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DexterRiley 05-18-12 12:51 AM

The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I dont know if this has happened to you, but every now and then i'll come across a title and think to so and so mofo would love that.

Well it happens to me quite a bit, so i thought hey why not make a club of it.

Now, i'd totally understand mofo's reluctance to give out their home adress on an open forum, so any established mofoers that want to get in on the action, we can use PM for that.

Anyways, not sure if there is any interest for something like this..thought it might be fun round Christmas time or Birthdays but also, just coz.

Well,,,any interest?

DexterRiley 05-19-12 12:04 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
Maybe the title of thread should be changed to Dexter Riley mofo shopping spree

Surely Yoda shouldnt be the only one in the club.

put another way, aren't you mofo's sick and tired of trudging down to the mailbox everyday. only to sift thru mountains of junk mail and chinese takeout flyers just to find bills?

Wouldn't be kinda cool, to every now and then, for no particular reason whatsoever, to be greeted with a package from a far away land containing a DVD that u may or may not have?

Yoda 05-19-12 12:11 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
I forgot to reply to this, my bad.

Yes, I'd be glad to. Least I can do. :) I owe ya' one. I hope more people get involved, though stuff like this is always a little tricky and in most cases just a few people end up doing most of it, in my experience.

DexterRiley 05-19-12 12:16 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
Speaking of which, have u had the time to check out the LA Confidential TV pilot with Keifer Sutherland in the Spacey role?

Yoda 05-19-12 12:22 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
Not yet; my stack of things to watch (new Movie Club's up, too) is pretty goofy right now. But a lot of TV shows the missus and I watch are ending this week, so things should clear up soon. :) I'm really looking forward to checking that out, though.

DexterRiley 05-19-12 01:30 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
ooo i saw the perfect thing for Yinz mom.

Awestruck welcome to the club


akatemple 05-19-12 01:47 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
Sounds fun, I wanna join in.

TheUsualSuspect 05-19-12 03:29 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
Count me in, just remember I live in CANADA.

honeykid 05-19-12 04:00 PM

Re: The buy a mofo a dvd club
Great idea. Sadly, I have over 200 films I've bought and have yet to watch. I hardly watch any films and I have little to no money. Should those things ever change, though, I'd be happy to join in. :)

DexterRiley 05-19-12 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by akatemple (Post 812508)
Sounds fun, I wanna join in.
all right then sir, you are in. i see that you enjoy odd films which will make shoppen all the more fun.

All that is requred is to post a review of whatever you receive. I think it ought to be mentioned that all genres of flicks are allowed,with the exception of porn.

having said that, if you fancy yourself a rule breaker, my wife likes the parodiy style romps.



DexterRiley 05-20-12 01:32 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Ok Mr Temple, i have found your first flick. In future i'll just surprise ya, but i thought id post it here to get some feedback.

Also pm or rep me your real name in case u have to pick it up at a depot terminal and show id.

Me for instance, i live in a Condo apt so anyone can adress it to Dexter Riley so long as they include
Tim Weaver
112-134 River Ave
Winnipeg MB
R3L 0A7

As i mentioned to Yoda, the trick is to take advantage of the e-universe and not over-pay for shipping.

If im shopping for an American, i look at American shops, where often enuff the shpping fees diddley squat or waived altogether.

ok enuff of that, heres what inclusion in this mofo Club has to offer. I see that you like odd, quirky films, and i think i found a gem that fits the bill.

Dementia 13 (1963)

Francis Ford Coppola's directorial debut, produced by horror king Roger Corman, is a terror-filled tale of family ties chopped to pieces. DEMENTIA 13's opening scene of Louise and John Haloran alone on a boat drifting nowhere (as an Elvis Presley song plays hauntingly) is reminiscent of many Hitchcock films. Its 1963 release was just the beginning of what, for Coppola, would be a long career of helming chillingly powerful masterworks such as APOCALYPSE NOW and THE GODFATHER.Set in a spooky Irish castle, DEMENTIA 13 begins as the Haloran family gathers to memorialize the death of the youngest sister, Kathleen. While various family members plot and connive, an ax murderer is roaming the grounds, and Kathleen's body shows up at just the wrong time. Slowly, the family members become increasingly suspicious of each other--as well as of the ghosts that haunt the castle. But when the sinister family doctor is called in to help with the mystery, the expertly contrived Coppola chills really take hold.
Do you have it?

Have you seen it?

DexterRiley 05-20-12 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 812507)
ooo i saw the perfect thing for Yinz mom.

Awestruck welcome to the club

I have no basis for why i think she'll love this, except that the humour stylings mesh with what ive extrapolated from her musings.


that thar is one didactic pile of mumbo jumbo that made more sense in my head than it does in text, i swear.

anyway with no further ado,

3rd Rock from the Sun- Season 1

its on the way

akatemple 05-20-12 03:05 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Looks awesome Dexter, I do not have it and have not seen it so I can't wait. :)

DexterRiley 05-20-12 03:39 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Its on the way, do me a favour and let me know when it arrives. When you get a chance to watch it, post a review on the flick itself, and on extras if any.

Used Future 05-20-12 05:44 PM

I always thought a dvd swap shop would be cool (no Noel Edmonds jokes please) even though people would probably only want to part with stuff they don't like.

I've ended up with duplicates a few times, and would rather have mailed one off to a MoFo than taken my chances on ebay.

I sent Pyro Tramp a copy of 2019: After the Fall of New York a couple of years back. Not sure he liked it that much though. :D

wintertriangles 05-20-12 06:51 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
This is a crazy (and quite genial) idea. I'd feel bad if someone bought me something though....

DexterRiley 05-20-12 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 812750)
This is a crazy (and quite genial) idea. I'd feel bad if someone bought me something though....
why so?

think of it as the spirit of christmas minus the theological stuff.

wintertriangles 05-20-12 09:16 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I'm like that with everything though, even my friend's parents making me dinner. It's pretty odd. Not trying to damper the idea though. I just might get into it when I find something for someone

akatemple 05-21-12 06:14 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Dexter I see from one of the Sci-Fi lists that you have seen almost all except for a lot of the older ones if I saw correctly, so hope you enjoy. :)

akatemple 05-24-12 05:35 PM

Nicely played Dexter, I have not seen FX in more than 15 years, I don't remember exactly when but I don't remember a thing about the movie except the name. Thanks for making it a surprise, much more fun that way.

DexterRiley 05-24-12 08:59 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club

Dementia 13 is still on the way, it just worked out that i got a crazy deal on that title (FX) and actually scooped up a few copies. Yoda is getten one, I'm getting one as is the newest member of the club, Powdered Water.

akatemple 05-24-12 11:47 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I am glad I checked this thread when I did, I have another tab opened up to amazon and was going to buy Dementia 13 cause the description sounds awesome and you can't get it on Netflix so can't wait.

akatemple 05-30-12 03:52 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Just got Dementia 13, have watched both now and will post what I think really soon, thanks so much Dexter, this is really awesome. A new DVD to watch is like getting a new car for you birthday.
Ok maybe that's a little exaggerated but I was incredibly faded when I typed the above so I think I did a great job.:D

akatemple 06-02-12 05:51 AM

What would have happened if Friday the 13th had been filmed in 1963, well I think you would have came up with something like this, a little mix of Jason Vorhees and House on Haunted Hill. The movie was great, the sound and audio sucked a big one but I can deal with that as long as I can understand what the plot is.
The damn wax doll that they kept using was so life like in the black and white that I kept getting all tensed up and waiting for it to open it's eyes.
This was Francis Ford Coppola's second movie that he made, so for that I give it
the scenery and the sound were spot on for a 1960's film, but I have a crappy sound system so the music often overpowered the dialouge.
The only real ploblem was the they gave away who the real killer was way to early in the movie, I guess that the slow motion button had not been invented so they gave it no further thought. Even with that, who you think is the killer in the beginning is not at all the actual killer, I think that's all I can say without giving away to much of the story.

Loved it, thanks so much Dexter

Sexy Celebrity 06-03-12 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 812700)
Love this show. I have the first two seasons.

akatemple 06-05-12 04:25 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Okay Dexter got one on the way, should be 3 - 5 days, hope you enjoy.

Pyro Tramp 06-05-12 05:31 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
If someone wants to send me DVDs to add my 'to-watch' pile, I wouldn't say no ;)

UF, 2019 has been integrated into the alphabetised collection so can't have been that bad

akatemple 06-05-12 06:12 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
You can always send some of your to-watch pile to me.......:)

Pyro Tramp 06-05-12 06:33 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
They're all boring subtitled films though

DexterRiley 06-11-12 07:58 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
ok i just came back from picking up the mail, and among the plethora of bills, pizza flyers and assorted junk, there lay a dvd sized package.

was inside. Haven't seen this flick in years, in fact i dont think since i caught in in the original theatrical run.

So whoever sent it my way, thanks !!

akatemple 06-12-12 05:38 PM

Got this in the mail today, don't know who it is from so I don't know who to thank. I have never seen it but it sounds interesting so I will watch it soon and let you know.

Austruck 06-12-12 05:55 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Yoda tells me a package arrived for me at his house... and I should finally find out what it is on Thursday when he and I (and a bunch of other folks) go see "Prometheus." (We live about 50 miles apart and don't see each other often enough.)

Can't wait to see what's in it! :)

DexterRiley 06-12-12 08:00 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
guilty as charged on both counts.


akatemple 06-14-12 09:04 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Just wondering Dexter, have you received anything other than The Edge?

DexterRiley 06-14-12 09:22 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I have not.

Austruck 06-15-12 01:10 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Oooh, Dexter, got the DVD from Yoda last night!! Would you believe I've just started rewatching this series on a channel here (Reelz) that plays a TON of great sitcoms all day long? I'd forgotten just HOW funny the show is -- we loved it when it was first airing, and we always said that Joseph Gordon-Levitt's hairstyle seemed to match Yoda's as he/they were growing up together. LOL (That'll only still be true if we can get Yoda to get a buzzcut, which I don't see happening.)

ANYWAY, I don't own any of the seasons of 3rd Rock, but wished I did! Thanks for starting my collection!! (I came into the Reelz reruns well past season 1, so this is a real treat.)

What are my obligations as part of the "club"? Do I send one to someone else here?

DexterRiley 06-15-12 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 819423)

What are my obligations as part of the "club"? Do I send one to someone else here?
There are no obligations whatsoever. If you happen upon a title that u wish to send to someone, do so. Just fire over a pm asking for mailing addy. Whether u choose to lettem know whats coming or not is completely at your discretion.

I've done it both ways, i tend to personally think the Surprise factor is half the fun.

But again, don't feel as though you must reciprocate, the idea of the club is to keep it fun. I dont want it to become a burden to anyone. The fact is i have a sickness in that i simply cannot waltz past a dvd


Also thats very cool and dare i say serendipitous that you've been getten re-aquainted with the show. I whiffed a couple of times sending Chris a couple of titles (though LA Confidential SE was a winnah) so my average soared with that homer. :D

Yoda 06-15-12 09:03 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Aye, she was quite excited when I handed it to her. Nice choice. :up:

DexterRiley 06-15-12 09:15 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Im on a bit of a roll with Powdered Water having sent him FX Dreamscape, a pair of 80's flicks he didn't have in the collection, i might be pressen my luck, but a cult classic of sorts caught my eye, and so, its on the way.

akatemple 06-15-12 09:25 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Finally figured out the mistake Dexter, I ordered from but it turns out upon further investigation that I even though I bought it through that website I bought it from someone in the US so that must be why it's taking a lot longer to get there.

IAmGhostFace 06-16-12 03:29 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
this is a great idea!

TheUsualSuspect 06-16-12 03:43 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Anyone want a really crappy Australian horror flick? It seems like something Used Future....or even Honeykid, would like. Hahaha.

I'd rather sent it to someone here than take it to a used dvd outlet.

IAmGhostFace 06-16-12 03:52 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
i might be interested, whats its name?

honeykid 06-16-12 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 819590)
Anyone want a really crappy Australian horror flick? It seems like something Used Future....or even Honeykid, would like. Hahaha.

I'd rather sent it to someone here than take it to a used dvd outlet.
What is it, TUS? Or are you looking to make it a surprise?

JayDee 06-16-12 05:27 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Been meaning to say I think this is a really great idea. :up: Obviously I'd be very happy to receive DVDs :D but don't think I'd have any clues for what others would like so don't see myself signing up

TheUsualSuspect 06-16-12 11:00 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Surprises are always better aren't they?

IAmGhostFace 06-16-12 11:10 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I just don't want to ask someone tosend e a movie id never watch. Lol

honeykid 06-16-12 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 819732)
Surprises are always better aren't they?

I have over 200 films I've bought and have yet to watch and (most) of those are films I want to watch. :D

IAmGhostFace 06-17-12 12:08 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
also, i have a pretty large movie collection and dont want someone to pay to send me a movie i already have.

JayDee 06-18-12 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 819742)
I have over 200 films I've bought and have yet to watch and (most) of those are films I want to watch. :D
Ah! A man after my own heart! :D Though I think I can trounce that number! :p

IAmGhostFace 06-18-12 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by JayDee (Post 819989)
Ah! A man after my own heart! :D Though I think I can trounce that number! :p
I was given a 600 movie digital collection. I haven't seen a good portion of them.

DexterRiley 06-27-12 09:48 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Ok so i just received a copy of

HG Wells' First Men in the Moon (1964)

not only have i not seen it before, but i see in the Special features there is a retrospective on FX legend Harryhauzen !!!

I suspect this is the long delayed title from Akatemple, and if so, thank you good sir.

akatemple 06-27-12 09:58 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
According to the people who shipped it, it was shipped on the 5th, that can't be right.
Hope you enjoy it, I definitely got a good kick out of it.

DexterRiley 06-28-12 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 818487)
ok i just came back from picking up the mail, and among the plethora of bills, pizza flyers and assorted junk, there lay a dvd sized package.

was inside. Haven't seen this flick in years, in fact i dont think since i caught in in the original theatrical run.

So whoever sent it my way, thanks !!
Ok so i got this from Yodes, and with the Jays having played in the early afternoon, was able to get around to watching it.

I hadn't seen this flick in 15 years or so, and my memory of it was quite limited. Sure i remembered the gist of it 2 guys at odds goin mano et mano et wildernes plus a killer bear.

What i had totally forgotten about was that there were actually 3 survivors of the plane crash initially. Obviously with Alec Baldwin and Sir Anthony on the Marquee it wasn't a huge surprise that the other guy was sacrificed to establish the ferocity of the bear. On the other hand, i sorta wished that a somewhat recognizable character actor had been cast, if only for the whoaa factor. You know what i mean, think Steven Segal in Executive Decision or Sam Jackson in Deep Blue Sea.

Anyways, when i think of David Mamet flicks, I, like most i suspect recall Glengarry Glen Ross, The Verdict and Wag the Dog. A creature feature would appear to be a odd use of his talents.

Au contraire mon frere. The set-up is great, with Hopkins being portrayed in the opening as a money bags jeopardy champeen type, who in lesser hands would be easy pickens out in the wilderness. It occurs to me at this point that there may well be several mofos who have not seen this, and so i shan't spoil anymore.

Suffice to say, its a fun ride that doesnt insist you turn off your brain to enjoy.

Thanks for sending it my way Yodes. :up:


akatemple 06-29-12 02:39 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Anthony Hopkins what the Sh*t in that movie, that's one of those movies that I remember almost scene for scene even though I have not seen it in probably 10+ years.

DexterRiley 07-01-12 01:30 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Fun day of shoppen.

3 mofos have somethen in the wind headen their way.

I'm not going to say who, because i think thats a big part of the fun.

TheUsualSuspect 07-01-12 03:33 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Any Diane Lane fans out there? Specifically Diane Lane and Colin Hanks fans???

akatemple 07-01-12 04:03 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I have seen Colin Hanks only in that TV show they made for one season, I may have seen him in some other stuff but nothing that sticks out in my head.

TheUsualSuspect 07-01-12 04:08 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
He was in Mad Men, Dexter, Orange County and the marvellous film I'm willing to give someone.

akatemple 07-01-12 04:13 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
oh yeah I did see Orange County, years ago, never seen Dexter or Mad Men, no cable TV for me.
But I'm always up for a DVD to watch, I'm definitely willing to give it a shot.

DexterRiley 07-06-12 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 823400)
Fun day of shoppen.

3 mofos have somethen in the wind headen their way.

I'm not going to say who, because i think thats a big part of the fun.
Ok well dang gummit, im breaken my own rule.

Yoda, AkaTemple, Mark F and The Usual Suspect should be receiven goodies in the mail.

Speaking of the latter, when u pm'd your adress, you failed to provide an actual, yanno name so i improvised.

Ima Tus (mofo club) is who it is adressed to, so alert the missus not to RTS it or heaven forbid discard it as junk.


TheUsualSuspect 07-07-12 03:01 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Hahaha, yeah, my bad.

Plus rep for anyone who knows my real name....I've mentioned it dozens of times here before so I know people like Yoda already know.

akatemple 07-07-12 03:56 PM

Just received Blind Fury

I have never seen this but it looks awesome, Siskel and Ebert gave it :up::up:, so can't wait to watch it. I don't know for sure who sent this but I am guessing Dexter, so thanks Dexter and if I'm wrong than I apologize to whomever did sent this.

Sexy Celebrity 07-07-12 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by akatemple (Post 824739)
I have never seen this but it looks awesome, Siskel and Ebert gave it :up::up:, so can't wait to watch it. I don't know for sure who sent this but I am guessing Dexter, so thanks Dexter and if I'm wrong than I apologize to whomever did sent this.
He doesn't give any indication that it's him on the package? Dexterrrrr, you should learn some mail etiquette!

akatemple 07-07-12 07:26 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Dexter might have, but when I get something the shape of a DVD in the mail I have a bad habit of just ripping it open without looking and by the time I'm done there's not enough left to try and find a name.

DexterRiley 07-07-12 08:56 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Well there should be a note added to the Warranty Card. Everything i purchase has this protection incidentally, so if you get a dud, let me know.

Blind Fury was a lil Bmovie that i discovered back in the days when mom and pop convenience stores everywhere were in the VHS rental game. This was round about teh time Ninjas and kung fuey flicks were getten rolled out steady.I'm honestly a bit stunned that it made the cut for At the Movies, but thats awesome in its own regard really.

mark f 07-07-12 09:38 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Thanks Dex. I received mine, but I haven't even participated in this thread so I was under the impression that you had an extra copy of the movie and were offering it to me because I'm one of the few people who doesn't crucify Lucas around here. You weren't supposed to BUY the flippin' movie. Thanks again, anyway.!B2yki!!!mk~...KJHpw~~_35.JPG

Powdered Water 07-07-12 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 824731)
Hahaha, yeah, my bad.

Plus rep for anyone who knows my real name....I've mentioned it dozens of times here before so I know people like Yoda already know.
"I know his name" ~ The Kurgan

TheUsualSuspect 07-09-12 02:35 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Received mine today.



I've seen bits and pieces of Superman, I don't know if I've ever sat down and watched the entire thing in one sitting, same goes for L.A.

Thanks a bunch Dex, I'll be posting my thoughts soon.

DexterRiley 07-09-12 08:18 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
heh i just noticed Gene Hackmens lex luthor is bald on the cover, while in the actual movie hes sporten hair. I guess the skull cap was itchy.

Austruck 08-17-12 02:23 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Omigosh, Dex! I know you sent the 3rd Rock Season 2 DVDs to Yoda, but he knows I love the series and LOVED watching Season 1 on DVDs... so he graciously gave it to me (and I'll allow him to borrow it when he wants). I'm enjoying it right now as I do work in my home office.

Totally fun! Now, it's my turn! How does this work??

DexterRiley 08-21-12 08:04 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
TimmyDex checkin in. Received

Clear and Present Danger Special Collectors edition from i believe Yodasan.

Nice call.

GreenEyed Vixen 08-21-12 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 812583)
All that is requred is to post a review of whatever you receive. I think it ought to be mentioned that all genres of flicks are allowed,with the exception of porn.

what????no porn? well count me out....:) just kidding,pw and i would like a piece of the action.

GreenEyed Vixen 08-21-12 08:14 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
we have gotten a few already so let me do some shopping!!!!

TheUsualSuspect 08-21-12 08:39 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
I need to post my reviews!!! Coming soon.

DexterRiley 08-21-12 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by GreenEyed Vixen (Post 838107)
what????no porn? well count me out....:) just kidding,pw and i would like a piece of the action.
one kinda bad its really good 80's sci-fi-thriller-murder mystery coming up.


(its not as bad as Abraxas i promise :D )

akatemple 08-21-12 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 838111)
I need to post my reviews!!! Coming soon.
Yeah same here, I have watched all the movies just for some reason have not gotten around to posting the reviews yet.

Austruck 08-22-12 12:30 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
How do we know what someone has or doesn't have already? (Sorry if this is obvious and I missed something. I never seem to get email notifications anymore. Did something change here?)

GreenEyed Vixen 08-27-12 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 838115)
one kinda bad its really good 80's sci-fi-thriller-murder mystery coming up.


(its not as bad as Abraxas i promise :D )
Wow Dex :cool:....... Your good, Ive never seen this movie, PW hasnt either and it looks fantastic, thank you so much. I will do a review as soon as Im done. Im soooooooo are the man

akatemple 08-30-12 03:25 AM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Dex I got your movie today, never seen it and it looks good.

Are we supposed to put the reviews here or where?

DexterRiley 09-01-12 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by akatemple (Post 839933)
Dex I got your movie today, never seen it and it looks good.

Are we supposed to put the reviews here or where?
either here or link to where u posted it i guess.

DexterRiley 09-15-12 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 822576)
Ok so i just received a copy of

HG Wells' First Men in the Moon (1964)

not only have i not seen it before, but i see in the Special features there is a retrospective on FX legend Harryhauzen !!!

I suspect this is the long delayed title from Akatemple, and if so, thank you good sir.
Apologies first, as somehow this flick was put in the miscelaneous gift basket in the hall closet by my wife. The wrap hadnt been taken off, and i guess i made the cardinal sin of leaving it out in the open, and so she just figured it was yet another candidate for the prize bin. ( 4 kids plus my wifes sterotypical french-catholic multiple niece and nephew pool, there are birthdays like every week it seems, so when deals are seen we snag em and toss into the bin for such occasions)


Ever wonder what would happen if mission to mars was made with a chitty chitty bang bang sensibility? No? yeah i mean who does, The makers of First Men in the Moon thats who.

The year is 1964 and teh United Nations has launched a rocket expidition to the moon. When they arrive however, the multi-racial astronauts are shocked to see a Union Jack Flag planted on teh lunar surface naming Kate Calender and claiming teh moon for Queen Victoria. Dun dun dunnn.

They find her husband in an old age home (she has since passed on) and he proceeds to tell a rather extraordinary fantastical tale (HG Wells people) about the Adventure of he, his fiancee at the time and an Inventor (wonderfull played by dick van dykes dad in Chitty Chitty BB) who invented an anti gravity system and traverse to the moon in 1890.

The locals are catapillar like creatures which look much better when stop motion FX are used, and rather silly when its obviously children or dwarfs in halloween costumes. Suffice to say, teh Bugs aren't tickled that their home planet has been invaded by interlopers.

To say anything else would be to spoil the fun.

And fun it is. This is the sorta movie that used to play Saturday Afternoons on a winters day when its cold outside, but not quite cold enough to have frozen the river for hockey.

Thats how i fondly recall watching the Sinbad flicks which also featured the badass effects of Harryhauzen.

Thanks Aka!

DexterRiley 09-16-12 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 824747)
He doesn't give any indication that it's him on the package? Dexterrrrr, you should learn some mail etiquette!
this is why you ought to be in the club. Nobody knows as much about the proper way to treat the mail.


akatemple 09-24-12 09:32 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Sorry this took so long Dexter, definitely not my best work, for some reason I was having a hard time finding the words to describe what I wanted to.

I will get the rest on here really soon.

TheUsualSuspect 09-24-12 11:47 PM

Re: The Buy-a-MoFo-a-DVD Club
Looooong overdue.

Superman: The Movie

Still to this day, Superman is one of the best superhero films. Before re-watching it, the thing I remember most of Donner's Superman is when he was a kid and lifts the car up while with the Kents.

What strikes me the most though, is how this film compares to the most recent superman outing, Superman Returns. While Routh does an excellent job in the role, he didn't have the chemistry or the spark that Reeves had. A lot of the chemistry fell flat with Bosworth's wooden Lois Lane. Kidder is the real star of the show as the feisty Lane, which I see a lot in common with Karen Allen's role in Raiders.

Hackman plays Lex Luthor, criminal mastermind and one of his most memorable roles at that. Add Ned Beatty's bumbling fool of a sidekick and you have yourself a great pairing of smarts and fool.

I think I might prefer Superman II over this one, Terrance Stamp does a great Zod and the matched powers gives the viewer some sense of real urgency. Not to mention the time travel in this film is absolutely absurd and almost ruins the ending.

Even though the film was made in the 70's, in 2012, you'll still believe this man can fly.

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