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nebbit 07-25-06 05:28 AM

That's it! :(

Caitlyn 10-27-07 02:32 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Always liked this thread... so bumpity bump.... :)

Mrs. Darcy 10-27-07 05:44 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Rosalind Russell

Born June 4th, 1907

The middle of seven children. Her father suggested she be named after the S.S. Rosalind.

Got signed by Universal and MGM, but went to MGM after they gave her a better offer.

Married to Cary Grant's onetime houseguest, Frederick Brisson, for 35 years until her death.

Nominated for four Oscars over the course of her career. Never did win.

Favorite Films
Auntie Mame
Mourning Becomes Electra
His Girl Friday
The Velvet Touch

Least Favorite Film
Never Wave at a WAC

Russell quotes:
"Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic."

"Acting is standing up naked and turning around very slowly."

My favorite Russell anecdote:
At a luncheon party one day, a snooty young actress fixed Rosalind Russell with an icy gaze and said, "I dread to think of life at forty-five." "Why?" Russell replied. "What happened?"

I love Rosalind Russell because she was a 'broad' in the best sense of the term. She was down to earth and believable in her roles, she could do comedy like nobody's business, and she was strong enough to be paired with some of the greatest leading men of the time and wasn't overshadowed by them.

Mrs. Darcy 10-31-07 09:26 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress

Born August 27, 1953, in Sweden

Discovered by Ingmar Bergman

Was friends with the Coen brothers long before he was cast in Fargo.

He's an actor, writer, director, and musician. He has his own record label called Stormvox.

His favorite actor is Gary Oldman.

He was nominated for a Chlotrudis award in 2001 for best supporting actor for his work in Dancer in the Dark.

Favorite Movies
Dancer in the Dark

Least Favorite
Mercury Rising
Wind Talkers

Holden Pike 10-31-07 09:43 PM

"We stop at Pancakes House."
Originally Posted by Mrs. Darcy
He was nominated for an Oscar in 2001 for best supporting actor for his work in Dancer in the Dark.

No, he wasn't. The only Oscar nomination Dancer in the Dark received was Best Original Song, "I've Seen It All", which it lost to Bob Dylan's song for Wonder Boys "Things Have Changed".

To date Mr. Stormare has never been nominated for an Oscar.

Mrs. Darcy 10-31-07 10:11 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
You're right, it was another, obscure award. I've fixed the error. Pardon, pardon...

7thson 03-21-08 10:46 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Hi Mofo's,
This is one of my favorite threads on the forum here and I decided to break it down a bit and try to get it fired up again. Thus far the following people have been dissected here:

Holly Hunter
Crispin Hellion Glover
Clint Eastwood
The Coen Brothers
Jennifer Connelly
Kevin Spacey
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Steve Buscemi
Toshirô Mifune
Uma Thurman
Kiefer Sutherland
Johnny Depp
John Cleese
Nicole Kidman
Edward Norton
Jack Nicholson
Katharine Hepburn
Cary Grant
Doug Hutchison
Humphrey Bogart
Matthew Modine
Dustin Hoffman
John Cusack
Robert Duvall
Sean Bean
Morgan Freeman
Chief Dan George
Bruce Willis
Michael J. Fox
William H. Macy
Robert Duvall
Gregory Peck
Rutger Hauer
Bette Davis
Olivia de Havilland
David Gulpilil
Al Pacino
John Wayne
Arnold Schwarzeneggar
Max Von Sydow
John C. Reilly
James Maitland Stewart
Jessica Marie Alba
Peter Cushing
Anthony Hopkins
Bill Murray
Orlando Bloom
Danny Devito
Rosalind Russell
Peter Stormare

If I missed any forgive me and let me know so I can edit the list.

Anyway I would love to see more input on this thread.
If someone you want to dissect is already listed there is nothing wrong with listing them again with your own take on them. I am currently working on a Tommy Lee Jones dissection which I hope to post soon.

These are the people we watch on screen and as movie lovers it is wonderful to share why we love certain actors and actresses.

Swedish Chef 03-22-08 12:33 AM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Willem Dafoe

I like Dafoe a whole lot. I'm having a real tough time coming up with anyone whom I'd rather watch on screen. I guess I like him so much because he's just so dang interesting. He's an extraordinarilly versatile actor who can take just about any role and turn it into something unique & unforgettable. And he usually does this in some totally unexpected way. He takes risks and he always brings something different to a film. Every character he plays, from conflicted Messiahs to psychotic supervillains, has an inimitable quality and is consistently, remarkably, believable. Dafoe is equally effective carrying a film on his shoulders in a lead role or providing able support as a peripheral character. Parts that may seem like throwaway roles on the page become something completely different and special when played by Dafoe. And when he's called upon to chew some scenery, he sure can chew it something fierce. He can chew it with the best of them.

My Favorite Willem Dafoe Performances
1. Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
2. The Last Temptation of Christ (1989)
3. The Boondock Saints (1999)
4. Wild At Heart (1990)
5. To Live & Die In LA (1985)
6. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
7. American Psycho (2000)
8. Spider-Man (2002)
9. Platoon (1986)
0. eXistenZ (1999)
1. The English Patient (1996)
2. Auto Focus (2003)
3. Finding Nemo (2003)
4. Animal Factory (2000)

Least Favorite Films
1. Body of Evidence (1993)
2. Auto Focus (2003)
3. Animal Factory (2000)
4. Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
5. The English Patient (1996)

A two-time oscar nominee, Dafoe has a Golden Globe, an Independent Spirit Award and a SAG Award to his credit along with countless festival and critics prizes. He's also got two Razzie nominations and somehow that makes me like him even more.

Here's an awesome interview with the guy from last year.
And here's his IMDB page.

Oh, and don't even get me started on that face of his. Willem Dafoe has the best mug in Hollywood. And it's not even close, folks.
"I mean, to think that one of his friends killed him, for no reason whatsoever, would be too ridiculous."

nebbit 03-22-08 06:35 AM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
I am a big fan of his :yup:

Dill-man 03-22-08 12:48 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
K I accidentily double-posted up here somehow, sorry.

Dill-man 03-22-08 01:17 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Gah! No ones done Robert De Niro! I'LL TAKE THE CALL!

Favorite Roles
  1. Taxi Driver
  2. Raging Bull
  3. Deer Hunter
  4. Goodfellas
  5. King of Comedy
  6. Godfather Part II
  7. Once Upon a Time in America
  8. The Untouchables
  9. Meet the Parents (what? He's hilarious :D)
  10. Awakenings
Least Favorite
  1. Shark Tale? I don't know I can't say I've ever seen De Niro have a role I've never liked.
Some Intersting Facts
  • De Niro was born in New York, the son of an abstract painter
  • As a kid he was so quiet people thought he was autisitc.
  • Scorsese credits De Niro for helping kick his cocaine addiction.
  • De Niro was voted 2nd on Channel 4 Film's "100 Greatest Movie Stars"
  • He's won 2 oscars, one for Raging Bull, the other for The Godfather Part II.
  • He's been nominated 4 other times without a win (Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter, Awakenings, Cape Fear)
  • He worked for 3 monthes as a New York cabbie to prepare for Taxi Driver.
  • He put on 60 pounds and learned how to box for Raging Bull.
  • He ground his teeth for Cape Fear.
  • He learned how to play the saxaphone for New York, New York.
  • He has worked with Martin Scorsese 8 times.
  • He is a staunch supporter of the Democratic party; he recently endorsed Barack Obama (yay).
Robert De Niro is, in my opinion, the epifiny of acting at its purest. Method acting is one of the hardest things a man can do and takes pure dedication and skill, you know he has a absolute passion for acting and films. The first movie I saw with Robert De Niro was Meet the Parents... I know a horrible first movie to see him in. I thought he was just some actor who was good at being a scary mobster guy. I was mistaken. The first drama role I saw him in was Taxi Driver. Obviously I was greatly impressed. The subtelty of his acting blew me away. The way he uses body language to help portray the emotions is absolutely brilliant and in my opinion is unmatached by any living actor today. The way he is constantly looking around and seems to have a hard time looking people in the eye in Taxi Driver gives you the impression that he really is a lonely insecure guy and has a hard time being around "filth" as he calls it.
In Raging Bull he is equally as brilliant. The way he says his last lines, monotone, helps you realize 'oh my god, he's truely screwed up, he is insane.' Just the opening credits of that movie with him hopping around the boxing ring makes me cry. This dedication and subtelty transfers to basically all his roles and makes him actor you can't forget, and one that should be considered as a Hollywood great.

So there is Robert De Niro in a nutshell, hoped you learned something.

Dill-man 03-22-08 01:18 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Oops sorry I double posted, what the hell happened; and hey if you want more analysis I'll do it.

Holden Pike 03-22-08 05:05 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Originally Posted by Dill-man
Robert De Niro is, in my opinion, the [epiphany] of acting at its purest... This dedication and [subtlety] transfers to basically all his roles and makes him actor you can't forget, and one that should be considered as a Hollywood great.

I don't think there's a way to minimize or overstate DeNiro's talent and career in the '70s all the way through the late '90s. I also don't think there's any way to deny that from 1999 onward his movies have been anywhere from tepid to downright crap. It's been nearly a decade of embarrassment after embarrassment. I don't begrudge anybody, even an actor the caliber of Bobby DeNiro, who takes an occasional piece of mainstream ***** to pay the bills. But when you've done pretty much nothing but for a decade, and you're Robert frickin' De Niro, it's more than sad; it's infuriating. Perhaps the upcoming Righteous Kill will be a return to form? Then again, despite the casting it could just as well be another 15 Minutes or The Score. And a reteaming with Michael Mann is very encouraging, but then that could be as horrible as Miami Vice, so time will tell.

As for some great films and performances you didn't list, check out Heat, Midnight Run, The Mission, Jacknife, Brazil and Bertolucci's 1900. You also neglected to mention that he has become a director as well, with A Bronx Tale (great flick) and The Good Shepherd (more-than-decent epic of the CIA). And I think part of why he's been, let's say less than choosy about the projects he appears in for years now is because so much of his time and energy are invested in the Tribeca Film Festival, which he founded after 9/11 to try and revitalize and bring investment to that neighborhood around the Trade Center site. Not that it excuses dreck like Godsend and Hide & Seek, but perhaps it explains it a bit?

Dill-man 03-22-08 05:16 PM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 422389)

I don't think there's a way to minimize or overstate DeNiro's talent and career in the '70s all the way through the late '90s. I also don't think there's any way to deny that from 1999 onward his movies have been anywhere from tepid to downright crap. It's been nearly a decade of embarrassment after embarrassment. I don't begrudge anybody, even an actor the caliber of Bobby DeNiro, who takes an occasional piece of mainstream ***** to pay the bills. But when you've done pretty much nothing but for a decade, and you're Robert frickin' De Niro, it's more than sad it's infuriating. Perhaps the upcoming Righteous Kill will be a return to form? Then again, despite the casting it could just as well be another 15 Minutes or The Score. And a reteaming with Michael Mann is very encouraging, but then that could be as horrible as Miami Vice, so time will tell.

As for some great films and performances you didn't list, check out Heat, Midnight Run, The Mission, Jacknife, Brazil and Bertolucci's 1900. You also neglected to mention that he has become a director as well, with The Bronx Tale (great flick) and The Good Shepherd (more than decent epic of the CIA). And I think part of why he's been, let's say, less than choosy about the projects he appears in for years now is because so much of his time and energy is invested in the Tribeca Film Festival, which he founded.
Hey maybe you should've done him, 'cause I thought I knew a good amount about him but apparently not as much as you :D. I agree that recently his stuff has been a lot of crap but it's not him thats crap its the movies themselves. I also knew that he has dibbled in directing but I just didn't include that. I wasn't trying to write some huge research paper on De Niro just make a little thing on a forum about him so sorry I din't spend days researching this :rolleyes:.

And yes, I too am angry that he hasn't done anything worthy of his skills as of late but what can you do? I imagine one would get exhausted playing the roles he did with such huge commitment, you can't blame him for wanting to just make fun movies. But yeah, I would love to see him in another worthy movie.

Caitlyn 09-11-10 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by 7thson (Post 422231)
Hi Mofo's,
This is one of my favorite threads on the forum here and I decided to break it down a bit and try to get it fired up again. Thus far the following people have been dissected here:

Holly Hunter
Crispin Hellion Glover
Clint Eastwood
The Coen Brothers
Jennifer Connelly
Kevin Spacey
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Steve Buscemi
Toshirô Mifune
Uma Thurman
Kiefer Sutherland
Johnny Depp
John Cleese
Nicole Kidman
Edward Norton
Jack Nicholson
Katharine Hepburn
Cary Grant
Doug Hutchison
Humphrey Bogart
Matthew Modine
Dustin Hoffman
John Cusack
Robert Duvall
Sean Bean
Morgan Freeman
Chief Dan George
Bruce Willis
Michael J. Fox
William H. Macy
Robert Duvall
Gregory Peck
Rutger Hauer
Bette Davis
Olivia de Havilland
David Gulpilil
Al Pacino
John Wayne
Arnold Schwarzeneggar
Max Von Sydow
John C. Reilly
James Maitland Stewart
Jessica Marie Alba
Peter Cushing
Anthony Hopkins
Bill Murray
Orlando Bloom
Danny Devito
Rosalind Russell
Peter Stormare

If I missed any forgive me and let me know so I can edit the list.

Anyway I would love to see more input on this thread.
If someone you want to dissect is already listed there is nothing wrong with listing them again with your own take on them. I am currently working on a Tommy Lee Jones dissection which I hope to post soon.

These are the people we watch on screen and as movie lovers it is wonderful to share why we love certain actors and actresses.

This thread is a favorite of mine too... you need to add Robert De Niro and Willem Dafoe... and hopefully some newer MoFos will add some of their favorites... and some older MoFos will add a new post... :)

Leo_Lover 09-12-10 04:09 AM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress
Nice thread, I'll work on my favourite actor & actress & then get back to this thread. :D

Miss Vicky 09-12-10 05:44 AM

Joaquin Phoenix

Favorite Film: Quills

Worst Film: It’s All About Love

Most Underated: Quills, Clay Pigeons


Birth Name: Joaquin Rafael Bottom
Birthdate: October 28, 1974
Place Of Birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Father: John Bottom Amram
Mother: Arlyn Dunetz Jochebed
Siblings: River Phoenix (1970-1993), Rain Phoenix (b. 1972),
Summer Phoenix (b. 1976), Liberty Phoenix (b. 1978)


Born to Children of God (a religious cult that fused ideas from Christianity and the Free Love movement) missionaries, Joaquin spent much of his early childhood traveling through South America as his parents fulfilled their missionary duties. Eventually, however, his parents became disillusioned with the increasingly bizarre sexual practices being recommended by the leaders of their faith (Some of these practices even included children. Brother River claimed to have lost his virginity at the age of 4). Eventually, his parents decided to break away, taking their family to Florida and adopting the surname “Phoenix” to signify their new life.

However, the family struggled to make ends meet and eventually they headed west to Los Angeles so that the children could pursue acting. Joaquin adopted the name “Leaf” (in an effort to match his siblings’ earthier sounding names) and gained a respectable amount of success in movies like Russkies, Space Camp and Parenthood. However, few knew anything of the young actor until his distraught 911 telephone call reporting the overdose of older brother River was broadcast over and over on practically every media outlet.

But Joaquin would not spend his career in the shadow of his brother. With roles in movies like Gladiator and Walk the Line, he displayed an immense wealth of talent and versatility, garnering awards and critical acclaim.

Being a nearly lifelong vegan, he also dedicated himself to charitable work, becoming spokesperson for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and serving as narrator and producer for the animal rights documentary Earthlings.

Recent years have seen his work overshadowed by his often volatile relationship with the media, culminating in a bizarre chain of events in which Phoenix announced his retirement from acting in order to pursue rap music, appeared bearded, disheveled and incoherent during interviews, and then disappeared altogether. All of this was filmed by friend and brother-in-law Casey Affleck, leading to much speculation that his behavior was an elaborate hoax.

In January of 2010, a clean-shaven Phoenix appeared with Miley Cyrus and ex-girlfriend Liv Tyler in a promotional video for To Write Love On Her Arms, a suicide prevention organization. More recently, details of his documentary I’m Still Here have come out, which suggest that the bizarre behaviors Phoenix displayed in public and on television were just the tip of the iceberg. It remains to be seen whether it was all an elaborate hoax or if the star really did have a psychotic meltdown. My money’s on the former. After all, Joaquin Phoenix is a very talented actor.

Edit: On September 17, 2010, it was reported that Casey Affleck finally acknowledged that I'm Still Here was staged. Phoenix himself confirmed this in an appearance on David Letterman 9/22/10.


As Joaquin Phoenix:

I’m Still Here: The Lost Years of Joaquin Phoenix (2010)
Two Lovers (2008)
Reservation Road (2007)
We Own The Night (2007)
Earthlings (2005) [Narrator]
Walk the Line (2005)
Ladder 49 (2004)
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
The Village (2004)
Brother Bear (2003) [Voice of “Kenai”]
It’s All About Love (2003)
Signs (2002)
Buffalo Soldiers (2001)
Quills (2000)
Gladiator (2000)
The Yards (2000)
8MM (1999)
Clay Pigeons (1998)
Return to Paradise (1998)
U Turn (1997)
Inventing the Abbotts (1997)
To Die For (1995)
Walking the Dog (1991)

As Leaf Phoenix:

Parenthood (1989)
The Adventures of Superboy (1989) [Television, 1 episode]
The New Leave It to Beaver (1989) [Television, 1 episode]
Secret Witness (1988) [Television]
Russkies (1987)
SpaceCamp (1986)
Morningstar/Eveningstar (1986) [Television, 7 episodes]
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1986) [Television, 1 episode]
Anything for love (1985) [Television]
Kids Don’t Tell (1985) [Television]
Murder, She Wrote (1984) [Television, 1 episode]
Hill Street Blues (1984) [Television, 1 episode]
The Fall Guy (1984) [Television, 1 episode]
ABC Afterschool Special – Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia (1984) [Television]
Mr. Smith (1983) [Television, 1 episode]
Six Pack (1983) [Television]
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1982) [Television, 1 episode]


Most notable are his two Academy Award Nominations (Best Supporting Actor: Gladiator and Best Actor: Walk the Line) as well as his Golden Globe win for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy: Walk The Line.

Others Awards and Nominations can be found here:

Jape 09-13-10 03:38 AM

Actress: Hannah Dakota Fanning

Birth Date: February 23, 1994

Birth Place: Conyers, Georgia USA

Best Movie: Uhh.... The Runaways

Worst Movie: I would say Hounddog but I haven't seen it so probably Hide and Seek

(I refuse to count the Twilight movies)

Awards: Youngest ever SAG award nominee. Has won a few MTV Movie Awards and a Kids' Choice Award

Leo_Lover 09-13-10 04:14 AM

Re: Dissect your favorite actor/actress

Mini Biography:

Birth Name: Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio
Birth Date: 11/11/1974
Place of Birth: Los Feliz, California
Star Sign: Scorpio
Mother’s Name: Irmelin
Father’s Name: George
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Nicknames: Leo & Lenny D
Height: 6’ (1.83 m)
Nationality: American/Germen/Italian
Best Friends: Tobey Maguire & Lukas Haas
Favourite Food: Pasta
Favourite Colour: Dark Green, Purple & Black

Best Movies:
- What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
- The Aviator
- The Departed
- Blood Diamond
- Revolutionary Road
- Shutter Island
- Inception

Worst Movie:
- The Beach

Favourite Movies:
- The Departed
- The Aviator
- Revolutionary Road
- Romeo + Juliet
- Blood Diamond
- What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
- Inception
- Gangs of New York
- Shutter Island


The Oscars:

- Best Actor in a Supporting Role, For: What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role, For: The Aviator (2004) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role, For: Blood Diamond (2006) [Nominated]

Golden Globes:

- Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture, For: What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama, For: TITANIC (1997) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama, For: Catch Me If You Can (2002) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama, For: The Aviator (2004) [Won]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama, For: Blood Diamond (2006) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama, For: The Departed (2006) [Nominated]
- Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama, For: Revolutionary Road (2008) [Nominated]

TylerDurden99 09-17-10 11:39 PM

Edward Norton
FIRST ROLE: Primal Fear

Best Film: Fight Club

Worst Film: Keeping The Faith

Best Performance: Fight Club or American History X

Worst Performance: The Incredible Hulk

Most Underrated Film: Red Dragon

Best Character: The Narrator (Fight Club), Derek Vinyard (American History X) & Aaron Stampler (Primal Fear).

Academy Award Wins: None.

Academy Award Nominations: 2
1996: Best Supporting Actor: Primal Fear.
1998: Best Actor: American History X.

Recommended Films:
Primal Fear
The People Vs. Larry Flynt
American History X
Fight Club
Red Dragon.

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