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L .B . Jeffries 03-08-02 10:00 PM

Originally posted by jrs1013
I'd have to say Peter Jackson's Bad Taste

:o :o OOOwwww I just love the sick ***** Jackson pulls off in Bad Taste and Dead Alive.

Derek: Stick all the bits of brain in a plastic bag, Barry.


jrs 03-08-02 10:07 PM

oh gosh....i didn't say i HATE Jackson's work

L .B . Jeffries 03-08-02 10:21 PM

Originally posted by jrs1013
oh gosh....i didn't say i HATE Jackson's work
No ! No ! I didn't say you did like him or his movies, just saying that I found Bad Taste to be good taste :laugh: and it didn't distrub me one bit.


Fez Wizardo 03-12-02 03:32 AM

Originally posted by L .B . Jeffries
and it didn't distrub me one bit.
It's just a laugh... it lacks atmosphere to be a disturbing film!

Jenny*B 03-12-02 11:51 AM

disturbing movies
There aren't so many movies that actually disturb me, but there are some that have gotten to me at points. I'm such a film freak, I don't come across too many movies that I didn't like, let alone that upset me.

Pink Floyd's The Wall - I saw this when I was really young, and the part where the kids fell into that grinder thing... *shudder*

The Exorcist - scary film, bottom line

Friday the 13th - the first film disappointed me more than disturbed me, but the fact that the movie that began the slasher craze was so timid was disturbing in itself

It - an evil clown that takes on the forms of your worst nightmares? now that's frightening

Faces of Death - saw bits and pieces years ago. you don't have to see this movie to know that it's disturbing

There's probably more, but now I've got a headache. :indifferent:

L .B . Jeffries 03-12-02 02:25 PM

Re: disturbing movies
Originally posted by Jenny*B

It - an evil clown that takes on the forms of your worst nightmares? now that's frightening
I haven't seen the whole thing but as a kid the part when the picture comes alive scared the ***** ot of me. defiantly not good from the kiddies.

Which reminds me of my first time I watched ROBOCOP were he gets blowin to pieces that was trumatizing for me as a kid, it stayed with me for days. I think I tucked my head in the corner on the couch when they started to blast away. then had a peek when he was looking up at the doctors and what not. than back to the head in the corner of the couch than another look when I think my brother told me it was okay now, and that's when they were opperating on him, what a guy got love him. :)


Snoozle 03-12-02 02:37 PM

Re: Re: disturbing movies
Originally posted by L .B . Jeffries

I haven't seen the whole thing but as a kid the part when the picture comes alive scared the ***** ot of me. defiantly not good from the kiddies.
Well, I was fully grown up when I saw It, and it scared the bejeesuz out of me, too. I was at a friend's house watching the first night (it's a miniseries), and I didn't want to drive home alone!:eek: :eek: :eek:

tzortst 03-13-02 02:48 AM

ok the most disturbing film would have to be blood sucking freaks that film was just wrong

morbidodyssey 03-15-02 02:41 AM

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Oricle 05-02-02 05:45 PM

The most intense movie I can think of is Jacob's Ladder. Oh and Hannibal.

Greg The Bunny 05-03-02 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Oricle
The most intense movie I can think of is Jacob's Ladder...
I definately agree! That is my top brain-twister movie ever!

thmilin 05-05-02 02:09 AM

i've a new one, which dealt with a disturbing theme ... but it was actually a very beautiful film.

it's an indie, came out on places like the Sundance Film channel and for now the title eludes me but it's something like "Blessed" or something like that. about necrophilia.

this chick grows up with a fascination with death and finally develops a sexual desire for the dead and is incapable of really connecting with people and is totally unable to love or desire a living person sexually. she becomes a mortician.

a guy falls for her and is drawn into her world, basically obsessed by her and her necorophilia. frustrated in his inability to reach her in that way, he finally sacrifices himself to her out of love - hanging himself. she then finally gets to ... with him, and the wrapup of the story is that she never does it again, because he was the ultimate for her.

very strange and beautiful ... it's a love story and yet, totally untypical. it crosses into the line of permission - this woman taking bodies sexually (young men) without the knowledge of them or their family ... and yet it's this ritual for her, this worshipping and proper respect of death, a deference to death no one else around her has, to the point that she actually DESIRES the dead.

and the whole world of death is thoroughly explored ... the spirituality of it. the depth of it. the meaning of it ... to the dead, and the living.

very beautiful but ... very very ... um ... disturbing.

Marcellus 05-05-02 02:55 AM

Originally posted by thmilin
i've a new one, which dealt with a disturbing theme ... but it was actually a very beautiful film.

it's an indie, came out on places like the Sundance Film channel and for now the title eludes me but it's something like "Blessed" or something like that. about necrophilia.

this chick grows up with a fascination with death and finally develops a sexual desire for the dead and is incapable of really connecting with people and is totally unable to love or desire a living person sexually. she becomes a mortician.

a guy falls for her and is drawn into her world, basically obsessed by her and her necorophilia. frustrated in his inability to reach her in that way, he finally sacrifices himself to her out of love - hanging himself. she then finally gets to ... with him, and the wrapup of the story is that she never does it again, because he was the ultimate for her.

very strange and beautiful ... it's a love story and yet, totally untypical. it crosses into the line of permission - this woman taking bodies sexually (young men) without the knowledge of them or their family ... and yet it's this ritual for her, this worshipping and proper respect of death, a deference to death no one else around her has, to the point that she actually DESIRES the dead.

and the whole world of death is thoroughly explored ... the spirituality of it. the depth of it. the meaning of it ... to the dead, and the living.

very beautiful but ... very very ... um ... disturbing.
it's so weird - i remember reading a review for that a couple of weeks ago.

the movie's infact called Kissed

for me, one of the most disturbing images was the final scene in Dancer in the Dark - left me literally shaking afterwards :eek:

Snoozle 05-05-02 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
Hannibal... disturbing? Hardly.
Yes, at the dinner scene it was just too bizarre. I don't thing the gore was the worst, I think Ray Liotta's walking and talking through it was the disturbing part.:eek: :eek:

Holden Pike 05-05-02 12:53 PM

Thimlin, that movie is indeed called Kissed (1996). It's a Canadian flick starring one of my favorite younger actresses: Molly Parker. She co-starred in a terrific TV series from the Great White North, "Twitch City" (1998), and she also starred in Wayne Wang's controversial The Center of the World (2001) and Michael Wuinterbottom's Wonderland (1999). She won a Genie, the Candian equivalent of the Oscar, as Best Actress for her work as Sandra in Kissed.

I love Kissed too.

thmilin 05-06-02 02:23 AM

yeah, Kissed! I knew it ended with an "ed." heh. i actually saw this years ago and just remembered it cuz i think i heard a mention of it somewhere.

the thing is, the movie shows this magical world of death without SPEECH. without someone sitting there and saying "it means this and this, and it's like this and this, and this is how it is when you desire a dead man..."

WARNING: "Kissed" spoilers below

when her love interest asks her to explain, she really can't. only because we're with the camera and following her around do we see how intensely ... spiritual and magical it all is. the reverence with which she makes the body up, cleans it, makes it perfect. the care with which she kisses, touches, treats the dead. and it actually becomes ... ok. i actually thought it was ok for her to do this, or rather, that there is nothing wrong with desiring the dead. that love is love and making love is making love and she didn't have a perverse need to use someone. that it was ok if she had "permission" - so, her love interest, in the end, WANTED her to.

yeah, a female mortician is rare. the movie definitely explored the ... the "oddness" factor in the type of person who takes the job (the senior mortician and his male assistant both have their own ... quirks) ... and then if you think about it, is she really no different from the dirty old mortician who uses the bodies of young boys because he's a necrophilic pederast? is it ok just because she reveres? or is she just as bad and twisted in her own way, like someone who reverently steals the clothes of someone they're stalking? love to the point of wrongness?because this is the ultimate - the object of your love has no CHOICE in the matter....

a truly fascinating beautiful film. i just remember her on the gurney, in the cold, in the shining light ... and it seemed like the ultimate definition of lovemaking ... beautiful ... and it's what fulfills her ... and the man beneath her is ... well ... beautiful ... but cold. supposedly serene, but that's the way she made is face to be. is it all false? is this the only way she can connect, because she can manipulate people and give them meaning, all on her own, like a child in a dream world with their stuffed animals or imaginary friends? all fascinating questions.

makeitstop 05-07-02 02:57 AM

Gladiator because it actually won best picture. That and anything with richard gere. Or kevin costner. Or john travolta. Or barbera striesand. I say all four of them should be sent directly into a blackhole. After being staked and stuffed with garlic just to be safe.

Yoda 05-07-02 10:48 AM

C'mon. Field of Dreams wasn't total crap. Costner was decent there. Travolta was in Pulp Fiction and Get Shorty - you don't like either of those? I despise almost everything Costner's ever done, mind you...but even I have to admit he hasn't always completely sucked.

Wickstik 05-10-02 02:17 AM

Mulholland Drive - Disturbing in its wierdness....

The Texas Chainsaw movies, while gross and sickening, were not really disturbing in the sense that you new the guy's motive - he was a psycho who liked killing and mutilating people. If anyone can clearly understand what was happening in Mulholland Drive - tell me please... :rolleyes:

sadesdrk 05-10-02 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Wickstik
If anyone can clearly understand what was happening in Mulholland Drive - tell me please... :rolleyes:
You should see our threads on the subject, but here's a hint:
WARNING: "Mulholland Drive" spoilers below
Everything before the box is fantasy; after the box is reality.
Help any?

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