed.

Miss Vicky 04-01-14 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1066631)
I remember when I first joined this forum people hated lists. My have times changed.
Huh? I don't remember any list hatred at all.

seanc 04-01-14 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 1066625)
FYI Monday Night Football should make this list, because I love Monday Night Football. And it's a way to shoehorn (American) Football into a list of tv shows on a forum dedicated to movies.

I repped it. There was a time in my life when I didnt miss MNF. The Michaels, Gifford, and Dierdorf years. I remember the first time Hank Williams sang the song that would go on to be a parody of itself. Then it seemed cool though, sports casts were not doing that kind of stuff. ESPN didnt own the sports world yet. Hard to believe it was not that long ago. Glad you mentioned it, it will be on my list.

Godoggo 04-01-14 10:46 PM

I don't either. It would be an odd thing to hate considering you can just skip the thread.

Guaporense 04-02-14 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1066009)
I am hoping LOST does well, I know it has some fans on this site. I loved that show. The Sopranos better be top 5 too. And when I vote for Dexter I only mean seasons 1 to 4 :p
Three great series indeed. I had those in consideration for my list. Dexter is complicated as well, I watched it's first four seasons and loved it but it's quality declined abruptly indeed. Same thing with Babylon 5, the first four seasons are pure gold and the fifth one is pure filler.

Guaporense 04-02-14 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1066021)
This is a ridiculous statement. If we went by your criteria, something like Freaks and Geeks, which lasted only one season before being cancelled, could make the list while The Simpsons which has been continuously on the air since 1989 would be ineligible.

Yeah, that makes total sense.
I just don't love episodic series that don't have any literary qualities like The Simpsons. I like them though, just don't love them.

Just wonder how high Haibane Renmei is going to be. :D

Frightened Inmate No. 2 04-02-14 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1066721)
I just don't love episodic series that don't have any literary qualities like The Simpsons. I like them though, just don't love them.
i have no idea what the hell this means.

Guaporense 04-02-14 01:11 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
There are two basic types of TV series:

1 - Series that have a beginning a middle and an end. Basically, like a film or novel. A series that has literary quality. Examples? Band of Brothers, Babylon 5, Breaking Bad, most anime series, etc.

2 - Series which consist of a sequence of unconnected episodes and don't require that the viewer has watched the earlier episodes in order to get into the show in the middle. Examples? The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Cowboy Bebop, House, etc.

There are series in the middle ground as well, such as Buffy, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones with are focused on season arcs (Game of Thrones is a series of novels actually).

I prefer the 1st type of the latter. In fact, I have only included 1 mostly episodic series in my top 25 list. I like the idea of a TV series that fully explores the potential of having a longer running time than a movie, in order to create a more complex world and characters.

Instead, most TV fail to explore their potential and become simple repetitive episodic stuff. The best ones are the series that play out like a novel, my favorite English series for instance, is the English series that was written in the most rigorous fashion to play out like a novel.

I have added more anime series than Brazilian or English language series mainly because of that literary factor (also because I know more anime series than English series, since they are short it's easy to watch many: I watched 200 anime series over the past 3 years). In fact, all my favorite anime series are single season long and were either adapted from a novel (or manga) or adapted into a novel.

bluedeed 04-02-14 01:14 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
And then we have Louie, a mixture of both :)

mark f 04-02-14 01:15 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
And most of mine will be the second kind.

jiraffejustin 04-02-14 12:42 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Really famous Monday Night Football moment:

Howard Cosell announcing the death of John Lennon. This is how a lot of people found out about Lennon's death.

Skepsis93 04-02-14 12:55 PM

Oh yeah - Louie. Everybody should watch and vote for Louie.

Shameless pandering with the choice of clip, I know. :p

Camo 04-04-14 01:22 PM

Crap, i have already sent in my list but completely forgot The Newsroom . It's a great series, the dialogue is completely unrealistic but nevertheless i's really fun and overall i'd say it's a great idea for a show. So this serves as both a reason to bump this thread, and to remind people to watch the show.

Hitchcockian 04-05-14 04:27 AM

jiraffejustin 04-06-14 03:10 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
I hope people consider voting for The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. It's unlike any other talk show. There is almost no structure at all, Craig just does what he wants. Everything is spontaneous and I usually love it.

He's also done a lot of really serious stuff as well, including eulogizing his parents.

honeykid 04-06-14 11:30 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Personally, I hope there aren't any talk or sport programmes involved in the countdown. But that's just me. :)

Skepsis93 04-06-14 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 1068313)
I hope people consider voting for The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. It's unlike any other talk show. There is almost no structure at all, Craig just does what he wants. Everything is spontaneous and I usually love it.
I haven't kept up with the show for a while but I do hope he gets some consideration. His show is absolutely unique among late night talk shows, and he's the only one who's actually funny, except maybe Conan, who still doesn't come close. He just goes and messes around for an hour each night and 95% of the time it's hilarious. He has some actually chemistry with his guests, too, and doesn't ask those inane questions like the rest of late night hosts. He sits down and has a real conversation with them.

Godoggo 04-07-14 04:27 PM

Did you get my list jiraffe? That's the quickest I ever sent one in, but I know my favorite tv shows aren't going to change between now and then.

jiraffejustin 04-07-14 04:36 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Sure did. Thanks for voting :up:

Iroquois 04-10-14 06:51 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Splitting Blackadder up into four different entries does seem a little unfair, but then again if everyone who wants to vote for the series as a whole just votes for II as a representative then it might even out just fine. I imagine most people would pick II as their favourite anyway.

honeykid 04-10-14 05:01 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
They might, but they'd be wrong, as Blackadder Goes Fourth is clearly the best of the series.

Miss Vicky 04-10-14 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1070134)
They might, but they'd be wrong, as Blackadder Goes Fourth is clearly the best of the series.
No. You're wrong. The fourth in the series is excellent, but any sane person can see that Blackadder II is the best. :p

mark f 04-10-14 06:24 PM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
But that lets out all us MoFos.

jiraffejustin 04-18-14 04:29 AM

Re: The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time
Can anybody recommend me shows that have surreal horror elements? I've already seen Twin Peaks.

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