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Mose 03-22-05 08:06 PM

Sedai: If I remember correctly you aren't too much older than me so I feel safe in betting Bloodsport was considered required, and constant viewing, in your formative years... A classic, but not in terms of how good it was... Nostalgia plays a big factor :)

Nebs: Definitely watch the crash sequence... Top notch, and Cash is was and will always be the man... Then watch my man Jimmy tear up the original.

Mose 03-23-05 09:14 PM

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead 7/10

This slow moving (or methodical if you’re an optimist) piece of modern noir stars Clive Owen as an unkempt nomad trying to escape his past only to be drawn back to London after his brother suddenly takes his own life. While best known for his 1971 gangster piece “Get Carter”, director Mike Hodges first came to my attention while watching 1998’s “Croupier.” Like “Croupier”, “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” finds him working with Clive Owen, one of the most underrated actors working today. It’s Owen who makes the film successful, oozing charisma in every scene, no matter how much dirt and grime he’s buried beneath and helping us to overlook the film’s flaws. Those looking for the latest Michael Bay disaster had best look elsewhere. “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” was made for those of us who expect a bit more from a film and are willing to put in the effort necessary to appreciate such an effort.

Mose 03-30-05 08:23 PM

Greetings all... I doubt many of you have noticed, but I haven't been around much as of late... The reason behind this was a troublesome cable internet installation... Well I'm back online and my connection simply flies now! It's amazing, I went from 1.4k per second to over 200k... Yeah baby! Plus, I set up a wireless network in my house so now I can post on mofo while 'dropping the kids off at the pool'... if you know what I mean :D

Mose 04-03-05 12:28 PM

Sin City

Never before has a comic book (or graphic novel if you prefer) been brought to the big screen with such panache. Co-directors Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez have created a dark neo-noir world populated by relentlessly cruel and violent individuals who talk as if they were in a Mickey Spillane novel. Set against a backdrop of stunning visuals the film’s story is divided into three loosely connected vignettes. I really don’t want to reveal much of the plot, but will say Sin City is not for the faint of heart. Special note goes out to Mickey Rourke who turns in an incredible performance beneath a prosthetic face.

Note - I have switched over to a 5 star system for a couple of reasons... 1) It might help down the road if Chris decides to integrate everyones reviews into the site more and 2.) this way I can have neat little graphics on my site :)

Mose 04-03-05 10:54 PM

Hello... is this thing on? ;)

The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension

As best I can tell, after defeating their planet’s version of Hitler, the Black Lectroids (good guys, I think) from Planet 10 banish him and his followers, the Red Lectroids to the 8th dimension. Unfortunately he escaped and now inhabits the body of Dr. Lizardo. In order to ensure his demise, The Black Lectroids threaten to annihilate Earth unless part time neurosurgeon, rock star, nuclear physicist, modern day samurai and all around good guy Buckaroo Bonzai stops him. Perhaps the cheesiest movie of all time, The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension features an outstanding supporting cast (most notably John Lithgow chewing up scenery like Oprah at an all you can eat buffet), a ridiculously incomprehensible series of subplots, and enough 80’s fashion to satisfy the androgynous Boy George. Deserving of its cult status, TAOBBATED should be considered required viewing for anyone who grew up in the 80’s or is looking for mindless, though thoroughly confusing fun.

Strummer521 04-03-05 11:23 PM

That sounds so crazy that I've got to see it. :) Btw I like your style of reviewing, short and sweet. :)

Mose 04-03-05 11:45 PM

Thanks... Yeah, Buckaroo Bonzai is definitely a trip.

Mose 04-05-05 11:03 PM


As Mrs. Mose will attest, I have a slight predisposition to enjoying all things Jennifer Garner. Unfortunately she is out of her element here and is unable to play a convincing heartless ice princess who has bangs. I mean really, why in the world did they give her bangs?!? This pet peeve is a symptom of a larger problem, the general incompetence of just about everyone involved with Elektra. Sure the effects and a few of the fight scenes were well done, but the underdeveloped characters and storylines were enough to annoy even yours truly, and if you’ve read the site before you’ll know I’m not exactly the most discerning of movie goers.

Lance McCool 04-06-05 06:39 PM

Nice review, Elektra did suck...

Mose 04-06-05 07:02 PM

I won't say I was disappointed... I really didn't expect much from it, but after watching the first season of Alias I had hoped the lovely Ms. Garner would be able to elevate to 'watchable' status... Unfortunately I was wrong :(

Twain 10-12-05 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by Mose
House of Flying Daggers

Being a fan of the Wuxia genre (loosely translated as martial arts chivalry) and director Zhang Yimou’s previous foray into the world of stylized kung-fu, I had high hopes for “House of Flying Daggers” and midway through the film I had not been disappointed. Its gorgeous cinematography and outstanding cast (led by Takeshi Kaneshiro and the beautiful Ziyi Zhang) elicited obvious comparisons to “Hero” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. Unfortunately these comparisons soon faded from memory as “House of Flying Daggers” outstanding production values and Zhang’s brilliant use of color were rapidly overshadowed by a plot that rang hollow and an ending that defined the word ridiculous.

Hey, someone who agrees with me! This is exactly what I thought. I wanted to like this movie. And I did, for about an hour. Then the absurdity set in.

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