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Darth Wish 02-21-21 10:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Capture The Flag animation 2015

Capture The flag will keep the kids entertained, it's bright and colourful with an annoying soundtrack, just the sort of thing they like these days.
A race to get to the moon to claim the Stars and Stripes before a megalomaniac billionaire gets there and removes it to claim the moon for himself is a plausible plot for a film but where it gets silly is when NASA use a Saturn V rocket and it gets sabotaged with a grandpa, his grandson and his girlfriend on board who then have to salvage the mission.
A good film for the youngsters but not one for the adults to get engrossed in.

For Kids 7/10

For Adults 4/10

Darth Wish 02-21-21 04:38 PM

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Dark Encounter 2019

Laura Fraser, Mel Raido, Sid Phoenix, Grant Masters

A year after the disappearance of their young daughter a family arrive home after a memorial service and as the evening progresses strange things start to happen, lights in the sky and noises in the attic then things just get downright strange.
Dark Encounter initially has an air of CEOTTK about it with the lights shining through the trees and into the family home.
Plenty of twists and turns keep it ticking along nicely and the suspense keeps you on tenterhooks.
A decent offering and well worth the watch.


Darth Wish 02-22-21 10:29 AM

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St Agatha 2018

Sabrina Kern, Carolyn Hennesy, Courtney Halverson

St Agatha is what is known as a 'Nunsploitation' movie and like another movie I have seen recently the Nuns in question are taking babies from young pregnant girls and selling them to 'donors to the cause'.
Things start to unravel when they take in a new girl and things get out of control as she rebels against the Mother Superior.
The treatment of the girls is shockingly brutal at times making you recoil at moments of humiliation and 'punishment'.
The cinematography is superb as are the sets but it was a disappointment in the script department.
It's not a bad movie but it isn't great and it just manages to redeem itself because of the scenes in which the violence/punishments take place.


Darth Wish 02-23-21 10:47 AM

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Action Point 2018

Johnny Knoxville, Chris Pontius

A Grandpa is looking after his granddaughter, who has broken her leg, while her mother goes out to a party.
He tells her about a fun park he used to own and we then go back in time to when he was running it.
Things get out of hand as a big theme park company tries to get hold of the land his fun park is on and he and his crew of reprobates come up with more insane ways for the patrons to have fun and attract newcomers.
Full of Jackass style stunts and silliness this is a funny movie with some gross out bits in it.
If you like Jackass then you will like this film.


Darth Wish 02-24-21 11:38 AM

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Isle Of Dogs 2018 Animation

This Wes Anderson animation follows the good versus evil theme that most movies have with gruesome looking baddies against a child, a lot of dogs and some students.
It is very unusual in that it doesn't have the human element of the film talk in English but the dogs do.
The totalitarianism of the city mayor and his people (the baddies) and the use of propaganda by them to brainwash the citizens into getting rid of their pet dogs had more than a hint of the attitude of todays authoritarian leaders and past fascists.
Being an animation about a Japanese city Anderson made it in the style of an oriental film about a fable and it works a treat.
The baddies bits are sombre and menacing while the good are filmed in a upbeat and amiable light.
Isle of Dogs highlights the human attitude to the world and the creatures we share with it showing the pollution, the destruction and the waste produced in the name of capitalism and advancement, we should all feel a sense of shame as we watch this knowing we contribute in these ways in real life.

Thought provoking, eye opening and relevant today it makes a statement about modern society as well as being a source of entertainment.

One to be watched 9/10

Darth Wish 02-24-21 03:20 PM

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Haunting Of Winchester House 2009

Lira Kellerman, Michael Holmes, Tomas Boykin

Purported to be based on a true story Haunting Of Winchester House tells the story of Susan (Kellerman) Drake (Holmes) and their daughter Haley (Patty Roberts) who take up the job of housesitters at a big mansion.
Pretty soon strange noises and ghostly figures start to appear and they end up fighting for their lives.
The story is good, the sets are good, the SFX are good, the acting is average and the script for this story could have been written by a fifth grader for a school project.
The daughter's crying and screaming sound like they are coming from a three year old
and not a late pre-pubescent/young teenager.
I can't help feeling if this had a bigger budget, accomplished actors and a better script this could have been a really good movie.

It's OK but it isn't great.


Darth Wish 02-25-21 12:49 PM

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Redcon-1 2018

Oris Ehuero, Carlos Gallardo, Mark Strange

After a virus outbreak spreads on the south east coast of England a crack team of soldiers is sent to find the doctor who made the virus as the military believe he may be the only one to create a cure.
The gratuitous violence is almost non stop as those infected crave human flesh ripping throats apart and the soldiers and survivors offload enough ammunition to support a coup in a small country, there is also a fair bit of hand to hand combat which some may find shockingly brutal.
While this movie is average in the acting and script departments the violence and action scenes make up for them.
Zombie movies seem to be ten a penny these days and this one is just another of the plethora out there for fans of the undead to watch.
If you like violence and zombies then you might want to give this a viewing.


Darth Wish 02-26-21 10:12 AM

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Dog Eat Dog 2016

Nicolas Cage, Willem Dafoe, Christopher Matthew Cook

Three ex-cons are offered $750,000 to kidnap a baby to force the father to pay a $4,000,000 debt.
Things don't go to plan and things go down hill pretty quickly for them from there.
Dafoe (Dog) does an admirable job of his part and Cook (Diesel) does well too.
Cage is the weak link in this for me, he went off the boil years ago and he fails to make his character stand out plus he looks like a plastic mannequin that is slowly melting.
I found myself getting disinterested after a while as it is slow and heavy going but I stuck with it only to feel even more disappointed with the ending.
The occasional switch to monochrome from colour is a bit old hat too.
I think you will have to like this genre of movie a lot to enjoy this


Darth Wish 02-26-21 03:31 PM

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The Return Of The Pink Panther 1975

Peter Sellers, Christopher Plummer, Catherine Schell, Herbert Lom

Bumbling French detective Inspector Closeau returns to once again investigate the theft of the diamond called the Pink Panther.
Has the Phantom struck again?
Only Closeau can find out...well according to the Lugashis anyway.
Mayhem, destruction and mishaps abound as Closeau investigates.
Classic seventies comedy and one of the most iconic theme tunes in cinema history, who could ask for more?
Excellent performances from the whole cast especially Herbert Lom as he loses his sanity and his nose thanks to Closeau.
I dare you not to hum along when the theme tune is played, I dare you. :D


Darth Wish 02-27-21 03:21 PM

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Upgrade 2018

Logan Marshall-Green, Betty Gabriel, Melanie Vallejo

After an 'accident' when his wife's computer controlled car crashes killing her and leaving him, Grey Trace (Marshall-Green), a paraplegic.
He is offered a solution to his condition by a tech genius and after the operation to insert the technology into his spine he can once again walk...and so much more.
Upgrade has hints of Robocop and The Matrix about it all filmed in a dank atmosphere and the occasional over bright hospital room.
It is pretty good for a low budget movie with some decent action sequences some of which are quite violent.

For me this film is a warning to us all about the use of technology and its consequences.


Darth Wish 02-28-21 03:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976

Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Lesley Anne Down

Closeau (Sellers) has replaced Dreyfuss (Lom) as Chief Inspector as he has been committed to an asylum.
When Dreyfuss escapes Closeau becomes a target for the crazy ex-cop.
The mayhem and destruction are as good as always, the slapstick sheer genius and very funny.
WARNING: "spoiler alert" spoilers below
The scene where Closeau disguises himself as a dentist and makes his way to Dreyfuss' castle to deal with his toothache is hilarious and pure comedic perfection.

The support cast is top class as they become the victims of Closeau's luck/incompetence.

Another excellent film in the Pink Panther series


Darth Wish 03-01-21 03:28 PM

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The Anderson Tapes 1971

Sean Connery, Dyan Cannon, Christopher Walken

A Burglar who has just been released from prison (Connery) sets up a daring robbery aided by a few other ex-cons and the mob.
Everything is meticulously planned but things start to go wrong.
Since he had been sent to prison technology had evolved and there are now CCTV cameras everywhere and every person he went to see was being bugged by the Feds/DEA etc.
The sound effects are highly annoying, high pitched synthesisers meant to be the tech working, it sounds like a drunk parrot high on LSD has been left alone with a Theremin.
Some of the acting, especially by the law enforcement officers, leaves a bit to be desired but the main cast do OK.

An average movie made worse by awful sound effects.


xSookieStackhouse 03-02-21 04:48 AM

Originally Posted by Darth Wish (Post 2182702)
The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976

Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Lesley Anne Down

Closeau (Sellers) has replaced Dreyfuss (Lom) as Chief Inspector as he has been committed to an asylum.
When Dreyfuss escapes Closeau becomes a target for the crazy ex-cop.
The mayhem and destruction are as good as always, the slapstick sheer genius and very funny.
WARNING: "spoiler alert" spoilers below
The scene where Closeau disguises himself as a dentist and makes his way to Dreyfuss' castle to deal with his toothache is hilarious and pure comedic perfection.

The support cast is top class as they become the victims of Closeau's luck/incompetence.

Another excellent film in the Pink Panther series

omg i love that movie lol

Darth Wish 03-02-21 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by xSookieStackhouse (Post 2183175)
omg i love that movie lol
Sellers was a genius, his timing was spot on.
Have you ever heard or seen him with the Goons?
Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan and Sellers did this radio show for years.
It is a favourite of HRH Prince Charles.

xSookieStackhouse 03-02-21 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by Darth Wish (Post 2183289)
Sellers was a genius, his timing was spot on.
Have you ever heard or seen him with the Goons?
Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan and Sellers did this radio show for years.
It is a favourite of HRH Prince Charles.
yes he was loved his pink panther movies.
i have heard of the goons i think i might of saw few clips of them long time ago
i didnt know that :eek:

Darth Wish 03-04-21 10:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Breaking In 2018

Gabrielle Union, Billy Burke, Richard Cabral

After her Father was killed in a hit and run Shawn (Union) takes her kids to his home so they can pack some stuff and see the realtor.
Once in their lives are in danger as four men have got there before them.
Shawn is not a Mother to mess with and when the four take her son and daughter hostage she sets about getting them back.
Cabral as one of the men does his nasty bit of work act to his usual standard, Burke and the other two are your bog standard burglars.
The violence isn't too bad but with it being night time the outside scenes get lost in normal light so best with curtains/blinds closed.
Best thing about this movie is the house, it is loaded with state of the art security (if you like the techy stuff).
Not a bad movie but not an exceptional one either.


Darth Wish 03-06-21 03:57 PM

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Shame The Devil 2013

Simon Phillips, Juliette Bennett, Will De Meo

Shame The Devil was marketed as the British answer to the 'Saw' movie.
What I watched earlier was not in the same league as Saw.
It wasn't scary, there was no horror, it was badly acted and quite frankly it all seemed a bit amateurish.
The plot is good it is just a shame the director and the actors made such a bad job of it.
Nobody or nothing stood out in this weak offering and I ended up feeling cheated after being attracted by the marketing and the story.

2/10 (for the plot)

Darth Wish 03-07-21 10:27 AM

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You Were Never Really Here 2017

Joaquin Phoenix, Judith Roberts, Ekaterina Samsonov

Joe (Phoenix) is a Gulf War veteran who finds abducted girls for money and has no qualms about using violence while doing it.
There are a lot of silent moments with a lot of staring into space throughout as Joe drifts into hallucinations where he relives his past so has to fight his demons as well as people who want to silence him.
The plot about underage sex trafficking is very well dealt with by the Director Lynne Ramsey as the story unfolds.

Samsonov as the abducted girl does a decent job of being the support actor but Phoenix steals the honours in the acting department.

If you watch this I dare you not to sing 'If I Had A Hammer' :D


Darth Wish 03-07-21 05:08 PM

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A Cure For Wellness 2016

Jason Isaacs, Dane Dehaan, Mia Goth

An ambitious financial trader (Dehaan) is sent to a Sanitorium in the Alps to bring back a senior partner who is needed to ratify a merger.
When he gets there things take a turn for the worst and he ends up as a patient.
The sanitorium has a dark past and things get stressful and painful with the plot taking an unusual twist.
The three main stars are superb and backed up by an excellent supporting cast.
The scenery is simply awesome and sets as good as they get.
Gore Verbinski has a hand in just about every aspect of the making of this masterpiece including screenplay and direction.

There are some scenes which will make you squirm and raise your pulse.
Not for the faint hearted, keep a glass of water to hand.


chawhee 03-08-21 09:17 AM

Re: Darth Wish's Reviews
I felt about the same as you with 'You Were Never Really Here', and I'm glad to see someone enjoy 'Cure for Wellness' as much as I did. There was something about that movie that really stuck with me when I saw it in theathers....I need to try and watch it again soon.

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