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rufnek 03-15-10 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 608083)
But you said yourself, you were playing them. That's not the same as polygamy. That's not even the same sport, let alone the same ballpark.
I submit that the person with 6 spouses also is "playing them" without fully committing to any of them, just as I was. The polygamist has no more intention of being "true" to his multiple wives as I did with multiple girlfriends.

The point I was trying to illustrate is that regardless if you dress it up as polygamous marriage or just admit you're into sport-f***ing, it's impossible to be completely fair and equal with each person because you're naturally going to prefer some over the others. There will be one you bust your butt to be with--at least until someone better comes along--and others that you just don't try as hard to be with. Plus it's damn tiriing and draining, and no one really gets your best.

Plus polygamists don't just marry 6 or more wives all at once. He's married to one and then starts dating around to find No. 2, which means ignoring his present wife. Then he marries No. 2 and starts dating around to find No. 3, neglecting the first two. Being a feminist at heart, I see polygamy as totally unfair to women. The poygamist husband expects his first wives to stay home, cook meals, clean house, tend the children, iron his clothes, while he's out shopping around for his next bride.

I think polygamy is the coward's way of playing around--if you're gonna be out chipping around, then any other woman you have a relationship with should be free to run around too. You have to expect that if you're going to play that game. But polygamists can't stand the competition; they want the women to commit to them but aren't willing to do the same for the women.

rufnek 04-06-10 05:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 606330)
I think you owe it to the women of MoFo to share some photos of you during your wild and crazy times. ;)
OK, because you and Mack asked. Hope you're not too disappointed--often the mystery is better than the reality. That's me in my late 40s-early 50s when I was running the Houston honky-tonks

Golgot 04-06-10 05:49 PM

Ah, the ruffinator. It's like a scene from a Dallas dream sequence.

(A polyamorous dream sequence at that, but can you imagine the ratings :))

rufnek 04-06-10 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by Golgot (Post 612687)
Ah, the ruffinator. It's like a scene from a Dallas dream sequence.

(A polyamorous dream sequence at that, but can you imagine the ratings :))
Oh, not Dallas! :p I hated that TV series! Showed everyone wearing designer jeans and feather hat bands--yecch! And they never did get a damn thing right about the oil industry! But then Dallas is into computers and electronics--all of the real oil men are in Houston or Odessa.

Ðèstîñy 04-06-10 08:36 PM

Re: Same sex marriage & Polygamy
Ah, very nice, and thank you so much for remembering. I've gone a tad bit insane lately . . . OK, I've always been insane, but here lately they're talking about finally having me committed. Anyway, I forgot all about this, so thanks so much for doing this for us. I love being able to put a face with the font. Maybe one day I'll know what everyone here looks like.

p.s. I could easily see you playing a part on Dallas. ;)

mack 04-07-10 03:29 AM

now see ruf? that wasnt hard! ok, it was prolly excruciatingly painful, but now that its over you can exhale, cant you? CANT YOU? posting pics for the first time is always like walking the gauntlet, but its a huge relief once its done. quite freeing, actually. fly away free little birdie!

by the by, not too shabby old man! ;)

[edit] oh yeah. polyamory.... and all that jive....[/edit]

rufnek 04-07-10 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by mack (Post 612757)
now see ruf? that wasnt hard! ok, it was prolly excruciatingly painful, but now that its over you can exhale, cant you? CANT YOU? posting pics for the first time is always like walking the gauntlet, but its a huge relief once its done. quite freeing, actually. fly away free little birdie!

by the by, not too shabby old man! ;)

[edit] oh yeah. polyamory.... and all that jive....[/edit]
I do have a low frustration threshold when it comes to electronics, but Yoda gave me enough instruction to get me through. Thanks to you and Destiny for your support, interest, and kind words.

By the way, saw an interesting TV program the other night on the Mormons, some of whom still practice polygamy today. I always considered their story about finding golden plates bearing the history of Jesus among the Indian tribes of North America as kinda dingy, but listening to some defend polygamy shows they were really round the bend. They defend it on the grounds that Abraham and all the early leaders of the Jewish faith practiced polygamy--one even said God did, too, but gave no details about who he was practicing it with. Jesus's mother Mary, I guess, but who else? Anyway the practice of polygamy is supposed to move Mormon males closer to being one with God, they say. The "first wife" of one polygamous Mormon said dealing with the jealousy and other problems of sharing her husband with two other women with whom she has to coordinate cooking and housekeeping presents her with "challenges" she otherwise never would face (never would have to in a monogamous relationship) and therefore makes her a "stronger" person. Of course, she also mentioned that hers was an arranged marriage in which she had no selection. That to me is the worst thing about polygamy as practiced by Mormons in their patriarchal culture--women have virtually no choice and no opportunity outside the home, especially when brainwashed into a polygamous culture from childhood. That kinda crap just offends my feminist instincts! :) The program just made me more anti-polygamy than ever.

honeykid 04-20-10 01:25 AM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 602673)
A couple of friends of mine just joined a protest group about this on facebook. Puts the question of marriage v. civil partnerships into perspective anyway

In connection with this story.

Ugandan MP to be banned from UK if his gay death penalty bill succeeds

The British government will ban a Ugandan MP from travelling to the UK if he is successful in passing a law that would impose the death penalty in Uganda for being gay.

Civil servants in the Foreign Office, the Department for International Development and the Borders Agency are drawing up plans to block the visa of born-again Christian MP David Bahati if he does not drop legislation that would see consenting adults who have gay sex imprisoned for life and impose the death penalty on those with HIV – which will be called "aggravated homosexuality".

The bill also proposes the death penalty for those having gay sex with anyone under the age of 18, with someone disabled or what the legislation describes as "serial offenders".

It also calls for life prison sentences for those "promoting homosexuality", which could come to mean human rights groups or those who fail to inform on a gay couple.

One senior British government source said the issue could turn into a "major diplomatic incident if the Ugandans do not back down". President Barack Obama has already described the legislation as odious.

The British government's views have been conveyed to Uganda but officials have not received a clear sense of whether the legislature will pass the bill into law.

Ugandan government officials appear to be using stalling tactics, suggesting it will not come to a vote until 2011, deflecting pressure from a government that could change in the forthcoming general election.

Bahati submitted a private member's bill to the Ugandan parliament last year arguing that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.

Gay sex is already illegal in Uganda but backbenchers there are pushing for more draconian punishment by preying on fears that homosexuals are "recruiting" children at schools.

Though observers believe President Yoweri Museveni was beaten back by the level of international opprobrium, a march against homosexuality in Uganda last month attracted 2,000 supporters.

The British government is concerned by a wave of anti-gay sentiment sweeping Africa that has also put pressure on homosexual people in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Nigeria.

Besides rescinding the visa of the backbencher, other options considered have been blocking aid to the Ugandan government. The government has switched its strategy to individual visa blocking amidst signs that threats to withhold aid backfire.

Bishop Joseph Bvumbwe, chairman of the Malawi Council of Churches, has accused western donors of trying to use aid as a bait to force Malawi to legalise homosexuality.

British officials have already rescinded the visas of those involved in the Kenyan election riots and members of the Zimbabwean government.

Sexy Celebrity 04-20-10 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 612675)
That's me in my late 40s-early 50s when I was running the Houston honky-tonks
The clothes really do make a man... I think you're now my new favorite MoFo.

Here's a picture of Dolly Parton. I imagine she's your kind of gal.

Nebbit will probably use this picture as an avatar tomorrow, so look out for that.

rufnek 04-20-10 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 615159)
The clothes really do make a man... I think you're now my new favorite MoFo.
Bet you say that to all the boys.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 615159)
Here's a picture of Dolly Parton. I imagine she's your kind of gal.
Well, I like big boobs, but not artificial. Dolly created a certain look for show, but it really doesn't have much appeal in real life. If anything, my "kind of gal" would be Annette Funicello--my second wife looked very much like her--or Marsha Mason. One of the great loves of my life looked enough like Mason in The Goodbye Girl to be her sister--same short red hair, turned up nose, great smile.

Sexy Celebrity 04-20-10 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 615235)
One of the great loves of my life looked enough like Mason in The Goodbye Girl to be her sister--same short red hair, turned up nose, great smile.

I would rather take Richard Dreyfuss over Marsha Mason.

THEN, not now.

Marsha looks good here. I'm not crazy about short hair on a woman.

Nowadays, Marsha's put on weight.

By the way, I came across several nude photos of Marsha Mason while doing a Google search on her.

Anyway, we're supposed to be talking about gays and polygamists, right? I'll shut up.

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