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Tacitus 05-24-09 04:56 AM

Re: The Wire
I think it's the worn Brillo pad hairstyle that put me in mind of Hackman. ;)

Fans of Clarke Peters will have seen him recently over here in Endgame and he's coming up (if not already - I've never seen it) as a recurring character in Holby City. Rumours that Lance Reddick is starring in a live action Thunderbirds movie have been strenuously denied, however...

I think Avon would have offed D, for sure. The Game's The Game. ;)

The Prestige 05-24-09 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by Tacitus (Post 534099)
Rumours that Lance Reddick is starring in a live action Thunderbirds movie have been strenuously denied, however...

Lol! Took me a moment to realise you were joking, lol. But then, i've gotten no sleep so cut me some slack :D. I like his performance as Daniels,'s just so...proper. Man always has his back straight. Like you said, he is Robocop 2000, baby ;)

Yeah I heard that Clarke Peters was gonna be on Holby City. Might find myself catching the poor man's Casualty soon. I didn't get to see Endgame, though.

You honestly think Avon would have done D?? Y'see, I dunno. I mean, Avon was understandly really upset when Stringer confessed. At first I thought he was upset with the fact that Stringer did it without his consent, but after rewatching some of season 2, I honestly don't think he had it in him. I mean, i'm sure he thought about and all, but I don't think he would have killed his own nephew. If you look into his eyes and listen to what he says in the aftermath of D's death, you realise just how genuinely hurt and broken he is by it. He doesn't even think about the burden that's been lifted until Wee Bay mentions the 'advantage' of D's death. It's only when people remind him that it was 'maybe for the best' that Avon machos up a little bit. It's there but it's very subtle.

Tacitus 05-25-09 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 534106)
It's only when people remind him that it was 'maybe for the best' that Avon machos up a little bit. It's there but it's very subtle.
Which is how I think it would have played if stringer had gone to Avon before he did the deed and kept him in the loop. If D had, as they say here, 'touted him out' then Avon would have been looking at life with no parole and the complete dismantling of his empire. Breyana (sp?) would have been a problem but it could have been hidden in the same way with the same eventual resolution. ;)

The Prestige 05-26-09 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by Tacitus (Post 534387)
Which is how I think it would have played if stringer had gone to Avon before he did the deed and kept him in the loop. If D had, as they say here, 'touted him out' then Avon would have been looking at life with no parole and the complete dismantling of his empire. Breyana (sp?) would have been a problem but it could have been hidden in the same way with the same eventual resolution. ;)
I can understand how you can see that. I mean, it seems logical given the potential demise of the Barksdale operation...but there is a reason why Stringer never kept Avon in the loop. If you remember, String visits Avon in jail right before he orders the hit on D. They are having this conversation with Avon looking all lethargic and ****, and then says, as if he is trying to reassure Stringer, that 'if the worst comes to the worst i've been fair to him, haven't I?'

Now, if you look at how the camera observes Stringer's reaction to that, you could tell that he knew deep down that Avon just didn't have the ruthless capacity to have his own flesh and blood killed. Otherwise why not suggest it to Avon? Especially after Avon said that.

Tacitus 05-27-09 05:28 AM

Re: The Wire
It's possible but I don't buy that, when faced with the possibility of life inside and the end of his empire, Avon wouldn't have taken the ultimate decision against someone who he already could see was weakening and one who had already almost turned against him. Family or not.

We'll never know, though. ;)

Pyro Tramp 06-17-09 02:16 PM

Re: The Wire
Don't want to read past the first page in case of spoilers, if there are any? Mid way through Season 3 atm, thought season 2 been the best though

Tacitus 06-17-09 02:52 PM

Re: The Wire
At the risk of great injury I've looked at pages 2 and 3 and, yes, don't read them until you've done with Season 4 at least. Of course, when you've done with Season 4 you're gonna want to watch it again straight away so we'll see you in a bit. ;D

Brother Blue 06-17-09 03:06 PM

The Wire is probably my all time favourite TV show. It's probably the most well written piece of television drama on TV, or that was on TV and it doesnt hold back to shield it's audience from the realities of the everyday situations within this world. Every character has their own set of weaknesses and faults and what should be fixed positions within the show never turn out that way. The cold blooded killer can have a heart of gold, and the cop can be as crooked as the local drug king pin. The entire show paints a much more realistic portrait of any modern day inner city, filled with people who were born into a situation they probably will never get out of due to the lack of care and interest shown upon them by those in power and cops who are bogged down in the beauracracies of being a modern day police officer and the feeling that you'll never be able to get anything done worth doing.

I've already seen the entire series when it was shown here on TV and then a couple times more an DVD and it's a show I never tire of unlike shows similar to it such as The Sopranos and The Shield which are good shows in their own right but in my opinion do not come close to the complexity and intelligence that The Wire offers it's viewers. For those of you who are new to the show I would advise you to stick with it because by the end you will have experienced something extraordinary.

What I love about The Wire is that it does not limit itself to being a one episode story arc show that many shows do. It allows the story to play itself out over a number of episodes with minor storys to play out within that story arc in the meantime. I often hear The Wire be compared to a book and every season is one act of that book and every episode a chapter, and when I first heard that I thought it ws quite pretentious. But when you think about it, it's absolutly true, all threads of the story are current throughtout, right up until the end. Storys that come to light in the second season come back in the fifth (dont worry I wont give anytihing away :D) and the fact that nothing ever really changes is as prevelant in the first episiode as it is in the last, more so even.

I wish more television was like this, another two shows that have a similar style are Deadwood and Carnivale which were both cut short before they even had the chance to shine which is a terrible shame because both had majoy plusses on their side, yes maybe they were never going to be of the stature that The Wire is but they were both well made and had exceptional stories and casts.

But it would seem that most people like that fact that a murder get's sloved within the hour because whilst The Wire was barely viewed by anyone, shows such as Law & Order thrived. Which I really cant understand, because on those types of shows it's far to easy to find the murder or the rapist and as we know it's not like that at all in the real world. What the Wire gives up is entertaining realism that is often tragic at one moment and funny the next. Which is why I consider it to be the best television show ever made.

How can you not love Omar?

jadelee 06-19-09 10:24 AM

Why? I love him...:)

The Prestige 07-04-09 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by Tacitus (Post 541490)
At the risk of great injury I've looked at pages 2 and 3 and, yes, don't read them until you've done with Season 4 at least. Of course, when you've done with Season 4 you're gonna want to watch it again straight away so we'll see you in a bit. ;D

Indeed mate, indeed. To be honest, I didn't see it getting any better than season 2 (a pretty underrated season), but then along comes season 4 and, man, I dunno if anyone can relate, but you ever get that almost orgasmic feeling when you are watching something so special, so artistic and so effective that you almost want to explode and watch the thing over and over?

Pyro, usually I wouldn't hype up something so much at the risk of you being underwhelmed when you eventually see it, but I can't stress enough how amazing season 4 is. I think that The Wire reached a new high with that season. Forget waiting 3 weeks after season 3 finishes to watch it on BBC 2, buy it immediately and have it handy for when season 3 concludes.

The Prestige 07-04-09 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Brother Blue (Post 541495)
But it would seem that most people like that fact that a murder get's sloved within the hour because whilst The Wire was barely viewed by anyone, shows such as Law & Order thrived. Which I really cant understand, because on those types of shows it's far to easy to find the murder or the rapist and as we know it's not like that at all in the real world. What the Wire gives up is entertaining realism that is often tragic at one moment and funny the next. Which is why I consider it to be the best television show ever made.

Excellent post, dude. Thought it was just me and Dave contributing to this thread for a min. Basically, The Wire is just too unconventional for the majority of viewers around the world. That's just the cold hard truth. It's not like them ******** CSI or Law & Order shows where you can come and watch it 30 mins in and immediately know what's going on. This show is far more intricate than that and practically has a style that basically forces those who want to watch it listen carefully to EVERY conversation. Given the type of programmes we've all been conditioned to, it's pretty difficult to immerse yourself in such material, but boy is it rewarding. I can't imagine never having seen The Wire. Shows within a similar genre just can't compete with it.

And Omar is cool, but Avon Barksdale just does it for me. Officially my favourite character (and actor) from the show after rewatching season 3 on BBC 2. He's not like them middle aged wise guys in The Sopranos who don't know where if they are coming or going, he's just a gangsta, i suppose. :)

The Prestige 07-19-09 07:26 PM

Please lets not let this thread die a slow death :)

This is my favourite poster from the show. It represents a fundamental aspect of the show. The reflection signifying parellel stories.

Which posters do you guys like the best?

TheUsualSuspect 07-19-09 08:01 PM

Re: The Wire
Avon Barksdale in the house!!!!

Brother Blue 07-19-09 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 549810)
Please lets not let this thread die a slow death :)

This is my favourite poster from the show. It represents a fundamental aspect of the show. The reflection signifying parellel stories.

Which posters do you guys like the best?
I think that one probably is the best. It sums that season and basically the whole series up until that point perfectly.

I also like this one:

I'm not sure how far everyone is with the series so I wont give anything away. But, how those characters have changed from that picture at the end of the season is just brilliant and heartbreaking.

Season 4 is my favourite season.

The Prestige 07-21-09 08:13 AM

Indeed, i like the season 4 poster as well. Just wish it wasn't red. Prestige hates the colour red :(

Season 4 starts tonight on BBC 2 for those in the UK, so please don't miss an episode if you are at least interested in the show. You won't regret it :)

Pyro Tramp 07-21-09 09:04 AM

Re: The Wire
I ran out of DVDs after 3, watched first few eps of 4 online but couldn't find ep 4. Looking forward to being able to finish the show of!

The Prestige 07-21-09 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 550209)
I ran out of DVDs after 3, watched first few eps of 4 online but couldn't find ep 4. Looking forward to being able to finish the show of!

Yeah mate, you're in for a treat, that's all I got to say. Can't wait to discuss it more when you and others have seen it. I can almost guarantee you'll be saying it's the best season.

TheUsualSuspect 07-28-09 06:00 PM

Re: The Wire
I'm back to finishing this series. On season 4 now, The third episode, so still in the early stages.

I do think the 3rd season has the best poster. Yet I do like season 2, don't know why though.

The Prestige 07-31-09 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 552550)
I'm back to finishing this series. On season 4 now, The third episode, so still in the early stages.

I do think the 3rd season has the best poster. Yet I do like season 2, don't know why though.

I don't know why you like it either! :p

Jokes. Nah, it kinda has that..cult feel to it, maybe. It's an alright poster, FAR better than the uninspired season 5 'poster'.

Speakin' of which I STILL haven't seen season 5 ):

The Prestige 08-08-09 10:14 AM

And so I finally did it...i've watched all series of The Wire. Season 5 was a good season overall, but it is also arguably the weakest season of the show. But don't get it twisted, that's not to say it's a bad has some terrific moments and the whole media theme works out brilliantly, but Ed Burns and David Simon and co were just never going to top season 4.

WARNING: "Season 4/5 spoilers" spoilers below
I liked how we basically saw the origins of guys like Omar and Bubbles represented through Michael and Dukie, respectfully. Some may say that it was patronising the way that came about, but I felt it was wonderfully executed and made sense.

Also, Avon stole episode two with THAT scene. Superbly acted scene there by him and Jamie Hector, but I have to say that I almost felt sorry for Hector because Wood Harris just chewed up the scenery with ease. Effortless charisma right there. And although this isn't the type of show that revels in such a thing, I have to say that Harris' performance as Avon is iconic. Even more iconic than the Omar character.

Dave, you know what sequences didn't sit well with me...****in' McNulty. I swear to god the creators must have it in it for me because you were right, this season was McNulty overload time. Like they are getting revenge for giving the character a limited role in the 4th season. Imo the McNulty character hurt the season quite a bit and I just couldn't give a damn about his efforts to bring funds to the investigation against Marlo.

Speaking of which, Marlo is a puzzling character. Still confused by that ambiguous ending. Must admit that I wanted him to get his just desserts just like what would normally happen in conventional television shows, but this isn't a normal show so I expected the unexpected. Beautiful television

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