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Dani8 03-24-18 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by hell_storm2004 (Post 1881650)
Drugs as in medicine i hope!!
Ofcourse!!! I gave up hippie stuff back in my uni days in a galaxy far far away:up:

lenslady 03-24-18 03:37 AM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
My only drug of choice is coffee. Wouldn't want to face the day without it.

I made some very nice liver and sautéed onions this week. Liver in oven, onions in pan. I love a simple recipe since I don't have much patience to cook, even tho I keep thinking I ll get inspired on this thread.

I also 'cheated ' to make a healthy salad- bagged Dole lettuce mix, crumbled feta cheese from a plastic bin, and those mini tomatoes you don't have to slice. How lazy can ya get? lmao but it was quite good. Still haven't found a really good brand of salad dressing -I like Caesar and Italian; any suggestions folks?

Btw I know liver doesn't sound like a high class culinary delight, but when you're in that occasional mood for it - it hits the spot.

lenslady 03-24-18 12:18 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
I forgot to ask Dani8 - what is your recipe for deviled eggs? Seems simple but there 's so many variations online.

lenslady 03-24-18 04:08 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
P. S. Someone recently suggested to me that a good lo cal way to get more vegetables in my diet was to buy zucchini noodles.It looks just like spaghetti but is actually raw zucchini.

I m not a great fan of zucchini, (unless it s breaded and deep fried, which kinda defeats the purpose of this mission)
but it 's.....okay.

I ve tried boiling it and serving it with a smidgeon of butter - tried sautéing it with oil &garlic , even tried baking it and added a wee bit of fried onions.

No luck . It 's even worse than regular zucchini. The only thing that was palatable was the fried onions.

Amazingly, I still have quite a bit of this web of zucchini strands left.
Any suggestions? - other than I place its remainders in a small cardboard box, wait until the snow melts and bury it in the backyard when the ground thaws?

NataljaK 03-24-18 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 1882068)
I forgot to ask Dani8 - what is your recipe for deviled eggs? Seems simple but there 's so many variations online.
deviled eggs are typical for Poland hahaah we usually serve them with mayo and chive, but can also be served with some paste made of meat maybe or with caviar.
It's not considered fancy or anything in Poland

lenslady 03-24-18 04:38 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
Thanks @NataljaK I love Polish food - kielbasa, pierogi etc. but I think our (USA) eggs have mustard....and something else, might be the chives.
I might try some with meat paste, but not Caviar, never got why fish eggs are such a treat, but then I don't like 'fishy' fish - which rules out most seafood for me.

I don't know if deviled eggs are considered fancy, but whenever they're served at a party, they're snatched up asap. Disappear faster than a platter of chocolate lmao.

Dani8 03-25-18 08:28 AM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
Oh yum. You've both given me a great idea for easter saturday lunch. Devilled eggs with caviar

hell_storm2004 03-25-18 07:39 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
I am tea fan! Coffee comes second. Ditched the sugary fizzy stuff way back in college. I was thinking about this other day, some folks here consume so much fizzy drinks... it's baffling! I have about a liter a year. That's it!

That too... Dr. Pepper, that is just bottled mouthwash! :p

Dani8 03-25-18 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 1882068)
I forgot to ask Dani8 - what is your recipe for deviled eggs? Seems simple but there 's so many variations online.
The same that Natalja mentioned is tried, true, and tested over and over and over

just to make sure I wasnt wrong about how fabulous the taste was the first time.

And definitely caviar. Caviar should not taste or especially smell 'fishy fishy'. If it does it's not fresh. Same with most seafood. It should just smell ' of the sea' ie of salt water.

Dani8 05-14-18 01:12 AM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
My poor little thread. Why have I forsaken thee? I am so sorry, little thread. Time to make some chicken soup for the soul and fresh bread, right in time for sharing and caring tomorrow. It's good to see you again, my love.

UpgradeYourDad 05-18-18 11:04 AM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
My girlfriend recently got into a bad car wreck and had to move back In with her parents. This is my first time living alone so I’m trying to be comparenty behind the stove now. I finally picked up The Four Hour Chef the other day and I absolutely love it. If you’re a novice like me, I can’t recommend it enough.

As far as recipes I’ve cooked recently on my own, I just made steak with a Worcester, olive oil and liquid smoke brine. It was great, but I definitely want to add garlic salt in there to make it perfect.

I also made a grilled cheese that was almost perfection. I made it with deli turkey, pepper jack cheese, oregeno on French bread. Tonight I’m remaking it, but I’m adding a pinch more garlic salt and adding muenster cheese as well.

Dani8 05-18-18 04:30 PM

I'm so sorry about your girlfriend, update. That shouldn't just be a throway line. What happened and how is she?

As for your food, doesn't seem too amateur to me. Good on you! Glad to have you in the thread!

I don't get that show. Unless it's on food network and I missed it.

UpgradeYourDad 05-18-18 05:48 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1901604)
I'm so sorry about your girlfriend, update. That shouldn't just be a throway line. What happened and how is she?
It’s all good, I think I posted a lengthy thing in the shout box if I remember right. Luckily she’s okay, she accidentally hit a guard rail which caused her to roll her car off the road and flip. Cars totalled but she’s alright, managed to get out of it with only a broken ankle. She just got her cast off today and should be back to normal in 3 more weeks.

As far as a thing I just made, I did turkey burgers with sautéed onions and garlic and American cheese. I dissolved garlic salt into the olive oil which really helped make it super garlicky on top.

Dani8 05-18-18 07:02 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
Goodness. Broken bone/s AND rolled it. What a lucky lady. I hope she's received the bounty of your new found art.

Do you prefer fresh or dried garlic? I'm a bit partial to fresh and I found Americans I spoke to preferred garlic salt. I didn't have a bad dinner when I was in USA (apart from the dread... Food truck meal I had in NYC) so no wrong answer. It's all how we're CONDITIONED.

Oops not yelling.

I look forward to seeing. more of your posts.

I seem to have bunged 2 coolarbones a bit so darling husband got pizza. I'm really into the beauty of simple things at the mo so my week was spending three days on a master stock which my bro accidentally threw out. I hadn't seen him for 10months so to hell with the stock. The soul in the chicken stock was in my 3day prep. I was so happy.

Then I made a kicker pasta marinara. Nailed it, if I do say so myself. My MOJO was missing for so long then BOOM! IT'S BACK, But in A DIFFERENT WAY.=N

lenslady 05-20-18 09:08 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
I think this thread deserves some well deserved attention. Unfortunately, since our 22 month winter finally seems to be drawing to a close, most of my recipes have to do with ordering take out or eating out- because I' m finally OUTSIDE the friggin house and making up for lost time. I don't wanna cook now!

But I finally thought of a recipe for eggs that think is quick and easy and yet unique. Unique b/c I think I invented it. And If I didn't, please don't tell me, this is the only one I came up with that has to stand against the uber chefs in thread. ;D

Lenslady's omelet:

Fry onions in a stainless steel pan- oil or butter- til golden. Add thoroughly mixed eggs (I usually mix some milk into the eggs) to the pan. When half done, add heavy dollops of cream cheese, let it melt and fold eggs over.Serve with herbed buttered flatbread that you have heated in oven.

Delicious. Serve with my own home brewed Columbian blend coffee.

Hardest part of this is cleaning that d#%n pan. But eggs taste better in that than the dreaded Teflon. I made my eggs this morning- quick and easy, And I' m just finishing cleaning the pan tonite🙄

Dani8 05-21-18 10:25 PM

OMG I totally missed your post, LL. My humblest apologies. I'm just about to have x-rays taken but this post deserves my full attention so I shall return. Maybe @Elessa is lurking and will drop by. Welcome to the thread and I totally agree about Teflon and simplicity in the kitchen. Your omelet te and Colombian coffee sounds divine. I shall bring the cold pressed OJ. 🍊 And home baked 🍞

Dani8 05-21-18 10:31 PM

Oh I forgot to mention, cockatoos have decided my first crop of mandarins are pretty damn good. They take a couple of nibbles then drop them. The back garden has become a war zone for us and the dogs. I can't be angry because I love the birds so much and it's such a gorgeous day. Im grateful for waking up each day in such a beautiful and safe country!

UpgradeYourDad 05-22-18 02:52 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
Dani8, MJ has definitely been reaping the benefits. Finally retried that grilled cheese I was talking about and the additional cheese took it to perfection.

I also tried making turkey legs using the recipe below but the skin was super dry and rough. Anyone got any tips on how to ensure they don’t dry out?

As well, making Alfredo for some friends tomorrow. Any tips on veggies that go well in there? I love broccoli in it big I’m not sure what else to add in there.

Dani8 05-22-18 05:38 PM

Re: Mouthgasms for MoFo foodies
Is MJ your girlfriend, Upgrade? How is she?

Well it certainly looks like you've stirred you kitchen MOJO. Puts my breakfast yesterday to shame - apple slices with peanut butter. I did, however, make waffles honey yogurt, blueberreries and strawbs together with freshly brewed coffee for Sunday lunch. It was fantastic.

I can't help you with your turkey recipe as it didn't show up yet, and mostly because I've never cooked turkey, but do you have any alfoil? Or oven bags?

What veggies do you like? I would go with salad but my preference for a side to pasta is Always salad. A bit hard to say without knowing much about your likes and dislikes so soon, though.

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