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Ami-Scythe 09-06-19 09:18 AM

JoaoRodrigues 09-06-19 11:01 AM

you want to make a youtube series about how movies and tv series have affected the culture?
you want to make a youtube series of how media, like news and advertising affected the culture?

anyway... i don't know exactly what's your definition of culture.

  1. situate yourself. where is that series situated? the united states?
  2. what time? during what time in that given place?
  3. what events took place in that specific time/place?
  4. how people in general felt about that event? how they reacted?
  5. how those events (in that time/place) shaped what the media machine broadcast/sold back then or now?
  6. how people reacted to what the media made/sold? how did that influenced there life's? did anything changed from how they felt in point 4?
  7. did that shape continue until today times? i don't think so. what event made people change again?
this if i understood your definition of culture, if not, this is probably not very valid.

for something more hardcore, try to do that true out different times in the same location. do that in different continents and compare. make distinctions or better: how's the same.

this i'd like to see, anything else is just you trying to say your peace, trying to be heard, there's plenty of that around. they're the ones with more views count short-term though.

KeyserCorleone 09-06-19 11:11 AM

Re: What Entertainment Has Done
Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2033783)
Originally Posted by Ami-Scythe (Post 2033782)
Hello, everyone! I was thinking of doing a new YouTube series about my theories and observations of how the media has affected today's culture. What should I start with? Any ideas?
In short, there are no repercussions for what comes out of peoples mouths (keyboards) anymore. I think a type of human being that hasn't had a voice since the beginning of time, all of a sudden has the loudest voice, because of the anonymity that social media platforms provide. Take away this anonymity and these people will become silent once more.
Ooooh I would love this.

Ami-Scythe 09-07-19 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues (Post 2034343)
you want to make a youtube series about how movies and tv series have affected the culture?
you want to make a youtube series of how media, like news and advertising affected the culture?
Movies, TV and maybe video games. I think news and advertising is the same as it ever was so I might not ever do a video on it. News preys on fear and advertising preys on insecurities and I hope that everyone knows this already, especially because there are countless videos online covering it.

Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues (Post 2034343)

anyway... i don't know exactly what's your definition of culture.
I suppose just how people in a certain area tend to know, based on where they live. (like if you live the typical American life, you've probably seen "x" type of movie...?)

Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues (Post 2034343)
  1. situate yourself. where is that series situated? the united states?
  2. what time? during what time in that given place?
  3. what events took place in that specific time/place?
  4. how people in general felt about that event? how they reacted?
  5. how those events (in that time/place) shaped what the media machine broadcast/sold back then or now?
  6. how people reacted to what the media made/sold? how did that influenced there life's? did anything changed from how they felt in point 4?
  7. did that shape continue until today times? i don't think so. what event made people change again?
Honestly, I'm not sure if your asking me each of these questions or if you asking if those questions are going to be in the show.

Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues (Post 2034343)

for something more hardcore, try to do that true out different times in the same location. do that in different continents and compare. make distinctions or better: how's the same.

this i'd like to see, anything else is just you trying to say your peace, trying to be heard, there's plenty of that around. they're the ones with more views count short-term though.
I live here, in the United States. I can't speak for other countries. I don't see their media and I don't witness their behaviors everyday so to do a show about their culture changing due to media would be dishonest. There's enough misassumptions about how other people live their lives. How the media has affected people in the past has been documented. I want to talk about today's issues because they're happening now and need to be addressed. As a matter of fact, the display of history does have a huge factor in the stuff I want to talk about and I don't think these things have been said yet. It's not just about speaking my peace, I want to open minds.

Citizen Rules 09-07-19 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Ami-Scythe (Post 2034575)
Movies, TV and maybe video games.
I've wrote before about how video games have totally changed the way movies are made and how they look too.

Nowadays we have lots of superhero/fantasy/comic book movies being made, and if you think about their plots they're more simplified and focus on core human behaviors, than movies of the past. I'd attribute the change to superhero/fantasy/comic book movies in part to the popularity of video games. These movies are about escapism, quest, heroes & villains...and intense fighting scenes...just like a video game. The first movie that I can think of that really felt like a video game was 300 (2006)

There were earlier examples of movies being like big screen video games, probably the earliest and best known was TRON (1982), the early 80s were when video game playing first became hugely popular.

These first generation 80s video game movies came and went but now we seem to be going full on with movies that take a much more simpler character and story development, and pay off with the good guy killing the bad guys with long intense fighting scenes. Which gives the same feel as playing a video game.

JoaoRodrigues 09-07-19 12:33 PM

present? focus on young people, they're building the present for there future
what's the biggest transformation from your parents generation to your's?
the way we communicate. we now use social networks to communicate
tell us why the recording of the event is more important than the event itself
why if we don't share it, it's like it never existed. why do we seek originality
why do we believe life worth is measured by the amount of experiences we had,
why are they only valid if shared? why are we so bored about our own company
why do we fear ordinary life's? what's the base of all that? consumerism? media?
who doesn't look for there old pals facebook to see if there life's is as f*cked as our's?
and how do we measure if it's not? we live in the most depressed era of all time.
our problems are existential, you circumvent it, but you'll eventually get there anyways

Ami-Scythe 09-07-19 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues (Post 2034597)
present? focus on young people, they're building the present for there future
what's the biggest transformation from your parents generation to your's?
the way we communicate. we now use social networks to communicate
tell us why the recording of the event is more important than the event itself
why if we don't share it, it's like it never existed. why do we seek originality
why do we believe life worth is measured by the amount of experiences we had,
why are they only valid if shared? why are we so bored about our own company
why do we fear ordinary life's? what's the base of all that? consumerism? media?
who doesn't look for there old pals facebook to see if there life's is as f*cked as our's?
and how do we measure if it's not? we live in the most depressed era of all time.
our problems are existential, you circumvent it, but you'll eventually get there anyways
Yeah...I'm 21 generation lol

hell_storm2004 09-07-19 05:28 PM

Re: What Entertainment Has Done
I think that topic had been beaten to death on YouTube. Vox and some other big name brands have done it. So has a lot of individual content creators. If you have some interesting and new take on it, please post a link here. Otherwise it will hard to "stand out". I would suggest look at some other videos and see if you can pick something up from them. If you are doing a series, movies and news media can be two different episodes. Because from what I see today news media plays a humongous role in the way a country or society as a whole goes.

hell_storm2004 09-07-19 05:36 PM

Re: What Entertainment Has Done
I suggest a channel called "Knowing Better", which I found recently, go over a a few of his videos, you might not get what you are looking for, but you might get some idea on how to structure a long dull lecture and numbers.

Also, just a curious question, what form do you have in mind for delivery? Animated or you sitting in front of the camera or images etc??

Ami-Scythe 09-07-19 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by hell_storm2004 (Post 2034649)
If you have some interesting and new take on it, please post a link here.
Originally Posted by Ami-Scythe (Post 2033782)
Hello, everyone! I was thinking of doing a new YouTube series about my theories and observations of how the media has affected today's culture. What should I start with? Any ideas?
I am positive that I have something new to bring to the table but what link could I provide...?

hell_storm2004 09-07-19 07:44 PM

Re: What Entertainment Has Done
The link when you make the videos and upload it to YouTube!

Ami-Scythe 09-08-19 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by hell_storm2004 (Post 2034651)
I suggest a channel called "Knowing Better", which I found recently, go over a a few of his videos, you might not get what you are looking for, but you might get some idea on how to structure a long dull lecture and numbers.

Also, just a curious question, what form do you have in mind for delivery? Animated or you sitting in front of the camera or images etc??
Yeah, it'll be something like that channel but with film instead of history. I'm camera shy so it'll most likely be my avatar

Jabs 09-08-19 03:44 AM

I may bring a negative tone in this, but being 21 and wanting to have a platform talking about a complex medium such as film in connection to deep issues affecting social behavior seems like a paradox. Especially given that you want to bring something new to the table. I do not know you Ami and I fully understand I am being presumptuous but I think these endeavors are only successful (I am not equating success with popularity here) when undertaken by people with significant experience and/or background in such topics. Now perhaps you possess those qualities and I am being way off here. I am just going by what previous experience has taught me.

A channel like that, even if it is set up in a well-thought out way, won't be able to go very far. I think the best example of a serious youtube channel from someone your age I can think of is Cosmic Skeptic and what he essentially does is regurgitate ideas popularized by Hitchens and Co. against easy targets. Again, I am not one to follow a lot of the work put on youtube so there could be better examples. However, I believe 21 is an age to learn things, not teach them.

In any case, before setting forth to invest time and effort in this I would first ask myself these questions:
Am I doing this for purely solipsistic reasons?
Do I really believe I have something worth saying that is also original?
If so, why am I asking for ideas in a forum?
Do I possess the knowledge necessary to create the sort of content I aspire to create?
Am I willing to put the hours of research in fields like history, behavioral psychology, philosophy et al to justify my views or do I intend to rely on personal opinions formed under foggy circumstances?

I wish you the best of luck if you decide to go forward with this and I will be following your early work if you post a link here.

MoreOrLess 09-08-19 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2034590)
I've wrote before about how video games have totally changed the way movies are made and how they look too.

Nowadays we have lots of superhero/fantasy/comic book movies being made, and if you think about their plots they're more simplified and focus on core human behaviors, than movies of the past. I'd attribute the change to superhero/fantasy/comic book movies in part to the popularity of video games. These movies are about escapism, quest, heroes & villains...and intense fighting scenes...just like a video game. The first movie that I can think of that really felt like a video game was 300 (2006)

There were earlier examples of movies being like big screen video games, probably the earliest and best known was TRON (1982), the early 80s were when video game playing first became hugely popular.

These first generation 80s video game movies came and went but now we seem to be going full on with movies that take a much more simpler character and story development, and pay off with the good guy killing the bad guys with long intense fighting scenes. Which gives the same feel as playing a video game.
Not sure I agree with this, I mean games clearly have had an aesthetic influence on cinema but if anything I think you could argue they've reduced the demand for wish fulfilment by providing so much of it themselves.

Blockbusters of the 80's and 90's were not generally known for the moral complexity of their characters, there were exceptions of course but by comparison I would say the MCU offers greater depth.

If you saw a shift towards diminished moral complexity I'd say it was less at character level and more in terms of setting/antagonists. Back in the 80's pretty much the go to setting for blockbusters was capitalist dystopia obviously making comment on cotemporary America. However as you saw much of the liberal establishment embrace neoliberal capitalism during the Clinton years this kind of setting largely vanished and plots were more focused on either some kind of foreign antagonist(along with fantasys that clearly stood in for one) or lacking much in the way of politics at all.

JoaoRodrigues 09-08-19 09:18 AM

@Jabs age has nothing to do with it
you remind me of my father. and i loved my father.
he also thinks i shouldn't make a point to him because i'm young,
if i'm young and his older it means he have much more experience
so he think he knows. f*ck experience. we're all trying to have new experiences,
it doesn't matter if they're good or bad, at least you can say you're living the life
the same experience have two different outcomes for two different people
let me tell you something @Ami-Scythe don't you listen to old people,
and listen even less to those who've pilled books inside there heads, they're dangerous

let them be helpless like children, because weakness is a great thing, and strength is nothing. when a man is just born, he is weak and flexible. when he dies, he is hard and insensitive. when a tree is growing, it's tender and pliant. but when it's dry and hard, it dies. hardness and strength are death's companions. pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being. because what has hardened will never win.
andrei tarkovsky

this was not originally said/though by tarkovsky, this is lao tzu from the book tao te ching
something i've argued in the past, that most tarkosvky movies have traces of eastern religions thinking,
his method of filming, how and what he films is with that perspective, even if he had never spoke about it
young people are the future, if you want to make something make is honest, that's should be your base
you'll most likely learn something from a child, because they don't dance for an audience,
don't make anything for an audience, just say what you think, if you want it to be meaningful find the roots

Jabs 09-08-19 06:03 PM

@JoaoRodrigues I tried to point out in several segments of my comment that this is just an assumption on my part. Whether we want to admit it or not, age is somewhat of an indicator when it comes to experience. When you want to discuss complex issues such as the societal effects of a phenomenon you need to possess a deep understanding of the material and a vast general knowledge of fields related to it. That's just one man's opinion. Again, I do not know Ami and have never interacted with her, and if she does possess these qualities it would be impressive and admirable. However general observation has shown me that relatively young generations (I am including mine in this - for the record I am not a grandpa, I just turned 30) have a tendency to filter out anything that might contrast a cultivated notion of "I am awesome. You don't know better than I", which combined with the contemporary fad of self-promotion and fame for the sake of fame, have created the "youtuber" phenomenon (a term I personally find amusing). Social media have given everyone a voice, which might be great in theory but in practice, at least in my opinion, not everyone deserves a voice because not everyone has something useful to say. The problem with this is that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem because what you are putting out there will most likely than not, be unimportant trite for your own gratification (as is the vast majority of youtube channels) and leave even less room for those individuals with something worthwhile to say. Which is exactly why I posed certain questions to Ami for her own introspection.

I hope this little wall of text gives better context and helps you understand that I am in no way saying what your father said, i.e. "i shouldn't make a point to him because i'm young". As I said, age is just an indicator. Your reaction of "f*ck experience" though is part of what I was describing above. Something goes contrary to the bubble we create around ourselves and makes waves on our echo chamber of patting ourselves on the back, so we immediately disregard the whole notion of it (in your case experience). It's a defense mechanism which sometimes might prohibit us from seeing our flaws and opening ourselves up to new opinions. These are my two bits on the subject.

PS. I heavily resent this quote: "don't you listen to old people, and listen even less to those who've pilled books inside there heads, they're dangerous". I would argue that listening to someone never hurts, on the contrary it is the only way to put your ideas and views to the test. I would also add that reading literature or "pilling books inside your head" is a great thing (should I bother pointing out the irony of you quoting a book right after saying this?). Actively seeking knowledge is incredibly useful. I am not sure how the opposite is anything more than rewarding ignorance. If anything is "dangerous" it is rigid minds who do not want to listen to other ideas or acquire more knowledge. That is why I ended my previous comment saying that I would follow the early work of Ami irregardless of what I wrote and if she decides to go through with it I honestly hope she proves me wrong on every point I have made in this thread.

Ami-Scythe 09-08-19 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by Jabs (Post 2034715)

In any case, before setting forth to invest time and effort in this I would first ask myself these questions:
Am I doing this for purely solipsistic reasons?
Do I really believe I have something worth saying that is also original?
If so, why am I asking for ideas in a forum?
Do I possess the knowledge necessary to create the sort of content I aspire to create?
Am I willing to put the hours of research in fields like history, behavioral psychology, philosophy et al to justify my views or do I intend to rely on personal opinions formed under foggy circumstances?

I wish you the best of luck if you decide to go forward with this and I will be following your early work if you post a link here.
This comment REALLY annoyed me for a second. I don't like what is basically being compared to people who are nothing like me just because we are the exact same age. But after reading further I understand that you are just trying to help and in no way assuming things about me just because of how old I am. As I said in previous comments, I just want to be informative and provide solutions and or positive outlooks to today's issues. I have plenty of ideas set up to go already. In my Google Docs, I have several documents started as titles so they're there when I'm ready for them. I just wanted to see if there was anything I was missing and if anyone had something on their minds that they might've wanted to see that isn't in my Drive yet. Honestly, my opinions are based on observation (I actually love psychology) but I'm no stranger to making sure my claims are correct before speaking on the internet. Plus my husband is always happy to volunteer to help me with research, especially because he's a huge history buff. Again, I appreciate the concern but I'm pretty confident in what I'm doing. Any other questions?

Jabs 09-08-19 07:17 PM

@Ami-Scythe the questions I posed were just for introspection, not to be answered to me. I wish you the best of luck in this. Please share a link of your uploads and send a mention my way to make sure I will see it.

Ami-Scythe 09-08-19 08:10 PM

Re: What Entertainment Has Done
I doubt it but have either of you ever seen The Covenant? Me either, I experienced it through ralphthemoviemaker, a movie reviewer on YouTube, one of my favorites, actually. Anyway, he says the movie stars characters that are "witches..?" sure, let's go with that, witches, and on their 18th birthday, they "ascend" and become masters of their powers. They can do everything and they can do it amazingly. I bring this up because this doesn't happen to humans. There is no ultimate moment when we ascend and suddenly know everything. We don't level up like RPG characters after living for an exact number of days. We measure knowledge by experiences and therefore associate it with age, assuming that those who are older are these grand sources of wisdom. But the truth is that experience alone is not what makes people mature. You can experience everything and learn nothing. After all, there are plenty of very stupid old people out there, (and I don't mean ones that just aren't "tech savvy,") but that's also not to say that experience is worthless.
It's the ability to learn that makes us mature. Experience is a teacher and if you listen and follow accordingly you can call yourself a mature person, but if you're not paying attention, you're not going to learn and you're not going to grow. Young people, and this does include myself in some cases, typically do not want to listen to experience through their parents or elders usually because they haven't been taught first hand so we associate them with naivety and daftness which can be very offensive to people such as myself who learn quickly by observation. But at the same time, it just depends on the person. People can stay that way even with experience's teachings. Just think of victims of abuse. The simple want of a different truth is enough to keep an individual from learning what they need to learn. Or if you want a lighter example, we can consider skill learning. As you know, I am 21 and as you may or may not know I am an artist (I created my avatar for reference). I have a friend who is also a 21 year old artist. If you look at our works from start to present, mines has gotten better while hers has always stayed the same. Why would my art be so much better when we've been practicing for the same amount of time? My friend doesn't listen to the advice she is given. I have seen it for myself. She complains that no one likes her art and refuses to change anything about what she does as opposed to what I do which is try new techniques and observe others. (I know it seems like I'm making myself sound superior but that's because I'm extremely cocky when it comes to my art and there's no hiding that)
But anyway, in conclusion, We all may have common lives but our experiences are different and so are the things we learn from them so it's best not to always assume someone's capabilities by how old they are, but speaking of which, is it not counter intuitive to be insulted when your intelligence is measured by your age and then immediately do the same to the elderly? It's unreasonable to disregard what someone says just because they're old, hence the paragraph. And I agree with Jabs that listening to what people have to say (even when you disagree with it) is best. At least then, you can argue your point without bias and learn something new from one another if you don't agree to disagree.

Ami-Scythe 09-08-19 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by Jabs (Post 2034804)
@Ami-Scythe the questions I posed were just for introspection, not to be answered to me. I wish you the best of luck in this. Please share a link of your uploads and send a mention my way to make sure I will see it.
Thank you :)

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